Monday, April 29, 2013

A to Z Challenge – YYZ by Rush, May Movie Preview, Indiestructible, and Seeing Ghosts

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!

Since I couldn’t name a favorite movie for this letter, and I needed a place to announce the May movie releases, this offering will be a little different. My monthly feature of listing a variety of upcoming movies reminds me of someone else who does a regular feature of movie clips variety.

Robin at Your Daily Dose!

She has a weekly feature called Here’s to You Thursday where she dedicates movie and TV footages to certain people. And it’s cool to figure out why she chose that particular clip. But that feature exemplifies her greatest quality – a caring spirit. Everything from her posts to her comments reveals her affectionate and devoted nature.

Robin is a writer and unofficial blog therapist.

To you I dedicate YYZ by Rush. (Title leads to YouTube.)

Because it is one of the most amazing and intricate instrumentals, and the song cannot be placed neatly in a box – and neither can you!

Trivia and Facts:

Did you know YYZ is one of the songs on Guitar Hero?

What year did Rush form?

X’s Trivia answer – X2’s William Stryker was played by Brian Cox.

Inspiring Publishing Stories

Edited by Jessica Bell
Available September 16, 2013.

This book will bring readers the experiences of 29 authors, both indie and small press—their passions, their insights, their successes—to help other authors make the leap into indie publishing.
It will be sold as an e-book for 99c for the first six months. Royalties will be donated to BuildOn.
Find it now on GoodReads

I am honored to be one of the contributing authors, and we are asking for help promoting this book. You can get all of the information and sign up HERE to help spread the word September 16. (The day before CassaStorm’s release – how cool is that?)

Cover Reveal

Seeing Ghosts 
by James Garcia Jr

Paul Herrera finds himself bequeathed a mysterious old house near the California central coast by a deceased aunt he never knew…

May Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming movies for May! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snarky comments by me.

3 -

Iron Man 3
When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
Director: Shane Black
Stars: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle
What can I say? Can’t wait for Friday!!!

17 -

Star Trek Into Darkness
After the crew of the Enterprise find an unstoppable force of terror from within their own organization, Captain Kirk leads a manhunt to a war-zone world to capture a one man weapon of mass destruction.
Director: J.J. Abrams
Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana, Zachary Quinto
Eager to see the direction they take with the series.

24 -

Fast & Furious 6
Agent Hobbs enlists the aid of Dom and team to help bring a rival gang, led by Owen Shaw, to justice. In exchange for clear records, they must put an end to their schemes, no matter how personal the cost.
Director: Justin Lin
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez
The sequels have been getting better so expect this to rock. (No Johnson pun intended.)

A teenager finds herself transported to a deep forest setting where a battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil is taking place. She bands together with a rag-tag group characters in order to save their world -- and ours.
Director: Chris Wedge
Stars: Amanda Seyfried, Beyoncé Knowles, Josh Hutcherson, Colin Farrell
Tree huggers of the world – unite!

31 -

After Earth
A crash landing leaves Kitai Raige and his father Cypher stranded on Earth, 1,000 years after events forced humanity's escape. With Cypher injured, Kitai must embark on a perilous journey to signal for help.
Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Stars: Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Isabelle Fuhrman, Sophie Okonedo
Great twist ending – M. Night actually died while filming the Sixth Sense. I see bad movies…

Following the awesome Robin? Can you guess my favorite bands now? Know the trivia? Can you help spread the word about Indiestructable? And what May movies have your interest?

One more day, one more blogger buddy to feature…

And special prayers for co-host Damyanti Biswas - her sister-in-law died a few weeks ago and yesterday, her mother-in-law died after being bitten by a poisonous snake. Please be thinking about her family today.


Mark Means said...

Wow...first comment...a new one for me here :)

Love Robin's blog and, especially, her "Here's to you Thursday"...great stuff :)

Also looking forward to should be awesome, as well.

Brandon Ax said...

I love that cover for Seeing Ghost and Iron Man 3 and Epic are on my list, maybe Star Trek.

L.G. Keltner said...

I definitely have to see Star Trek. I'm curious where they're going with it.

RaveAir said...

I think I'll skip it the Iron Man 3 movie. Last week had an oportunity to watch (the premier was 25th April), but instead of it I decided stay at home and watch something else on DVD. Some of my friend already watched it, and they had got mixed feelings after it. But definatelly better than the 2nd.

Andrew Leon said...

I think we're going to Iron Man on Saturday. I think...

Tonja Drecker said...

Congrats, James! It is a beautiful cover. There's SO many great movies coming out. Now, I have to convince my hubs that they're ALL worth seeing ;)

Suzanne Furness said...

Some great movies coming up. Love the cover and congrats to James. Condolences and prayers to Damyanti and family.

Anonymous said...

I'm excited to see the new F&F. She's back!!! Love the site Alex!

Ella said...

Congrats to Robin :D
I am excited about May's line up...
can't wait for Star Trek~

Yes, Congrats to James-I love the cover~

Oh, my thoughts n' prayers are with

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The only movie you listed that I wouldn't rush out to see would be Fast & Furious 6, but I'd still see it once it came out on dvd ;)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Should I come back later and try to be number 100?

I can't wait for Friday either...Iron Man has some swag!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex ... Jessica's Indiestructable .. she is one 'on the band wagon' lady .. I'm quite sure this will be excellent - no wonder she's busy. I have other books of hers to read or refer to ...

Brian Cox has many strings to his bow - a polymath .. cheers Hilary

DiscConnected said...

Love Robin's blog as well, Alex.

I think we all knew your favorite bands before A 2 Z....

And Rush celebrated their 40th in 2008, although the first album was not released until 1974.

Empty Nest Insider said...

My heart goes out to Damyanti and her family. How horrible to have one tragedy right after the other.


The Angry Lurker said...

Iron man 3 and Star Trek I'm especially keen on but thinking of going to see Olympus has Fallen tomorrow.

I believe it's from when they rushing to gigs and someone suggested that as a name!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

May films... so excited!
Rush... good call!
Happy Week!

Unknown said...

I will check out Robin. I can hardly until Friday. I LOVE Iron Man!!!!

So sorry to hear about Damyanti's losses. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

Ray Rousell said...

Looking forward to Star Trek the most!!

mooderino said...

With only two people on planet Earth, I wonder how M. Night will squeeze in a cameo...

Old Kitty said...

I have my tickets booked for Star Trek in May in super 3D in super Imax in super two weeks' time and I cannot cannot cannot cannot wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Sits down and catches breath*.

Take care

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Iron Man is coming to Jamaica this week. Finally a movie I want to see that comes out with America. Did you know that The Host is just coming May 1. May 1! I have been dying just waiting for it to come. Epic is the first animated movie this year I'm actually excited about and as big animated movie fan that means a lot. The animated movie drought for me is finally over. Can't wait for Monster University.

Nice list, hopefully After Earth will be this director's comeback. Still pissed how he botched - sorry murdered- The Last Airbender. I mean the animated series was amazing and then he ruins the movie version. But I knew it would suck from the cast choice. People, don't change around the races of major characters. Black teens magically turning white in the movie version is always a bad sign. Oh and an Asian teen being played by a black teen. Yup, definitely stayed away from the cinema.

Whoo! I said a lot. Congrats on making it to the homecoming stretch Alex. Only one letter left. Then it's IWSG!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Robin for being the subject of your theme,
Very good it has been throughout.


ediFanoB said...

Just use a break at work to leave a comment.
When everything goes well my wife and I will see Iron Man 3 on upcoming Wednesday.

Star Trek Into Darkness is next on the list after our holiday in May ( 12 - 26).

Unknown said...

Love the cover for Seeing Ghosts!

My daughter went to see Iron Man 3 last week and loved it, she wants to see it again on the big screen.

I am also looking forward to the new Star Trek, just re-watched the last movie to remember the finer details on the weekend, to prepare.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Very cool cover.

May looks like a great month for sure my husband and son will want to see the new Iron Man and the Star Trek movie, for sure.

Shah Wharton said...

Hello Alex - I've signed up to promote Indiestructable. Thrilled to do so... I can't wait for Iron Man 3 - Love that series! And my heart goes out to your poor friend. I know the cruelty of loss. God bless. X

Natalie Aguirre said...

Not so excited about the movies for May. And yay! One more day of the challenge.

My heart goes out to Damyanti as she goes through her hard time.

Cynthia said...

Your post reminds me that I still need to see Iron Man 2!

J.L. Murphey said...

Figured XYZ would come up eventually.

Ironman 3 looks promising.

Rhonda Albom said...

My kids saw Iron Man 3 yesterday. None of the May movies really interest me.

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

Sean McLachlan said...

Signed up to help promo INDIESTRUCTABLE. Congrats on being in it! I hope the editor of the mailing list reminds me well ahead of the Sept. 16 release date. I may be in the Sudan on limited email access.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, good job!

T, let me know if you need help.

Michal, Rodriguez is indeed back!

Elizabeth, only if you think you could beat Al to the punch.

Larry, yes they did. Been around a long time.

Fran, funny! And let us know about the movie.

Moody, good question!

Kitty, good for you!

Sheena-kay, glad you'll see Iron Man III with the rest of us. And M. Night has botched many of his last films. That's why I don't have high hopes for After Earth.

Edi, you will see it before I do.

Thanks, Shah!

Rhonda, did they like it?

Ian Anderson said...

I'll be praying for Damyanti. God's grace to her and her family!

I'll also help out with spreading the good news of Indiestructable - it sounds like something I need to read.

Angela Brown said...

Sending prayers to Damyanti and her family.

I'm hoping M.Night did no harm to what sounds like a pretty good premise for this movie.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

What? You didn't want to feature "Yellow Submarine"? ;)

Indiestructable sounds very interesting. I'll have to add it to Goodreads.

Alternative Foodie said...

My prayers for Damyanti and her family.

Many new movies for me, but I'm certainly looking forward to see Ironman 3.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

The month of May is going to be a sci-fi lover's paradise!!!

baygirl32 said...

some great movies coming up! can't wait

Stina said...

lol The dog picture says it all.

I want to see Epic! Good thing I have kids. :D

M.J. Fifield said...

I honestly forgot about Iron Man 3. I was more focused on Star Trek Into Darkness. Never thought that would happen.

Jo said...

Would someone please explain exactly what is meant by indie.

So sorry to hear Damyanti's mother in law died, I was hoping they could save her.


Shell Flower said...

Blog therapist is a great expression. Epic looks like my kind of movie. And, I'm guessing you like Rush a lot :)

Poor Damyanti and family. That is just too much! Prayers for them all.

Leigh Caron said...

And Iron Man 3 premiered in Cancun on Friday also. Didn't see it though. Bet your 'z's" you're glad tomorrow is the last day of the challenge.

Yolanda Renée said...

Prayers for Damyanti and her family.

I'm just curious, do you keep track of your entertainment budget?

I see maybe, 1 or 2 new movies a year, otherwise I wait for the video, and only then see it if my son brings it home. Although, once in awhile we will rent one via Comcast.

Pat Hatt said...

Will surely give Iron Man 3, Star Trek and FF6 a go, and what, no love for Young Guns? That one was pretty good. Second wasn't bad either. Yes Man and You've Got Mail are the only other two I can think of that I didn't mind.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sean, thanks! I'm sure Jessica will send out information well in advance.

Man O Clay, thanks!

Sandra, funny!

Optimistic, yes it is!

Jo, indie is either a self-published author or a smaller, independent publisher.

Leigh, I will miss my theme though.

Yolanda, it's probably close to a hundred dollars a month. Maybe more.

Unknown said...

Another fabulous song by Rush! I can't even think of a movie that begins with Y.

I will most certainly keep Damyanti in my prayers. So much tragedy in one family has to be difficult.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

OH my, I have the release date on my calendar for the new Star Trek movie. I loved the last. I'm hoping I enjoy this one.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I'm very excited for Iron Man and Star Trek. I am not, however, excited to see Fast and the Furious part 6. I hear in this one Vin Diesel puts nitrous boosters on his walker.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

OMGosh! I almost peed my pants looking at that dog stuck between two trees. I so feel like that, right now!!

Leovi said...

Yes, interesting Star Trek Into Darkness. Greetings.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

My heart and prayers go to Damyanti as she walks this hard road.

IRON MAN 3, STAR TREK, and EPIC are on my list of to-see movies!

Michelle Gregory said...

very much looking forward to Ironman 3. last night, my son and i watched 1 and 2 on FX (despite a gazillion commercials) so we could see behind the scenes stuff from 3. looks really good. i'll give you two teasers -- Pepper gets to wear one of the Ironman suits. and by now, Tony has 42 of them.

Julie Flanders said...

I was so sorry to read about Damyanti, such a shame.

Really looking forward to Jessica's book!

Nancy Thompson said...

Praying for Damyanti and her family.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Indiestructable sounds like a good read.

Praying for Damyanti and her family.

Unknown said...

Taking the kids to see that (Iron Man 3) at the Drive-In this weekend. Can't wait.

James Garcia Jr said...

Thanks so much for giving me a moment to showcase my new cover, Alex. You rock! Well, you knew that already. Certainly every member of your army knew that.
It's hard for me to feel great about this achievement in the face of poor Damyanti's pain. I'll remember her in my thoughts and prayers...


A Daft Scots Lass said...

You play guitar hero???

You officially rock my face off now.


mshatch said...

I am also looking forward to some of those movies on your list for May and got to see Oblivion yesterday which my brother and I very much enjoyed.

Congrats to James!

cleemckenzie said...

The kids are asking to see Epic, so I guess that's the next, but I'm an Iron Man fan, so maybe I can sneak that in, too.

Lydia Kang said...

I can't wait to see Iron Man 3!

I love your blog posts. They're like my daily blog news. :)

Liesel K. Hill said...

So excited for ALL of the movies hitting theaters in May. I'm not even caught up on the ones that are out now. I'm gonna have to see two films a week just to keep up! :D

Jennie Bennett said...

Iron man comes out on Friday? I'm so out of the loop. I wonder if I can find a last minute baby sitter :)

SC Author said...

You didn't put Great Gatsby on the list!! That's like the best one :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, I forgot about Young Frankenstein - that one I would've picked!

Brandon and Bryan, that's funny.

Michelle, then he certainly has one to spare for Pepper.

James, you're welcome.

Lass, of course! The game and the real thing.

MsHatch, it was good film.

Lydia, good to know I keep you in the loop.

Kathe W. said...

waiting for Star Trek! Have a grat day!

Suze said...

'Because it is one of the most amazing and intricate instrumentals, and the song cannot be placed neatly in a box – and neither can you!'

WOW! What a cool compliment!!

Rush was formed when Peart joined the band in 1974?

ilima said...

I love YYZ! And don't hate me, but I love M. Night as well. I may be alone in this one, but I'm actually hoping After Earth has a typical M. Night twist.

Unknown said...

Jessica's book sounds wonderful and buying it is for a good cause. Thanks for letting us know.

I'm going to see Iron Man 3 today, I hope it's good. It's one of my favourite super hero series.

Intangible Hearts said...

Congratulations on the anthology. Looking forward to seeing your story Alex!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

It's going to be a wonderful May! Can't wait for all the fun movies.

Laura Eno said...

I will surely keep Damyanti in my thoughts.

Star Trek - YES!
Iron Man 3 looks good! I should probably see 1 and 2 first, though. :)

John Wiswell said...

Congratulations on the anthology! And I'm pretty excited for Into Darkness. Adored the first film, and they put off making this one until they had a different story to tell. That is integrity.

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Lisa said...

I can't wait to see ALL these movies! Four of them have been on my radar since I first heard about them.
Indiestructable sounds great. Put it on my goodreads to read list... I love the cover of Seeing Ghosts. Sounds interesting. I'm sending my prayers and thoughts to Damyanti Biswas. I am so sorry to hear of her losses. I too, have lost two very dear people in the last three months. This year has started out in such a strange way.

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Another new author to head over and check out! :) Love the cover for the Indiestructable- will have to pick a copy up. Sounds like a great movie line up for May- not sure I will get the time to view them in a theater, but who knows....

Bish Denham said...

The Star Trek movie sounds interesting. I'm up for Epic too. That Jessica Bell... she is one busy lady!

Hart Johnson said...

Indiestructable sounds like a great project and I LOVE that cover for Seeing Ghosts. Always excited about a new Iron Man movie... LOVE me some Robert Downey Jr.

Jay Noel said...

Just started reading Robin's blog (via A-Z) She's awesome.

Looking forward to the slew of movies coming out this summer. Iron Man and Star Trek look great. As does the next Fast & Furios.

Not a fan of M. Night anymore since he butchered The Last Airbender

S. L. Hennessy said...

Iron Man, Star Trek, After Earth...this summer is going to rock!

Unknown said...

Robin is inspiring. Thanks for sharing about her. The dog stuck in the trees is adorable.

Iron Man 3--AWESOME! Can't wait to see it. The movie Epic seems pretty interesting too. I'll have to catch both of those flicks coming up soon.

Matthew MacNish said...

There's a big debate at my house about whether we should see Iron Man or Star Trek. said...

Only one more day? Robin sounds like a gem, and she has a great name. I'm going to check out her blog. Thanks, Alex.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Suze, they were a band before him. First drummer had to quit because he was diabetic and their manager was afraid road life would kill the kid.

Ilima, hoping for a good twist.

Laura, you probably should.

Jay, he lost my vote several movies ago.

Matthew, no contest - both!

Steven said...

You know, I'm a big car guy but I haven't seen past Tokyo Drift. I keep hearing the new F&F movies are really good. I saw they had a Buick Regal GNX in the last one :D. Maybe I'll have to check them out...

Birgit said...

There is Young Frankenstein! ("Roll, Roll, Roll in ze hay") I also thought of Yolanda and the Thief but that is a Fred Astaire musical:) I know I am addict for musicals. Anyhoo love the see Iron Man and Star Trek. I really like Mr. Cumberbatch who was great as Sherlock. I don't know why this popped into my head but who would be the star of Rustman? Just wondering...Sylvester Stallone??

Ali Cross said...

Oh no, poor Damyanti and her family! What a horrible tragedy. Thank you for making us aware of her extra need for prayers and hugs.

And . . .


What else is there to say?
My very first album was Moving Pictures!

And . . . I want to see ALL THOSE MOVIES! Yeah!

Catherine Stine said...

I don't know exactly what year Rush formed, but I do know that I think they are great! I have two Rush albums and I still play them often.

Al Diaz said...

I met Robin during the challenge but I like her already.
I saw Ironman already! It's great.
I'll help promoting with the book. September 16 is Independence Day in Mexico, nice timing for a party.
You were in my dreams last night. I dreamed I was asking you what did you do with my dwarves, hahahaha. As if it were not enough with a Ninja muse bugging me by day, now I have another ninja haunting my dreams.
I'm already praying for Damy.

Melissa said...

Indiestructible sounds great.

Sorry to hear about Damyanti.

Sherry Ellis said...

Indiestructable sound like a good book. I love the cover for Seeing Ghosts!

LD Masterson said...

I love Robin's blog.

Iron Man 3 is at the top of my list. Star Trek not so much. Jean Luc stole my heart and I just can't move on (or back).

I will pray for Damyanti.

SK Anthony said...

I really like the cover for Seeing Ghosts ;)

Iron Man 3, yes! I can't wait. Also very interested in Star Trek. I have to look up Epic, haven't seen trailer yet. LOL at the M.Night comment, BUT I do want to watch this movie!

Robin said...

Holy cow. I am late getting going today. I just logged on and there are several new comments and followers. I figured it out before I hit your Clue Comment. Thank you, Alex. I feel Beyond Honored to be chosen for one of your letters. You are The Ice Cream on My Cone Today. Of course, I don't get to eat much ice cream anymore (no more sugar for me), but you know what I mean:) And you chose a Rush song for me... I know how much you like them;) Thank you, my friend.

I can't wait to start doing those Thursday posts again. I miss them!

Suze said...

Well. Rush aren't Rush for me without Peart. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I knew about Damyanti's problem, but this is the first I've read that her mother-in-law died from the snake bite. Definitely in my prayers.

Congrats to Robin! I just found her blog during A-Z, and I love it.

I also like that cover on James Garcia's novel. The story sounds good, too!

David T List said...

I was hoping YYZ would be your Y song!
Guitar hero was the first place I heard this song

David T List said...

Good grief at the drum solo!

J.L. Campbell said...

Going to check out Robin.
Interesting cover on Seeing Ghosts and Inspiring Stories are always welcome.

Brinda said...

Whaaaat? No movie beginning with a Y? Lol

Samantha May said...

I'm really terrible at Guitar Hero!

Looking forward to Iron Man 3 for sure! I still haven't seen the Star Trek from a few years ago, but I'm a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch and Zachary Quinto so I'll have to catch up!

It looks like this summer is really going to be a great one for movies!

Susan Kane said...

My condolences for the loss of D.'s family members.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Steven, they are better than the first two!

Birgit, I know - I completely missed Young Frankenstein. Epic Ninja fail.

Ali, you rock!!

Catherine, you have good taste in music.

Al, that's good to know. Envious you've already seen it. And I told you the Ninja was everywhere...

Robin, you are most welcome!

Suze, me either.

David, I've been a fan for a scary long time...

Brinda, I missed Young Frankenstein.

Alexandra Heep said...

Mhm, Rush trivia ... I should know this as I just watched a documentary on them not long ago. 1972? I know they were really young and started with a different drummer.

Star Trek: I used to be into the old Start Trek, and while I've seen a few of the movies (can't recall what they were about), I kind of got out of the loop.

Christine Rains said...

One day more! Wow. Yay for Robin! I've signed up to help spread the word about Indiestructable. Cool title, btw.

Rusty Carl said...

Pretty much every movie listed seems awesome - well, except for after earth, I'll wait to see how the reviews go for that one.

And seriously, you could have had Young Guns or something as a movie.

Johanna Garth said...

Can't wait to see Star Trek. I have a crush on that guy who plays Spock. I hope it's still the same actor :)

Erin L. Funk said...

It's awesome to see a lot of good sci-fi movies coming out this spring and summer. Off your list, I'm looking forward to Star Trek, Iron Man 3, and After Earth.

Mel Chesley said...

I'm very much looking forward to Iron Man 3 and Star Trek!

Juliana Haygert said...

May is going to be an "Epic" month for movies lol Ha, I'm so funny lol

M Pax said...

Can't wait for Star Trek!! I may actually go to the theater for that one.

Tony Laplume said...

You've never seen Yellow Submarine? Yankee Doodle Dandy? Yes Man? Young Frankenstein? Young Guns???

Heather M. Gardner said...

I heard about Damyanti. So sad. Very nice of you to mention her.

I can't wait for IM3 and ST2!

Rush is still one of my favorites. I know they started in the late sixties but not sure which year.

1 more day.


Unknown said...

I really enjoyed Iron Man 3, and I can't wait for Star Trek Into Darkness either. it's a great time to be a geek!

SpacerGuy said...

If only I was telepathic, I could guess who. Wow Iron Man so soon. So many great movies hitting the big screen right now! Totally looking forward to Star Trek Into Darkness. My condolences to Damyanti's family.

kjmckendry said...

I'm looking forward to Iron Man, Star Trek and After Earth!

I'll keep Damyanti in my prayers.

Allison said...

I can't wait for Iron Man 3!!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Alexandra, go further back.

Rusty, not a big fan, but I should've had Young Frankenstein.

Johanna, it is, but your crush is lost on him.

Juliana, bad pun!

Tony, I missed Young Frankenstein! What can I say?

Heather, best guess yet.

Helena said...

Indistructible definitely sounds like something I should read, being an Indie writer myself. Seeing Ghosts also looks good.

I am so excited about the new Star Trek movie. Sure, I'll also see Iron Man. But I'm a Trekkie from way back.

Golden Eagle said...

I'm not following Robin at the moment--I'm off to fix that. She sounds like a wonderful blogger.

Indiestructable is a great idea for a collection!

I'm really looking forward to Star Trek.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Great movie blurbs! I want to see the Star Trek one!

Thanks for following the paintings!

Mary Montague Sikes

Karen Michelle Nutt said...

Great list here. Love the book cover Seeing Ghosts!

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

What a great choice in Robin and I interact with her on a regular basis.

The penultimate day on the alphabet challenge.

I have tried very hard to forward my condolences to Damyanti during this extremely tough time for her and her loved ones. I don't know why, but all of a sudden I'm blocked from commenting on her site. So hopefully she will take note on here.

In kindness and goodwill,


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

So sorry about Damyanti. Love Jamie's cover.
I'll probably see Iron Man early next week. I hate the tight crowds of opening weekend.

Ciara said...

I can't wait to see Star Trek!!! Also, I'm excited for Iron Man 3.
I'm so honored to be a part of Indiestructable with authors like you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, they've been beautiful.

Gary, she has another site - I will send it to you.

Carrie Butler said...

I will definitely be praying for Damyanti's family. :(

One more day, Alex!

Liz Brownlee said...

STAR TREK! Can't wait. Have been a fan since i was very young and now i am very old. Well, quite old.

What an interesting and original theme!

Melody said...

Can you believe we are at the end of A to Z already?! It has been so nice to meet you and so many others. I hope to check out your boss over the summer and eagerly await the release of CassaStorm!

Melody said...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melody, thank you!

Hildie McQueen said...

I can't wait for Iron Man 3 and the Star Trek movies they both look awesome!!

Livia Peterson said...

I can't wait for After Earth. It looks so good. I'm absolutely dying to see The Great Gatsby this month! Love the trailer from that film adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel.

I haven't followed the Iron Man series, so I'm skipping it. Anyway, Alex - let me know how it is! :)

My thoughts and prayers go out to Damyanti.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Seeing Ghosts looks and sounds really good, as does Iron Man 3. I know my boys will be wanting to see it!

Chuck said...

I need to see the first two Ironman movies before I get this one.

All in for Star Trek...can't wait.

And I'll watch anything by M. Night...sometimes just because everyone I know hates his movies. I guess I have shallow friends :)

Back home and need to catch up on your posts! Hey, Rush is in the HOF!!! Love YYZ.

Mina Burrows said...

Hi Alex! My husband saw Rush over the weekend I thought of you. Enjoy this clip of that night. :)

Unknown said...

That song's got some pretty crazy musicianship! So close to the end. I bet you'll need a vacation after this. I'll need to check out sounds really interesting.

Nick Wilford said...

My thoughts are with Damyanti and her family at this terrible time.

Jessica's a busy girl. She gets involved in all sorts of useful enterprises for writers!

Arlee Bird said...

Yes follow Robin's blog and try to make it there as often as I can. She's been a loyal commenter at my site.

Prayers for Damyanti and her family.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Lisa said...

I didn't know. I really like the cover of Seeing Ghosts, intriguing. I think I'll ask my sons to go watch Iron Man 3 with me.

Carrie-Anne said...

My condolences to Damyanti.

I can't even begin to remember when I last saw a movie in the theatres.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts go out to Damyanti. An awful loss for anyone.

I have placed Indiestrucables on on my to read list on Goodreads. It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Great book news and I'd like to see some of those movies.

A.J. Walker said...

Congratulations on your new publication! I've signed up to help promote it. I'll blog and tweet on the day.

Michelle Wallace said...

My heart is saddened by the news of Damyanti's family tragedy...
I'll stop by her blog shortly...

Indiestructible sounds like an excellent book...

Writer In Transit

Anonymous said...

Robin's blog is cool. That's a really cool cover reveal - reminds me of Gone with the Wind.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Notice how anyone who gets first comment in is excited to do so? That's because you're a legend, Alex. Just to be associated with you is a huge honour. You rock, Captain!

Yay, Robin!!!

Anonymous said...

What's funny: I looked at our whiteboard today where my mom had scribbled May 17 Star Trek like 2 months ago. lol Can't wait!

I need to see The Great Gatsby! I should watch the original, too, haven't since someone gave it to me for Christmas 10 years ago (omg, it's been 10 years).

Unknown said...

Robin sounds terrific and I will have to get over to her place.

I have a huge slew of films I want to see. None of which include the Will Smith vehicle. Fast 6, IM3, Star Trek and Gatsby are my movies this month. I am dying to see Leo as Gatsby and see what a lavish feast Luhrman has created. there has not been a great film version of this. Robert Redford did one, but he just did not get the character like at all and completely bored me.

Tina said...

Love Robin, and especially her Thursdays. Coincidentally, that was the first day I visited her! That dog in the tree had me from the start.
Adding these May movies to my netflix list...we never GO to movies. I agree with Melissa, dying to see a REAL version of Gatsby: I recast the movie for a blogfest a while back. Robert Redford really blew it. Leo is a chameleon, I think he can do it. Plus he's got the swagger. Redford HAS swagger, but neglected it's impact, but perhaps I should be discussing this with Melissa instead ;-)

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

randi lee said...

OMG I did NOT know that they were coming out with Ironman 3....I cancelled Cable so I'm sort of out of the loop on mainstream media....I am SO going to see it as soon as I can!!!

Kristen said...

Loved the new Star Trek movie! Looking out for the others too, thanks for the list.

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: