Saturday, April 27, 2013

A to Z Challenge – X2 and Xanadu, Plus Ninjs News, Rise of the Guardians Review, and Writing Erotica

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!


This is my favorite of the X-Men series, as I felt it captured the feel of the comics best. Great opening sequence with Nightcrawler in the White House and every scene with Wolverine kicked butt. It also showed us a lot more of the vast X-Men army.

Jean Grey grows stronger as a person in this film. The only X-Men member without a nickname might not stand out in the crowd, but she’s a powerful force. She has abilities beyond what the others can imagine.

Who is Jean Grey?

Joylene Nowell Butler!

She might seem like just another author, but there’s a lot more to her than meets the eye. Joylene is a dedicated force, both to her craft and her friends. She’s already won an IPPY award, so there’s no telling what else she will accomplish!

Joylene is the author of Broken But Not Dead and Dead Witness.

To you I dedicate Xanadu by Rush. (Title leads to YouTube.)

The song is based on the poem “Kubla Khan,” something I thought you would appreciate. “To stand within the pleasure dome, Decreed by Kubla Khan…”

Trivia and Facts:

Who played the villain William Stryker in X2?

W’s trivia answers – Karen lives in Albuquerque, NM, USA, and HG Wells wrote War of the Worlds in 1898.

Ninja News

SC announced the agents for Query Combat – and a mini contest before it begins.

Movie Review

Rise of the Guardians

Finally got a chance to see this one. I liked their take on the characters – a Russian Santa, an Australian Easter Bunny, etc. The animation is unique – the people were done simplistic while the scenery was in amazing detail. Overall, too long (even at ninety minutes) but worth a rental.

Writing Erotica

Richard Hughes posted about why writing erotica is a woman’s thing.

My response was that I don’t want to write it, I want to do it. (Hey, being honest here!)

Here’s what would happen if I tried to write a sex scene:

Write one line.

“Crap, that’s awful.”

Delete. Write a new line.

Bark of laughter. “That’s even worse!”

Delete. Write another line.

“Now that’s not bad…”

Ditches writing sex scene and goes in search of wife for the real thing.

That’s why you’ll never get anything remotely sexual from me! (Not to mention it just goes against my morals.) Any other men feel the same way?

Fan of the X-Men movies? Following the awesome Joylene? Know the trivia? Excited about the agent contest? Seen Rise of the Guardians? And how do you feel about erotica?


RaveAir said...

X-men 2 was better was than the first X-men movie.

Legend of the Guardian was the first movie experience of my 3 and half years old son. :)

Helena said...

Nightcrawler was one of my favorite X-Men characters.

I like your idea of erotica. I've always thought that when it comes to writing about sex it's impossible to a) be original and b) keep a straight face and not laugh while writing.

L.G. Keltner said...

When it comes to sex in my writing, I generally set the scene, make it clear what's about to happen, let the characters get to a certain point, then depart and allow them do their own thing behind the scenes. Readers are often quite adept at imagining things on their own anyway.

It's not that I can't write it. I know I can, even if I may find myself going back and tweaking to the point of insanity. I'd just be too embarrassed to let anyone else read it.

Besides, erotica is its own market. I tend to write stories where sex isn't supposed to be the main focus, so if I were to put anything too graphic in, it would probably detract from the rest of the story.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol at your attempt at writing erotica!!

I love that poem “Kubla Khan"!

Unknown said...

How do I feel about erotica? Not now, I have a headache.

Another great tune by Rush up today.Thanks Alex.

Carrie Butler said...

I love X2! I think I have the DVD around here somewhere...

Anyway, excellent choice. Joylene is one of my very favorite people! :D

P.S. Don't quit your night job (science fiction), Captain. :P

Empty Nest Insider said...

Your wife is very lucky to have you! I never saw X2, but I liked the first one. Congrats to Joylene on your IPPY award!


Mark Means said...

I've, for the most part, liked all the X movies.

Oh, and Joylene rocks...that is all! :)

DiscConnected said...

Not sure I could easily pick a favorite X-Men film...while I think they have come out with too many comics-to-film, this is one series I thought they executed well. Cannot wait for that Wolverine film based on the miniseries set in Japan.

I can't think of the actor's name who played Stryker, but he's in a boatload of films (Red, Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes, The Bourne films)...


Ray Rousell said...

I likes all the X men films, good choice Alex!

Brandon Ax said...

That would be Brian Cox, he was also in those Bourne movies. I liked it, but Is till hope they redo them better one day.

I actually liked Rise of the Guardians. I sort of agree, but maybe only by like ten minutes.

I've never tried to write erotica. I think I could, but I wonder if a male writer would focus on different areas than a female writer.

Anonymous said...

Another good choice with your theme.
At the time of writing I am listening to a song called XANDADU on the radio.
Enjoyed you writing an erotica scene but loved the last line best.

Enjoy your week-end.

Misha Gerrick said...

I loved Rise of the Guardians. I didn't really notice that it's long, but now that you mention it, it might be a bit long for kids. Did you know its characters are from a book series? The girl they dedicated the movie to is the author's daughter.

Sigh... sounds odd, but I really miss hunting agents. Guess that means I should finish more books so I can query again and complain about agents some more. :-P

Chancelet said...

I did like the 1st X-men better.

I don't know if writing erotica is a women's job. I know it's not my job! Writer’s Mark

Cynthia said...

I love the X-Men movies- I haven't seen all of them though.

I think the storyline about Jean shows that sometimes too much power isn't necessarily a good thing.

The Angry Lurker said...

Mr Brian Cox and I too have a headache!

Unknown said...

I loved all the X-Men movies and spinoffs. Of course I'm following Joylene - she's awesome! I thought William Stryker was the Will Wheaton character on Star Trek. Er--no, I guess that was Wesley Crusher. William, Wesley. Stryker, Crusher. You can see the similarity ... okay, I'll go stand in the corner now ...

Rhonda Albom said...

I have never seen the X-men, nor read Joylene Nowell's novels yet. I know you asked for guys comments, but I though I would add that I don't write sex either.

Rhonda @Laugh Quotes

Amber T. Smith said...

When I saw 'Xanadu' in your title, I thought you meant the Olivia Newton John movie, which is a guilty pleasure of mine. Always loved ELO! X-Men is pretty cool though!!

And you know, your attempt at erotica is pretty much exactly the same as what mine would be. Don't mind reading it, but I'd probably die laughing if I tried writing it!!

Suzanne Furness said...

Following Joylene she is lovely, great choice. Just thinking about trying to write erotica brings me out in hives!

Heather M. Gardner said...

X2 was good. I liked them all, not loved, but liked. I had fun watching them. After I saw The Avengers I kind of see what the other super hero movies are lacking. Character depth.

Ms. Joylene is very cool.

As for erotica...I like to read it but not write it. I do write contemp romance and I do have sex in my books. I think its all about terminology.


Sheena-kay Graham said...

I love both X1 and 2. It was X3 that fell below par. Rise of the Guardians is a good movie to rent. Watched it at home and completely agree with you (except about the length being too long). Will check out Joylene and oh Alex, you know how to make the best of EVERY situation apparently (in relations to your erotica attempt).

J.L. Murphey said...

Been a hugh Jackman fan for years. X2 was filmed off our coast and my restaurant did the catering. Got to met him in person. A high point of my year.

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

I loved your attempt to write erotica. Thanks for the mention.

Laura Eno said...

Your erotica scene was...a great example of good spelling. :P Bwahahah!

Yay for Joylene!

Mark Koopmans said...

I'm not sure I'll ever write erotica, but I grew up reading Jackie Collins books, and they were surely fun to a young lad short on official sex ed.

(Did I just say that out loud...)

Ian Anderson said...

First of all, I loved all the X-Men movies. I can't get enough.

Second, yes, I'm with you about the sex scenes. Totally with you. I'd much rather be practicing with my wife than writing it. It's too much like porn.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helena, B is so true!

LG, I like your way of thinking.

Anne - funny!

Carrie, not planning on quitting!

Brandon, you are correct.

Yvonne, I am here for your amusement.

Misha, I did know it was a book series.

Fran, very good.

Lexa, that made me chuckle.

Amber, exactly!

Sheena-kay, thank you!

Richard, you're welcome.

Mark, you did.

Man of Clay, exactly!

Cassie Mae said...

I can not stop laughing at your erotica comment. I'm right there too. I'd rather do it than read it as well. Can't seem to see the word thrust without giggling.

Jemi Fraser said...

X-2 is a great choice! Love it! And love your erotica lines - too funny!

jaybird said...

You know I love me some X-men. One in particular.

My kids loved Rise of the Guardians. I loved the voice of the Easter bunny. (refer back to comment one above)

And your take on writing erotica is hilarious. I don't write it either, because I have no clue what is supposed to be "sexy". The nuiances of this is totally lost on a dork like me. :)

Al Diaz said...

I liked X2 and Wolverine is really great there. Then again Wolverine is the kind of guy I would hang out with. I loved the Rise of the Guardians and for me time flew but then again, I love ALMOST all children's movies. I know. I'm a child...or not so much.
I have written erotica after the cue of a woman. She taught me actually. Don't think I'll be publishing 50.8 Shades of aero blue anytime soon.
You got me curious about the dwarves. I am wondering what do you think I'm thinking on, hahahaha.

Nick Wilford said...

I don't know many Rush songs but I love Xanadu!

I think any attempt I made at writing erotica would be pretty similar.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Good morning, Alex,

You are such a guy. LOL. Rather do than write.

Congrats to Joylene....

Haven't seen The Guardians yet, but want to when I get the chance.

Jo said...

Snap Alex, I wrote about Xanadu and Kubla Khan today too.

As a woman, I don't really enjoy all this sex stuff that gets written. Like you I would rather do it than read it, or see it in movies.


farawayeyes said...

Don't know Joylene. I'll look her up. I have met quite a few new bloggers through your posts.

Not really an X-Men fan.

I admit I had to scroll through and see which men would admit to writing/reading erotica. Kudos to Mark for being real.

David T List said...

I was sure your song would be Rush's XYZ!
I liked X2 as well. I'm not sure which was my fave. I can tell you that the one (outside original trilogy) about the backstory of Magneto and Prof X was my least fave.

I haven't yet had the opportunity to write sex scenes. It's not something I see in my immediate future. Not in embarrassing detail anyway... Just not my genre.
And I would agree that psychologically women are built to write it better. We're too visual-stimulus oriented.

Melissa said...

Yea, Joylene!

Re: erotica...
Funny post, first off. I can see why guys would struggle. LOL

I've read it, but it gets old after a while. A few sex scenes in an adult romance, however, are another story.

How the leads (esp. the hero) treat each other during intimate moments lends a lot to their character. A romance novel doesn't feel complete without at least one or two love scenes. And, as far as I'm concerned, the love scenes aren't really the issue, it's the moral context that frames them.

David T List said...

And now I realize the song I referred to is actually called YYZ. Fail on my part.

Pat Hatt said...

X2 was sure the best of the bunch, still hate those stupid leather outfits though. Need to be more x-men like. i.e. colorful. And yeah I can write it, but agreed, would much rather be doing it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cassie, and I am chuckling at YOUR comment!

Al, not to scare you, but I will have good news and bad news for you on Tuesday regarding your dwarves. And I'm sure it's not what you are thinking!

Michael, what man wouldn't?

Faraway, his admission was funny.

David, yes we are. And yes, it's YYZ - and I believe Monday's song!

Melissa, well said!

Bob/Sally said...

Nightcrawler was great - Alan Cumming absolutely nailed the character.

Tyrean Martinson said...

X2 was awesome! Joylene rocks!!! I read the Rise of the Guardians book, but haven't seen the movie yet, despite plans to do so. Soon.
I don't write erotica, for nearly the same reasons you don't . . . except I would be searching out my husband.
Even my light romance has it's terrible, laughable moments.

John Wiswell said...

X1 and X2 hold up as two of the best superhero movies. I'm very happy that Singer is coming back to direct Days of Future Past - he seems to have been the backbone of quality in the franchise.

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Ink in the Book said...

Ok, I've post three times now, so maybe this comment will post...Somehow I knew you'd pick
X files for this letter!
I can't believe A to Z is almost over:(

mshatch said...

Thanks for the link to the contest! As for erotica, it's not something i want to write or read but I define erotica differently than say, the sort of sex in a romance novel, which I have written and read.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I have never seen the X-Men movies but I plan on seeing them someday. I am sometimes late to the party when it comes to watching certain movies. I didn't see the LOTR trilogy until last year!

Ella said...

Joylene sounds amazing!
Off to visit her~

Honesty rules and you did bring the X factor to this post, lol!

Nicely done ;D

Anonymous said...

lol - You know what they say, Alex. You can do anything if you try. Sex is one more aspect of who we are, and it definitely has its place in literature and movies. That said, it also has its place in the porn industry. Moral compass, balance, common sense and sound judgment must come into play.

Anonymous said...

I still haven't seen an X-Men movie yet.

Joylene is awesome.

Juliana Haygert said...

Love, love, love Rise of the Guardians!!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I remember Xanadu and can even sing parts of it.

I'm a woman and would never want to write Erotica. It bores me to read it. As you said, experience it, yes, write it, no.

J.L. Campbell said...

Recognize Joylene's name, but haven't read any of her stuff yet.

The reference to Xanadu brings back memories of A level literature. It was one of the Poems we studied.

Re: Richard's post, I wonder if erotica writers can distance themselves from what they write so as not to get hot and bothered, but I suspect that they do, especially if they're gonna do a half-way decent job of editing. ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tyrean, I knew you wouldn't be able to write it either.

MsHatch, there is a difference. I couldn't even write that though.

Optimistic, need to take you to movies more often.

Ella, I did, didn't I?

Teresa, that makes you uber cool!!

JL, I just couldn't distance myself. The male mind just doesn't work that way.

Rusty Carl said...

I have zero interest in sex in my writing. More power to those that do. Anytime I have had any its because I thought I had to in order to please some unknown critic.

Arlee Bird said...

And here I was looking forward to "Xanadu" by Olivia Newton-John. No erotica to be found in my writing--at least it's not in any current plans.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Al Diaz said...

Do you mean it has nothing to do with my idea of writing Ninja Dwarves: The Musical, where they appear dancing around you, singing "I do not shrill"? Because that was my first idea, you know.

Christine Rains said...

The X-Men movies are fun and yay for Joylene! Rise of the Guardians was pretty good. I especially loved the Santa and the Easter Bunny. I have no problems with erotica. I have a few things published, but it isn't the genre I want to focus on. I like writing about relationships. Sometimes sex is in there, but it isn't necessary.

Gwen Gardner said...

I've never seen the Xmen - do you get tired of me coming by everyday to say I haven't seen the movie, LOL? I know I get a big fat F at movie going/watching. But YAY for Joylene!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

You are such a dear man, Alex. I'm honoured. Thanks so much for the birthday present!

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Love X-Men...I'm a big superhero fan! :) I do not know Joylene Nowell Butler- but I will for sure head over and say hi!

Nancy Thompson said...

I'm not a comic book super hero fan so I haven't watched the X-Men franchise, I do adore Joylene! Such a kind, sweet lady, and super supportive of her friends & other writers. And boy is she smart! As for erotica, I get embarrassed reading it & I certainly could never write it, but I have written quite a few sex scenes. I do agree that women write it far better than men. We're more in tuned to every facet of the experience. Still, I'm conflicted when it comes to erotica. I have a weird resentment to all the BDSM women read these days. That's not real. It's pure fiction. I hate to think why they get off on it so much. *shivers* Poor neglected bored housewives.

Unknown said...

Perfect X movie. I love the X-Men. I also enjoyed Rise of the Guardians. I like it when traditional characters are presented with a twist.

Hildie McQueen said...

Alex, you made me laugh, I can see you try to write a sex scene and finally give up. I love Xmen, Wolverine is my fav...or and that guy with the light up burn vision thing! LOL

Carol Kilgore said...

Congrats to Joylene!

I've never written erotica, but writing love scenes with steamy sex is fun.

Samantha May said...

I love the X-Men films! X2 is probably my favorite too.

I remember reading Kubla Khan in high school and thinking it was the most trippy poem ever lol.

Your reasons for not writing erotica are hysterical. I think I would be too busy laughing at how ridiculous I would look if I tried to write it :D

Intangible Hearts said...

Have you seen that movie Xanadu? Very different that the poem! LOL

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

LOL I love your description / process / thoughts on erotica. Now that's funny.

Ya know, I never got into Rush, although I had heard of Xanadu.

Have you by any chance seen the trailers for Wolverine 2? It looks really good.

And I guess they're making another X-Men movie. Let's hope it's as good as X2.

Michelle Wallace said...

The only Xanadu I'm familiar with is the song by Olivia Newton John... it brings back such memories...
Joylene is wonderful...
Erotica? I don't think I'd be able to write it. Nope. I'd be too embarrassed...

Writer In Transit

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, sorry.

Al, no, but that would be funny!

Gwen, no, keep on coming by!

Joylene, you're welcome and happy birthday!

Nancy, I don't get it either.

Hildie, I am here for your amusement.

Samantha, exactly!

Desert, unfortunately yes.

Michael, here's hoping the next Wolverine is better than the first one.

ilima said...

I don't read erotica, but if you attempted it, I think I could handle it based on your examples, LOL.

And I have William Stryker's face in my head but have no idea what that actor's name is. I'm so terrible with names.

Robyn Campbell said...

YaY Joylene!!!!

I think erotica goes against my morals too, Alex. I could/would never write it. Besides, I don't think I could get into character. Ha.

I love the X-Men. I miss A to Z Alex. This is my first year NOT doing it. :( But I am getting a lot of revising/writing done.)

Leovi said...

I love Xanadu by Rush, that's my title today with the X!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I love Xena, and that's as close to erotica as I get in my entertainment! :-) I like the first two X-Men movies -- the 3rd not so much. I am looking forward to the new Wolverine movie: the trailer gives me hope. Great post as always. said...

I understand how writing, or reading, sex scenes can raise lots of issues (or other things) for men.

Joylene is fun. I'm glad to be connected with her.

Cheers, Alex.

Stephen Tremp said...

I have hosted some of our female writer/bloggers who write erotica but I am not a fan. I get a kick out of their guest posts as they make me laugh. And blush a bit.

Melissa Bradley was a guest and posted on Sex In Space and how it can and will not work medically speaking. Great research went into this.

To each their won. Whatever floats their boat.

mooderino said...

Jean Grey was Marvel Girl, but the don't use it very often, even in the comics.

Moody Writing

Andrew Leon said...

For the most part, the first X-Men is still my favorite, but I've liked all of them. Except Wolverine. THAT was awful, and the new one looks to be even worse.

Sherry Ellis said...

I really liked X-men, too!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That's my favorite X man movie too though I didn't mind the other two. Looking forward to the next Wolverine

M Pax said...

Yay for X-men and Joylene. I'm not against adult content. I'm not great at writing it, but am practicing. Not to the point of erotica. And sex scenes aren't necessarily erotica. A local friend of mine writes it and makes a lot of money... a lot. Makes me think I'm in the wrong genre.

Jay Noel said...

Absolutely AGREE, X-2 was a far superior movie. That's why I bought it.

Just saw Rise of the Guardians a couple weeks ago with the kiddos. They loved it. Might buy it and make it an annual holiday tradition.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ilima, not!

Robyn, I hope you can join us next year.

Leovi, you rock!

Robyn, you're so funny.

Mary, I'm sure it's big business.

Miranda Hardy said...

Laughing at your honesty regarding erotica.

Loved that x-men movie, too. Great pick.

Shell Flower said...

Yay, Joylene. And I haven't seen the X2 movies, just the older ones. I'll have to check them out. And you cracked me up with the erotica thing. I would imagine there is a wealth of deleted erotica floating in the universe somewhere. I think men rule the porn industry and women rule erotica.

Julie Flanders said...

Hahaha that's very close to my experience with trying to write any kind of erotica. LOL.

I don't know if I know Joylene, looking forward to checking her work out.

Susan Kane said...

Famke Janssen (spelling)? Brian Cox? Something Huston?

Love everything X Men, Wolverine.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

That's the classiest erotic fiction I have ever read!!

Robin said...

I agree about X-Men 2. Usually the first movie in the series is the best. However, that is not the case in this franchise. The characters all just become more fleshed out. Jean Grey is one of my favorite "X-Men."

Mel Chesley said...

I will be an X-Men fan til the day I die. ;)

Alexandra Heep said...

I've never even written anything remotely erotic ... well, not for public reading anyway! However, when my boyfriend and I were still doing the long distance thing, we joked that we could turn some of our convos into a novel :-)

Suze said...

That was a cute passage about writing erotica. Had me smiling lop-sided throughout.

My thoughts are, I think there are enough erotica writers out there. I don't need to join 'em. I do love writing UST, tho.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

LOL! No, I don't think men are well suited for writing sex scenes.

I like almost any movie with Hugh Jackman in it.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I don't even read romance novels anymore. The sex scenes make me roll my eyes.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shell, must be because we are more visual when it comes to sex.

Susan, very good!

Elizabeth, glad that did it for you.

Alexandra. that's funny.

Suze, I am here for your amusement.

Luanne G. Smith said...

That post by Richard was pretty funny but honest. I could never write erotica. Unfortunately I don't have the imagination for it. I do try to portray honest sex scenes in my novels occasionally, but they usually prove more difficult for me to write than battle scenes. :)

James Garcia Jr said...

Oh! You tricked me. I thought you meant the movie Xanadu. Lol! I should have known it would be Rush. :)
How have you been? I haven't been blogging because I have been busy with the new book prep and the new job I'm doing at work. You should all see more of me beginning next week.
Have a good weekend and rock on!
Totally agree with you on the Erotic subject. #nuffsaid


Tasha Seegmiller said...

I have wondered about the women writing erotica before too, and finally came to the conclusion it was to balance out how many men make the visual versions. I also think women who want to explore sex feel more comfortable reading it (especially since the ereader) and very uncomfortable watching it, I'm sure in part because the visual mediums are so geared toward men. And clearly I become way to analytical to ever be able to write it.

SpacerGuy said...

Hey I'm numero 100 sweet! You sure do come up with the unexpected, Alex. XD but I'm sticking to my phasers. Wolverine better sharpen those claws.

Unknown said...

I love the X-men movies. Absolutely fabulous. :)

Unknown said...

I love X-men but I'm no good at your trivia.

Krista McLaughlin said...

Your morals are awesome! Your wife is very lucky. :) Me trying to write a sex scene would the same. I'd have to make them married first and then just close a door. I don't write romance like that. I prefer the pure part of romance like holding hands and kissing. :)

I really liked X-men 2. Nightcrawler is my favorite character in that movie! I hated the next one though. First Class is definitely good. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

James, good to hear from you!

Tasha, makes sense to me.

Krista, writing my first kissing scene about killed me!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Well, at least I got Karen's state right. I couldn't remember the town.

klahanie said...

Oh man, almost three in the morning and I've only just got to your site. Thank goodness you are now on the letter "X".

Good choice in X-Men movies, Alex.

And totally awesome choice in my dear friend, Joylene. I share a lot of interaction with my dear Canadian friend.

And what a relief the Xanadu was the song by Rush. I just started hearing Olivia Newton John in my head. Yikes!

Erotica, yes please!

Happy Sunday...

Carrie-Anne said...

Many people don't understand that writing good erotica is an art, just as much as writing great sci-fi, fantasy, historical, or mystery. I've read so many erotica stories from amateur writers, with really embarrassing errors and lack of mature writing craft. Good erotica needs an actual story, not just a rush to the X-rated part.

I'll be taking a second pen name if I ever write erotic stories (as compared to regular books that happen to have some sex scenes sprinkled in). I want to keep my nice reputation among my Orthodox friends, esp. my rabbi and rebbetzin who trust me with their young kids!

DMS said...

I was cracking up at your erotica writing. ;)

I have two of Joylene's books on my Kindle to read. I have heard such great things about her writing.

JJ said...

I plan to write erotica - right after I find the Lost Continent of Atlantis.

DWei said...

They need to make Deadpool an official member of the X-Men. He's badass enough as it is.

Li said...

I was on the fence about seeing Rise Of the Guardians, but I might put it on my rainy day list. As for writing erotica - I tried once or twice but the results were laughable. Plus, I'm always afraid that my students might run across it somewhere. So...I censor a lot of my writing, at least until I retire.

Unknown said...

You can't go wrong with Xmen! I haven't seen Rise of the Guardians.

Funny piece by Robert.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

I wondered if you'd use X-Men. ;) Jean Grey is my favorite character.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gary, always Rush over Olivia! Knew you would approved of my choice of Joylene.

Carrie-Anne, wise decision.

DMS, I am here for your amusement!

Bish Denham said...

I wonder if I'm the only person who hasn't seen any of the Xmen movies...

Now Rush... what an incredible trio!

Sandra Cox said...

Love Wolverine! And your take on writing erotic-erotica. Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Our downstairs neighbor told us his name is Xanadu -- at least, that's what his friends call him...

Unknown said...

Yes, I am definitely a fan of the X-man movies! And I enjoyed your description of how you'd try to write a sex scene ;-)

Leovi said...

Yes, I think it's more interesting to write about sex, it may be because men are more primary.

SC Author said...

Thank you so much for the shout-out!!!! And your erotica-writing is awesome :D Hilarious!

Jemima Pett said...

Just using my last Sunday to meet all of those awesome commmenters I haven't got to yet - and of course that includes you, Minja Captain Alex :)
Jemima at Jemima's blog

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Bish, don't care if you've seen the movies - you rock!

Milo, probably not his given name.

SC, you're welcome!

Thanks, Jemima!

Lisa said...

I LOVE the X-Men and have since the beginning. I really liked the movies, but agree with you that the second one was best. Erotica. Depends on how it's written. There is some that is just plain boring porn, all for shock value. On the other hand, if it's written well it can be quite enjoyable. I think women write it because men's "porn" is not interesting or exciting. It's all about what men like (supposedly) and women are different.

Belle Wong said...

Alex, you are so funny! Your take on how you would write a sex scene cracked me up.

ediFanoB said...

I watched all X-Men movies so far and I like some of the characters.

Unknown said...

Dear Alex,
Thanks for reading and thoroughly understanding my poem about the letter 'Y'.
You are, once again, First Commenter and get an extra link back here.
Best wishes,

Lisa said...

I'm enjoying the music, thank you Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lisa, women are more about the feeling and we are more about the visuals when it comes to sex. Maybe that's why we aren't as good writing it.

Belle, I am here for your amusement!

Anna, thanks - I've just been timing it well.

Tara Tyler said...

finally getting over here! this challenge has kicked my bootay!

so looking back thru your week,
yay for movies! Serenity!! and V! and cant wait for next Xmen! you going to see Epic?
all your blogger highlights are wonderful & i'm glad to know them too!
thx for info on upcoming blogfests.
and for passing the award on to Lee, great choice!
2 days to go!

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Love the X-men movies, and I have fun getting sidetracked by Wolverine, too :) Pretty good sex scene, too!

Donna K. Weaver said...

I love your sex scene, Alex. Yeah.

Brian Cox (Stryker) is one of those actors that you can really hate or really love (RED).

Rachna Chhabria said...

No interest in writing erotica. I just can't imagine you writing it either.

dolorah said...

LOL; I enjoy writing erotica, but you knew I would.

I agree X2 was the best so far. Haven't seen Rise yet, but I did get to see Oblivion last weekend. Awesome movie, and one of the few I liked a happily ever after ending.

I was just watching Rush on UTube today.


Unknown said...

My kids loved Legend of the Guardians. As for me, ehh, it was alright.
As for erotica - I can't read it, it makes me laugh most of the time with the over the top drama. Can't write it because it just seems to fake what people expect in these types of novels

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. another book for me to read is here - Joylene's Dead Witness ...

Thanks for highlighting all the good works others are doing .. cheers Hilary

S. L. Hennessy said...

X2 was my favorite of the original X-Men trilogy. I love the scene when they break into the school.

Birgit said...

I love the x men series and I agree-the 2nd one I like the best as well. You cracked me up writing erotica. You're right-why write about it when one can take action (as long as no trapeze, flying objects or cirque-d'soliel moves are invloved):)

Unknown said...

I wanted to see Rise of the Guardians; but if it feels long at 90 mins, I'll wait until it hits the bargain bin.

kjmckendry said...

So funny Alex! I've never written erotica either, even if I could write it, I think I'd be too embarrassed to ever let anyone else read it. :)

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

I've been wanting to see Rise of the Guardians with my kids. I'll have to check it out. :)

Unknown said...

Joylene is a terrific writer and I love her blog.

Richard's little take on erotica was too simplistic and narrow-minded. He would be shocked at the sheer number of men who write erotica under a woman's name. I think you would too. LOL

Anonymous said...

X-2 was SO epic when it came out, especially Nightcrawler's first scene. I love all 3 movies.

I was always very interested in sex scenes. I'm not sure why. lol I write them and ask for forgiveness later. ;) I've even written them from a guy's POV, which was a challenge, but anyway, I've seen guys write good scenes. Not full out erotica, though. I probably won't ever venture into reading it.

Unknown said...

Just wanted to let you know that Richard responded to my comment on his blog and it was very thoughtful.

randi lee said...

I agree----X2 was definitely the best of the series (X3 jumped the shark imo.) I did like that origins know...with all the teenagers...title is slipping my mind right now. Anyway, I loved JG's progression in 2.

Kristen said...

I love the X-Mens, and X2 was the best. You're totally right.

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: