In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!
The Princess Bride
This film is just about as close to a perfect movie as one can get. It has a good heart, great comedy, and a genuine spirit. This movie will have you smiling from beginning to end – and quoting the awesome lines for years to come!
Buttercup is the princess-to-be who still believes in true love. She is the gentle spirit that captivates the heart of those who come in contact with her. Innocent but knowing, Buttercup seeks truth, fairness, and her chance for happily-ever-after.
Who is Buttercup?
She not only possesses Buttercup’s spirit, she even looks a little like her! Kimberly is a believer in everyone she encounters. A seeker of truth and knowledge, she desires the happily-ever-after for everyone.
Kimberly is a writer, a teacher, and a mother.
To you I dedicate Passion by Stream of Passion. (Title leads to YouTube,)
Because passion is what you possess!
Trivia and Facts:
Did you know there was a real Dread Pirate Roberts, also known as Black Bart, who is reckoned by many to be the greatest pirate ever?
Who wrote both the novel and the screenplay for The Princess Bride?
O’s trivia answers – Annalisa Crawford lives in Cornwall, UK, and Orgy’s first hit was a cover of New Order’s Blue Monday.
Ninja News
Julie Musil walks you through the steps to setting up an author Facebook page.
Roland Yeoman’s book, The Legend of Victor Standish, will be released as an audio book this summer! That is so cool – congratulations, Roland!
My awesome co-hosts for the May 1 posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group will be Lynda Young, Mark Koopmans, and Rachna Chhabria! Thanks to all of you who offered – I will be getting back to you guys in the coming months.
Can you rattle off Princess Bride Quotes? Following Kimberly? Fan of Stream of Passion? (You now know they are a Dutch prog rock band.) Know the trivia? Do you have an author Facebook page? And are you still having fun with the Challenge? I may break the clone machine by the time it’s over…
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Life isn't fair, it's just fairer than death. Without looking it up, pretty sure that's a princess bride quote
Yay! One of my all time favorite movies. I don't think any other movie has as many quotable, memorable lines as that one. Simply Sarah
I've never really been a huge Princess Bride fan, but I think that's mostly related to my dislike of Elwes.
LG Keltner nailed it!
One of my fave movies of all time. :) "Have fun storming the castle!" I've lost count the number of times I've watched it.
I love the Princess Bride! We share another pick for today! (as soon as I can write up today's post and post it, at least, lol, but PB was my obvious choice). It was written by William Goldman and I prefered the movie.
I thought Captain Jack Sparrow was the greatest pirate of all time...
Have fun storming the castle!
According to Peter Falk, it was S. Morgenstern. According to the book itself, William Goldman.
I think the Princess Bride is a smiley film I need to see. I could do with a film like that, that is going to make me smile all the way through it!
Going over to Julie blog to look at the Facebook page thingy. - Can't you tell I'm tired!
In The Princess Bride, I enjoyed the beginning of the movie when Buttercup would boss around Westley and he'd just keep saying, "As you wish."
Fantastic film. I really need to upgrade my copy from VHS!!! (Although I say this every time you mention The Princess Bride, and I haven't done it yet!)
The Princess Bride is one the favourite movie of my 5 years old daughter.
Kimberly is Super-Duper Awesome!
I must be the only person alive who hasn't seen this film! Well, I'll just have to read the book then...
Writer In Transit
Yes, Princess Bride is one of my all-time favorites, after Blade Runner of course!
I've never seen the movie, nor have I met Kimberly. I know, I must be living in cave, huh? I don't know the trivia either, but for some reason, I thought it was a Rob Reiner film. No author page but I do gave 2 FB profiles, personal & author. Pages are too restrictive. I'm barely keeping up with the Challenge. I'll make it though. I hope!
"I don't think that word means what you think it means."
The Challenge has been great so far. I'm so inspired by all the cool bloggers.
A good choice for your theme for the challenge, also what you said about Kimberly was very touching. Great blog again.
The Princess Pride was a fun movie. It's been so long that I'll have to see it again. It's also been a long time since I've seen Kimberly, so I'll head over there.
"As You Wish" was the first to come to mind, but my favorite: "That's right. When I was your age, television was called books."
Another favorite: "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while."
Yes, I also love this movie. What a wonderful compliment to Kimberly.
The Princess Bride is a great movie. Best of luck IWSG and you know I'm in for your blogfest.
Just finished Victor Standish Must Die! I love Roland's books, they are so different!
The Princess Bride is a nice movie!
Princess Bride is a lovely movie. Kimberly sounds like a blog buddy that I must befriend immediately. Yes, I have an Author Facebook Page. Started it a few months back.
The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies.
I need to ponder my next IWSG post.
Andrew, what a shame.
Lynda, we both have great taste. And you are correct.
MJ, funny!
Tony, the book wins.
Annalisa, you still have VHS? You need to upgrade!
Nancy, you have to watch it!! And Reiner did direct it.
Carolyn, it's a great book.
Cant wait to watch the Princess Bride .. I'm following you now, via the challenge! See ya soon on
Loved The Princess Bride. And glad you picked Kimberly. Really like her blog.
Love, love, love The Princess Bride.
As much as I am a Movie Buff I have never seen Princess Bride, I know, something is terribly wrong with that statement. Lucy from Lucy's Reality
That is a great movie! I wanted to watch it over and over when I first saw it.
great choices, Alex! loved "the princess bride"
I didn't know that about the pirate. However, I do love the movie The Princess Bride. I've seen it hundreds of times (okay, so maybe that's an exaggeration, but lots).
Yes, I do have an author Facebook page. It's handy for putting up links to my work (especially free reads) and sharing stuff between blog posts.
Stop that rhyming now I mean it!
Anybody want a peanut?
I think Kimberly is awesome! Nice choice for P.
I have two author FB pages because of my "secret identity" I had for a while. I'm trying to get it down to one, cuz boy, keeping it all up to date is exhausting!
I loved The Princess Bride written by William Goldman.The movie introduced Robin Wright who later marries Sean Penn, after his Madonna fiasco. Buttercup was a farm girl sent to marry the prince but was in love with a farm boy named Wesley aka the Dread Pirate Roberts.
I love Princess Bride!
"You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means."- Inigo Montoya
Congrats to Kimberly on being Buttercup!
I enjoyed Princess Bride though I can not quote lines from it. Should probably watch it again soon for a refresher.
Congrats to Roland on that audiobook release! Woot!!
I'm afraid I've had a more difficult time with the challenge this year. I'm going to take a blogging break when it is over. :)
I can quote the entire movie...on my top ten list. The one we use the most, when someone is feeling a bit scared or apprehensive about something is, "She does not get eaten by the eels at this time."
Great choice, and will of course go visit your buddy.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
Cassie, I can imagine!
JL, you are correct.
J. Keith: it is a Princess Bride quote... but it's in the book, not the movie :) it has been quoted and attributed to the movie in other shows/movies, (e.g. Stargate Atlantis) which I find humorous.
This is my favorite movie of all time. (The book is fabulous, too) I can quote every bit of it, and often quote it when conversing with others. When I watch it, I have to watch it by myself, because I drive everyone around me crazy as I say the lines with the characters! ha. Oh well. I restrain myself when watching it with people who've never seen it before.
Ah... Princess Bride... I have the sudden urge to go rewatch it for the... hmm... 700th time? (I have no idea, I've seen it far more times than I can keep track of)
Happy A-Z!
I did not know there was a real Dread Pirate Roberts.
I did know the novel/screenplay were written by William Goldman.
I have a facebook author page.
I am having a BLAST with the challenge :)
Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
Such a great movie. :)
I can recite the entire movie. Totally serious. One of my roommates in college about 25 minutes into it told me to SHUT. UP. I can see how that would be annoying.
'Buttercup lived on a small farm ...'
Also, did the dread Pirate Roberts have a cameo in 'The Christmas Story?'
As usual, there are lots of people and things I didn't know about here. Off to see Julie's page. Thanks, Alex.
I have a friend who always says "mawwied" instead of married because of The Princess Bride. Such a great movie. Kimberly must be pretty awesome if she's like Buttercup :) And I'm still having fun with the challenge, but struggling with the last three installments of my story. My Z post might be pretty long...
Another movie I have seen. We do meet in a few places.
Sorry your clones are feeling overworked, no wonder you need assistance from Pancholin et al.
YOU are the ultimate Ninja with your army of clones, lol
Oh, what a sweet post~ I don't know Buttercup. I mean Kimberely-off to me her now~
Thanks Alex
Congrats to Roland!
I can't name a single quote from the movie. I have not seen it in ages. I must rectify that!
princess bride is that film that has all elements to make it a great film.... i don't even remember why it was not as successful in the first release... all i can say is... have fun storming the castle.
Hi, Kimberly!
I keep meaning to watch Princess Bride again. Haven't done that yet but people keep bringing it up. :)
Don't break the clone machine!
Princess Bride is definitely one of the most quotable movies ever. I'm not familiar with Kimberly's blog, at least I don't think I am. My mind is so scattered at this point in the challenge that I'm not 100% sure! Another one to check out.
I did not know there was a real Dread Pirate Roberts!
William Goldman is the author I believe and of course I can rattle of quotes from the movie at will!
I love that movie.
"As you wish..."
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
Great choice, Alex!
Kimberly sounds like a perfect choice!
This is my husband's favorite movie. I just don't get it. I mean I like it too, but I just don't get why this is a guy's movie. And it is; just ask any of them, they can list of quotes like nobody's business.
No quotes from me, I've only seen PB once. It's a good one though.
"We are men of action, lies do not become us."
Such a fantastic movie.
Looking forward to checking out Kimberly's blog!
I know people who speak in Princess bride quotes. They'll pause and expect me to say, Princess Bride!" Sigh. Sometimes I'll reply, "It’s possible. I kill a lot of people?" hahaha.
Hi, Alex,
Yes, Kimberly is a sweetheart. She lives in Chicago, but we've never met.
So far, still keeping up. Glad everyone is till enjoying the intros and are still excited by them. Keeping them all FRESH and DIFFERENT is not easy, but I am giving it my all. Still have two more to go. Not too bad really since we are only on P...
My daughter was once obsessed with The Princess Bride. I haven't watched it in years for that reason!
We can only hope to write a property that hits home as deep as Princess Bride. Goldman really worked magic on that project, both in his novel and screenplay.
John at The Bathroom Monologues
Princess Bride is such a favorite with everyone. Love it. :)
Heehehehe... Love Princess Bride! I must say, reading through the comments on this post with all the random movie quotes was a lot of fun!
We all quote Princess Bride. I introduced my kiddos to it last year. It should be like a rite of passage or something.
Take care!
"No more rhymes now, I mean it."
"Anybody want a peanut?"
And I agree, there is a resemblance between Kimberly and Buttercup.
I don't have an author facebook page, but I do have a normal author fb account. (:
Best. Movie. Ever. EVER.
Anybody want a peanut?
I don't think there's a person alive who doesn't like the Princess Bride (aside from the people who are too young to have seen it).
Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies, and all of my favorite quotes are from Inigo, my personal favorite of course being, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." I've recited that quote as a writer so many times...
You mean there was a real Westley out there somewhere? *flails*
"Have fun storming the castle, boys!"
"I know something you don't know. I'm not left-handed." (as a left-hander, I just thought it was cool that they learned to fence with both hands)
Princess Bride rocks! Hooray for Kimberly!
A to Z is awesome, and yet, I've been getting weary. I'm not a ninja visitor.
This post is 'inconthevable!!'
Great pick and awesome movie :)
L.G. got my quote. That's the only one I can rattle off. I do have a profile page and, like an idiot, I also have three book pages. Two are not my fault. My publisher set them up, then with a smile said, "You take care of them!"
I'll pop into the Best/Worst Movie Remake Blogfest to say hi.
My best friend, Sandra, and I used to have quote duels from THE PRINCESS BRIDE - one starting it, the other finishing it. :-)
Thanks for the mention of my audio book!!
I can't quote things from the Princess Bride other than the stuff everyone quotes, which is "Inconceivable!" and "Bow to the queen of putrescence!"
Congratulations on Roland for getting his book into audio format :)
I'm not really a market for humorous movies. I seldom watch them. I simply ignored the Princess Bride for a long time before my wife was watching it and I set down to watch it with her. I found it hilarious and wonderfully done and am glad I got a chance to see it. One of my favorite humorous movies
That's a lovely comparison, Alex. You truly are a sweet guy.
I only put if on my Netflix queue now. Thanks for the recommendation. -Belinda.
I've watched it so many times that when hubby lets me pick a movie, he usually says to pick something else because we've watched it so many times together already.
Believe we missed the Princess Bride, but will have to go back and see it upon your recommendation. Thanks!
Life & Faith in Caneyhead
Oh, I know so many quotes and I even am pretty sure it was Rob Reiner who wrote the screenplay for The Bride.
It's wonderful that Kimberly can be some positive. That's a great way to be Alex.
Jenelle and Leanne, I'll have to look for the mention on Stargate Atlantis! And you are correct.
Suze, we should get together and annoy folks.
Jo, you saw my comment at Al's place!
Jeremy, that's odd it didn't do well when release. I went to see it though.
Julie, I know the feeling.
Melanie, can't explain why.
Michael, you should meet her sometime.
John, yes he did.
Lee, that was nice of them.
Charles, sometimes you just have to give a movie a chance.
Princess Bride - what a movie! I quote it all the time and love it when people get what I'm doing.
I've never seen Princess Bride. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I really am clueless about even many well-known modern movies.
I don't have a writer Facebook page since I'm not published yet, but I do have two pages for books. They're kind of like collages, featuring stuff like resources I used for historical research and songs that inspired chapter titles.
The Princess Bride is also a fine book (written by William Goldman). The book goes into greater detail, especially the Pit of Despair. It really is despairing in there with massive animals caged up. Humperdink set them free and the hunts them. He is pretty much a creepy man, far more than is captured in the film.
I like the parts where Fezzik and Inigo Montoya rhyme up a storm and it drives Vizzini crazy. haha
Inconceivable! Naturally it had to be Princess Bride. What a classic!
Well, I think you know by now that I adore The Princess Bride. That movie is awesome. Love it love it love it. And I can almost think of the author, but it is just off my tongue. Gah.
I did check out the Art of Infiltration. I like her blog. I have been trying to do more YA reading in the last couple years, since it has become such a HUGE thing. So, I did know what she was talking about with today's post since I have read that series. Maybe by following I will know the best of what to read and not read... yay!
I never saw The Princess Bride...another one that I always have meant to rent and never seem to remember to do so....
A quote from The Princess Bride?
I'm so flattered and touched I don't know what to say. The Princess Bride is my favorite movie of all times and your compliment was the loveliest thing I've ever read. Thank you Alex so, so much.
I'm speechless - and I'm never speechless. ;)
Princess Bride is a great movie!
"No more rhymes now I mean it."
"Anybody want a peanut?"
First I thought you made a mistake when I read the name Black Bart. Bart is the German word for beard.
Then I googled Black Bart and found a Wikipedia entry.
Bartholomew Robertson born on 17th of May 1682 as John Roberts in Wales and died at the age of 39 on 10th February 1722).
I ADORE the Princess Bride. It's one of favorite films, and a good book, too. This is also actually the second post today that I've seen about it. Humorous. :)
Susan, sorry!
Julia, I've read the book, and it was great.
Kimberly, you are most welcome! Don't go speechless in front of your class though.
Edi, I did try to get my facts right. But funny that Bart means beard in German.
Yay!!! Congrats, Roland. :)
Great movie choice! :) I have not met Kimberly yet- will head on over and say hi! :) Thanks for introducing her. I do have a facebook author page but found it is hard to use and not very effective. I like google plus better. And as for the challenge- loving it. I have met some amazing new people and am having so much fun commenting. I wrote and pre-scheduled all my posts by the end of March and it made it for an easy ride. I've actually had more time to write this month! :)I'm sad that everyone is feeling overwhelmed.
I didn't know there was an actual Dread Pirate Roberts. I thought it was made up. I really enjoyed that movie very much. It made me laugh and everything that makes me laugh deserves honorific mention in my standards.
That song Passion is nice. I think it is possible you may influence my new age preferences with your rocky tastes at least a bit.
You break the clon machine? Man! I've just received proof that many have dwarves might have gone MIA and I suspect the list keeps growing. I'm already searching for a Dwarf Outsourcing Company, just in case.
I thought it a bit cheesy in parts but at least it broke with tradition
Will ck out Kimberly - thanks
How is your happily ever after from A to Z???
Hope it's going well
Congrats to Kimberly and Roland!
Oh, Alex. You don't know what you've started.
"Anybody want a peanut."
"Have fun storming the castle."
"Humiliations galore."
"I do not think it means what you think it means."
"Hello, My name is Indigo Montoya . . ." you know the rest.
Love this movie.
Lovely movie, and Kimberley is a lovely choice too. She exudes everything that Buttercup is, doesn't she?
Hey Alex,
I've never seen the Princess Bride. Only the one that lives in my magical garden.
I shall check out Kimberley.
I shall be glad when the A to Z is over. I rather hope this is the last year of it. Personally, I think a month of having so many of my blogging friends committed to this, is just too much. Yes, the irony is my alternative. Be well, my friend.
I love this excellent song, Passion is very appropriate!
I used to be able to quote half the Princess Bride! Great film, and great tribute today. Make sure you save the blueprints for the clone machine!
The Princess Bride is such a sweet movie. I adored Fezzik.
All signed up for the blogfest.
Yes. I know that movie by heart!
I am still having fun with the challenge but I'm behind on pre-scheduling my posts.
I follow Kimberly! I agree she's passionate! Awesome choice, Alex! :)
Love the Princess Bride. It's a classic.
Rats of unusual size? I don't believe they exist.
One of my favorite movies is the 80s. I loved the game of thrones/ princess bride mash up on YouTube. Brilliant!
I LOVE the Princess Bride! Every time my husband or son leave the house to go do something, I tell them, 'Have fun stormin' the castle!'
Oh and thanks for suggesting 'Bloglovin' on an earlier post. I love it and it's helped me get back on track with blogs I'm following! Woot!
I'm pretty annoying when this movie is on. I know almost all the dialog by heart. I'm such a nerd.
Finally a movie I've seen! I wonder when I should show it to my own Alex.
What's this about a clone machine?
Never heard of the Princess Bride.
Well, I am two for two on trivia. Don't know nothing about this one though.
Cool idea for your posts. Sorry I haven't had time to stop by until now.
Princess Bride really is a perfect movie. I watched it so much as a kid I can quote whole scenes cold.
Anything with Andre the Giant is worth seeing.
The Princess Bride sounds interesting.
Rebecca, you were smart!
Al, you might need that. Glad my tastes in music are influencing you!
Gary, I don't see an end in sight...
Rusty, I haven't seen that!
Mel, glad you are enjoying it.
Sandra, your son is Alex?
Oh yeah! Everyone in my family can pretty much quote every line in that film by heart. At any given time. Definitely a classic! :D
Oo, another good call! :) And congratulations to Roland. That's fantastic!
"I do not think that means what you think it means."
I'm still having a lot of fun with the Challenge!
A classic. And definitely so quotable!
Allison (Geek Banter)
I love The Princess Bride - so much so that I have a whole scene in my novel dedicated to reenacting one of the scenes from the movie. "Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a while." I did not know there was a real Dread Pirate Roberts though - very interesting.
I read the novel by William Goldman way back when, but it was one of those rare instances where I like the movie sooooo much better.
Hope you’re not feeling too stressed by the A to Z Challenge,
The Cliffs of Insanity. You just have to laugh. And whenever I see any kind of furry animal it's a rodent of unusual size (ROUS). Kimberly sounds really sweet and I'm off to go follow her now.
Princess Bride! So flippin' hilarious.
I love the Princess Bride... definitely one of the best movies ever.
Just wanted to drop by and say how-ya-do! I'm sorry I haven't been a presence in this A to Z - but you know what my life is like... still, I can't tell you how it warms my heart to see your comments when I do write. You're such a giving person, Alex. A real bright star in the blogging world.
I love the Princess Bride, and by the way the fencing scenes are famous among fencers 'cause they're very good and were choreographed by an expert fencer. And that's on top of the deliciously witty dialogue.
My girl loves The Princess Bride. I'm going to check out the steps for an author Facebook page so I'm ready when I need one. Thanks!
I absolutely love the Princess Bride! Great choice for a movie, Alex. Looking forward to getting to know Kimberly too:)
Golden, good!
Jocelyn, I like the movie just a little bit more as well.
Cathy, thank you! I'm just glad things are going well for you.
I don't have an Author page on Facebook yet, but I might decide to do that if/when I get published again.
Now I get it! We are very different in our interests and outlooks, and yet, I've always felt a connection to you, Alex. This is it! The absolute LOVE of Princess Bride is a perfect movie! "Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die!" "Anybody want a peanut?" "He's only mostly dead!" Hooray! You just made my day!
"as a movie." Sorry!
What a great movie! Loved the fencing scenes, Dread Pirate Roberts. Buttercup? Eeer--once married to Penn...
Toooo blaave...As you wish...never---a Sicilian when there is death on the line...My name is Indigo Montoyo and you're going to die...
The Princess Bride was a great one, and yeah the rhyme by Andre was sure fun.
Oh and yep the pirate thing I knew, plus one for my zoo haha
Liza, that is cool!!!
I absolutely will watch that movie, yes I admit it to you and everyone on here. I have never seen The Princess Bride. But not for long my friend, not for long!
Willian Goldman wrote the Princess Bride, which I have read countless times since I was a kid, and which I have seen countless times since I was a kid. He wrote so many great books, and even more screenplays, that I believe he should be honored at the Oscars. I know he wrote The Marathon Man, and I am pretty sure he wrote Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. He has a talent for twists which are uncontrived and always cool! The Princess Bride is my whole family's favorite movie.
Have fun storming the castle!
Jean Yates PS: if you like, I would love to review your book. I am a top Amazon reviewer. I would be honored. "Book" is my other, other, other middle name.
It would be 'inconceivable' to not know at least a few BP quotes.
Alex, you and the rest of the A-Zers are rockin' this challenge. Keep it up! Thanks so much for the mention :)
Stop it, I mean it!
Anybody want a peanut?
Hey Fezzik, are there rocks ahead?
If there are, we all be dead!
I LOVE that movie! :) Great choice of movie and person!
Jean, correct! And thanks.
Julie, you're welcome.
haha, Jenelle Leanne is one person :) I can see how that would be confusing.
I've heard of the Princess Bride movie, but have never seen it. Can't give you any quotes from the movie.
"I don't think that word means what you think it means..."
Yes, having fun in the challenge, yes have an author's page on FB, yes signed up for the giveaway, and LOVE the soundtrack to Princess Bride, done by Dire Strait's Mark Knopfler. I have the book, movie, soundtrack and watch it at least once a year. My children can quote it even better than I can.
My best friend actually named his dog Enigo Montoya! I can't blink at that, though. I named my dog Kingsley Zissou, after a character in The Life Aquatic.
The Princess Bride is definitely a classic, and has a permanent spot on my faves shelf. :)
Hi Alex .. so pleased about Roland's audio book release - I'm looking forward to it ..
Cheers Hilary
MAWWAGE! of my favorites!
Inconceivable! I'm loving your A to Z series, Alex. So nice to meet all these bloggers, some of whom are new to me.
You keep using that word... I don't think you know what it means...
I can't decide which one I prefer - the book or the movie!
Great movie-Love Peter Cook in that film. Andre the gentle Giant was quite good in this film and glad he was in it.
Who doesn't love this movie? It's of course another one of the best movies ever made. I also love the fact that Mandy Patinkin was in it. He looks so different now, but I loved him in Alien Nation and Criminal Minds!
#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
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