Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A to Z Challenge - Ocean’s Eleven and Opticon by Orgy, plus Great Themes, Defiance, and Book Trailer

My theme for the A to Z Challenge is Favorite Movies, Bloggers, and Music! I’ll name a favorite movie that corresponds with the letter, and then select a character from the film. I will then name a favorite blogger who reminds me of that character, and then dedicate a song to him. (Also corresponding with the alphabet.) I’ll wrap it all up with trivia and/or fun facts about the movie, the blogger, or the music!

In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!

Ocean’s Eleven

It’s the ultimate caper movie. (As are both sequels.) Ensemble casts sometimes fall flat, but not here. The actors are on top of their game and the direction is sharp. This film is both classy and fun.

Rusty Ryan is Danny Ocean’s best friend. He’s clever, sly, and very witty. He’s calculating and confident as he works the steps of the plan, and Rusty makes it look easy.

Who is Rusty Ryan?

Annalisa Crawford!

She exhibits poise and confidence as she moves down the author trail. Annalisa possesses the perfect balance and is always taking action. It may not be easy, but she leads the way with such style and grace that we believe we can do the same.

Annalisa Crawford is the author of The Cat and the Dreamer and That Sadie Thing.

To you I dedicate Opticon by Orgy. (Song title leads to YouTube)

“Let’s fake it for all the fame, They’ll think delivering it was easy…” You don’t need to fake it though, Annalisa!

Trivia and Facts:

Where does Annalisa live?

Orgy’s first hit was a cover of this New Order song – name it.

N’s trivia answer – Near Dark was the last movie produced by DEG (DeLaurentis Entertainment Group)

Great Challenge Themes!

Diane at Spunk on a Stick’s Tips has been offering great publishing and promoting tips from her book.

Gillian at A Daft Scots Lass is providing (humorous) definitions for Scottish terms, plus highlighting an awesome place in Scotland.

Joy Campbell at The Character Depot has been giving blog tour tips.

Jay Noel is giving us a trip down memory lane – all thing s80’s.

JA Bennett has been offering up some awesome blogging tips.

And Leovi is blogging the most amazing abstract photos you will ever see.


Defiance debuted on SyFy Monday night and I sacrificed sleep to see the two hour premier. (11:00 pm is WAY past my bedtime!)

It was good!

I went into this series with high hopes. The creator is Rockne S. Bannon, the man behind Farscape. That series was so incredibly original and fresh, and I’d hoped he’d bring his genius to Defiance. I was not disappointed.

After so many failed attempts at a successful science fiction series, I think SyFy has finally scored a big one. Not once did I think that what a character was doing was stupid, nor was any of it over-the-top melodramatic. The storyline was great (hints of Road Warrior, but that’s all right), the alien creatures unique but realistic, and the special effects really damn impressive. The interesting mix of characters guarantees something new every week.

All right, SyFy – don’t mess it up now!!

Book Trailer News

I received word from my publisher that they are working on a trailer for CassaStorm. It will be shorter than the others, but with a voice over similar to CassaFire.

And since I can’t share the video with you just yet, here is the animated book trailer for CassaFire:

Fan of The Ocean’s Eleven series? Following the awesome Annalisa? Remember the band Orgy? Know the trivia? Keeping up with those awesome themes? Did you watch Defiance? And I’m stoked to see the next book trailer – think it will top the one for CassaFire?


Cynthia said...

I love Ocean's 11- it's one of those movies where I find myself really enjoying rooting for the underdog.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm so looking forward to Defiance. I hope it's good--despite your top review I'm worried because it's on late. There isn't enough new scfi on tv at the moment.

Carrie Butler said...

Hooray for Annalisa! :)

RaveAir said...

I hope Defiance worth a try. Maybe the SyFy will back to the old road, and start screening new sci-fi series again? It would be good.

Nancy Thompson said...

I wouldn't mind being compared to Bead Pitt in any way. Yay for Annalisa! Can't wait to see the newest trailer. Squeeee!!!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I look forward to seeing Annalisa. I'm also excited about your upcoming trailer!


Unknown said...

I am looking forward to watching Defiance, sounds great!

Cant wait to watch the CassaStorm video, I am sure it will be good.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I follow Annalisa.

I actually didn't enjoy that movie. There were some noisy kids in the audience and I couldn't focus on it.

Nick Wilford said...

Annalisa is a great pick! And thank you for mentioning a movie that I've seen and love. :)

She's from Devon, England, I believe. I'll take a stab at the song and say Blue Monday.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm going to check out Defiance!!

J.L. Murphey said...

Great picks. I love all the Oceans. Your video looks cool.

Anonymous said...

Excellent trailer really enjoyed it.
Also another good choice of follower/music. Very popular theme.I see she lives at Devon UK....the next county to where I live so will look her up.


Unknown said...

Lots of great sounding themes. I'm going to have to go and check some of them out when I have a moment.

baygirl32 said...

Oooo new trailer!

Annalisa Crawford said...

What a lovely surprise to see my name up there today, thank you Alex! The song is great.

The only New Order song I know is Blue Monday, and it's usually the answer because I think it's the only song anyone knows!

Brinda said...

Love Ocean's Eleven! I could watch that movie again.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Love Ocean's Eleven! Great book trailer too - I hadn't seen it! Very cool. ;)

Natalie Aguirre said...

We love Ocean Eleven at our house. My husband and daughter have watched it many times.

And I'll have to check out Defiance if I can get a bit more TV time in. It's hard because I have so many books to read for my blog.

mooderino said...

I liked Farscape, might give Defiance a go. Sounds like it has potential.

Moody Writing

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Ocean's 11 is a great movie!

Wow, those are some great themes. I'm in awe that y'all are able to blog on themes with this challenge (and keep up with visiting others, too!)

kjmckendry said...

I enjoyed the Ocean's 11, haven't seen the other ones. Annalisa is a great choice!

Yay for the new trailer coming out! Can't wait to see it.

Old Kitty said...

I say bring back Farscape!!! Yay!! Take care

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congrats ANNALISA!

Congrats on your new trailer .... Your writing life seems to be moving right along.

Can't believe we're half way through another week in the challenge.... and we are still alive.. YAY for that LOL.

Chuck said...

All the Ocean's were enjoyable and the cast really MADE the movies.

Cannot wait for the new trailer AND book. The CassaFire trailer is still good!

Wow! I actually am #25 today.

Tina said...

Been following Annalisa for a while, and she's a regular reader of mine. Great pick! Loved all those movies, though I will have to admit that I do need to watch them again...I don't always stay completely I know I miss important stuff...
I've been telling people about your third book (and of course the first two) and I've got several people who just finished CassaStar and want MORE! My mom for example...who hates sci-fi. "But it's got relationships Tina, that's what makes it good!"
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I made a note of Defiance, have That Sadie Thing on my Kindle app, and been reading Jay's blog, which is a total hoot. :)

Unknown said...

I am loving some of the awesome themes out there. I have met a lot of new people along the way as well.

farawayeyes said...

I liked all of 'The Oceans'.

I know and follow Annalisa.

Don't know Orgy.

Trivia - Ha, ha, ha!

Yes! Let's see that trailer.

Elise Fallson said...

Lots of wonderful bloggers giving great advice/tips about blogging, writing, and publishing. I haven't seen Leovi's site but will check it out. And YAY for Annalisa. Ocean's 11 was such a good movie.

Unknown said...

Will try to get around to the bloggers you highlighted. Another wonderful post!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, I certainly can't stay up to eleven every time.

Zoltan, science fiction on the SyFy channel would be nice.

Medeia, you need to try again.

Nick, very good!

Yvonne, you should if you are so close.

Annalisa, you are welcome! And you are correct.

Thanks, Kimberly.

Elizabeth, I'm trying!

Kitty, that would be cool.

Chuck, you did good today!

Tina, thank you!!! Yes, I've been surprised by how many people who don't like the genre have enjoyed my books.

Stina said...

You know I don't remember if I've seen Ocean 11. I know my hubby rented it, but I can't remember if I watched it with him or wrote instead.

Off to check out the blog tour tips posts. JA has done a great job with her theme.

Stina said...

Joy's link isn't working for me. :(

M.J. Fifield said...

I loved the first and third Ocean's movie. The second one mostly made me tired.

And I can't believe I missed Defiance's premiere. I totally meant to watch it!

Laura Eno said...

If Defiance makes it to cult hit status I'll end up owning the DVDs in a few years after not watching it while I could. Keep me posted. ;)

Congrats to Annalisa!

Never seen Ocean 11...naturally.

I'm looking forward to your new trailer!

Rusty Carl said...

I powered through Defiance. I liked it enough to want to watch another episode but I was a bit... I don't know... I just felt like it was a bit paint by numbers. The FX were amazing sometimes and horrid in others. One scene in particular might have had the worst CG I've ever witnessed in any movie or tv show.

Jennie Bennett said...

I LOVE Annalisa! I totally would have picked her too :) said...

Annalisa is a stellar lady who's down-to-earth nice. Thanks for highlighting a few blog themes. I'll be making visits. Your trailers keep getting better, so I think the next one will top CF's.

PS Sorry about my posts. I knew when you weren't at my blog that the problem continues. Frustrating!

Angela Brown said...

Definite Ocean's Eleven fan here. Really liked each movie.

So SyFy has a new series. I'll have to wait and check it out when it makes it to Netflix :-)

I've seen Annalisa's name before but haven't had a chance to make her a blog stop. Seems I'll need to rectify that.

Luanne G. Smith said...

I missed Defiance. Like you said, I was afraid of disappointment so I decided to let the rest of you suffer through it first and give a report. Heh. Glad to know it's safe to watch. :P

And I love the Ocean 11 remakes. Fun movies.

Shell Flower said...

Great tribute to Annalisa. I cheated and googled the song, because I adore New Order and have since high school. Nick was right. Blue Monday. What a great band. Good luck with the new trailer! I'm going to check out that 80's A-Z, too.

Al Diaz said...

Already following Annalisa.
I liked Ocean 11 so much I thought on forming Dragon 11. I could form Dragon 151 with the dwarves but I would prefer actually bright individuals.
I think the trailers of your books are great, honestly. I wonder what does it feel to see your characters animated like that. It must be incredible.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stina, I will fix that.

MJ, hopefully you can catch it.

Robyn, maybe you should email me right before you post!

LG, safe to watch.

S. L. Hennessy said...

Best con movie ever. Definitely made my list. And I really enjoy Annalisa's blog.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I saw Oceans 11 and can't say I liked it much though. I LOVE George Clooney but not so much Brad Pitt in movies. I feel bad about this since Brad grew up not far from me.

Great news from other bloggers.

Amy Jarecki said...

Lots of good tips today, Alex. You are a blogging icon! Was Orgy's first hit Blue Monday?

Heading over to Annalisa's blog to experience her awesomeness...

Andrew Leon said...

With the track record SyFy has, I'm not holding my breath.

Jo said...

Hey, Alex, I've actually seen the Ocean's 11 movies. I preferred the Sinatra one of course.

What a shame, really thought I had the trivia yesterday. Oh well.


Mark Means said...

I'm going to have to give 'Defiance' a shot as I have heard quite a few good things about it.

Here's hoping 'Sy-Fy' can pull one off :)

Charles Gramlich said...

I only watched the first Ocean's movie. I liked it well enough, but not enough to seek out the others. I guess I'm not the market for a caper movie.

LD Masterson said...

I loved Ocean's 11, both versions. (Hmm, that's a possibility for the Remake blogfest.)

I DVR'd Defiance. Hope to watch it tonight.

Emily R. King said...

Was the Orgy song Blue Monday? I choreographed a dance number to it for my and another high school's dance team. It was awesome! I used to have it on film. I tell ya, when the high school gymn started blasting Orgy through the speakers, I didn't have to fake the grin on my face. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

Looking forward to your trailer! I liked Ocean's Eleven. Congrats to Annalisa.

John Wiswell said...

Wow. That is not the reaction to Defiance I expected, and now I'll have to catch a rerun. Not once was a character being stupid...? On Syfy...?

John at The Bathroom Monologues

Heather M. Gardner said...

So much news!!!

Ocean's 11 was a great remake. Loved Rusty's character and that all he did was eat. All the time. Eat.

Annalisa is way cool and I'm enjoying Diane's posts this challenge as well.


Roland D. Yeomans said...

SyFY has such terrible movies and series, I gave DEFIANCE a pass. But because of you, I may see if it is on HULU or offered by Kindle Fire HD. Have a great day!

Mina Burrows said...

I enjoyed Oceans Eleven.

I'll check on Defiance. Thx.

Unknown said...

Yay for Annalisa-- she's one of my favorites!

Bish Denham said...

I definitely enjoyed Oceans Eleven. But then it had George Clooney in it, who I like a WHOLE lot more than Brad Pitt. But two the two of them in the same movie made for some nice eye candy.

Suze said...

Yay, Annalisa! Lovely words in her honor.

I'm curious to find out the New Order cover and, of course, am also looking forward to the CassaStorm trailer.

Jack said...

Very sadly, I've not seen any of the Ocean's Eleven movies...I should fix that. I've heard they are really good.

Oh! I've heard about Defiance and have considered watching it. I might, since you gave it such a high review...but I have so many other TV shows I'm watching I shall have to think about it. Maybe after I finish Firefly.

Oooo!!! Book trailer!!! Can't wait!!! I shall have to look the others up, I didn't know there were any. (Also, I've been reading book one and LOVING it!)

Julie Flanders said...

Annalisa is awesome. I loved her Cat and the Dreamer book!

No clue on the New Order cover. Bizarre Love Triangle, maybe?

SC Author said...

Yay, book trailer!!!!! Congrats!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I can't wait to see your new book trailer. The one for "Fire" was really well done.

I think SyFy's Defiance is my new addiction for Monday night. I've been incredibly disappointed with Revolution and will not be watching it anymore.

I'm also looking forward to season 3 of Falling Skies, which should be coming out soon.

Also just saw the third trailer for Man of Steel yesterday. I'm so excited! We got MoS, Pacific Rim, Iron Man 3 all this summer. Wow. Just wow.

Leovi said...

Entertaining Ocean's Eleven. Somehow reminds me of The 7 Magnígicos, in this case 11.

Ella said...

Great to visit Annalisa

ooh, new book trailer-NICE!

Oh, I wanna see Defiance-thanks for sharing!

Happy Wednesday Captain :D

cleemckenzie said...

I haven't seen Ocean's Eleven, but I love good caper movies, so this might be one I'll enjoy.

Congrats to Annalisa. The title is fascinating.

Enjoyed the animated trailer for Cassa Fire. You must be so excited to see what they come up with for Cassa Storm.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I forgot to watch Defiance even though I was looking forward to it. I'm going to catch it on demand. Not a big fan of Oceans Eleven but I've seen it.

Arlee Bird said...

I don't remember the group Orgy and like others have said the only New Order song I can think of is "Blue Monday". And I own a few New Order albums! Shows how much I was paying attention.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Tyrean Martinson said...

Hooray for Annalisa!!!
I have been trouble keeping up with A to Z, so some themes yes, and some no . . .
Defiance sounds great! Haven't seen it yet, but I will.

Mary Hill said...

Hi, I love the Ocean movies too. They are so funny and daring.

I will check out those other blogs to.

In the meantime, I have issued a challenge to honor Martin, the little boy who died Monday in the bombing. Read my blog at

to find out more. Please participate if you have the time or stop by and comment your support. Thanks.

Johanna Garth said...

Alex, your creativity at bringing the writing community together, mixing and mingling is so inspiring!

Kittie Howard said...

I love Oceans 11. I'm also a George Clooney fan.

Congrats on the trailer! I'm sure it will stoke the reader's fire!

I'm AWOL because we've begun the first stage for the move to NC.

Unknown said...

Amazing Trailer for CassaFire. I'm all the more intrigued now!
I need to watch the original Ocean's 11. But I do enjoy the remake. It has a phenomenal cast. Love it!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I loved Ocean's Eleven. I like the third much better than the second personallu. I need to see if I can catch a re-airing of the Defiance premiere.

Carrie-Anne said...

I'm so out of the loop when it comes to modern movies.

Congratulations on your trailer!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Amazing trailer!!! That is totally rocking. Heck with watching Defiance. If I had a trailer like that, I'd be watching it over and over until I was blind.

Love Annalisa!! Such a smartie and a sweetie!

Isis Rushdan said...

I've been intrigued by Defiance, but didn't know if I'd be disappointed as well. Glad to know you give it two thumbs up. I'll put it on DVR, right along with everything else so I can watch when my little man is sound asleep.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, Dragon 11 - make it so! And it's really awesome. Wish they were actual movies.

Amy, yes!

LD, yes it is.

Emily, correct! And you rock.

John, hard to imagine, isn't it?

Jack, thank you!

Julie, sorry.

Michael, so many good movies coming...

Lee, I can't wait!

Lee, you still got it though.

Mary, I will.

Kittie, good luck with the move.

Elizabeth, that made me laugh.

SK Anthony said...

I think its Blue Monday? I love it. Ocean's Eleven is a great movie, I love it too

And you know what else I loved? your animated trailer, can't wait for the other version ;)

Intangible Hearts said...

Matt Damon?
I love the way Jay is reminding me of all things 80's. Even things I never knew about. He's the coolest!

ilima said...

I was just watching an episode of Firefly and thinking, hey, this is just like Ocean's Eleven. :) I think Annalisa is from the UK.

Michelle Wallace said...

I've met Annalisa. She's awesome!
I did swing by the links of bloggers mentioned above. Joy's link doesn't work properly.

Writer In Transit

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

I need to check out Defiance!

Robin said...

Congratulations to Annalisa!

Unknown said...

The reason I love Oceans Eleven is because it is the first crime movie I've ever seen where they don't turn on each other.

Your trailer is amazing; can't wait to see the next one.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I love the Opticon song. I can't think of the song they did a cover for. I just listened to that album the other day. Grrrr.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

You are so good at this, Alex. Your choices are brilliant!

Alexandra Heep said...

I know one song by Orgy. I think it's called Blue Monday? With lyrics like "how do I feel." Could that be the trivia answers?

Unknown said...

I am a fan of the Ocean Eleven series and it has nothing to do with the HOT actors... really it doesn't (she keeps telling herself).

mshatch said...

I wish I could've watched Defiance. Glad scifi put out something decent for a change; it's been a while.

VikLit said...

Oceans 11 is AWESOME! Great pick.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SK, correct, and thank you!

Michelle, I'll try to fix it again.

PTM, sorry!

Alexandra, you are correct.

Jenn, not buying it...

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alex! Sorry I haven't been by to visit your blog in awhile. I've never seen Ocean Eleven's series. I have heard of it, just never seen it.

Nicki Elson said...

Bizarre Love Triangle??

A lovely tribute to the hard working & graceful Annalissa!

Livia Peterson said...

I love Annalisa Crawford as well! She's an incredible friend to have! Yep, I definitely follow Annalisa! Good choice, Alex!

I'm loving J.A. Bennett's theme. It's been very helpful!

DiscConnected said...

Ocean's Eleven is a good one....

Suzanne Furness said...

Yay for Annalisa! She lives not all that far from me in the South West of England.

Looking forward to your book trailer, Alex.

Birgit said...

Ocean's 11 is a fun film and I like it better than the original. You can tell they seemd to all have a lot of fun making this film. Have to see Defiance when i can and kudo's to all the bloiggers you mentioned/ Trailer looks great!

David T List said...

Well that would be Blue Monday, of course. Those are great movies by the way.

Gossip_Grl said...

I'm not a fan of it but the hubby likes Oceans! Congrats also to Analissa! The song is fitting! Can't wait to see the release of your new book trailer!

DMS said...

I liked Ocean 11!

Awesome book trailer. Wow!

PK HREZO said...

Love Oceans 11, and of course Rusty Ryan gets me all flustered. lol
Annalisa is awesome. And that new series sounds great. Maybe it'll be on Netflix in a year or two....

Maryannwrites said...

I liked the Ocean's Eleven movies, but have not seen the series. We taped Defiance and hope to watch it this weekend. My husband is a huge sci-fi fan and I usually just go along for the ride. Sometimes, however, I start liking a show. (smile)

Gwen Gardner said...

Annalisa is indeed a wonderful lady!

I've been following Diane and I've been to Joy's - I'll go check out the other ones:)

Jemi Fraser said...

Ocean's 11 is a great movie! I'm glad to hear Defiance is good. I don't think it's been shown here yet but we're often a week or 2 behind.

Leovi said...

Thank you very much Alex for the reference you make of me in your post today. For me it is a great honor and I am very happy. A hug.

Kathe W. said...

Oceans 11!!! love it!
Have a great day!

M Pax said...

I'm a fan of Annalisa's. I loved Cat & The Dreamer.

I stayed up past my bedtime to watch Defiance, too. I'm holding judgement, but was happy to see sci-fi back on TV. I have hope since the Farscape guy is involved with it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicki, not that song.

Suzanne, that's very cool.

David, very good!

PK, I'm sure it will.

Maryann, I hope you both enjoy it.

Leovi, you are welcome! You have the most original theme.

Mary, hoping it follows the same path as Farscape.

Sherry Ellis said...

Oceans Eleven is a fun movie. It looks like there are some pretty good A-Z themes going around in the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...

Yay for another book trailer:-) Love the Ocean Eleven series. Thought it was so funny when you posted the Ship My Pants video yesterday--my hubs and 9yo watch it nonstop!

Golden Eagle said...

I know the first part of the trivia--Annalisa lives in the UK. (Unless you're looking for a specific city . . .)

I might watch Defiance online later. It sounds really good.

Can't wait to see your next trailer!

SpacerGuy said...

Great another sci fi show to get stuck into, I bet Defiance blasts off.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Annalisa! Lots of great blogs participating in the Challenge this year. I watched Defiance too and I liked it. It's original and I'm really in need of a good sci-fi show.

Bob/Sally said...

Ah, such a great band - nice to see them recognized for something other than their Blue Monday cover.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you, Alex.

I love the band Orgy.

Kristen said...

Great choices! Love the movie and song both.

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

Rebecca Green Gasper said...

Hi Alex! :) How are you? I liked Ocean's Eleven and I loved the cast. Very good movie. Will head over to say hi to Annalisa. I didn't see Defiance, but had heard a lot about it and had really wanted to see it...I might have to see if it is on demand or streamed online. Take care and see you tomorrow! Looking forward to your next picks. :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Did I ever mention that I went to Uni with Brad Pitt, even to some of the same parties. Of course he wasn't famous yet, so I only know this from my friends who figured it out. Not related to the fact that I loved Ocean's Eleven. Great picks for today.

Kirsten said...

Definitely Blue Monday! Thanks for the tip on Defiance, and I'll be looking forward to the CassaStorm trailer. :)
I'm off to check out Opticon ...

Li said...

Defiance ran way past my bedtime!

Samantha May said...

I am ashamed to say that I've never seen the Ocean's movies. I know, I know. I'm the worst.

Poor Jay. He is determined to find an 80's reference that I'll understand :P

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, that's funny.

Christine, we do need a good show. Been too many bad ones.

Bob, their first two albums had some great songs.

Rhonda, that's really wild.

Kirsten, you got it.

Chancelet said...

I did love Ocean's 11 - much better than the sequels. And I watched most of Defiance, missed the first 10 mins. Will see the beginning later. I enjoyed it. It was done pretty well. I'll hold my full comments til I see the beginning of the pilot episode. :)

I think I knew the band Orgy. And congrats again on those big plans for your book. Very exciting. Writer’s Mark

Laura Pauling said...

I hadn't heard of Defiance. :) I love caper movies but I haven't seen the Ocean 11 ones in a while to remember if I loved them or not. :)

Maurice Mitchell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Maurice Mitchell said...

I first saw Ocean's Eleven in Vegas Alex , which was perfect. It's a fun movie! I think SyFy has a winner with Defiance

Unknown said...

I love how you introduce the other blogs, Ninja Captain. I love to go and visit them with a bit of knowledge about them. Thanks. God bless, Maria Delight Directed Living

Unknown said...

I LOVE the Ocean's 11 movies. The downfall of watching them is that I always want to go do something illegal afterwards. haha

Rachna Chhabria said...

Love Ocean's Eleven movies. Annalisa is a wonderful choice.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Awww thanx for the shout out, Ninjalex. You're the shizzle!

ediFanoB said...

I hope that Defiance will find the way to German TV.

I look forward to the CassStorM trailer.

Unknown said...

I heard a lot of hype about Defiance, but completely missed the premiere - I'll have to give it a proper look in.

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

klahanie said...


I'm backtracking, can barely keep up with all of you doing the alternate alphabet challenge. I think my challenge is very outnumbered :)

And in Ocean's 12, Julia Roberts, I believe, plays a role pretending to be Julia Roberts.

Annalisa is a superb choice. And I'm linked into her site. We really have to find another word for "follower". It bugs me.

Happy alphabeting,


Anonymous said...

Ocean's 11 is cool! Left a comment for Annalisa too. Best of the rest of the day to you, Alex:)

Patricia Stoltey said...

Darn, I hadn't heard about Defiance. It sounds good.

Unknown said...

I'm very happy that Definace was good. I can't wait to watch it now. Annalisa is an awesome Ocean's woman. I love her.

Love, love the trailer. Congratulations!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. Annalisa lives down west from here in a beautiful part of the world.

Loved your CassaStar - yes I read it .. more anon! I gather CassaFire is better ... so that's in my mental reading list .. delighted to read CassaStorm is well on its way with the videobooktrailer etc ...

Congratulations - cheers Hilary

randi lee said...

I dare admit it...the only Oceans movie I have seen is Oceans Thirteen. I keep meaning to get around to the other two but just haven't had time. Love thirteen though...great flick! I'll get to the others soon :)

Anonymous said...

I tried to test out Defiance with my mom and sister, but they weren't up for it. =\ I need friends. lol

I'll try to catch reruns.

Kristen said...

Great choices! I'm so glad to see "Defiance" on here! I get to write about the first four minutes of the show before it airs each week. I love it!

#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog: