In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Total epic masterpiece. This trilogy was Jackson’s love letter to Tolkien. It is without a doubt the greatest book adaptation ever and set the bar high for future fantasy films.
Eowyn is the niece of King Theoden, and no less a warrior than her brother, Eomer. She’s willing to do whatever she can for her people. Eowyn is tough but with a soft side, and still trying to find her place. She doesn’t realize all she is capable of doing.
Who is Eowyn?
Nancy Thompson!
Nancy is tough – just ask her characters. But her heart is gentle, and she champions those she cares about. You couldn’t ask for a better friend. Like Eowyn, I don’t think she’s aware of her full capabilities yet. When she does – watch out! She possesses all she needs to handle the world.
Nancy is the author of The Mistaken and a very dear friend. Just look at that smile! (And special hello to Jennifer Hillier who is visiting Nancy this weekend.)
To you I dedicate Limelight by Rush.(Song title leads to YouTube video.)
Because you are indeed in the limelight now! “Living in the limelight, the universal dream…”
Trivia and Facts:
Where does Nancy’s son go to college?
Where did Rush form?
K’s trivia answer – Kiss From a Rose is from the movie Batman Forever.
Ninja News, Great Themes, and Cool Stuff
Elizabeth Seckman is posting fun trivia for the Challenge. All of the answers line up with the letter of the day. If you want to test your knowledge, check out her site.
EJ Wesley just released the third book in his series, Dark Prelude, Moonsongs Book 3. Congratulations, EJ! You can purchase the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords
For those of you who delight in the popping of bubble wrap, Carrie Butler posted a link to a site with virtual bubble wrap. Check out Hit Free Games
Big apologies to anyone I skipped this week. I knew I would have to miss a few of my regulars now and then, although I hate doing it. But when a hundred and fifty of my blogger buddies are posting every day, plus my new followers, and I’m trying to return comments, AND visit those in my section of the Challenge list – well, something has to give. I’m trying to spread it around and not miss anything vital. Just not enough clones…
Most of you visit me every day regardless - thanks, my friends!
And, to my new followers – if I have not followed you in return, PLEASE leave a comment! Many of those icons in the Google Friends Connect widget don’t lead to a profile or blog. And I feel bad when I can’t return the follow.
Think LOTR is the greatest trilogy ever? Following the awesome Nancy? Any Rush fans out there? Know the trivia? Anyone else falling behind on their blog visits? Think you can beat Father Dragon Al to comment number one hundred?
Don’t forget – awesome surprise on Monday!!
Of course I follow Nancy. Everyone should!
3 great films! The extended versions are so much better the the normal ones.
I recently ordered the LOTR trilogy for a class my son has to take this fall. It will be a first read for us both.
Jenn @Scribbles From Jenn
I'd read The Hobbit but I didn't see the movie yet. I didn't read the other two books, but I saw the movies for them.
I like the the trilogy but Frodo gets on my tits these days, whining git!
No worries about missing comments sometimes. Even the Ninja has only 24 hours in a day!
Yes!!! Lord of the Rings is THE best book ever written. No movie could ever measure up for me ;)
And a huge yay for Nancy!
I also follow Nancy, and she's a wonderful person. I think her son goes to school in Arizona. Alex, I certainly understand how busy you are writing your detailed posts, and returning your zillions of comments. I come here because it's like reading my morning paper. Not only do you keep us up to date, but I'm glad to call you a friend. Thanks for all you do, and I'll be happy if you stop by after everything finally slows down.
Nancy is a perfect choice, I honestly don't know how you manage replying, are you sure you haven't go any baby nija's helping? still thinking what your surprise is on Monday.
Enjoy your week-end.
Nancy's great. I remember reading her posts a little over a year ago when she was working through the dilemma about her book. But now, look at her! The Mistaken is a success. :) Great choice today, Alex.
And Congratulations to EJ! I'll be helping the folks of W4Ws on Monday to spread the word about his book.
And Elizabeth's AZ posts are a riot! She cracks me up. :D
Nancy is fantastic and so is her book, LOTR is a classic! I think you do a fantastic job getting around the blogosphere like you do so don't feel bad!
I'm pretty sure that everyone will understand when you miss a comment. It is incredible how you manage all the comments and visits and posts and writing and music and job and family life and, and and and and and and ...... It seems that you found a way to extend 24 hours to 240 hours per day.
The Lord of the Rings trilogy belongs to my all time favorites. Fortunately we own the extended dvd version and I don't know how often we watched it.
Now all your followers are speculating about your Monday surprise ....
My guess: you will continue writing books ......
It's great seeing Nancy highlighted here.
I'm slightly behind in commenting back.
I loved Lord of the Rings and it's one of those movie series I have to re-watch every once in awhile.
Nancy is such a sweetie. Glad you spotlighted her.
I'm not doing A-Z but am trying to stop by my blogger friends who are doing it a few times a week. Don't worry if you can't always stop by everyone's blog. You're amazing for what you try to do!
In the advent of stinky part 2s, LOTR is my all time favorite!
The LOTR is one of my favourite trillogies. I was so happy Tom Bombadil wasn't in the films. Peter Jackson did a great job with this the LOTR.
I have high expectations on The hobbit, in spite of I didn't like the book. It's funny and annoying, the local retailer said this is the story of FRODO (and not Bilbo).
Nancy doesn't look old enough to have a son in college!
Even your clones must be needing an energy drink by now, Alex. :)
What a great blogger and a great film trilogy. Have a great weekend, Alex.
I fell behind twice this week so I know the feeling Eowyn is a great character in LOTR. Will check out Nancy and congrats to E.J. LOTR is definitely one of the best trilogies ever. There is also The Matrix.
I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jackson adapted them so well. Seeing the films is really what got me into fantasy :)
The trilogy is amazing !
Congrats E j! All the best with your new book!
Falling behind!? Ha! You're kidding, right? Hello, no wifi! Lol!
I'm luxky I'm posting....
If it wasn't fort iZphone and PATIENCE... I wouldn't be able to wisit anyone!
Don't swear it Alex... You 're managing at SUPER HERO level.... Just ask Mark Means... He's the expert!
Enjoy your weekend!
Nancy is awesome :D
I have fallen behind a bit-my sitcom is to blame, lol.
Congrats to EJ!
I love bubble wrap!
Al is going ninja~
What a nice tribute. And your LOTR selection confirms your fine taste in entertainment.
Lord of the Rings and Limelight...two of my favorites. What a great comparison. I think it's amazing all that you do, but when you mention clones it also makes me wonder if the real you is commenting on my blog. Lol...
No apologies are necessary. Have a great day.
My significant other is a huge Rush fan, and if he were in the room I'd be able to answer that Rush trivia question.
Ray, they are, although I've not had a spare day to watch them all back to back.
Julie, you are correct. And thank you - that means a lot to me.
Yvonne, baby Ninjas? Perish the thought!!!
Edi, I know that is what you hope to hear. Still undecided though.
JL, that part two definitely didn't stink!
Zoltan, he really got that wrong, didn't he?
Michael, Mark is the expert! You need an iPad my friend. Would make visiting and commenting easier.
Cindy, you have great taste! And trust me, it is always me.
Are you kidding me? You're doing great at keeping up, maybe not exactly the way you want, but still great.
Nice tribute to Nancy. LOTR is great, even coming from me who is not necessarily soooo Fantasy/adventure.
Great movies, yes. And no apologies needed. I don't have a 20th of the load you do, and I can't get around either.
Greatest ever and filmed here in New Zealand. Nancy is a great choice and I have only just met her this AtoZ challenge, but have been enjoying following her.
Visiting from AtoZ #41
The LOTR trilogy was an awesome movie achievement and I treasure them. :)
I love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I also loved the comment by Joel Seagal who was the film critic for GMA. He didn't like the second part and he said one good thing was when "Elvish had left the building". I thought it was funny.
Lord of the Rings books AND movies changed my life for sure. I've literally watched all three movies, extended versions, with every set of commentary, more than once. In my dorm room in college, there was rarely anything else on my TV.
Limelight is great. One part or that song reminds me of the scene from "I love you man" where Paul Rudd and Jason Segel are at the Rush concert licking each other's basses. LOL
I don't have nearly as many to reply to and I can't keep up some days!
You know I never finished the Rings Trilogy! I started long ago. Loved the Hobbit, and then got through most of the first book before I stopped. Never picked it up again.
BIG LotR fan -- not a chance The Hobbit will come close, no matter how hard they try to stretch that poor book into three films.
Sorry for not commenting recently, Alex--I'm also helping out with A to Z and I'm a bit over my head, lol. Anyway, LOVE LoTR. Actually, for a spell, I was having trouble sleeping, so every night I'd play The Fellowship and just the sound of the movie would lull me to sleep (and this probably went on for a good six-eight months!) All time favorite? Check!
I was bummed for Tom Bombadil's absence, even though I understand why you'd cut him for streamlining. Still wished he would have visited in the Extended Cuts, which somehow made incredibly long movies even more wonderful. The only thing that keeps me from re-watching them more often is time.
John at The Bathroom Monologues
Nancy is awesome! Great choice!
MJ, he would know!
Rhonda, and I want to visit New Zealand and see all the filming locations.
David, I'm not licking anyone's bass...
Karen, you're right that the follow button is gone.
Randi, that's all right!
Hahaha, I did not deliberately steal the 100. I was just kind of getting delayed in pressing the button. Without staff and people knocking at the door wanting to tell you about God or selling something...I mean, it happens.
And now you just have just made it worse. Why, in the name of the Dragon Ancestors, did you have to give me a link to popping wrap bubbles when dwarves are already committing suicide??? You've doomed me. Okay, I go now. I have to pop some more. :D
"I am no man!" I love that line from Eowyn. A true woman warrior. And yay for Nancy. She deserves all of her success! :)
A few months ago, the local theater here in Lexington, KY played all three LOTR movies back-to-back-to-back in ONE DAY. It was a special promotion. Of course I took advantage of this since I hadn't seen them before. Absolutely EPIC. As far as the greatest trilogy, I still have to go with Star Wars (4-6) but LOTR is a VERY close second.
No need to apologise Alex. I really don't know how you do it!
ooo a surprise! How exciting! Don't worry Alex, we know you're in high demand this month. It's ok if you miss us a few times. But only a few. lol
Eowyn is one of the best characters in LOTR. Tough as nails.
LOTR classic. Follower of Nancy, great lady and excellent song choice. I don't know how you get round as many blogs as you do, Alex. Get out of breath just thinking about it! Enjoy your blogging day of rest tomorrow.
I'll take you off the hook. No need to worry about visiting me every day. YOU have many others to follow.
Wow, Alex! Just...WOW! I rarely watch fantasy films, but I've seen all 3 LOTR films multiple times & it's such an honor to be compared to Eowyn. I hope I can live up to both the comparison AND your tribute. And hey, Limelight is one Rush song I know just by the title alone. How totally cool!! Thank you so very much for all your support, but especially for being my friend, and yes, a very, very dear one, indeed!
As for the challenge, I've found it impossible to keep up this week, but I hope to do better next week. As for you, you are Superman! I truly have no idea how you manage to be everywhere at once. We all love you, Alex!!
Eowyn is my favorite character. I love her strength.
Congrats to EJ on his THIRD book! That's fantastic. I'm enjoying Elizabeth's trivia a lot and finding out just how much I don't know.
Loved Nancy's book. It was really so well done.
Yes, I agree LOTR is the best trilogy ever!!
And I can't believe how hard it is to keep up with comments, try and follow everyone who follows you and still keep your own blogs going. I need some Red Bull today, stat. LOL
I've fallen behind on my blog visits. *sighs*
This is due to 2 things: extra gigs on the weekends and the fact that I'm having such a blast with my A to Z posts, so I just couldn't resist trying to respond to every comment since the definitions are so funny...
I hope to catch up as I go along... don't ask me how...
Writer In Transit
Recently saw the first Hobbit 3-D movie- sorry I think it's better than LOTR. Enjoy your Sunday!
I've been disappointed several times to find a comment author or new follow with no link in the profile to the blog. And if their blog name doesn't match the author name, there's no way to find them in the list of 1900 participants. I finally Googled the author's name to find a couple of them, but it takes too much time to do it that way.
Nancy is a great gal.
Congrats to EJ!
I'm very much wishing we didn't post on Saturdays.
Alex, that you visit at all is a wonder with daily posts! I loved the movie trilogy. Great news for EJ! :-)
yes, LOTR is one of the best and nearly perfect in its execution (I say nearly because I do have a few quibbles...)and Nancy is an awesome person :)
Nancy is great to highlight-- nice to see her here.
First of all, as per your comment on my blog, I'm listening to Disappear by Dream Theater right now. It is a good song, sad but good.
Secondly, LOTR is the greatest trilogy EVER, book-wise and movie-wise.
Thirdly, Carrie Butler brought extreme giggles upon me with the link to virtual bubble wrap. Seriously, the coolest thing since Angry Birds. haha
And last, you totally rock with visiting so many blogs. That must be all you do all day. Sheesh. I don't know how you do it. I applaud you!
I agree about the smile!
The LOTR trilogy is a marvel. I still favor the books but that is probably due to reading them multiple times over the last forty years.
LOTR trilogy is out of this world!
Al, just thought you could use another distraction!
LG, I figured you would like that line. You could be Eowyn as well.
Optimistic, very cool! One day I need to do that at home.
PK, I'll try not to miss you more than once or twice!
Nancy, you are welcome! Knew you would appreciate the character and Rush song. You rock!
Jaybird, it's like juggling.
Kathe, I appreciated that it was different.
Patricia, I do searches as well, but not every time.
Julie, thank you for listening to it! And glad you are giggling over the bubble wrap.
LOTR and Nancy Rock!!!
Surprises! Oooh, as long as I'm fore-warned, I love surprises, and yes, I know that doesn't really make sense. :)
Nancy is awesome! And Lord of The Rings? Oh yeah!!
Yay! It happened again:
Hi Alex, I said I would pop along to your blog after you visited mine in the A-Z Challenge. Thanks for showing interest. I'm even more amazed that you found the time - I've never seen anyone follow so manhy other blogs before. I salute you! and yes, LOTR has to be, by far, the greatest!! All the best.
Did you see Cassie's dating post on the Lord of the Rings today yet? :) I love Limelight! Neil Peart is a drummer god.
Hi! Yes I do think LOTR is the greatest trilogy, ever.
I will now go check out Rush.
As the mother of a pro in the music business, and one of the most poetic composers and incredible guitar players, sure, I'll check out Rush. Thanks!
Yes, LOTR is the greatest trilogy ever! The first one will always be my favourite--it was the best.
Allison (Geek Banter)
I blogged about LOTR today too :) And Nancy is the shiz. Love that girl, and she's so down to earth and incredibly talented and doesn't let it get to her head and still talks to simpletons like me :)
LOTR is the best trilogy ever and Eowyn is one of my favorite characters.
I haven't visited as many blogs this week as the first week but I'll do better next week when I'm done with my current edits for my next book.
Nancy is the perfect pick. I'm fortunate to follow her.
I'm having better luck with comment #1 (though not today) than #100.
I just left Nancy's blog. Now following. She is a very intuitive young woman. I think anyone wanting to be a better writer can learn a lot there.
Another great choice. And wonderful shout out to Nancy. Cheers! Congrats to EJ!!!
That's such a cool character to be lined up with!- and she has a beautiful smile :)
Sorry I've been awol for so long
Laura xxx
Nancy is awesome and I've really been enjoying Elizabeth's trivia theme. A to Z really has a lot of us hopping, for sure...but it's been fun :)
I blazed through Nancy's "The Mistaken" in two days. It was riveting even though she's incredibly brutal to her poor characters.
Loved Lord of the Rings. Is it sacrilege to say that I like the movies better than the books?
Ducking tomatoes.
Tyrean, you know it's coming you just don't know what it is.
Michael, I knew you'd pick LOTR!
Hey Andy! Just trying to do my best.
Ilima, not yet.
Jean, who is your son?
Cassie, you're not simple.
Robyn, you've scored the first comment more than anyone.
I love LOTR trilogy! There's so much going on and it's completely original. Yay for Nancy! That's a great tribute.
Off to pop the bubble wrap...
Rush = Canada. Did you know YYZ was titled from an airport in The Great White North? Think it was Toronto.
Yes, there will always be in the film before and after the Lord of the Rings trilogy, great masterpiece!
I started reading the first book of the LOTR trilogy. I'm not a fan of reading but trying my best to do so. So far I love it! Great Posts.
Cynthia (The Sock Zone)
Wow, Nancy sounds amazing if you are comparing her to Eowyn. Eowyn is one of my favorite women in fiction. When I saw Return of the King at Cinerama in Seattle, the whole audience got up and cheered when she said "I am no man" and slayed the ring wraith. LOTR is seriously the best trilogy ever. I think your movie bloghop confirmed that, as well.
You are so right about Nancy. Tough, but gentle, and with a heart of gold.
I adore E.J.'s covers! And congrats to Nancy!
I agree only as far as Fellowship. They went down hill after that and strayed too far from the source material (often for no better reason than Jackson's love of elves). Fellowship, though, well that was spectacular.
I think we all need to get Nancy a helm like Eowyn's.
You had me at Limelight! I haven't seen that video in forever. Thanks for sharing. I'm not the biggest Rush fan in the world - I think it's you - but when that song comes on, I pull over and crank it!
Michael, I liked the movies better than the books.
Suze, yes I did!
Shell, that's awesome they cheered.
Andrew, you're just bitter.
James, brings back memories, doesn't it?
Ah, this was so nice. Nancy is a terrific blogger and writer, and you did her well, Alex. And on visiting my blog, I'm giving you permission to skip the next few because there mostly about the snow anyway, so you won't be missing much. LOL. Yes, winter returned!
Happy A-Zing.
LOTR is really good, but I'm a little bigger fan of the original Star Wars trilogy and the Indiana Jones trilogy. (I refuse to count the newest film as part of that series!) Yay for Nancy! I'm reading her book on my Kindle right now. It's fantastic.
Eowyn, who loved Aragorn, who loved Arwin. Eowyn, the best warrior princess ever.
I never watched LOTR trilogy. I know, awful...right?! It is something that I would love too but just haven't done it. It is on the list. :-) I need to make sure I am following Nancy. Off to do that now. Oh and Rush reminds me of my high school boyfriend. Lol! He was a big fan. Happy weekend!
Alex, I don't know anyone else in this blogosphere who works as hard as you do to make sure you leave comments on practically every blog you follow. You have nothing to worry about, my friend!
Human Alex,
Ah yes, as I mentioned before, Tolkien stayed in the town my human lives in and got inspiration for Lord of the Rings from the locals.
Nancy is well cool. And Seattle is all the better for having her live there.
Elizabeth is a good laugh.
Alex, you actually try too hard to leave comments on so many sites.
Happy alpheting, my human friend. And see you on Monday.
Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar! :)
I'm a Rush fan and I'm totally behind in blog visits.
A Faraway View
An A to Z Co-host blog
Joylene, but I like snow!
Christine, I don't count the latest Star Wars films either.
Penny, I just don't want to leave anyone out.
Lee, that sounds like an AA confession!
You are a busy ninja! Limelight...ahhhh!
I could do with a few clones myself and a top up of deuterium fuel. My warp engines are thirsty.
Rush fan, yes. Loved LOTR long before the movies came out!
I do think LotR is probably the greatest movie trilogy ever! The only other one that can compete is the original Star Wars trilogy. ;)
I know I can't keep up with all the blog reading. I just do what I can in a day. LOTR is epic.
Spacerguy, I'm giving it all I've got!!!
Steven, you are cool.
Mary, you did manage to be comment number one hundred though!
I love Nancy! She's a friend, CP, and pub sister.
And thank you for the shout-out, Captain! High five for getting people addicted to virtual bubble wrap. ;)
Lord of the Rings is awesome!
Alex, I really don't know how you manage to visit everyone! It absolutely amazes me. So if you skip a few here and there, I'm sure nobody is going to hold it against you. You're the best!
Cool theme and great choice of film Alex! Thank you for co-hosting the AtoZ Challenge. This is my first year participating and I'm really enjoying it!
Great choices right down the line. LOTR trilogy was just awesome...Nancy was a really good pick for the reasons you mentioned (even the smile :)) and Limelight is one of my favorite Rush songs.
I cannot answer your trivia but do you know who is inducting Rush into the Rock N Roll HOF?
Chuck at Apocalypse Now
I've never read LOTR, and gave up both times I tried to read The Hobbit at my family's insistence years ago, but I really liked the film adaptation of LOTR. Maybe someday I'll finally crack and attempt to read it, since it appears to have stood the test of time, in spite of all the annoying fanboys/fangirls I've encountered who act horrified when told you haven't read it and aren't that interested.
Yes LOTR is the best trilogy ever and yes, I'm following the awesome Nancy. Nice pick ;)
I like "Limelight," but I've never watched the video. Thanks for sharing it!
If you need to skip commenting on my blog this month, that's OK. You could make a full-time job out of visiting all of your followers.
P.S. I'm almost done drafting a guest post for you. I'd like to review it one more time and add some links before I send it to you.
Can't go past Lord of the Rings! Good choice.
Nancy is great!
I so hear you about balancing the visiting, I'm just totally overwhelmed. So glad I have minions...but I feel bad for not being able to visit everyone everyday. Such is the life of a co-host. What keeps me from getting completely overwhelmed is knowing those posts will still be there in May, and I can read the series I'm really interested in.
I do think everyone understands that something has to give...
Will visit Nancy again, I already follow her.
And yes, LOTR is THE best book adaptation ever.
Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
Carrie, you're welcome! We are enablers.
Thanks, Sherry.
Linda, glad you're having a good time.
Chuck, yes, and it's about time!!
Carrie-Anne, I'm not horrified.
Sandra, great!
Tina, having minions this year was an awesome idea.
We were driving for 11 hours yesterday, so I am MORE than behind. I completely failed on my blog reading. Thanks for visiting mine. Love LOTR!!
LOTR is super. Nancy sounds wonderful.
Alex, don't worry if you are not able to visit everyone. You have enough followers to visit during the A-Z Challenge. I am sure we all understand the time constraints you must be under.
Can't tell you how thrilled I am to share the page with the LOTR trilogy. Easily my favorite trilogy of all time--and I'm a pretty big fan of the original Star Wars trilogy. :)
Thanks for the shout, as always, Alex. Good of you to worry about missing folks on occasion, but I think they'll give you a pass. :D Honestly, if you didn't comment on one of my post I'd probably only be worried something was physically wrong with you. lol
What's going to happen tomorrow, I wonder? Yes LOTR was the greatest trilogy (after Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast :-) )
You're doing great, Alex! I'm amazed at how many relatively new blogs I'm visiting in the Challenge and you've already got there.
Nancy is amazing and The Mistaken rocks. I can't wait for her next work!
Great adaptation. It's the one I always single out as a success. I haven't read the Mistaken, but it sounds awesome and I've just added it to my list. Thanks!
Lord of the Rings showed us that fantasy could take itself seriously and be taken seriously
i feel so lost in your hundreds of comments!
liking your movie choices & visiting unfamiliar spotlighted bloggers =)
happy a to z!
(and i am mentioning iwsg tom for monthly support =)
Brinda, I always visit. And that is a LONG time in a vehicle.
EJ, you're welcome, and that's funny.
Susan, you'll find out...
Nick, I get up early in the morning.
Karen, I had the privilege of reading a review copy and it rocked!
Charles, exactly!
Tara, thanks! And you are never lost here.
Good choice with Lord of the Rings; Eowyn was always my favorite character.
Nancy is awesome and I loved her book. So excited that EJ has another one out, I know I'll love that one too.
Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Alex. :)
Can't wait to read more!
Will I get banned if I'm not a Tolkien fan? But I played lots of D&D in the 70s, and so I kinda got Tolkien's world from the back door. My hubby adores Rush!
You're doing awesome - I'm sure you must have clones because I can't believe one person could do all you do. "Look, up in the sky. It's a bird; it's a plane. No! It Super Alex!!" :-)
Great pick! Love Lord of the Rings. They are awesome and I wouldn't change a thing.
Did you like The Hobbit too? I'm planning to post a review on it at some point. The summary would be that I liked it, but have a couple suggestions as they go forward.
:) Thanks for sharing Alex.
Lord of the Rings is such a classic film. I feel the need to rewatch the trilogy after just seeing the Hobbit.
Nancy Thompson would make a kick-ass Eowyn! :D
Hi, Alex. LOTR gets my vote.
Lexa, that made me laugh! And if your husband is a Rush fan and you're a D&D geek, that is cool with me.
Emilyann, I did like! A little long, but it had a different feel than LOTR and I appreciated that.
Hey Tonja!!!
Yea for Nancy. Great recipient. Limelight is my favorite Rush song.
Hey Alex! I don't really care for Rush,outside of a couple songs...does that make me a bad Canadian? lol...they are from my birth place, Toronto, Ontario.
Hi Ninja Captain, LOR is a favorite in our house too. Someone in our house tries to have a LOR marathon at least yearly.
Nancy does have a beautiful smile. Sounds like a neat lady. Thanks for the letting us know about these great people. God bless, Maria at Yes he does. And yes it is great that I can be a part of it. God bless, Maria
Rush is awesome! They will make my list, althought not in a letter you might expect.
Nancy's a great choice! Love LOTR. And congrats to E.J.
I don't know where I was Friday that I missed this post!
Yeah, Nancy! She is a wonderful friend and writer.
And I LOVE RUSH! But, I think you knew that.
I'm gonna have to set my alarm to get to your blog first!
LOTR is unbelievable and I love watching them and all the extra too on the DVD as i have the special compiliation. Rush is Canadian and I believe from good ole T.O.(Toronto). I wish i spoke Fairie right now...:)
As you can see. Posting a comment days after you post shows how far behind I am. Not even superman can stop two missiles fired in opposite directions. You're still a hero even if you miss one or two of us.
I just finished my yearly reread of LoTR! And I love Rush... Yay for Nancy.
Not surprised it takes you three or more hours to create a post - mine take an hour or so and don't have half the detail of yours!
Love LOTR, great choice!
#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
Yes, LOTR is definitely the greatest trilogy ever!!! Nancy is a great choice for Eowyn. I always loved her character in the books. :)
LOTR is my most favorite fantasy story. And Nancy would make a wonderful Eowyn :-)
If I remember correctly, Nancy's son (the only child, BTW) is a freshman at Arizona State University. Or is it Western Arizona?
I adore Nancy and met her because of W4WS and you, Captain Ninja. Eowyn is one of my fave characters and Nancy's spirit definitely honors her.
No apologies needed. Why I don't know how you manage so many blogs, but you do pretty darn well.
Cheers and boogie boogie.
Greatest trilogy indeed! "I am no man!" Plenty of girls, including me, cheered when Eowyn said that. XD
Rush formed in Canada, right? Do you need the province, because I only know it's Canada (if it is). lol
LOTR the greatest trilogy ever . . . ? Yeah, I could argue that one. :)
I'm really falling behind on visiting blogs this April. Just so many people to get around to!
I had so many people push LOTR on me, with such intense praise, it couldn't measure up to it. Nope, the trilogy that did it for me was the first 3 books of A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. Many of you may know it by the modified title of the first book in the series, A Game of Thrones. The HBO series struck that indefinite article out.
Now Rush, oh yeah, now we're talking!
Burbed: SF Bay/Silicon Valley Real Estate, Housing, Mortgage & Bubble Price Insanity
I had the extended edition blu ray come through the post today - 15 discs of LotR awesomeness :) I'm looking forward to getting stuck in! (maybe another marathon ...)
Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
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