In addition, two lucky commenters this month will receive a review copy of CassaStorm! One comment per day and each is worth one entry except – the first and one hundredth comments on each day will receive ten entries!
King Kong (2005)
Peter Jackson’s first movie after LOTR is an exciting take on the mythos. It has a great cast and a good heart. And this time, no awkward sexual innuendo between woman and beast!
Ann Darrow is not your typical damsel in distress and proves she’s just as tough as Kong. She’s a beauty with a comical side as well, and uses her wits to survive. Reality does not get in the way of her dreams and aspirations.
Who is Ann?
Elise Fallson!
She is beauty and strength. Elise has a charming sense of humor and isn’t afraid to poke fun at herself. Elise is also humble and giving. With her awesome attitude, I know she’ll achieve her dreams.
Elise is a writer living in France and creator of the awesome Mini-Alex!
I dedicate to you Kiss From a Rose by Seal. (Song title leads to YouTube.)
Because the beauty of the song matches you!
Trivia and Facts:
What 1995 movie is Kiss From a Rose from?
J’s trivia answer – Arjen Lucassen was a founding member of the band Stream of Passion. Lead singer, Marcela Bovio, performed on one of the Ayreon discs, and Arjen was so impressed, he put together Stream of Passion to showcase her amazing voice. After their first album, he sent them out on their own. (Stream of Passion also performed the song “Street Spirit,” a moving piece that helped me finalize a pivotal scene in CassaStar.)
Ninja News
Sherry Ellis acquired an agent for her book, Big Hole to China. Congratulaions, Sherry!!!
Michael Pierce revealed the cover for his next book, Susy Asylum, the sequel to Provex City. Looks awesome, Michael!
Annalisa Crawford’s book, That Sadie Thing, is free from today until Monday! Download it from Amazon US and Amazon UK
In movie news…
Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp are slated to star in Transcendence, a science fiction action movie scheduled for release in April 2014.
You can view the new trailer for Rush, a Formula One racing film directed by Ron Howard and staring Chris Helmsworth, Olivia Wilde, and Daniel Bruhl at JoBlo
Did you like Jackson’s version of King Kong? Follow Elise? Know the trivia answer? Ready for some new books? How about new movies? How about a weekend to catch up on A to Z Challenge posts?
Special announcement on Monday – be sure to come back!
Not to brag, but I'm #1 (again)!!!
King Kong is a classic story, and I think it's interesting to see the different film versions that have been done over the years. And Elise is an awesome blogger to spotlight!
PS I recently met Elise. She is wonderful.
Happy Friday, Alex.
I love Elise. Her blogs has been one of my favorites from the very first.
And I also love the song Kiss From a Rose. I was tempted to google the answer, but I resisted cheating. :)
Not of the better Batman movies but the song was from Batman Forever.
I was undecided about King Kong. I think it was long and I wasn't a fan of the ending either(even knowing it was coming, lol)
For the most part, I did not like Kong. It was visually amazing, but it was self-indulgent (like The Hobbit) and ridiculous at times (like The Hobbit). It's too bad, too, because I had really been looking forward to it ahead of time.
(Monday is going to be a big freebie day for me, would you mind including a blurb? Email me. And did you listen to the song?)
Elise is a great pick. She's one of the funniest and most generous people I know, and I bow down to her knowledge of the insect kingdom!
Have a great weekend Alex!
This month, I'm enjoying Elise's theme of -ologies I'd never knew existed. So I'm glad you're featuring her.
And yay for Sherry for getting an agent. I'd have to visit her to congratulate her.
I appreciate the note you left on my blog. No worries at all about the delayed friend follow...and somehow you've still managed to find me all those times without being a follower!
There was a time when every song on the radio was Kiss From a Rose, and I still love it!
Thanks for mentioning my free promo!
King Kong is a classic for a reason - that beauty and the beast conflict is ageless. Of course I follow Elise. She's awesome! I don't know the trivia question, but Seal's song is one of my favorites. So romantic! :-)
I love it!
Elise is going to flip out (so I wonder, will the garlic lei fall off her neck :)~
Great song choice, enjoy Elise!
I'd missed Sherry's news so congrats to her. Already have Annalisa's book.
King Kong was a good movie. Found out about El this year and never looked back, she is a lot of fun. Transcendence is a movie to look out for. Congrats Sherry and Michael. Will keep looking out for when Annalisa's book is free on A,azon.
Ah, yes, Kiss from a Rose, a classic love song by Seal. He is one of few reasons left to feel "Nigerian and proud" in this day and age where the very mention of Nigeria evokes thoughts of internet email scams. *sigh*
When my son was six, we watched the original King Kong. He loved it. When it got to the scene where the planes were attacking him on the Empire State Building my son asked, "Is Kong the good guy?"
Kiss From A Rose is one of those classics - it's evergreen... and Elise is the perfect match!
She is generous and kind-hearted... a very good friend!
Congrats to Sherry and Michael. I'm off to download Annalisa's book!
Writer In Transit
What lovely words you wrote for the song A Kiss from a Rose to the person you matched it to. Can't wait until Monday to see what the special announcement is.
Have a good week-end.
I saw King Kong. It was okay. A bit long perhaps. Elise is wonderful & so creative! No time to write more posts this as I'm hosting our lovely friend, Jennifer Hillier, for the next few days. Ah, girl time!!!
Elise is smart and creative, and would probably have King Kong wrapped around her finger. Congrats to Sherry, Michael,and Annalisa!
The song certainly fits Elise! I have known her for just over a year and your words are also a perfect fit for her charm! I wish her well in her future endeavours too!
Micheal's cover looks awesome! Looking forward to reading the sequel.
I must admit I did not see Peter Jackson's King Kong so far.
I have been disappointed by the King Kong movie from 1976
I'm still a fan of the King Kong movie from 1933
I'm not sure we needed a Kong remake. It was really long too (classic Jackson).
Moody Writing
Thanks for introducing me to Elise.
I really liked that King Kong. Yes, toning down any weird vibes between the ape and the woman was a good thing. :)
I think we need another Elise video special... just to settle our Elise cravings. I can see blog superstardom ahead for this shy, retiring wall flower we've all come to know ;)
Great choice for K, although I am a fan of the original and haven't seen the Peter Jackson version.
Gotta love mini-Alex :)
Always loved King Kong, and my favorite is the Jackson film, for all the reasons you sited.
Congrat's to Elise! and Little Alex,
Happy weekend all!
Robyn, you're on a roll!
Fran, correct. And it wasn't a great Batman.
Lynda, they all end that way!
Andrew, I liked both. And you better email me...
Cynthia, I still felt really, really bad...
Annalisa, you're welcome.
Michael, I'm sorry!
Nancy, you two have fun!
Edi, the 1976 Kong was awful!
Elizabeth, exactly!
That sounds like a good match for Elise. I liked that version of King Kong. It was better than expected.
I really liked the King Kong movie. Great special effects (I hope those weren't real classic cars they destroyed).
The Beauty and the Beast theme was played up more than in other versions, and was real touching. I loved the scene where they're (Kong and Beauty) on the frozen pond. A moment of playfulness during chaos.
Kiss from a Rose is from one of the Batman flicks...can't remember which. The one with Clooney?
I actually liked the original version of King Kong better.
Love Elise! She's an awesome blogger.
Excellent, I've wanted to read That Sadie Thing since I heard about it, thanks for the heads up!
Love that song :)
Always thought the Kong/woman relationship was more than a little creepy, so I avoided Jackson's movie. Now I can check it out - thanks! :)
Yay, Elise! What a wonderful blogger. I just love the mini ninja Alex.
Elise seems the perfect choice, and love that song by Seal. I think Kissed by a Rose is a Batman song...I think.
Congrats on new agents, new book covers and I'm ready to enjoy the weekend period after the week flew by lol!!
We have the DVD for King King. Great flik although the beginning is a bit slow. Special effects are amazing.
And Congrats! to Sherry, Michael, and Annalisa!
That's a boatload of new books coming out. Congrats to all.
I don't think I saw Jackson's version of KK nor The Hobbit yet.
I don't think I've seen that King Kong movie.
Great blogger to highlight and song to dedicate.
Yay for Elise! And congrats to Sherry. Ooh, I do wonder what the announcement is. Have a great weekend!
I really wanted to like Jackson's King Kong, but I just found it poorly cast and overlong. It lacked that sense of wonder and horror from the original and played too much for cheap laughs.
Wow, I haven't thought of King Kong in years. I remember seeing it as a child and feeling so sorry for King Kong.
I agree. Elise is pretty amazing. I love that song by Seal.
Have a great weekend, Alex.
Yolanda and Cindy, I really liked that version as well.
ML, not that Batman movie. And yes, the frozen pond scene was very sweet.
Jemi, none of that in his version!
Angela, yes it is.
Yay congratulations to Elise! She's a great Ann.
I'll see anything with Chris Hemsworth in it! :)
Alex, good post. And a beautiful pick for Ann! Been reading Elise's blogs also.
Elise is great!
I love the song- but don't have a clue which movie it's in.
Yay, Elise! That was so much fun when she made mini-Alex for you!
Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp together? Be still my heart. That will be a "must see" movie. :)
I never saw the 2005 version of King Kong. The one before it... :P
Elise is fantastic!
Lovely song dedication. Depp and Freeman in a movie, I'm in! Yes, I'll be catching up on blog reading this weekend. I didn't do a very good job during this week!
This version of King Kong made me weepy. Especially the ice skating scene. And congrats to Elise for mini-Alex!
That Mini-Alex still kills me.
I've been at the beach this week and fallen WAY behind on reading A - Z blog posts. :(
I remember, as a young girl, seeing the original King Kong on TV and feeling so sorry for King Kong and angry towards the humans who had captured him and put him on display. Because of this, I didn't want to see the new version.
Congratulations to those in the Ninja news today.
Laura, first time they've done a movie together. And yes, the other King Kong sucked.
Brinda, that's all right.
I'm reading "Skull Island" now, which is when Doc Savage met King Kong. Wish he'd hurry up and meet him. It's been a long time so far and we are just now reaching the island.
Great cover, Michael!!
Great pick-Elise and I love Seal's song!
Yes, I liked Jackson's version!
I'm ready to go to the movies...
I'm behind blogging so off to finish my post! It has been a jungle at my house, lol-for real! ;D
King Kong is a classic. I love the clips from the first one (I guess). Nice to know about Elise.
Thanks for your visits to my blog!
Mary Montague Sikes
Thanks for introducing Elise. I'll check out her blog. King Kong? Well, I love a strong heroine!
Yeah. that was kind of creepy in that earlier version of King Kong. The 2005 film was really long, though.
King Kong is not a favourite but your edification of Elise is wonderful. I'll certainly visit her blog. Thank you
The first King Kong movie impressed me as a child, giving New York scenes are always unforgettable.
Congratulations Sherry, Micheal, and Annalisa!
I loved the King Kong version with Jessica Lange, but the remake was enjoyable.
Ella, does that mean you have jungle fever?
Donna, I think after the LOTR movies, that's all he knows how to do now.
You know, I never saw that version of King Kong. I should. I ADORE the mini-Alex Elise made--he cracks me up.
That is a lovely portrait of Elise, Al.
Have a great weekend!
King Kong is where found that I could take jack Black as a serious actor. Great choice and thanks for featuring my cover!
I think I prefer the newer King Kong to the older, I loved the addition of the dinosaurs. Very cool.
Have a great weekend Alex!
Elise is a beauty: inside and out and with a sense of humor. How cool is that?
I haven't seen the 2005 version of King Kong just the old black and white version that made me laugh and groan. I'll have to check out Jackson's version.
And your movie, character, blogger, song matchup is awesome as usual! Yay Elise!
Hoping to go see a movie this weekend - probably OZ.
Ann Darrow sounds like a great heroine!
I love Elise! And isn't Kiss From A Rose from a Batman movie? Can't wait to see the big announcement on Monday.
Elise is one of my absolute favorites. I always enjoy her posts and comments and love her sense of humor. Great choice!
Congrats to Sherry!
Always so much going on here that it's information overload for me. I'm glad though, that you shout happy news and have so much good to say and share.
Congrats Sherry! And I really like Elise.
Excited for the big news on Monday.
Congratulations to Sherry for getting an agent! That's awesome. (: Also to Michael for his cover reveal, it looks really exciting.
And thank you, Alex. My face is about as red as a bouquet of roses right now. But I'm honored and grateful to be a part of this incredible writing community. You all are amazing.
I still think the Fay Wray King Kong is the best. Old fashioned, me. In truth, I haven't seen the 2005 version. Guess I should just for comparison.
Sweet tribute to Elise today. Very nice, indeed.
Congrats to Sherry and Michael. Thanks to Annalisa for her generosity.
Jackson's Kong was too darned long, but I still liked it. Replace the awkward love interest with awkward dance partners? It was a bold choice! But the whole film did a good job of expressing his sympathy for the beast.
John at The Bathroom Monologues
Aww dedicating Kiss from a Rose to Elise is very sweet. She did a wonderful job creating Mini-Alex!
Trivia answer, without looking it up, I think it was from a Batman movie, no?
Elise is a very cool lady.
Wow. That preview for RUSH is awesome.
And not just cause Chris Hemsworth is in it. :)
Weekend? I need one.
Elise is a beautiful choice!
Michael, one of his few serious roles.
Tyrean, enjoy the visuals.
Ilima, yes it is.
Elise, you are most welcome!
SK, yes!
Heather, that made me laugh.
Yes I did like Jackson's take on King Kong. I do follow Elise already and love her humor. I'd say that's a great choice!
Can't miss Elise's '-ology' series, it's amazing what people study. . .
I'll try to visit the other links for the books.
Watch out Mini-Alex, Kong will carry you away!!
I have to admit, I have not seen Jackson's King Kong.
Just downloaded Annalisa's book.
The song came from one of those crappy Batman movies, didn't it?
I liked King Kong well enough I guess, but it doesn't make any of my must see lists.
Elise is one cool lady. Her mini- Alex is super cute, maybe as cute (definitely not more than the original one ;)
Do I see someone blushing? Our own Captain Ninja being called cute???? Couldn't resist pulling your leg Alex ;)
Human that is, Alex,
Nice choice of films. Although that big gorilla makes me growl every time I see him on my TV screen.
Great choice in Elise. Did you know she's one of my millions, if not billions of adoring fans?
And "Seal"..."we're never gonna' survive unless we're a little bit crazy..."
A weekend to catch up on the folks and animals doing the A to Z. Ironically, my human and I will continue to pawmote the challenge in our alternative style.
Enjoy your weekend and try to relax a bit.
Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet superstar!
I thought PJ did a great job with King Kong. I liked seeing Andy Serkis both in and out of CGI (he was the cook / Kong).
I don't know the trivia answer, but when I see it tomorrow I'll bet it's a movie I've seen.
Elise has a nice blog and yes, I follow.
Kiss of the Rose? Batman Forever.
I happy to see some good Sci-Fi movies and of course, Super Hero movies, coming out! Action and Fantasy--not bad. :-)
Hope you're having a great weekend Alex.
Interesting about Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp teaming up. I really them both, and can't think of any other movies that they have been in together. Sounds like a good one.
I am soooo looking forward to this weekend (Sunday) to try and catch up on my writing. I don't have all of my posts done; I have written through "N." I really want to make some headway. This A to Z Challenge is... challenging.
Rusty, correct. And King Kong was the only K movie I could think of for today.
Rachna, I'll take cute!
Penny, everyone should be your fan.
Rick, I bet you've seen it as well.
Sia, very good!
Robin, you don't want to fall behind!
Aw, Alex, not even a passing nod to poor Fay Wray.
Oh I am sorry as soon as I seen Johnny Depp's name I envisioned him and my mind went blank. :) B
I did like what Jackson did with Kong--probably the best of the big monkey films.
Good for Sherry in acquiring the agent. This may be something we here less of as time goes by.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I am not good at trivia, movies and that, but I think I remember Kiss From a Rose having something to do with a Batman movie.
Sunday? I plan on finishing my taxes. I did the first draft, but need to overhaul. I'd rather ... well, do just about anything than those.
Elise is a very pretty lady so you got that right.
And I love King Kong. I think the best part of the movie (for me) is the whole middle section on the island. The Lost World feel is just totally engrossing.
I haven't seen the new King Kong, I might just have to check it out. Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman together? That would good.
You are so right about Elise- perfect Ann
Elise is a great choice for Anne! Thanks for the shout-out, too! I really appreciate it!
Elise is absolutely awesome! And that song is one of my favorites.
And absolutely no, I wasn't waiting for the appropriate moment to comment even if it seems so.
And I'm one of the doochenozzles who has never seen King Kong.
And I'm one of the doochenozzles who has never seen King Kong.
I love King Kong and own the DVD. I think it is stellar. I also love the original 1933 version(gotta love it when he tickes fay Wray and takes off her dress-censors! I don't know the triva answer but if i would i would try to climb the nearest tower to yell it out loud in Honour of Kong:)
Buttons, that's funny.
Lee, I thought it was the best.
Alexandra, you are correct.
Sherry, you're welcome!
Al, you are one sneaky dragon...
A scifi movie WITH Johnny Depp? What more could I ask for?
(Not looking at anyone else's answers) because I actually know a trivia answer! It was from Batman! YAY!
Haven't seen this version of King Kong yet. And yay for Elise and her mini-Alex. :)
I've rented King Kong about 3 times and never watched it. I never had 3 hours to spare. I still need to watch it though.
Hey Alex, what a great theme to have for the a-z challenge!
I'm excited about Transcendence. The first I'm hearing of it is here at your blog but Depp and Freeman in one film together is bound to be good. I can't wait!
And I still haven't seen Peter Jackson's King Kong! I know, it's crazy but I always seem to miss it when it's on TV.
I loved this version of King Kong! The soundtrack is amazing too.
And Elise is all kinds of awesome. Great choice :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, Alex! The info about Tut's parents and half-sister is shocking, but don't forget that in the past, European royal families had hemophiliacs and other genetic problem from inbreeding, too. Cultures all over the world have been greedy about keeping money and power in the family. It's only in the past 100 years that there was scientific evidence about the dangers of inbreeding...
Thanks for offering to upgrade my "stowaway" status in the blog-hop to first class participant, but that's too many posts for me. Maybe next year I'll be braver! :-D
love Morgan Freeman- waiting for Transcendence to come out! woo hoo!
Congrats to Elise!
Happy Weekend :)
A lot of people slate King Kong; I thought it was a great movie.
I liked this reboot of King Kong. It was very well done.
And that mini-ninja is how I was first introduced to the wonderful Elise!
MsHatch, apparently nothing!
Thanks, Jai.
Lexa, good to know. And hope you can officially join us next year.
Clare and Jay, I really liked it as well.
Following Elise! :)
I'm definitely looking forward to the weekend.
Can't wait to find out what the special announcement is!
I like just about anything Peter Jackson does. Congrats to Sherry on the agent, Michael's cover is awesome and I'll have to go check out "That Sadie Thing". :)
The trivia answer is Batman Forever. King Kong is a good flick, Peter Jackson is good at making movies seem epic, though he cheated me with the Hobbit.
I saw while scrolling down that many people got the trivia answer correct, Batman Forever.
Loved that movie. So awesome, the tribal scenes!
A sci fi movie with Morgan Freeman and Johnny Depp? That one goes to the top of my list.
I don't recall if I've seen that version of King Kong... they've been so many.
Elise is fab.
Congrats to Michael!
I'd watch another Kong movie with Elise in it! She is a doll!! :)
JM, correct!
Larry, I guess I need to make them harder...
DL, she would be flattered to hear that.
You've got it all today, Alex - wonderful song, movie and bloggers/writers. Really cool. Have an amazing weekend, my friend:)
Morgan and Freedman together. Sounds good. Geat song pick for Elise
Elise is awesome! Congrats to Sherry, too. And Susy Asylum looks like my kind of book.
Oh my gosh, I totally missed Michael's cover! Looks awesome, and I can't wait to read the book.
Happy weekend, Alex!
What a marvelous description of a marvelous person.
I did enjoy Jackson's King Kong. Is it okay to say I liked it far better than his version of The Hobbit? Of course Bilbo and I go back a long way and I had expectations…
Yay Elise!
~VR Barkowski
Elise is a great choice, Alex.
Congrats to Michael... Sherry and Annalisa! All the best!
I was thinking about Batman forever before I saw the trivia question! Not amongst my favorite batman films but still.
I liked King Kong. It was long, yes, but it featured the best massive ape vs. tyrannosaurus battles I've ever seen!
Of course, what better choice for K than King Kong? It's all Ks! I have to say, I like the song choice better, however. Kiss From a Rose is a great song.
#atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:
Looks like you're rockin' the A to Z Challenge, Alex! I've been fail at blogging lately but I hope to get back into the game when my psycho career calms down.
Thanks for the heads up on the free book by Annalisa--off to download it now.
I love Elise. What a fine gal! And how lucky is she to live in France. She will make her dreams happen!
I love Elise, and I love this song! (I still have the Batman Forever soundtrack.) Good call!
Awesome news and I love seeing Elise here.
I haven't seen King Kong yet.
Oh, I ADORE Elise and I'm so happy you spotlighted her! She deserves as much credit as she can get!!!
I LOVE jackson's version of Kong. It was a non stop action pack thrill ride on the big screen. I just had my son watch it for the first time not long ago.
How cute mini-Alex is!! Love it!
Love how you're spotlighting bloggers, Alex. Am finally back online for a bit. Electricity is an iffy thing in this part of the world, and so the same with the wifi.
Thanks for taking emails directly from my team....very nice of you.
Peter Jackson's (ha! I typed Percy Jackson at first) version is actually the only one I've seen. I thought it was alright, just hecka long!
And that song is totally in my head now, lol.
VR, you are allowed!
David, it did.
Jennifer, it's a good month to be scarce if you're not in the Challenge.
Carrie, we own it as well.
Damy, whatever I can do to help.
Cassie, you always make me chuckle.
Elise is so wonderful, I love her writing and her work. Definitely a great Ann.
Exciting news all around it looks like. Such blessings for some truly spectacular people.
Creator of the Mini-Alex.
Cool beans.
Good song choice - the only good thing about Batman Forever was Kiss From a Rose :)
Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom
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