Monday, March 18, 2013

Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest, Google Reader Alternative, and Ninja News

Are you ready for the Top Ten Movie Countdown Blogfest?

First, some news and a Google Reader alternative.

Ninja News

SC Write is holding a query contest! Want to know if your query will get attention? Check out his site for details.

Writers4Writers is promoting Angela Brown and Kyra Lennon today!

Still on the fence about the A to Z Challenge? You need to visit Michelle at Writer-in-Transit! This awesome Ninja Minion posted a fun and creative piece on the benefits of the Challenge, and did it in true alphabet form.

Google Reader Alternative – Feedly!

After checking out several options this weekend, I went with the highly recommended Feedly. Go to the site and download the program. Once it’s complete and the main page comes up, click on the magnifying glass on the far right. You can click on Google Reader and it will import all of your feeds and folders directly into Feedly. (Note image at left.) From there, you can organize and adjust the view.

And even if you don’t use Google Reader, the blogs you’ve followed through your Dashboard are still listed in Google Reader and will be imported into Feedly.

Simple and easy to use – I like it!

Top Ten Movie Blogfest! 

List your ten favorite movies!

I’m counting down to mine…

10. Inception – Another film that proves Nolan is a genius. Original science fiction is so rare that you should treasure it when you find it. The cast is stellar and the storyline intricately perplexing.

9. Super 8 - Take one part E.T., a dash of Jaws, a pinch of Cloverfield, and toss in a bit of Stand By Me and you have the ingredients for a great film filled with nostalgia. This movie made me feel like a kid again - that wide-eyed sense of wonderment. J.J. Abrams’ movie is a tribute to the great works of Steven Spielberg.

8. Jurassic Park - I remember reading the novel by Michael Crichton and thinking there was no way they could turn this into a movie. Fortunately, Steven Spielberg picked up the gauntlet and ushered in a new age of summer blockbuster. So many jaw-dropping moments and amazing action set pieces. This movie took my inner child out for a two hour+ romp.

7. The Avengers - One of the greatest superhero films ever. It really captures the feel of the comic book. It was amazing to see all the heroes come to life on the big screen. Whedon did a great job creating a cohesive, engaging story.

6. Serenity – It was like Christmas when one of my favorite science fiction shows of all time ("Firefly") got the big-screen treatment. The characters are great, the dialogue crackles with energy and wit, and the show was given a wonderful send-off. This finally gave the fans closure. (Curse you FOX!!)

5. Raiders of the Lost Ark - This is as close as it gets to the perfect movie. Great pacing, amazing set pieces, and wonderful characters. This movie had me grinning from ear to ear and remains one of my all-time favorites. This should be required film school viewing when it comes to pacing and editing.

4. Aliens - James Cameron took a creepy, slow-paced, brooding film (Alien) and turned it into a non-stop roller coaster ride of action and excitement. If you’re a fan of this film, you quote lines from it all the time. This film is a non-stop juggernaut of action that keeps ramping up the excitement and tension. I'm a huge fan of all of Cameron's work but this one is truly epic.

3. Memento - Christopher Nolan burst on to the movie scene with this amazing, mind-bending film. Memento requires your entire brain to remain focused on the events unfolding as you are asked to follow a narrative playing in reverse. Every time you think you know what is going on, the next scene deconstructs every notion in your head. A masterpiece.

2. Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Movie - I am a huge fan of this great cult series. Joel, Mike and the bots have been like family since the show’s inception. Watching MST3K in the theater was such an amazing experience. The cinematic stinker that the crew skewers is "This Island Earth" and it is played up for big, big laughs.

1 - LOTR Trilogy - What an amazing piece of work from Peter Jackson and the team from Weta. Every frame has been lovingly crafted with intricate detail and care. It's quite apparent that Peter Jackson loved the LOTR books and he made films that appeal to the broad masses as well as the fanboys..

Visit other participants for a fun day filled with great movies!

Ready for a query pitch contest? Part of Writers4Writers? Ready for the A to Z Challenge in two weeks? Tried Feedly? And what are your favorite movies?


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L.G. Keltner said...

You picked some great ones! I also had Aliens on my list. Serenity is a movie I can watch each time I see it on TV. And I have every line of Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Movie memorized!

Andrew Leon said...

I couldn't put Serenity on my last, because I don't really think it can stand apart from the Firefly. It's a great movie if you watched and love the show, but, if you didn't, you just can't get it.

Now, if you'd done top 10 TV shows, you'd see Firefly on my list.

Rhonda Albom said...

Not surprising that my list is completely different than yours. Honestly, I have only seen 3 on your list of which two I liked and the other frightened me, I am sort of a wimp about movies.

Thanks for hosting it was fun. And bigger thanks for google reader alternative.


Samantha May said...

Inception and Memento are both on my list! I've had to watch Memento a few more times just to wrap my head around it...still working on it :D

Great list! I'm proud to say that I've seen all of those!

Thanks for hosting a fun fest :)

Unknown said...

Great list! Number 7 isn't on my list, but it is a super favorite of mine. I'm off to check out the query contest. Writing a query letter is on my to do list for this week.

Unknown said...

I've seen all, loved all, but my list is a little more romance driven. it was fun to write. said...

You're a much more sophisticated movie-goer than I am, Alex. I ALMOST had Juraissic Park on my list too, but went with another Spielberg that I found even more impressive.

Thanks for this great blogfest.

Heather Musk said...

Jurassic Park! Serenity! Raiders of the Lost Ark! So many of yours nearly made it on to mine.

Thanks for a great blog hop, as always. And thanks for the Feedly tip, I'll be checking that out

Anonymous said...

You have some many movies I love on your list too... I need a list longer than 10 to add all my favs:)

Tammy Theriault said...

mystery science is a hit so far!! memento...yes! you had some good picks and lots going on in the world of bloggidy blogging!! great idea for a blogfest, well redo for a blogfest that is! :)

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Haven't seen #8,6 or 3.
I am finding new movies everywhere.
One of my goals this year was to see at least 12 "new" movies. I think after this blogfest, I will have a good start. :)

~Naila Moon

Sophie Duncan said...

Avengers and Raiders were two that only just dropped off my top ten. :)

mooderino said...

No Jurassic Park 3? Some kind of oversight, surely.

I'm trying a few Google Reader alternatives. The Old Reader is my favourite so far.


Empty Nest Insider said...

I really enjoyed Memento, and I think that led the way for movies like Inception! Michelle's A to Z promotion was in top form! Thanks so much for the Top Ten blogfest, and for the Feedly update!


Mel Chesley said...

Those are some great choices. I'm also going to check out that program....stupid spell check on my Kindle keeps changing it to freely...Lol! Oh well. Great movies!

Unknown said...

I think that at this point anything Marvel since the release of I believe the success of Iron Man.. Will forever be on my list of favorites, of course I forgot the whole "Star Trek" universe... but for me it is a universe.

Great post I hope to be able to visit all the players in the blogfest...

Have a great day!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

This list is action packed. LOTR deserves the top spot and movies like Memento and Inception are unique greats. Thanks for doing this countdown

Patsy said...

I don't watch enough films to create a meaningful top 10 - I have seen two of the ones on your list though.

Unknown said...

Memento was awesome - Christopher Nolan can do no wrong in my eyes; everything he's done so far has been amazing.

Thanks for hosting the 'fest, Alex. It's a blast!


Unknown said...

Just downloaded Feedly and imported my Google Reader List, thanks for that Alex, most helpful and very user friendly!

A really impressive list of movies! Of course mine includes the Resident Evil movies!

Elise Fallson said...

My list could have easily been three times as long. Great movie choices, Alex and thanks for hosting! :D

MOCK! said...

That FEEDLY will import my current Reader nearly makes it a winner before I even try it!!!

All ten of your movies are on my flickchart list....but not all are in my top ten.

Serenity gets closer with every viewing....including one on Saturday while I worked on Report Cards!!

Mark Koopmans said...

From what I remember, Memento is on my list, but I'm.... not


Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing about FEEDLY. Even though I don't use Google Reader, I'll download it.

LOTR is a great first choice. It's one of the few movies I've watched multiple times.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, you rock!!! We need to start a MST3K quote fest.

Andrew, Serenity stands well on its own. My wife had never seen the show, and yet she loved the movie and had no problem following it. Same for her friend that joined us.

Rhonda, hope Feedly works for you.

Samantha, you have good taste.

Robyn, you like the fun stuff, and that's cool.

TF, I had to leave off so many...

Tammy, really? Yes, more MSTies!

Naila, I'm sure you will.

Moody - funny!

Mel, that's amusing.

Jeremy, there are a lot of them...

Jamie, agreed!

Carolyn, you're welcome.

Mock, just a few more viewings...

Mark, you're a madman.

RaveAir said...

I loved all the mentioned movies, except the Super 8... and I have to watch Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Movie.

My only problem with the Feedly, it isn't work with Internet Explorer. But maybe it'll be my alternative also.

Old Kitty said...

Oh The Hobbit totally trumps LOTR! LOL!!

And I loved that Inception was a good ol romantic story at heart! Awwwww it was all about letting go! Finding closure... and staring all starry eyed at gorgeous Gordon-Levitt but even I know I could easily be his mum so I shall stop there now! LOL!

take care

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I'm surprised to see Super 8 making the cut. It was good, but it didn't make my top 15 of 2011, let alone my top 0 of all time.

Yay for The Avengers!

Sorry, not a big fan of Serenity. There was something missing for me.

LOTR and Aliens are both AMAZING!

Laura Pauling said...

This isn't the first time of I've heard of Feedly, look like I'll try it out. :)

If I had participated, we do have one movie that would cross over - Raiders of the Lost arc. :)

ediFanoB said...

Thank you for sharing your Google Reader alternative.

As I know you manage a lot of blogs and as I trust you, I will definitely test Feedly.

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

Some superb movies on your list, I had Avengers as well and I totally approve of Aliens, Serenity, Raiders and LotR. I haven't seen Memento or Inception, I suppose I really should at some point.

Thanks for organising a great blog hop.

Melissa said...

So glad to see you recommended Feedly. I already switched over and I'm liking it the more I use it. I hate change, but - if I have to switch - Feedly's not bad. ;)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I've watched Memento several that movie.

I'm on Feedly too, and like it so far. :)

Ciara said...

I've never heard of Mystery Science 3000. I will have to look into that. I think every list should have Serenity. :) Great Blogfest!

Kyra Lennon said...

Thanks for the heads up about Feedly!

Excellent movie picks, Jurassic Park would have made my Top 20! ;)

Miranda Hardy said...

All great movie choices! Love them!

Thanks for the reader alternative. I'll be checking it out.

Kimberly Gabriel said...

Ooh Memento - that was a good one. I had Inception too. Thanks for the Feedly recommendation! Happy Monday Alex!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

I saw Raiders at one of the huge old movie theatres on opening day ... and I think it was a sold-out show. It was quite the experience!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I LOVE your list Alex!! Raiders of the Lost Ark is definitely one of my favorite movies of all-time!!

Christine Rains said...

Fantastic movie picks! It was so hard to narrow it down to ten. I wish the two ladies with W4WS this week the best of luck.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Aww man, I should have put Raiders on MY list. I LOVE that movie.

Great list AND blogfest.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I still love Raiders. You're right, it's the perfect film.

Tina said...

Now see, if I'd had a longer list, ALL of your movies would have made my list. We are very alike when it comes to movie choices in those genres, I believe. I decided the easiest way to approach this, as a person with a LOT of favorite go-to movies to play while doing chores, I just sat down and spit them out without thinking. Thought it would be more genuine that way. Now reading others' lists, I realize how many good movies I love.
And no, I'll NEVER EVER forgive the cancelling of Firefly. They had THE perfect set up to keep going forever. I miss those characters. Especially Jayne, and of course, my heart-throb, Malcolm.

Great blogfest, as always, Captain.

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge Blog
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Pat Hatt said...

Great list, all are top notch, Memento is the only one I was iffy on, liked it, but never overly liked it.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Great movie choices, Alex, I've seen and loved almost all of them! I hope you have a happy blog hop, Ninja Man!

shelly said...

Thank you for the Feedly info. Does it let you comment on blogs?

Hugs and chocolate,

Anonymous said...

We have a couple, MST 3000 and Raiders. Inception and AVengers could have easily made my lost. Maybe I need to think more recent films.

And thanks for the W4WS shout out!

ELAdams said...

LOTR was no. 1 on my list too :) I had to be selective, otherwise Inception and Jurassic Park would definitely have made the list. Thanks for this blog hop! :)

Anonymous said...

OMG, HOW DID I FORGET SERENITY?! I might have to amend my Top 10!!! lol

Cindy said...

Oh..I'm about 40% done with my posts for A to Z. I've been skipping letters, so I just feel like my posts are all over the place, and I have no idea what to do for X, Y, and Z.

Bish Denham said...

Of course, there are several on your list I haven't seen. But I'm gonna get them through Netflix.

Hubby and I loved Serenity!

Trisha said...

I haven't seen all of these, but I do want to see all those I haven't yet, but I know the ones I've seen are great picks! Possibly the only one that I'm a bit iffy about is THE AVENGERS, but I think mostly because it was so hyped up and for me, didn't quite live up to that hype. Still a great action movie.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Inception was pretty good. And I loved Avengers too. Good action movies!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Alex, this is a great list since every one of these could be my number one. I like that you made MST3K number three! Feedly is my first choice, but I'm still looking since I wish it had a mobile site instead of just the app.

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, I probably could have put Aliens and Serenity on my list (Firefly would have made a TV list--I like it more drawn out a little better). A couple of these I need to see. Super 8, in particular.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog, too late for me to do the blogfest never mind.


mshatch said...

Completely concur with you regarding Inception and Memento. The first took my love of dreaming to a whole other place and the second left me needing/wanting to watch again and again and...maybe one more time. Great picks!

Shell Flower said...

Oh, I so should have put Memento and Serenity on my list. I did have LOTR as #1, too, though :)

M.J. Fifield said...

The Avengers, Serenity and LOTR. I love seeing these movies on so many lists today!

Charles Gramlich said...

Thanks for the heads up on Feedly. I'm definitely going to look into that.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Zoltan, have you tried it with Firefox?

Kitty, you're not that old!

George, it was the timeframe for Super 8 that really did it for me. I was a teen then, so all about the nostalgia.

Edi, you'll like it.

Ciara, you have to watch it!

LuAnn, it drew quite the crowds.

Tina, you have excellent taste!

Shelly, works just like Google Reader only with more options.

Debra, amend quick!

Cindy, at least you still have time with those.

Maurice, had to go with MST3K - just as an awesome a show.

Thanks, everyone - I'll be hopping around blogs all day today.

Karen Lange said...

Ah, my favorite movies are more of the chick flick kind. Although I do like Remember the Titans, Miracle, and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Jo said...

None of your movies are on my list, but I did enjoy some of them, Raiders was a great movie, I own LOTR and watched them with much enjoyment. Enjoyed Jurassic Park too. Tried inception found I didn't enjoy it, maybe I should try it again. Thanks for a fun blogpost Alex.


Elsie Amata said...

All hail MST!! I used to watch the series way back when. I have never seen the movie. Guess I need to give it a try.

I bought Wreck-It Ralph based on your recommendation over the weekend and LOVED it!! It rocked!!! Thanks.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I keep seeing movies I should have included. This is fun.

Summer Ross said...

My #1 fav movie is A knights Tale. :) Great list for you. Inception was awesome too.

Have a great day, Alex.

Mary Hill said...

Hi, wow you picked a few I am going to have to rent because I had not heard of them. I am really enjoying this bloghop. Hope you wil come see my 10 today to at


Mary Hill

Dave said...

I love Jurassic Park, The Avengers, Serenity, Aliens and The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, but somehow none of them are on my list.

It took me a while, but my list is finally up here.

Dave Wrote This

Natasha Hanova said...

What a great list! You have many on your list that I also love, especially Aliens. I can't believe I forgot about Raiders of the Lost Ark! That's another film I can watch anytime.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

After I posted my TOP TEN, I remembered how much I like SUPER-8.
And with Sean Connery in it, I had to have LAST CRUSADE nudge aside RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Nolan is, indeed, a genius. Whelon, too. This was a fun fest! :-)

Nicki Elson said...

Can't wait for Jurassic Park in 3D! And I'm so happy I never even bothered to find out what Google Reader was. :)

Thanks for yet another fun fest!

Nick Wilford said...

Jurassic Park was just outside my list. I haven't seen any Mystery Science Theatre... now I'm interested.

Thanks for the heads up on Feedly, sounds like it'll fit the bill!

PK HREZO said...

Most of those are faves of mine too. So hard to narrow it down to 10. When I was in college in my very first apartment, my neighbors turned me on to MST and we'd stay up late watching all the time and laughing hysterically. Such great memories! But I still haven't seen the movie! It's on the netflix queue as we speak!

AuthorAlden said...

Awesome list! I pretty much agree with every one, except I still haven't seen Super 8. I really have to get around to that.

Liesel K. Hill said...

Well, we definitely agree on Avengers and LOTR, though I completely forgot about Inception. There's just too many good ones out there to limit it to ten. Loved all of yours, even if they didn't all make it onto mine. Great list! :D

LD Masterson said...

I haven't seen all of yours but you've got some great ones. Of your list, my favorites are Raiders and Aliens. ("Get away from her, you bitch.")

Unknown said...

I'm using Feedly too. I'm still trying to get used to it but I'm getting there.

Love your top ten. Serenity is a classic.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I absolutely loved Raiders of the Lost Ark, but at the same time, seeing that movie title makes me cringe, just knowing that they ruined it with that awful newish one... Shia LeBeouf, space aliens, bad CGI graphics, surviving a nuclear blast in a refrigerator... my blood pressure doubled just thinking about it.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Excellent list of movies. I haven't seen Momento and I am seeing it on a few blogs. Making a list of need to see movies!

Brinda said...

I've seen and love most of the movies on your list. Thanks for the Feedly tip.

Unknown said...

Awesome movie choices and LOTR and Aliens made my list. Thanks for the Feedly tip, I had no idea what to do.

Laura Eno said...

The Old Reader is probably my choice. Feedly is a snob for dissing IE users.

Yay for Serenity! Awesome movie.

David P. King said...

Awesome picks, sir! And MST3K is your number 2? We've put iff watching that for too long. I'd better see what the hype is about. :)

Unknown said...

The only one I haven't seen on your list is Mystery Science Theater. I found the rest great fun!

farawayeyes said...

This is such a fun Blog Hop. Thanks for hosting. Even cheating I left so many favorites off my list. Enjoying reading everybody's list. There are more than a few I am going to have to rent.

Jennie Bennett said...

Great choices! the only one I haven't seen is Momento, I need to check it out!

Julie Dao said...

YEAH! You're the man. Anyone who puts LOTR at #1 is okay by me. I also loved Super 8 and thought it was so well-acted!

Michelle Gregory said...

we found Serenity a couple of years ago, then forgot about it, then watched it again recently. that led us to watching Firefly. we loved that too. honestly, my favorite character was Inara. also liked Watt.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Great picks Alex! I've enjoyed all those movies!

Katie Dunn said...

We have quite a few of the same movies on the top 10. Inception, Serenity, The Avengers. Aliens ALMOST made it in mine too, but got ousted by Brave;-) It would be my number 11.

Shaharizan Perez said...

That is a great list. Most of them are favorites of mine that didn't make the list though. I can't believe I forgot to put Aliens on my list! Darn!


Michael Di Gesu said...

HI, Alex,

I've been traveling and had no internet all weekend. EEEEK! But you are the first person I am visiting today.

Great movie choices. I had a hard time with this one! But I chose a few of my hundreds of favs. No easy task, I can tell you.

I have limited access today, but I will be have service from Tues. to Fri. and then back to B&A for wifi... these next seven weeks will certainly be a challenge for me. But, I WILL do the best I can to keep in the blogosphere. I have three days to get the first few weeks my A-Z posts scheduled so I won't panic... LOL.

I think you will like my theme this time around....

Leigh Caron said...

Hmm? I'm going to have to check Memento out.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info about Feedly. You've got some really good movies listed. However, all I could think when I saw your list is, typical guy movies. Since I'm not into stereo-typing and I know you watch more movies than I probably ever will in a lifetime, I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. Seriously, some really good picks there! Have a great day, Alex:)

ilima said...

Inception and Serenity made my list too! I pretty much grew up on Aliens and I LOVED Super 8. And I don't think I was ever more excited for a movie to come out as I was for Jurassic Park. Awesome list!

Huntress said...

Holy Cannoli, what great movies. Some I've seen and concur with your ratings and the others (like Serenity) are on my TBWatched list.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elsie, you need to see the movie! And glad you enjoyed Wreck it Ralph.

Mary, I will visit sometime today!

Nicki, that comes out soon. I'll have to see it.

PK, you will really dig the movie - even funnier than the show.

Thanks, Karen!

Brandon and Bryan, the fourth one was not good!

Sorry, Laura!

David, it's total epic humor.

Michael, no panic! And looking forward to your theme.

Laura Josephsen said...

I actually got to a bloghop in time to sign up for it! :D

Serenity is on my top ten, too. LOVE that movie (and Firefly).

D.G. Hudson said...

Darn, I forgot Inception. I need to watch that one again. It's not easy narrowing them down to 10.

Great list, Alex.

Maryannwrites said...

Thanks for the tip about Feedly. I downloaded it. Now I need to remember to visit there. LOL

Two of my favorite movies are "The Man From Snowy River" and "Tender Mercies." The first one because I love horses and lived vicariously through the central character. The second because I admire Robert Duvall and this was one of his best characters.

Mina Lobo said...

Super 8 was a great summer flick!

VR Barkowski said...

Incredible list. I thought Jackson did an amazing job with LOTR. The series is one of few I actually own.

~VR Barkowski

Jeff Hargett said...

Dr. Jones *almost* made my list. I liked each of those films for very different reasons. I had a difficult time with Super 8 though.

Paul Joseph said...

So glad I saw this! Memento was a great concept. A favorite of mine as well!

triles said...

Great list Alex, and of course, thanks for hosting this bloghop. My favorite on your list is Aliens-gotta love Ripley.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Thanks for the recommendation on Feedly. I shall try that this weekend.

Southpaw said...

Great movie picks!

Mina Burrows said...

I forgot Avengers. Those are good picks. Awesome blog fest!

Unknown said...

We like very different movies, Alex. Except Raiders, because who cares about genre or plot when the young and rakish Harrison Ford is featured? Although, I did like this movie for its own sake too, but still...)

And here's to Kyra and Angela!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ilima, you rock!

Heather, you must watch it.

Maryann, you'll like Feedly.

Julie, that made me chuckle.

S. L. Hennessy said...

We definitely crossed over on a few (though that's hardly a surprise), and several others would have been on my list had I had more slots available (only being allowed ten movies was cruel and unusual punishment).

Matthew MacNish said...

Great picks, Alex!

Shah Wharton said...

See, now you mentioned a few I left off my list erroneously! LOTR trilogy, for a start... how did I do that? Great list - never seen Momento - will have to give it a whirl! Cheers Alex.

Nickie said...

I love me some MST3K, too! It's a big reason why I don't watch movies in theater -- I find myself heckling. Better to wait until the movie's on DVD so I can jeer from the privacy of my own home.

I *adore* the LOTR movies, and I think you're right -- the fact that Peter Jackson et al love and respect the books shines through.

I'd probably add a few screwball comedies to this list -- 'Clue' is one of my all time faves, as is 'Trains, Planes, and Automobiles'. If a movie can make me laugh 50 times in a row, they got to be doing something right.

Isis Rushdan said...

Awesome list, of course!

Aliens and LOTR made mine as well.

Thanks for the fest!

Mark Means said...

Some nice picks there and I enjoyed Momento, as well. It didn't make my top ten, but it was a great movie all the same.

Thanks for hosting!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Ooh, I almost put INCEPTION down on my list! That was really good. :)

Al Diaz said...

I like Avengers and Jurassic Park too. Maybe I'll include them when you do the top thirty countdown movie. :)

Juliana Haygert said...

Awesome choices, Alex!

Sus said...

Great list - all awesome movies!

Thanks for hosting such a fun hop!

Nancy Thompson said...

A great list that reflects your personality. There are 4 on there I've never seen, including Super8, which totally intrigues me. Thanks for the reminder!

Julie Flanders said...

All such great picks. I never tire of the first Jurassic Park, absolutely love it.

I'm definitely going to check out Feedly, this is the second recommendation I've seen for it.

Anonymous said...

Ohh! I forgot about Serenity and Memento. Those movies were amazing. Great list, a few are on my list too and others are ones I enjoy as well.

Tami Von Zalez said...

Aliens made both of our lists. Thank you for hosting and I'll have to note all of these suggested movies. So many to see now!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alex. Checked out Michelle's A-Z Challenge post. That was great.

Thanks for sharing about Feedly. I was wondering which option to choose once Google Reader is no longer available.

I've seen some of the movies on your top ten list.

kjmckendry said...

I almost put Raiders and Inception on my list too.
Great choices.

SK Anthony said...

Lord of the Ring Trilogy? LOVE! my #1 for sure. I also really like Inception and Super 8 and Avengers... I haven't seen the other ones. No Aliens for me, mee-too-scared...

SK Anthony said...

I lied, I lied! I did see Jurassic Park... Ok, I feel better getting that off my chest now ;)

nutschell said...

Aw man, Indiana Jones was on my list too, but I had to cut it. Awesome movies and an awesome blogfest, Alex!

Dani and Jax said...

We love LOTR. :)
Thanks for hosting, Alex!

Sherry Ellis said...

I've never seen the Mystery Science Theater. I'll have to check it out.

Johanna Garth said...

I really loved Super 8 and somehow, even though I'm a big Joss Whedon fan, Serenity was under my radar until today. Really looking forward to seeing it.

Mel Kinnel (@TizMellyMel) said...

I have been eyeing Feedly as my alternative. I think that I'm going that route as well.

I loved Momento! That movie was awesome. The LOTR trilogy and Raiders of the Lost Ark are among my favorites as well.

DL Hammons said...

I had Serenity on my original list, but was eliminated during my final cut. Some truly great films here!! :)

J.L. Campbell said...

Hi, Alex,
I'm not a movie buff, so I don't have a thing to contribute. Thanks for the reminder re Writers 4 Writers.

SC Author said...

LOTR! I want to watch Memento now :) And thank you so much for the plug! That means a lot :)

DiscConnected said...


I am a little surprised so many titles released since the last go-round made the cut.

Nowadays, I tend to only see something once (maybe twice if I Netflix it in addition to seeing it in the theater), so it is a little harder to knock some of my older classics off my list.

Thanks for hosting,


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

SL, I know!

Nickie, MST3K just rocks. We make fun of movies now as well.

Al, one hundred of the greatest movies...

Nancy, you would relate to Super 8.

Susanne, Feedly is really easy to use.

Johanna, you must fix that!

Larry, I was trying to mix it up some. Last time the list was twelve, which really made it challenging.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Feedly sounds like something that I desperately need to organize all those wonderful blogs I follow. Thank you for recommending it, Alex!

Congrats to Kyra and my buddy, Angela Brown :-) As for the SC Write query, I'm gonna share this with my critique group partners. Two of them are getting ready to start querying agents.

LOTR Trilogy, Avengers, Riders of the Lost Ark, and J Park are definitely among my favorite movies. And so is Harry Potter series (I am such a kid at heart), Chocolat, Hocus Pocus (hehe, I love that one!), It's a Wonderful Life, plus there are also some Polish movies that I've cherished since my childhood :-)

Nicole said...

Loved numbers 8-5! :)

Alexandra Heep said...

Hey, I've seen 3 on your list, and that is saying something from someone who is not a movie buff. Thanks for stopping by and doing this. Looking forward to the A-Z challenge.

Suze said...

Your list is very *you.* :)

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I am NOT a cheater. :) One list is for your fest and the other is my gift to me. Just so you know.


Unknown said...

Awesome list! I love Jurassic Park and Raiders. I keep meaning to watch Inception, especially since Tom Hardy stars in it, but I just haven't made my way to it. Now I will. This blogfest has been a blast! Thanks again, Alex!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Gotta check out Feedly. THanks for the hint, Alex.

Unknown said...

Oh, man, the LOTR movies rocked. They would sneak themselves into my list somehow. The Aliens movies sure were freaky. Thanks for your info about Feedly. I'll have to check out the query contest.

Thanks for hosting the blogfest today. It was way fun to get it all organized. :)

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

Okay, after seeing your list I realize that it is way too hard to narrow things down to just 10.

Ella said...

I love your list, but I question you putting Avengers as #7, lol!

Okay, I will cut you some slack-your top 5 rocked ;D

Happy Movie Monday! I couldn't narrow it down, but I will visit~

Ooh, thanks for being your Ninja like self and testing Feedly!

Carol Kilgore said...

Loved Inception and Raiders!

Nicole said...

I still have yet to see might be sitting somewhere in my Netflix queue. Great choices with Inception and The Avengers. It took me some time to warm up to the former because there were a few scenes that tripped me up and caused some confusion but once I got the hang of it all, the rest of the movie rocked!


Cherie Reich said...

What a great list! And man, how in the world did I forget Inception?!? I love that movie!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, it's easy to use!

Suze, that's a good thing!

Julia, they were on a lot of lists today.

Ella, it was difficult to put them in order.

Nicole, you have to watch Memento!

Anonymous said...

I would have to put Inception in my honorable mention along with The Aviator. Picking just 10 was hard for me.

Anonymous said...

I would have to put Inception in my honorable mention along with The Aviator. Picking just 10 was hard for me.

Rusty Carl said...

What a great list! Mine won't go up until later. But I agree with every one of these.

Unknown said...

A lot of great movies on your list. Momento would definitely be in my top twenty. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a classic. I haven't seen it in so long, I kind of forgot about it. Thanks for hosting!

Leovi said...

Feedly good recommendation, thank you very much.

Ricky said...

Aargh. I missed this blogfest.

Daisy Carter said...

Oh, man, I LOVED Super 8! Such a great one - didn't even think about it for my list.

Thanks so much for hosting this bloghop, Alex! It's been a blast so far!

Laura said...

ohhh - you have some classics in that list!
Thanks for the tip on Feedly - off to investigate

VikLit said...

Ahh I loved Super 8 and I didn't think of it! What great picks and thanks for running such a fun blogfest.

LynnRush said...

GREAT list. I like a lot of your movie choices. :) Yay!!

Dani said...

Total blockbusters all around! Not one bad movie here! This fest was a blast! Thanks for hosting!

randi lee said...

Great list! Especially the shout outs to MST3K and Serenety. Super 8 was an awesome movie as well...very well done!!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

First of all, I'm feeling bad because I haven't heard of many of those movies. Memento, I liked a lot. But after visiting many links, I'm shocked that nobody's got BLADE RUNNER on their list. Holy Macaroni, Blade Runner is a super duper movie! I bet I've watched it 25x since it first aired.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, I will be watching!

Ricky, still time to join!

Joylene, I've seen it a couple times today, but not many.

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks for the tip on Feedly! Off to check it out! :)

I haven't seen all of the ones on your list (yet) but I love the ones I have!

Shannon Lawrence said...

I have always thought it would be fun to write a story in Memento fashion, but I'd hate to do it badly. So for now, I wait. I've seen too many do it badly. Yay for Aliens being on another list!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

FilmMattic said...

Awesome blogfest, Alex! You've been a brilliant host and I'm so glad that your encouragement lead to me participating.

I've seen all your picks and have an appreciation for all of them. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Aliens, Memento and frankly all of these movies are deserving of Top Ten consideration, so great job!

Sylvia Ney said...

Awesome list! I've seen all of them except Momento. I can see I need to add it to my list of "must sees". Thanks for the great bloghop!


M Pax said...

I'm liking Feedly a lot so far.

How could I forget Jurassic Park on my list? I still love that movie. When the T-Rex shows up still awes me. She was spectacular.

Emily Genther said...

Some great movies you've mentioned there. I had to laugh at MST3K. I grew watching that show.

Belle said...

A lot of my favorites are here. Lord of the Rings and Serenity would be my top two of your list.

Anonymous said...

There's actually a number of movies on here that I haven't seen and definitely putting them on my "to watch" list.

I downloaded the feedly app for my iPhone and I've found it quite confusing to use. I'll give the browser version a go and try to keep an open mind.

Tracey Joseph said...

More than one of these are on my list of favorite movies, my much longer list. I loved Inception, Lord of the Rings, and of course I loved Jurassic Park.

Jay Noel said...

Thanks for your info. on Feedly. I will check that out for sure.

Darn, forgot about Serenity.

I think we're all really still ticked off about the show being cancelled too.

Jaime said...

Super 8 was a great movie and I love Indiana Jones. Too bad he isn't real.

Tara Tyler said...

i cant believe i didnt put jurassic park!

and inception was fabulous
and serenity was a sweet end to the series that should not have ended...

thanks for the fun fest!

Unknown said...

Haha, I'm so glad cheating was okay. I can't say it is on my favorite list (though I like it), but my husband looovvvess Mystery Science Theatre. It is pretty funny.

You've got an awesome list there. Thanks for the awesome fun blogfest Alex =)

Birgit said...

I agree with LOTR-Amazing filmwork. Memento is great and original. Have not seen the Avengers yet. I still can't sit through Alien-too scary but then again I had nightmares about Ultraman fighting Godzilla

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

On my sidebar, where I have listed blog sites, a whole bunch of them have that photo of some top ten movie countdown blogfest. Can you believe it, yet another blogfest.

Seriously, I do like your choices. And I promise not repeat that Tolkien's inspiration for "Middle-earth" was partially based on his observations of the locals in the town I live in.

I'm going now.

Gary :)

Allison said...

No surprise that some of our favourites overlap, Alex! :) Good choices. I forgot Indiana Jones!!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, I know I would mess it up.

Matthew, glad you joined us!

Mary, same here!

Emily, I grew up... wait, I was already grown. Bummer.

Capillary, keep messing with the settings.

Jay, FOX is evil.

Emilyann, he has good taste.

Gary, I believe it!

Robin said...

Awesome list. I had tons of movies on my list. Serenity, Super 8, The Avengers, and Inception were all on my Big List. I love all of those movies. I didn't even think of Raiders of the Lost Ark or it would have been there. And now I really need to watch Memento because I keep seeing it on so many lists....

Peaches Ledwidge said...

Like your list. Jurassic Park is a classic.

Melissa Sugar said...

You picked some great ones. I forgot how much I liked Memento. I've been an absentee blogger, but for a good reason (three of my top four agents) requested my manuscript. Anyway, I thought today's blogfest would be an easy transition back in to the blogging world, but I had the hardest dang time narrowing my movies down.

Thanks for the feedly idea. I'm in desperate need of a new and better way of reading everyone's blog post. Many thanks.

SpacerGuy said...

Serenity's a great movie but Aliens is one of the spooky ones. I still remember everyone seated, chatting at dinner, classic.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Brilliant list!

I loved this fest!!!!!

Thank you!

Rachel Schieffelbein said...

Great picks, Alex! My husband took me to the second LOTR movie for our first date because he knew I wanted to see it. Didn't know until we got there that he hadn't seen the first one!

Marta Szemik said...

Thanks for hosting this blogfest, Alex. We have a few in common! I can't believe I didn't list Inception as one of my faves, but it was difficult to pick the 10.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I don't remember your dirty dozen but I remember them all being science fictiony. Great picks though. I was tempted to put all LOTR on my list but I felt like that was cheating a little.

Krista McLaughlin said...

LOTR is my top movie too! :) And Avengers is awesome, Whedon did a great job with the movie and making it a movie with everything; hilarious jokes, bromance, action, fighting, and so much more! :)

I've never seen Firefly. I know, I call myself a nerd and haven't seen it. I better do it! :)

Arlee Bird said...

All decent films on your list--I've enjoyed all that I've seen which is most of them.

I wondered what you were going to do about Google Reader. I'll have to check out this Feedly and maybe start using it.

Wrote By Rote
An A to Z Co-host blog

Deniz Bevan said...

Yay for LOTR!
This is a fun blogfest :-)

Robin said...

Love Serenity (but Firefly even more)! I'm doing the A to Z challenge for the 1st time this year.

Great blogfest:D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robin, you have to watch Memento!

Melissa, I saw that - congratulations!

Rachel, that's too funny.

PTM, cheating is obviously allowed!

Krista, you need to fix that.

Lee, it works really well.

Deniz, it's been a fun day of movies.

Cathy Keaton said...

I completely agree with Memento! That movie is so incredible and bizarre and intricate. And the LotR movies are some of my most favorite for the same reasons everyone else loves them. They are so detailed and painstakingly crafted, how could they not amaze people?

Ian Anderson said...

Memento really flipped my lid, I saw it in college and along with Fight Club was one of those films that stuck with me.

Pat Tillett said...

For the most part, I love your list of movies. LOTR Trilogy was just an amazing thing. I wanted it to go on and on. One of my girls said the first Hobbit movie was very good also.

Hildie McQueen said...

Fun Blog Hop, I love Avengers, but most of my movies are mushy! Cheerio

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