And this month I have two awesome co-hosts helping - LG Keltner and CM Brown! Be sure to visit them and say thanks for their willingness to help.
Since many of you are in the middle of NaNo, thought I’d give you a word of encouragement. Maybe you’re thinking your writing sucks at this point. Maybe you’re terrified to let anyone see the mess you just wrote. If you’re feeling down, I am here to amuse. Actually, I’m not that funny, so I’ll let Rusty Webb and Cassie Mae entertain you. If you’re worried about what others will say about your work, consider this wonderful feedback I received on CassaStorm:
“…we destroyed their main supply forty years ago.” - Oh my gosh. Is this how you spell this??? I’ve been writing my checks wrong for years!
…her hips twisting in an enticing fashion. - Oh the butt wiggle! Works every time
…you’ll be damned grateful we’re here! - I’m still not ready to get into in any detail. At the pace I’m going I’ll get these notes to you about six months after the book is released
“Dreams and more. Their brains processed information and increased in knowledge during the trip to Tgren.” - I wish a computer would make me smarter while I slept.
Because tonight I need you. - Bow chicka bow wow!
If he choked down just one more, he might satisfy his mother enough she would excuse him from the table. - Oh God, I have so many memories just like this. Seriously.
From the olkajhfdjnqlmdfnfqwhjnd;ocnther reports… - Ack! Sorry, baby butt on the computer! And I tried to delete it but he must’ve butt pressed another button that’s doing something funky. So… um, ignore this!
Athee didn’t possess the authority to interfere. - Whatever. That gives her all authority, lol.
Oh, and this is session number two, I think somewhere around comment number 20 I switched over to another day. I know, for you it seems like only seconds, but for me it’s been days. It’s like time travel, except for this is a much lamer version without causality violations.
At least I accomplished something today, he thought. - For someone who doesn’t have children, you sure know how to write heart-wrenching father /mother/ son moments. Now I don’t have an excuse to write something crappy just cuz I don’t know how it is, lol.
Her son needed help, but if Byron had ordered for evacuation preparations… - Dude, they just need to do it! All this crap, a good romp in the sheets will take their minds off it.
She held her breath, resisting the urge to look out the canopy. - Sorry, in all my ranting and complaining I forgot to mention that his is really well written. It’s tense, it’s exciting, and it’s awesome.
I think you guys will be all right!
Be sure to visit others participating in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!
Ninja News
The fourth book in Michael Abayomi’s fantasy series, Guardians & The Lost Paradise, is out now – The Shadow. Congratulations, Michael!
Liz Fichera received her review copies this week and is holding a giveaway for three signed copies! See her site for details.
Talli Roland’s latest book, a Christmas novella aclled Mistletoe in Manhattan, is available now!
Jessica Bell’s next book, Show & Tell in a Nutshell: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing, will be out soon! I know I’m buying a copy. (If I don’t, my critique partners will send me one anyway.)
Rachel Morgan just launched The Faerie Guardian, which is the compilation of four of her Creepy Hallow novelettes. Congratulations, Rachel!
Setting up a Blogfest
Since several people have asked me, I decided to give you guys some tips for putting together a blogfest. Hosting blogfests are a great way to get involved in the blogging community and a lot of fun. There’s extra work if you are the host, but there’s also benefits. Here’s a checklist for organizing a great blogfest:
- Select awesome theme
- Select date – Be mindful of other events in the blogging world. Monday-Wednesday-Fridays work best
- Design a cool button
- Write a short and simple description – Trust me on that one!
- Create a Linky Code and require emails – Post it somewhere on your blog so you can enter your name (and co-hosts) and then remove until you’re ready to announce the blogfest
- Announce a month before the date of the blogfest
- Remind people at least once a week and have button in sidebar with link to original announcement
- A few days before the blogfest, send out an email reminder – Be sure to send it to yourself with everyone else as a BBC. Not everyone wants to share their email address with the world
- Compose your post with all the information, your entry, and the link, and schedule it to go live early
- Visit everyone who participates
- Note those who don’t and remove their links the next day. (If you’re really ambitious, add the direct links in the Linky List. Yes, I do this. Call me anal.)
- Thank everyone in your next post.
Any questions? And if you don’t have a Linky Tools subscription, let me know and I’ll create a Linky List for you.
What is your insecurity for the day? Excited about all the new books? Any questions about setting up a blogfest? And did this post make you smile? (I always aim to amuse!)
Thanks for the laughs, and thanks also for the tips on how to set up a blogfest. I've considered hosting a blogfest sometime, and it seems more manageable with the process laid out like this.
Have a great Wednesday!
Rusty and Cassie Mae are so funny! Congrats to Michael, Liz, Talli, Jessica and Rachel. I have been waiting for Rachel's compilation to be released!
Looking forward to helping with IWSG, thanks again for the opportunity!
Great tips on setting up a blogfest! I also enjoyed all of the feedback; especially the first one about spelling forty! Congrats to all of the authors, and I will visit your wonderful co-hosts! Julie
Hi Alex. Great post as usual. It is very kind of you to give the details of setting up a blogfest. That is so helpful to those who haven't done it. I use Inlinkz as it's free and great.
So many good blogger coming out. Show and Tell should be on every bookshelf. Much discussed at our writer's group today.
Great blogfest tips. Who knows - I might use them one day.
Love the readers comments. It must have been such fun reading through them all.
Thanks Alex. You are a true captain. I was thinking about hosting a blogfest to coincide with my return to America. I will let you know if and when I do, but thinks for the tips. These are great.
Thanks for the reminder that sometimes feedback isn't as bad as we think it's going to be. We really are our own worst critics. I'm one of those in the middle of NaNo and I def could use the laugh right now!
I so know which comments were Cassie's ... hilarious :)
Yeah, on that Blogfest thing... I'm hosting one Nov. 19, so am I like, too late to mention it?
It's all a bit of a mystery to me...
Thanks for the tips on setting up a blogfest! I've been a cohost before but never ventured into setting one up.
CM and LG rock for helping out with IWSG this month.
There's nothing quite like a baby's butt on the keyboard to point out spelling issues... ;)
You're a funny guy.
Hugs and chocolate,
No one else needs to do blog-fests because you do them so brilliantly! :) Also, have to say a big thanks for telling my how to email lots of peeps without sharing their email address. I never new how so have spent hours in the past doing singularly. *Groan.*
And that book about show/tell sounds interesting... always eager to gather tips on that issue. I am about to begin visiting other participants. I imagine it'll be a quite time this month though.... NaNo and all. Thanks for hosting as always Alex. X
What an awesome post! I'm bookmarking this. :)
Great run down on setting up a blogfest! Not sure if we did it right with INDIE-giving, but we tried! :)
Great comments to give us a grin on a Monday morning...
Great post! And thanks for sharing the CassaStorm moments. They made me smile and remember my own crit sessions.
So much awesomeness and the blogfest tips were great. Thank you!
You're such an awesome ninja :-)
Oh man I love when CPs are funny in their notes. It makes the crit/revision process so much better. :)
Very funny Alex, thanks for the laugh. It is nice to see a IWSG post with some humor in it today :)
LOL! Cassie's the funniest! Love the comments. That's a great list on how to set up a blogfest!
I always wondered where those Linky Lists come from! I am completely inept when it comes to computers. I'm lucky I can post to my blog at all...I'll gladly take you up on your offer Alex, b/c I'd love some help to set up a Linky List thingamajig, since I have absolutely no clue how to!
Thanks for the blogfest tips. I wouldn't have thought to BC everyone.
Thanks for the feedback smiles, Alex!
Great job with blogfest tips. I remember a few years ago, I couldn't even find a definition of "blogfest" online!
Reader comments are great aren't they? Those kind of comments are what make getting critiques so much fun--and I can't believe I even said that because six months ago the thought of getting critiques made my knees wobble and my fingers shake.
These monthly IWSG meet ups must be helping!
Thanks for all that you do, and for your tips on blogfests! :)
Loved the comments and I was trying to guess who said them.
I also have been thinking of doing a blog fest just to be more active in visiting blogs, etc.
It's been a really long time since I held a blogfest, so maybe my memory is failing me or maybe I used a different tool but I had no idea I could edit other links! That would've been so helpful for those who signed up but forgot and didn't participate or those who mistyped their URL....ohh, where was this six months ago?
It's been a really long time since I held a blogfest, so maybe my memory is failing me or maybe I used a different tool but I had no idea I could edit other links! That would've been so helpful for those who signed up but forgot and didn't participate or those who mistyped their URL....ohh, where was this six months ago?
LG and CM, thanks for helping today!
Julie, Cassie will die when she sees I posted that...
Annalisa, I laughed a lot!
Sydney, keep us posted on that.
Mark, they are obvious, aren't they. And I know nothing...
Laura, no there's not!
Thanks, Shah!
Laura, your blogfest will be great.
Pk, it does!
Jaybird, just ask - I will help.
I'm all for butt wiggles.
Take care
You've got the blog fest concept down for sure. They can be a lot of work, but they can also give a blogger a big boost.
Tossing It Out
Too funny. I posted my insecurity today. I'm always excited for new books. Thanks.
Some of those comments had me spitting out my coffee - too funny! Thanks for the laughs this morning. :)
Bow chicka bow wow!! Hee....
Thanks for all the lowdown on setting up a blogfest. Great stuff!
Nice blogfest tips. Now if I only had the time do run one. . .
Congrats to all the authors getting their stuff out there!
Thanks for the to come up with some ideas! Does it cost for a linky subscription? And you're not anal, just organised! :)
Loved the comments!
The comments are great - reminded me that mine don't all need to be "fix this" and just smiley faces. Going to work on the in CP land.
Thanks for the tips on blogfests. I have been thinking about hosting one for a while - we'll see if I ever get all my stuff together to do it :)
All excellent tips for developing a Blogfest. Short and simple. That's my motto. People will appreciate this as the last thing they want to do is jump through hoops.
And best wishes to all who are releasing new books! I'm sending big thoughts of success your way.
LOL! I'm surprised my cats haven't typed something like that while stepping on the keyboard.
Good tips for starting a blogfest. It is a lot of work.
I just finished Rusty's story. LOVED IT! He's awesome. Oh, and you think they are colorful critique partners. Hildie McQueen will keep you rolling. :)
NaNO is my current insecurity. I know it's supposed to help writers, but sometimes it feels like it's doing the opposite.
I'm going to get an iPad and plug it into my head every night before I go to sleep.
Yep, sharing the work is a big insecurity for me, but I am fortunate to have really supportive, funny critique partners (like you) whom I do trust. Ha! Those comments are great.
Kitty, I'm sure you are!
Madeline, imagine many more while trying to edit!
Anna, Linky Tools is twenty dollars a year, but I'd be happen to create a Linky List for anyone with my subscription.
Stephen, I'm all about the short and simple.
Ciara, I bet! And Rusty is an awesome writer.
Thanks for posting those. I needed to smile. I actually participated for the first time at the dojo. I finally broke down and admitted my insecurities, which wasn't easy.
Took me long enough.
LOL awesome comments from the Cassie and Rusty!
Congrats to all ninja news!
You're the king of blogfest and I hope you host many, many more!
Thanks for a great post, and great advice about blog fests. I posted my insecurities today - I really look forward to IWSG day! It's like a real, proper support group :) Checking out some fellow IWSGs now, Jo x
God Bless those wonderful CP's.
Great info on hosting a blogfest, but can't actually see myself ever doing it, BUT I am ever grateful for those of you who do.
I'm gonna have to start taking part in some of these blog fests.
Definitely made me smile! Gotta' love great CPs. :)
It's great that LG and CM are willing to help out! Thanks you two!
Love Cassie's and Rusty's comments! Thanks for sharing.
Great info for a blogfest.
Thank you for the instructions about setting up a blogfest--I've never done that before. Does it cost money to use Linky these days? Ah, reader feedback. So instructive!
Hahaha oh my gosh, her comments are so funny!!! Lol. I'm insecure about starting a blogfest. I mean, what if no one signed up? That'd be awkward… Lol.
Bow chicka bow wow? HA!
I'm excited and I love the humor you shared with us~ Your partners are the best! Cassie n' Rusty-rock!
Oooh, lots of goodness over here~
I'm excited for the blogfest that are coming up~ Heartfelt ones that will tug at our hearts!
Fun post :D
I spelled forty wrong for nearly forty years. The "correct" spelling doesn't make sense. One of my kids called me out on it a few years ago when I corrected their correct spelling and made them spell it wrong on homework.
Great tips on running a blogfest. One day...I might do one.
One day.
Those comments are priceless!
I will definitely pop in to visit your two awesome co-hosts later on!
You make it sound so easy.
Congrats to all these authors. Talli has done an excellent job of having truly distinctive yet unified covers.
Hehehe, just got notes back from my editor - I might have to ask if she minds me doing a post like this because she's got some zingers in teh comments.
The comments are hilarious. No wonder, you hang out with some of the neatest writers ever. And you have talent. And audacity. And... well, you are the CAPTAIN after all!
I'm not just smiling, I'm grinning. :-D <---See?
Seriously DYING with the commentary on CassaStorm... DYING. Alex, so awesome. And I love the blogfest tips. Really clever! What a great idea.
I definitely laughed . . .especially on the baby butt comment.
I feel like I bit off more than I can swallow with revisions, NaNo, prep for my book release, etc. - like I tried to squeeze in a superwoman suit and it just doesn't fit. However, I'm still chugging along anyway.
Those comments were hilarious!
We always smile at with your blogs. Good to know about the blogfest in case I ever feel so inspired, thank you for sharing. As always, thanks for all the encouragement you freely dole out to the community.
You'd be proud of me, Alex. I wrote FORTY on my check the other day! I was determined not to stick a U in there, even though it makes so much more sense to use a U. LOL.
Miranda, we're glad you did!
Juliana, I will.
Charles, join us!
Jennifer, it's twenty dollars.
Jess, that would be awkward!
Tonja, that's funny.
Nicki, go for it!
Glad everyone enjoyed the comments! My critique partners rule.
Thanks for the pep talk and the amusement! Your partners do rule LOL.
Cassie Mae and Rusty should put out a book on just their critique remarks!
Congrats to Liz, Talli, Michael, Jessica and Rachel! Lots of hard work there. Alex, those comments are hilarious, so you obviously have a thick skin. I'm planning a blogfest/hop for December and will be using your tips. I'll let you know I decide to use Linky because it's a generous offer. Take care
My insecurity for the day is that I will not catch up. I'm woefully behind on so many things. Even got my IWSG post up super late, Oye!
How do we design a button?
Thanks for the info on setting up a blogfest!
Those notes were hilarious! I'm still laughing about Cassie's baby butt comment :)
That feedback is priceless. Luv it. And the old butt computer trick? Been there, done that. Many times.
Thanks for the mention, Alex!
Of course I'm smiling. How could I not with "Bow chicka bow wow!" and "butt on the keyboard"?
Thanks for the great points on setting up a blog hop. I think you get the Ninja title for that talent. :-)
Yes. Smiling and laughing. I'll be spending some time checking out the blogs you mentioned today. I think I would need coaching if I ever decided to create and host a blogfest. I don't know how to do any of the technical stuff.
Thanks for the laughs :) And happy writing to those doing NaNo this month!
It's not flattery. It's not artificial praise.
But I enjoy this blog hop EVERY month. I get to write my heart out with all my sadness and insecurities. Then I get to hop around and tell everyone how great they are and encourage them to keep going? What a wonderful way to forget my own insecurities!
Thanks Alex!
This is great information about how to set up a blogfest! I'll keep this in mind if I ever set one up. (I'm going to Twitter this post, too.) Thanks for sharing!
Great post and great Blogfest tips! I have certainly learned a lot from the Thankful hop
Too funny! Wonderful way to get the point across.
Great post! Always love stopping by... always make me smile and laugh. Thanks for all the info!
I loved this post, Alex! Your CP remarks were hilarious, especially the baby butt one. I can't tell you how many times Angela made me laugh with her comments on my MS. It certainly makes editing more fun.
Congrats to Michael, Liz, Talli, Jessica and Rachel.
Thanks for the blogfest tips - and thanks for hosting IWSG:)
New requirement for my critique partners: Must be snarky. Seriously, if they can pepper their critiques with comments worthy of MST3K, I'll be a happy man.
Oh, and the "At least I accomplished something today" sentiment? So say we all.
haha, love those comments! You have great CPs.
Allison (Geek Banter)
Oh I miss reading Cassie's notes. She's so funny. I think I need to send her something today just so I can read her notes. :)
If I ever host another blogfest, I want to co-host with YOU. I'm totally impressed with the level of detail and follow-ups to make sure it's a success! I didn't know it was possible to remove links for the drop-outs who sign up then forget about the fest. It bugs me as a participant to follow loads of dead links--that's a great tip!
Loved the writing/feedback section. Hilarious!
Hilarious commentary. Loved it. :)
Thanks for sharing the blogfest info too. :)
Cassie could probably collect a paycheck for fun edits!
Insecurity is heightened.
Word would not open then it would not let me write. There sat my measly 17,762 words as they were as good as lost.
I tried all the tricks then I left it overnight and it fixed itself.
I am very uncomfortable with someone reading my words, other than blogging. How do you overcome it? I know it's a must.
Your books have been good. Is there a fourth being born as we speak?
LOL, Cassie critiques are the best, aren't they?! :D
Funny comments! Must make it a pleasure to read through your crits. Maybe I'll do a little funny here & there in my edits. Ooh, some good books, especially Jesdica's. gonna have to get that one. I don't think I'll ever be brave enoug to throw a blogfest. I don't even know how to make a graphic link back to a post. Oy!
Al, those feedback snippets were great!
It is so cool that you have a long-haul relationship with your review partners, what a joy it must be to see that relationship evolve over the years.
That blogfest list is why I came to you! heh heh
Hah, I don't suffer from insecurity so much as just plain old stress. I look at the insurmountable tasks I have before me, grin and grit my teeth, and steel my soul in preparation.
I would let people read my rough draft for Nano if they wanted to, but I wouldn't really see the point. It's supposed to sound like crap. I am spouting garbage onto a page just to get it out there, and I'll go back and clean it up later.
So, as long as I know my first draft is terrible, what is there to feel insecure about?
Hi Alex
The critique notes where hilarious. So many good books. Thanks for the blogfest advice.
I've visited a few insecure posts today, so I don't feel insecure at all.
I'm thinking of buying Jessica Bell's book on writing, too. Saw the info on her blog.
Bow chicka wow wow and butt wiggle...that's totally Cassie!
Great posting! Definitely enjoyed the critiquing notes and needed a laugh today! Also great BlogFest hints and tips!
You have hilarious beta readers. Those comments are awesome.
Great tips on the blog fest! I've never even thought of hosting one myself, but now I'm...considering it. :D Thanks!
Wow, time to play catch-up!
Roland, they should.
Maurice, if you need one, let me know.
Isis, PhotoShop is best.
Liz, you're welcome.
Mary, I am willing to help!
Ink, I'm glad you get so much out of it.
Sherry, thanks!
Nate, they are like MST3K snarky comments, aren't they?
Laurel, easy to remove!
Gail, with comments like those above, it's a lot of fun. And no fourth book yet.
Suze, it is!
John, that's right!
Thanks, everyone!!!!!
Dressed in pajamas topped with a Chargers sweatshirt, and eating a bowl of reheated pasta, I can honestly say. All is well in my world. Well other than I should be exercising and not eating carbs. Yeah my insecurity is that I'm a pudgy writer! Good post Alex.
Well, this post definitely made me smile. I'm still giggling over those comments, especially the baby butt one. Hehe! :)
Smiling too.
Congrats to the other authors.
Thanks for the tutorial about blogfest and Linky List. I'll have to revisit it because I'm still clueless about it.
NaNo has me totally strapped! I'm sacrificing this month's IWSG post to spend time reading the posts of other IWSGers. Then again, I don't have much to complain about...aside from my slacker word count, that is ;D
As always, thanks for the news, Alex!
I'd love to set up a blogfest, but I'd be afraid I'd get almost no response. I tried to host my own contests (not part of a greater bloghop/contest hosted by someone else) a few times, and got no real response then either. Is it possible for someone with a small amount of active followers to get enough visibility or interest for a blogfest?
Bookmarking this post for future blogfest reference. Congrats to Michael, Liz, Talli, Jessica and Rachel! Loved the CassaStorm feedback comments!
Thanks for sharing all the fun insights into your crit process. :)
Thanks for the blogfest tutorial. Maybe one day :)
Those comments were so funny, thanks for sharing them. Interesting to read the 'How to host a blogfest' tips too.
Those comments were so funny, thanks for sharing them. Interesting to read the 'How to host a blogfest' tips too.
Those comments were hilarious! Thank you for sharing. Now I don't feel like I'm too cheeky when critiquing! I'll have my IWSG post up tomorrow.
Awesome comments, Cassie and Rusty!! Reading them all must've been a riot.
Hahaha, you have such awesome crit partners!
And thank you for sharing my release :-)
Cassie, sorry I missed your comment earlier - good for you!!
Randi, hope they inspire and motivate you.
Carrie-Anne, that's where you team up with others and have co-hosts!
Christine, dare to be cheeky!
Rachel, you're welcome!
Both L.G.Keitner and C.M.Brown are doing an awesome job! And I loved the notes on running a blogfest. Those things scare me, but you made it seem so easy. Thanks!
Excellent CP feedback. It's always good to laugh while figuring out what needs fixing.
I never thought about removing the links of those that didn't post. Good idea.
You did make me smile. I should compile some of the comments I received from editors but it might make people cry instead of laugh.
Loved the CP comments! Gave me a good laugh.
And great tips about how to set up a blogfest. I've been wondering about that, so it was a timely post for me. :)
You did make me smile!
Crit buddy comments are always the best - love when you have that connection with them :)
ROFL! I totally see Cassie in some of those comments!
Oh, and I totally had an IWSG post for today, but for some reason it didn't go up. #fail But when I realized it, I figured it was a blessing because my insecurity was just TOO insecure for the blogosphere! Just wanted you to know I didn't forget!
Lexa, it is easy! And I knew those two ladies would do a great job.
Mary, I try to keep blogfests and the IWSG current.
Susan, that's sad!
Jen, so I read!
Ali, it couldn't have been THAT bad...
Too funny. They sound the best crit partners a writer could wish for!
Yes, I like the gently swaying hips. Greetings.
Thank you for the funnies and for the blogfest instructions. Sometimes I'm eager to have other people look at my writing, but another part wants to hide it away until it's perfect, which of course it never is. Not sure if that insecurity or a neurosis.
Those are hilarious comments. You must have fun reading your critiques! (If "fun" and "critiques" are mutually exclusive . . .)
Thanks for the tips on hosting a blogfest. I'll have to bookmark this post.
lol at the critique comments, especially Bow chicka bow wow! hahahaha
Great info on doing a blogfest. I'm planning on one early next year (my first), so I've kept these helpful tips. THANKS!!!!!!
Ellie, they are!
Leovi, who doesn't?
Helena, a little of both?
Golden, now you know why I enjoy editing!
Lynda, looking forward to it!
I won't call you anal but the baby butt on the keyboard cracked me up and the possibly famous butt wiggle. Maybe you are anal. Just kidding. Linky Lists and Linky tools etc. Bah humbug. With everything I'm doing I'm even attempting Nano this year although it's going kind of slow. Yes, you're amusing!
I love the comments from Cassie! She is so funny and sassy!
Those are some great tips for hosting a blogfest. I tired to do that once, but I forgot about it and no one joined. Oops!
This was HILARIOUS, especially the Bow chicka bow wow or. Thanks for laying out your humorous but probably painful critiques for us to enjoy. I needed this :)
Hi Alex,
Through blurry eyes caused by lack of sleep and commenting at a ridiculous time in the early morn, I am, as per usual, astounded by the information overload that you place upon my frazzled brain. Thanks for all the links and valuable info.
Of course, you write a "check" as "cheque" over here. Yes, I'm fluent in English English, Canadian English, and y'all, American English.
I wish anyone who is involved in a blogfest or wishes to start up one, the very best of positive interaction.
You have hilarious and astute critique partners. I was laughing out loud through all of their comments! Great job, Rusty and Cassie.
LOL! Those critiques are the best! I can only dream of getting that kind of line-by-line editing done on my work.
Very awesome. Please post more of these!! :) It could be like a new meme you do about your wacky feedback.
This is awesome! There is absolutely NOTHING better than one of Cassie's crits! She always makes my day!
Desert, that's all that matters!
Krista, now you know what to do.
SC, that's why i'm not afraid.
Gary, I know - it was a lot today!
Robyn, I laugh all the way through critiques.
Cathy, I have a guest post next week that will feature more.
HaHa, Alex. You always crack me up and those two are pretty funny too! I loved the comments.
I am afraid of failing with so many friends and family looking forward to reading my published book. What if I don't get published and they're left disappointed? Eeek!
I LOVE that you shared how to set up a blogfest. You are
...awesome! *darn laptop mouse*
I'm sorry I'm late Alex. Been busy visiting other blogs today - forgot to put your blog #1 priority. Please forgive me. I'm usually not THIS late.
Fun and hilarious crits! Congrats to everyone releasing their books!
Great blogfest tips! I would love to host\co-host a blogfest sometime! But holy cow, it's a lot of work! I would need you co-hosting beside me if I EVER do one. You're the expert, Alex, that's what the Ninja Captain does best.
However, I will most likely never miss any of your blogfests! You welcome us all in - make sure I put my name on that Linky list and DO NOT FORGET ABOUT IT.
I don't forget but sometimes, I get myself so into commenting, that I sorta over look the "big event" in the blogosphere. Your blogfests are ones not to miss and "big events".
Let's just keep this simple, thanks for all your contributions to this writing community. You've inspired, encouraged and you look up to us like no one else does. You're very influential, Alex and that's a good thing! :)
Sabrina, just keep pushing forward!
Livia, thanks so much! You are one of the reasons I keep trying so hard.
Indeed you accomplished your mission ;)
Great IWSG post today, Alex!
I finally found the comment section of your blog *blush*. Thank you for setting up a great monthly support group for writers. The IWSG is a great idea and I enjoy getting to participate.
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
I love the baby butt comment. Awesome.
I was reading this and suddenly realized "OH MY GOD ALEX HAS ANOTHER BOOK." I mean, I *knew* that, but I just got ridiculously excited that I was going to get to read another book in this series.
Your checklist for setting up a blogfest is greatly appreciated! I definitely want to try and set one up at some point and now I know where to start. That was some great CP feedback.
Hi, Alex,
WoW, that was fun! Yes, you do amuse... Thanks for ALL the great links..
Hmmm. A blogfest. I haven't had one in over a year. Perhaps it's time? Hmmmm. We were neck-in-neck at one time. Remember? LOL.
Can't believe all the great books out. I need to visit Talli and Liz.... I just wish I could keep up. There is ALWAYS some design dilemma going on in my life. Either a client's or mine. LOL. Almost finished though.... YAY! I can't wait to share my new space with all of you... it is TRULY AWESOME. FInally a fantabulous space all of my own.
Thanks again for you fun and snarky post on Monday Alex... 70 comments is my all time high ... SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! All thanks to you. This shows you how much you are loved and respected. I am dropping by everyone who commented. It will probably take me all night. LOL.
My insecurity is finding time to write. Now that includes answering insecurity blog posts, LOL! So much for vacation in Utah. I'm in the hotel after midnight visiting blogs.
Haha, love your critique feedback! Congratulations to each of the authors on those releases. Book 4 for Michael? I missed that.
Great tips on the blog fest! Thanks for passing those along. Maybe some day I'll do my own. I could write an Insecure Writer's Support Group post about the fear of no one signing up, though...
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Some of the feedback comments were very funny!
The last month I finished a short novel and I passed to my wife to check it. I received some very interesting comments. Some of them weren't funny at all...
Hey Kim! Yeah, there's some scrolling... Glad you enjoy the IWSG and get so much out of the group.
Callie, thanks - that made my morning to read that! Yes, doing final edits on the third book now.
Michael, glad it helped.
Michael, perhaps it is time! And my post had record comments? Wow. Just appreciate the opportunity to visit your site.
Sher, bummer!
Shannon, that's funny.
Zoltan, I'm sorry!!
Haha what light hearted feedback :) and definitely a good break down/ checklist for a blogfest!
you were on my most heartfelt list =)
that was harder to pick, everyone was so sweet!
am i helping you in jan? i didnt write it down...
great announcements, love a nice xmas novella!
and thanks for the hop tips!
happy iwsg!
Too funny! Thanks for sharing the comments. :D You've got awesome critique partners.
I love the Cassa comments :)
Thanks for the blogfest tips. One of these days, I'm going to brave the challenge. It sounds like fun
Oh a blogfest! Me? I'm too scared to host something - I rely on you LOL. Thanks for the tips. You can build up some really good relationships with critique partners, can't you?
Your posts usually bring a smile to my face. :) Thanks for sharing all the info and goodies!
Tara, thanks! And I'll have to check the list...
Heather, it is fun!
Susan, yes we can.
I'm sorry, but I almost snorted my coffee at the "bow chicka wow wow" comment.
LOL. Great feedback!
Thank you very much for sharing these great tips to make a good Blogfest. Greetings.
Lydia, that would've been a sight!
Matthew, my critique partners are the best!
Haha! There's nothing like laughter to help deal with worries.
haha! certainly brightened up my gloomy day!
You could write a blog just on blogging! Thanks so much for being so generous with your experiences, Alex. I've never hosted a blogfest, but now I know how to do it if I ever wanted to! So awesome.
And the cheese stands alone. Boy am I late. Thank you for IWSG. It really helps us bloggers get together and offer support. I've been deluged with info and the blogfest tips are great.
Love the comments, Alex!
Jennifer, thanks and you are welcome!
Sheena-kay, glad it helps!
Belle, aren't they hilarious?
Ha! That's quite the critique feedback! I have one critique partner who kept me laughing I read her comments. Eases revision pain.
What am I insecure about? Oh, too much to write here.
I'd like to host a blogfest in the future, so thank you for these tips.
Ha ha. I love the feedback.
Thank you very much for sharing the feedback. That is informative and entertaining.
Saying hello from IWSG a few days late...been busy with NaNo... I appreciate the tips about hosting a blogfest. That's something I'd like to do someday.
Wow, I'm late to this! Thanks for the blogfest tips, Alex! I'd like to run a blogfest at some point - this will come in handy :)
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