IWSG Help Request
The posts for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group were beyond amazing this month! So many uplifting, positive posts. And your comments encouraging me to continue writing were very much appreciated. The one that really made me laugh came from Edi – “I think with your first book a dream came true. Then you have been so polite to write two more for your fans.”
However, it has come to my attention that it’s impossible for me to visit every participant. (Yes, even with clones – I wore them out on Wednesday.) When you add up the close to three hundred participants, plus my regular blogging buddies, it’s just too much for me.
So I am asking for help!
I need two co-hosts every month. This will be a one-shot deal, so you only have to do it for one Wednesday. But I need someone to visit the blogs in the lower middle of the list and someone to visit the new participants at the end. This would mean an extra twenty to twenty-five blogs.
If you are interested in co-hosting in November, let me know! This Ninja has finally hit his limit. And I still can’t find a teleporter to send me back for a few extra hours…
Ninja News!
DL Hammon’s Write Club continues, pitting one short story against another – have you been following the contest and voting?
Friday October 5 only – Patsy Collins’ publisher is offering her book as a free download! Get your copy of Escape to the Country at Amazon US or Amazon UK.
Rusty Webb has a new book out – War Angels! Get it now at Amazon. Trust me, the dude can write!
October 5 only - "Part Six: The Man with No Eyes." of Andrew Leon’s Shadow Spinner is free! Got to Amazon to get your copy now.
Note cool artwork is also done by one Rusty Webb.
Today is Christine Rains’ birthday! And she’s hosting a birthday bash. Happy birthday, Christine – you rock!
We watched Cabin in the Woods again the other night. I stand by original review – the movie is hilarious and the ending bat-shit crazy.
And I have some really awesome guests coming up in the next few weeks. October 19 is also a special day, so be sure to stop by for the awesomeness.
Cover Reveal and a Giveaway!
The Faerie Guardian by Rachel Morgan
Release date: November 5, 2012
Add on Goodreads
Protecting humans from dangerous magical creatures is all in a day’s work for a faerie training to be a guardian…
This novel was originally published in four separate parts: Guardian, Labyrinth, Traitor, and Masquerade. It includes bonus scenes at the end.
The bonus scenes at the end of the book are NOT written from the main character's point of view. If you'd like to win a $10 Amazon gift card, all you have to do is guess whose point of view these scenes are written from! Head on over to the cover reveal post at Rachel Morgan Writes and fill in the Rafflecopter form. There's a list of characters there that you can choose from. Good luck!
The Guitar Playing Ninja
Many of you have asked about my guitar playing. And yes, there will be an opportunity to hear me in December. (You’ll find out about that on November 19.)
Several asked about the band and what I play. On my own, I play a lot of progressive rock. Not well, as I’ve only been doing it for six years. But I can play a couple Rush and Mastodon songs. With the band I play contemporary Christian and a few contemporary rock songs. And it’s a rush. Nothing like performing God’s music in front of a crowd.
Horror Movie Trivia!
Since it is October! Name the movie from the quote.
1 – Be afraid. Be very afraid.
2 – I will not be threatened by a walking meatloaf!
3 – I met this 6-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and the blackest eyes… the devil’s eyes.
4 – Listen to them, the children of the night. What sweet music they make.
5 – Whatever you do, don’t fall asleep.
Anyone up for helping me co-host the IWSG next month? See some new books you like? Still want to hear me shred on the guitar? (In ten years, maybe!) Know the horror trivia quotes? Any big plans for the weekend?
300? Wow! That's amazing! No wonder those clones can't make it ;)
I would love to help you out with IWSG at some point, but probably not for the next couple of months as I am swamped with book release stuff. But you can definitely sign me up as a helper once the craziness is over! :D
Glad the IWSG is growing stronger every month! Your band sounds great, and I can't wait to hear more about your December event! Julie
If I'm reading it correctly, you need two Ninja Juniors every month, so please sign me up for any month *after* March 2013.
(It'd be an honor - as long as I don't have to pick up a musical intstument.)
Something going on in December, huh?
...That's going to be revealed on Nov. 19th...
(Are you releasing the newly designed 2013 A. Lex Clone Hybrid that gets 253 comments to the gallon of coffee?)
I'm glad that ISWG is such a success for you. I've never hosted or co-hosted anything before, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Alex, I have been waiting for you to give up the goat! I just can't believe you have, lol! It is amazing the success of ISWG, a big congratulations to you for finding the niche in the web that writers wanted. ISWG truly is an uplifting experience and greatly appreciated.
I would be happy to try and visit 20 to 30 blogs for you once a month!
I a sure you will receive lots of offers!
We could devise some system where a backup clone could fill in if someone is on holiday or unavailable for another reason.
Hey Alex, the answer to the trivia question is, every horror movie ever made. lol
Actually, I won't spoil and allow others to answer.
Cheers, my friend.
So glad the ISWG has become such a huge success!
Thanks for keeping me updated with the blogosphere news. Can't wait to hear you play!
Wow...the ninja clones can't keep up. That is a tribute to your popularity and success!
I can't be official next month but I'll make an effort from the bottom up and see how far I get.
T Drecker, they are still in shock...
Kyra, appreciate that!
Mark, you get April 2013 then! Right in the middle of the A to Z Challenge. Good man. And still working on that clone. He gets to 252 and has to pee.
LG and CM, thanks - will be in touch soon!
Jeremy, just about!
Laura, thanks, every bit helps.
I don't know how yu've found the time thus far!!!! The ISWG certainly seems to be heading for the heights! Sorry I can't offer to help at the minute... I'm snowed under with family stuff...
REALLY looking forward to hearing you play guitar!!!
Sorry I can't help you out this month (school makes it too hard) but maybe another one!
I picked up Patsy's book - sounds like a fun one! :)
Would love to hear you play the guitar. Especially since you're a Rush fan.
What awesome covers revealed today.
I would love to co-host IWSG for you! I wouldn't mind doing this for you!
You're only asking for help in November? You're amazing, Alex.
I'm so glad you're getting offers to help. If I visit more than 10 blogs in a day I have to call in work sick the following day and tell my wife to rub my head. She never does, but I still tell her that.
Thanks for the plug. You're awesome.
And I've got nothing on the trivia. Well, is number 1 Poltergeist?
Playing guitar? Can't wait to hear you. Your talent runs deep. Have a great weekend.
I'm pushing hard for NaNo this year, but would love to help co-host December and pretty much any month but March next year too. Just let me know.
I don't watch horror movies. I have enough craziness in my head all by myself that I don't need to add anyone else's.
I love that IWSG is so successful and continues to grow. I can't help in November - I'm NaNo-ing - but would love to do it another time.
As always, ignoring the movie quiz!
Good plan to have the co-hosts. We learned about that in A to Z--even in that 12 people is not enough to do the job adequately. I've been cutting way back on my blogging activity and may so even more soon.
I watched Cabin in the Woods last weekend. There was so much about it that disappointed me. I probably won't be reviewing it, but I wouldn't recommend it either. But I see what you're saying about some of the humor and the crazy ending. Maybe I'm getting to old for this kind of stuff.
I like Christian music and anything good sounding that has a positive message. Glad you're not doing any satanic metal music or anything like that.
Tossing It Out
Thanks to the links for the freebies. I don't see why authors do this, but I am so glad they do. I knew you were doing more than even ninja clones could do.
Argh! I know the answers on the trivia quiz to numbers 1 and 2, but they're stuck on the edge of my tongue and won't come!
I'd love to co-host for you, but unfortunately I'm not always great at my own time management. I'd love to maybe do it one month when I feel I'm getting into more of a routine?
I loved Rachel Morgans cover and the sound of the story, so I've gone over to her blog and followed and I'm going to be reading it when it's released.
Thanks Alex!
I'm downloading Rusty's book as I type this comment.
I got a kick out of Cabin in the Woods too, even though I had to watch quite a bit of it through my fingers.
Happy Friday!
Edi yeah right, expect more doses of kindness.
Give me a few months to collect myself (per my current blog post), and I'll gladly co-host.
Take care,
I was wondering if you would ever reach your limit. I cannot in November because I'm doing NaNoWriMo. You can sign me up for a different month.
Jessica, nowhere near as good as you though!
Cindy, that comment about Rush makes you uber cool.
Livia, thank you!
Donna, I'll start with November and go from there.
Rusty, you're welcome. And sorry, wrong answer.
Tasha, thanks!
Lee, won't comment on the old part! I thought the movie was awesome. And not a chance I'd do anything evil! I am very careful about the music that comes into my house.
Rebecca, the need for co-hosts will be ongoing, so just let me know.
MJ, Rusty will be happy to hear that!
Hmm, I think #3 is THE OMEN and #5 is NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET but I'm not sure and the others sound so familiar...
I thought parts of CABIN were scary and others amusing but overall I was disappointed.
I was waiting for CHERNOBYL DIARIES to come out but I've seen some baaaaaad reviews for that.
I'd definitely be up for a spot as a co-host sometime. I'll clear my schedule for whatever day I'm summoned :)
ALso, for the quotes:
1 - The fly
2 - not idea
3 - Hallowe'en
4 - Dracula
5 - Nightmare on Elm Street
The first Wednesday of every month my sidebar gets lit up in IWSG posts. Several posts were encouraging this month, with lots of people getting ready for NaNo.
Haven't got a clue about the movie lines. I can't watch horror, it's too gruesome for me.
Rusty now has a reader in Spain!
I'll be taking a hiatus from blogging in the month of December. Sign me for then. I'll be glad to co-host for you.
Hugs and chocolate,
Madeline, you got the fifth one right. And yeah, I've seen some really bad reviews for that flick.
Jamie, thanks! And you got four right.
LG, I noticed that on your blog! Yes, there was a lot of encouragement this month.
Sean, he'll be thrilled.
Shelly, you bet! And thanks.
Awe, the poor clones! Alex, you are amazing no matter what! I just want to say Thank You from all of us for all that you do and try to do. It's good you are asking for help and I wish November was a better month for me to volunteer.
And as for guitar playing, good for you! Enjoy every minute of it.
Rachel's book cover is so gorgeous!
I recognized the line from DRACULA. My, you had such an avalanche of news today. I do not doubt that you need help in visiting 300 sites. I can barely write my own blog in the few minutes I can pry from being a rare blood courier! Have a great weekend, Roland
WOW Alex- you have a whole lot on your plate!
I have not seen Cabin in the woods- mainly because the only other horror movie fan in my house is my 11 yr old daughter- and nope not happening. LOL
I hope you have a terrific Friday!
I met this 6-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face and the blackest eyes… the devil’s eyes. best line ever...
when you play your g'tar soon... will this be a reveal?
Lauuughing at Mark's comment...
And YES! to the guitar shredding!
And I'm ALWAYS willing to help any time you need an extra pair of ninja blogging hands. :)
Happy birthday, Christine!
Ninja Alex rocks! I'm looking forward to hearing you play guitar!
Help with IWSG . . .yes, I want to, November - no, December or January - let me know.
Horror trivia - frightening but I know a few of them.
1 - The Fly?
5 - Nightmare on Elm Street - I think this is the movie that tipped the scales for me on horror movies. I went from interested to not interested after this.
4 - reminded me of Phantom of the Opera, but I don't think that's it.
I might get to go on a date night tonight with my hubster!
You watched Cabin in the Woods twice? I'll have to watch it then =P
Love Rachel's books and that cover is gorgeous!
Oh, can't wait to hear you playing!
Only trivia #1 came to mind really quick - The Fly.
#2... LOLOLOLOL! I wish I knew. I'm crap at trivia and names. Only #5 came to mind. But I say #1 all the time, so how can I not know it! Craziness.
What great taste in music you have, ninja captain! I haven't watched Cabin in the Woods yet, but I want to even though I hate horror because it is Joss Whedon.
Feel free to sign me up as a co-host! I can do November or any month after. I try to visit as many IWSG blogs as possible anyway, so I'm all practiced up!
Allison (Geek Banter)
Happy Birthday, Christine!
And congrats to Rachel.
1. The Fly
2. An American Werewolf in London
3. That was Dr. Loomis from Halloween, right?
4. Dracula, the 1992 one with Gary Oldman.
5. Nightmare on Elm Street.
Oh, goodness, I can't even keep up with my own followers and blog visitors. I don't know how you've done as well as you have, Alex.
My weekend is going to involve a lot of garden cleanup and office cleanup and a visit to the big library used book sale to feed my addiction. And some writing, of course.
If you want to break up the blog commenting a little bit more, I'll be happy to take up part of the list and be of some support!
I'll still admire you...even if you are just one human.
Thanks, Charity! I do try.
Roland, you are correct.
Summer, it's a little too intense for her.
Jeremy, I know YOU know all the quotes. And the guitar reveal coming soon...
Thanks, Morgan!
Tyrean, thanks - I will call on you for help then. And you got the first two right.
Juliana, you are correct. And saw the movie in the theater and finally watched my DVD, so twice.
Allison, thanks, and I know you are really good at it.
Joshua, you nailed them all!
Patricia, want to come to my house and do the cleaning?
Randi, thanks!
I'm amazed that you haven't asked for help before now. I can't offer to help in Novmber. Can you keep me in mind for a different month?
Thank you so much for the mention, oh ninjary one!
I'm game for helping with IWSG. Just ask beforehand. My work schedule varies. (Fwiw, November is okay.) :)
Ah, I wish my husband was here! He'd know the horror movie quotes. Me, not so much.
Alex, I always wonder how you manage to do it all. I would love to help, but I am critting my writing friend's YA book, writing my own book and I also may be travelling (its not fixed yet). The moment I can get rid of all my work, I will be there at your doorstep to help you.
I knew you had clones.
I'll have to go download Rusty's book.
And the first quote is from The Fly, said by Geena Davis.
the reveal is the man behind the mask... will you have a face?
You're right there were some awesome ISWG posts this month. I haven't as yet signed up myself *blushes* but I will! I managed to visit and comment on twenty or so posts yesterday though. If I can ever help give me a shout I'd be happy to.
Heading over to Write Club now for today's contest. It's been fun.
Hi Alex
Sure, I can help. November is busy for most writers because of NaNo. We won't have another Romantic Friday Writers after this month until Dec. So, one month, no problem.
On the movies I know the last one is 'The Body Snatchers.' I think both versions have that line.
If I co-host will you let your army know I'm looking for critique partners and/or beta readers?
Lots of ground to cover, but then you're a whirlwind of energy. Gonna check out a couple of the books you mentioned.
Congrats to DL Hammon’s Write Club which is very cool stuff. Congrats to Rusty Webb and Andrew Leon on the books. Good idea looking for co-hosts Alex. It'll take the load off and make it even bigger!
That cover looks great! And that one line is from The Fly (all right, I cheated; I Googled it). I wish I could volunteer but I fear I'll do a bad job, and I barely have time to write anymore either :(
If you don't get enough volunteers maybe I could share a spot with someone. Two instead of one. November. It's only one Wednesday, shirley--to--goodness, I can manage. Oh, heck, put me down alone. If I can't read and comment on 25 blogs I should quartered. Actually, I could use losing a few quarters.
Wow I'm overloaded with ninja news. Sorry with my glitchy computer, I can barely help myself. Good luck with the search though.
Anyway you had asked me in a comment if you could post about my Blogoversary bloghop. I responded yes to the comment. But I'll just say yes again so you don't miss it. Thanks for offering.
Love the book cover for Rachel's book. WOW on the Dec guitar surprise can't wait! On the movie trivia #5 is Nightmare on Elm St. :)
Brinda, thanks - I will!
Patsy, you are welcome.
Thanks, Melissa! I know you do a good job of goiing through the list already.
Thanks, Rachna.
Diane, you are correct.
Jeremy - no.
Nancy, I can let them know on Monday if you like! And I bet that line is in those movies, but no the one I chose. Thanks for the offer.
Maurice, that's almost scary at this point!
Joylene, thanks! Looks like I won't lack for volunteers now.
Sheena-kay, got you covered for Monday then!
I hope you can find a couple people to help you out, Alex! IWSG is so awesome. :)
Rachel's cover is fantastic, and happy birthday to Christine!
Another reason we need teleports. I TOLD Scientists to get a move on them.
I SHOULD know numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5 but I can't recall them.
The number 1 quote is Yoda from the Empire Strikes Back.
No idea what number two is.
No idea what number three is.
No idea on number four either.
But five is (I think) A Nightmare on Elm Street.
Oy I'm terrible at this quote thing.
Alex, I always make it point to visit all the new blogs every month just to meet all the new members. I'd be glad to help co-host the group.
Thank you so, so much for being part of the cover reveal :-)
Thank you, Karen!
Jack, tell them again.
Michael, you got the last one right!
Ken, thank you - I appreciate that.
Rachel, you're welcome.
I'll do it, pal. I'll have my new blog on WordPress up and running then. Sorry I have been such a poop head on commenting, but it's really hard to get into my blog. (Takes an act of congress.) I wonder if you come my way with your music. Asheville anyone?
Congrads Rachel, happy birthday, Christine, yay Rusty, I gotta go vote for DL, for sure! (I'm writing short stories and having fun with them.)
Love Rachel's cover. Can't wait to learn what you're going to reveal in November. And I know none of the trivia, although I recogize a couple of them.
Happy Weekend!
I didn't think I would see the day when the Ninja would reach his limit. o.O Had to happen, though. If you need help in December, I should be free to help then. I wish I could next month, but you know the issues I am dealing with.
Hmmm I know a couple of those trivia answers. 4 Must be Bram Stoker's Dracula and 5. should be Nightmare on Elm Street. That's about all I know. :)
When would you like me to co-host IWSG with you? I was thinking I could do it next month :)
Stopping by again to take a stab at the movie trivia.
#2-An American Werewolf in London
#5-A Nightmare on Elm Street
I'm not sure about #1 or #3.
Guitar-playing ninja? Woohoo! Can't wait to hear about it. :)
Have a great weekend!
I'm willing to help out with IWSG, Alex. I try to visit 20 new blogs a month on IWSG. I keep track of where I left off. Let's see, this week, I got up to 140.
Yay for Rusty and Rachel, Andrew and Patsy, too. Awesome.
Uber cool on finding a band to play with. Fulfilling a dream is always a rush. That's why I love the observatory... it was beyond a dream if that makes any sense.
Thanks for the plug!
I'd like to volunteer, but I know I would end not making the rounds. Like this month, I haven't even looked at the list yet.
Hey Robyn! Thanks. And I could make it to Asheville.
Mel, got the trivia right, and I could use your help!
Livia, I will let you know! The response has been great.
LG, you got it!
Thanks, Mary - you rock.
Andrew, you're welcome.
I'd be happy to help out if you still need someone. I love IWSG.
I read between 25-30 blogs every month during the week for IWSG. My problem is I don't always get them read on Wed. Usually, it's between Wed-Fri. If you don't find enough for Nov., let me know. I'm not participating in NaNo. I'll just make that Wed. happen. :))
Number 5 has to be Nightmare on Elm Street right? And I say be afraid, be very afraid allll the time...but I can not for the life of me tell you what movie it's from!
I know I've been a slouch on blog visiting lately, but I'd be happy to co-host an IWSG - just depends on the month. Feb, March, May & June are bad, but please hit me up for any other.
Be afraid. Be very afraid sounds like Aliens.
Is #4 from Children of the Corn?
Confession! I can't watch scary movies without having nightmares for the next few months after. Even my Harry potter lightning bolt nightlight wont save me from the scary monsters.
I know you probably have offers to help already because all these peeps are awesome. But if you need a mini ninja I can help out whenevs :)
I'd love to help out. I love the IWSG!
It'd be great to hear you play.
Alex dude,
I've had a word with Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!
Although Penny and for that matter, this human she so kindly allows to live with her, are busy, she is willing to help you out in co-hosting, if required.
Most importantly, my friend, you need to take more time out for yourself.
Have a peaceful, positive weekend.
Maybe there could be a list to alternate co-hosting?! I am considering it...
Wow, really hear you, how cool will that be! I'm considering sharing my best Halloween voices.... lol
"I'll get you my pretty"...Wizard of Oz! :D
I'd love to help out with IWSG but the next few months are going to be crazy for me with my book release end Oct and then bub coming early January-ish, but I promise to visit as many IWSG participants as I can!
I adore Rachel's book cover. I love that it's different to the covers for the novelettes.
And I don't know any of the horror movie lines but they're enough on their own to give me the creeps!
Thank you for the birthday wishes. It was a good day. I want to watch Cabin in the Woods again. I still have yet to watch Wrath of the Titans. Tomorrow maybe! Have a good weekend.
Your Insecure Writer's posts are so inspiring. No surprise that you need more help!
Let me see what I can do after Gwen and I get things settled. I'm yawning right now and it's only 10 at night. How sad lol!!
So many things going on that I'll probably have to re-visit your blog to make sure I can follow up on things.
Yay for Rachel Morgan.
And I really do recognize a couple of those horror quotes but can't recall where they're from.
It would be great to hear you play. Talk about being multi-talented! And I wish I could help you out with the blogging, but I'm nowhere good enough to step into your ninja shoes. What a huge fan base you've built -- and deserve.
Looks like i have more books to look up! Thanks for tips! I gotta check out the support group sometime...
Wow it certainly is a hit 300 posts.
It's all down to your hard work and dedication Alex a big Thank You from me.
Thanks, SL!
Candilynn, I tend to spread them out as well.
Thanks, Nicki! And you are correct.
Spacerguy, sorry.
Johanna, sorry it's not.
Cassie, you are indeed a mini Ninja!
Thanks, Kathy.
Penny is one awesome pooch! She needs to rest up for her moment in the limelight next week first.
Ella, that is the plan - alternating co-hosts.
Cally, that's all I ask.
Christine, hope your day was awesome.
Angela, you have a big week coming up! And only 10 pm? That's my bedtime. I feel so old...
Tammy, please join us!
Thanks, Yvonne.
Thanks for the mention Alex!!! I've already seen a spike in visits. :)
I'd be happy to help out with IWSG if you're still in need of co-hosts.
Wow. That's a lot of Ninja News--so many books!
Glad you've gotten a response to your SOS :-) You should post some video of your band on the site!
Lots going on! Thanks for the updates. I'll have Rusty as my Author of the Week. Great guy that Rusty!
I've been following fight club; lots of amazing entries. Some days it's hard to choose a clear winner!
Big weekend plans: dinner at mom's tonight (chocolate cake included), and the pumpkinfest is this weekend so I'll be out taking pics tomorrow. Very exciting.
I'd be happy to visit the newbies one month, if you still need help.
Play off the Page
I think it's great that IWSG is doing so well! I hope you find those co-hosts you're looking for. I wish I could offer but my time's stretched pretty thin as it is.
I can't wait to hear you play guitar! I tell ya, the band at our church is awesome, and each time we go I feel like I'm at a profession concert. Your audience probably feels the same way :)
I like the strength of Mastodon.
"Be afraid. Be very afraid" is on the tip of my tongue. BLAIR WITCH PROJECT?? This will drive me crazy till I get it...
DL, that's great! I think a couple others mentioned you as well.
Golden, appreciate that!
Lisa, I don't want to torture people...
Stephen, that's great!
Mary, thanks.
Julie, I hope so. But our church band does rock.
Leovi, that makes you uber cool.
Liz, sorry!
If only it was a few months from now, I would help out the Ninja, but not yet.
Surprise, I don't know any of the trivia. Writing, writing, writing this weekend.
It's a good idea to have a cohost. It's just too much for one person!
Looking forward to hearing you play guitar!
#5 has to be Nightmare on Elm Street.
I'm happy to help out the IWSG in November. (I didn't think you'd ever hit your limit hehehe)
I'll help with IWSG, Alex. Maybe you should have rotating duties for participants, so everyone can take a turns?
So you are going to video and post your guitar work right? I would look forward to that.
I knew all the lines except for #2...great list for a pre-Halloween trivia.
I have been so freakin' busy the last couple weeks but I had to stop by and say "hi".
Hi Alex,
I'm not tham to butter someone up. You are an honest and kind person and therefore you deserve honest words.
I'm sure a lot of Ninja army members will agree.
I don't remember how often I wrote in the comment section of your blog, that it is incredible how ou manage to visit all these blogs.
I read your request for support and I felt bad because I can't offer help. I'm struggling with my own time management. But I'm sure you will find volunteers.
I'd offer to help, but next month I have a big trip that I have to plan for and then go on. I love IWSG.
Thanks for the book news.
Well if anyone should have blog fatigue, Ales, it should be you. YOu're a rockstar blogger but there's just too much out there anymore.
Dracula is the only line I recognize and I really wanna say Poltergeist for the second one. lol
I'm free to co-host in November if you still need someone. Just holla!
Ha! I know number 1 because it was on a quiz show here in the UK last night. Is that cheating? The Fly (the Jeff Goldblum one).
3 - The Omen?
4 - Village of the Damned?
I'd love to help out with IWSG, but I think with doing NaNo next month it'll be a bit much. Definitely another time. Actually, I really should sign up. NaNo would be a good topic!
Don't know if you know the band Delirious? (The question mark is in the name!). They've split up now, but they were British and at one point pretty much the biggest Christian band in the world. They had loads of great songs!
I'd love to help with IWSG, just let me know when - Nov/Dec/Jan is cool with me...
The cover of Rachel's book is really beautiful!!
And I can't wait to hear you play guitar!
Lynda, you are correct. And I hit it a while ago...
Gwen, thanks, and that's the plan.
Chuck, hope it doesn't scare anyone.
Edi, thank you. And yes, I think I have enough volunteers.
Thanks Pk, and your are right about Dracula.
Nick, you got The Fly right. And I have heard of them.
Thanks, Michelle.
Still looking forward to checking out Cabin in the Woods -- this might be a good month for it...
Yes, I'm really interested to hear your guitar.
I'd love to hear your music! I used to play quite a bit myself for a number of years, but since I've been writing the last couple of years, my guitar playing has become very sporadic. I'm going to guess on #3 (Halloween) and #6 (A Nightmare on Elm Street). I'd be interesting in co-hosting one month, whenever you've got a spot.
I love Rachel's cover. It's gorgeous. =)
Finally, I believe you're human, and not from outer space -- the clones are tired :). Congratulations on your success with the IWSG!
I'm busy as hell for November, but would love to help out in December/ January or Feb -- in case you aren't already swamped with offers :).
Love Rachel's stories-- will get the book.
Thanks for all the good news, Alex. Your band sounds awesome. Good luck with the co-hosts. Amazing how huge the Insecure Writer's Support Group has grown!
what a sweet compliment! i volunteer for january =) my dance card is filled till then!
and wonderful news, as usual!
i guess nightmre on elm street for #5...
Do you want the static front page to have the top area of text that is always the same and the lower area one particular blog post or the most recent blog post, or all the recent blog posts?burun estetigi
Anytime you need help, and are scheduling out, I'd be willing to visit those blogs.
Can't wait to see Cabin in the Woods. Gotta get my Horror fix.
I cannot believe you've hit your limit! The clones aren't enough?? SHOCKING. ;)
I'll co-host one month. It might actually force me to read blogs. I've been so bad at it.
Milo, you will dig it!
Michael, thanks! And you got two right.
Thanks, Damy. I wore out the clones.
Lynn, I know!
Thanks, Tara - and yes.
Donna, thanks!
Elana, I burned out three clones last week. And thanks!
I'm surprised at how prolific you are as it is. I've been leading writers groups since 2003, but it's something I do where I live instead of online. My job takes much of my time, unfortunately.
By the way, I finally bought your CassaFire book. I know, it's a little late (since I've been meaning to read it since it came out), but better late than never!
Aww, I bet you have a ton of volunteers already, but I'd like to volunteer as a co-host too!
Hey Reid - thanks! Hope you enjoy it.
Deniz, I won't pass up any help!
Hi Alex .. so pleased the helpers keep up the volunteering ..
You have set the bar quite high .. and now we know the limit ..
Love the news and am looking forward to that music intro ..
Great - cheers Hilary
Thanks as always for the links. I've had to take a brief break from the blog community (health/work). I'll check out Write Club and some of those other blog tours. :)
I would love to help out the Ninja with IWSG. I can make up for missing October and February. :) Let me know when you will need me.
Can't wait to hear you play, I'm intrigued by the Christian rock. I've not really listened to too much, but what I've heard is always good stuff.
I know you've probably posted the answers to the trivia since I'm playing catch up, but I'll give it a go.
1. ?
2. An American Werewolf in London
3. Halloween
4. Bram Stoker's Dracula
5. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
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