I’m in the waiting phase right now, as my third and final book, CassaStorm, is with my critique partners.
My final book? Well, unless something epic hits me, yes. I had one story I wanted to tell. That was it. Then readers wanted more. I have now written two books past my initial goal. Heck, with both CassaStar and CassaFire now Amazon US & UK best sellers, I am way beyond what I imagined! Tens of thousands of people have purchased my books. Whoa! And I didn’t even want to be an author…
When I started to think about what’s happened with my books and this blog, and how it all came to be, I realized it could only be God. I know this blog is no longer about me, and I’m sure my books aren’t either anymore. I wasn’t even online until a year before my first book was released - look how far He has brought me. The friends I have made on this journey are priceless to me. Now that I am in a band and very involved in my guitar playing, that may be the direction God takes me instead of more books. Whatever is expected of me, I’ll be at peace with it. And I'll try not to mess it up!
But rest assured, the Ninja isn’t going anywhere for a very long time! I am here to serve, inform, and amuse. Sometimes more of the latter…
Be sure to click HERE or on the tabbed page above for a list of other participants. Someone is waiting for a word of encouragement from YOU!
Ninja News!
Today’s Special Challenge Participant Feature at the A to Z Blog is author Cherie Reich! Be sure to stop by and check out her answers to my ridiculous questions.
Bish at Random Thoughts is hosting her Second Annual BlogtoberFest! And she’s giving away five prizes this month to celebrate five years of blogging. Congratulations, Bish!
Jamie at Dancing Down Serendipity Street is having a birthday bash! She has her own line of jewelry she makes and is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway. Visit her site for details. And happy birthday, Jamie!
Livia honored me with Blog of the Month! Thank you so much, Livia. Your kind words just blew me away.
Movie Review
The story starts simple and grows complex and intricate as it progresses. Set in 2044, Loopers are killers hired to assassinate those sent back thirty years from the future. Closing the loop is when you kill your future self. Fail to close that loop…
I was completely blown away – this movie exceeded my expectations and then some. It’s a brilliant piece of filmmaking. Looper is smart and creative in the same vein as Noland’s Memento. It leads you down one path only to provide a scene later that changes everything.
The entire cast is brilliant. Every character is complex and flawed. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is young Joe and Bruce Willis is older Joe. Emily Blunt is awesome as well.
I can’t tell you much about the film without giving away any key points. However, very few films in recent memory contain a scene as powerful as one near the end of this movie. Do note it is rated R for a reason!
One of the best movies I’ve seen in years. Smart filmmaking at its finest – go see Looper!!!
Where are all the writers?
Thanks to everyone who commented Monday! In addition to Utah, many other states have a large population of writers. I discovered there are a lot more in the Carolinas and after that, Ohio had the largest representation. (Not just for lovers I guess!) Texas, California, and Florida also hosted many writers. As for countries, Canada and the UK dominated. Thanks guys – it was cool to see all of the states and countries represented!
What are your writing insecurities today? Excited about the contests? Did you see Looper yet? Discover there are more writers in your state than you realized? Think my next book will really be my last…?
Don’t forget to visit Cherie at the A to Z Blog!
Wow, Alex! Congratulations on all your book sales - you are an inspiration!
Congratulations! You deserve every bit of your success.
Awesome sauce news re. your *well-deserved* sales.
Good luck with that strumming y'all be doin' on that dere guitar - and much success with the band, who must be a patient bunch as they wait for you to finish your 1,549th Borg-like comment of the day:)
PS: I love how you give it up to Him. To God be the glory :)
Wow, I didn't know you were in a band. Is it Metal?? That is great news.
It is good to hear that you will be staying with us for a while, we would all miss you if you gave up blogging.
I do hope you receive some inspiration or divine intervention to continue your writing as your work is great to read!
Hey Alex, I had a slight panic for a second. Though you were ready to sign off into the sunset. What would be do without you? How would found all the great bloghop to participate in? Happy that we won't have to find out for a long time.
Looper is playing at the theater downstairs from my apartment, so heading out to see it soon after I visit a few more IWSG posts.
Thanks again for all that you do.
I'm glad to hear your books are doing well. Congrats and a handful of truffles!
Great review for Looper! A friend was just telling us how confusing it was, so now I'm even more anxious to see it. I'm excited about your band, because unless you're in Blue Man Group, we'll finally get to see the real you! Julie
I've heard great things about Looper. Can't wait to see it!!! Great post today!
You're done with writing novels? Heh, I don't believe it. :-)
Congrats on your success Alex! You are truly blessed. The Man Up There is definitely looking down on you in a favourable manner... you must be doing something right!
I think there are only about 3 of us from South Africa within this writing circle (that I know of...)
...and thanks for the links...
Your awesomeness is inspirational. All you've achieved! Be a shame if you didn't write more if you are clearly so good at it, but if music calls you, then you must listen. X
That's so inspiring that you have acheived your writing goals. But never say never.
I hope you have new great ideas about the following books of yours. And congrats for your success! ;)
Congratulations on your success Alex, you are an inspiration! (:
thanks for the Ninja News and Looper sounds like an interesting movie, I'll have to keep an eye out for it.
I am so glad you liked "Looper" I have something coming this Friday that you might enjoy... it is very cool for me. Also I am thrilled about the book news.
Congrats on your new book Alex. I wish you well when it's released.
Mark, funny! And yes - Amen!!
Thank you, CM. I do play rock. Guess I need to talk about the band sometime.
Sydney, not leaving you guys! And yes, go see Looper.
Julie, it wasn't confusing. Just smart. And don't think we'll be touring anytime soon.
Shah, I'll know what's right when it happens.
Jeremy, now I can't wait.
Thanks, everyone!
I found 3 others in my area, 2 I didn't know lived here. I bet you'll write again. There's another story in you yet. Looper is exactly my kind of movie & I cannot wait to see it. And no insecurities today. I'm all hugs, high-fives & shoulder pats! I'm sure that'll change next month after my is released. Hey, watch out for a shoutout from Jenny Hillier & I while we're at BoucherCon!!
...after my BOOK is released. Sheesh, that's what get for commenting at 3:15 in the morning!
I so want to see Looper!! I hear Joseph's features were a little altered to look like Bruce's? Is that correct?! LOL!! Why couldn't they have done it so Bruce looks a little like Joseph's!? LOL!!
Yay for trilogy!! You wrote a trilogy!! How amazing is that!?!?
Take care
I think you have another book in you. Maybe another series.
I do like the look of Looper. Don't want to get my hopes too high though.
Moody Writing
Hey, Al, congratulations on having made it so far with the Cassa trilogy! What a brilliant series of accomplishments -- you deserve a huge pat on the back! I love that the connection through blogging gives all of us a chance to revel in it together. :)
I admit I am marginally interested in viewing Looper -- at the cinema, too, because it seems like one that would be best viewed on the big screen. The movie I *really* want to watch for a number of reasons is Hyde Park on the Hudson. Bill Murray is shades of genius, the very first line out of his mouth in the trailer made me laugh -- and he's playing freaking FDR in wartime!
Anyway, great IWSG post. Have a super Wednesday!
Awesome that the draft of your last book is done and critique partners are reading it. That's a big accomplishment. As is how you've connected with the writing community.
I really want to see Looper. I don't know if I'll make it to the theater for this one, but I should probably try so I can stay spoiler-free.
My favorite time-travel movie I've seen to date is 12 Monkeys.
Nope, I don't think your next book will be your last...in fact I'd bet on it! I haven't seen Loopers yet, but I think Bruce Willis had improved in his acting ability quite a bit over the years. (I loved his performance in Moonlight Kingdom - and I highly recommend that movie if you haven't seen it.)
Your success is practically the work of myth and legend, in years to come ebook writers will sit their children down and tell them on the great Ninja Captain who sailed through the internet and cast sunshine on writers everywhere.
Congratulations on those sales too - I am in awe of those numbers!
I've enjoyed the first 2, so hopefully you are hit by EPIC
Congrats Alex! It's amazing to see how much this blog has grown. More power to ya. Thanks for all you do.
That's fantastic news about the success of your books! It's always great to hear that other people are doing so well. Even if you're not inspired to write more stories after this at least you know you did your best and really succeeded. Being in a band is a pretty cool trade off regardless!
No, I haven't seen Looper yet. I've been dying to see it, maybe this week.
My insecurities are a mile long. I could keep this up for another decade and not stop.
Congratulations on all your success! It's awesome to see how far you've come. I've never heard of Looper.
It's wonderful to see your journey and where it has taken you. I haven't heard of Looper at all. It sounds really cool. I just got Wrath of the Titans from Netflix. I don't know when I'll get some time to watch it, though.
How cool that you had this story call you to write it and that you had the guts and the fortitude to get it written. However, I refuse to believe that it's the only one you have in you. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if another one were to strike you out of the blue, once this one is completed!
How do I know this? It happened to me. :)
Thanks for the recommendation on 'Looper' I love time travel stories, even though they tend to get a bit confusing.
I thought this was great - "...that may be the direction God takes me instead of more books. Whatever is expected of me, I’ll be at peace with it. And I'll try not to mess it up!" Good advice for us all. :)
I wanted to see Looper before and now I REALLY want to see it. Thanks for the review. :)
Congratulations on all of the success of your books!
I know I couldn't do anything in my life without God directing my steps. I never thought in a million years I'd be where I am today, but He knew.
Today is my first day with the ISWG! I feel like a little kid on the first day of school, LOL.
Alex, I think you have the give of loving whatever you do. You are amazing, truly, and though I've said it before, I'll say it again. You are an inspiration.
It's amazing where our writing maps us out to. Huh?
Today, I worry. That's what I blogged about today.
Hugs and chocolate,
You're a beacon of inspiration and hope for us all, Alex. Congrats!
Sorry I can't post for Insecure Writers this month - I'm hosting an author a day on my blog for Halloween.
Loopers looks like a cool movie. Now I want to see it even more. Are you going to see Cloud Atlas? That looks very cool too.
Congrats to all on your news!
Glad you are not leaving us, Alex. Keep rocking with the book sales. It will only get better with the third book.
That was some movie review. I was on the fence, but now I CAN'T WAIT to see Looper. Unfortunately, since you made it sound so darn good, I will wait until my hubby returns from Afghanistan. By then it will be on blu-ray.
I'm hearing great things about looper, even though the previews don't look terrible good to me. I'll probably have to give it a watch.
Nancy, you are up early! And a shout-out for me? You are too cool.
Kitty, pretty amazing! And other than a knicked ear, I don't remember any changes.
Suze, the reveling is fun.
Thank you, Natalie.
Lisa, I've always thought Willis was a cool actor.
Annalisa, that made me laugh!!!
Lan, it is!
Rusty, hopefully we can curb those. You can't stop posting though. Not allowed.
Christine, keep expectations low...
Kirsten, that's good to hear!
Thanks, Madeline.
Jaybird, He always knows.
Liza, thank you.
Cate, haven't decided on that movie yet. And don't worry about not posting.
What a post! Isn't it amazing where God can lead us when we least expect it? I for one am glad you wrote that second book, and I can't wait to read the third!
I always loved writing when I was younger, but I never "dreamed" about being an author. Novels were never my thing, so I thought I'd just stick to poetry. Looks like fate had a different plan for me!
We're all so glad you wrote your books and blog! The blogosphere would be a totally different place without you!
Have an awesome day :)
Maybe you'll find inspiration in your music and write about a super space band that plays in intergalactic concerts, but someone wants them stopped... (well it was worth a try)
I think you will find some story, somewhere to keep us entertained.
Looper sounds great. I'll have to see that one.
Congratulations on your successes! You've put so much effort into it, it's well deserved. I don't think this is your last book. Perhaps you'll take some time away from writing, but I could very well picture you writing another one.
Thank you for the Looper review. I'm so looking forward to it!
I love that we can feel that what we are doing-- writing-- is directed by a purpose larger than our own. It's also an awesome responsibility to share and encourage that gift with others, one you've stepped up to so well. Congratulations on the success and kudos for the humility to acknowledge the source.
I hope whatever path you end up on brings you much happiness, Alex. Your journey with your books is certainly an inspiration!!
I never dreamed there were so many other bloggers from Ohio, that's surprising!
Tens of thousands of books? That is awesome!
I'm willing to put down a modest wager that the book bug will bite you again. This won't be your last.
*nods knowingly*
You do good stuff, Alex.
Ohhh...Loopers sounds awesome!
You are an inspiration to us all, Alex!
The last? Never say never. :)You never know. :) Great post, def enjoyed reading!
Awesome shout-out to God, Alex.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13)
Congrats on CassaStar and CassaFire being Amazon US & UK best sellers!
Congratulations on the success of your books. I'm sure wherever your next journey takes you it will be just as rewarding. And who knows, you may be struck with another story you'd like to tell.
Congratulations on your success, Alex. You deserve it!
I do hope you keep writing though. Maybe another idea will strike you soon enough ;)
Isis, you will both dig it.
Charles, it's a smart movie.
Amen, Charity! And hope I don't let you down.
Jess, I know the feeling.
Kathy, that made me laugh!
Julie, thanks - I know the source isn't me.
Julie, there are quite a few of you!
Tonja, blows my mind.
Jackie, Amen!
Looper looks fantastic. Joseph Gorden Levitt is making some fun and amazing movies lately.
Somehow I don't think this book will be your last, but only time will tell, right? Thanks for all the info!
It's kinda sad to think that CassaStorm might be your final book. But you never know when another idea might hit you. :)
And thank you so much for interviewing me over at the A to Z blog!
You cannot have so many readers without there being real power to your writing. After your mind lies fallow for a bit, I know another story will murmur to you.
Follow your instincts and the small still voice that leads all the children of The Father and you will not go wrong.
I am really interested in seeing LOOPER, but I always try and wait until the large crowds ebb -- I hate being crammed into a theater with too many people.
Have a great mid-week.
Wow, Looper looks great! Can't wait to see it now.
I admire your bravery in giving credit to God for the direction that you went with your writing and for your success. Who know, and how do we know what our path is? When we accept that it is beyond our control and reasoning, we have more peace, and success.
I'm a Minnesota writer. Sorry I missed Monday's post!
Thanks for already being by. I did add the badge this morning, was just too tired last night. Thanks for your encouragement. I really think this will help me.
Tina @ Life is Good
Alex, you'll never stop writing -- it will feed your guitar, and your guitar will feed it -- creativity doesn't have to be mutually exclusive :)
Cherie, you are welcome!
Roland, I will be listening...
Thanks, Mary. Easier to give control to Him. Then I don't have to worry about it.
Tina, so glad you joined us!
Oh, I hope it goes well with your CPs. I bet you get hit with another story. Maybe not anytime soon, but who knows.
I liked seeing where everyone came from. Very cool. :)
It's good to hear you give credit where credit is due.
I've been reading similar reviews about Looper and I'm excited to see it. I'll wait for the DVD release as usual, but that's okay. I can wait.
Tossing It Out
Looper looks like a good one, I might catch that on DVD since I so rarely get to the movies anymore. I'd like to see Argo and/or Trouble With The Curve ...or House At The End of The Street if I'm lucky ;-)
So you're an "Accidental Author" huh? lol... that's terrific. You are truly blessed and it's good to know what drives you to share your gift with the world. Congrats to you Ninja Captain, and good luck on all your future endeavors!
That's awesome news. And you didn't want to be an author? That's amazing. You've built a large train, my friend, so I'm glad to hear it will keep moving. Looking forward to the Storm! :)
I totally agree with you - God does seem to direct us down a path. I don't know how it all works, but it seems to be part of a master plan. Congratulations on all of your success!
(I'm happy to see that Ohio has a good representation of writers!)
Alex - You rock! Literally - if that's where God is calling you . . .go for it! I hope you write more, and I'm excited about your third book!
I've been off-line a few days now - and I missed Monday :(. Between my laptop having issues and an internet connectivity issue in our house or with our server (?), this comment may or may not go through - it's my third try this morning.
Um, in response to the question on Monday - Washington, the state. (I was born in Seattle, even, but I don't live there).
I have been indecisive whether to watch the Looper or not. Fortunately I read your review :-)
I think with your first book a dream came true. Then you have been so polite to write two more for your fans. You could do it because you still had something to tell.
Of course I would appreciate if you would continie writing but only in case you have a story to tell.
We are nearly the same age and I understand the you try to do something new.
To be honest I also started something new together with my wife. It is too early to talk about. But it is exciting.
Great job, Alex. Two down, one almost down and then . . .?
I've entered Bish's super giveaway already. She's amazingly generous, isn't she?
That movie caught my attention. Have to think about how that's handled. It's mind bending alright.
I think you'll write another book. Maybe about this guy who joins a band and....
Your blog is so great because you genuinely care for others. And it shows. Keep up the great work!
Alex, I really appreciate your blog and what it does for us aspiring writers. Congrats on the book sales, you deserve all that success and then some!
I've heard nothing but good things about "Looper", so I guess I'll just have to go see it. That many people can't be wrong, can they? :)
Congrats on your book sales! It is exciting to see what God does in other people's lives. I've never heard of Looper--it sounds intriguing!
Allison (Geek Banter)
I too feel very spiritually guided on my writing journey :)
And your next book WILL NOT be the last! Definitely not. You've got more stories cooking ;)
That was the nicest, most humble, goose bump giving post. God bless you...you have made the biggest difference.
Congratulations my friend.
I love that you never intended to be an author but ended up with stories you had to tell. I'm with Morgan...I bet there's another story you'll need to tell. ;)
awesome! so psyched to see looper! even more now! my kind of movie!
and i bet you think of a new trilogy by accident! you were born to sci fi!
I believe you will continue writing. As for Loopers, I didn't even know this movie existed until now. Thanks cause I definitely want to see this one.
Okay, I'm putting Looper on my Must-see list! I think it's awesome that your Guitar playing is going so well, I'm sure that whatever you do you will succeed!
I'm also surprised to see how many bloggers are from Ohio. I was expecting to see a lot more from my adopted home state NY.
You might have some other story ideas in you. It's great that you're open to whatever direction you'll be taken in from here. As Lao-Tzu said, be really whole, make yourself a vessel, and all things will come to you.
You rock, Alex! Glad you're doing what you love. In life it's important to follow your heart.
As for Looper, all I can say is, "Huh." I hadn't planned of seeing it, but now I might. Thanks!
You have to go with what feels right, Alex. I'd expect that with your benevolent attitude, you'd be successful in any venture.
When do we get to hear your music? Or will that be another blog?
I do want to see Looper, I love complex films that make me wonder.
Thanks for the links.
It always feels right to hear someone acknowledge the true power behind all that's good. I doubt He's done with you yet.
Looper sounds fascinating.
More power to you on your next series. I'm sure you've got what it takes!!
As for me, I'm still working on getting that first one in print.
Looper sounds intriguing, but we don't do R rated movies, so we'll have to wait.
Here's hoping something epic strikes you. =D
Sonoma county actually has a huge concentration of writers in it. It's like where writers go to retire or something. Most of them are over 60, though, so you won't see a lot of them online.
I'm so glad you like the Looper. It does look fascinating. I was worried that they'd blow it and direct something corny.
Congratulations, Alex, on living your dream. That's a wonderful and inspiring place to be. I'm grateful for knowing you. Even if it's only as a fellow writer and blogger. I see the name Alex J. Cavanaugh and I immediately feel at home.
Damy, very true!
Lee, I know who's in charge!
Thanks, Insomniac.
David, until I began rewriting CassaStar, it never pinged my radar...
Sherry, there were a lot!
Tyrean, sorry about your computer issues. And I'm just going to leave it up to God.
Edi - polite! That made me laugh. I won't write crap for you my friend. And can't wait to hear about the something new!
Carol, thanks.
Mark, they are not wrong.
Allison, you would dig it.
Thanks, Karen. Just getting the first one published was enough. All else is bonus.
Tara - by accident. Funny!
Carrie-Anne, I like that.
DG, there will be an opportunity to hear me play soon...
LD, He's in charge, not me!
Donna, it is intense.
Wow, thanks everyone!
Hi Alex
Loopers sounds amazing. Best sellers! I'm excited for you. I have suffered so much for so long that I have little faith God will answer my prayers. We are working on that together.
Good luck with future endeavors. I'm glad you're not giving up blogging.
WOW, congratulations, though I'm not surprised :) You're such an inspiration!
I think you'll get the writing bug after a while. Another story will come to you or you'll surrender to the cries of your fans begging for more.
"nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning" ;D lol
BAND-Wow, you really do rock~
I love this, how fabulous!!!
Looper sounds amazing! I think I might convince hubby to go~ Thanks for telling it like it is!
Congrats Alex on all you have done and will do... I'm looping ;D
It is the future me talking, lol
God works in mysterious ways~
I haven't seen Looper but want to. I'll have to go back and see where everyone lives.
Whoa. You've sold a LOT of books.
Andrew, that's good to know!
Joylene, thank you!
Nancy, He won't give up on you.
Susan, the surrender thing I believe.
Ella, yes He does.
Brinda, it blows my mind!
am I the only one that the insecure link won't work for?
I bet something comes to you.
And I love Bruce Willis!
Very creative, Alex! I envy your guitar prowess... it's the one musical instrument I've failed to grasp!
Congratulation on your book sales achievement :) I have no doubt the story bug will bite you again soon enough! :)
Alex, what an amazing success story and outlook!
Congratulations on your well deserved success!
Being at peace with what life brings us and trying not to mess it up seems like an excellent plan. I'll give it a go!
God really has blessed you and made you an inspiration to others. A lot of people in the blogging community have been touched by what you do, and I think we're all grateful for that. God bless you in whatever you decide to pursue next, and congratulations on your upcoming book!
Congratulations on your literary success! :)
Maybe you'll be inspired by something new after a while; who knows, right?
Congratulations on your book sales, Alex. You are such a support to the blogging community and deserve your success.
Congrats on your success!
No. I don't believe that this is your last book. Something will occur to you as a story to be told and you will want to tell it. It's just the way it goes. I hope you enjoy everything and anything in between!
I'm surprised to hear there aren't more writers from NY. Huh.
But I'm never lonely with all these friends about. What a great group of people we have surrounded ourselves with!
Congrats on wrapping up (almost!) the third book. It's amazing when we look back and see how far we've come!
As for Looper, I must admit--I'm glad to see your positive review. I thought Momento was BRILLIANT, so I feel better about this one. I'm headed out to see it tonight!
Monkey, I checked and they seem to be working...
Catherine, what do you play then?
Patsy, join me!
Lauren, thank you so much!
Heather, it's the best group in the world.
TL, you will really dig it then!
Congrats on all the success! I look forward to hearing more about your music!
Congrats on the great sales. That's awesome.
Looper sounds really interesting.
Congratulations on the success of your novels, Alex. And the new band, too! Looper looks amazing - I don't normally want to see a movie badly enough that I can't wait for it to come out in DVD, but the storyline for this one looks just so intriguing.
Alex! Congrats on the Bestseller Lists, how cool is that!!!
You totally deserve it, your books are great.
As for you not writing any more, maybe you'll take a break, but inspiration tends to strike when you least expect it, so don't count on the not writing thing... : )
Haven't seen Looper yet (it isn't out here) but I will be as soon as I can...
Alex! Congrats on the Bestseller Lists, how cool is that!!!
You totally deserve it, your books are great.
As for you not writing any more, maybe you'll take a break, but inspiration tends to strike when you least expect it, so don't count on the not writing thing... : )
Haven't seen Looper yet (it isn't out here) but I will be as soon as I can...
Alex, I am hoping another story to write finds you! And thank you for he Looper review. I'm excited to see it.
AMEN! I think it's awesome that you publicly give glory to God for your success.
You're such an inspiration. May He continue to bless you in all your other endeavors.
There's no way it'll be your last- it's in your blood now!
I'm so glad to be back to my monthly confessional of ISWG! Loopers sounds amazing - can't wait!
Laura x
PS- we wanna hear you play!
Are you gonna post a video of your epic music skillz, Captain? Because I, for one, would love to hear them!
Thanks for the review on Looper, we were kind of on the fence about that one (thought we would have seen it eventually). We weren't thrilled with DREDD, unfortunately. Maybe Looper will be the one that gets us excited!
And Alex--congratulations on all your success, and for being a light here in the blogosphere. You really set the example on how it should be done--with kindness, generosity and a whole lot of class. ((hugs))
The books are on top of the poster, and the success of its readers. I'm sure that soon you may get new ideas i need to write.
Hey Bella! Looper was just amazing.
Thanks, Tessa. Maybe I will write about a rock band.
Misha, He's the one who deserves it.
Laura, glad you are back! And there will be a chance to hear me play in a couple months...
Ali, thanks so much! Can I post an audio instead?
Leovi, we shall see!
Oh Alex, somehow I think you will write another book. Maybe it will be about a band. :D
Also I kind of forgot the support group. Although, my last blog post could qualify. I should've just saved it for today.
Alex you warm my heart and inspire me
I love your attitude. God will use you because you are willing to be used in whatever arena He choses.
best to you with the books you have written!!!
As long as you are being creative somehow, whether writing books or songs, it's all good. Great post.
Oh, my insecurities. So many. I am terrible at remembering monthly events (vs. weekly), but I wrote IWSG on the calendar for next month and hope that is enough for me to get it done next month.
I'm excited about Looper, especially with the comparison to Memento in being thought provoking. Memento was fascinating and original. It's great to hear that Looper is, too.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse
Wow, you amaze me Alex with everything - your books and especially, your blog. You are a friend, Alex and you have a heart of gold.
We can't lose you in the blogosphere anytime soon. Could you imagine this writing community in the blogosphere without you? I can't, the whole community would be mourning, perhaps crying their souls out because you're more than just a writer and a friend, you're a genius. I don't know how you do it but you do it.
You're an inspiration to all of us writers and thank you! Great IWSG post! :)
Wow, Loopers sounds like my kind of movie! Sounds like it's got some great twists to it.
Isn't that something that you have a third book and never planned to be an author? Yep, I do believe God guides us to places in our lives we never dreamed of. A year ago, I never would have guessed I'd be moving close to my daughter, SIL, and grandbaby (only a month old then). Daughter ended up moving. Then we had to move, and I love this city we're living in, and never dreamed I'd be able to care for an infant full time, plus continue my writing career (much slower but still at it).
Glad you'll be hanging out in the blogosphere a while longer, Alex, but when new doors open up, sometimes you can't help but go through them! Best wishes for whatever road you take.
Congrats to Bish on five years. Congrats to you on Blog of the Month award. "Dancing Down Serendipity Street," what a cool name for a blog!
That's really interesting about the states with the most writers, Alex. Take care!
You are an inspiration! I kind of do not believe you are done writing:)
I am enjoying my first time participating...I am feeling very insecure this month...
Cindy, your last post was an IWSG post!
Thank you, Moon!
Shannon, they share the same vibe. You'll dig Looper.
Livia, thank you! Don't worry, not abandoning my Ninja Army. Not a genius - just a geeky writer.
Lynn, glad you are closer to your daughter now!
Doreen, welcome! And I will get to your blog by tomorrow. After visiting over 150 today, I think I am about done...
well, after that review I definitely have to go see Loopers. Thanks and no, no insecurities today except for the usual one: am I good enough?
We'll soon find out as I'm about to start querying again...
Wherever your next creative path takes you, I wish you the very best. And with God's blessing, you can't fail.
Now I want to see Looper...
What a testimony Alex! That's awesome.
I can't imagine being at the end of my writing journey. I'm still struggling with the beginning
I agree about Looper~sooo original. I can't think of any movie like it, and that's very rare. I loved all the actors as well. As for your next book, I think it should be titled "How I Formed a Ninja Army"
You have an amazing story of success. I can't wait to read your books- sci-fi isn't usually my genre but I've heard it's so much more than that. Definitely on my to read list, and thanks for the starting the Insecure Writer's group. It's helped me keep going.
Congratulations on your books Alex. Thanks for visiting my guest blog and commenting. Go TEXAS writers!
ooh! Cool to see where all the writers are! I knew Utah had a ton, but I like hearing about the others too! Very cool!
Congratulations, Alex on your book sales. You deserve every it of your good fortune and success. Thank you for being such a wonderful contributor and encouraging friend to the blogging community. I am psyched to see Looper.
Hopper looked like such a good movie upon seeing the previews! and what a cast! can't wait to see and cheers to the success with your books! what an accomplishment!!
Saw Looper this weekend and I totally agree with your review. Brilliant movie. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is fast making a name for himself. It is one win after another for this guy. This movie knocked it out of the park. Since Looper followed fast on the heels of The Dark Knight, if JG-L isn't careful, he is going to be noticed, and recognized, as an exceptional actor. Yikes:)
I think it's amazing that you've had such a positive experience. With so many of us struggling, it's nice to know that there might just be a light at the end of the tunnel. And you're blog is amazing - definitely part of a higher purpose. Thanks for the support and for letting us know there's somewhere to GO to find it when we need it.
Tens of thousands? WHOA is right! Congrats Alex, I had no idea how successful you are as writer.
Like you said, it was God's plan. I'd wish he'd clue me in better on what he wants me to do. Every creative venture I jump into seems to be a major up hill climb. I get there eventually with moderate success, but then I tumble down to the base of the mountain and have to start all over again.
I am exhausted! LOl. ANd I am not getting any younger. If you have a hotline to HIM, please mention my name, perhaps he'll clue you in. LOL.
Not to worry, I'm trudging along.
Thanks for all the links. Lots of fun celebrations in the blogosphere this week.
I am also glad to hear that you will be with us for a while. Our community would never be the same without your kindness and support.
Looper is such a great movie... totally agree. Your blog and online activity is massive Alex... you've influenced a lot of people, so a huge thank you.
As always, my insecurities are of the "butt in chair" variety. Nothing new there :)
I may have to see Looper.
Birthday, birthday. Mine too. I guess Valentines day is a popular copulation date . .
You're certainly blessed with a special talent, Alex and it's so good that you recognize that. Good luck with the crit partners (always a nail-biting time).
Your blog and writing has done so much for others.
Looper looks good. I'd love to see it.
I meet many writers down here in Florida.
Well Alex you are definitely a gift from God to so many. You are such a giving person. I'm pleased at your sales and will be surprised if you don't put yourself through it again.
Congratulations Alex! And never say never. You may have another 3 more books in your tank.
What an honest and heartfelt post! No matter what outlet your creativity takes, you will enjoy success because your generous and positive spirit shines through. I'm so happy for your book series successes. I know the final Cassa installment will surpass all expectations. Good luck with final edits!
MsHatch, you are good enough and you can do it!
Lynda, that's right!
Heather, just remember to enjoy it.
Jamie, that's funny! And glad someone else went out and enjoyed Looper.
Rose, glad you're enjoying the group and thanks. I'm surprised how many people that don't like science fiction have enjoyed my books.
Thanks, Melissa!
Robin, glad you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Thanks, SL! I am here to serve.
Michael, He's just making you stronger. The greater the battle, the greater the victory. And yes, those numbers blow my mind.
TF, thanks! And glad you enjoyed the movie.
Donna, early happy birthday then!
Thanks, Denise.
And thank you everyone. Who knows what the future may hold...?
I think I'd enjoy Loopers. And thanks for the shout-out, Alex. I appreciate it.
You've convinced me - I definitely want to see Looper. I loved Memento so if you're likening Looper to that, it sounds right up my alley.
No more books? Hmmmm.... I will have a very disappointed husband on my hands!
Congratulations, Alex! You deserve the sweet taste of success. Like Cathy above, no more books? Hmmm. I believe in Let Go, Let God but I also think letting go leads to more empowered legs to stand on. I think your band will stir a story line for another series. I hope so!
I got my ISWG post up. Better late than never. Yep, I'm still catching up on things.
And wifey and I are off to see Looper today. We've been looking forward to this for some time now.
And I know a lot of writers from New Mexico. I met three while on our cruise last week.
Looks like I'll be heading off to see LOOPER soon. Sounds like a great trip.
Very interesting movie scripts that move back and forth in time, be seen Looper.
Ooo. Looper sounds good.
Nah. I think writing is in your blood. You'll be back. :)
I haven't written anything for the IWSG for a while now, but I still love visiting and reading the other blog posts. It seems that no matter where we are in the writing/publishing process, the insecurities are always there and simply part of the gig.
I do appreciate your persistence and the support you offer to so many.
Bish, you're welcome. Five years is impressive.
Cally, if you like Memento, you will like Looper.
Cathy, not decided yet! Don't tell him.
Kittie, that is a great book! I will see what happens...
Stephen, you will enjoy!
Joshua, take brain.
Walk away from writing to play the guitar in a band? Now you've got me thinking about what my next career could be. I think...photography.
Yes God be praised. I'm happy for you no matter which direction you take in life Alex. Livia's so right honouring you with blog of the month. Congrats. I want to see Looper so bad. *sobs* A movie I loved from 2011 was In Time. The scene with the young man running to his mother was heart rending. Truly put the title in perspective.
Best of luck with Cassa Storm and IWSG is truly a great thing that unites writers and fellow bloggers alike.
Wow! After getting this far and being successful doing what you enjoy doing (at least I hope you enjoyed writing those books), I can't imagine you not continuing to write. Maybe you don't have any stories in mind right now, but sooner or later, you'll get the itch and start writing again. Congratulations on the books.
Alex, like you I also believe that God has a hand in my life. I think it's great that you mentioned something that most people don't like to or are embarrassed to discuss.
I'm with ya on Looper! I totally LOVED it! Will probably do a review of it on my blog next week. Loved yours! Happy Thursday! :D
The Ninja in a band. I like. But don't stay away from writing. We need your stories!
My insecurities? That everyone will hate my short story collections when they come out and they'll sink to the bottom of the Amazon eBook lists.
Looper sounds awesome. A must-see, me thinks.
Hi Alex,
Yes, you lucky human, it's me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!
I have been visiting a number of blogs who get little recognition and have few 'followers'. Just left a comment on one who was very thankful. A pawsitive outcome and a shared feeling of encouragement. For a human who didn't want to be an author, haven't you done well. Good on you and those who have delighted in reading your magic that is the written word.
Peace to you, my human friend.
Penny the Jack Russell dog....
Patricia, go for it!
Sheena, thank you SO much!
Ken, you never know...
MsMariah, I don't mention it often, but I'll not deny my source.
Liesel, looking forward to your review!
Ellie, they won't sink if I can help it!
Penny, we were all there once, with next to no followers...
I am so excited that you've got your book out to CP's. How amazing that you wrote a book not expecting such a huge following. And people love you and your book. That is incredible. I applaud you! Good luck with your musical journey. :D With how well you've done with writing and blogging, I can only imagine your band is going to be a HIT!
Looper sounds really good. The premise is delicious.
I am from Utah. Let's just say Utahns are TALENTED people.
That's so exciting that you've sold so many books! Super cool!
Oh man, and I'm so stoked about Looper now! I'm going to have to see it this weekend.
God bless you, Alex!
Thank you for being an inspiration to other writers and for being a friend and supporting others!
Glad you're not going anywhere and thanks for the review of Loopers. It's at the top of our "next to see" list.
You've got a wonderful attitude about your success and where you want to go for the future! Best of luck in whatever God sends your way.
And thanks for the Looper review. I've been on the fence about that one, but you make me think it's a "must see."
WOW!! That's fabulous news about Cassastar and Cassafire being bestsellers. That's every writer's dream. Hurrah!
I'm sure your CPs will help make CassaStorm an even bigger success. Good luck! :-)
Wow on your book sales!! That has to be proof alone, my friend. You're an inspiration to us all.
Meh, took me a couple days to get to your post. :(
As far as writing goes, you only wanted one book but obviously you were meant for more. Everything happens for a reason. I love that you are here to write, inspire and play music. ;) In all honesty, if I hadn't found this blog near the beginning, I might have given up. At the time, I didn't know how to get followers, I didn't know what people wanted to see on my blog. Between you and Jamie and a handful of others, I felt like I was finally welcomed into this crazy writing world. I found my niche. So thanks, Alex! It is always good to have you around. :)
So long as you're following where He leads, how can you lose?
Hi Alex, blessings to you! God helps those who help themselves. I can't believe you even try to visit all the 300 blogs participating in IWSG.
I flaked out this month but I'll be back in November. Happy writing!
Oh, and it was cool to hear Ohio has a lot of writers! I've met 2 authors and 2 bloggers already in Columbus.
Hi Alex .. can quite understand your next post ... no wonder .. but congratulations you've made us all sit up and think .. and then collapse!
Cheers .. Hilary
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