Monday, October 15, 2012

Interview, 90’s Blogfest, Ninja News, Ninja Organizational Secrets, Movie Review – Argo, and Trivia Answers

I was honored this weekend with an interview by Juliana Haygert. My answers are short and to the point! Like that surprises anyone…

Today is the Nineties Blogfest, sponsored by Dave Wrote This.
“Post a favourite something for each year 1990-1999, and tell us what you love about each of them.”
Here's my movie and music highlights:

1990 – Not a bad year for movies – Ghost, Total Recall, Die Hard:2. My favorite would be The Hunt For Red October. Alec Baldwin was the best Jack Ryan. And Extreme’s Pornograffitti came out – excellent CD!

1991 – I still remember it for the year of Terminator 2: Judgment Day and the T2 made of liquid metal. It’s also the year I discovered MST3K – greatest show ever.

1992 - Reservoir Dogs, Unforgiven, Dracula, and The Last of the Mohicans. In music, Dream Theater’s Images and Words came out.

1993 – Tombstone and Groundhog Day. But the big one was Jurassic Park, which still looks amazing today. In music, we had Rush’s Counterparts.

1994 – Good year for movies – True Lies, Pulp Fiction, and The Crow. And another great Pantera album, Far Beyond Driven. (You’ve probably already detected a pattern in my music and movie tastes.)

1995 - Anthrax (band not disease) released one of their best albums, Stomp 442. For movies, there was Braveheart and the underrated Nobody’s Fool with Paul Newman.

1996 – Year of the big movie budgets – Independence Day, Twister, Mission: Impossible, and Broken Arrow. My favorite – Star Trek: First Contact. I also discovered the awesome In Flames and their album The Jester Race.

1997 – Movies included The Lost World, L.A. Confidential, The Fifth Element, and of course, Titanic. Memorable album would be the Foo Fighters’ The Colour and the Shape.

1998 – This is the year the started the awesome Blade series and gave us the first X-Files movie. (I just pretend the second one never happened.) The talented Jerry Cantrell (from Alice in Chains) released a solo album, Boggy Depot.

1999 – Awesome movies included The Matrix, The Sixth Sense, Sleepy Hallow, and of course, Galaxy Quest! Now hooked on In Flames, I rejoice when their album Colony is released.

This concludes our trip down the 90’s Memory Lane!

Ninja News

Andrew Leon’s Shadow Spinner parts 1-5 are free today on Amazon!

Budd at Scifi Media is hosting the Scare Me Blogfest on October 31, Halloween!

Steven Symes’ children’s book, Gracie the Ghost Eater, is free today through Wednesday on Amazon!

Don’t forget – this Wednesday is the Did I Notice Your Book Blogfest!

Ninja Organizational Secrets Revealed!

Last Friday, Michael asked how I keep up with the news, blogfests, and everything else that happens in the blogging world. Here’s how I do it:

1 – Every time I come upon some news (blogfest, book release, contest, accomplishment, etc.) I copy the web address and paste it in a word document labeled with the next blog post date, along with what is happening, and if applicable, I copy the image. Then when I’m ready to put together the blog post, all of the information is right there. (Because otherwise, no way I’d remember!)

2 – I keep a master calendar in a binder by my desk and note blogfest, guest posts, and major events. That keeps me from over-booking or double booking. Or missing my own blogfest!

3 – I keep a master list of everyone who participates in the IWSG. I try to keep track of who’s posting and whom I haven’t visited in a while.

4 – Clones may or may not be involved in any of the above!

Movie Review

Based on a true story - during the Iran hostage situation, the CIA comes up with a plan involving a fake movie called “Argo” to free six Americans hiding at the home of a Canadian ambassador.
It was refreshing to see a film geared towards adults and the attention to detail was amazing. This movie is intense and gripping, but offset with humor. Goodman and Arkin play well off each other and Cranston as the CIA Chief is hilarious. Affleck, who also directed, did great in a very understated performance. You know the outcome but it’s still an intense ride.
It’s 94% at Rotten Tomatoes and rumored to be an Oscar contender. Highly recommended!

Movie Directors Trivia Answers

1 – The Frighteners – Peter Jackson
2 – Mimic – Guillermo del Toro
3 – Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Francis Ford Coppola
4 – The Serpent and the Rainbow – Wes Craven
5 – The Keep – Michael Mann

What do you remember from the 90’s? See any exciting news? Ready for the blogfest on Wednesday? Any organization tricks you want to steal or suggest? Did you get any directors correct? And did anyone else see Argo?

Don’t forget to visit Juliana Haygert!


Kyra Lennon said...

Loving your answers on the nineties blogfest! :D

VikLit said...

Loved your 90s answers. T2 is still such an awesome movie!

Dave said...

I completely forgot about Terminator 2. Thanks for the reminder.

There's still time to join in.

Dave Wrote This

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

HA! And I would've guessed that Ghost was an 80s movie! Thanks for the trip :)

Mark Koopmans said...


Considering my first ever email address was "" I found the '90s to be miserable (and still do!!!)

Am I getting old?

Why yes, I do believe so!

They may, one day, take my Depeche Mode 12-inch LP and my Howard Jones 1985 Calendar... but only from my cold, dead fingers wrapped around my FRANKIE SAYS RELAX t-shirt :)

RaveAir said...

So many good films you mention! I'd like to rewatch many of them sometimes.

I was a happy teenager during the 90's.

Unknown said...

Great answers for the Nineties Blog Fest!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Loved that you included Galaxy Quest in your blogfest answers. I love that movie.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Oh, your answers brings the nineties back to me! I think the whole decade was a busy blur for me.

Good organizational skills, Alex!

Old Kitty said...

Clones of Capn Ninja!??!

*Swoons ever so prettily and daintily*

Take care

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Not a huge fan of the 90s in terms of cinema, generally, but I can't deny the fact that there were some truly amazing films during that decade. The Matrix is at the top of my list. :)

Unknown said...

Always wondered what Rotten Tomatoes are, you have an answer for me? The movie sounds good. Thanks for all your amazing info.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dave, thanks for hosting!

Lynda, it feels that old, doesn't it?

Mark, I listened to hair metal in the 80's. I was willing to let it go...

Natalie, of course!

Elizabeth, some of it was fuzzy for me.

Kitty, you always make me smile.

George, when I was looking up movies, a couple years were pretty devoid of anything good.

Siv, it's a movie website, one of THE movie websites. Google it!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Jerry Cantrell's solo work was and is still amazing... Argo is one I want to see, thank you for the review.

Rick Daley said...

I didn't realize the 90s were so awesome, thanks for putting it in the proper perspective!

I'm eager to see Argo. Affleck did a great job with The Town.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Dave and I saw Argo on Friday night and it was probably one of the best films we've seen in years. The Canadian role in the rescue was downplayed (of course - it's a Hollywood movie after all) but it was still great to see Ken Taylor's efforts recognized. That man is an international hero and Canada will always be proud of what he did during that crisis.

I highly recommend the movie and can't wait until it's on DVD to watch it again.

Laura Eno said...

I hope you had to look all those 90s movies up...or are they filed in your memory in neat little storage bins?
I'm actually going to see Argo this weekend! Haven't been to the movies in forever.
Looking forward to DYNB. :)

Leigh Caron said...

Last of the Mohicans is still one of my favorite movies. I had forgotten how long ago it was made. When I head back to the States in a few weeks, I hop Argo is still playing. It's sounds good.

Cindy said...

Nothing wrong with a clone or two.

Argo looks great. Hopefully I'll get to see it.

Brinda said...

The 90s sure were great.

Jemi Fraser said...

The 90s did have a lot of good moments! First Contact was definitely one of them!! :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You 90's list reminded me how much I used to go to the movies compared to how seldom I go now.

Rusty Carl said...

That was a great blogfest. If I'd been paying attention I would have loved that one myself. Loved the trip down memory lane.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I like your answers. I know I had big hair at the beginning of the 90's and waist length curly hair at the end. Still kind of big.

Those weren't my best years either-- personal stuff. It was a season and by the grace of God, I moved out and past it.

Unknown said...

I was married in 1990, and had my 1st in 1992, my 2nd in 1998. So I'd have to say, they were good years. Sorry, *hangs head* not much of a movie buff.

Wow, I knew you were organized with your blog stuff, but a binder?? Now I'm super impressed. :)

Laura Pauling said...

It's much easier to keep track of the url as you find great links and blogfests, than it is to try and find them as you write the blog post. That would be hard! Very smart, Alex.

Melissa said...

Enjoyed reading about the 90s. I was busy that decade - mostly work, very little play.

Your organizational tips sound about like mine. I also pre-schedule blog posts, even if it's just a title, to hold the place. Now if I could just make it to my Google reader more often. :\

Off to read your interview... :)

Talli Roland said...

Love your trip down memory movie lane! I used to love Ghost.

Julie Flanders said...

Loved the trip through the 90s, great idea for a blogfest.

I'm really looking forward to seeing Argo. Thanks for the tips on organizing, you do an amazing job keeping up with all these events and fests.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, the dude is amazing. So much talent.

Rick, you won't be disappointed.

Cathy, everything about it was amazing.

Laura, I looked a few of them up...

Leigh, it should be.

Jemi, best Star Trek movie ever.

Rusty, still time!

Teresa, we survive and move on with His help.

Candilynn, I'd be a mess otherwise.

Laura, exactly!

Ciara said...

Due to working two jobs and going to college in the beginning of the 90's that decade is a blur. :) Although, I love the newest Star Trek best. Great organizational tips. I do the copy and pasting of URL's.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Thanks for the review - can't wait to see "Argo." Got sucked into "The Walking Dead" marathon and then the new episode yesterday. Loved. It. But I am going to stop saying what characters I like - they tend not to last too long. Sigh.

My husband recently read "The Hunt for Red October" and said it was excellent.

Cate Masters said...

I suspected a clone all along, lol
Really looking forward to Argo!
Congrats on the news to all.
Off to visit Juliana...


Excellent post for the blogfest, not being around for one reason or another I didn't know anything about it,


L. Diane Wolfe said...

I loved The Fifth Element. And Mystery Science Theater. Really glad when Mike took over for Joel.

Gossip_Grl said...

Thanks for the review on Argo. I want to see it, but didn't want it to be a flop and waste of $10 for the ticket.
I wondered how you kept all the blogger world news straight! :) Great Post!

Suze said...

Al, that was an awesome breakdown on the films of the '90s. Girl likes.

(Incidentally, I *loved* Groundhog Day.)

AuthorAlden said...

Your post reminded me just how many great movies were coming out in the early 90s before the CG revolution. The 80s and 90s produced some of the best cinematic works of all time.

I'd like to see Argo this week, but I'm still woefully behind on my movie quota. I've yet to make it to see Dredd or Looper. I'm slipping!


Karen Lange said...

This is a trip down memory lane! The Hunt for Red October is probably my favorite of the decade.

Heading over to Juliana's now.

Happy Monday!

Libby said...

One hopes there are clones involved in your scheduling. :)

Jay Noel said...

I wasn't a big fan of music during the 90s. I spent almost half of that decade in college, and I was so happy Hootie and the Blowfish killed grunge!

Despite getting a better idea of how you keep all the blogging straight, it's still insane how you do it.

Juliana Haygert said...

Thanks for the shoutout!

So many great movies on the 90s!

Been hearing great things about Argo. Need to watch that one ;)

Charles Gramlich said...

My favorite movies are from the 80s, Alien, Aliens, Predator, The Thing.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I pretend the 2nd X-FILES didn't happen, too. (Never saw it actually) I do the same thing with the 3rd and 4th Alien movies, too.

I enjoyed all your 90's comments. I went to see SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS instead of ARGO this weekend, and I wished I had seen ARGO now!

See you Wednesday.

Budd said...

Thanks for the shout out on the Scare Me Blogfest. great movie picks for the years. looking back the 90s had some really great movies.

Unknown said...

Just went to your interview. Sorry for the lateness, Saturday was Notre Dame football and some other things that kept me busy. Loved your answers.

Loved the 90's! for me musically, it was all about Aerosmith's Get a Grip (1993) and Nine Lives (1998) and my discovery of grunge rock. Movies. the Crow and in 97, Cameron's Titanic.

Will have to see Argo for sure.

Jennie Bennett said...

There are so many movies I LOVE from the 90's thanks for taking me down memory lane :)

Maryannwrites said...

I remember Terminator 2 and Jurrasic Park. Not my first choice of genre movies, but I really enjoyed them.

Really looking forward to seeing Argo. Just wish I had a theatre closer than 30 miles. LOL I think Ben Afleck has gotten better and better as an actor.

I am doing the Wednesday blogfest. Looking forward to it.

Julie Dao said...

Sleepy Hollow was such a good movie! I loved Nickelodeon and the crappy pop music from the 90s too :)

Bossy Betty said...

Great organizational hints, Alex! Please send a clone my way once in awhile.

LD Masterson said...

You've got some excellent movies choices. I was pleased to see the mention of Nobody's Fool. For me, watching Paul Newman never got old.

But I can't comment on the music choices. The 90's was the decade I stopped trying to keep up with the music scene and went back to my favorite 50s and 60s. Thank you XM radio.

Elise Fallson said...

I was in high school in the 90's and hated it. So, not a big fan of that decade with the exception of a few movies. I need to set up a master calendar like you because I get so overbooked at times...oh wait, no I don't. :P

Bish Denham said...

Well, you kind of brought the '90s into focus. And Argo is a movie I'd like to see.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane (90's). I had forgotten all the great movies of that decade, with LAST OF THE MOHICANS one of my all-time faves.

Am definitely planning to see ARGO.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Oops I'm double booked . . . but maybe it can work together since I'm having a guest author . . .can I notice her book? Have to figure that out by Wednesday . . .

I think I need to steal some of your clones, or just make a calendar for my blog . . .

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, it's the only I way I can keep up with everything.

Madeline, sorry you keep losing your favorites.

Yvonne, sorry you missed it.

Suze, it's a classic!

JW, you definitely need to catch up.

Karen, they would boggle mine if I didn't use them!

Juliana, thanks for the interview!

Roland, not good? And don't bother with the second X-Files movie.

Budd, you're welcome!

Melissa, thanks, and I'm sure you're happy with the outcome of that game.

Maryann, he's found his groove.

Betty, I'll see what I can do.

LD, my mom had a crush on Newman. Bad.

Tara Tyler said...

90s bringing back lots of memories!
and when i see a hop i copy & email it to myself & keep a calendar too! dont want to overbook!

happy monday!

David P. King said...

Ah, man. I missed another blogfest? And half my childhood was in the 90's, too. Totally agree with you on MST3K, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alex, Great list. I forgot about Tombstone and Groundhog Day in 1993. Great movies. But, my favorite year of movies was 1997.

Gwen Gardner said...

Do you really remember what movies came out in what year? I could never do that. Must be some kind of special ninja ability.

Thanks for all the news and for sharing your organizational secrets:)

Annalisa Crawford said...

My memory works in such a way that I can remember the 80s (when I was 5-15), but the 90s are a blur (and not even for all the usual reasons you're thinking of right now!)

I love your organisational techniques and might have to utilise some of them!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

What a wonderful walk down memory lane in the 90's blogfest. Love the organization ideas! I need them all.

Hart Johnson said...

Some great movies listed there. And I KNEW you were cloned! HA! erm... I should make a point of being more organized. It's a little hard as I do a lot of my blog cruising at work and I write my blog at home. I could used google docs though...

Donna K. Weaver said...

You're amazing, Alex. Great system. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I spend way too many years in the 90s making a really long commute.

Patricia Stoltey said...

When I see your list of how you stay organized for blog posts, fests, etc. I'm once again wondering if and when you ever get any sleep.

Argo sounds like my kind of movie. As always, I'll wait for the DVD...I'm avoiding the aroma of movie popcorn while I'm on this diet.

Ellie Garratt said...

I also pretend the second x-files movie was never made. LOL.

As for keeping organised, I now have a calendar for all the major activities. I'm still terrified I will miss something, though.

Leovi said...

I would definitely stay with Barcelona 92​​, Reservoir Dogs and Dream Theater's Images and Words came out.

Michelle Wallace said...

Love the organizational secrets...
Clones may/may not be involved? Aha! A step closer to unravelling the secret of your omnipresence...

D.G. Hudson said...

The nineties - not my fave decade. . . but I was busy then. I loved the Terminator movies, and Matrix. Special effects makes scifi so much more believable.

Can't do any blogfests right now, I've committed to working on WIPs, one which I'll need in the new year, and I'm subbing a completed book. I will come and comment to show my support, though.

You're very organized, Alex, and I always enjoy it when you do visit my blog. But why not another book? Is the music becoming more important now?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liz, go see it!

Tyrean, noticing her book is a cool idea.

Tara, that is clever.

David, MST3K rocked!

Gwen, I remembered half and then did a Google search.

Hart, try Google Docs.

Patricia, I do like my sleep.

Leovi, you rock!

Michelle, I will never reveal the whole truth...

Suzanne Furness said...

Thanks for the trip back to the nineties! I loved Groundhog Day. Both my daughters were born in the nineties so happy days!

Enjoyed your interview over with Juliana.

Nancy Thompson said...

Seems we have similar taste in both music & movies from the 90's. My son was born in '94 & named after Brandon Lee, a local Bay Area boy we knew & whose loss we grieved. I've got my DINYB blogfest post already scheduled. If I want to participate in something online, I jot it down in my iPhone calendar with reminders. I'd be lost otherwise.

Eliza Wynn said...

Your post brought back a lot of memories. I meant to look up the year for MST3K in case I could use it in my post, but I forgot!


nutschell said...

OOOhhh! Now we know your secret--or at least part of it. Was wondering how you managed all these blogging tasks. Figured it was clones. :D

Happy monday!


Stephsco said...

Looking forward to seeing Argo, it looks really good.

I watched Jurassic Park earlier this year--it's still a great movie and you're right, it holds up. The second and third movies, not so much, but my husband and I own them on DVD anyway :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I must go see Argo. Thanks for the rundown on the nineties. I like your picks.

Steven said...

Alex, thanks for spreading the good word! By the way, those are some good picks for 90s music :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great interview with Juliana! Thanks for bringing back fun memories from the 90's! I can't wait to see Argo! Julie

Rachna Chhabria said...

You have listed some great movies, Alex. And I must tell you this that you are very methodical. You make everything you do look so easy.

Carol Kilgore said...

I liked some of the movies you mentioned from every year, but I really liked all the ones from 90 and 94. And I can't wait to see ARGO!

Andrew Leon said...

Oscar contender, huh? Well, now I'll really have to go see it!

Thanks for the plug!
It's kind of weird to see the difference in download numbers between part 1 and part 5. I mean, they're all free...

Jai Joshi said...

I'm so excited about seeing Argo! Thanks for the review.

With the 90s, you jolted my memory about one film that I loved even though I didn't see it until 2002. It was Equilibrium. Did you ever see that? With Christian Bale? It came out around the same time as The Matrix and it's stylish like the Matrix so people thought it was the same kind of film but it's actually very different. I loved it, it was a very clever idea and so slick.


Johanna Garth said...

We saw Argo this weekend and 15 minutes in I leaned over to my husband and asked him if this was about the hostages in Iran.

To his credit he was not annoyed with me.

Btw, loved the movie!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DG, I'm not sure yet! I'm really enjoying playing in the band at the moment. I'll just see where God leads me.

Thanks, Suzanne.

Nancy, THE Brandon Lee???

Eliza, it actually started in 1990 but I didn't discover it until the end of the second season.

Stephsco, we own them as well. Sucker for dinosaurs I guess.

Michael, go see it!

Steven, you're welcome.

Rachna, I fake it well.

Andrew, you're welcome. And that is odd.

Jai, that was another overlooked film.

Johanna, that's all right - my wife had no idea what it was about until we got there.

Allison said...

I love that you love Mystery Science Theater! Such a good show.

Allison (Geek Banter)

Christine Rains said...

So many great movies during the nineties. I watched a lot, and I discovered MST3K then too. I'm starting to keep a calendar of things on the side of my desk. So many great things going on!

Sherry Ellis said...

The Hunt of Red October is an awesome movie! I'll go check out Juliana's site.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

In this context, I had no idea how many great movies came out of the 90s. Alex was the best Ryan. Too bad he gave up. And Matrix... my grandsons burned my first copy to dust, they watched it that much. And who could forget Linda Hamilton in T2. My sons loved Tombstone.

I still don't know how you keep up this pace, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Loved your answers and your organization tricks:-) I don't remember much about the 90s . . . kids took over my life in the year 2000 and it's funny how trivial that whole decade seems to me now, lol.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Alison, now we just have Riff Trax.

Christine, don't want to miss any.

Joylene - burned it to dust! And I believe it was the studio that wanted to switch to Ford and booted Baldwin.

Misha Gerrick said...

Hunt for Red October is one of my favorite movies from the 90s. Tombstone is one of my favorite movies of all time. :-)

Definitely want to see Argo.

Carrie Butler said...

I knew clones were a distinct possibility! ;) I keep a blogging calendar, too. I'd probably be lost without it!

Dani said...

There were a lot of great 90's movies. Jurassic Park made into my list as well. I don't know how you keep up with all hops & fests. Jackie @ Bouquet of Books and I are hosting Spooktoberfest this month and its so hard to keep up with everyone else's as well so I commend you. You're tha man Ninja!

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matthew MacNish said...

Man, I miss the 90s!

Sarah Ahiers said...

Man! The 90s was AWESOME for movies!!

Jeff Beesler said...

I remember graduating from high school and first discovering the joy of self-publishing by putting 450 short stories online for all the world to see back then. Only thing that's different now is really the formatting...

~Sia McKye~ said...

ALEX, I like your movie memories and some of your music memories. :-)

I definitely want to see ARGO. I like both actors.

I want to do your blogfest I just need to go back and find out how to do it. The brain has been on fuzz of late and my juggling skills leave a lot to be desired. Let's just say juggling with eggs isn't smart since I end up with egg all over the place, lolol!

Nancy Thompson said...

Yep, he's from the same area we are. We loved him. Since I was pregnant with a boy, we decided to name him after Brandon Lee. Cool, huh?

S. L. Hennessy said...

I still say Terminator 2 is the best thing to come out of the 90's. But Mystery Science Theater 3000 is pretty close.

M Pax said...

Jurassic Park remains one of my all-time favorite movies.

I met the husband unit and got married in the 90s. It was a turbulent decade. At the end of it, we ended up in Oregon. Aaah. :)

Helena said...

I never saw The Fifth Element on the big screen, yet whenever I come across it on TV I find myself hooked and watching some scenes over and over. Strangely addictive.

Argo is one movie I just have, especially since I was around for the Iranian hostage crisis and later heard about the CIA/ motion picture ruse used to help engineer an escape.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carrie, that is wise!

Dani, thanks!

Jeffrey, wow!

Sia, just click on the badge in my sidebar and it'll take you to the post that says what to do.

Nancy, that is incredible!

SL, I have to tip it to MST3K.

Mary, hope that was a good thing! said...

A friend just told me Argo is excellent.

Be well, Alex.

Cherie Reich said...

Jurassic Park is still one of my favorite movies and books to date. :)

SC Author said...

Oooh, I heard Argo was good :) And I still can't believe how much you do! It's truly amazing.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Thanks for sharing your awesome movie knowledge!

Mary Montague Sikes

Livia Peterson said...

I love how you're so organized...don't know how you do it. I think clones aren't involved but if they were, I would be SURPRISED.

YES, Argo is an incredible film! I'm glad that I saw it in theatres.

I would like to see The Sixth Sense one of these days. I heard it's excellent!

Looking forward to the DINYB blogfest! It will be so fun! That's a given, your blog parties are always fun because that's what Ninja Captain does best - hosts excellent parties in the blogosphere and the community goes nuts because they are so AWESOME! :)

Lydia Kang said...

I so loved First Contact! It was awesome. Thanks for the trip back in time!

LynNerdKelley said...

All those great movies from the '90s, wow! The Matrix is one of my faves, plus some of the others you mentioned. I'm ready for the Did I Notice Your Book Blogfest. Looks like a good group of us are participating. Yay!

Denise Covey said...

So many great films out there. Fifth Element is such a good one, and who can better The Matrix?
Re blogfests, someone should start a blog or facebook page where everyone can send their upcoming blogfests. It's annoying when you find one and wish you'd known about it. Not everyone can get around a gazillion blogs and find out. So I think we need Blogfest Central, but I'm so over committed I can't think about doing it...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helena, I do the same thing if I see it on TV.

Robyn, it is!

Thanks, Livia. And you need to watch the Sixth Sense. Brilliant movie.

Lynn, almost a hundred!

Denise, I've talked to someone about doing a newsletter with all of the information. A blog is a good idea. But not a chance I'd have time to do it!

Marta Szemik said...

Ahh, the good old '90's. My high school and university years. Loved them all. You've listed most of my faves too!
And, I knew you had clones!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Love The Matrix, Nice Ninja secrets, #2 is one I might start doing. Argo does seem like a movie to see. Good post today Alex.

Al Penwasser said...

I loved The Hunt For Red October.
Although, since my job in the Navy involved looking for submarines (I was an airborne Jonesy), I drove Mrs. Penwasser crazy pointing out the inaccuracies.
For instance, that Russians didn't have Scottish accents.

Anonymous said...

I still love Jurassic Park from the 90s... just got it in Blue Ray the other day:) Loved all your others 90s responses...

DMS said...

Thanks for the stroll down 90s lane. Loved it (I loved the 90s). Lots of good movies and I saw almost every one you mentioned! Especially enjoyed Resevoir Dogs!

Awesome Ninja News. I got a free copy of the children's book- Gracie the Ghost Eater! Sounds fun.

Thanks for sharing your organizational tips. :)

Jack said...

I remember when Independence Day came out. I loved re-enacting that movie. Brothers make great Aliens.

I've a good friend who loves Jurassic Park. I watched it with her the other day and am surprised at how great the dinosaurs looked! Very good movie.

Now I want to go smash windows to see if I can get shoppe workers to come out of hiding...


klahanie said...

Hi Alex,
Nice recollection of the nineties. And 1999 with that ground-breaking movie, "The Matrix".
With your busy schedule, I actually think there might be a possibility you have a series of cloned calendars to go along with your master calendar.
Penny went and visited Juliana :)

Kittie Howard said...

Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane! Some really good movies in that era -- but Casablanca trumps all.

Heather Murphy said...

Very fun trip down memory lane! No Nirvana or Chili Peppers mention? I graduated high school on '90 so they were the best of times and the worst of times :)

alexia said...

Oh man, I've watched Broken Arrow so many times I practically have it memorized. Stoked to see Argo!

dolorah said...

Cool picks. Some of my favorites too. I have to keep a word document with links too or I forget so many things.


Mary Aalgaard said...

I'd like to see Argo. Thanks for the review. My son, almost 15, really wants to see it, too.

Deniz Bevan said...

I didn't see Groundhog Day when it first came out, but it's on reruns on tv a lot and I still haven't gotten tired of watching it!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, you have good taste then!

Al, they don't???

DMS, Steven will be excited.

Jack, let me know how well the smashing goes...

Gary, not telling.

Heather, I was many years before that.

Donna, good to know I'm not the only one!

Mary, outside of the F-bomb, there's nothing objectionable.

Tess Julia said...

Aaah! The 90's! I'm just glad those clothes and hairstyles are gone. Too much of the 80's still in them. I have to agree with you on the movie Hunt for Red October- great movie.

Isis Rushdan said...

Excellent 90's movie choices, in my humble opinion :)!

Unknown said...

I didn't hear about the 90s blogfest until today. Very cool. Boggy Depot is a great album, one of my top coffee shop albums. Thanks for the organizational tips. I need to start doing some of that because my mind is going. Haha. Hope you had a great weekend!

Summer Ross said...

I'm planning on participating in the scarefest. :) You are a very busy bee. I have a calendar i usually keep all my stuff on from Novels I'm editing to blogfests I want to take part in and yes even some book releases. So I understand your need for organization. Sometimes I'm editing two authors at once, plus tutoring college students and also critiquing writer friends in my spare time and that's in between the new puppy and kids. :)
Have a great day!

Saumya said...

Ah, your 90s answers are so spot on! And I'm constantly amazed by how you keep up with the blogging world. Thanks for sharing your tips. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and feel like I'm missing out. Haven't seen Argo but hoping to change that.

Mel Kinnel (@TizMellyMel) said...

That was a great trip down memory lane with all of the movies. Kudos to your organizational skills!

Pat Tillett said...

You had some things in here that I REALLY liked.
The Hunt for Red October
Reservoir Dogs
Last of the Mohicans
Jurassic Park (we have lot's of kids so I saw this many times).
Pulp Fiction (just watched it again yesterday).
I should have participated in this!

Carrie-Anne said...

Music from the Nineties was pretty good (in spite of my strong preference for classic rock) till the pop explosion of 1997. Even the pre-explosion pop was generally fun and at least made by people with some kind of talent. Now it's all auto-tune and not as much natural talent.

Clothes from the early Nineties look pretty horrible in hindsight. What were women thinking, with those huge lace collars?

Anonymous said...

I see so many of my favorite movies in your 90s post.

I'll check out the interview.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rose, I just hope the 80's don't come back.

Michael, you're a Cantrell fan? Very cool!

Summer, that's a lot to keep track of!

Pat, sorry you missed it! My bad for not mentioning it last Friday.

Carrie-Anne - and the shoulder pads! What was that all about?

Thanks, Medeia.

Susan Fields said...

I love your view on the second X-Files movie - I'll have to adopt that view myself!

Unknown said...

Ahh, Jurassic Park. Such an important film. It was that movie that first got me interested in archaeology (the scene in Montana where Grant excavates the velociraptor).


farawayeyes said...

You were so right about Looper, I can't wait to see Argo.

Galaxy Quest- one of my all time favorites.

Leovi said...

Yes good organization. You do a great job of promotion.

Christopher Hudson said...

MST 3000 rocked ... that's what I call entertainment.

Anonymous said...

I love how organised you are with blogging! I need some of that organisational prowess!

PK HREZO said...

Oh yeah the early 90s movies were some of the best. That whole decade was my fave time of life cuz I'd just graduated high school and was out on my own. Plus with all that grunge music I was in heaven. :)
Can't wait to see Argo!

Unknown said...

I shall take a few tips from the Ninja Organizational secrets.

With all my focus on my writing these days, I'm finding it hard to keep track of blogging.

Ella said...

Great interview by the way! :D

Wow, the 90s really did give us a lot of great films and music~
You know in the movie, The Hunt for Red October-the opening scene where the sub surfaces, gave me chills!
It is where I am from... I'll never forget the tingle up my spine feeling, in the theater!

You are a master of sharing the news and who is in the know! :D
Off to visit-

cleemckenzie said...

Great movies: Contact is still vivid and never have gotten over Jurrasic Park!

Anonymous said...

You gotta stay organized. Can't forge your own Blogfest! Lots of great movies and TV shows in the 90s.Can't believe I forgot MST 3000.

Jennifer Lane said...

I want to see Argo, now more than ever after reading your review. :-)

Mina Burrows said...

Your Ninja Organizational Secrets Revealed section is awesome. I am amazed and still don't understand how you do it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, it's the truth!

Jamie, that scene taught me that kids smell...

Christopher, Amen!

Damy, hope some of those tricks work.

Ella, I try!

Stephen, you did!

Emily R. King said...

Ah, First Contact. I need to rewatch that movie. It's been too long!

randi lee said...

I watched Independence Day so much when I was a kid that I wore out the video tape!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm ... I thought I signed up for your Blogfest over at Ciara's site but didn;t see my name on the list. So I signed up again. I'll post it later tonight.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen ARGO yet, but The Wife is out of town and wants to see it. As for the directors, I had all but the last one.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Randi, hope you have it on DVD now.

Stephen, I promise I didn't take you off the list!

Joshua, when she come home, go see it!

ediFanoB said...

Thanks for revelation of your organizational secrets.

The nineties - It seems I have had other interests than music and movies.

In 1991 I married my wife, our daughter was born and I started my job.

Unknown said...

I love The last of the Mohicans, The Fifth Element and Galaxy Quest!

As far as music I need to add The Cranberries.

Thank you for sharing the great tips on organization and planning =)

Susan Oloier said...

You're so very organized.
In my mind, the 90s seems like yesterday, then I do the math. Yikes! Where has time gone?

Morgan said...

I would LOVE to see your master calendar! :D

LisaAnn said...

Love your interview, Alex, and I dig the fact that your scariest moment was proposing to your wife. You are a great man!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, that's a lot for one year.

Susan, scary, isn't it?

Morgan, you wouldn't be able to read it...

LisaAnn, thanks!

Liza said...

My daughter was born in the 90's. That seems to color everything, so I was watching Mulan and Aladdin back then. But, if I had to pick the most outstanding movie of the 90's, I had have to say Forrest Gump.

Mel Chesley said...

I have a calendar on my desktop, however, I think I need to have one nearby that I can just write on quickly. Might help me to stay a bit more organized. :D

Julie Musil said...

Thanks for the walk down memory lane with 90's movies. Sheesh, I can't believe they were all from the 90's. Gulp. And Argo is a movie I must see! It sounds amazing.

Speaking of amazing, the way you keep up with everything...mind blown.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
So sorry I wasn't by last week. The whole malware thing had me in a tizzy and hours of corrections to the blog.

The 90's was filled with young children growing up. The year Jurassic Park came out on video, we had a sleepover, played the movie, turned the lights down low, and listened to the screams of all the kids. Great fun.

mshatch said...

Here's my pics for each year: Hunt for Red October was awesome and Groundhog Day is one of my all-time faves. I've also heard good reviews about Argo.

L.G. Keltner said...

MST3K is indeed one of the best shows ever! I was too young to stay up and watch it (I think it played at 3am where I live)so my dad always recorded it for me. I was almost seven years old when I saw Jurassic Park in the theater with my parents. I've been obsessed with dinosaurs ever since. And Star Trek First Contact is AWESOME!

Jennifer Hillier said...

You are so organized! I love your secrets. Thanks for sharing (because I did wonder how you keep all this information so perfectly straight). As usual, you rock.

Trisha said...

Maan, if I'd known about the 90s Blogfest I would have been so in!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liza, I watched Aladdin and I don't even have kids!

Julie, I just do my best to keep it all together.

Nancy, sorry about the malware.

LG, you have great taste!

Jennifer, you rock!

Trisha, sorry you missed it.