Friday, September 14, 2012

Marketing Tips, Ninja News, Shannara TV Series, Help with Goodreads List, Ninja Answers, and Movie Trivia Answers

The wonderful Misha Gericke at My First Book invited me to do a post on marketing. Actually, she offered several topics and for some bizarre reason, I chose marketing. Is there a secret to marketing a book? If you are an author, I invite you to visit Misha for my best guess as to how to market a book.

Ninja News!

Juliana Haygert’s novelette, Her Heart’s Secret Wish, will be published by Decadent Publishing in December. Congratulations, Juliana!!

Julie at What Else is Possible just signed a contract with a publisher for her book, Polar Night. Way to go, Julie!

Cherie Reich revealed the cover art for her Gravity Trilogy – and it is awesome!

Joylene Nowell Butler’s novel, Dead Witness, is free today at her publisher’s site! Click HERE to get your copy.

Shannara TV Series!

From Variety:
“Sonar Entertainment has acquired the rights to author Terry Brooks' bestselling fantasy series "Shannara" and is partnering with Farah Films to produce a television series based on the books.
Set hundreds of years after the destruction of our civilization, series follows the Shannara family, who are empowered with ancient magic and whose adventures continuously reshape the future of the world. The plan is to base the show's first season on "The Elfstones of Shannara," the second book in the series.
The 20th bestselling book in the 25-year-old series has just premiered at No. 2 on the New York Times Bestsellers list. Two more books in the series are set to be published in 2013.”

Starting with Elfstones instead of Sword makes sense, as the second book predates the first one. Warner had purchased the movie rights, but based on the success of Game of Thrones, Sonar and Farah are working together to make it a TV series. Brooks has already voiced his approval of this move.

For me, this is awesome! Sword of Shannara was the first fantasy novel I ever read, and I fell in love with the genre. I’ve had the honor of meeting Terry Brooks as well. To see the series that meant so much to me, and spurred my desire to write, come to life will be pure Heaven!

Goodreads List Help

Yes, I’ve been on Goodreads over two years now and had no idea they had lists! (I guess this Ninja needs to prowl better.) CassaStar and CassaFire are both on the list for Best Science Fiction Space Opera – if you get a chance, please vote for either one. (Or both!) Click HERE to open a new window to vote.
Really appreciate it! Be nice to see both books higher on the list.

Getting to Know Your Ninja!

Still working my way through the questions…

From Lynda Young - How long did it take for you to train to become a Ninja Captain? When will you name your heir?
November 9 will mark three years of blogging for me, so I guess that’s how long it has taken. As for an heir… I’m not through yet!

From Michelle - If you had the opportunity to work on a collaborative music project with just ONE great artist, who would that be? Have you written any songs for the guitar? Instrumental or with lyrics?
One great artist? John Petrucci of Dream Theater. The man is beyond talented. I haven’t written any songs, but I have crafted several melodies. No lyrics. I can sing but prefer not to…

From Zoltán: Does the Ninja have to sleep? How many hours per a day do you spent with sleep?
I revel in my sleep! I usually get between six and seven hours a night during the week. (More on the weekends.) Bedtime for me is 10:00pm. Note I didn’t say that’s when I go to sleep though. (I am married to a hot wife!)

Tasha Seegmiller posted about Building the Support System on Wednesday. She liked my answer so much, she emailed me and said I should share it. Said it was romantic or something like that. So here’s the comment:

”I was fortunate my wife was supportive from day one when I began rewriting that old manuscript.
I made a pact with her that I would keep our private life private and never allow any insanity to invade our home. (Outside of me writing for hours of course.) That's why I'm such a secretive Ninja - for her.”

Movie Trivia Answers

1 – “Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way, turn.” – Better Off Dead
2 – “Maybe you’re the plucky comic relief.” – Galaxy Quest
3 – “Ray, next time someone asks you if you’re a god, say yes!” - Ghostbusters
4 – “Take this quarter, go downtown, and have a rat gnaw that thing off your face!” – Uncle Buck
5 – “You idiot! These are not them. You’ve captured their stunt doubles!” - Spaceballs

Excited for Juliana and Julie? Excited about Shannara finally coming to life? (I’m stoked!) Can you help with the Goodreads list? (I can grovel if necessary…) Surprised by my answers? Get the quotes right? And who is catching Resident Evil: Retribution this weekend?

Don’t forget to visit Misha!


RaveAir said...

I hope the Shannara series won't have the same fate as the Dark Tower (by Stephen King) TV-and-Movie series.

Thank you for the Ninja answer. ;)

A.J. Walker said...

Interesting that they're doing a Shannara series. I bet a lot of younger fantasy fans have never read it.

Elise Fallson said...

Cherie's cover art for her trilogy is amazing! :D Thanks for the news and will be sure to zip over to Misha's for your marketing post.

Unknown said...

great news, great click worthy info as usual. Off to vote! Have a great week-end

Isis Rushdan said...

I'm headed to read the post on marketing now :).

Jeremy [Retro] said...

great post with the most... i have one guess for your quote.. and it would be wrong. so you must share and here is your...

- You don't know how hard it is being a woman looking the way I do.
- You don't know how hard it is being a man looking at a woman looking the way you do.

trivia was classic comedy... all those films, if they are on the tube... are being watched by me.

have a great day... happy new iphone party... soon!

Brinda said...

Going to follow you to the guest post and vote on the list... Have a great weekend!

Cherie Reich said...

Such great news all around! Thanks for featuring my cover. :)

Suze said...

Congratulations, Julie!

(I can't believe I didn't get 3 and 5. Sheesh.)

Ciara said...

I'm off to your post on marketing. Also, I'll definitely vote for you on Goodreads. A few of my books have won lists in the past, but I actually forgot about the lists until recently. Always so much to remember and my one brain cell can't retain it all. Have a great weekend!!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'll have to let my husband know about the Shannara series...he loved those books.

Marta Szemik said...

I didn't know about the lists either and will definitely vote. That's a very sweet pact you've made with your wife.
I like the Q & A at the end. Gives a little bit of an insight.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Zoltan, same here. And you're welcome!

AJ, I'm sure they haven't.

Jeremy, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Cherie, you're welcome!

Ciara, and my brain cells are feeling fried.

Thanks, Marta.

Thanks everyone for voting!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Heading over to Misha's site! And congrats to all your good news winners. So many positives in the writing community, right now.

Have a great weekend.

Julie Flanders said...

Thanks for the shout-out Alex! And I didn't know about Goodreads lists either, I'm still generally clueless about using that site. I need to check those out.

Heading over to Misha's now. :)

Gossip_Grl said...

Voted for both! Won't be seeing Resident Evil in the theater. Will probably wait for it to come to Redbox after hearing reviews for it though.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww a junior Capn Ninja would be so lovely and adorable!! Yay!! Take care

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, Shannara on TV? I don't know whether to be thrilled or apprehensive. It could be amazing or really terrible, depending on how they adapt it. I remember reading somewhere (maybe in his writing memoir?) Brooks saying that Elfstones is the book most people tell him is their favorite out of the entire series (it is for me!), so there will be a LOT of angry people out there if the show isn't done right! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Yes, so excited for Julie. Fantastic news.

And I'm so lame. I have to start reading those Shannara books. Really, can't believe I haven't read any of them yet.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

There's nothing like having someone who's always in your corner. My husband knew insanity was part of my deal and he accepted it gracefully. Still does. :)

Off to check out the marketing post...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'll go vote for your books.

Budd said...

Better off dead. That was when they went skiing, right? I want my two dollars!

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, I like your little mini-interview section! Nice to learn a little more about you! Headed over to Misha's...

Miranda Hardy said...

Yeah for goodreads! I voted for both.

Love your answers, btw.

LD Masterson said...

Bouncing over to your marketing post...

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I always wince when I hear a beloved series is being made into a TV or a movie production. So few are done well.

I am heading to your interview now! :-)

Laura Eno said...

Congrats to everybody in your news!
I voted on your books in the Goodreads list. Yay, you!

The Happy Whisk said...

Coming up on three years, holy crap, that's great. Add to it that you've done and continue to do a kick-ass job on your blog posts.

Go you, Ninja Sir.

Anonymous said...

I'm embarrassed to admit I'd never heard of the Shannara series but it looks wonderful.

Now, off to Goodreads...

Ted Cross said...

I won't believe they'll do Shannara right until I see it. So often they do fantasy on the cheap and it turns out lousy. We've been lucky to get a couple good ones like LOTR and Game of Thrones. They would need to at least meet the production value and casting brilliance of Thrones to make me happy. I liked Elfstones okay, but I liked Sword of Shannara better, and afte Elfstones it all went downhill and I gave up on the series.

Charles Gramlich said...

I think I might pick Lemmy for my musical artist.

Juliana Haygert said...

Yay, thanks for the mention!!
So nice to see your books on a goodreads list! That's great exposure!
Love that you answer everyone's questions about you ... unfortunately, can't think of any question of my own to ask you right now =P

Kyra Lennon said...

I love it when there's lots of Ninja News! Congrats especially to Juliana!

Libby said...

The "I am married to a hot wife!" got me! You just made my morning, sir!

Morgan said...

Just voted!

Too cool.

And love the pact you made with the lovely. :)

Nancy Thompson said...

Happy for everyone. Voted on GR. Loved your answers. And great marketing tips! Have an awesome weekend, Alex!!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Your trivia is making me long to watch those movies! Yes, I'm excited for Juliana and Julie, and about Shannara! Love your comment about your wife and your privacy! And I will stop by Goodreads and Misha today.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Julie, you're welcome!

Kitty - no. Not a chance.

Louise, fortunately he's very involved in the project, so we'll hope for the best.

LG, you need to read those first three!

Budd, you got it!

Roland, that's why I'm both excited and nervous.

Thank you, Whisk!

Ted, I liked the original trilogy and several books after that, but his latest ones haven't been as good.

Juliana, you're welcome.

Libby, glad I could make you smile!

Thanks, Morgan.

Everyone, thanks for voting and visiting Misha!!

Unknown said...

Voted! How exciting. Congrats to Juliana and Julie. Woot! I love the movie Better Off Dead - "I want my two dollars!" haha

David P. King said...

That quote from Ghostbusters has to be one of my favorites of all time. And it looks like Games of Thrones has paved the way for epic fantasy series to have screen time via TV (makes sense, you can do more with all that material than in a film). :)

Arlee Bird said...

Your books really zoomed up that Goodreads list since last night. You went right on past big guys like Heinlein and Asimov. Not bad.

Tossing It Out

Leovi said...

Yes, that's right, John Petrucci of Dream Theater is a great artist.

Unknown said...

Terry Brooks has another series adapted on TV right? Legends of the Guardian or something? LOL not familiar but that's good if they're taking epic fantasy into the trend zone maybe my favorite Wheel of Time will be next.

Bish Denham said...

Maybe I should be ashamed, but I've never read any of the Shannara series.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm excited for everybody who goes through the whole process and can point with pride to a body of work they've created. I'm always in awe of people who take an idea and turn it into something concrete.

LISTS! I made one of those a while back on goodreads and then promptly forgot about it. Guess I should investigate about promoting that!. I'll stop by today and give yours a vote.

CU soon.

Gwen Gardner said...

Congrats to everybody on their new releases.

I'm on my way to My First Book to learn about marketing, and then to GoodReads. I did read something recently about lists on GoodReads...hmmm, I wonder what it was, lol!

Allison said...

A Shannara TV series? How have I not heard of this?? I am super excited right now. I hope they do a good job of it. Often TV series based on books stray from them because they are made episodic instead of into one long story. Here's hoping they stick to the story and do an awesome job!!!

Allison (Geek Banter)

Unknown said...

Congrats to Julie and Joylene, Cherie and Juliana!! Awesome news for sure.

How exciting for the Shannara series! I loved the Seeker show.

Love those movie quotes. Two of my faves from Sam L are "My ass may be dumb, but I ain't no dumbass." and "Turn on the heat. It doesn't work, but it makes a very annoying noise. Distracts from the cold." The last one makes me think of all the freezing beaters I have ever driven.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

David, no way could they do the Shannara series justice with just a movie.

Lee, I just saw that! Numbers seven and eight now. Very cool.

Leovi, he is one of the best.

Braine, that series could go on forever...

Bish, I won't shame you!

Alison, yes! This is right up our fantasy geek alley. Hope they do it right.

Melissa, that last one is great!

farawayeyes said...

I too just learned about the 'Lists' on Goodreads. They are a little hard to find so thanks for the link.

Movie Trivia - Ha, ha, ha.

Ready for the Blogfest.

Tina said...

Already did the Goodreads. Excited about the TV series, hope it's on broadcast TV since we choose netflix and hulu and amazon prime over cable. sweet about being secret for your hot wife :-)
Working on my post for Monday.
I think that's all the questions.

Tina @ Life is Good

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Oooh...I inspired you with the list thingy! I'll go vote on CassaFire. Already voted for Star. And then I shall check out your marketing wisdom on display at Misha's! Have a great weekend.

Rusty Carl said...

Great stuff today. I may sneak out and see a movie this weekend, but I don't think it'd be Resident Evil

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, I had to search!

Secret for my hot wife! Well Tina, when you put it like that, yes!

Thanks Michael!

Rusty, I'll wait on NetFlix for that one.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Thanks so much for the news mention, Alex. Hope you're weekend is stupendous.

Andrew Leon said...

Wow! I've read 20% of the top 100 of that list. I'm going to have to give it a good going over before I figure out my votes.
I need to get House on some lists, but I need to figure out the lists, first.

Unknown said...

I became a member of Goodreads just to vote for your books. Hope you do well!
~ Laura C./Lexa

nutschell said...

oh my gosh! I love the Shannara books. Can't believe they're making a TV show out of this. Can't wait!


ediFanoB said...

I read and liked the first book in the Shannara series - THE SWORD OF SHANNARA.

Would be interesting to see this series on TV.

Today I watched all eight TH HOBBIT production videos in a row - 90 minutes!!

I can't wait to see the final result. And I will watch it in 3D!!

Maurice Mitchell said...

A read a little about Shannara after your comment. It reminds me of Thundarr the Barbarian. Congrats to Juliana, Julie, Cherie and Joylene. Awesome!

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - the Shannara news is fantastic news!!! The Sword of Shannara was my first fantasy novel as well. Loved it. Still remember the characters vividly. said...

Lots of good news. Movie Trivia was a fun round.

Be well.

Misha Gerrick said...

Thanks so much for your guest post, Alex! :-)

Misha Gerrick said...

Thanks so much for your guest post, Alex! :-)

Ink in the Book said...

I love reading Nija News. Congrats to both of you! Thanks for sharing all the wonderful news with us, Alex. I can't wait to see the new TV series. I think it will be interesting

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joylene, you're welcome! Hope it gets lots of downloads.

Andrew, hope you know at least one vote already...

Laura, thank you so much!!

Nutschell, I know!

Edi, those production videos are a movie all by themselves.

RaShelle, that's why you rock!

Misha, thank YOU for asking!

Ink, I am here to inform and amuse.

Heather Kelly said...

There is so much goodness to this blog post, but I am just going to focus on the how-have-I-never-read-Shannara? I can't wait to dive into that series now! Thanks for the recommendation. Oh, and that comment about keeping the crazy out of the home is sweet. :)

Jai Joshi said...

The Shannara tv series news is so exciting! Can't wait.


Suzanne Bean said...

Great blog!!! I've never read any of these books, but I'll have to take a look. :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Can't wait for the Shannara tv series. Please post when it comes on. I can't wait.

Off to learn your marketing tips.

Mark Koopmans said...


10 p.m. is a *great* to go to bed :)

(You're going to make Mrs. C blush :)

M Pax said...

Congrats to Julie, Juliana, and Cherie. Awesome for all of them.


Would love to see the Terry Brooks as a series on cable. Best place for it.

Christine Rains said...

Yay for Juliana and Julie! And I love Cherie's new cover. It's rich with color and has a little retro feel that I like. I had no idea about those lists on Goodreads either. Learning is half the battle!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Heather, go read it! And thanks.

Jai, I can't either.

Natalie, I will keep you updated.

Mark, just hope she doesn't read today's post!

Thanks, Mary. And once I heard the news, I decided a series would be better than three movies.

Huntress said...

Yay for Shannara!!

Epic fantasy rocks!

mooderino said...


Suzanne Furness said...

Lots of great links and news again, thanks so much.

It helps so much having a supportive and understanding family. Your wife sounds great.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,
My human friend, I am gracing your amazing site with one of my highly coveted, much treasured and cherished comments. Rejoice and sing!
Yes, you would be correct, its me, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star!
Aha, so you have guest visited the lovely Misha's site. That's great and Misha has been interacting with us for quite awhile. One of our favourite writers living in South Africa.
And then there's the lovable Joylene and I will state that her book "Dead Witness" is a must read. Joylene is a really nice Canadian, eh. I should further note that Misha and Joylene are starstruck fans of mine!
Duly read are all your other links on here. I'm also delighted that your good wife has been so supportive of you. I've tried to be supportive of my human,Gary.
Alex, I'm excited about everything! Seems I have an Evil Resident in my home. Oops, it's my human, Gary!
Pawsitive wishes to you and all of your Ninja type army, Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star! :)

Peaches Ledwidge said...

I still have a lot to learn about Goodreads.

I enjoyed reading your questions and answers section.

Now I'm going to read Misha's blog....

Donna K. Weaver said...

That's exciting about Shannara! That's a fabulous series I've been thinking of revisiting through audiobook.

*off to Misha's*

Heather Murphy said...

Nice post for Misha. Your wife is a lucky woman :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Huntress, yeah!

Suzanne, my wife is my life.

Penny, play nice with Gary! That Evil Resident does bring you food. Yes, my wife is my biggest supporter. I wouldn't be where I'm at without her.

Thanks, Peaches!

Donna, I'm excited.

Heather, I'm a lucky dude!

Jay Noel said...

Voted for both books! Hope they skyrocket to the top.

I'm with you on the whole private life thing. I was stalked by same crazy girl via my last blog. Not cool.

Johanna Garth said...

Will help out with lists next time I'm on Goodreads, which probably isn't nearly as often as it should be.

Angela Brown said...

I can totally respect your desire to keep certain boundaries. One of the things I really appreciate is that you started your privacy off from the get go so it's easy to understand much of the "secret" to your Ninja ways :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jay, thanks! And that is scary.

Johanna, appreciate it. Or just click on the link.

Angela, thank you! Ninjas have to maintain secrets...

Golden Eagle said...

I've come across a few other posts about the Shannara TV series. It is exciting that they're making film adaptations of so many Fantasy books!

Ella said...

I got to go visit Goodreads ;D

awweee, that is so sweet you are a Secret Ninja for her! Love that~

Sherry Ellis said...

Awesome things going on with the ninjas! Congratulations to all! I'll hop over to Misha's blog and see what you have to say about marketing.

mshatch said...

See, I should've known #5, I mean, who could forget Prince Valium? Or the jam? Or -hehehe - ludicrous speed!

. said...

I voted for you on Goodreads and last I checked with a bookstore Sci Fi author: Isaac Asimovs books were nowhere to be found and that dude wrote hundreds.

Chuck said...

Alex, such a comprehensive post of things going on...I have cast my votes and I really hope I knew what I was doing!! Well, I didn't know a single answer to the triva, once I read the movies, THEN I knew!

Resident Evil will probably make the list to see next week.

Sorry I haven't been by in a while but I made a point of it tonight.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, glad that pleases you.

MsHatch, you remember them well!

Spacerguy, thanks!!!

Chuck, I really appreciate that.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Read and commented on your post on Misha's blog. Loved your answers. Your wife must be super hot :) Does she also write?


As always a great post, will certainly go and vote for the books.


Carrie Butler said...

Congratulations to Juliana, Julie, and Cherie!

I already have a copy of DEAD WITNESS, but that's fantastic. Joylene is great!

On my way to Misha's and Goodreads! :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Goodreads voting...done!

Jack said...

ACK! I should have know the Galaxy Quest one! I've seen the movie enough.

I'm going to vote 8-D

I hope the TV series goes on Netflix. I want to see it.


Empty Nest Insider said...

I'll head over to Misha's soon to learn more about the Ninja's perspective on marketing! Congrats to Julie and the other authors! Julie

Talli Roland said...

Wow, congrats to everyone. I love all the good news on your blog, Alex. And great ninja questions!

Unknown said...

I'm on my way to Goodreads! I've not read any Brooks, so watching Shannara will be the same as when I saw Game of Thrones :)

Jamie @ Mithril Wisdom

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachna, just me!

Jamie, you need to fix that.

Thanks everyone for voting!

Anonymous said...

I put in my Goodreads vote.

It's great reading good news and more about you.

Theresa Milstein said...

We started blogging around the same time. I just hit my 3-year mark!

Have a great weekend.

Liza said...

I only joined Goodreads last week and I'm clueless. However, I opened the window and voted for your books first 2 actions on Goodreads!

Anonymous said...

Congrats with Good reads Alex and to all the authors spotlighted in this post.

Galaxy Quest. I love that film! :O))))

Anonymous said...

That's great news on the Shanarra series for TV! Hope they get it right. Lots of directions they can go with this and still make it successful.

Lisa Regan said...

Congrats to Julie and Juliana! And I just downloaded Joylene's book!

Michelle Wallace said...

Thanks for the Ninja answer, Alex.
I popped over to Youtube to check out some of John Petrucci's fabulous and intricate finger-work... especially on his 7-minute song from the Live In Tokyo DVD... wow!!

~Sia McKye~ said...

Congrats to Juliana, Cherie, Joylene!

Loved Shannara and it will be interesting to see how they put this together.

Thanks for calling that Goodreads list to my Attention. I found several new books to read, yay!

I need to go research the guidelines on the blogfest to be sure I'm doing it right. Monday's a long (and crazy) day at work, 7 hours, but I'll be popping in as I have the chance, all day. I'm working on getting this work schedule down to manageable.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Voted up your books Alex. You're in good company! Sounds like you have fond memories of the Terry Brooks novels. I hope they do it justice.

James Garcia Jr said...

Hi, Alex. Happy Weekend to you, Sir. I have surfed over to Goodreads and dutifully voted for your books. Looking forward to Monday's blog fest. See you then.


Author A.O. Peart said...

Congratulations to Julie, Juliana, Joylene, and Cherie (beautiful cover, Cherie!)

I'm off to vote for you on GR, Alex, and then visit Misha's blog :-)

Unknown said...

Just told fiance about the Shannara series and he thinks that's cool :-) (Unlike me, he's read the books.) Just voted on Goodreads. You're pretty darn high up!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Teresa, we are veterans together!

Liza, that is good!

Stephen, yes!

Michelle - wow is right! The man is amazing.

Sia, I emailed the guidelines yesterday, so hopefully you got them.

Maurice, as do I.

Everyone, thanks so much for voting!!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I know I signed up on Goodreads a long time ago but I haven't spent hardly any time there yet. I'll see if I can find my password...

Tara Tyler said...

25 years old!! ah! stop reminding me how old i am!!
but looking forward to the series =)

great happenings! looking forward to fest on monday.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Glad to help the Goodreads list. Any time another fantasy novel makes it way to TV or film, it's good for all fantasy writers.

D.G. Hudson said...

Love that comment about the wife! A person needs privacy to nurture a relationship.

Have never read Terry Brooks. But I always like to hear about scifi tv shows or movies.

Trisha said...

OH MY GOD, a Shannara series?!?!? I really really hope they do it well. but as a Shannara nut from way back this is really exciting for me, more so than even GoT.

Leovi said...

Congratulations, is very lucky to be married to a hot wife!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, that made me chuckle.

Tara, makes me feel old as well.

Thanks, Susan!

DG, that's right.

Trisha, then you're as excited as I am!

Leovi, she is hot...

Livia Peterson said...

Great marketing tips, Alex!

Would you like to do a guest post on my blog in December? I know you're booked up in Oct. - Nov. I'm willing to make arrangements for you to guest post because you're so AWESOME and of course, you're in the Ninja Captain. Please let me know what day works best in December. I would love to have you over at my blog! :)

Anonymous said...

Great marketing post, Alex. I've found that with Amazon's KDP Select, free promotions lead directly to increased sales. Weird, huh? I'm only selling previously published short stories, but even so, they're doing all right.

Anonymous said...

I need to pop over and visit Cherie, Julie and Misha!

As for no insanity in the home, isn't insanity in our job description as writers?

dolorah said...

Ah shoot; I missed a freebie. Sounds like my kinda book too.

Terry Brooks is one of my favorite authors; I hope they do a really good job with the TV series. I was disappointed with the series based off Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth. Seeker didn't follow the books at all in my opinion.

Hope you're having a good weekend Alex.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Livia, thank you! I'd be honored.

Milo, anything that brings attention to our work.

Rebecca, I try to remain the level-headed one in the house.

Donna, I'm hoping since Brooks is very involved in the project it will succeed.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Alex, your site gets more and more interesting. Exciting news about the TV series. I'll be on the lookout for it. Voted for both your books. Good luck.

Mary Montague Sikes

J.L. Campbell said...

Found out about the lists lately too. Voted for both and saw that you're almost at the of your genre.

Cate Masters said...

Great policy, Alex. I think authors sometimes share too much!
Off to vote, and to visit Misha.

S. L. Hennessy said...

I'm sooooo excited about the Shannara series. I loved those books when I was a kid and can't wait to see what they do with it. And that's really exciting about CassaStar. I'll go vote asap. PS. Can't wait for the blogfest tomorrow!

Nas said...

Hi Alex!

Thanks for all the news and I am at Misha's for your marketing post.
Great post!


Deniz Bevan said...

Congratulations on your release! And you're right - there are no shelves to pull ebooks from, so nothing wrong with a slow and steady approach :-)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Don't wait too long to name your heir. Special training will need to be done ;)

Yay for Shannara! Looking forward to it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Monti, thank you!

JL, thanks - and I know!

Cate, appreciate that.

SL, hope the Shannara series rocks. Thanks and tomorrow will be awesome.

Thanks, Nas!

Lynda, that is very true...

Jeremy Bates said...

shannara TV series! awesome! i thought they were making a movie though??
and congrats on getting on the list, alex!

Rick said...

I'm on my way to visit Misha right now, Alex. Thanks for the tip!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, it was supposed to be a movie, but I think a series will be better.

Thanks, Rick!

Anonymous said...

I'm quite interested in the series... am going to check out more on it... perhaps I should read the books first:)

Michael Di Gesu said...

Congrats to Juliana, Julie,, Cherie, and Joylene!

SUPER PSYCHED about the Shannara TV series. Terry Brooks is my absolute FAVORITE Adult Fantasy Author. I learned so much about creating fantasy worlds and descriptive writing from his many books!

YOU got to meet him, Alex? Wow, am I jealous. I would love it it he had a book signing here in Chicago.

Off to like you at Good Reads.

See you tomorrow during your BLOGFEST!

Tonja said...

I love Spaceballs.

Jennifer Lane said...

I voted on Goodreads! Aliens is one of the scariest movie I've ever seen. Eek. And I love that you're a secret romcom fan. John Cusack is so great.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I have a couple of friends that will be VERY excited about this Shannara news!

Angela Ackerman said...

I am so excited about Terry's series being a tv series! AHHHHHH I love those books! Thanks for the news...this makes my day!