Special Guest, Hart Johnson, Gets Ninja Naked!
Ninja Fail
I thought, in honor of Alex, I would do a little Ninja assessment of my MC and her posse... though it's not really a posse, you understand... Cam being neither cowboy, nor rapper... But she has a best friend, a boyfriend, a dad, a sister, a brother-in-law... are there any ninja's in The Azalea Assault?
Cam: My MC is darned efficient when it comes to damage control. She spots a problem and can either hide it or spin it so her client, the Roanoke Garden Society comes out smelling like jasmine (which is better than roses, by the way, unless there is a dead body contaminating the experience *shifty*). As the book begins, Cam and Rob (the boyfriend) have a nearly ninja coup! (other than the near groping experience, but never mind), but honestly... Cam gets caught more often than not... her heart is in the right place, but she is NO NINJA!
Her sister Petunia doesn't even TRY to be a ninja. She is so non-ninja she can't deliver a cocktail without being goosed! Poor woman. Her husband, likewise, fails to blend... but for him it is a shady past... a ninja should NEVER have a shady past or EVERYBODY will think he is UP TO SOMETHING!
Cam's dad, Nelson is in his 60s, but that has NOTHING to do with his non-ninja status... you see, HIS problem is he is a BABE magnet. I kid you not. Eligible women of a certain age just are drawn to his charm... hard to be a ninja with a harem... [want to know a secret? Revealed HERE first—the inspiration for this character is the dad on the TV series Frazier—talk about a charmer!--if you were a 50+ woman, wouldn't YOU want to hang out with him?]
So we are left with Annie. Oh, Annie shows PROMISE. She LOVES to sneak around and get away with stuff. But she has a contagious sense of fun and a bit too strong of a channeling of a certain Tart some of you might now... Do you remember the scene in My Cousin Vinny where Marissa Tomei says, “Oh, you blend,”? Unfortunately, THAT is Annie. Very hard to ignore the woman daring people to streak or paint each other with frosting. (And in a blueblood crowd? Not so much...)
On the PLUS side... while Ninjas ROCK, they are better as friends than mystery characters... no suspense in anybody who always succeeds...Much more amusing to watch them SQUIRM! *cue evil laughter*
And we are ALL Ninjas in spirit, eh?
The Azalea Assault
Cam Harris loves her job as public relations manager for the Roanoke Garden Society. It allows her to combine her three loves, spinning the press, showing off her favorite town, and promoting her favorite activity. She's just achieved a huge coup by enlisting Garden Delights, the country's premiere gardening magazine, to feature the exquisite garden of RGS founder, Neil Patrick. She's even managed to enlist world-famous photographer Jean-Jacques Georges. Unfortunately, Jean-Jacques is a first-rate cad—insulting the RGS members and gardening, goosing every woman in the room, and drinking like a lush. It is hardly a surprise when he turns up dead. But when Cam's brother-in-law is accused and her sister begs her to solve the crime, that is when things really get prickly.
Alyse Carlson is the pen name for the author some of you may know as Hart Johnson. She writes books from her bathtub and when she isn't writing, does research for a large, midwest University or leads the Naked World Domination Movement (your choice).
Barnes & Noble Paperback or Nook Amazon Paperback or Kindle
Visit Hart at Confessions of a Watery Tart
Movie Review
We Bought a Zoo
Yes, the stupid zoo movie, (Not to be confused with the stupid owl movie or either stupid horse movies.)
Directed by Cameron Crowe and staring Matt Damon, it’s the true story of a widowed man who takes his two kids to the country to run a dilapidated zoo. (The movie is set in America, but the real zoo is the Dartmoor Zoo, located in the UK.)
This was a sweet story about a family finding themselves again and I was surprised how much I enjoyed the film. A lot deals with handling death, including a situation at the zoo with an aging tiger. Be warned, it is a tearjerker. Overall, a good story with solid performances.
(All right, bring on the next stupid animal movie – I’m ready!)
Ninja News!
Stephanie at Scribbler to Scribe noted that Nightmare Magazine is now open for submissions!
Time-sensitive news from a Challenge co-host buddy - Stephen Tremp’s book, Breakthrough, is free June 18 and 19 on AMAZON Get your copy today!
A.J. Walker’s latest book, a fantasy entitled Hard Winter, was just released. Congratulations, AJ! Check it out on Amazon
It’s cool when someone posts a review of your book – twice as cool as when someone posts two at once! Big thanks to DG Hudson for the reviews of CassaStar and CassaFire.
Do you consider yourself a Ninja? Have you picked up Hart’s new book? Seen We Bought a Zoo? Catch another movie this weekend? Ready for more books? Or do you just want to get naked?
Lots going on in Blogging land Alex. We can always count on you to bring first hand news,
Thanks for your kind recent comment, much appreciated.
I love how you get so much into your posts without it ever feeling like it.
I do consider myself a Ninja, I think :p Haven't picked up the book, but am now going to check it out. Never heard of the movie and haven't seen any movies (still) in a while. And more books, always ready for those. :)
Have and awesome Monday!
Alex, just went on to CM Brown's blog when a warning came up saying it contained malware and stopped me from proceeding. He/she was writing about Stephen Tremps book.
Have you had this thing happen to you?
Yay for Hart! I loved her novel - she's definitely got the Ninja factor!
Thanks you Alex for announcing my Breakthrough promo! I appreciate it very much!
We saw We Bought A Zoo at the movies and have the DVD. Its fun and safe for the whole family. A solid movie and fun to watch. And yes, a tear jerker too.
Good luck to Hart with The Azalea Assault!
I believe Hart did prove there are a lot of ninjas out there! Good luck on her book. :)
That zoo movie never picqued my interest but Cameron Crowe did this? I had no idea.
Alex, thanks for the shout out for my fantasy novel HARD WINTER!
Hart, best of luck with the new title. It's always exciting to see a literary baby being born.
Looks like I've missed out on a ton since I've been gone. That Zoo movie does not sound like something I would see willingly.
Congrats to Hart!
Nice post Hart! Congrats!
I have also visited Stephens Blog and posted about his giveaway and downloaded a copy of Breakthrough!
Welcome back Rusty!
Hart, so truly excited and happy for you with your book! Sounds like it's full of ninjas and awesomeness.
Alex-my sister brought over "We Bought A Zoo" and I'm still pissed at her for making me watch such a sad movie. I full on, ugly, booger cried through most of it! But my girls really loved it, especially the animals. Now they keep asking The Husband & I if we could buy a zoo. Ha.
lol I'll pass on the getting naked. Especially online.
Haven't seen I Bought a Zoo, but it's on our to watch list.
My brother and I used to dress up as ninjas and run around the house to scare our parents, does that count?
Congratulations to Hart, sounds like a great read! :)
As usual you've got a ton of stuff happening over here! Congrats to all the happy new authors!
Good luck to Hart for her Azalea Assault!
you completed 52% of CassaStorm.
The means you are over the hump.
In order to support Stephen Tremp I
- downloaded a copy,
- visited his site,
- shared a link on Facebook
- sent two twitter messages
all within my lunch break.
Always ready for more books:)
So there are Ninjas in this post everywhere... we just need to find them. Good luck on your book, Hart! Bathtub writing, hmmmm computer water proof? Kidding inspiration comes from all types of places... I find mine comes from under the bed.
Made my wife watch "Pee Wee's Big Adventure" she cannot wrap her mind around why I laughed so much. She is one of those "True Blood" people and wants her hour and twenty-seven minutes back...
Happy Ninja Monday!
Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
My New Book:
Retro-Zombie: Art and Words
The more books the better. Good post.
Great post by Alyse! Made me giggle. And I'm too much of a klutz to be a ninja. I have keen listening skills, but I can't sneak or throw a shuriken at all.
Yvonne, you're welcome.
Kela, I try not to overwhelm.
Yvonne, I haven't visited her blog yet this morning. I will soon.
Stephen, you're welcome.
Brinda, he did!
AJ, I'm writing as fast as I can.
Rusty, I didn't see it willingly but I enjoyed it.
Jaybird, my wife spent the second half of the movie in tears.
Kathy, that's funny!
Edi, you the man! Yes, as far as BuNo goes, I'm a day behind, but the word count places me at over a third done.
Jeremy, your entire comment made me laugh!
You've got such a great ninja army, Alex!
Thank you so much everyone, for the luck and congrats! All still a little surreal from my end.
Jeremy-HA! I actually had an obituary written for me about my computer falling in the bathtub... alas, I am a spiral notebook and medium point pen gal... and anymore, it is more PLOTTING in the bathtub and writing at the screen., but the plotting is pretty darned important!
Your characters may not be Ninjas, but I think you are!
Hi, Alex :)
If We Bought a Zoo is a tearjerker, my husband will never watch it with me lol
We watched Madagascar 3 this past weekend. I liked it. And we just won tickets for Brave ;)
Great post, Hart. You're so funny.
Alex, I liked We Bought a Zoo. I went into it thinking it would be a silly nonsense movie, but I changed my mind.
On being a Ninja. I have to be careful of those high kicks these days. I might get stuck in high gear, then what would we do?
Haven't picked up Hart's book yet so I appreciate the info. Thanks to both of you for sharing this!
I watched "Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close" this weekend. Another one you need a box of tissues for, but I must say it blew me away. I love movies where you're trying to figure out an ending and it still surprises you.
Yay for the most NAKEDest Ninja of them all!! The lovely Tart!!!! Isn't she just totally awesome-ly totally down with underpants!?!!?!? She's lovely! Take care
LOL - painting with frosting? I still need to visit my local BAM and get a picture of your book, Hart.
I went to see Snow White this weekend..... :( Fairly disappointed in it, but not completely surprised.
Great post. I love Hart's blog!! :)
Congrats on getting past the hump, Alex! Keep on writing!
A.J. did an interesting guest post on my blog about military fantasy:
Yay for Hart! Her book sounds so awesome!
And I loved the zoo movie! I thought it was really heartwarming. :)
Hart, that cover is gorgeous!
Yay for Hart! And I saw Prometheus this weekend.
Sounds like a fun story Ms. Carlson/Johnson! Love the theme!
I won't purposely watch a movie that will make me cry. Well, only sometimes and then I pull out Steel Magnolias. :(
As for nakedness? I prefer clothes in layers. :)
Thanks for all the news!
Your blog is full of nakedness today!
I haven't seen any stupid animal movies in a long time. Did the ninja have to grab a tissue?
I've been hearing about this book all over the place! Congrats! It must be doing well. :) And I've heard We Bought a Zoo is good movie but for some reason I have yet to rent it! :)
Loved the interview with Hart's characters!
Watched Push on DVD and enjoyed it, but found some parts slightly cheesy, but otherwise still think it's a good movie (saw in the theatres when it came out about 4-5 years ago).
Hart, we don't want you dying in the bathtub!
Juliana, congratulations on free tickets.
Teresa, call for help!
Kitty, I knew you'd enjoy her post!
PK, it was a sweet movie.
MsHatch, what did you think?
Laura, no tissue, but I wouldn't admit it if I did!
Yes, very interesting indeed The Azalea Assault. Greetings.
Nice to see Hart on here, and what an awesome post! Thanks again for all the links. It's going to help me catch up on all I've missed. :)
Naked? Can you see me? EEeeeee! Morning coffee and Alex's blog...a great Monday morning.
Movies? Theater??! What is that? lOL *busy, busy, busy*
No way do I consider myself a Ninja. But I am definitely a fan.
See that's the bonus of being a ninja--you can be naked all the time and nobody knows!
Thank you so much for all the nice comments!
That cover for the Azalea Assault is amazing!
I haven't seen a dumb animal movie in awhile. This one sounds good, though. Congrats to Hart! I've seen her book in several places. I've download and wish her all the best!
Loved having Alyse here today. Verrrrry fun. And I'm excited for BREAKTHROUGH!!!!! :D
My friends forced me to watch We Bought a Zoo. I didn't want to see it, but I have to admit, I kind of liked it. Who knew?
I love Hart! I have a wee bit of a fangirl crush on her. So, yeah... already have her book. :D
Hah! I love how you catered your post to fit Alex's blog, Hart, and you're right - we are kind of all a family.
Speaking of which, my family watched that Zoo movie, and it was fun. Sad, but fun.
I'm a Ninjette, but working my way up. Always appreciate the book recommends you give and really enjoyed your interview with author Hart.
No to getting naked. Spandex is my best friend.
Congrats to Hart and Stephen! I'll add We Bought A Zoo to my movie list. Thanks Alex! Julie
I have We Bought a Zoo on my "to see" list. As for being a Ninja... I'm just a beginner, don't even have a belt of any kind so it's kind of difficult to make the moves as my robe keeps flying open and tripping me up.
Crazy! We also watched We Bought a Zoo this weekend! We liked. It wasn't great, a bit too predictable, but it certainly wasn't bad.
And yay for guest post by Hart!
*giggles* Aw, Cassie made me blush! That's quite an accomplishment for a person who sort of lives life on a TMI policy!
Thanks, gang!
I have Zoo on my Netflix queue. My sister has insisted I see it and now I've read a lot of good things from bloggers.
Saw Chronicle this weekend and thought it was outstanding.
Tossing It Out
Alex, I wouldn't call this the stupid zoo movie, because it us not. It was cute and touching and I enjoyed it.
I wouldn't call Legend of the Guardians the stupid owl movie either. Yes, it felt rushed, but its visuals were BREATHTAKING!
David, a lot has happened in a month!
Thanks, Em!
Hart, good point.
SL, that's how I felt.
Bish, clumsy Ninjas don't fare well...
Karen, you ARE a Ninja.
Sarah, what are the odds?
Lee, Chronicle was one of the better shaky cam movies.
George, it's just a running joke I have now with all animal movies.
We just watched the zoo movie a couple of weeks ago. I really liked it. But, then, I really like Damon. He's a great actor and often gets overlooked. Scarlett was really good, too.
Picked up Tremp's book. My stack just keeps getting bigger...
What a gorgeous cover on "The Azalea Assault"
Cameron Crowe was making a bit of a name as a director for a while, and then he sort of drifted off and started making movies like this. Does not complete me.
A man in his 60's who is a babe magnet? I HAVE to read this book!
Hurray Hart!! She's blowing up! Love it.
I've heard good things about the stupid zoo movie, but I have a hard time with stupid animal movies...Figured this would be one of those I'd catch if it comes to netflix instant and I'm completely out of things to watch, even though it's supposed to be so good!
Thanks for sharing all the info!
I almost watched Zoo, but I've been burned by Zookeeper. They're not related, but I'm scared to take a chance.
Tearjerkers I shy from ... especially good ones. There have been enough tears in my life.
Hi, Hart! I think your novels sounds enticing and fun. What more could you ask of a great read? I'm looking forward to your visit at my blog this Wednesday!
I'm all for getting naked and going to bed (to sleep) it's one of those Mondays :-) Great posts today!
Sounds like an interesting book. Thanks for sharing. Didn't see We Bought A Zoo, but did watch Haywire this weekend and IDK I didn't get it. :/ To me it was a dumber version of Mr and Mrs Smith. May have just been one of those days, may have to try and watch it again. It's a rainy blah Monday, so I wish I had stayed in bed.
I loved "We Bought a Zoo" as you said it was a tear jerker in places. It was also a nice story which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I am totally a ninja! ;-) I always love stopping in and catching up on the news. Hart's book sounds awesome - congrats you naked loving ninja!
Emily, I hope to be one someday as well!
Colene, my wife always talks me into stupid animal movies. Ironically, I usually enjoy them.
Maurice, no relation!
Gossip, with so many good movies out there, just try a new one.
I like Matt Damon but that movie is not for me!
Yay Hart! Great person, great book! (Although while reading it I had to Google the verb 'to goose'. That piece of American slang hasn't got to Ireland. My gutter mind thought it sounded a lot more explicit than the actual meaning)
*giggles* Goosing isn't international!? I was sure everyone would know! Too funny!
Thank you so much for all the kind words!
It was great reading about Hart's characters.
I tend to watch comedies or horrors, but I watch a tearjerker from time to time. I'd like to see We Bought a Zoo.
I can't wait to read Hart's book, especially since it takes place where I live. *grins*
Loved hearing about Hart's ninja characters :)
And I watched most of "I Bought a Zoo"! I liked the movie too; it was pretty good, although I missed most of the beginning so I wasn't sure what some of the references meant.
I'm so not a ninja, LOL!
Christine, that's funny!
Medeia, have Kleenex handy.
As usual, I see that you are very busy! I'm on my way to Stephen's blog. I read the book a while back and liked it!
It was pretty cool that your guest tailored her post to fit your style!
So much cool ninja news! I haven't seen We Bought a Zoo but heard similar remarks about it, so may have to check it out when I'm in need of a good cry.
Yay for Hart - the book sounds like a lot of fun! :)
I have just bought CassaFire for my Kindle. I enjoyed CassaStar which I didn't remember was yours. Looking forward to this one, but I have a fair number of "to be reads"
Congrats to Hart! Sounds like a wonderful book.
Did you see the trailer with the stupid teddy bear movie? Are they serious?
Been a fan of the one and only Naked Tart for a while. Of course I bought her book. Loved the cover so much I didn't buy it for my Kindle.
Hart - loved how you combined naked and ninja. Not your usual combination. I'd go out with Martin Crane in a heartbeat, and My Cousin Vinny is on my top 20 list. Other than "You blend", another fave line is:
"So, what do you think, breakfast?"
Love Matt Damon, may watch the zoo movie.
Of course I'll check out DGs double review.
Great guest spot for Hart, Alex. You're the consummate host.
Tina @ Life is Good
Post A-Z Road trip!
I will be looking into Hart's new book soon and downloading a copy of Breakthrough!
It's funny to hear you ask people if they want to get naked. Alex, you're showing your naughty side.
As best as I was able to gather from my dad and brother's talking, the horse had thumbs or something on his hooves.
Thanks! I'm rather excited to actually start work on the trailer.
I've heard a lot about We Bought a Zoo. I've heard it is rather good, I'm surprised my mum hasn't talked us all into watching it yet. I might rent it some night
Pat, I expected nothing less from the awesome Hart.
Jo, thank you!!!!
Mary, I just don't see how they can carry that one out to a full movie. A five minute SNL skit maybe...
Michael, as long as I don't have to get naked, we are safe.
Miss Jack, you should.
Hart - Congrats again! Sure, I read the semi-final ms, but I'll also be getting a copy of The Azalea Assault 'cause I know how much fun the story is.
I haven't yet seen We Bought a Zoo, but now I wanna see it. And in answer to your question I wouldn't mind getting naked if I didn't have a cellulite problem.
Yup, I saw We Bought A Zoo on the cruise I recently enjoyed (giggle). And I loved it which also surprised me.
Oh and I FINALLY got to see Prometheus and I totally agree with your review. It was great, but...
Rainbow sheep?? Love it!! :)
Yay! Thanks so much for the love, gang! I am grinning all over the place! I am constantly impressed with how much traffic Alex gets--amazing, really. I sure love seeing the faces I know and love in the mix though--makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
These sound like fun characters :)
I want to see We Bought a Zoo, but I haven't yet.
I did download Stephen's book today.
Congrats to A.J. Walker!
I'd like to be a ninja, though I'm pretty sure I'm not. But in my mind, ah that's a different matter entirely!
Fun to learn about so many characters! Good luck, Hart, with your new book. Thanks, Alex, for all you share!
Mary Montague Sikes
Hah! I love the dad from Frasier. Good call!
As for being a Ninja, I'd say yes. Oddly enough, that's been my nickname for the past decade. :)
i saw Hart's book in the bookstore today! yay!
and a not dumb, opposite of dumb animal movie i saw the other night was Water for Elephants. i liked it way more than thought i would!
Thanks for the mention, Alex! I've been busy today and haven't been able to visit many blogs. See what happens when I don't stay plugged in. . .
BTW - I really like the addition of the female, Athee, in book 2. Good job.
Great guest post! The Azalea Assault looks interesting, I'll have to check it out. I wish I could be the next American Ninja Warrior...but the obstacle would probably kill me. haha.
Just out of curiosity, what were the names of those two stupid horse movies?
Glad you watched We Bought a Zoo after all, and that it gave you some inspiration!
Lynda, that seems to be most people's review.
Imogen, the world needs Mind Ninja!
Tara, haven't seen it yet.
DG, thank YOU!
Michael, they were Secretariat and War Horse. Both good movies.
Ninja fever really catching on! LOL.
My trekkie Ninja deep within is trying to defeat aliens trying to win, hehe.
I love Hart's breakdown of her characters. I have not been the zoo flick, maybe one day...I'm a smart ass ninja I think. My weapon is my big mouth. LOL
Congrats to A.J.! And congrats to you on the reviews. :)
Ninja-centric literary analysis. I think that's the next big thing. (Although, I hope Hart's/Alyse's new book is even bigger.) Congrats again, Hart!
And Alex, as usual, thanks for keeping me up-to-date with movie reviews and blogger news. And of course, thanks again for your suggestion of Jabba the Hutt walking into a bar. (Yeah, I know you've already read the result, but I thought I'd sneak in the link for the rest of your army.)
Thanks for your good wishes, everybody!
Thank you for your recommendation to watch the movie We Bought a Zoo
Ninja? Only you may hold that title :) I consider myself more of a wizard, for obvious reasons.
I caught Men in Black 3 on the weekend. Twas a good movie, not as blatantly funny as the first movie but a lot better than the 2nd. Jermaine clements as Boris the Animal is awesome, though.
Sorry to be so late. I love Hart's spunk and, well, heart.
Ack! So many questions!
Hart, great ninja breakdown. You can be a black sheep if you want too. We will all go along with it. :)
Wishing Hart lots and lots of success!
I was also surprised how much I enjoyed that Zoo movie. My dad actually kind of forced me to watch it and I was totally shocked that I liked it at all!
Hart's book looks great!
I saw Madagascar 3 with my tiny person last week. It was actually kind of good.
At home, I saw Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee. It was about the treatment of American Indians that lived near the Black Hills. Great movie.
Wow, lots going on! Thanks for keeping us up to date. And I love stupid animal movies, including the Madagascar series.
Holy cow! Hart's book sounds like a romping-in-the-garden good time!!! I will most definitely, since I'm a gardener, be purchasing for my Kindle. Thanks for writing what sounds like a super book, Hart. :)) Oh, and I'm adoring the cover!
YAY! I love hearing people see it in bookstores. I've had some friends take pictures of them holding it and I LOVE that!
Thanks so much for the support, and intent to buy for the win! I hope you enjoy it, Candilynn!
Fun post Hart! Nice of our favorite Ninja to hand off to some nakedness.
I'm intrigued Hart! I do love to garden and take photos. I wonder if you can fool me. I gave up reading mysteries, for awhile since I always figure them out...maybe it is the Ninja in me?!
I enjoyed the zoo movie, too~
I think I have Ninja skills when typing. My family thinks I have skills at making a crafting mess... I do!
Melissa, you are definitely a Ninja!
Nate, it was awesome!
Jamie, MIB III was much better than the second one. And may I say Wizard fits you well!
Robyn, you are welcome anytime.
Lisa, my wife forced me.
Tonja, I was surprised I enjoyed Madagasgar III as well.
Ella, you have Ninja skills crafting wonderful things!
Pretty cool how Hart Johnson compared her characters to ninjas, especially since it's in your honor, Alex. Very clever of her.
Haven't seen We Bought a Zoo, but I'll have to look for that one. Finally saw The Huntsman last week and I LOVED it!
I am so glad you liked, 'We Bought a Zoo.' I enjoyed it, too.
Warm greetings,
Humble apologies for keeping you waiting for one of my 'eagerly anticipated, 'much cherished' comments.
Now then, in this 'bare all' posting, once again, you Alex, have given clear demonstration of the ethos of a sharing, caring blogging community. And that 'Hart' felt guest posting was very clever.
I've done my bit to help promote Stephen Tremp, who is a 'Farcebook' friend of mine. Wishing him and all you writers, much fulfilment in your writing endeavours.
And with that, this 'naked Ninja', departs back to his own unassuming site :)
can't wait to get Hart's book!
I don't know how you find the time to watch all these great movies, Alex, post interesting news on your blog, and feature guests. Don't you ever sleep?
Oh glad you like I Bought a Zoo as well. I thought it would be a bit naff and gushy but I really enjoyed it. Not tooo obvious and so great acting.
Love the Ninja theme to the guest post today :)
It was great to read about those characters!
Always ready for more books--who cares how big the TBR pile is. :P
I won the Azalea Assault at the Cozy Mystery Blogfest - I'll be reading it soon.
We bought a zoo looks so cute - right up my alley, lol!
Thanks Alex:)
I like the idea of doing a "Ninja assessment". I see you're making great progress on CassaStorm, Alex. Congrats.
Gardening and murders - fun stuff! I have not seen the zoo movie, and probably won't. Am I a ninja? Heck, yeah! The MC in one of my books carries a samurai sword.
Great interview with Hart. I like the descriptions of the "posse."
Hart knows her audience!
Suze, it was a sweet movie.
Gary - Farcebook! I like that.
Patricia, I wish I slept more, but I do sleep.
Claire, it was good!
Lisa, I'm trying.
Alexia, you are a Ninja!
Awesome guest post, Hart! Love the Ninja Assessment. I'm sorry it took me so long to comment.
I just downloaded Steven's book. Thx. :)
I'll admit I was a total sucker for "We Bought a Zoo." ;)
I am just returning from a three week blogging hiatus so I have missed a lot of things including book promotions. I haven't bought Hart's book, but I will do so tonight. Hart is one of the very few other writer's that admitted in one of my blog post that she writes in the bathtub. I do as well. I get some of my best writing done in the bathtub . Of course, some of it it needs to be immediately rewritten on dry paper.
I saw, We Bought a Zoo, with my ten year old son. We have a standing every other Friday night movie date and let's just say this movie did not make my top ten, Bennett and mom movie night list (maybe not even top 100).
Congratulations to Stephen Tremp. I won a copy of his last book so I am excited to purchase this one.
Great guest post . . . don't want to get naked for sure--don't even wanna wear a bathing suit this summer, lol. I was also pleasantly surprised when my 8-yr-old made me see We Bought A Z00--am looking forward to watching Brave this weekend! Have some of my own ninja news today . . . I signed a contract:):):):):)
I wasn't sure if I should comment this late but here I am.
Hart's book sounds interesting, I've met her before at a book and writing blog she was part of.
Didn't get off to a good start since she felt I bought pirated books when I was referring to the now almost extinct second hand bookstores.
I bought Stephen's book long ago and should be buying the next one soon.
I'll be posting my review of Cassastar working it into my July IWSG post since I'll be on a month long break after that.
SO cool how you support your fellow writers, Alex. And good news about Nightmare Magazine, although I'm sure it will be as tough as any other John Joseph Adams project to break into. And THAT's why I should train to become a ninja...
Melissa, glad you are back!
Jamie, I saw that - congratulations.
Rek, thank you - that sounds awesome!
Milo, maybe I need to start Ninja training?
We Bought a Zoo- Cute
Madagascar III - Real Cute
Prometheus - Freaky
Stupid, Crazy Love - Hysterically Real
Anonymous - Interesting Premise
One For the Money - Fun
Abduction - Kinda dumb
What can I say, I've been sick watched a lot of movies.
LOL! Yay, Tami Hart, you superstar! *snort* all that darned goosing still makes me LOL! You are so craaaazy! And no. You don't blend. And that's why I love you. ((squeezes))
Hi, Alex! Um, let's see. We bought a Zoo--was going to see it, but then a friend strongly urged me not to. Apparently it's not what it seems.
DID see PROMETHEUS this weekend, and loved! All except the part where she has a C-section, but thanks to the miracle of Swingline staples, she's able to run, jump over large canals, be kicked in the stomach and bounce right back, etc., with only the occasional pause for a crampy face. ;p
Have a great weekend~
That was a great guest post! And seriously, Alex, I don't know how you find the time to go watch all the movies, what with everything you do :-)
Haha, clever Hart assessing her character's ninjaness. Her book and characters sound absolutely delightful. :)
Hey, will you be seeing Brave?
The book and movie sounds awesome. Will have to check them out. I use to be now I'm more of a fake one. Just not enough hours in the day. Don't know how you do it.
I love Hart's book. :) And her characters seem like real people.
If I'm a Ninja, I'm a very cautious one.
Haven't seen the zoo movie, but I'm sure the kids will rent it at some point!
Alex, is there any movie that you haven't seen? Where do you find the time to see all these movies, write, blog, visit bloggers...?
Writing from a bathtub and Naked World Domination... that's really innovative!
Faraway, and when you're sick that's the best thing you can do.
LTM, another one of those plot holes.
Nicki, it's in my plans!
Elizabeth, they would like it.
Michelle, I am nearing the end of NetFlix. And I get to do a lot of that from work. Cool, huh?
I just wana get naked, I got all excited when I saw the title! :)
Best of luck, Hart,with The Azalea Assault.
Zoo -s on my TBS list. I'll have a hanky ready.
I was a little relieved not to find and naked ninjas.
Hmmm... honestly, I don't think I'm a ninja, although I could be if I wanted to be. ;-P
Hi alex, Hi Hart
Goober exciting Hart, you have a book release. Congrats big time. I have a book corner on my blog but until my own computers are up I won't be able to add yours. I hope I can remember in a couple months. Just come over in Aug or Sept and remind me.
Hart is entertaining alright! Some pretty striking-sounding characters she describes.
Interesting that the zoo movie was filmed at Dartmoor... my kids would love this one, I reckon!
And big congrats to Stephen, he did excellently with his two-day promotion. Good stuff to see.
I'm glad my kids are grown so I don't have to see the animal movies unless I want to. Especially the tearjerker ones.
Gee Alex, it sure takes a long time to scroll through all your comments! :) Fun exercise in Ninja-ness by Hart. Thanks for the review on the zoo. I was wondering about that one. Glad you liked it. Now I'll go for it when I have an opportunity to see it.
LD, this Ninja gets naked for only one person!
Nick, you should rent it then.
Susan, unfortunately my wife loves them.
Liza, it was good! And sorry you had to scroll to China...
Trying to figure out how one writes books from her bathtub? Must not be a laptop writer!
I do have a karate gi, sparing gear, and a few belts, but I'm not a ninja. I'll leave that to you guys!
Thanks for sharing the interview and info on Hart's book. Sounds like a great read! Oh, and I loved We Bought a Zoo. Want to watch it again.
Going to see Brave and The Avengers this weekend at the drive-in. Yay!
I totally want to see 'We Bought a Zoo'. Looks so good!
I haven't seen that movie and probably won't!
I'd be so grateful if you mentioned my giveaway on your blog. Thank you Alex for offering!
Hart's book sounds fantastic, and I've been following her for a while now.
I loved We Bought A Zoo. Such a great movie!!
And books, definitely. ;)
I love it! What great characters! The book sounds marvelous!
Awesome. Congratulations Hart. These characters and situations sound exciting :)
Jennifer, I think she uses paper then!
Jamie, good combination.
Lydia, no problem!
Elana, it was really good.
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