Friday, May 18, 2012

Diablo III, Ninja News, Guest Posts, and Movie Trivia

Diablo III

After three solid days of playing, I can now give you a review of Diablo III. If you dug Diablo II, you’ll probably dig Diablo III. If not, nothing about this game will change your mind. Picking up twenty years after Diablo’s death, the world of Sanctuary is under threat from a new hellish terror. Game play is fast and furious as usual. The one big change is you must be connected to the Internet while playing, even in single player mode. This is great, because your character goes with you everywhere. And not so great when the servers are down for maintenance (Happened twice to me already.) Doesn’t bring a lot new to the table, but if you like this style of gameplay, it doesn’t get any better than this!

Ninja News!

Purchase Jeremy Hawkins’ book, Retro-Zombie: Art & Words, (and do a review/post), and he will design an awesome banner, badge, or blog header for you. Many of you saw his awesome work during the A to Z Challenge, and above you can see the one he did for CassaFire. His work is top-notch, so visit his BLOG for details.

It’s almost time for my annual YOU ROCK! Awards. And I can tell you right now it’s going to be REALLY difficult narrowing it down to five bloggers…

This weekend – Battleship. My plan – leave brain at door and prepare for eye candy.

Guest Posts

I enjoy having guests on my blog and not just for book releases, either. My guidelines are listed HERE and I do stick close to them because I know what works on my blog. I want guests to get the full benefit just as much as I want my followers to enjoy the guest post.

And for those authors on a book tour, my personal goal is that you will get more comments here than at any other stop on your tour!

Billion Dollar Movie Quotes!

In honor of The Avengers joining the billion dollar movie club, here are quotes from movies that have also crossed over a billion dollars. Name the movie!

“The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming.”

“You know, I used to think it was benign neglect, but now I see that you are intentionally screwing me.”

“C'mon. Let's go see how much we're going for on eBay.”

“Certainty of death, *small* chance of success... What are we waiting for?”

“I may have had... briefly, mind you... stirrings.”

Are you playing Diablo III yet? (Or have you lost a loved one to this addictive game?) Want an awesome banner from Jeremy? Seeing Battleship? Know the movie quotes? And what’s your goal for guest posts?


The Angry Lurker said...

Some of those quotes I know I know and without cheating I can't say!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I know no quotes! Haven't played the game and I don't think my son and hubby have either...but I'm sure it's coming. :)

Brinda said...

I would lose the quote game on this one. I don't recognize any!

Misha Gerrick said...

One day I'd love to do a guest post, but right now I don't really think I have anything that would fit your blog.


Unknown said...

Think I mentioned the fact that I am a game widow because of Diablo 111. My son even named his wolf/dog Diablo so guess you could say he is a big fan. I have seen Battleship and it was nothing like I expected. True, you do not need to bring your, eye candy? Depends on what kind of candy you like. I shall say no more. Off to check out what Jeremy is up to.

shelly said...

Once things calm down in my life, I'll get back to guest posting.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Sorry I don't play any games. Way too busy. I hope someday I can go on blog tour and come onto your blog. Because you do get so many comments. I'm always so impressed.

RaveAir said...

I googled out the quotes... It's funny, because I didn't familiar any of them, while I saw movies you quoted from.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lurker, since there's only eleven movies over a billion, I couldn't make it too easy.

Elizabeth, I'm sure it is coming!

Siv, your son is a devoted fan! As for eye candy, I'm just referring to the special effects.

Thanks, Natalie!

Gail said...

You are talking to a dyed-in-the-wool Diablo player. I preordered my III but have not received it yet. I am disappointed it must be online because my Alien computer is wireless and sometimes does not get good signal. How will this affect my game? Should I just return it? Did I understand correctly that you can play single player?

Don't you love questions early in the morning?

Rusty Carl said...

I sense a Pirates of the Caribbean quote, maybe a Transformer's one. All of them seem familiar though.

I read the cracked article about playing Diablo III, it was funny and made me quite happy I wasn't feeling the frustration he was trying to play.

Laura Pauling said...

My son is dying to see the Avengers. We will...eventually!

Creepy Query Girl said...

I'm not much of a gamer but I have managed to get addicted to the simplest of computer games every now and then. Still haven't gotten to see avengers!

Leigh Caron said...

Don't know the quotes...but the second one is funny. And no, no Diablo III for me. Have a great weekend.

baygirl32 said...

I have never played Diablo...just not a gamer

Trivia, here we go
Dark Night


Toy Story (forget which one)

Lord of the Rings (again not sure which one)

the last one I'm not sure on- but I hear Mr Depp saying those words in head... so if there was cash on the line I would guess Pirates of The Caribbean

kjmckendry said...

I think the first one is from Dark Knight. I just saw it Wednesday!
I don't know the other ones

Anonymous said...

First, I picked up Lego HP for iPad last night. It's fun, and easier to have the kids play and control. Not as good as the console version, but still a fun play. Haven't picked up Diablo yet, but I'm so far behind on game-playing that it might be $5 used before I do get to it.

As for the movies.
1. The Dark Knight.
2. No clue, sorry.
3. Toy Story 3.
4. Return of the King.
5. Pirates 4.

Laura Eno said...

Epic fail...I don't know any of those quotes.
That's a really cool offer from Jeremy!

Luanne G. Smith said...

Sheesh, I recognize only one quote...from LOTR. I gotta pay more attention in movies. :P

Tasha Seegmiller said...

I'm curious to hear your review of Battleship. That game is the reason I can read graphs, but somehow, I imagine that part of it got cut :)

Juliana Haygert said...

I'm trying to stay away from Diablo 3, so I can write, otherwise I know I'll start playing and won't stop and then I'll feel bad because I wrote nothing lol

Julie Dao said...

Love the Gimli quote!!! I haven't played Diablo yet... it may be too advanced for me. I'm still an old-school Mario kind of girl.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, didn't know you were a big gamer! Yes, you have to be online in order to play, although you don't have to do multi-player. You'll just have to try it and see how well your internet connection holds out.

Rusty, no frustration here unless the servers are down. And you are correct on the first guess.

Baygirl, you are good! Score five for you.

Joshua, glad you got the Lego game. You got four right.

LG, at least that is one!

Juliana, I'm just trying to stay away from the guilt.

Julie, you got one!

Rick Daley said...

Those quotes are familiar, but I couldn't place them without cheating. I don't get into video games much. I did get sucked into band hero for a while, though.

Julie Flanders said...

I feel like the quotes are on the tip of my tongue but I can't place any of them! I totally fail this quiz LOL.

Have a great weekend, Alex!

Michael Abayomi said...

It's funny how the original Diablo is still the highest rated PC game on Gamespot, especially when you consider the fact that we've had games like Half-Life and Crysis in the 12 years since its release. And with the long-awaited third installment's requirement that you must remain online throughout gameplay, it is clear that Blizzard had little intention of even trying to match the first installment's level of success.

farawayeyes said...

That last quote is from one of the 'Pirates' movies, maybe the last one. The 'certainty of death' quote is from I don't know where, but I just watched that movie recently. Hah! I have no memory at all.

Guest posts - are you kidding me? Something I never thought of.

The Happy Whisk said...

The eBay quote sounds familiar. And it's the one that made me laugh.

Enjoying leaving your brain at the door (also made me laugh).

Happy Weekend.

Heather M. Gardner said...

I miss Diablo. We liked the first one. I'm glad you're having fun! It's a good mental break!

I hope Battleship is a good time with or without the brain.

I knew a few of the quotes and the others I looked up. I hadn't realized they had all made so much money!

I'm still going through First Love blogs. Having so much reading about them.

Thanks Alex.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I'm thankful my hubster doesn't play Diablo . . yet. And Battleship just doesn't look good enough to me . . .will there be a plot? character? Action Adventure movies are awesome, but unlimited sequences of CGI action put me to sleep. I know because I barely stayed awake for Transformers 2 and 3.
And goal for guest posts . . .I should have one, shouldn't I?
That they be from encouraging people, and that I go out and get an audience for them. That's about it.

Tyrean Martinson said...

- sorry if my comment was a downer on Battleship . . .let us all know if it has plot and character . . . or at least some fun lines . .

PR said...

Checked out d3 last night, it looks pretty awesome. The movie quotes, hmm
1- The Joker in The Dark Knight?
2- Is it Sigourney Weavers character in Avatar?
3- Toy Story 3?
4- Is it the dwarf in one of the LOTR movies?
5- Is that Jack Sparrow admitting he had feelings lol?

Bryan Russell said...

Ah, Gimli...

i'm erin. said...

I really have no clue about gaming. But the name Diablo III sounds cool. Ugh, do I sound like such a geek?

Ok, quotes. Uh, are any of them Unicorn City?

Roland D. Yeomans said...

The only quote I recognized was Sigourney's from AVATAR. I am truly culture-challenged. The only video game I ever played was XENA on Playstation. I was terrible. I never played again!! Playstation sent me a Thank You email!

I, too, hope to see BATTLESHIP. But I fear it will go the way of JOHN CARTER (which I think would have done more box office with the book's title: A PRINCESS OF MARS.)

ediFanoB said...

As 99,9% of all the movies shown in German cinemas are synchronized it is impossible for me to identify the quotes.

I never played Diablo. I prefer other games.

Dani said...

Wow! Narrowing it down to five has got to be a challenge!

Nobody in my house has played those games. Hmmm, I might have to get them for my son's.

I haven't seen Battleship yet but I'm dying to. Enjoy!

Allison said...

I haven't jumped onto the Diablo bandwagon yet, but it does sound like a game I would enjoy. However, I still haven't found time to even play Mass Effect 3!

Charles Gramlich said...

I'm deeply involved in Skyrim at the moment but then I'll have a look at Diablo 3

Tracy Jo said...

Hey Alex! I am off to check out Retro's book. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Angela Brown said...

I'm not a gamer however I know enough to bow to the reviews of those who know what the heck they're talking about.

The quotes? I recognized two. The one about e-bay is from Toy Story where they thought for sure they were being sold. The second one is from a Pirates of the Carribean. I think it was that second mate that had the water tossed on him that said it.

The others, well, "My no know." I'm sure you know who said that :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, Blizzard apparently decided we just wanted more of the same.

Faraway, you're right about the last quote.

Whisk, some movies are just better sans brain.

Heather, glad you're still enjoying the Firs Loves. And glad I entered the exact links for everyone!

Tyrean, that's a good goal. And I'll fill you in on Battleship on Monday.

Anna - yes!

Erin, sorry!

Roland, you're right about the quote. And John Carter would've done better with that title. Disney really messed up the marketing.

Allison, too many games and not enough time.

Charles, my Skyrim is taking a break at the moment.

Jack said...

I knew the first, third, and fourth quote. I knew I had heard the fifth but I didn't remember which movie it was from till I saw someone else mention it, so I can't count the fifth.

I might be interested in guest posting, once I read all the rules and such. Which I will go away and read now, unless I changed out of my pajamas first.

Suze said...

I don't know any of the movie quotes though some of them sound really familiar! I love the first one. Lots and lots. In any event, I'll be looking forward to the answers.

Very nice of Jeremy to offer to do banners. He's very talented.

Summer Ross said...

I didn't recognize any of those quotes- LOL

mooderino said...

Diablo was always a bit too hack and slash for my tastes, doesn't sound they've changed it up all that much.

Not sure Battleship will flaot my boat either.

Am looking forward to seeing The Raid though.


Jeremy [Retro] said...


Thank you... just thank you!

Saw "The Avengers" for the second time... I cannot wait to watch it on the DVD, in like three months. I know none of the quotes, my brain is still fried.

I hope you enjoyed my review of "Dark Shadows"... I love Tim Burton and Depp. C'mon it was a mess... it looked and felt great, just like they were heading somewhere the whole time and never got there. By that time I didn't care, such a waste of talents. It is worth a rental and or buy a cheap $5 bin movie.

Have a great weekend!
Jeremy [RZ]

Cherie Reich said...

That's a pretty cool deal Jeremy has!

Your plan for Battleship sounds like a good one. :)

Matthew MacNish said...

I haven't played since Diablo. Mainly because I know months would go by before I realized I hadn't taken a shower.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love Gimli's line. And that last one can only be Jack Sparrow.

Sarah Ahiers said...

A local movie critic here, who's normally really tough, said he went in to Battleship expecting the death of cinema. And then it was awesome.
So hopefully it will surprise us all!

Emily R. King said...

I'm not a Diablo fan, but I know plenty of people who are.

I think one of the movie lines comes from one of the three Toy Story movies, but I'm not sure... tells you how much TV I watch, doesn't it?

Nancy Thompson said...

How lame am I? I don't recognize any of those quotes. Man, I gotta get out more, get a life. Anyway, how convenient for me that you should include your guest post / book tour guidelines today. I can't wait to party at your place. It'll certainly be the highlight of my tour, kinda like being invited to a celebrity shindig with cameras flashing & everyone who's anyone expected to stop by. Have fun at the movies, Alex! Wish I was going.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I think that the first quote is from Lord of the Rings.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, don't leave your brain at home, but turn it off as soon as you enter the theater :) I believe, you'll have a great time with Battleship! There's so much eye-candy in it.

Last year, I was one of those lucky 5 bloggers, who received your awesome "You Rock!" award. Thank you for that.

LD Masterson said...

Feeling totally inadequate over here. I'm not a gamer and although a couple of the quotes looked familiar I can't name any of the films.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Miss Jack, no one knows you are in pajamas online!

Suze, yes he is!

Moody, they haven't changed anything.

Jeremy, you're welcome. I'll probably catch Avengers again next weekend. And will save Dark Shadows for NetFlix.

Matthew, isn't that the truth.

Sarah, hope he's right!

Emily, you're on the right track.

Nancy, we will do your appearance here right!

Michael, no, but the fourth one is.

George, that's true - I need my brain to get TO the theater. And you earned that You Rock award!

Johanna Garth said...

Every Friday night I lose my son to Pokemon Black and White. He's very pouty that he can't play it tonight because of a baseball game reschedule!

Lauren said...

It's pretty amazing that Avengers made $1 billion in their first 9 days. It cost $100 million to make, but they've definitely earned it back! (side note: did you know RDJ made $50 million for his part? I think that's more than any other actor in the film).

I only recognized two quotes - the fourth, Gimli from LOTR Return of the King, the fifth Jack Sparrow from PotC On Stranger Tides. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Haven't played Diablo, but it sounds interesting. I am waiting to see Avengers, but I think except me, none of my family or friends want to see it :(

Cassie Mae said...

If they don't say, "You sunk my Battleship" at least once, I will be upset. :)

anthony stemke said...

Not gamer but enjoyed your post here. Some of those movie quotes I remember, but cannot place the title.

anthony stemke said...

Not gamer but enjoyed your post here. Some of those movie quotes I remember, but cannot place the title.

Mina Burrows said...

I'm not sure if I'll see a movie for awhile. Battleship does sound interesting though.

I can't name a single quote. Damn!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Hubby and I never got into Diablo, but our sons are furiously playing online. One thing that's nice about online is they can play together even though they live in three different cities.

Andrew Leon said...

The character goes with you everywhere? What does that even mean?

No Battleship for me, thank you. I'll wait for dvd. However, MiB3!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Alex, I was on a business meeting yesterday that broke into a Diablo discussion. That game is everywhere! Don't forget the Battleship knock off American Warships is this weekend. Woot!

Laura said...

Happy Friday Alex! Jeremy's amazing, isn't he?!
I've only just opened up for guest posts, so at the moment, I'm rolling with pretty much any idea that comes along (within reason) but I'll probably narrow it down as I go along.
Laura xxx

Arlee Bird said...

Don't know any of the quotes. Do you expect me to remember stuff like that? Doubt whether I'll ever be playing Diablo any number. Jeremy does design awesome banners and other stuff. I'll be missing Battleship, but maybe see it someday on DVD. My goal for guest posts is to hopefully get lots of comments and to introduce readers to people they might not normally see on other blogs or who have something unique to tell about, as well as the usual promo stuff.

An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out

Christine Rains said...

I haven't even seen a preview of Diablo III so it won't tempt me. I need to be writing! I think that's all Battleship will be good for: eye candy. I use to love the game as a kid. Have a good weekend!

Cherie Colyer said...

I recognized a few of the quotes. Great movies!!

Old Kitty said...

If I ever do have virtual guests over, I only demand posh chocolates, a nice bottle of wine and some treats for Charlie. :-) Take care

Patsy said...

I avoid potentially addictive games - just in case I like them and end up with even less writing time.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lauren, you got the quotes. And Downey made a ton for his role!

Mina, I'll let you know what I think on Monday.

Donna, exactly!

Andrew that means that while the game is loaded on my laptop, I can log in and play on my home computer without loading it there.

Maurice, another SyFy craptastic!

Christine, even though the game contained no aliens...

Kitty, I'd never come without treats for Charlie!

Leovi said...

Yeah, funny the trailer for "Retro-Zombie: Art and Words"

Tara Tyler said...

i love that your other ninjas fill me in on the quotes! it drives me nuts to know and not know!

i did recall lotr because my son read the hobbit for school so we watched all three of them!

yes, battleship is pretty pointless...make my ms a movie!!!

M Pax said...

Have fun seeing Battleship. Will wait to hear how it is. I'm a Quake and Doom widow ...

Anonymous said...

The last one is from Toy Story. I don't play video games. Just too darn busy. Gotta go now and do laundry. I have a basket full of socks and underwear to fold.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yep, I've been playing Diablo 3. It's horribly addictive, although I guess I was hoping for different scenerey. Everything feels the same, only prettier, as Diablo 2 so far (I'm up to the 2nd Act). Despite that I'm thoroughly enjoying it and I'm loving the new achievements.

I'm also looking forward to Battleship.

Annalisa Crawford said...

One of those quotes is something to do with vampires... I'm positive of that! (Just don't ask which quote or which film, and I'll look like I deserve to be here!)

Kela McClelland said...

No games for me lately, too busy :/

And the only quote I can say for sure (sort of) without looking them up is number's Toy Story (3?). Now I'm doubting, but I think that's right.

Anyway, hope you have a great weekend! :D

TS Hendrik said...

I've never played Diablo, but I've several friends who've told me how addictive it can be. Would you say the new one is a good place as any to start or should I try a prequel first?

Helena said...

I'm so absolutely out of it! I don't know the movies for any of these quotes. I gotta see more movies, or at least remember details from the ones I've seen.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tara, yours and mine both.

Stephen, no comment on the laundry and Toy Story III is the third one.

Lynda, it's not much different, but us geeks are happy with that.

Annalisa, sorry, no vampires.

Kela, you are right!

TS, II and III are very similar, so you can jump in and play III.

And just got back from seeing Battleship - dumb but a heck of a lot of fun! said...

I don't know any, but appreciate all, of those quotes.

Have a great weekend, Alex.

Golden Eagle said...

The fourth quote is from LOTR, right? (It's the only one I recognize out of all of them.)

klahanie said...

Oh good grief Alex. I'm trying to give you some feedback from my son who is gaming online as I'm typing this comment. I'm trying to ask him about Diablo 111 but he asks me to hang on...*taps fingers on desk*, *twiddles thumbs....*
On the subject of guest posts, I've had the honour of having some folks guest on my site and I tried to have bloggers who I believed deserved further awareness, do a guest post. I've also done a collaboration blog that got a very positive response.
Aha, my son has just informed me he has heard of that game but has not played it. Now he has gone back to his room and I might see him sometime over the weekend :)
Have a good one and happy writing.
In kindness, Gary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You as well, Robyn!

Golden, you got it.

Gary, your son is addicted! And 'heard of' that game? Diablo III is THE game right now.
Not that he needs any enticing, right?
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hubby enjoys Diablo...:)

Loved the movie quotes.. I totally remember each one:)

TL Conway said...

Gah! I still haven't made it to The Avengers yet and now Battleship. Man, I need to get to the theater, ASAP!

As for the quotes, I only recognized one or two, but not well enough to name the movie. Thankfully, I knew the answers would be in the comments.

Morgan said...

What on earth is Diablo???? LOL. I'm so out of it. I desperately need "cool" lessons ;)

Unknown said...

Everyone is talking about Avengers and I haven't seen it. I feel so left out...

Unknown said...

The guest posting sounds great...I need to think of something. ***thinking, thinking*** I know none of the quotes without help and hang my head in shame.

Carrie Butler said...

Glad you're still enjoying Diablo III, Alex! Nothing like a good game to work out writing frustrations. ;) Have a great weekend!

Nick Wilford said...

Sorry, drawing a blank on the posts, except the third one I'll have a stab at Toy Story... 2.

Not had any guests yet. I guess my goal would be to introduce people to someone great. And I know you'll pick good ones for the Awards!

Anonymous said...

I will definitely see Battleship. That was one of my most fave games as a kid. *says old TV commercial* "You sunk my Battleship!!" :)

Michelle Wallace said...

Guest post guidelines... mmmm... I hadn't thought about that.
Well, I've never had a guest at my place before... something to work towards.

Hildie McQueen said...

I need to watch more movies, I haven't even seen Toy Story *hanging head* - I gave up on gaming when my five year old nephew kicked my butt at Mario race cart. I think I died...does one die on that one? Or maybe I died on the one where the little dude jumps around. Oooh wait I do play Angry Birds, does that count???

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

TL, go see it!

Morgan, you are cool, just not gamer geek cool.

Nick, you got it. And I'll try to pick good ones for the award.

Liz, you will be entertained!

Hilde, Angry Birds counts!

Jaleh D said...

Do I have to turn in my fandom hat? I recognized the 4th quote, could even almost hear how it was said, but I couldn't place it until I read the comments. And I just watched Fellowship again last night, too. Yes, I know the quote is from the 3rd movie, but still. Gimli has a unique voice. *hangs head*

Mark Means said...

Am I playing D3? Heh...I was one of 'those' guys up at 3a.m. on Tuesday morning, trying to log in, but only getting 'error 37'.

It seems like the servers have stabilized, somewhat...*crosses fingers and toes*

After finally convincing my wife to give it a try, she's hooked and now I'm not sure just who the 'D3 widow' is...

Patricia Stoltey said...

Once again I flunk a blog test. I have no idea what movies those quotes came from. Sigh!

Michael said...

Haven't had the chance to play Diablo 3 yet but I love the style of it so I'm sure it will be great.

The Man-Cave said...

I loved Diablo II, so I am afraid I will get sucked in for more unproductive hours in my life. I am just coming out of my months long MLB The Show binge, but glad to hear D2 rocks!

Tonja said...

Diablo is a game? :/

Mary Aalgaard said...

I did a quick catch up from your posts this week. My week was incredibly full off-line. I like reading about how much you are in love with your wife. You are a lucky man.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jaleh, that's all right!

Mark, glad my wife isn't hooked. Bummer the server had been down over eight hours this week, but I'm enjoying the game so much, I can live with that.

Geof, it's just like II, so yes, it will be a time suck!

Mary, thank you - I know I am!

alexia said...

Fun movie quotes! I know the benign neglect one is Avatar. And I know I've heard three of the others, but I can't remember exactly what movies...

Happy Saturday!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Billion dollar movies! Amazing, but I wonder how California can be in such dreadful financial trouble with all that money coming in?!

Mary Montague Sikes

Unknown said...

I knew the Toy Story Three on, and The Return of the King quote. However, by looking at the other comments, I wouldn't get the other quote because I haven't watched the movies. Ugh, why I am so behind!

StuffGuy7 said...

Looking forward to seeing what the PVP will be like on D3, just started playing yesterday - thanks for the post
Take a stop by my blog and check it out if you get a chance.

Unknown said...

The quotes don't sound familiar but of course I have seen the movies mentioned in all the comments made! I will pop over to RetroZombie and check out his book. Thanks Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Alexia, you got the Avatar one right.

Monti, good point.

Imogen, so many good movies, so little time.

StuffGuy, enjoy!

Ella said...

My son was complaining about the issues with D3. He likes it, but said they should of been better prepared~

Off to visit RetroZombie :D

I want to see Battleship; I hope you like it~ I remember playing this game. The boys in school laughed when I wanted to play. They I won...and won...they didn't laugh anymore ;D

Ciara said...

Yes, that is an honest guarantee. A blogger will never have more comments on one single blog stop than here. Your blog definitely rocks!

E. M. Prokop said...

Hey Alex! ...I don't play any of those games, or watch those movies...but I do love the quotes! Especially the last one! I laughed and laughed!...don't know any of the sources, so any guess I make will be faarr off the mark...I know, I'm sooooo not hip!
Hope your having an excellent day!

Leovi said...

No, I do not recognize any of these appointments.

Ruth said...

I know the LOTR one. I have watched those movies so many times.
The other ones I should know but I'd have to give it some thought.

Donna Shields said...

I know that first one
I just can't place it. The rest I have no clue. I may check out jeremy's book


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, the always online thing is a big issue with Diablo III. And good for you for showing up the boys! I enjoyed Battleship - dumb but fun.

Sorry if I made the quotes too hard this time!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I only know one of those quotes for sure though I remember hearing three of the others.

mshatch said...

still playing Skyrim altho I did take this weekend off. Can't wait to get back to the college at Winterhold...:)

SpacerGuy said...

Thanks for the heads up Alex, I could do with a few banners!

Susan Fields said...

Those quotes are tough! I've heard the fourth one recently, but I can't place it. The second one is my favorite, but I don't know the movie for that one, either.

Unknown said...

Not a gamer, nor much of a movie watcher. Did happen to go see Dark Shadows this weekend, though!! I enjoyed it, except the tacky scene between Barnabus and the doctor. Tacky because I went with a few 14 year olds and their mothers! It was SO unnecessary for a PG-13.

I wonder if my hubby and daughter know of the Diablo games. They're both huge gamers.


Shannon Lawrence said...

Anyone would be lucky to have Jeremy design something for them! Definitely worth it. Murg, I know I recognize the quotes, yet nothing is coming to me.

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, road tripping through the #atozchallenge participants!

Melissa Sugar said...

Okay, I am feeling really stupid tonight. I have never played the game and I cannot place a single one of the film quotes. I haven't been a guest blogger. I am not sure I have been blogging long enough to have anything to bring to the table. Thank you for the heads up for the chance to win a cool blog banner (so I came away not feeling like a complete loser,lol). Thank you, Alex for reading my last post. I know I have been MIA in the blogging world for a while. I am going through hell with my lunatic stalker and I appreciate your kid words.

Anonymous said...

I cheated and Googled those quotes. :)

I'm not familiar with Diablo. I play the classic games. Maybe I'll play the more modern games when I'm on vacation.

John Wiswell said...

#3 is totally Toy Story 3.

I've dipped into Diablo 3. It gets more fun as you go along, get more skills and loot, and to the varied settings and critters. There seems to be a good breadth of content!

Gail said...

Just wanted to say I made the mistake of signing my grandson onto my Alien computer. He has taken over Diablo III and I am on the old computer.

I haven't revealed my pass word to him so when he signs's over...just kidding.

We are both enjoying the game.

Thanks for the tips.

Unknown said...

Sorry I am so late! That sounds very cool about Jeremy's banner offer. He did a stellar job with the A to Z banners.

Saw Avengers twice already and really would not mind a third. I have not been this excited about a film since the LOTR films, which I saw three times each in the theaters.