And special thanks to Jeremy at Retro-Zombie, Jeremy at Geeky Tendencies, and Jamie at Mithril Wisdom - you guys visited most of the participants and I really appreciate that.
For my next blogfest… I have no idea at this point! But I guarantee it will be something fun.
I have an interview today over at Jessica Salyer’s site, Just Following a Dream! Jessica is really awesome and she asked some deep questions that could change the course of the universe. Well, maybe not that deep! But it was fun and I hope you’ll pay her a visit.
Jessica Bell's new book, Fabric, came out this week – congratulations, Jessica! You are just so talented.
Roland Yeoman’s latest book, Best of Enemies, is also now available. You rock, Roland!
Lynda Young is one of six authors appearing in the anthology, Make Believe, which will be released this December. Way, to go Lynda! You are such a positive force and I’m really happy for you.
And yes, Diablo III is AWESOME!!!!
The Adventures of Tintin
Finally caught this on NetFlix. The visuals are beyond stunning – not a hundred percent realistic, but getting much closer. The film also had a Raiders of the Lost Ark feel. However, there was something… ODD about this film. It was too serious for kids and yet had moments that were too silly for adults. The story just didn’t engage me _ I was almost bored. I am not familiar with the original comic though, so I’m sure core fans enjoyed it more. Just didn’t do it for me.
Wanted to thank all of my awesome followers and blogger buddies who’s supported and followed me these past few months as I’ve floundered my way through another book release, the IWSG, the A to Z Challenge, my blogfest, and all the crazy features along the way. I’ve tried to do my best and know I sometimes fall short. This blog is now all about you guys and I want to keep it positive and fun. Whatever I can do to help my blogger buddies, you know I am there for you.
What did you think of the First Loves Blogfest? Excited about all the new books this week? Playing Diablo III right now? What did you think of Tintin? Am I doing all right? Don’t forget to visit Jessica Salyer!
Thanks so much for the blogfest, Alex! It was so much fun to see everyone's first loves :D
I thought the story in Tintin was a bit dull, but the action set pieces were great, showed what you could do with a free hand and Spielberg's imagination. Hope the next big CGI movie is about a more engaging character.
Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough
The first loves blogfest was totally awesome. I loved finding out about everyone's first crushes and the things that set them on the paths of their lives. Looking forward to the next one!
The First Loves Blogfest was a Blast! Thanx NinjaDude
Alex, the First Loves Blogfest was awesome! Thanks for hosting it. I met lots of new people and I found it really interesting to discover all the first loves of my blogger buddies.
I am really jealous about you playing Diablo III, I haven't bought it yet!
This was my first blogfest, so thank you for the oportunity to participate in. I'd like to appologize for the short link. I promise next time I'll add full, direct link to the post.
I think I won't play with the Diablo 3. I loved the first Diablo with its extension, but I just had played only 15 minutes with the D2.
Tintin... I planned to watch it. What do you think I can watch it with my 4,5 years old daughter or not?
Thanks, Twenty!
Moody, you said it better than I did.
Angeline and Lass, glad you enjoyed it!
CM, played it for six hours yesterday.
It was a great blogfest, so many memories were stirred. I admired your dedication to making changes to the linky list too!
PS. You're totally allowed some downtime every so often - never feel bad about it :-)
I had fun seeing everyone's first loves. This was one of the few times that I usually *recognized* the movies, books, etc. that people mentioned!
Rabid and dedicated FPS player and only played the first Diablo!
I had a blast with the blog fest. I was shocked at how many people listed The Outsiders as their book. You are always so amazingly supportive, Alex!
Hey Man,
Can you spare a loose ream of paper for an old writer...?
You *did* say you'd do anything to help a blogger out :)
Seriously though Adam, you're like the coolest non-sleeping Borg I know!
I'm so glad I'm six hours behind you - so I can finally write you a comment before you hit me up :)
((Love you, man))
*The above comment was, in part, sponsored by the Budweiser Frog and is meant to be taken in a non-Biblical way.*
I loved reading all the entries in the First Loves blogfest. Awesome idea.
The first loves blogfest was/is great. I am still cruising my way through it. I thought the dog in Tin TIn was the real star,didn't care much for the movie. Not much of a gamer, but have lost all the men in my life to Diablo 3, guess you could call me sort of a widow these days :)
Thanks, Annalisa!
Lurker, if you liked it, you'll like Diablo III.
Thank you, Ciara.
Mark, thank you so much for the encouraging words and good laugh this morning!
Siv, my wife is a gamer widow as well.
I thought Tintin was incredibly adventurous and it didn't bore me at all, not even for a second. Best animated feature of 2011, in my opinion.
I saw TinTin... I think you nailed it. It did bore me in parts, it was a good movie overall though, I'm a sucker for animated films, I love when they push the limits of realism.
I guess I'd been in a fog for a while, because your blogfest snuck up on me. I would have participated, but the day of, I was like, When did this happen? So, I'll pay closer attention to the next one.
And I think you're doing pretty good.
Off to Jessica Slayer's.
I waiting for your review of Dark Shadows :)
I have seen a few minutes of Tintin, but it didn't engage me enough to find it and watch the rest. Since it is originally French (pronounced without the "n"s) I probably will watch it though ;)
I really enjoyed following the First Loves blogfest. If I'd been paying better attention ahead of time, I'd might have jump in on that one. (Single day blogfests are not so overwhelming).
I didn't see TinTin, for reasons you touched on in you review. Based on the previews I couldn't tell what it was supposed to be - serious, funny, for adults, for kids, etc.
Totally missed the First Loves Blogfest...and seriously, how do you do all you do?
You my friend are one dedicated blogfest! I haven't heard about this one (then again I'm always late), so it looks like I'll be checking out all the linky goodness!
Too many questions!!! Old Kitty can't multi-task!! LOL!
Take care
Sorry I didn't get to do your newest Blogfest but I read some of them.
Have a great day.
I am too old to remember my first loves!
Glad it was successful. How could it not be?
It was fun to read about 'first loves'. So excited for our blogging friends and their new books! I didn't catch tintin yet. But the hubs and oldest daughter went and saw it in 3d in the fever and loved it.
I had the exact same reaction to TinTin - my kids were bored and so was I LOL! Wonder if the book might have been a better route for us?
I wish Canadian Netflix was as good as the American version..
Haven't watched Adventures of Tintin yet. Sounds like it wasn't a winner. :( Guess you can't hit all of them out of the ball park , right? :)
The blogfest was great, Alex, thanks for that! You should come up with blogfests more often =P
Haven't watched Adventures of Tintin ... like you said, it's too serious for kids and, if I watched this, it would be with my 5yo.
The blogfest was lots of fun! I took my kids to see TinTin in the winter and they really enjoyed it; however, they are a bit older (6,8 and 10 at the time) and are readers, so they were engaged. I did think they would get bored but once again, they proved me wrong.
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I really liked "Tintin". I was a little hesitant before seeing it to be honest, as I had never read any of the books, but bit the bullet and caught it at the movies. I'm glad I did. I thought it had an interesting look to it, though I admit, some of the characters looked a little....creepy...for lack of a better word.
I took it for what it was and had few expectations, so I wasn't disappointed.
As for the "First Loves" blogfest, I really enjoyed it. Thanks for such a great idea and it was neat checking out everyone else's 'first loves'.
I loved doing the blogfest. Especially reading the love stories of all the entries. I'd love to do a similar thing again. Maybe how we met our spouses...
I had tons of fun doing the blogfest. I loved seeing what everybody loved and the wide variety of people on the blogosphere. Thanks for hosting it!
Thanks for posting the blogfest, I didn't get a chance to do it but I enjoyed reading everyone else s first loves!
I was so amazed at the numbers of people who are still with their first loves, and those who have been together for many years. Over the past few years a couple friends have went through broken marriages that I was questioning doesn't anyone stay together anymore? The Love Fest proved they do. Thank you and you rock, and so does your blog
Sorry George, just wasn't for me.
Rusty, that's all right.
LD, now you know.
EM - Ninja skills.
Lindsay, glad it wasn't just me.
Mark, animated people are just odd.
Clarissa, run with it!
Gossip, some of us do.
Thanks and glad everyone enjoyed the blogfest!
There is no such thing as too silly for adults, silly! We have some friends with some great stuff going on, eh?
And I thought the First Loves Blogfest was great--it was a set-up that was easy to write and read fairly quickly, while still giving us a good chance to know each other better.
Enjoyed the First Loves Blogfest; it was a great idea! Heading over to Jessica's!
Wish I could have participated in your First Loves, but I was out of town! But I did read a bunch of them.
Saw Tintin in the theater with my son. Visually, it was incredible on the big screen. I think what's missing is that the movie is made up of little moments. These moments are fun, but in between these great moments was a lot of nothing.
I liked the twin detectives. They stole the spotlight.
I did not know that Jessica had another book out?? Must check it out.
Thanks for the TinTin review. It's been on my list for a while and have been hesitating.
Here's wishing you many more fun blogfests. And thanks for your help on the email/profile thing. I got mine all set.
Happy Writing :-)
I loved Tintin - but then, I grew up reading the books, so I was an easy sell. Pretty much from the first time Thomson and Thompson showed up. I also think Andy Serkis is phenomenal, so that helped.
I missed the First Loves blogfest, but maybe I'll be able to catch the next one. Blogfests and I haven't always gotten along well in the past ... but maybe it's time to give them another try.
Floundered? You? The Ninja never flounders...
BTW - I forgot to tell you, I have something on my site for you today :)
My Netflix recommendations are all screwed up with things we've watched for the kids, so I didn't see TinTin was up. I'll have to go watch it soon! Thanks for that info.
OMG! I thought I was a follower all this time, I am now!! :)
First Loves was lots of fun! Thanks for hosting all these great blogfests!
I liked Tin Tin, but feel Hugo was a better movie. The latter tugged on the heart strings so I think that makes a better connection with the audience.
Aw, thank you so much for the mention :o) I'm heading over to your interview right now :)
I don't know why, but I'm just not into animated features ... maybe Bambi traumatized me when I was a lad.
I didn't participate in the blogfest myself but I LOVED reading the posts. Good job, Alex.
Never saw TinTin but I did see your interview over at Jessica's blog.
You're doing more than alright! I've enjoyed the few posts of the blogfest I've seen, I'd have definitely taken part if I was around.
Funnily enough, I saw bits of Tintin in French on the TV in my cruise cabin. From what I saw it was really impressive but didn't quite capture the magic of the books (I was a massive fan). I'd like to have a chance to watch the whole thing in English though!
I just came from reading Lynda's news. Congrats to her! Off to check out Jessica's interview.
Awesome interview over at Jessica's and I enjoyed the First Loves! Love your updates and shout-outs. Thanks Alex :)
I haven't seen that movie yet. I did manage to go see Dark Shadows. I'll post a review on it tomorrow. Your blogfest was really fun. I wish I could have gotten to more people, but I think that will come with time. Getting re-involved in blogosphere is harder than I expected.
You are doing fantastic Alex. I love coming to your blog and hearing about movies and the good things going on for other people.
I thought the first love's blog fest was neat. I found out about it after it happened but it was a cool way to get to know the blogging buddies!
The blogfest was a blast. I think I got through all of blogs in like 3 hours. Granted about 3/4ths of them had their posts up when I visited but it was still fun. And out of those hundred and some I did comment on, I got 59-60 comments back and over 150 hits. It was exciting to have so many people visit me! Epic success!
Thanks again Alex!
I've been thinking about ordering Tintin on Amazon for my kids (we can get Amazon movies on our TV, they have a better streaming selection than Netflix, IMHO). I'm not familiar with the original material, either. I'll probably order it sometime, but it's not a high priority. I would rather go to the theater and see The Avengers again. And again. And again...
I know only the vaguest bit about Tintin. never read those stories as a kid.
The blogfest was awesome!
Congrats to all the new releases!
Hart, I like easy!
Jay, I think that assessment is right.
Louise, I figured fans would enjoy it.
Laura, but I do know hoe to tuna... Guitar!
Thanks, Baygirl!
K, that's all right.
Stephen, agreed.
Summer, just glad you are back.
Danielle, that's great!
Rick, just go see Avengers agin.
Thanks everyone!
That was a great interview over at Jessica's. I always love reading more about you. And I totally enjoyed the First Loves Blogfest. Can't wait for the next one! Thanks for all you do, Alex. I think you're the number one, most awesome blogger in the universe!
I'm so sorry I missed the blogfest. For some reason it just went straight over my head.
Love your blog. :-)
I haven't managed to catch Tintin, yet.
I really enjoyed the blogfest and appreciated that it was a short and sweet one. :D
First loves posts were so much fun to read and I don't think you can say you "floundered" through another book release!
I'd have to agree about Tin Tin -- we rented it, and I'm afraid I nodded off halfway through and kept waking up with a jolt everytime something crashed or exploded.
Yay for Lynda!
Blogfest was awesomely fun. I felt the same way watching the trailers. Serious? Funny? Goofy? All over the place. I may still watch it. I have to get Billy Crystal's Academy award skit out of my head first. I can still see his face when I close my eyes.
You really had a lot going on over the last month.
First loves was fantastic. Festing is always fun.
Congrats to all the others on the new releases. Awesome.
Nancy, you're going to make the Ninja blush.
Jaycee, that was the plan!
Milo, your comment made me laugh.
Maurice, good luck with that.
First loves was a blast! Thanks for the mention too :)
I really need to see TinTin, I'm a little sad I missed it in the cinema.
I enjoyed the First love fest. Loved seeing everyone's choices. I haven't gotten to everyone. I've been away from home Monday and Tuesday on what seems like an endless round of necessary business. Then dealing with an accident involving a friend of mine's daughter (my son's girlfriend). Gah.
Still looking for the brakes on real life. They disappeared.
Yay for Jess, Roland and Lynda. I have Donna Galanti with her debut on my blog. I'm going to have to chat with Roland the rest about visiting with me.
I enjoyed the blogfest, the ones you host always gives me a chance to dig up moments and memories buried in the sands of time and fiddle with software/applications.
I lack the hand-eye coordination needed for games like Diablo so I stick to games that tease my brain.
Tintin like Asterix took me to exotic worlds in my early teens. We had limited comics among other stuff making their way into India prior to the 90's since ours was a closed economy. We devoured what we could lay our hands on, used to bind our sets and exchange with friends, kind of a communal library.
I have the set of animated series so I'll pass up the movie...checking out your interview.
My Diablo III is being delivered by snail mail but should arrive by Monday. I'm excited to begin playing with friends who are also getting theirs by then. Good to hear that it is so wonderful. I figure I've waited more than ten years; a few more days don't matter. Some Koreans did defeat the game in 7 hours though...that's commitment.
I'm surprised you hadn't seen Tin Tin. That was a great show, and I'm glad that I went when it was in theaters. I haven't seen it since it was released on video.
Thanks for doing the interview, Alex. You are doing great. I stand by my robot comment. :) Congrats to Jessica, Lynda and Roland. The First Loves blogfest was a blast.
Thanks for hosting the First Loves Blogfest! It was really fun to read everyone's. :)
always love the ninja news =)
and tin tin was odd is right! and they're making a live version? hmmm
You are the pro at blogfests, keep it up:)
I'm still working my way through the linky list. I'm enjoying everyone's blogs on this. Great idea Alex.
I can't believe it, I missed some of those releases and I follow all of those people too!
Jamie, thanks for visiting so many of the participants - you rock!
Sia, Roland would love that!
Rek, I'm glad you enjoyed it. And hang on to that old set of comics.
Michael you will waste many hours when yours arrives. And I'm kinda glad I didn't go to the theater to see it.
Tara, a live version first would've been better.
Glad everyone enjoyed the blogfest!
Your blogfest was awesome and congrats to all the writers with new releases! I've not seen Tintin yet. I'm behind on my movie watching but only because Sherlock has been on Sunday nights!
I loved the First Love Blogfest and am waiting to play D3 right now ;)
ugh, i STILL need to see Tintin. I actually forgot all about it until you mentioned it. Off to update my netflix queue!
You changed all the links to be direct? Now that's pretty impressive.
Tossing It Out
Hi, Alex. We've never been properly introduced. I'm Al and I'm a recovering sane person.
Thanks for that review about Tintin. I kinda thought that's how it would be. I know he was a pretty big comics character way back when, but I always thought his comic was (to use your perfect word) ODD.
I know Tintin is very popular in France.
Oh. That explains a lot.
So is Jerry Lewis.
Sounds like your First Love Blogfest was a success. AT&T is still keeping me from the internet for most of the day. Sigh.
Sia, I would love to visit your blog. Just drop me a line, and I will chatter away! Thanks both of you! Roland
Glad you're enjoying Diablo III, Alex! I thought about you on its release day. :)
The few gaming hours I've had in the past month have gone to GW2's beta and subsequent stress test. When that gets a release date, I'll be happy. ;)
Tintin is so good, but there is a moment where the low intensity and I almost fell asleep.
Heading out today to read more Firsts! It's so much fun to see the challenge through different eyes.
Thanks for all your hard work helping out your friends.
Christine, that's a good reason though!
Lee, as I visited, I copied and pasted.
Hey Al! It was odd. And thanks for the laugh about Lewis.
Roland, you need to get fierce with them!
Carrie, cool you got to enjoy the beta.
Leovi, same here.
Thanks, Heather!
I have no doubt your next blogfest will be awesome, like the others. Hopefully I'll be able to join the next one. You're full of great ideas, Alex. Woot!
I really enjoyed the blogfest. Visiting other blogs and seeing what people listed as their first loves was fun!
I really enjoyed the First Loves posts I've read so far.
As for Tintin, I think the movie is based on a French comic book character. If that's true, then it makes sense the movie would seem a little strange. The French sense of humor and approach to mature subjects is slightly different than ours. I'll have to add the movie to my list and watch it now because you've piqued my curiosity.
I thoroughly enjoyed the 1st loves blogfest - it was a lot of fun. It was fun to guess the approximate age of the blogger based on the info too :)
Lynn, hope you can join us next time.
Golden, it was!
Patricia, maybe that was it.
Jemi, I didn't even think about that, but you're right.
Hey Alex,
Although I didn't participate in your "First Loves Blogfest!", I think that's awesome you would set up such a festival of reading delight.
Once again, big respect to you for making notes of all those folks via your links on your interactive and informative site.
A friend of mine is a huge movie buff and extremely knowledgeable. I have suggested he check out your movie reviews.
Anyway dude, you keep doing what you're doing and demonstrating the sharing, caring qualities that I hold so dear within the great blogging community.
With respect and happy writing, your way, Gary
Your blogfest was a lot of fun. I'm still getting comments.
I thought TinTin was really dull.
I was wondering about Tin-Tin. It did seem a little mature for me, just from the previews.
I loved reading about everyone's first loves!! I don't often comment on here b/c you have sooooooo many comments already, lol. But I was sorry to hear some people were posting unkind words lately:( I think you're doing a grreeeaaaat job for sure! Can't wait to see TinTin, no matter everyone else says . . . just gotta check it out for myself, yanno?!
Gary, thank you very much! That's what I enjoy doing. And thank you for sending your friend my way.
Diane, so am I!
Caroline, it was.
Hey Jamie! Never let the amount of comment scare you. Glad you enjoyed the blogfest. Watch Tintin. You might really like it.
Alex, you're on a roll! Great blog fest, great interview and a best seller. I don't know how you do it!
The blogfest was a lot of fun. I still have people to get around to.
I'm always excited about new books. My TBR has gotten so big, I've been trying to get more reading time in so I can get it down some.
Now I'm off to Jessica's. :)
Late to the show due to famille commitments. I did pop in at Jessica's blog, but late there as well.
I tried to get interested in Tin-tin, but I couldn't either, Alex. I never saw this as a kid, so I have no connection to it. Depp's Dark Shadows is getting mixed reviews too.
I did not get to participate in the First Love Blogfest but I had fun stopping here and there commenting with those who did. Loved so many of the firsts that were shared, especially the ones close to the heart.
Digging the shout outs as well. You must be living day to day on the good food your wife cooks and lots and lots of Hot Tamales :-)
Thanks for hosting a great blog fest! It was a lot of fun.
The First Love's Blogfest was a lot of fun. The single day blogfest is just slightly less stressful (sense the sarcasm) than the A-Z challenge. It was a blast reading them all.
Thanks for hosting another fun-filled blogfest! At first, I didn't think I would have time to participate, but I'm so glad I did! This was such a great theme that brought back memories for everyone! Julie
The First Loves fest was G-R-E-A-T! (I slipped in at the last moment...)
You altered the links to go direct? Wow! Now that's something else... you never cease to amaze!
Thanks for hosting!
I still have fond memories of the music blogfest from way back when ;) I loved this one though, and have yet to visit nearly as many participants as I want to!
Heather, some days I don't either!
DG, I just didn't connect either.
Living day to day - Angela, you are probably right!
Michael, they are a lot easier.
Julie, glad you did!
Michelle, thought it would make it easier for everyone.
Trisha, wow - that was two years ago!
Awesome blogfest Alex... thanks :)
I thought this hop was an amazing way to get to know people. Loved it. Thanks for hosting. Can't believe how you got around to everyone to comment! You amaze me with your dedication.
Thanks for the fun blogfest! Always fun to remember your firsts.
And I'm always excited for new books!
Alex, I think it's awesome how you support everyone. It says so much about who you are. :D
Thanks for all your hard work with the A-Z challenge!
Very interesting the First Loves Blogfest
You are inexhaustible, Alex. While I sat out the First Loves Blogfest I enjoyed visiting blogs that participated. Lots of great First Loves.
I've heard so much about the movie The Adventures of TinTin. Have to catch that one.
I agree re TinTin - I used to read the comics sometimes when I was young but the film just didn't do it for me either. Think the storyline was just too stupid and the script was rubbish. Shame because the visuals were, as you say, stunning.
Jaybird, be rude not to visit everyone who took the time to participate in my blogfest. Besides, it was fun reading entries and I made some new friends.
Thanks, Angela!
Claire, something just didn't work. I think they could've made a better live action film.
Hey, I saw you got a Random Acts of Kindness shoutout! Thanks for all you do to connect people.
Nah, you're not doing all right - you're doing much better than that!
You always take the time out of your busy day to blog and stop by so many blogs to keep up so... not sure if anyone has given this to you so
Stopping thru to let ya know that I am sharing the blogging love of a blog award to you. Stop by to collect. :)
Miriam, thank you!
Patsy, I appreciate that.
Gossip, thanks!
Aw man, I hated to skip out on one of your blogfest, but I just couldn't pull it off this time. :( Glad to know you're already cooking up another one. :)
Congrats to all three talented authors for their latest writing sucesses!
Diablo III???
Oh this blogfest was hecka awesome! I realized I don't know a lot of musicians though. I must fix this.
I'm glad you said Tintin was a bit boring. I saw a bit of it on the cruise but ended up leaving and ordering another cocktail instead because it just didn't engage me. Normally I lap up any kind of animation. Yes, it looked gorgeous, but that's not enough.
This blogfest was fun! Looking forward to more in the future!
Alex - You are so incredibly awesome! Sorry I missed the blogfest. I'm sure it was fantastic, and I'm bummed I missed it.
I wasn't a fan of Tintin. I did go see AVENGERS today in Imax 3D, and holy helen of troy, it was a-wait for it-mazing. LOL.
Hope you had a fab Thursday!
Oh my gosh, I was ostracized in my house for not connecting with Tin Tin. I tried twice to watch the blu-ray. Never clicked. Thanks for validating me.
Great news all around. I love Jessica, Roland and Lynda, they are awesome writers like a certain ninja. Sorry I'm late to the party. More dental issues. I look like Hulk punched me out. ;)
Nicki, Diablo III!
Lynda, you said it better than I did.
RaShelle, wasn't Avengers awesome? Sorry you missed the blogfest.
Leslie, you've been validated!
Melissa, I'm sorry!
Your Blogfest was awesome. Tintin bored me too, I actually almost turned it off but glad I didn't because there were some really funny bits and I liked the ending :)
Your Blogfest was awesome. Tintin bored me too, I actually almost turned it off but glad I didn't because there were some really funny bits and I liked the ending :)
I read most of the Tintin original comics and it seems it makes a difference.
I liked the movie a lot and I hope there will be more Tintin movies.
The blogfest was awesome Alex! Thank you for hosting! I never did get a chance to work my way down the list but as always I've responded to all who have visited me. It's a busy time of year for me, not much time for blogging unfortunately. One of these days I'll leave my job and become a stay at home blogger :)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thanks, Anna!
Edi, I figured fans would get a lot more out of the film. I've just never read any of the comics.
Haha my son just bought diablo 3 and I image when he's done, I'll start playing. :)
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