Monday, April 2, 2012

BOLD - A to Z Challenge

It’s the third A to Z Challenge! Blog the letters of the alphabet in order every day except Sundays The participation list is HERE – start with the blog after yours and visit at least five blogs a day. Mostly, make new friends and have fun!

My theme – I have selected a word for each day and will present to you blogger buddies who fit that description, along with movies, music, etc. My theme is to give back, highlight some awesome bloggers, and have fun in the process.


Huntress at Spirit Called
She is bold. Not brash, just bold in her thoughts and convictions. You never know what to expect, but you can bet it will be real. She’s involved in the community and very supportive. She knows what’s going on in the blogging world, sometimes more than I do! Huntress isn’t shy and I can always count on her honesty. I’m blessed she’s one of my blogger buddies!

The sheer audacity to tell a story that starts at the end and spools to the beginning is one bold move. Christopher Nolan pulls it off with a movie that expects you to keep up and pay attention. Bring out your big brain for this one.

Jerry Cantrell - Degradation Trip
I really feel that anyone interested in the music biz should check this out. This incredibly personal collection of music deals with drug abuse, troubled relationships and the hedonistic excesses of stardom. Never whiny, this disc hits hard through twenty-seven tracks and shows Cantrell writing his best work since Alice In Chains early days.

Ninja News!

Kela posted about Awesome Authors yesterday – and I was stunned when she selected ME! Thank you so much, Kela. I am so honored.

Rusty posted yesterday that there is a 500 point reward for getting me to comment on a certain blog. There’s a bounty on my comment – too funny!

And this is a reality check! On a normal day that I post, I visit 100-140 of my blogger buddies, plus other movie blogs and such. Add all of the comments from A to Z participants and the section of the A to Z list that is my responsibility and that adds about forty to sixty more blogs. In truth, I can’t visit everyone. I wish I had clones. (Really, Cassie, I don’t!!!) So if you don’t see me, please don’t feel slighted. This Ninja is really trying…

Are you following Huntress? Seen the movie Memento? Listen to any Jerry Cantrell or Alice in Chains? Having fun with the Challenge? Mad a the Ninja because he can’t visit everyone…?


Laura Barnes said...

Loved Memento! Christopher Nolan is the bomb. :)

Elizabeth Seckman said...

No, ninja. Until you are sleepless cyborg, we will accept that you have human limits.
I bowed out of the A-Z Challenge. Work on edits top priority and I didn't want to start a project and flop it. Now I am having guys are having so much fun!

Unknown said...

Nolan is my favourite director at the moment. I've loved everything he's directed and I'm really excited for Dark Knight Rises too :)

Jamie Gibbs
Fellow A-Z Buddy

Luanne G. Smith said...

Look at me. I had to travel five thousand miles to be up early enough to be one of your first commenters. :)

Having trouble keeping up with the challenge myself as I'm blogging from a cell phone with limited wi-fi. Oh.

Suze said...

'She knows what’s going on in the blogging world, sometimes more than I do!'

Is that possible?

Lisa said...

A bounty on your comment, that is awesome!

Cassie Mae said...

Love Huntress's blog! She's one I visit often.

Haven't seen Memento yet. Must get on that.

Hmm... and saying that a 'normal' day you visit about 140 blogs will not convince me you don't have clones, lol. But of course we understand that even clones are human... when they're clones of a human. Right?

Andrew Leon said...

I still haven't seen Memento, but Rusty's trying to make me.

You should let me have your bounty, because Rusty got Michael!

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

I love your idea for the A to Z!
Memento was an awesome movie. I saw it without knowing the trick beforehand so it was pretty freaky.

Empty Nest Insider said...

I loved Memento and will try to visit Huntress soon! You BOLDLY go where no other bloggers go, or something like that! Julie

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I love your theme for this year's challenge. I understand your pain of not being able to visit everyone. I'm still catching up on blog visits after my week off from blogging, lol, let alone the A-Z challenge visits. Eeek! hehee. Ah, it's all part of the challenge methinks.

Kyra Lennon said...

Aww, don't worry about not getting to everyone's blog! I don't know how you keep up, you really ARE a ninja!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

You'll never get to everyone's blog but you better come visit mine! Awesome "b" post...

Mum of One said...

What a great idea! Am off to visit Huntress!


Am enjoying the challenge Alex.

Thanks for your visit, yes Cliff Richard has been around a long time.......well so have I.

look forward to your next post.

Isabella Amaris said...

Memento's one of those movies that refused to leave my mind's eye for way too long. Definitely bold, and - at the time anyway - I remember thinking it was a revolutionary piece of film making. Hmmmmm, have to watch it again now:)

Sarah Tokeley said...

I know I've seen Memento but I've forgotten the plot - except I recall it's something to do with memory loss - honestly, I'm not kidding :-)

And nobody really expects you to visit every blog do they? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to do SOME work!

~Sia McKye~ said...

I haven't seen Momento. Hmmm.

Alex, the only time I expect perfection out of you is in the winter when you walk on water. Since it's spring, you're off the hook on getting to everyone.

I'm not officially participating, but you know me, as my blog allows, I'll post an article that corresponds to the letter for the day!


T.D. McFrost said...

I have never seen Memento either. But I'm looking into it right now!

Happy blogging Alex!

Ron Easton for Dads UnLimited said...

I for one, will not take your commenting for granted again. Be Bold!

J.C. Martin said...

What a cool idea for a theme! Thanks for the recommendations!

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Brinda said...

"bring out your big brain"- lol

Unknown said...

Hey Alex, take a deep breath, relax your shoulders and just enjoy! We all know that you will try to reach every single person attached to this challenge, you never let anyone down! With over 1400 bloggers attending this bash you certainly have your work cut out for you!
As Laura Barnes says Christopher Nolan is the bomb, but you are too!

Huntress said...

oh. uh. wow. thank you.

Seriously, your blog is too much fun to be legal.

Marta Szemik said...

Memento sounds very interesting.
Do you think we'll all be "blogged out" at the end of the month? Nah, not possible. Right?

Jan Morrison said...

Due to a crazy schedule and a trip away I'm blogging daily but not visiting at the rate I would like. I decided yesterday that I would visit my old pals and anyone who commented on me. I know I won't gain followers that way but that isn't the whole intention of doing the A to Zed for moi! I like your choices - I loved Memento though I have no desire to see it again!!! Keep ninja-ing Alex. We like you if you show up in a boat, or riding on a goat!

Creepy Query Girl said...

yay huntress! I love all that is 'bold'.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Laura, he's a genius!

Elizabeth, there's still time to join!

Jamie, everything he does is gold.

LG, I appreciate you going the extra mile.

Suze, hard to believe!

Oceangirl, isn't that funny?

Cassie, I am human!

Andrew, Rusty asked first.

Lynda, a BIG challenge.

Isabella, saw it with friends and we talked about it for hours afterwards...

Sarah, blogging is more fun though.

Thanks, Sia!!

CM, I will do my best though.

Huntress, you're welcome and thanks for the laugh!

Marta, I hope not.

Thanks, everyone!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can't believe how many blogs you follow. And it's okay that you can't get to everyone's.

RaveAir said...

Interesting choice...

And what word will you bring to us tomorrow? :)

Unfortunatelly I haven't got time to daily bloging, so I skip this A to Z challange. Maybe next year...

Old Kitty said...

I absolutely LOVED Memento!! I was totally mesmerised - definitely a very BOLD movie! Yay!!!! And Guy Pearce is BEAUTIFUL in it too! Double yay!! Take care

Unknown said...

Jerry and Alice in Chains were a staple for me back in the 90's. And yes, Memento is an amazing film. Nolan rocks!

Now I'm off to check out Huntress.

Thank you once again for the Adventurous shout out. You're the best!

Charmaine Clancy said...

Memento has become a classic.

Sheila Siler said...

Didn't know any of your post, shall check out Huntress. I'm quite proud of myself for visiting over 30 blogs yesterday . . . I shall never catch up to you!

Matthew MacNish said...

Only you could fit so much into a single post, without making it all long and stuff.

PR said...

That movie confused me when I first saw it, it's brilliant. How do you manage to read so many blogs? That's some talent! :)

Tobi Summers said...

I've always wanted to see Memento. I think it's such a cool concept for a movie. Glad to have a positive recommendation for it!

Rusty Carl said...

Memento is a marvel of storytelling. One of my favorite movies.

And Huntress is awesome. Quite witty sometimes.

And you are one busy, busy guy. Stunning to me how many visits you do a day.

Rick Daley said...

Awesome, we both worked Memento into our posts today!

Ciara said...

Wow, I thought I did well yesterday visiting 70 blogs. Of course, I have edits due tomorrow so that will be even less today. I will visit everyone by the end of the challenge. I'm off to check out your blog highlight of the day. Enjoy!

Larri said...

Thanks for the links. No, I have not visited those blogs; however, I will remedy that this evening. For now, I must go paint my kitchen cabinets. Great 'B' word! Happy Monday! ☺

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Okay, Huntress rocks! I am going to be a follower.. two I love Alice In Chains, Jerry Cantrell and Mad Season...Did you ever get the Alice in Chains 2009? Never saw Memento...yikes.

A to Z Challenge Day 01: WOW!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Natalie, some days it scares even me...

Rave, hope you join us next year!

Kitty, now we know the real reason you liked the film.

Melissa, you are most welcome.

Sheila, I don't recommend you try, either.

Matthew, I'm a man of few words...

Anna, no idea, especially as I'm a slow reader.

Rusty, I get around. Wait, that sounds bad...

Rick, yes we did!

Ciara, those are important.

Christine Rains said...

Huntress is a wonderful choice for bold! Love the movie, Memento too. It blew my mind the first time I saw it. The Challenge has been so much fun so far.

Leovi said...

I loved Memento, certainly a great film by Christopher Nolan

michelle said...

Gosh Alex, you get around to SO MANY blogs in a day? A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !
That makes your comment extra-special...

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm going to have to check out Memento. Isn't that the same guy from the space prison movie?
Bold is beautiful!

Kelly Polark said...

I've listened to Alice in CHains, but never Jerry's solo stuff. Will have to.
Also, I've been wanting to watch Memento for years!!!

Unknown said...

I love that you're honoring bloggers! Love the bounty too. You are working so hard for this contest, you make me want to work hard for it too. I'm really enjoying this month so far.

LynnRush said...

There is a difference between bold and brash, isn't there? Nice!! Great post.

I'm loving the challenge so far. Haven't gotten to everyone but am going to plug away at the list. Looking forward to finding new friends!

Hart Johnson said...

Ha! netflix keeps recommending I watch Momento--now, with your little blurb, I am going to give in.

I can't believe how much you do. I'm a loser who has been promoting A to Z and realized this morning I hadn't even signed up *rolls eyes*

M.J. Fifield said...

Memento is an AMAZING film. I haven't seen it in years though. Must be time to watch it again.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I will watch Momento just because you say to. :)

Of course you would be mentioned a a writer of note. You're a great writer of words.


farawayeyes said...

Not seen Momento, but would like to. Have heard of and listened to 'Alice in Chains' YIKES!

Are you kidding me, about the visiting everyone? I sure do hope so.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Memento is such great film. It's on my Wish I'd Written It list!

Angela said...

Love how you highlight other bloggers! You never cease to amaze me, Alex.

Mina Burrows said...

I thought Memento rocked! I can't believe you visit that many blogs. Damn! That's amazing. We need to change your name to Ninja god? Or Blog demigod? I think you've outgrown the Ninja Captain. Agree? Anyway, I think you're pretty awesome! :)

Guilie Castillo said...

Haha--this is hilarious, Alex. My A post yesterday had to do with cliques and high school, and how even as adults we're still stuck in the same "us" and "them" mentality in some ways. I guess you're one of the "in" crowd, aren't you? The popular quarterback! :D

Laura Eno said...

I don't see how the ninja visits as many as he does!

Tyrean Martinson said...

B for Bold - hey, great minds think alike!

Dani said...

I loved Momento! Great movie and great post for BOLD!

Jessica Salyer said...

I loved the movie Memento. Heading over to Huntress's site now.

Anonymous said...

I've not seen Momento, though now I'm intrigued...

I did see 21 JUMP STREET this weekend. I thought it was awful! Very disappointed.

Having fun with the challenge, although as my luck would have it, I promptly caught the flu. I can't catch a break...

Amy said...

I've never seen Memento, but I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for sharing Alex! :)

Bish Denham said...

Memento sounds very interesting. I'm totally unfamiliar with Jerry Cantrell, though I have heard of Alice in Chains.

Miranda Hardy said...

What a great theme Alex! You amaze me, once again.

Tasha Seegmiller said...

Following the huntress. My plan for attack with this challenge is to visit a new 100 blogs each day plus the friends I already have. That way I feel like I'm at least a little bit sharing the love. Not like you...but it's the best we mere mortals can do.

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on being named an awesome author!

Tracy Jo said...

I connected with Huntress last week. She is great! Having a blast with the challenge. So much easier the second time around. Yes, keep the balance, Ninja! Never mad. :-)

Michael Abayomi said...

I'm a huge Nolan fan myself, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching Memento. I am doing a movie theme for the A-Z, and the fact that more than one Nolan movie would be getting the spotlight means something. The first of those movies was covered today actually:

Anonymous said...

I do know The Huntress. Great that you're spotlighting different bloggers. I'm sure they appreicate the shout outs!

mooderino said...

Hadn't heard of Huntress before, but will definitely check her out.

Moody Writing
The Funnily Enough

Juliana Haygert said...

I didn't see Memento yet ... kinda want to now. Thanks for sharing!

JANU said...

Nice this is the first time I am in this challenge, these people are new for me. Maybe would get to know them better in this one month.

My blog -

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
Funny stuff. Are you posting for the insecure writers blogfest or are we skipping until May?

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I love Huntress. And Briane Pagel's "Best of Everything" is quite a good blog. He'd be absolutely tickled if you visited as well as giving Rusty 500 points.

Ian Anderson said...

Dude, you're a comment star. No worries!

I loved Memento. I watched in college and I was hooked to the screen. Bold is an apt description.

Nancy Thompson said...

Yes x5! I love Jerry Cantrell, of course, I'm an AIC groupie/lover/fanatic!!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Of course you're an awesome author, Alex. No surprise there!

I'm reviewing CassaFirE for C.

Christopher Hudson said...

Somebody knows more about the blogging world than you do? I gotta check that out.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I love the idea of bold bloggers. I'll be checking them out for sure.

Patricia Stoltey

Julie Dao said...

Great word! And I recently "met" Huntress, who is very nice!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I don't know how you get to all the ones you do comment on. You're amazing. Bold is an excellent word. I wish I were bolder! Or is it more bold? I don't want to be a boulder.

Play off the Page

Gwen Gardner said...

Oh, I met Huntress in the Platform-Building Campaign but haven't gotten the chance to know her. Thanks for the heads-up - I'll go pay a visit.

Gossip_Grl said...

LOL I can imagine all the hosts. I had a hard time keeping up to all my fave's yesterday. :) I no sooner read and 10 more were waiting. It was like Blog Olympics. Wish I could plug that into my daily workout :)

Emily R. King said...

I need to rewatch Momento. It blew my mind. My husband didn't get it, so I spent the next hour explaining it to him. Yeah, I'll probably be watching it alone this time. :)

Anonymous said...

A bounty on your comment? How interesting.

Have an awesome day!


Julia Phillips Smith said...

Enjoyed today's 'bold' links - I'll check out your recommendations.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Have not seen Momento. A bounty on your comments, that's super cool ;)

Wendy Tyler Ryan said...

I don't think I was in the right frame of mind when I saw Memento. I should probably re-watch it.

Charles Gramlich said...

I wanna read that Jerry Cantrell.

Precy Larkins said...

I bow to you. More than a 100 blogs a day?!? Ok, you're not from another planet, are you? (since you already said you don't have clones.) :D

D.G. Hudson said...

Alex - you do what you can; that's the conflict in popularity. The more popular you are, the more time it takes to give back to that crowd.

Oh well, we're writers, we'll survive! Sniff, sniff.

Enjoying your posts!

Tonja said...

I love your theme - perfect for you. No worries on not getting to everyone.

Kela McClelland said...

Haven't seen Memento, maybe I should check it out. Having fun with the challenge. I've found all sorts of awesome blogs.

Yes I'm mad at the Ninja-try harder! No just kidding. You're awesome :)

Thank you for mentioning me :D

Nate Wilson said...

Okay, what sort of ninja can only visit 200 blogs in a day? Jeez. (Luckily, I'm not a ninja, so I can get by on 15-20.)

But 27 tracks of top-notch Cantrell? I believe I must partake. And as for Memento, mlif citsatnaf a ylurt si ti!

Now... where was I?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, glad you're having fun!

Michelle, thank you.

Heather, yes!

Clarissa, thanks.

Hart, watch it! And I saw your link on the list this morning.

Farawsy, I am trying.

Annalisa, that's funny.

Mina, thank you.

Guilie, wasn't that way in high school, that's for sure.

Thanks, Miranda.

Tasha, that's a good plan.

Michael, that's an awesome theme.

Nancy, we are posting for the IWSG!

Michael, I did comment and gave Rusty more points.

Nancy, you rock!

Donna, thank you!!

Mary, that made me laugh.

Gossip Girl, I didn't feel like I was making any progress yesterday as the posts just kept appearing.

Thanks, everyone!

Anonymous said...

MEMENTO stopped me in my tracks. Literally. Love it very much.

Unknown said...

I think I have the advantage of being the first person in Portugal to know about certain movies. Nobody, but nobody, has even heard of Memento here. I'm FIRST!!!! LOL -thanks Alex.

Jaycee DeLorenzo said...

Bold works for me!

cleemckenzie said...

Haven't seen Momento. Not yet. Maybe after this A to Z Blogging has ended. Making headway, but getting around to blogs keeps me busy.

Julie Flanders said...

Loved Memento, what a fabulous movie.

And Huntress definitely has a great blog, I always enjoy my visits there. I don't know how you hosts are keeping up, I'm already feeling overwhelmed just trying to keep up with my favorites. You're doing an awesome job! said...

I'm so honored that you've made time to drop by during the challenge, Alex. We know you're only human. Or are you? Regardless, I appreciate you.


M Pax said...

Alice in Chains is a good band. I really like Man in a Box.

Sarah Ahiers said...

LOVE me some Alice in Chains! Nusthell is one of my favorite songs of all times, and i have a soft spot for Them Bones.

Jay Noel said...

Big Nolan fan here. Wonder what he's going to do with Man of Steel. So far, I've been happy with what I've heard and the casting. I hope they do Superman it hasn't been right since Christopher Reeve's Superman 2.

Wow. You are a busy ninja.

Brianna said...

Visiting 100-140 blogs a day! How do you do that? I'm lucky to visit a handful.
That's the biggest challenge to me with A-Z is finding time to visit new blogs while keeping up with the 'old' ones. Not to mention having to write posts, comments and reply to comments - it's enough to make me run around like a chicken with its head cut off, pardon the well-used and rather disturbing expression ;)

Brianna @
BibleBloggers (#510 on the A-Z list)
and @
1st Writes (My Writer's Group Blog, #517 on the A-Z list)
and finally @
Pocketful of Playdough (My regular Blog, not on the A-Z list)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joshua, it was an awesome movie.

Susan, good for you!

Julie, we are trying.

Robyn, I'll always make time for you.

Mary and Sarah, they rock!

Jay, no it hasn't. I have faith in Nolan though.

Brianna, that's how I feel!

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Memento slipped right pass me but I'm aware now and must see it. Bold is a great tribute for anyone. That is one special lady. No one can accuse you of being a non-commentor Alex and I never feel lighted if I don't see your name in the comment section on my blog.

Susan Oloier said...

Memento was an incredible movie!

Laura Diamond said...

I really liked Memento. Don't often like seeing the ending at the beginning of the film, but this one managed to pull of the trick splendidly!

k~ said...

I like the way you have set your blogs up for the A-Z Challenge. Not that you might notice, but I am following along with your 1400+ followers (just one of the crowd) because I liked what I saw while I was here. Thanks for the link to "Huntress" that's another one I am adding to my ever-growing list of blogs I like to read. \

As for Momento... I didn't like it. I am the odd ball out I'm sure, as the list of "what did you see in that movie?" grows for me exponentially and usually counters what the critics enjoyed. But there has to be some variety to tastes, or a flavourless world would cave on us all.

A-Z 2012 (#49) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Poetry
A-Z 2012 (#861) - Bloggit Write A-Z 2012 - Haiku

Cherie Reich said...

Momento looks good.

And I don't blame you one bit for not getting to everyone. It's pretty impossible unless a person has no life outside of blogs. :)

Unknown said...

Memento seriously freaked me out. Brilliant movie! And, yes, rather bold, too. ; )

Hopped over to Huntress' blog, too!

Kittie Howard said...

Congrats, Alex. You really are awesome! Your hard work helps keep Blogville smiling.

Claire Hennessy said...

Honestly, only 140 posts! Slacker! How funny you are a wanted-commenter! Have to design one of those excellent Wanted posters.

Carol Kilgore said...

Or you can make it into a game - Where in the World is Alex Today?

kate n said...

I have seen memento, was spiritually lured to it with the promise of Guy Pierce. I liked it a lot but felt there was something missing. But I am having great fun with the challenge and am glad I decided to join in. Well, it is only day 2! lol

ediFanoB said...

I must say I have now my own challenge.
I try to follow some blogs (especially Meetings with my Muse - the alliteration theme is great and Mithril Wisdom with the fantasy metal them) and to vist the blogs you present.

Jennifer Hillier said...

I'm just catching up now, but how cool is your theme? You are constantly giving back, Alex. So amazing.

Andrea said...

What a cool theme idea!

Copyboy said...

Man your A-Z challenges are the best. Read a couple of Bs today. Off to check out Huntress.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Debra, I wish I could get to everyone.

Rain, thanks, and following you back. And if we all liked the same things the world would be dull indeed.

Cherie, I do have a life!

Karen, mine's not growing much either, but no complaints.

Claire, that would be funny!

Carol, now that's an idea!!

Edi, I'll keep you busy.

Thank you, Jennifer.

Thanks, guys!!

Heather Spiva said...

Awesome!! Great post as usual.

Golden Eagle said...

Yup, I'm following her.

Definitely having fun with the Challenge! There are some awesome posts up. :) And since I finished scheduling all my posts yesterday, I can kick back and just comment.

I'm amazed at the fact you even manage over 100 blogs a day!

Nicki Elson said...

Oh my GOSH don't worry for one second about not getting around to everyone, silly Alex.

Jemi Fraser said...

Relax and don't wear yourself out! Quality counts - don't worry about the quantity!!! And have fun :)

nutschell said...

haha! Love that there's a bounty on your comment. You are so popular! I feel lucky to be one of the few you actually visit. You are a blogging ninja for sure!

Robyn Campbell said...

You cannot visit everyone. We get that. We know you try. And you are Super Man when it comes to commenting.

And I loved Memento!!!!!!!! May I just say that Christopher Nolan is soooo bodacious?!!!!!!!! I shall visit your buds. :-)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You're getting to more than double the number I'm getting around to visiting. You're still the captain.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Golden, I won't even tell you how many today...

Nutschell, I'll always visit you!

Robyn, Nolan IS the man!

Susan, I think I hit close to two hundred today...

Ella said...

A bounty on our Captain...whoah...
I now want to go watch "Memento" again~
Impressive as always! I rode some miles for you, today ;D

I love Alice in Chains~
Fun post! I want a clone, lol
We all can do only our best~ I'm trying to add to my dailies and I'm behind on two poetry sites commenting. That is life...

Jessica thought I had the shortest post today, but I went back and changed it! We have to B positive

Jinky said...

Memento was awesome!!!! What a thoughtful theme ..great idea to spotlight bloggers. --Yeap, definitely having fun with the challenge ..thanks for co-hosting.

Chuck said...

Alex, you can read my C post to get my take on AIC. Thanks for the tip on Cantrell's effort...I love his writing and music. As for Momento I have really wanted to watch this movie and then for some reason get sidetracked. I have to go pull it out and set it on the table for the next movie night.

SpacerGuy said...

I guess you're boldly blogging where no blogger has blogged before, hehe.

Li said...

I "met" Huntress yesterday :-) memento was a great movie, one that my son categorizes as a "thinker".

Unknown said...

Saw the movie Momento. Love it-fast paced show stopper. I just starting following Huntress. Thanks for another great post!

Sharkbytes said...

Momento was awesome. I just signed on to the A-Z challenge, nearly at the last minute, but I'm trying to visit every blog at least once.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I have no idea how you can visit so many blogs in one day, Alex! You must be cloned or something else no one has yet heard of!

It's amazing!

Mary Montague Sikes

Susan Fields said...

I did see Memento and you're right - pull out the big brain for that one!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ella, I noticed you'd added a lot more!

Jinky, glad you're having a good time.

Chuck, look forward to your post then. And get with it man - watch Memento!

Sharkbytes, welcome!!

Monti, no clones - I swear!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

I absolutely love Memento. It's one of the craziest, most brilliantly original films in the history of cinema. Glad you mentioned it.

Briane said...

Holy mackerel -- 143 comments as I leave this. You are a busy man and have a lot of followers.

Which makes it all the more impressive that you took the time to help out Rusty and give him 500 points. You earned 500 for yourself:

and I've put your books into the mix as weekly prizes. If you're too busy to comment (I understand) you could gift your points to someone else; at the Standings page are all kinds of other people who could use the boost -- or Andrew Leon might pay you handsomely for them.

I only just decided that you can give points; the rules of the Blogathon are pretty much always in flux.

Thanks again for commenting. As for the B Is For Bold post -- Memento was a rare gem of a movie, one that managed to pull together 2 or 3 tricks and wrap them into something that felt so new, I've never forgotten it.

Your others, I don't know -- but I'll check them out.

Rena Lesué said...

Favorite Sci-fi writer of all time: Lois McMaster Bujold. If only I could create a character as amazingly stunted yet enormous as Miles Vorkosigan. Now that is a bold writer.

Following you now.

Donna Smith said...

Bold - Memento was certainly a bold move in movies. It was so intriguing! But aren't most bold things? Loved it.

Anonymous said...

I listen to Alice in Chains.

I love Memento. I saw it twice and would love to see it again. The way the story unfolds backwards is fascinating.

LynNerdKelley said...

"Huntress at Spirit Called" sounds awesome. Love that title. Very cool. Congrats on being selected as one of Kela's Awesome Authors. And how funny that there's a 500-point bounty on your comment! LOL! Let us know how that goes. Not to worry, Alex, if you can't make all the rounds. I thought you must have super powers to visit all the blogs you do, so it's good to know you're a regular human who puts out tons of effort. Enjoy the A-Z.

TL Conway said...

Thank you for proving you're made of the same organic goo as the rest of us. You're only human, Alex. And I'm pretty sure you have a life outside of the internet. Go live it!

In the meantime, we'll be here sharing in the awesomesauseness that is Momento.

Michael Di Gesu said...

I know I am number 150 whatever, but I still had to drop in on the Ninja Captain...

All Hail... lol.

Thanks for your friendship and support Alex.

Leslie S. Rose said...

MEMENTO rules. I think I watched it three times in two days. You have me intrigued with Degredation Trip. iTunes here I come. Happy A to Z. I'm bravin' the alpha waters as well.

Carrie Butler said...

Great theme, Alex! You certainly have my respect. :)

Unknown said...

More greatness to add to my every growing list of things to watch and read :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

George, it is just awesome!

Briane, when I saw Rusty's post, I sent a message to Michael saying we needed to do it! Thanks for the points. I'm sure Andrew will offer handsomely for those. And Memento is sheer genius.

Thanks, Rena!

Lynn, I am trying my best! And Rusty collected his 500 points for my comment.

TL, I am human!

Michael, always appreciate your comments.

Thanks, guys!

quilly said...

I grew overwhelmed when my daily blogging demands grew to reading and leaving thoughtful comments on 40 entries per day. I am just back from taking almost a year off. How do you keep this schedule and lead your normal life, too?

Karen M. Peterson said...

Just the other day, I was telling someone to watch Memento. Great movie!

ali cross said...

Ooh MEMENTO! I haven't seen that one! Thanks!