Thursday, March 8, 2012

CassaFire Tour Day Nine, IWSG, Ninja News, Movie Trivia

Two more days to party. Can you stand the heat? If not, sorry, I probably added too many Hot Tamales.

Today’s stop is with Damyanti at Daily Writes

I met her last year during the second A to Z Challenge. She wrote a piece of flash fiction for every letter and then composed it all into a book called the A to Z Stories. I was so impressed! She really gave her all to the Challenge. And this year she is one of the co-hosts. I also call her Damy, since that’s what used to show up when she left a comment, and I really hope she doesn’t mind…

For this stop, I explained why critique partners rock - visit Damyanti HERE

Don’t forget that everyone who comments here on my blog over the next two weeks will be entered to win this cool prize package from my publisher. So be sure to comment every single day!

Insecure Writer’s Support Group

Wow, once again your posts for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! were amazing. I’m not even halfway through the list. And I apologize to everyone that I haven’t visited yet! Not sure why I selected a Wednesday, since we tend to have meetings at work every Wednesday morning. But I will try to visit all the newcomers to the IWSG. So glad you could join this awesome family. And thank you for your comments here. They made everything I’ve gone through all worthwhile!

Ninja News

Thanks to everyone who visited my stop with Lee yesterday!

I was asked to be a part of a huge science fiction conference – details tomorrow. Headliners include Timothy Zhan and Bruce Campbell!

My buddy George at Cinemarvellous is celebrating his birthday Friday! And he’s posting his top twenty favorite movies of 2011 to celebrate. No one reviews movies like George and he knows his stuff. Please go wish him a happy birthday!

Angela Felsted is offering her book Scarred for free until Friday. You can download it HERE Thank you, Angela!

Rick’s book, Tainted Blood, is now available for the Kindle. Congratulations, Rick!

 Trivia answers from Wednesday:

1 – “Turning Japanese” 1980’s The Vapors
2 – “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm” 1993 Crash Test Dummies
3 – “Axel F” 1984 Harold Faltermeyer
4 – “Turn up the Radio” 1985 Autograph

Trivia Questions – Movies again!

Quotes – name the movie:

1 – “I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sitting on the porch with my family, singing and dancing.”

2 – “They don’t advertise for killers in the newspaper. That was my profession. Ex-cop…”

3 – “Where are you going, Mr. Fat Jack?”

4 – “Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!”

Are you still laughing that I could offer any writing tips? Were you moved by the posts for the IWSG? Get yesterday’s trivia right? How about today? Last chance!!!

Now, go visit the awesome Damyanti!



The party is nearly over and I have really enjoyed it.

Here's to the next part?


Rek Sesh said...

Now you can take a breather and sit back and enjoy the drum rolls.
Till April at least.
Will check out Angela's book.

Ciara said...

I'm not going to be on internet long but I'll do my best to hop over to Damyanti. Thanks for another great IWSG. It was a great day.

Anne Gallagher said...

Read the article at Damynati's. It's always good to have someone at your back.

We don't need no stinkin' badges, is a line my brother used to say all the time. But I'm so old now, I can't remember which movie it's from.

Laura Pauling said...

That's awesome you were asked to be part of a big conference! you'll do great. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, one more day...

Rek, and April is fast approaching.

Ciara, it was awesome!

Anne, I was hoping you'd see it! I think that line came from two movies but I don't remember the older movie either.

Unknown said...

For you, Alex, IWSG probably fills an entire week!

Love the A-Z stories idea; maybe that'll be my theme for next year :)

Will said...

I can't get a single reference, and I'm a little embarassed about the "...badges..." one. Glad you've had such a great party, and sorry that I missed so much of it. I'll head over to Damyanti's tout suite.

Donna Shields said...

Great party so far! You've been a very busy man. Party on. You certainly deserve it.

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

Timothy Zhan is a great guy. I met him at Tuscon a few years back. Tuscon is Tucson, Arizona's, local con and it's been going on for 38 years and counting! Find out more at

Cons are great. Living in Spain now I don't get to attend many, but I'm hoping to attend Eastercon in London this year.

Rusty Carl said...

1) The Jerk?
I feel like I should not #4... it's killing me. But I've got nothing.

Anywho. On a panel at a con? Awesome. As a podcast junkie I get to listen to tons of con panels. I hope to hear you on one.

Huntress said...

The Jerk is #1.

*scurrying off to check the sites*

Leigh Caron said...

I'm enjoying the party and I'll head over to her blog now. Party ON!

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

Good luck on all you're doing. It'll pay off in the end.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

ninja... really tired?

great stuff!

trivia... is a great memory... he hates those cans.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jamie, it does! Most of the time, I just can't visit everyone.

Sean, Zahn is one of my favorite authors so it would be awesome to meet him!

Rusty, you got one. Didn't know you were a podcast junkie though.

Huntress, yes!

Richard, I hope so. I'm way behind on visiting everyone that has visited me.

Jeremy, Ninja very tired...

Liza said...

Heading over!

Anonymous said...

now you can relax and reap the rewards of all your hard work alex.x

Old Kitty said...

Crash Test Dummies!!! The buggers! LOL!! they're the ones!

Yay! Take care

Matthew MacNish said...

Now I want to watch The Jerk.

Unknown said...

What an honor to be asked to be part of a conference! Congratulations :-)

The Angry Lurker said...

1 – “I was born a poor black child. I remember the days, sitting on the porch with my family, singing and dancing.”
The Jerk.

2 – “They don’t advertise for killers in the newspaper. That was my profession. Ex-cop…”
Blade Runner.

3 – “Where are you going, Mr. Fat Jack?”

4 – “Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!”
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre or Blazing Saddles I suppose!

Julie Dao said...

I'm sad I couldn't take part in the A to Z blogfest this time around, but will def keep my eyes peeled for the next one!

Tonja said...

The Jerk was on tv really late the other night - I stayed up late watching it. Love Steve Martin. :)

Angela said...

Thank you, Alex!

I think it's great that Damy turned her A-Z blog challenge into a book. That's inspiration for you!

Budd said...

1. the jerk
2. Naked Gun
3. ?
4. Troop Beverly Hills (not the first or most well known, but the most recently watched).

Leigh Covington said...

My movie trivia is pathetic. I know the last one I've heard. Can't remember where from but I know that quote! The rest, I'm lost on! *sigh* Don't tell, okay? :)

Anonymous said...

Steve Martin from The Jerk for number one (just watched part of it the other day) and Blazing Saddles for number four. Don't recall the other two. Okay, its off to Damyanti's I go!

Suze said...

'I was asked to be a part of a huge science fiction conference – details tomorrow.'


And no. 1 is 'The Jerk.' :)

Nancy Thompson said...

Your advice on critique partners is spot on. I have several I go to & they've helped improve both my writing & my story while becoming great friends. I'd be nowhere without them. My very first CP was mean & awful & I almost quit afterwards, but he was also right & I actually learned a lot from him, including how to pick better CPs!

D.G. Hudson said...

I only can guess at two trivia Q.

#2 - Natural Born Killers?

#4 - was that from The Good, The Bad and the Ugly? (Eli Wallach said 'stinking' everything in that movie, a lot. Or was it Reservoir Dogs?) A good substitute when you can't find the right swear word.

Keep it going, Alex. What a great opportunity to be asked to join a sci-fi conference! Please do tell us more. Will check out Damyanti.

Copyboy said...

Checking her out in a non creepy way.

1 – The Jerk

2 – Something with Burt Reynolds?

3 – Splash

4 – Blazing Saddles

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lurker, got three, and I pulled the quote from the latter.

Julie, the A to Z is still coming up, but if you mean the IWSG, next one is April 4.

Angela, you're welcome!

Budd, you got the first one.

Stephen, you got both.

Thanks, Suze!

Nancy, well at least you learned something!

DG, sorry! Answers tomorrow. And thanks!

Copyboy, first and last are right.

Anonymous said...

You mean I have to wait two more days to party??? oh man, oh man.

Good luck. Let me know if you need help with anything! :)

TerryLynnJohnson said...

wow you've been busy! I'm just catching up on all the parties going on here!
I recognize those movie lines! But dont know the movies.

Gina Gao said...

This is a really cool blog. I really enjoy reading what you have to say.

Jennie Bennett said...

I always love IWSG, even if I can't participate it's nice to know I'm not alone in my misgivings :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

You've been so busy! Hope you'll be able to take a little time to take it easy soon.

I'm doing terrible with the trivia questions...

Christopher Hudson said...

Gotta answer number #4: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre ... long story for this, perhaps I'll tell you over a beer someday.

Cindy said...

I'm impressed by Damyanti and will have to visit her blog. I really need to do that A to Z challenge.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Melanie, more Hot Tamales would be good...

JA, you should!

Christopher, it came from that movie as well, but I quoted a later film.

Cindy, join us! You'll feel left out if you don't...

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

Zahn and I had a great conversation on Science fiction until we were interrupted by a guy in a Jedi costume. Occupational hazard, I guess.

Christine Rains said...

A huge con with Bruce Campbell?! I'm green with jealousy. Can't wait to hear the details.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, my birthday is not today, it's on March 9. I guess it was a misunderstanding. Part 1 of my list is already posted. :)

Tara Tyler said...

the jerk! and the rest are so easy, but not coming to me...

so glad you are doing so well!

Leovi said...

Yes, I have visited Damyanti, an interesting place.

Unknown said...

Participating in a sci fi con with Bruce Campbell! OMG he is only one of my all-time ultimate fave people. I think I have seen just about every movie has done and then some. I cannot wait to hear the deets on this one. And Timothy Zahn, holy guacamole!

Man I remember that Axel song, but I just could never ever remember the guy's name.

The IWSG has been bar none one of the best things ever created.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

You know, you're the Ninja Captain and master of the helm of the Insecure Writers' Support Group. You could change it to another day, and I am sure all your friends would switch to help you out!

I am going off to your next interview! High sales, Roland

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, tomorrow!!

George, sorry! Oh well, take the early birthday wishes.

Tara, you got it.

Melissa - I know!! Total awesome. And really good to hear that about the IWSG.

Roland, I just need to figure what to do when it falls on July 4th.

Morgan said...

Comment. Comment. Comment.

Must win. Must win. Must win.


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Oh wow, that's brilliant about the scifi conference!!! How exciting!!

Laura said...

Have downloaded Angela's book -thanks for the heads up! Can't wait to hear more about the conference.

BTW - the Cinemarvelous link's not working
Off to visit Damyanti

Are you gonna have a huge tamali hangover from this massive party or what?!

Unknown said...

Will check out Damyanti, Loved that crazy Steve Martin Movie, can't remember the name though. It was made in the late 70,s :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Morgan, you are determined!

Lynda, I was surprised!

Laura, I'll fix his link. And yes, I'm going to crash this weekend and give myself a Tamales hangover.

Siv, you know it!

M Pax said...

Cool on the sci-fi convention.

Marta Szemik said...

That's exciting news about the conference. Congrats!

ediFanoB said...

Of course I left a comment over at Damyanti's blog.

Alex, I think I know about which conference you will post tomorrow. You received a mail from someone I know ... :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Edi, yes you know!

Mark said...

No worriess I fully admit I'm at least a day or two behind each time we have Insecure Writer's Days, but I always post it sooner or later:)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

One more day and you'll be two weeks into this, Alex! You are inexhaustible!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love Bruce Campbell!

Third quote is from Splash.

Golden Eagle said...

That's great news about the conference! :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Can't wait to hear about the scifi event. Hard to believe, but once again, I don't know the answers to any of the trivia.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Whew man, what an excitin' whirlwind you've been on. It's time to sit back an reap the benefits of your talented labors.

....and breathe...just breathe!!!

God bless and have a relaxin' evenin' Man!!! :o)

Brinda said...

That is very cool about the flash fiction in an A-Z book!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mark, that's all that matters!

Michael, and the day after that I'm going to drop dead.

Diane, yes it is.

Cherie Reich said...

Can't wait to hear more about your awesome conference news!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I can't believe how much I missed in just 2 days! Thanks for the tip on Angela's book. I can't wait to read it when things slow down. I also have to catch up on your interviews. Just take care of yourself Alex. Oh and I knew the first answer from my candy girl days! Julie

Jemi Fraser said...

Exciting news about the conference! Awesome! :)

the first answer is Steve Martin - I've always loved that line! I THINK the movie was the Jerk... right???

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Cherie, I guarantee it will surprise you...

Julie, a lot happens around here! And my book is finally available for the Nook.

Jemi, you are right!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

You are amazing! Exciting news about a conference. Will look forward to hearing all about it.


Shannon Lawrence said...

I stopped absorbing anything new after you said Bruce Campbell! COOL!

1. The Jerk?
4. I think that's been said in a few, so I don't know if I'm saying the original, but Blazing Saddles? They say it in Troop Beverly Hills, too.

Off to visit Damyanti!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

Donna K. Weaver said...

There were some great posts, Alex. You're right there!

Debra Harris-Johnson said...

Congrats on the party and being asked to the conference. You are in the big league now Alex my friend said...

Steve Martin's delivery of that line (#1 above) was one of the most humorous moments in cinematic history - in my humble, non-movie goer's opinion.


Ella said...

I was moved by the IWSG posts still working my way through the lists. I am enjoying the party ; )

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Sarah said...

Congrats on the book release, hope the party's a blast!

Anonymous said...

I've been reading the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! posts. They rock.

I'll check out the link.

Have a fantastic weekend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - that's great about the Conference .. such wonderful news - and now that will be fun ... cheers and have a very happy weekend .. Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, that's funny! You got two.

Robyn, it was funny!

Ella, they were really amazing this week.

Thank you, everyone!

Patricia Stoltey said...

The conference sounds cool!

Dafeenah said...

You amaze me how you manage to crank out posts, write multiple best selling novels, visit AND comment on people's blogs plus hold a day job. I get exhausted just thinking about it. I've been super busy this week and not able to get around to visiting blogs. As per usual though I don't know a single answer to your trivia questions lol

anthony stemke said...

The only one I'm positive about is The stinkin' badges one. From The Treasure of Sierra Madre.

Chuck said...

I am late to this party since I had no internet time last night. I think I will miss this CassaFire Tour when it ends! But I hope I can score some swag from Lemur!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dafeenah, some days it's not easy, but I'm always trying.

Anthony, originally yes! I went with the Blazing Saddles version.

Chuck, you'll find out Monday.