And if you missed it, Rachel Morgan won the A to Z Challenge Video contest. Congratulations, Rachel! You can watch her entry HERE.
The iPad 3
For those with the iPad 2, the difference between the two probably doesn’t warrant an upgrade. (I like the latest, greatest geek toys, so I got it!) If you have the first iPad though, you’ll definitely want the new one.
The iPad 3’s processor is faster. The video and camera have improved. Biggest improvement is in the picture quality – I can really see a difference.
I did get something really cool for my iPad a few weeks ago. There are effects pedals you can hook up to your amp and change the sound of your guitar. These run $50 and higher. Well, a few weeks ago I purchased a special pedal that hooks up to your iPad, and from there you can go into the app store and purchase individual effects for $5-10 each. (I downloaded the metal one first – does that surprise you?) Now instead of paying almost $1000 for several different pedals, it will cost me less that $200.
And no, I haven’t blown any windows yet. However, my amp doesn’t just go to eleven, it goes to twelve!
Guest Post Question
How do you guys handle guest posts?
My guest post guidelines are listed on a tabbed page under my header HERE. I’ve learned what appeals to my followers and the guidelines reflect that. But I’m also selective. Any follower can ask for a mention during a Ninja News update. Blogger buddies (those that comment regularly) are invited to do guest posts. Outside of that, the answer is no. And here’s why:
My followers have taken the time to follow me, and for that I am grateful. You deserve consideration before any outside source. (And I don’t do ads, although I am asked several times a week.)
Those of you who visit and comment on a regular basis are taking time out of your busy day to come see me. I really appreciate that! And since I’ve made so many really good friends here, I want to share those people with my other blogging friends through guest posts.
My blogging schedule is as such that I average about thirteen posts a month. Hopefully you like hearing from me now and then (just say yes) so I try to limit guest posts to about four a month.
As for guest posts of mine on other blogs, I also try to limit that to no more than four a month, coinciding with days I post so I can promote it. (Win-win for both of us.)
Hopefully that sounds fair to everyone. My Ninja Army comes first because you guys are my friends! And currently, I’m booked into July. Scary, huh?
Did you see Rachel’s winning video? Any questions about the iPad 3? And how do you juggle guest posts? Does my policy sound fair?
I think your guest post policy is perfect! I haven't tried guest blogging, or asking other people to guest on my blog yet, but it is something I will do in the future. :D
Well that was a pretty amazing video! Tres cool! I love people with great imaginations and the happy piano music will be tinkling my own ivories all day!
Kyra, good - I don't want it to sound snobbish.
Cathy, she did really well with that video.
I saw your post at 5 this morning, but it said 530. AND it wouldn't let me post a comment...weird.
Anyway-I haven't seen the video yet, but I was planning on checking it out.
I don't get the hype about iPads. I have never messed with one though, so maybe I will one day and change my mind.
I don't juggle guest posts. Maybe I should...IDK, but I do think your policy sounds perfectly fine. :)
I can see why you are booked up through July for guests. You are a very popular guy!! Your policy sounds great to me. I try to limit my guests numbers to one a week. Sometimes I deviate from that, but it seems like a workable plan so far. I have the iPad 1 and 2, so I'll probably take a pass on this one. It sounds like you are having some nice, loud fun with it.
Your policy seems perfectly fair to me, Alex.
I ORDER you to give me a guest post slot. NOW. ;o) You're being fair, Alex. There is only so much you can do in a 24 hour day!!!
Your policy sounds great. I agree that you don't want too many guest posts because you already have such great content that people come back to read. Awesome you're booked through July.
I mostly interview authors and I'm booked through most of the year already though I will blog an extra day if I need to for a good interview and book giveaway I think my readers will like.
The new iPad 3 looks incredible, but it's still not available here.
I just realized I have only one guest post on my blog, it's by the lovely Melissa. Am I selfish or what?!
Your policy is good. I'm impressed you have one. I've got nothing.
Question about iPad 3 - I've heard it's so good, its actually better than the iPad 4 will be... your thoughts?
Good stuff all around.
I think that's a decent and fair policy! My hubs has been bugging me to buy a 'tablet' - he's hesitating between the ipad or the samsung. I told him if he wanted to invest 500euros in something- he could invest it in my self publishing one of my books;)
That is a very fair policy and I love your reasons why.
As for tech... I have a flip phone that does not text, I work from a desk top PC that is about 4 years old and I still watch VHS tapes. I would love to upgrade, but every time I try to, there's the dentist, the mechanic, the doctor, hospital, etc. It's a conspiracy to keep me down. The Universe clearly knows I'd be taking over the world if I had access to the right tech. ;)
I love your policies. I think you're more than fair. I do the same thing. I don't want to have some random poster want to get there name out when I have several buddies who deserve a shout out and they've worked hard coming back day after day to show their support.
As for iPads, I still haven't even tried one! Maybe I'm afraid I'll get so addicted I'll jump from one to another and I can't afford that kind of addiction.
Your guest policy sounds very fair.
I thought of you when the new iPad came out. :)
What do you do with your old iPads? *cough cough* If, say, I happened to be in the general neighborhood of your streetside curb (let's say, sometime around garbage day...), would I stumble upon a slightly worn iPad up for grabs?
This is totally a theoretical question. Totally.
Would love ANY iPad. don't think the 3 is available in my neck of the ocean yet.
Your policy seems fair and sound. I have met some amazing new people through 'guest posts' but mostly I visit a site because I want to visit that person.
Kela, that is strange. And once you play with an iPad, you'll understand.
Jessica, all right!
George, no, that's just the style of your blog.
Rusty, that's too deep a thought for this early in the morning...
Katie, that's funny! Go iPad - biggest platform.
Melissa, we've been warned...
Jen, you said it better than I did!
I take almost an opposite guest posting approach. I tend to avoid being a guest on other blogs, but then again I don't have a book or anything of that nature to promote. I'll do it when asked, but I'm not putting myself out there either.
Only for certain blogger friends will I host a tour stop, but usually when approached I'll do it. For the most part I'll reach out to bloggers that are new to me who have something that I think might be new to my audience. I try to find different voices and bring them into the community that I'm a closer to.
Overall, I'd rather host a guest than be a guest. I say too many off the wall weird things that are probably best confined to my own site.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Your posting guidelines seem thoughtful. And yes, I like to read YOU Alex.
Did you see Rachel’s winning video? - No!! Shame on me!!!
Any questions about the iPad 3? - There's an iPad3?!?!
And how do you juggle guest posts?
Does my policy sound fair? Yes!
Take care
Like a lot of other commenters I like your blog post policy.
I must admit I don't have one.
I don't own any I-products and I don't miss them.
The iPad 3 looks cool. I'm waiting until we can inject a chip into our brains so we can be totally hands-free.
Sort of.
Congratulations to Rachel for winning the video challenge - it was pure awesomeness!
Thank you for sharing Alex! :)
regarding the IPad: what is the difference between it and the Amazon Fire? *no yelling,please*
Teresa, you knew I'd get one!
Bryan, my goal is an iPad in every room in the house!
Faraway, exactly.
Lee, I don't think you're off the wall.
Thank you, Liza!
Kitty, I read your blog for YOU! And Charlie of course.
Liz, are you joking?
I'm not quite on your level yet, sir, so I have no real guest posting guidelines set in stone. As far as upgrading to the iPad3, I knew they'd becoming out with a new on that was only marginally better, so this is why I had the back of my iPad2 engraved with Nerd, to avoid the lure of the new upgrade too soon. Headed out to watch Rachel's winning video now.
Your guidelines are fair.
I had been wondering if the iPad 3 was much different than the iPad 2. Since it isn't much different I may either wait to get it or just wait for a newer model.
I see the need for blogging guidelines for guests and used to have them but dropped them and let guests do whatever they want.
I try to keep a G-rated blog and for the most part am successful. Melissa from Melissa's Imaginarium recently broke my code with a post Sex in Space, but did so in a manner was not crude. Other than that all I ask is people keep it clean.
Amazing what the iPad can do for musicians. Great things come in small packages. Wifey has the 3G and now wants the new iPad. Rick on, my friend. Rock on.
That does sound like a fair policy. I need to rethink mine; I have guidelines on my blog, but I accept only a sliver of posts from people I don't know. Most requests from those I am not acquainted with are wanting some kind of blatant advertising and that's just not what I want my blog to reflect. Good food for thought, Alex!
of course you are fair, oh wise master!
when i think of a unique topic, i will ask you to guest post on mine... this summer maybe =)
Makes sense to me, Alex! It's hard to say no to people sometimes, but at the same time, you need to make sure to respect the people who drop by to visit you. I try to keep mine to about two or three a month. It's all about balance.
Your guest post policy sounds totally fair! No questions about the iPad 3 . . . wish I had gotten an iPad instead of a KindleFire . . but what I have works. And I'll go see that video now. Congrats on being booked through July!
I've done a couple of guest posts on other blogs, but not had anyone come to mine yet. As I start to consider te direction of my blog - while keeping the tone the same - I'm wondering if that might be a good thing to encourage. I wouldn't have anything like the number of requests you must have, Alex, so I'd probably work on a blogger by blogger basis and hope for the best!
Have you had any issues with the iPad getting hot? I heard that a lot of people are having that problem with the new one.
I think I hit a new level in blogging. Lately I've had strangers emailing me asking to freelance on my blog. Doesn't even make sense. Although they're probably just fishing scams, like they'd need my social security number in order to write a guest post. :)
Also, TWELVE rocks! Er, literally.
You do such great posts that you don't need guests. I, on the other hand, figure folks get tired of mine. I don't go out and seek guest posters, though, but welcome them when they ask. Unless they're clearly spam.
I think your rules are more than fair. Now, totally unrelated to your post--
I have to say kudos to you for CassaFire. Sadly, I haven't read CassaStar yet, but you did such a great job starting this second book that I don't feel lost. That's a great talent. I'd probably have finished already if I had more than 10 minutes to myself each day.
Sounds like a fair policy to me! I've been hosting more guest posters than I have been serving as guest poster :)
I did see Rachel's video, it was cute.
Why do you have steak, potatoes and haricot verts in your sidebar?
"Now instead of paying almost $1000 for several different pedals, it will cost me less that $200."
And I imagine the pedal board will take up much less space. :)
My biggest question about the iPad3 is how to get one without selling my soul :-)
Checking out Rachel's video...
And I love your guest post policy. More than fair!
Rachel really deserves that win, doesn't she? Do you know I actually thought you wrote your posts at 5.30 - I know they arrive amazingly early, even for BST. And finally, now you have your new pedals, have you lost any neighbors?
I really liked Rachel's video. It was well planned and original I think. Your rules seem fair to me. I am hosting my first guest post in May. Michael Offutt will be talking about his new book.
You have gotten to know your followers better than most, Alex, and I would guess that's because you take the time to read and comment to each person, or so it appears.
I come here to read YOU, but I will check out a guest post. My experience was less than pleasant the last time I guest posted. When the voice of the guest blog is too different, followers send a message. Not everyone was raised with manners.
Thank you, Alex for 'owning' your blog and for managing it so well. I see too many blogs that owners have diluted since they have guest bloggers and interviews too frequently. I didn't follow them for that. I want to know what they have to say, even if they do it LESS frequently.
That's probably more than two cents worth of IMO.
Huntress, I'll have to send you a list - they are apples to oranges.
Joshua and Jeremy, just wait for version 4.
Thank you, Karen!
Karen, good for you.
Thanks, Tara.
TS, hadn't noticed overheating...
LG, those are a big NO.
Charity, thanks! So glad you're enjoying it.
Suze, it was some kind of award...
Hector, one is better than a dozen.
Dawn, nothing is worth selling that!
Susan, not yet...
I always wondered what the difference between the iPad generations were. I have a Macbook Pro so I never even thought about getting an iPad, aren't they pretty much the same thing?
First off, congrats to Rachel! Wahoo!!!
And I think your policy is more than fair. I think I need to come up with more of a schedule than a policy when it comes to guest posting and advertising things for some awesome bloggers out there. I hosted interviews and guest posts in February and actually enjoyed having my blog invaded by bloggers people haven't had the opportunity to meet yet, so I'm thinking I gotta make that a regular thing.
As for limiting the amount of guest posts I do in a month, that sounds like a good idea. But, um... I have a hard time saying no. Lol.
First, I have to say I am jealous that you have the iPad 3, but maybe it's a good thing that I have not been able to buy 1 or 2, so now I can get the better one. I will not get the pedals, but will send my son a link to your post. He just started playing guitar after years of keyboard, and is also a geek into all kinds of gadgets.
As to guest blogging and your policy. Right on. It's your blog and you set the rules. I do have guests on my blog regularly. Some are authors promoting books, but I do ask for a blog that is not just a book promo. I also have a couple of funny and wise friends who share columns with me on my blog. I am often at someone else's blog once or twice a month. I like to blog about my cats, so I am frequently a guest at Buried Under Books letting folks know the latest from the felines.
I've never hosted a guest post. Don't think anyone would be interested. Though I'd love to be a host. Conversely, I've never done a guest post for the same reason. Who'd be interested in hearing from me on someone else's blog? (Though someone did just ask to be the first to interview me during my book tour.). Perhaps as I get closer to my releases date I'll give it a try. I might consider hitting you up for a little mention though, considering you're the one who inspired me to go the route I did. No pressure though. I'm pretty low key. And yeah, I tune in here to see you & prefer if you're the one posting.
Amazing video!
Guest posts aren't something I've tackled yet but I love reading everyone else's.
Very cool about the pedals :) I've been hearing the new iPad gets hotter than the older versions. Stay cool!
Excellent video. Congrats to Rachel.
Cool on the pedals. I'll be listening for you here on the left coast :)
I get approached, too. By the Christian dating folks. I got tired of saying no, so don't answer any more. I have the guidelines on my blog, too. I offer spots a lot as I'm wandering around the blogs. I suppose that's how I get most of my guests. I think I need to update my guidelines a little.
My creative writing students are using the iPad 2 this semester, and it's working out well. The only issue so far has been BANDWIDTH.
I think you have a great guest post system down, Alex. If it works, stick with it.
To be honest, I rarely read guest posts. Generally, I skip them when I see them. Maybe that's not nice, but it is what I do.
As for you being fair. I believe you are. You've got a great thing going here.
Keep up the great work.
Cheers and boogie boogie.
You do such great posts without hosting guests, but it's nice that you do!
I don't have an iPad nor any e-reader. I think I should have one eventually. Which one? I don't know.
Thanks for writing about many things!
I agree the video was great. Well deserved win. As for the guest post system - great way to keep organized and be fair!
DG, that was very well said! That's why I'm strict about my guidelines - I know what my followers like, so the closer the guest can come to that, they more everyone will enjoy it. Sorry your guest post experience didn't go so well.
Jennifer, an iPad is better than a netbook but not as powerful as a laptop. It's all about media and apps.
Cassie, so do I - that's why I'm booked into July!!
Maryann, he will dig the effects pedal!! And your cats blog about books? That I have to read!
Nancy, you know you'll get a mention here! And go ahead and do some guest posts around the time of your release. It's fun.
Carol, I hadn't noticed, but I will keep an eye on it now.
Mary, now that is just weird!!!!
Whisk, you come for the person you enjoy reading and that is fair.
Monti, go try out the iPad 3. You'll dig it. Apple doesn't hold almost 80% of the market share of tablets for nothing.
Alex, you don't sound in the least bit snobbish. As a writer and a blog owner, you have to set limits and boundaries.
I get approached by all sorts of extraneous businesses to accept guests or advertising.
My blog is set up for promoting authors and writers (two days a week). A chance to showcase a bit of who they are, not just hardsell promoting THE BOOK (which I hate).
Mondays are my personal day for blogging.
I give preference to followers and writing friends when I can, but I send out invitations to many authors. I'm usually booked at least month in advance. I also set limits on the books I accept. I have guidelines and Topic suggestions.
I don't get asked that often to be a guest except by promotion people and for conference seminars--I've not been able to do much in that direction the last year. That's about to change.
btw, I'm not letting the kid see your bit on the iPad amps and pedals, no, no, no. He can get his own when he makes the money to buy one, lol!
I have the original iPad, which already pleases me no end. My wife loves it too, though. Maybe I should get her one of her own.
Rachel did a great job on her video! I think your policy is more than fair. Glad you like the iPad 3. My husband and I share the iPad 2, though my comments often freeze up on Blogger. I finally brought it over to a "genius," so hopefully it will be going strong during A to Z! Julie
Alex - My blogging habits have been for the birds lately. But I have a good excuse. I don't have a computer handy all of the time because my "stuff" is on its way to Boston and I'm not there yet. But soon. =D
Rachel's video was fabulous! I like your approach to guest posts. I've only had a very few, so I can't say much about them.
I've honestly thought about asking someone to do a guest post, but feel that asking someone to come post at my blog when they have more followers than I is a no-no.
Plus I still feel I haven't quite found my niche yet, I bounce all over the place and feel that would leave any guest at a loss...maybe I'm worrying too much about it.
I'm going to finally get an iPad. Can't wait!
I saw Rachel's video when it was posted and knew we had a winner.
Cassastar should be in my hands by this weekend. I prefer to buy through Indian book stores but it takes a while for the imports to come. Should be able to read it in April, would you mind if I wrote a review on my blog later on?
I pad 3 - hope to gift my dad one if things work out.
Your policy is as fair as can be and though I am not knowledgeable about guitar pedals, have a rocking time.
My first guest post will be on Misha's blog in sept...after my first attempt at self publishing, some free poetry/short stories perhaps.
The winning video is very cool! It's just only ~90 secs, but maybe consumed lot of hours to do it. I'm thinking about participate the "a to z challange", but in my country there aren't words started with q, x, w and y. So it will be hard... or try to bloging in English (with my poor English with many grammar mistakes).
Be honest... Is there any sense to change from iPad 1/2 to iPad3? I think you can do almost the same with previous version of this device. I don't intend to change my iPad2, but I thinking about buying a tablet with Android OS.
Sadly I never got the iPad so there's probably little chance I'll ever have one with a 3 after it lol. I've never been one for technology which is weird considering my line of work. I love your schedule and the way you do your blog. i so wish I could do something like that.But I just can't manage between the two businesses and trying to update my own blog. I don't really do guest posts other than book tours and that is a tour group so it's very structured and easy for me to do.
I have a very similar guest policy. Buddies, always okay (though I like it to be for an 'event'--a book release, usually, but something else would fit). I have friends from OTHER social media who don't normally blog that I also let hop in for a book release, but I find my readership prefers posts from familiar names (even if they aren't necessarily people they actually KNOW, they still have seen comments or stuff from them elsewhere or on my blog)
I knew you would get the musical stuff! I'm so jealous...I think this is my answer to that drum set I want ;D
I'm happy for you, it sounds amazing!!! enJOY Captain~
I need to get back to a schedule! I had one, but it went out the window when I got sick...
It feels like the Bermuda Triangle at my house, when a family member has vacation. Their gravitational pull, throws me off course.
Sia, then I'm honored I got to be on your blog twice! And come one, let your son read about the apps effects pedals...
Bob, the changes are huge from the first one. Don't think I could share mine, either.
Julie, you'll need it then.
RaShelle, we have definitely missed you!!!
Sarah, go ahead and ask someone - it will be fun.
Lydia - YES!!!
Rek, I really liked your video - it was so unique. And thank you so much for purchasing my book! I hope you enjoy it.
RaveAir, you do fine with English - trust me! Those with an iPad 1 should upgrade, but not those with an iPad 2.
Dafeenah, two businesses would keep me busy!
Hart, it works well, doesn't it?
I love this post, Alex. It highlights the kind of person you are...always thinking of your readers. Your blogging policies sound very fair to me. I've never hosted a guest yet, but hope to in the future. Likewise, I've never been a guest on someone else's blog either.
As for the iPad, I'd love to get one down the road (most likely the long and winding road), but first I'd like to get a laptop. Yep, still typing on a desktop.
NO, no and no guest posts and no...
I need to get reading...sheesh
Rachel's video was so cute. I'm glad she won.
That's really cool about the iPad and the guitar apps and such. I still prefer my Kindle Fire. :)
And I think that's a great way to do guest posts and it's completely fair. :)
Yes, certainly very interesting, I would like to hear those purposes Metal. Greetings.
We know the Cap'n like giggly girls as guests. Don't you Alex? ;) And good thing you aren't blasting that metal in my neighborhood - well, you use ear phones, don't you? Okay, then. You're still okay in my book.
So I see you still have an iPad 2 icon in the sidebar. What are you doing with your old iPad 2 now that you have an iPad 3. I always wonder about these details. ;)
I just got an iPad 2 in Oct. so I can't justify getting a 3. I think your guidelines for guest posts are good. I'll see you in May. ;)
I always wonder with devices like the iPad when they will stop improving it...then I might go buy one. :)
Your policies are fair, clear, and consistent. It's good to know that you don't want your blog to just be an ad blog. That could happen so easily. And, you're right. We come here to visit YOU.
Rachel's video was great! As for your approach to guest posts, I'd say it sounds fair. :)
Your policy sounds absolutely fair - we come here, in the main, to see you - but it's nice to meet an occasional special friend too. I have very rare guest posts, not because I limit them, just because I haven't reached the point yet where my place is in any kind of demand, but if it was, I'd go with your type of guidelines. I think your commitment to your army is lovely.
I loved Rachel's video - a worthy winner!
Love Laura x
Your policy is very fair.
I don't have guidelines, but I do at least like to know the person before he or she does a guest post. I've often featured authors who don't blog, so that part is never a factor.
I really like my iPad 3. I can speak at it, and it will recognize my words with very few errors. That means I can go into chat rooms, use twitter, and take notes without ever having to type. It's pretty awesome. And the screen and the speed are just uber bonuses on top of that.
Rachel's video was awesome.
And yes, I tend to shy away when a complete stranger asks for a guest post space on my blog. Blogging buddies, no worries. Any time they want.
I've only had close blog buddies as guest posters too. I totally agree with your rules!
Just don't get lost in that triangle, Ella!
Suzie, thank you!
Dani, don't tell anyone about the giggly girls. Ruin my image! And I need to change the iPad image.
Cindy, probably never.
Mary, that's good to know!
Laura, my Army is important - I'm nothing without them.
Lynda, and that is fair!
Thsy was quite the video! Thanks again for letting me guest post! Sam promises not to kidnap you any more ... this month!
Hello Alex!
I gave you an award on my blog. You can retrieve it at
I been down sick for the last 4 days so I am just getting around to visiting...and working backwards I have not yet read your Monday Post but soon will.
I would love to hear you wail some metal at 12!! Maybe a short video here for the masses...maybe?
Thanks, Jemi!
Roland, I don't believe him...
Thanks, Yadin!
Chuck, I might someday...
Mmm, iPad 3. I have a first generation, and the second came out not long after I bought it so I grit my teeth and vowed to wait for this one before upgrading. Now that it's here, I'm salivating.
I'm forcing myself to wait for my tax return to come in before I get one, but hot damn is that tough. I WANT IT! *shakes fist*
I'm an iPad generation 1 as well. And proud. No i-envy at all.
This is full of all things awesome. I want the iPad 3 so bad! I love tech stuff too. And I like your guidelines for guest posts. I completely agree with what you've set up. Especially with the level you're on. Very good advice for the rest of us. :)
If anyone is fair, it's you Alex. Of all the blogger friends I have, you are truly the most loyal. Even when life throws me curve balls you are always there with a comment and kind word.
So glad you are enjoying your iPad three. I am happy with iPad 2. I also love new toys, but I'll be holding off until at least a few more come out.
Thanks for the info, as always.
I finally managed to see John Carter. I was... disappointed.
But I'll talk about that soon... probably Friday.
Of course I like hearing from you! As for guest posts, I've only had one so far and it got a great reaction. Right now my biggest problem is trying to figure out why a few people can't access my blog at all. I am so tired of technical problems!
I don't really have that many guest posts over at my place, so I've never thought of making up some guidelines. I like your system though - only people that you actually know should be able to contribute.
I only have guests when I reviewing a book or hosting for a blog tour. I've only guested at another blog once - that was a long time ago.
Yes; I like your posts :)
great video - I would like to have that music playing for me:)
I have just begun to have guests on my blog this last couple of months - on my writing blog so I don't have to restrict the book/genre subject - my audience of active commentators is small yet but even a couple of interested people picking it up might be helpful - yes?
JW, you will see a HUGE difference between the two. Hope you get your money soon.
Jesse - liar!
Thanks, Leigh!
Michael, you were supportive of me when I began! And I'd hold off until the next upgrade.
Andrew, sorry - I thought it rocked.
Helena, not sure. You're on a unique platform.
Jamie, that seems best.
Donna, thank you for humoring me!
Alberta, even a few extra sales and followers helps!
We all have to set our own limits when it comes to guest posting and how far we'll stretch our blogs. I think we all do that to a certain extent. :)
I'm nowhere near ready for guest blogging yet, but I already know what my rules would be and they're pretty much the same. I need to get me one of these iPads. What's it like for watching movies on? :)
My author blog is open to guest posts by writers as long as they are quality and fit my themes. Those go up any days except my regular posting days of Monday and Thursday. I dedicated my blogs and myself to supporting the larger writing community from the start. It's paid off with a lot of generous retweets, visits, etc. and a good reputation in social media circles. I also do regular blogging for other sites and guest posts as well. My busyness prevents me from visiting blogs daily to comment but I get around as I can.
Yes, it does sound fair to me, Alex. I'm considering some changes in mine after the A-Z challenge. I've closed my blog for the month of April.
Anna, it's amazing - the image is even more sharp and clear!
Bryan, that's why I do shout-outs and have guests - my way of giving back to this awesome blogging community.
Ciara, I'm not doing any guest posts next month either.
I saw the A-Z vid entries... they were all awesome! Rachel's one was sweet, simple but VERY effective!
With regards to the iPad - I saw iPad 2 close-up for the FIRST TIME two weeks ago when I went to enquire about purchasing one... and you know what? It seems quite simple and straightforward to use (new technology gives me the heebie-jeebies...) So I'm in the process of buyng an iPad2 - I feel quite "chuffed" with myself..
Congrats to Rachel. All of them were so great that I had to close my eyes to choose. : / I know thats lame : ) I just couldn't choose which one!
You're a tyrant, Alex. A selfish dictator. Just kidding, man. I don't know how you manage it all.
Have you seen that video of a band on the subway in NYC, making an entire song with just their iPhones?
Alex, every time I read about your schedule, I have to lie down and take a nap. As to the iPad ... I'm still using a bag phone in my car ... does that tell you where I am on technology?
Michelle, good for you! Once you get to playing with one, you realize that they are simple and really handy. Mine goes with me everywhere.
Matthew, no I haven't!
Christopher, you're just a little behind...
I saw an iPad3 a couple of days ago at the Apple store, and it is SOOOOO COOL. The display is awesome and I took a picture with the new camera....amazing quality.
Our daughter is receiving one from us as a graduation present, then I'm saving up to replace my 1st generation iPad. :)
Hey Alex! I'm with you on the new iPad. I'm a huge tech dork, so I can turn down shiny, new objects easily. It is a LOT faster than my 1st generation.
BTW, thank you for your thoughtful comment on my blog the other day. You really are a perfect example of how much support the writing community really offers:)
There is an iPad3? I've never ever tried the 1st or 2nd one, so don't know about iPad3.
I enjoy having people do guest posts on my blog, because I like trying to help promote people and their books.
I saw Rachel's A to Z video earlier today. I think it's cute.
Yes, undoubtedly his policy is good and just. Greetings.
Yes, I watched Rachel's video, and it's definitely a winner! Very clever and well done. Kudos and congrats to Rachel!
No questions about iPad3 since I'm so unfamiliar with iPads! Someday I'll get one, but for now I'll settle for my laptop and Kindle. I think it's super cool that you're able to get apps for your guitar and all the different effects. That's amazing, truly! I think your guest post guidelines are good and fair. You're on a roll, Alex, with so many unique ideas for contests and blog fests. You're gifted and share your gifts, so kudos to you! Take care!
DL, your daughter will be SO happy!
Lindsay, bet you are enjoying it. And thank you!
Thank you, Lynn! I try.
I won't lie, I'm a little green right now...but I'm not reay to trade in my 2 :)
Your policy sounds more than fair, but even if it didn't -as harsh as this sounds - it's your blog, not a democracy.
I've tended to hold most of my guest posts to invitation only, featuring author/bloggers I've engaged with in the past who have a new book coming out. I'm especially fond of promoting the authors who belong to one of the organizations I belong to. I'm definitely looking for more humor posts, so anyone who writes funny should contact me.
Dear Ninja Warrior Alex, I haven't had a guest post and only done one interview. Is there something wrong with me?
I think your policy is very fair. It's your blog, after all. :)
I agree that your guest post policy is very fair. I don't have guest posts - yet :)
I keep telling my son to get an ipad and now that you've told me about the peddles I will repeat. Thanks!
Baygirl, wait at least one more upgrade...
Sarah, that's true.
Patricia, humor is a must here.
Bish, nothing wrong with you at all!
MsHatch, hope those push him over the edge! Not literally, just to get an iPad.
Your policies sound more than fair - generous, I'd say.
And I have a question for you - how do you always get to my posts and comment before I get to yours? Today was the day I was going to beat you. *hmphf*
Um, I had to scroll forever to comment. You are a popular person. LOL. New to your blog although I have seen your book everyone.
Yeah! Heavy metal effects pedal! I didn't know you played guitar. Where have I been? Rock on!
Great policies. I have no guidelines yet since I'm not popular but thanks for sharing! It'll be a good reference point some day (hopefully, fingers & toes crossed)!
I have an iPad in my sights for 2013 when I retire from my teaching job. Will there be a 4 by then, do you think?
Nicki, you don't beat the Ninja!!!!
Jenny, welcome!!!
Heather, I don't play well, but I have a collection of them.
Susan, most definitely!
I think that's a fair policy.
Congratulations to Rachel--I saw her video before, and it's really good. :)
Yes, it's only fair to prioritize blog buddies. I'm getting a little tired of total strangers hitting me up with "great opportunities" to advertise their blog/products, whatever. I'm starting to consider posting a policy like yours.
Be well, Alex.
Oh, I haven't seen Rachel's video! I'll have to go check that out after I finish leaving this comment.
I'm way behind. I don't have any sort of tablet, though my husband's tenth anniversary gift this year was a Kindle Fire, and he's having a blast with that.
Your policy makes sense and sounds very fair. I don't have a lot of guest bloggers--mostly, I try to cycle out what I'm talking about or what's happening on my blog so it's not a lot of one thing grouped together--but it really does depend on what's going on during the month, and blog tours for people, and stuff like that.
I read your guest post page and think it's fair.
Congrats to Rachel!
I have the iPad 2. It's only a few months old. I'm not going to get an upgrade for a while. I use it to read and write. I rarely use it for anything else.
Have a great weekend.
I think your policy is quite fair. There's a delicate line to balance on with guest posts/interviews, because followers of your blog are interested in you. Too many guest posts, and what is the point? There are blogs I haven't followed because I had no idea what the original blogger even posted about; all I saw were guest posts going all the way back. Now, if that is what the blog is all about, that is one thing. Otherwise, it needs to be scattered.
Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Robyn, I get those all the time.
Medeia, I'd definitely wait a year or two before upgrading.
Shannon, exactly! And there are some great blogs whose purpose is to feature others. That's just not what my blog is all about.
How do you juggle guest posts?
To be honest, I never had and never will have any guest posts on my blog. It may sound selfish but my blog is my blog. It's me who writes here and no-one else.
However, every month I'm doin' an interview with one horror/horror-related blogger which I present as Horror Blog Of The Month to my readers.
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