Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Major Ninja News!

No, the Ninja Captain has not changed rank – I just have a lot of cool stuff for you guys today.

First, I have the honor of a guest post at Melissa’s Imaginarium! Melissa is awesome in every way possible, so please visit her. And Thursday is her birthday!

The Debutante Ball: Feast of Debut Authors continues! December 13 was Regan Guerra, December 14 is Melissa Pearl, and December 15 is Joseph Beekman. Lots of cool things to win!

Our very own Talli Roland has a new book out – Build A Man! Yeah, I know you ladies would rather do that then deal with us… Talli is the most supportive and cutest English-Canadian you will ever meet, so go say hey!

One of my most favorite blogger buddies, Yvonne Lewis at Welcome to My World of Poetry, has a new book -“Written From the Heart” Yvonne has worked SO hard on her second book and so many things went wrong in the process. Please stop by and congratulate her and check out her book!!!

Voting is still open for The Movie 411 Awards.

The most successful author I know is Milo James Fowler at In Media Res. He’s sold dozens of short stories this year, and that is due in part to his participation in Write1Sub1:

Once upon a time, Ray Bradbury was a struggling young writer in love with the craft. He wrote a short story every week, polished it up, and submitted it to a magazine. Rejection letters flooded in, mainly due to his prolific number of submissions, but there were also acceptances along the way, and they inspired Bradbury to keep doing what he loved: telling stories as only he could.

This year, over 150 writers decided to follow in Mr. Bradbury’s footsteps by joining Write1Sub1. Some have written and submitted a new story or poem every week, and some have done so every month. So far, more than 40 participants have had their work accepted by over 100 different markets—from Twitter fiction to pro-paying, SFWA-qualifying short story markets—and we've cheered each other on every step of the way. But we've also been there to commiserate with disappointments and rejections, because that’s what Write1Sub1 is all about: community. We're dedicated to creating high-quality written works, and we're determined to submit them until they find good homes.

It's never too late to join as either a weekly or monthly participant, and Write1Sub1 RELOADED is only a few weeks away: 1/1/2012!

David Powers King co-founded Ink Pageant, a parade of blog posts for writers!

We want to help writers improve their craft and reach their goals.
We're not alone. There are scads of authors and aspiring writers out there willing to help each other, and they're willing to share advice through their blogs. We want to help bring it to you and make it easy to find.
Ink Pageant has a few other purposes. You can share recommended reading or sell your books through your profile page; announce book signings, conferences, and other events; and share movie or book reviews. Most importantly, posts you submit can be put in front of an interested audience, benefitting them and bringing your blog a little extra traffic.
Right now their December giveaway is an in-depth 10 page critique from Eschler Editing – check it out HERE

See some good books? Ready to tackle Write1Sub1? Join Ink Pageant? Head about to explode from all the news? Now, go visit Melissa’s Imaginarium!



Thanks for the write up Alex most appreciated also the other books that are on the market.

Have a good day.

Unknown said...

Off to check Melissa's blog... I think you rate as an Author's champion, Alex. Free for a chat on my blog?

Juliana said...

This is the first time I ever heard about Write1Sub1 and Ink Pageant. Going to check them out now. Thanks for the tips and for the awesome news!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Thanks for sharing all the news. I never heard of Write1Sub1. Thanks for letting me know.

Marta Szemik said...

Yes, ready to explode from all the news. Some exciting opportunities out there. Now, onto vising everyone you mentioned. Thanks Alex! Ciao!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, you're welcome. Couldn't find a link to purchase - sorry!

Susan, I'd be honored.

Glad to lead everyone to something new today!

Bryan Russell said...

Write1Sub1 sounds awesome. Get that stuff out in the world!

Rusty Carl said...

Write 1 sub 1 sounds awesome. I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of commitment, but I do think I'm going to try to write more short stories next year. Maybe that 1 per month you mentioned, is that write 1 sub 1 lite?

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Wow, that is a lot of great Ninja news. Awesome. Congratulations to all with new books. I will check them out.


Laura Pauling said...

Write1Sub1 sounds terrific. The more you put out there the more likely one will be accepted!

Civil War Horror (Sean McLachlan) said...

The Ninja army is on the move!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

all about the journey... i mean rush. great job on the q and a, i love the fact you are a real person not some robot... much success.

Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
Visit The Madness:

DL Hammons said...

Talli was the only one I recognized. YAY, more new linkage! :)

Unknown said...

Wow, this a feast of awesome sauce right here. Spectacular news all around. And thank you for being at the Imaginarium today. You rock, oh Captain, my Captain!

Li said...

Cool news, Alex, thanks for the wrap-up :-) I joined W1S1 but I'm embarrassed to say it fell by the wayside the past 2 months. Must get back in gear!
I'll pay a visit to Yvonne - didn't know she was having so much difficulty, glad she stuck to it and the book is out!!

Jules said...

Man, have I been gone that long? Ton of goodness has transpired. See you at Melissa's. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Tara Tyler said...

sweet info! glad the ninja promoter is on our team =)
thanks for all the news!

Tonja said...

Great info on Write1Sub1! I was planning on writing a short story a month starting in January.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, Write1Sub1 lite sounds perfect for you.

Jeremy, most robots don't have a thing for Kate!

Melissa, thank YOU!

Lisa, I'm glad she did as well.

Tara, Ninjas always on the job!

Old Kitty said...

Cap'n Alex!! My brain has just exploded from all these activities!

I need to lie down somewhere dark...!

p.s. YAY for all these fab happenings!!

Take care
x said...

Melissa's really fun and lively.

Thanks for all the great links, Alex. I'll be doing some roaming from here.


Suze said...

'Yeah, I know you ladies would rather do that then deal with us'

Not so. :)


Alex , the gremlins are playing up at Amazon......more problems but should be sorted out by the beginning of next week.
It's like banging one's head against a brick wall......but that would only give me a


Brinda said...

That's a lot going on! Thanks for all the links.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Write1Sub1 is such a great idea, and I've been observing Milo's success with it all year. Very cool.

Carol Kilgore said...

Wow. Lots of stuff here. Thanks.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, no! Take some aspirin, you'll be all right.

Suze, you are are rare, awesome woman!

Yvonne, I'm sorry.

Nancy said...

Lot of info here, I think I will have to take it in small bites. Thanks for taking the time to share it with the rest of us.

Dani said...

Alex,can you share a bit more about W2S1 Reloaded at the BBT Cafe? I'm thinking some folks over there might want to join in 2012 if we have our own short story anthology. The more practice the better! I went to the blog but don't really see specs for 2012 yet.

Anonymous said...

I love it when you tell us what's all happening in the world. I've heard of Ink Pageant, in fact I've browsed it once, but I didn't know much about it. Thanks for your know all post :)

Julie Dao said...

Look at all these great news! A particular CONGRATS to Talli and Yvonne on their books - they're lovely ladies and deserve it!

mshatch said...

thanks for all the news! Especially that last one; it sounds cool and I ma heading over right now to check it out :)

Charles Gramlich said...

A short story a week. I remember reading that about Bradbury. Wow, but what a great idea if you could do it.

Anonymous said...

This is great news! Best wishes for Talli and Yvonne with their new releases! See you over at Melissa's blog.

Katherines Corner said...

looks like I have some blog visits to make. Thank you for the Ninja News, LOL Hugs!!

Stephanie Lorée said...

Hey Alex! Thanks for the W1S1 shoutout. We're working hard to gear up for 2012 and we hope to get lots of participants!

Laila Knight said...

You do have a lot going on. However do you keep track of it all? Thanks for the heads up. Will see you next year. Hope your holidays are awesome! :)

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

There is so much going on in the blogosphere every day that it is challenging to keep track of it. I love that I can visit your blog and get the scoop on basically ten different things. It definitely makes clicking on Alex Cavanaugh worth while. I'm off to read your interview.

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

A mindful of information, I’ll have to pop over more often.

Pat Tillett said...

Where do you find the time? Wow!
I know a couple of these folks and I will check out the others...
Thanks Alex!

Heather said...

Every post you do gives me more information than I ever thought! Never heard of either of these, and I'm totally checking them out now. Thank you for being an awesome place for support, inspiration and TONS of info! :)

BTW: I extended the deadline on my contest, I'd love to have you participate! :)

Helen Ginger said...

You always have so much to share. Thank you!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Lots to go check out. I got to meet David at a writing conference in October. Great guy and very supportive.

And isn't Elizabeth's debut ball a great idea?

~Sia McKye~ said...

I love stopping by your Wednesday posts. You always have lots of goodies to share--well, you do most of your blogs. :-)

I need to check out Yvonne's book.

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

David P. King said...

Thank you for the inkPageant Shout-Out, Alex! And all these other links. I'm off to check them out right now. :)

Hart Johnson said...

Great set of announcements there. That last almost makes me wish I wrote short stories, but I just really don't, except the occasional drabble. Best of luck to all these people with debuts!

farawayeyes said...

Who, that's a lot of news. I'm heading over to the Imaginarium to see what you have to say.

Johanna Garth said...

Write1sub1, cool! I'll have to go check it out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dani, I'll copy and paste what I have, but otherwise I'll have to contact Milo.

Julie, yes they do!

Charles, Milo does which is amazing.

Stephanie, excellent! Might need to get some more details from you.

Laila, as I find things, I copy them into Word. Often people send me the information!

Michael, somehow I've become the news guy!

Thanks, Heather!

Donna, it is!

David, you're welcome. I need to join myself - not that I have many writing tips!

Anonymous said...

Great information! Thanks for the round up. Ink Pageant looks interesting, and I'll probably check out the poetry book.

Emily R. King said...

That's a lot of great news! And what did I glean from it? Talli is an English-Canadian... I knew I liked her.
Thanks for all the great info. I'm going to check out the links now.

Jay Noel said...

Exciting stuff going on!

I'm going to check out Melissa's Imaginarium for sure. And David's Ink Pageant sounds intriguing as well.

So many links, so little time!

Maurice Mitchell said...

Talli is a sweetheart. Two books released in one day! Thanks for the news. The Movie 411 awards are heating up man! You may win this year, but watch out next year!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maurice, you will win next year, because this will be year two for me and I won't let my blog into the running a third year. Besides, I feel bad - I nominated your site!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

wow, that's a lot of news. I'm heading over to Melissa's blog :)

Christine Rains said...

I like the adventure in finding a good man rather than building one! Great interview on Melissa's blog.

Sarah Ahiers said...

oh man, write1sub1 sounds kinda awesome...i may be tempted to join. I'll have to think on it

Ciara said...

Oh my, there is so much going on. I'm off to check out your post on Melissa's blog. I LOVE her blog. She is so sweet.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christina, and we thank you for that!

Sarah, you should!

Ciara, yes she is.

Nancy Thompson said...

I'd love to do that Write1Sub1, but I don't think I have a shorty in me. I'm way too long winded!

M Pax said...

A ton of things going on. Thanks for the lowdown, Alex. :)

Cate Masters said...

So much great news! Love the idea of a Debutante Ball.
Off to check out some links...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Thanks for catching me up, Alex!

Helena said...

There's so much helpful news here I'm printing off your post and saving the link too. I definitely need to check these places and people out in the next couple evenings. Thank you for this.

Leovi said...

Yes, Melissa is impressive, from time to time pass through his blog.

Arlee Bird said...

Wow! So much writing going on and so many books out. Great news all around.

Tossing It Out

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Write1Sub1 sounds challenging. I used to write short stories all the time. Wonder if I still can?

Margo Kelly said...

Great links! Thanks for the info.

dolorah said...

Loved your interview Alex; and I bought Talli's book after reading an amazing review on Daily Dodo's blog.

I would love to join W1S1, but I lack the dedication to that much writing. Milo is an inspiration, however and I've set a goal to attempt at least two short story publications a year. Means I have to write one at least every couple months . .

Thanks for all the links. This post was cool :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, I should, since my novels are so short anyway!

Cate, it was all Elizabeth's idea.

Helena, thanks! Just trying to stay on top of things around here. Don't want to lose my Ninja status.

Thanks, Donna! And Milo is an incredible inspiration.

Golden Eagle said...

Thanks for the links!

I'm off to check out your post at Melissa's.

Mel Chesley said...

Awesome interview, Cap'n! It's funny, my character, Kayta, looks like Kate Beckinsale too, in my head. ;)

Empty Nest Insider said...

Lots of great news and links to visit! Congratulations Yvonne, and Happy Almost Birthday Melissa! I'll head over soon.

Jennifer Hillier said...

So much cool news here! I'm amazed at what Milo's accomplished. He's had an incredible year.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mel, Kate rocks!

Jennifer, he's had SO many short stories published this year. Blows my mind.

Chuck said...

Alex some day I want to grow up and be just like you and the other gang of writers you hang with. Milo's stuff is good for sure.

Denise Covey said...

An amazing amount of info Alex. Thanks for that. Love Melissa's blog. Very interested in Write1Sub1.


Jemi Fraser said...

So much awesome news!! :)

Copyboy said...

Love the author feast. Lot of new literary talents.

Anonymous said...

BIG thanks for the W1S1 signal boost and shout-out, Alex! You have more awesome followers than any other writer/blogger I know.

For those of you interested in climbing aboard the Write1Sub1 train, visit our "About Us"
page for all the details, and feel free to tweet me
if you have any questions. 2011 has been a great year, and we're really looking forward to 2012.

Write on!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Chuck, thanks!!

Milo, you are welcome!

Lydia Kang said...

Not ready to tackle W1S1, but I'm in awe of those that have!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Wow, all these great places to visit and so little time.

msmariah said...

Another great post, chock full of good information. I will definitely check out Write1Sub1. I don't think I've seen this site yet.

Thanks for the advice on the bloghop!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex .. great shout out for all - Talli's done so well this year .. Yvonne's release of her new book - is just great to know about .. Then the Write1Sub1 ..sounds an interesting project to be involved in.

Cheers to all readers and you Alex for all the author info .. and your own books .. Hilary

The Angry Lurker said...

I'm going, I'm going......

C D Meetens said...

Thanks for this overview of all the great things going on, Alex. Most of the sites I'm not familiar with, so will go check them out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MsMariah, looking forward to your blogfest!

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how you keep track of all these links and goings-on! Thanks for all the links. :)

Anonymous said...

Great post Alex, informative as ever, will check some of this out....thanks honey.x

PK HREZO said...

Wow so much great info! I will have to check these out. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Yvonne is one of my faves too. :)

Christopher Hudson said...

Geez, Alex, so many tasks ... just thinking about all this has induced a nap taking frenzy.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for all the links and info! Appreciate how you keep us informed!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I must say man, you sure know how to fill 'er up, pack 'er down and heap a post over the top!!!

Thanks for all the wonderful references Man!

God bless ya and have yourself a fantabulous day!!!

( Heeeheheh, I gotta love my lights up like a Christmas tree!) :o)

Anonymous said...

Just the idea of writing/submitting one story per week makes my blood pressure rise. It's a fabulous idea, though.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Liz, I just get around! Yeah, that sounds bad, doesn't it?

Christopher, sorry I wore you out.

Nezzy, Spellchecker is wrong anyway!

Joshua, somehow Milo does it.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Definitely a lot of interesting news, Alex. Thanks for the updates.

Leovi said...

It is interesting that to build a man, I find that some women can get.

Mark said...

Whoa, lots going on here...but I'll def check it all out:)

Mary Aalgaard said...

So much good news. Thanks for the history of Ray Bradbury. Certainly, good practice for all of us. Write on!

ali cross said...

Dude! This is such awesome info - thank you!

Laura Eno said...

*scroll, scroll, scroll* I really need to remember to jump in here the minute you post, Captain Ninja!

There are so many things going on in December, aren't there? I think I'll take January to hibernate...

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Cool stuff going on. (=
I'm excited to read Talli's book. She's great.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Happy Birthday to Mel! She's the most amazing woman I've met in my life and I love her from the bottom of my heart!

Unknown said...

Lots of great news! I'm so behind on so many things. I have to get caught up now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ali! You're welcome.

Sorry, Laura...

George, she's awesome!

Author A.O. Peart said...

I love visiting your blog, Alex. There is always something new and exciting to find.

Happy birthday to Melissa Bradley and congrats to everyone with the new books published!

Kelly Polark said...

Holy writing news, Batman!

I'd never heard of the Write1. Thanks for sharing!!!

J.C. Martin said...

So many cool links! Thanks Alex, and thanks for following my blog! Will go check out Melissa's blog now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, I try to make it exciting.

Kelly, you're welcome!

JC, sorry it slipped through the Google cracks!

Miranda Hardy said...

Oh my. So much happening, my heads about to explode. I can't keep up. That's it! I'm getting a clone.

Julie Musil said...

OMG, all this news! Thanks, Alex. And geez, I'm comment number 112? Holy cow, you're a popular guy.

Jennie Bailey said...

You are so amazing Alex. You really, truly are. And the best part is that you don't even know the half of it. You are incredibly supportive and everyone really appreciates it.

Leovi said...

I love poetry Yvonne's book, Welcome to My World of Poetry, can be very interesting. Greetings.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Miranda, if you do, let me know where you got it from!

Julie, thanks.

Jennie, thank you so much! That really made my day.

Ella said...

Lots of variety today, something for everyone! Nicely done Captain~
Thanks for visiting Toads ;D and your kind comments!

Leigh Caron said...

Sage advice as I hang head in shame...I thought I was following you, but I was just following your comments around other people's blogs.