Monday, December 12, 2011

The Ease of Making a Book Trailer - NOT!!!

Today I have something that will rock your world – an awesome author and the premier of a brand new trailer. Ciara Knight is here to share her experience of creating a book trailer. (And after reading it, I’m really glad my publisher does all the work!) If you’ve created your own trailer, you’ll understand. If you haven’t, well I hope this doesn’t scare you into a quivering pile of goo…

I’m so excited and nervous about this book trailer. I mean, maybe if it’s good enough I’ll be accepted into Alex’s Ninja Army! Hey, I can dream, right?

I have to admit, designing and creating my first book trailer was an interesting experience. You see, I’m always full of crazy ideas, it’s the execution I struggle with.

First off, I thought I’d contact a local art school to see if one of the students would be interested in creating a book trailer for me. I ended up with a few responses and even met someone for lunch to discuss it, but even the students wanted a LOT of money to create what I wanted. I came home to Mr. Knight and told him about what I’d have to pay for a book trailer and he laughed for about five minutes. Okay, so first brilliant idea squashed.

I did some research and came up with my second brilliant idea, I’ll do it myself. Hey, my heroine in The Curse of Gremdon, Arianna, isn’t scared of anything. I decided to channel my inner Arianna and go for it. Why not? I mean, I can figure it out. I’ll buy a book or something. What could be so difficult? We already had Adobe Premiere Pro, so I was set.

After about eighteen hours of watching You Tube instructional videos I knew how to create a new project, import, and use some of the special effects. Great! I was set. I grabbed my husband’s HD video camera and headed for a hike near our home. Oh, did I mention my knee and foot were swollen. No worries, if Arianna can battle hideous creatures with nothing more than a dagger, I could make it through a hike. I gimped for a mile using the monopod as a walking aid (don’t tell Mr. Knight about that) and set up for some great footage. Of course, I had to choose a day that every hiker in the southeast was out. Finally, I take the PERFECT video, hobble all the way back to my car, and return home for a couple of ice packs.

My husband pulls the video in and we discover the monopod did absolutely no good. It looked like I’d been on a caffeine high when I took the video. Hope is not lost because Mr. Knight says that he might be able to stabilize the video in Adobe, so I get to work creating my awesome book trailer. Ten hours later, I’ve got my video in there, I’ve learned how to make it look like the woods are changing to fall, then make it go dark. I’ve pulled in images. Hey, it’s looking pretty good.

Mr. Knight arrives home and says, “The video needed to be stabilized first.” Um…seriously? Geesh, maybe this entire book trailer thing wasn’t such a great idea. No, I’m not going to give up. Arianna would never give up so easy. I wait for hubby to stabilize the video for me, because he knew how and I didn’t have eighteen more hours to watch You Tube instructional videos.

The next day I pull up his video and it looks great. I spend all day, while my little monsters are at school, working on the trailer. Mr. Knight arrives home that evening and takes a look. “Well, I think we need to start over.” At this point I realize I’m not Arianna and it’s probably a good thing, because if I had her dagger in my hand I might have harmed my husband.

The next day Mr. Knight started over and spent all of his day off working on it for me. At that point I realized I’m nothing like Arianna, but we did have one thing in common. A great hero to watch our back.

I hope you like the trailer my awesome husband helped create. Although, I still think I’ll be able to do the next book trailer without his help. Seriously.

Now that I think about it, Mr. Knight might be the one accepted into Alex’s Ninja Army.

Author bio: Ciara is happily married and enjoys family time. She has learned to embrace chaos, which is a requirement when raising three boys, and utilizes the insanity to create stories not of this world including: Fantasy, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, and Young Adult Biopunk. Her first love, besides her family, reading, and writing, is travel. She's backpacked through Europe, visited orphanages in China, and landed in a helicopter on a glacier in Alaska.
Follow Ciara here: Website and blog Facebook Twitter Goodreades

Questions for Ciara? Or her Ninja husband? Have you created a book trailer? Are you terrified to try now…?  

Debutante Ball: Feast of Debut Authors kicks off today – twenty days of prizes! I’m participating next week and today it begins with Elizabeth Mueller.

Yvonne Lewis at Welcome to My World of Poetry has a new book coming out today! More on “Written From the Heart” on Wednesday. Congratulations, Yvonne!!

The Movie 411 Awards I’m up for two awards, Best Science Fiction Blog and Best Post for the Worst Movies Blogfest. (And it’s a close race for the Best Blogpost.) Don’t forget to vote for my fellow blogger buddies: Cinemarvellous! nominated for Best Design, Best Gossip, and the Gold Award. iZombie! nominated for Best Horror. Melissa at Melissa’s Imaginarium nominated for Sexiest Female. MsMariah’s Space Blog-yssey nominated for Best Newcomer.

You are now free to comment and move about the blog!


Old Kitty said...

Does Mr Knight have a brother and does he look like Daniel Craig?

Hooorah! I'm first on Capn Ninja's blog today!!

Lovely Ciara Knight! You deserve to be promoted into Capn Ninja's team as Chief Monopod Driver! I for one say "aye"!

p.s. please forgive my ignarance but I'm pronouncing "Ciara" as well "See-ya-ra". I KNOW I am most wrong! Sorry! :-)

Take care


Great post Alex,most interesting about the trailer though for me I know that is outside my reach of talents.
Congrats on the nominations I'm sure you'll be successful.
Also thanks for the mention but my blog is called "Welcome To My World Of Poetry" ,

Have a good day.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, she can be in the Ninja Army!

Sorry, Yvonne - I fixed it.

Juliana said...

Wow, Ciara, great video! It looks awesome!

Ciara said...

Alex - I get to be in the Ninja Army? That is so awesome! :)

Kitty - Yes, you pronounce my name like sea-air-a. Not Key-air-a. :) Thanks so much for checking out the trailer.

Juliana - Thanks so much!

Mel Chesley said...

Totally awesome! Love the video, although it makes me nervous to even think of starting one.
Great news about Yvonne and woohoo for Elizabeth!

Lindi said...

Ciara--great video! You and Mr. Knight are talented. It is amazing how much work goes into them. I can't imagine.

farawayeyes said...

Video is amazing. Story is terrifying (story in the book and about making the video).

Congrats to all the new books coming out.

Good luck in the contest.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Hi Ciara!
The trailer is fabulous. I love that your hubby helped.

Alex, thanks for spotlighting Ciara. She really is great. :)

Unknown said...

Ciara, 18 hours of You Tube, wow! I admire your fortitude. The final product looks terrific and now I have to read Arianna's tale.

Great spotlight, Alex. I'll have to get out and check out the debutantes,

Dafeenah said...

I so feel your pain!! But awesome trailer though!!

Vicki Rocho said...

Impressed with the trailer -- no way I could do that on my own. Perhaps you ought to rent out ninja husband? :)

Laura Pauling said...

Great job! I know that stuff takes a lot of time!

Rusty Carl said...

Oh man, I don't want to even think about doing a book trailer. I am the sort of person who feels the need to do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING himself. I'd end up spending six months working on a 15 second spot. Please don't put the idea in my head.

Good job on the one you did though, Ciara. It looks great!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Ciara, A great job done on the trailer! It looks very intense. I wish you many sales.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Great trailer! I must say, I'm a little intimidated about making one, now! :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

that is crazy cool and some solid helpful information. well spent energy on the trailer, i think i need to follow their guidance.

Ciara said...

Thanks, Caledonia, saLarsen, Dafeenah, Laura Pauling, Journaling Woman.

Lindi - I had no idea. LOL

Farawayeyes - There is a romantic element, too. :)

Melissa Bradley - I never give up. Okay, well maybe I never let my hubby give up. :)

Vicki Rocho - You'd be surprised. There are so many online resources now. You can do anything. I think I'll keep Ninja Hubby for myself. :)

Rusty Webb - I'm THAT person, too. I think the idea has already been planted.

Creepy Query Girl said...

Looks fantastic! You guys did a great job!

Amity said...

I would like to believe Mr. Knight has some similarities with Ninja Alex...:)

Awesome book trailer for Ciara...congratulations Ciara...and congrats to you Alex for the couple of upcoming awards you will be receiving...:)

I wish to have a copy of Yvonne's "Written from the Heart"...but how?

Btw Alex, announcement of your Cassafire's launching now decorates blog's right side bar top most. Looks good on my blog...yesssssssssss!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done! As someone who's done a few book trailers herself, I feel your pain. Although it sure is cool when it's done and looks all cool and shiny.

Loved the trailer!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, you are an important part of my Ninja Army

Shari, she is!

Melissa, she logged the hours.

Vicki, that's an idea!

Rusty, just wipe it from your mind. You saw and heard nothing...

Thank you, Amity! And I'll have a link to purchase Yvonne's book up on Wednesday.

Glad everyone thinks your trailer rocks, Ciara!

Ciara said...

Alison - Don't be. I'm sure you would rock it.

iZombie - That is so good to hear.

Creepy Query Girl - Yay!

Amity - Thanks so much.

Liz - I guess I should have touched base with you. Talk about a learning curve.

Carol Kilgore said...

Great trailer! Hope your foot is better. Those who watch our backs are awesome :)

Brinda said...

I went through the same trials, so I feel your (or Mr. Knight's) pain. I have many versions of my book trailer before I did the final one. I filmed my niece for HOURS with a digital camera and didn't use that footage, so I owe her. As for your trailer, IT ROCKS!! Kudos. :)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Wonderful trailer.

Does husband labor cost more in the long run than student labor? ;0)

Robyn Campbell said...

Ciara, what a trailer. Excellent! You did a super job. I dd a trailer for my mg novel. It turned out okay, but it probably needs a little work. And now I'm thinking a lot of work.

Hey to your hubby. Tell him how awesomely cool his wife is. :-)

Alex, thanks for highlighting Ciara. What a great gal! *waving*

Tara Tyler said...

i love doing things myself (hate spending $) i think my sons will be able to help me when the time comes. we'll see!

thx for the insight!

Hildie McQueen said...

great video for an amazing read I''m sure!

Tonja said...

I voted. Loved the post, and the trailer was cool.

Julie H. said...

First of all as Ciara's biggest fan, thank you Alex for highlighting her on your blog. What a great place to premier her incredible book trailer. I am so proud of her. I love this trailer. It is amazing!!! I know the book is going to be too!

Laura Eno said...

Well, Ciara, you're braver than me. :) Well done! I'm trying to talk my husband into learning book trailers.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Nice to have such a helpful husband! Best wishes for your release, Ciara!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brinda, maybe you could put something together just for your niece?

Mary, I'd say something about our payment isn't in money, but maybe I shouldn't...

Ciara, you've inspired many here!

Tanya Reimer said...

Great post! I was excited to learn that there are others so dedicated with heroes at home. LOL.

Luanne G. Smith said...

Perseverance doesn't just apply to writing and querying!

Great book trailer. Your husband deserves a little extra in his stocking this year. :)

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for this info. I wondered about how authors were creating trailers, and thought it might be beyond me. But I see it is not. Thanks so much! :)

Unknown said...

I think I'm going to have to start thinking of trailers (yuk). But yours, Ciara, is brilliant! Did you have to creep up on a couple making out to get the kissing bit? The trailer certainly makes me want to read the book :)

Ciara said...

Alex - I'm so glad you like the trailer.

Carol - I agree, it is always great to have someone watch your back.

Brinda - I'm glad I'm not alone on this journey. :)

GigglesandGuns - Thanks. Oh, loved your Santa post today. Still laughing.

Robyn - I'm sure your trailer is great! Thanks so much for the support.

Tara - I'm sure your sons would be happy to help. It is a cool project to work on. Good luck.

Hildie and Tonja - Thanks!

Julie - You are such an amazing and supportive person. I appreciate all of your support!!

Laura - Go for it!

Elizabeth - I'm a lucky gal. :)

Alex - my reply to Elizabeth and I'll leave it at that. ;)

Tanya - My hubby is the best. :)

L.G. - I agree!

Karen - It isn't. Go for it!!

Susan - Thank you so much! That is the best complement ever!

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

What a great post! I love how you bring in your heroine from the book. Trailers are hard. Your is nice. It's good to have a hero at home!!!

Mary Montague Sikes

KendallGrey said...

Whew, that hot kiss kinda stayed with me. *Fans self* Congrats on your awesome new trailer and on your book, Ciara!

Ciara said...

Monti - I'm lucky. He is an awesome real life hero. Not many of those left in the world.

Kendall - Thanks so much! Congratulations on your new release!

Talli Roland said...

Great post, Ciara, and thanks to Alex for hosting her!

Ciara said...

Talli - Thank you.

Alex - Okay, I was so excited about being accepted into the Ninja Army, I'm not sure I even said thank you. Thank you for having me here today!!!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The trailer is really good! The good ones always take a lot of work.

Arlee Bird said...

The trailer looks great. Do it yourself can be time consuming, but it can be much more cost effective when you look at pro rates. You are lucky to have Mr Knight on your team.

And Alex you are fortunate to have your publisher handling your awesome book trailers.

A to Z stories starting 12/12 and the official A to Z Badge is now revealed
Blogging from A to Z

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Ciara, I love your trailer for the Curse of Gremdon. Eep the description of your ordeal including the hobbling around really made me appreciate how difficult these things are to manufacture.

David P. King said...

That was a sweet little trailer! I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Having some film experience, I'd love to be involved in a book trailer for one of my MS, if and when it reaches that point.

Ciara is awesome and her book sounds great. I better look for it. :)

Unknown said...

I actually love creating book trailers. I could spend hours doing one, which is why I don't do many of them. Great trailer!

Leovi said...

I also try to channel my inner Arianna see if I can take a few fears of those who oppress me.

Julie Dao said...

So cool! Thanks for sharing some insight on the process. I love that book trailer, btw.

Charles Gramlich said...

Cool trailer. I've tried to do one at one point but it was horrible. I never showed it anywhere.

Matthew MacNish said...

Wow. That trailer is incredible.

Jillian said...

Awseome!! Great job!

Emily R. King said...

Ciara makes creating a book trailer sound so easy, when I know she spent hours on it. It's excellent! Good job! And thanks for sharing.

Southpaw said...

The trailer is awesome but yeah, I think I'm scared now.

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing book trailer. It really was, better than some I've seen. Ciara's books sounds amazing.

Thanks Alex for introducing her to me. And also thanks for always being so great and commenting on my blog. :)

Laila Knight said...

I'm still in awe of book trailers. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius. I'll leave it to someone better qualified than I. Sitting for hours watching youtube videos...not my thing. I did find the interview entertaining though. Ciara is a great author...just purchased her book a few days ago. Happy day! :)

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I had no idea of how hard it is to write a book trailer...good post

Huntress said...

Holy Cow. Great job! Even the thought of making a book trailer is intimidating for me.

Best of luck to you both.

Nancy Thompson said...

I'd love to try making one my own but my kid's getting ready to leave for college & without him, I'm technologically challenged.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

LG, I'll say!

Ciara, you are most welcome!

Lee, yes I am!

Clarissa, maybe Ciara can get your help next time and give her husband a break?

Melanie, of course!

Laila, they are like movie trailers...

Nancy, don't try to do it through phone calls. You'll both go nuts.

Lydia Kang said...

I'm impressed! The trailer looks great!

Marta Szemik said...

I've contemplated on creating a trailer myself and now I'm re-thinking how to go about it. I have the 'how hard can it be' attitude to most things so I'll probably sweat for a few days doing it, then get some help :)
Great Video, great post!

Jay Noel said...

That was a great trailer, Ciara. And I've heard from so many that creating one from scratch is a lot of work. Sometimes 3-5 hours for every 30 seconds!

I don't have the patience to do such a thing.

I might be able to do sock puppets, though.

Claire Hennessy said...

I want to Ciara's book because she is so funny! Loved the book trailer, but loved the story of how it was made even better! I am thanking my lucky stars right now that my son is a film and video student and spends all day, every day, filming and editing. Phew!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marta, at least you know what to expect.

Jay, sock puppets could be funny!

Claire, you have it made.

Anonymous said...

Great trailer, Ciara! I love it!

Johanna Garth said...

Ciara, that is an amazing book trailer! All your hard work definitely paid off.

Lindsay said...

The trailer has me hooked into wanting the book as soon as it comes out. Kudos to you Ciara for having such a talented husband

Ciara said...

L. Diane - Isn't everything in life better when we have to work for it?

Arlee - You are so right. I know how lucky I am.

Michael - Thanks so much. Yep, we all have to suffer for our craft. LOL

David - Boy, I wish I had movie experience getting into this. I bet your trailer will rock!

Thanks, Clarissa, Julie, Matthew, Jillian,

Leovi - Go team Arianna. I love her strength and determination.

Charles - You should give it another try.

ER King - I definitely spent hours on it. :)

Christine Rains said...

The trailer is absolutely fantastic! It's a wonderful thing to have a handy husband, isn't it?

Ciara said...

Melanie - I'm so glad you liked it. I know, Alex is great for hosting authors.

SouthPaw - No reason to be scared. I bet you'd make an awesome trailer.

Lalia - Thanks so much. I hope you enjoy it. I have to admit I'm not the type to watch 18 hours of You Tube videos, either.

Kim - It was probably just hard for me. It was fun though.

Huntress - Thanks!

Nancy - I know what you mean. Off to college? Big step.

Pat Tillett said...

VERY interesting! A great deal of work, but a great accomplishment when it's done.

cleemckenzie said...

Goo, here checking in.

I'm thinking Book Trailer 101 is quite a challenge. However, Ciara and her bold Knight did it, so maybe if I called in my techi kids I could do it, too.


Ciara said...

Lydia - Thanks!

Marta - Sounds like we are a lot alike. Go for it.

Jay - Sock puppets would be awesome.

Claire - You are one lucky gal.

Kirsten - Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked it.

Johanna - Thanks, that means a lot.

Lindsay - Yep, I'm a lucky gal.

Christine - It is a wonderful thing. I am thankful everyday to have him in my life. Thanks for taking time to watch the trailer. I'm glad you liked it.

LynnRush said...

Yay. Curse is a GREAT book (Yep, I've had a sneak peek) and the trailer does it justice. You captured the story nicely. Yay!!!!! Super excited, Ciara!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, and here you were worried about revealing your trailer today...

Cate Masters said...

Great video, Ciara! Love how you use the video clips (I've never been able to do that). I'm more of a jump-in-and-experiment type, and making trailers is sometimes a way to force me to condense the story into a blurb or shorter.

DL Hammons said...

It looks really good! My wife makes the type of videos as a hobby, so I have a leg up on most people when the time comes. :)

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, well done, Ciara! Man, there is such a steep learning curve, isn't there. I think you did a great job, though. Congrats on your new mastery!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Ciara, your trailer looks great. My Stetson is off to your husband and to yourself! 48 hours of YouTube! Ouch.

Did you try Wendy Tyler Ryan's Papyrus Productions? For your next trailer, you might try her and be kinder to both you and your husband's migraines!

May your sales go through the roof! Roland

Christopher Hudson said...

Kudos to you and hubby for a job well done, Ciara ... now, when you figure out how to get eyeballs on it, let me know ... mine is languishing in the netherworld.

Golden Eagle said...

That's a great trailer!

I've never tried making a book trailer, though I've thought about it. I'm not really scared--just unsure where I'd get footage.

Sarah Ahiers said...

awww, i can't watch the video on this pc and my laptop is in the shop. sadface. I'll have to check it out when my laptop is back and virus-free

~Sia McKye~ said...

Sounds like you had quite the adventure with this one Ciara. Fun, no? Ducks in case Ariana is throwing daggers.

Actually, I have helped with making a few trailers and it is hard work.

Congrats on your new book and trailer!

Sia McKye's Thoughts...OVER COFFEE

Angela Brown said...

Great trailer, Ciara!!

Yay for the hubby being able to help.

The idea of doing a book trailer myself is still...intimidating, to say the least.

M Pax said...

Great job on the trailer, Ciara! My video gal does them for me, thank goodness.

Congrats to Yvonne and best of luck to all of those in the 411 award nominations.

Ciara said...

Lynn - You are such a supportive friend and crit partner. Thanks!

Alex - terrified would be a better term. :)

Cate - I really wanted movement in this trailer. I also wanted a voice instead of sliding words and pictures. I just thought it fit this book better.

DL - That's great. You will be set for a trailer.

Hart - Yep, there was a learning curve. Thanks for checking it out.

Roland - Thanks for your recommendation.

Christopher - I know what you mean. I have a book out there doing that right now. *sigh*

The Golden Eagle - You can purchase footage at places like istock. Although the prices are going up this week. I lucked out. I filmed the woods myself, of course.

Sarah - Virus issues are the worst.

Sia - Thanks. It should be easier the next time.

Angela - Yep, I'm lucky.

M Pax - It's great to have a video gal. :)

Carrie Butler said...

I can't wait until it's time to make a book trailer. I love screwing around with things like that. If anything, this post might've excited me more. Great trailer, Ciara! :)

Ciara said...

Carrie - I look forward to seeing your creation!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Ciara--I clicked play on your book trailer and it's not listening to me! Waaa! I've looked into making my own book trailer. I think you're pretty danged lucky to have someone HELP you and know what they're doing. :P

PS--I was hoping you'd share a secret or two on HOW you did it along with your journey. *Sigh*


Elizabeth Mueller said...

Alex, thanks for sharing Ciara with us today! Good to see you over at my blog, thanks for the TLComment! :)

Elizabeth Mueller said...

PS--Ciara, I hunted your book trailer over at YouTube! Is that you kissing your hubby? *giggle*

Ciara said...


Maybe I'll have Mr. Knight write a 'how to' post. :)

You are not the first person to ask if that is hubby and I kissing. LOL

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, you are fortunate!

Christopher, you just have to let people know it is there!

Mary, glad I don't have to make them either.

Elizabeth, glad you finally got to see it!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Very nice book trailer, Ciara. I like the short ones best, which probably makes it harder for the author/designer to get to the point quickly and effectively. This one is well done.

Alex, I'd never tackle this task myself, just because of the learning curve involved to get it right. I don't have time (she wails)...

Sandra McLeod Humphrey said...

What a great trailer--I love it! The drama, the voice, everything! Congratulations!

Copyboy said...

It's amazing students would price themselves out of what could be an amazing piece for their book. Cool trailer.

Helena said...

Ciara -- it's a beautiful video! Very professional too -- I never would have guess you were hobbling around with a camera while avoiding hikers. Me, I haven't even dared to take on the TRAILER MONSTER just yet.

Jemi Fraser said...

Wow. This is exactly why I've avoided trying this out! I just don't have the time - especially THAT much time! Looks fantastic though :)

Ciara said...

Patricia - Thank you. I wanted it to be a short teaser more than a blurb.

Sandra - Wow, thanks so much. I'm so excited you liked it.

Copyboy - Thanks.

Helena - I tried to go as professional as I could. Thanks for taking the time to watch it.

Jemi - It was probably just me. You should give it a try.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Thanks Alex for hosting Ciara! I love that her husband had the passion to help create such an amazing trailer! Julie

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You are a brave, brave person. I haven't dared yet. You did a great job. Good luck with your release.

TL Conway said...

What a cool trailer! And how fun that your husband helped you create it!

Thanks for sharing the process and your journey. Best of luck!

Ella said...

I love your trailer! I am thrilled your hubby helped! It is great he joined in and gave you a hand!
What a guy~ I think you both rock and belong in the Ninja Army ;D

Nice to meet you Ciara; thanks Alex for all the amazing news!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, there's always people who can help.

Julie, we can't do this author thing alone!

Thanks everyone who commented! Ciara, you rocked the Ninja house today. said...

Sorry I'm so late to the party, especially because I just viewed the trailer at night and I'm alone. It's amazing. I'm chilled, terrified of the whole thing. Does Mr. Knight charge less than those students? I'll start saving now.


Anonymous said...

Great job with the trailer.. I have no idea how to do one... looks hard.

Dani said...

I just gave you a +1 Alex - third person today! LOL.

Bob Sanchez said...

And because of Dani, I'm +1 #4.

For some reason I'm quite intimidated by the thought of creating a trailer.

Author A.O. Peart said...

Great trailer and a fun story behind producing it :-) So awesome that you could rely on your husband with this project. Best of luck with the release of your novel. How exciting.

Shelley Munro said...

Ciara, you did a great job with the trailer. Husbands are very handy sometimes.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I'm even more impressed by Ciara's trailer now knowing she'd created it herself. Fabulous work!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, effective, isn't it?

Thanks, Dani!

Bob, you the man!

Shelley, we like to think so.

Susan Fields said...

Fantastic trailer! And Ciara's hubby sounds like an awesome guy! I don't even want to think about creating a book trailer, I'd probably have to find a student and pay the big bucks.

FantasyNibbles said...

whilst I can completely appreciate how much time & skill they take to make, I never watch book trailers! I doesn't feel right! I am an old skool dinosaur I know....

baygirl32 said...

that trailer is amazing

Ciara said...

Julie - I'm so lucky he had a desire to work with the new software. I think being a techie kind of guy made helped.

Susan - I was scared, but went for it.

TL - You are most welcome. Thanks for checking it out.

Ella - Thanks! It was fun working on a project with my hubby.

Robyn - Oh, no. I remember seeing the trailer for The Shining. I was alone at my grandparents house. Their house was old, spooky, and isolated on a canal.

tfwalsh - It wasn't that hard for my hubby. :) I'm hoping to convince him to do a write up on 'how to' make the book trailer.

Dani - Yay. Alex is one popular guy.

Bob - Don't be. I think like anything there is a learning curve.

Angela - It was a fun project.

Shelley - *waves* Good to see you here. Yep, husbands can be handy.

Lynda - Thanks!

Ciara said...

Susan - He is pretty awesome. :)

Fantasynibbles - Give it a try. You never know. ;)

babygirl32 - Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I think the biggest key to an effective trailer is a thirty second time limit. Anything more and its difficult to keep the viewer's attention. I'm kicking around some ideas for a trailer but so far nothing constructive has emerged. How to do a wormhole? Not so easy.

Tess Grant said...

I'm tossing around the idea of a trailer...after reading your experience, I'm leaning toward...not!

Lisa Gail Green said...

Wow! Now that's effort. Yes, I am intimidated, but I have so much to go through before I get to that point that I'm not even going to worry right now. :D

Mark said...

Wow, super informative! I love Ciara's site too:)

Patsy said...

I'm a quivering pile of goo! This isn't something I'd be comfortable tackling myself.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fantasy, have you ever seen mine?

Stephen, I think up to a minute works, but beyond that is too long.

Pasty, I knew it would reduce someone to goo...

Maurice Mitchell said...

Awesome trailer Ciara!

Nicki Elson said...

Aw, I love that it turned into a group project. You two make beautiful trailers together. ;)

Ciara said...

Stephen - I like trailers that are more of teasers. I think many writers try to make them 'blurbs' for their books. I took a different approach. I made it in 33 seconds, does that count. :)

Tess - Go for it. You might rock it.

Lisa - Enjoy the journey. Take each writing step as it comes. You'll do great.

Mark - Thanks so much!

Patsy - You could do it. If I can, any one can.

Maurice - Thanks!

Nicki - I'm glad we accomplished something in our marriage. Lord knows I worry about my kids most days. :)

Leovi said...

My vote you have it insured.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nicki, well put!

Thank you, Leovi.

Cindy said...

Great job on the book trailer. Maybe one day I'll try to make one.

ali cross said...

Thanks for introducing me to Ciara!

Ciara said...

Cindy - You should.

Ali - It's nice to meet you.

Stephanie Thornton said...

Great trailer!

Is it bad that I plan to have my students make book trailers for a project so I can learn vicariously through them?

(Just nod and smile and tell me that's a great idea.)

Fun post!

LD Masterson said...

Very cool trailer but - wow - a scary thing to consider attemping.

Rek Sesh said...

Very good trailer...the hard work had paid off. Good luck With the book Ciara, your story sounds interesting.

Ciara said...

Stephanie - *nods and smiles* That's a great idea! No, seriously. I would do that if I could.

LD - It was fun, too.

Rek - Thanks! I'm looking forward to the release next month.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by and supporting Ciara!!

C D Meetens said...

I'm actually quite looking forward to creating a book trailer. I used to make films when I was younger, and I miss it. The thrill of having the footage, putting it in the right order, and making something special out of it... Yep, I'm looking forward to making a book trailer :).

Ciara said...

Great, C D.

Alex, thanks again for having me here.

I've enjoyed meeting all my fellow Ninjas, and visiting all of your blogs. I greatly appreciate all the encouraging words. Happy Holidays!