Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Science Fiction-Fantasy News and My Odd Answers

First, a little science/fantasy fiction news for you…

During a recent interview with Jewel Staite (Serenity, Stargate:Atlantis) she revealed she’s working with former S:A castmember, David Hewlett, on a secret project. She also revealed that if given the choice between Simon and Mal, she’d select Inara. Crap, I guess I know where I stand...

From the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly: “Skip I Am Number Four, see Starman instead. They’re both about hunky aliens, so why bother with the cruddy one?” (Sorry, found that rather funny!)

And Jason Momoa is already talking about Conan 2 and 3. Let’s hope 1 lives up to the hype!

And my odd answers?

Summer Ross at My Inner Fairy tagged me with this meme, and I decided to have some fun with it…

Do you think you're hot?

Is molten lava hot? Is the center of the sun hot? Is the middle of an inferno hot?
Eh, I’m all right.

Upload a picture or wall paper you are using at the moment

Okay, not really. This is my wallpaper, because it motivates me to finish the damn sequel!

When was the last time you ate chicken meat?

I like to start off my day with a protein based breakfast consisting of Cocoa Puffs and BBQ chicken. Oh, and a sliced banana.

The Song(s) you listened to recently?

The entire new While Heaven Wept CD
Amon Amarth’s song, “War of the Gods”
Oh, and, the J.G. Wentworth 877-CASHNOW jingle (Someone please help me get it out of my head!)

What were you thinking as you were doing this?

Maybe I’ll add Hot Tamales to my Cocoa Puffs…

Do you have nicknames? What are they?

Captain Ninja Alex!

Tag eight Blogger friends

Eight? I don’t know if I could find eight who haven’t already been tagged. Damn, I don’t want to be responsible for a dead rabbit. So, I shall tag Bossy Betty and let the rabbit die with her!

I know - that's not right!

Heard any odd news lately?


Anne Gallagher said...

I'll have to ask Monster Child which she would prefer in her Cocoa Puffs, BBQ chicken or hot tamales.

Li said...

What about chicken stuffed with hot tamales? (You'd be 'hot' for a period of time in the AM, maybe not in the best way however.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anne, I bet she'd say Hot Tamales. Or maybe marshmellows instead.

Li, that sounds painful!

Andrew said...

You ever mix hot sauce with cajun seasoning on chicken?
Fry it up, and you will barely be able to breath in your kitchen.

Now, THAT is hot!

Unknown said...

Odd news, hmmm does watching my ex-governor style his helmut coiff count?

I'll have to BBQ chicken with Cocoa Puffs, sounds like a breakfast of champions. And I, too can't get that awful jingle out of my head. It's tuck there like a burr on my dog's butt.

Christine Danek said...

Interesting breakfast. That would wake me up.
Great answers.

The Happy Whisk said...

Cocoa Puffs and chicken. Never had those two together. Love chicken though not a huge fan of the puffs. Though Mothers makes a peanut butter bumper that I really dig.

Hope you're doing well and have a groovy day :-)

Ted Cross said...

I have such a bad feeling about the Conan film. I hope I'm wrong, though. I'd like a pleasant surprise.

Liz P said...

Great, thanks for reminding me about those horrible CASHNOW commercials. Gah!

Jeff Beesler said...

Dang, Alex, that's some seriously inspirational wallpaper you have. If someone painted my walls with the cover of CassaStar, it would definitely make watching paint dry a nobler endeavor!

Golden Eagle said...

I love reading people's answers to this tag. :)

Angela said...

Hot Tamales and Coco Puffs. Now that would be interesting.

Old Kitty said...

Dearest Capn Ninja Alex! Your sci-fi news was all gobbledegook to me!

Awww but yay for BB!!! She's scary but in a beautiful and creative way. I don't envy the rabbit. Ahem.

Take care

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Loved these answers! And your breakfast. :)

Sarah McCabe said...

Between Simon and Mal I would choose Simon. I can't help liking the smart, nerdy thing. ;)

Talli Roland said...

Cocoa Puffs and BBQ chicken? Interesting combo.

baygirl32 said...

hot tamales go with everything!

Summer Frey said...

Hm, I hope you're joking about that breakfast...Though they do say you should get 30% of your daily caloric intake at breakfast, so that would probably do it. :)

Sarah Ahiers said...

oh man! Cocoa puffs! I haven't had those in years!

Kelly Polark said...

I love sugary cereals like Cocoa Puffs and Lucky Charms. But I don't stock it in the house. My daughter and I eat Special K or a cereal bar instead. They get to eat sugary cereals at Grandma's. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm smiling :)
I don't know about the Hot Tamales and Cocoa Puffs combo, but I like the dark chocolate with chilies and lime bar from World Market.

Summer Ross said...

Great answers Alex- very fun. I don't eat my chicken with BBQ, but I know that is good.

The new Conan, I'm a little biased to the old one- its a wonderful movie. There are not many who remake films well so my hopes are very low for the film. I wont be seeing it in theatres unless I hear raving reviews from almost everyone.

Maurice Mitchell said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one with that "877-cash-now" song stuck in my head. Maybe we could get a class-action lawsuit together for damages to higher brain function.

Dafeenah said...

I prefer Cocoa Pebbles with my BBQ chicken. Sending happy thoughts your way for your sequel!! Oh and a few hot tamales!

Unknown said...

I love Staite. Can't wait to see what she's in next.

Love your answers.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Hilarious post!

Alex, did you get my e-mail?

Charles Gramlich said...

Been listening to AC DC myself.

Paul Joseph said...

I have never had BBQ chicken for breakfast. I don't think my body would let me - I have some type or OCD food disorder so my mouth would refuse to open. No meat (aside from breakfast meat) before noon.

Emily White said...

Oh how I miss Stargate Atlantis. :( Stargate Universe is eh. You've mad me sad, Alex, pining for things I can't have. :P

Suze said...

I heard odd(ish) news about altered states of consciousness which I will be posting about, tonight.

Little cliffhanger, there. :)

Incidentally, BBQ chicken with Cocoa Puffs? Nasty, yo.

Bkloss said...

Hot tamales to Coco Puffs?? Usually I can imagine flavor, but you got me there.

Donea Lee said...

EW's talking Jeff Bridges' Starman, right? Kind of loved that show back in the day, I haven't seen it FOREVER!

Is Jewel talking a secret S:A project???? That would be great! I'm having serious withdrawals...

And I'm hoping that's one bite cocoa puffs, one bite hot tamales - not both at the same time.... eww. :)

Bossy Betty said...

OH! Alex! I am so honored! This bunny is SO cute! I love bunnies. Oh, wait....I need to take care of this bunny? Whoops....My track record is not so great in this regard.

It has just occurred to me that I may be being used as a rabbit killer. That is wrong on so many levels....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, I like hot - I'll try it!

Melissa, that qualifies. And that jingle is evil.

Ted, may we be pleasantly surprised.

Jeffrey, I wouldn't go that far...

Thanks, Kitty!

Baygirl, you're my kind of girl!

Sarah, I know what's going on your grocery list.

Carol, that sounds interesting.

Karen, that's awesome - thanks! And I had one up during my blog tour...

Summer, I will let you know.

Maurice, I'm all for that!

Paul, BBQ chicken pizza for breakfast is even better!

Suze, I'm intrigued.

Donea, yes, the John Carpenter directed Starman with Bridges. And I would so dig more SG Atlantis.

Betty, I know. My apologies.

M Pax said...

Interesting sci-fi news, Captain.

Your answers were fun to read. said...

You are funny, Alex, and that CassaStar wallpaper is pretty darn hot.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex.

I got tagged by Summer, too. Cocoa puffs and tamales for breakfast? I see heartburn on the horizon.

Laura said...

Hehehe, great answers!!!

Can I ask what a hot tamale is please *sheepish cough*

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, at least something is hot!

Michael, you have to portion them just right...

Laura, it's a hot, cinnamon candy.

Helen Ginger said...

I heard from a fairly good unreliable source that Spock has decided to get on a merry-go-round and put it in reverse at top speed so he can revisit his childhood.

Anonymous said...

Now we all know you a little better. I see you avoided the boxers or briefs question though LOL!

Leovi said...

Dear Captain Alex Ninja this wallpaper is very motivating, but my wife is too jealous ...

"Conan 2 and 3 .. with Arnold Schwarzenegger?

A greeting.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Goofy. Hope you find your quiet corner to write and think...and chuckle at your own cleverness.

Ricky said...

Conan! Bring it on!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helen, that will be cool!

Stephen, my underwear is nobody's business!

Leovi, that's why I don't actually use Kate for my wallpaper. And Momoa will be Conan in all three movies.


hmmmmm......well, now, captain ninja alex, while i'm really not into the cocoa puffs thing, i DO like all my tamales HOT!

Ciara said...

I'm having Firefly withdraw just looking at her pic. I want my Captain back. :) Secret Project? Please, oh please, let it be...

Chuck said...

You were very entertaining today ALex...reminded me I missed the Monday Minute this week...damn end of the world Saturday!

Copyboy said...

Sadly I was a Buffer, not a fireflyer.

Nicki Elson said...

Ya mean I've got a shot with Kaylee? Awesome. :) I took a liking to her right from the Firefly pilot.

You were in an awfully odd mood, huh? Or...are you just odd??

N. R. Williams said...

I get the chicken reference now you posted to my comments. LOL. Thank God I haven't heard that jiggle. Odd news...last night my critique group got kicked out of Barnes & Nobles. Someone over heard some, no, no...there was an electrical fire.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

ali cross said...

Dude, I am dying to read that sequel!

And for reals? That's your breakfast? Um, well. Ok. To each, his own, right?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gypsy, you are cool then!

Ciara, I know!

Chuck, get on it man.

Nicki, you have a shot. And I'm just odd.

Ali, working on it! And no, not really.

RaShelle Workman said...

Captain Ninja Alex - You Rock!!! By the way, I liked I AM NUMBER FOUR. Maybe because I went into it with low expectations. =D

Lydia Kang said...

I never liked Cocoa Puffs. I thought they looked like rabbit poo.

oops. I'm sorry, did I just ruin that cereal for you?

I don't think I'm going to see I am #4 after the bad reviews.

Saumya said...

Hahaha "Ehh, I'm all right." I'm sure you are hot, Alex!! Ask your wife and see if she gives the same answer as you. ;)

Saumya said...

Also, I love that query site from a couple posts ago. It is so helpful so thanks for introducing us to it!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

lol, I worry about the health of your insides ;)

Jamie Gibbs said...

Good call on the BBQ chicken, tis a man's breakfast :P

You should have both CassaStar AND Kate on your desktop - that way every day is win/win, hehe.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

RaShelle, that always helps.

Thanks, Lydia!

Saumya, I'd be afraid to ask! And glad you found Matthew's site.

Lynda, I've eaten spicier!

Jamie, you're right!

Matthew MacNish said...

I loved that Starman movie as a kid for some reason.

"Yellow means go faster!"

Aleta said...

Ack! I have the jingle in my head now!

Thanks for the smiles - fun answers :)

Huntress said...

I don't know where to start. And really, trying to type while laughing so hard tears run down my cheeks is very difficult.

I am number four is bad.
chicken and breakfast cereal good.
yeah, I think that summarizes.

Anonymous said...

Well, Captain Ninja Alex, an odd thing I heard recently was a man who got hit head on by a train in Saskachewan and walked away just fine! I wonder if he's got some ninja juice running through him (besides the high alcohol content that possibly kept him alive). :)

PK HREZO said...

Lol... fun answers. And I always add tamales to my cocoa puffs... is there any other way??

Karen M. Peterson said...

Now I want BBQ chicken.

And hot tamales.

And to hang out with Jewel Staite.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Matthew, it sure does!

Sorry, Aleta. Just sharing my pain.

Huntress, glad I could make you laugh!

Lynn, now that is wild!

Pk, no, there's not.

Karen, who doesn't?

Anastasia V. Pergakis said...

Wow. What a breakfast. I don't eat breakfast and if I do, it's like a piece of toast with some butter.

LOVE the wallpaper - both versions. I froze at Kate's pic because..*breathes* The CassaStar wallpaper is a great idea. I think I'm going to hang my cover art up on the wall next to my desk. I rarely see my computer's wallpaper so...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I don't eat chocolate or chicken, so it all sounds gross to me. And I loved the movie Starman.

Arlee Bird said...

What news hasn't been odd of late? What's with all these tornadoes this year anyway? My life has been getting odd over the past few weeks--I mean odder than usual.

Tossing It Out

Hart Johnson said...

*snort* Too bad Kayly prefers Inara... I'm sure that's disappointing.

I have that same meme to do... tomorrow unless some big news nags at me... love your answers!

Margo Benson said...

Can't say I share your taste in breakfast! Great answers, Alex - thanks for stopping by mine earlier.

M.J. Fifield said...

Oh, man! Now I'm going to have that jingle stuck in my head too.

Karen Lange said...

Now I must work to get the Wentworth song out of my head....

Southpaw said...

Your dietary habits are inspirational.

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

If sending that damn jungle to my head didn't get it out of yours, sorry I can't help you.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Anastasia, whatever motivates you!

Lee, going to let us know about the oddness?

Hart, look forward to yours.

MJ and Karen, my job here is done!

Mary - damn!

Sommer Leigh said...

I am meeting Jewel Staite in June at the Contagion Pop Culture Expo in my city :-) I can't wait!

Jules said...

I knew you were a nut, that's why I like you. You hot tamale :)

Sorry been sick. Just getting around to things.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sommer, I'm envious!!!

Captain "Hot Tamale" Ninja Alex - thanks, Jules, that has a nice ring to it!

Rusty Carl said...

You know, given a choice between Simon and Mal, I'd probably go for Inara too. I have a hard time disagreeing with her.

And I made my wife watch Starman last week. She totally dug it.

Great to learn the hidden secrets of Alex. Thanks for sharing.

Jo Schaffer Layton said...

Haha! You're a multi-faceted dude.

I liked Starman waaay better than I Am Number Four... but Alex Petyfer is cougar bait. (= Only reason to watch that movie.

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! I met Jewel at Toronto Wizard World Comic-Con 2011, but I'm disappointed that she didn't do a Q&A, just showed up for signatures and photo ops.

By the way, I'm running a poll for what book I should read and share my thoughts about next on the Kelworth Files, and I really need book lovers, (particularly science fiction and fantasy) to give me their opinion. So, come by and check out the poll options!