Monday, May 23, 2011

Pirates Review & Some Guest Post Tips

Saw the new Pirates movie this weekend (of course!) so thought I’d offer my views on the latest installment.

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Our fourth journey with Captain Jack Sparrow is a stand alone adventure, although it references events before the first movie ever occurred. Everyone is after the Fountain of Youth – the Spanish, the English (led by Barbossa), and Blackbeard – with Jack along as his guide.

The movie is not without issues. It has some slow moments, especially in the first half of the film. The second half really picks up the pace and tension, throwing jungles and killer mermaids into the mix. Add a thick layer of lies and Jack’s squirrelly antics, and you have a fun romp of an adventure.

Depp is Depp. Geoffrey Rush is captivating and likeable. Ian McShane is evil in a subtle way and as cold as hell.

On Stranger Tides is ‘loosely’ based on a Tim Powers book of the same name. It’s been years since I read the novel, which did feature Blackbeard, the Fountain of Youth, and zombies, so I don’t remember how accurately they followed the book. But I feel confident saying that it's loosely (oh so loosely) based on the book.

This Pirates movie isn’t perfect, but it’s fun and worth a trip to the movie theater as long as your expectations are not sky high. It’s in 2D and 3D – I saw the 2D version and don’t feel I missed anything. Go – enjoy!

Guest Post Tips

I have some awesome guests appearing here over the next few weeks, which is really cool. This community has been so supportive of me, and I’m honored to feature my blogger friends.

Everyone has a different view on this, so I’ll just offer my own personal tips for acquiring guest spots.

* Contact me at least a month in advance. And please send me your book information (or whatever) or your guest post idea. Give me time to fit it into my calendar and know what I’m saying yes to!

* My focus is science fiction and fantasy, but I'm open to other ideas. Humor is a must, movie-related a bonus! And my blogger buddies get preference.

* I set my posts two – three days in advance, so I need your post a couple days before it’s supposed to go live. And I prefer short guest posts to interviews.

* I’ll Tweet your post and entice my Ninja Army to comment – but I need you to do the same. And while my Army is huge, I can tell when they are the only ones leaving comments...

* I don’t require a free book or anything. Really! I would rather support you by purchasing my own copy.

* Please have the courtesy to thank me when it’s over.  And you really need to thank my Ninja Army. Cases of Hot Tamales always welcome.

Do those rules sound fair? What are your guest post rules?


Ciara said...

I've heard such mixed things about Pirates. I'm not a fan of 3-D so I'm glad you mentioned you saw it in 2D.

Vicki Rocho said...

Didn't see Pirates yet -- waiting for the rabid crowds of diehards to dwindle -- but I'm pretty sure it'll be a fun romp. Generally I don't like sequels as they tend to be watered down versions o the original, but Pirates is one of the rare exceptions. I think it helps that they stand alone.

I don't do guest posts regularly enough to have any rules, but yours sound reasonable enough!

PK HREZO said...

Yeah I think I'll wait for the Pirates DVD. Honestly, I'm kinda sick of Captain Jack. I love Depp but I've had enough of that character. That aside, I still love me some pirates!
Look forward to your guest posts! :)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Glad you enjoyed Pirates, Alex. Yep, it dragged a bit here and there, but overall it was lots of fun. For me, the Mermaids were the stars of the movie.

It's so nice you decided to feature your blogger buddies - I'm looking forward to those guest posts ;)

Liza said...

So glad you enjoyed Pirates. I'm looking forward to it. I think your guest post rules look great.

Li said...

I have found all of the Pirate series vastly entertaining - just the thing to mindlessly wind me down on a rainy day. So, I'm anxious to see the new one. As for guest posting - I see you added a reminder to thank the host. I hope that doesn't mean someone was so rude (or scatterbrained) that they forgot!
Have a happy week. Lisa

Unknown said...

Can't wait to see Pirates and I will be doing so in 2 D because I can't handle 3-D. They so often make things 3-D that just aren't necessary. Do we need someone's foot flying at us to know they are kicking the crap out of another person?

I love your guest post rules and I do believe that I shall be contacting you in the very near future about doing a post down the road and of course, you are most welcome at the Imaginarium any time.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ciara, really don't think I missed anything in 2D either.

Vicki, this one is a fun romp.

Pk, obviously Depp enjoys the role.

Nebular, yeah, the next guest is supposed to rock!

Li, well yeah, someone did forget, but oh well...

S.A. Larsenッ said...

One of my children saw the film this weekend. He wasn't all that impressed. :(

Dafeenah said...

I am nervous about this Pirates movie. Everyone is saying pretty much what you are. I just recently found the others and really enjoyed them. Why do they always have to ruin things :(

I don't really have any guest post rules I guess, but mostly because I am new to it and haven't had enough experience at it to know what works or what doesn't. I guess the only "rule" I might have would be letting me know in advance because I am like you I schedule my posts a few days in advance.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I want to see this latest installment. Thanks for the great review (as usual).

The Old Silly said...

Thanks for the review - I want to see that movie soon. And good (and fair) rules & tips re: featured guest posters, too.

Sarah McCabe said...

I've really enjoyed all the Pirates movies and I look forward to this one. Though I read a review that said it suffers from not really having any non-pirate characters for Jack to play off of. Still, you can't do much better for simple entertainment than pirates!

Laura Pauling said...

I will watch it when it comes to REd Box. The commercials make it look really good!

S.B. Stewart-Laing said...

I'll probably see the movie once it's on DVD, because I'm a cheapskate. But I do enjoy the "Pirates" films. And to the haters-- they're entertainment, they aren't *supposed* to be deep, just enjoyable.

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm glad Pirates is good. I loved the first one, not the second, and didn't see the third.

Thanks for posting guest blogger rules. I may steal them :)

Summer Ross said...

I'm pretty open with guest posts. But your rules sound fair.

I saw Pirates over the weekend as well and fell in love with their take on mermaids. I thought this new one worked out much better than the previous one I saw. But I'm also a fan of Penelope. It was worth seeing at the theatre.

WritingNut said...

I'm definitely on the fence about Pirates... I wasn't too happy with the way the third one progressed, but it's such a great series... I'll probably end up seeing it.

Yup, I think your rules sound pretty good :)

Lydia Kang said...

Sounds like a fun movie. It killed at the box office, I hear.

Your rules sound great. I don't do guests posts--honestly never thought about it. But your rules make a lot of sense.

Anonymous said...

That was easy. I'll be asking for a guest spot soon. Should be getting ARCs of Opening out in June to people for review before I go into the final edit.

Sarah Ahiers said...

We got stuck seeing pirates in 3D and it was no big deal. But yeah i think your review was spot on. Overall enjoyable, with a few holes here and there that you couldn't quite ignore

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sarah, there is one key non-pirate person.

SB, you're right!

Carol, go right ahead.

Summer, it was much better than the last one.

Stephen, you have only to ask!

Old Kitty said...

I so can't wait to see gorgeous Mr Depp and sultry sexy Ms Cruz! And fun Mr Rush!!!!! Yay for the review!!!!

These are Charlie's tips for getting him on my blog!! LOL!! Except he prefers extra kitty treats and feline-centric genres as opposed to hot tamales and sci-fi! :-)And tweets. He loves tweets. With feathers! Take care

True Life and Fiction said...

I'm with Ciara. I'm not really into the 3D thing. Plus, I never saw Pirates 3. I'm not sure I remember seeing Pirates 2, although, I really enjoyed the first movie.

baygirl32 said...

Pirates is my plan for today! not the 3d though (I'm too cheap)

N. R. Williams said...

The movie sounds like fun. Who doesn't like Capt. Jack? You guest post rules sound very fair. One of my big ones is the guest dropping by all day and answering the comments. I've had a couple folks who didn't do that even though I said plainly they should.
N. R. Williams, The Treasures of Carmelidrium

BigMike said...

Going to a pirates movie with high expectations? Unless there were Ninjas in the preview then my expectations are accurate. ;)

Donea Lee said...

Hi, Alex! You know, I saw Pirates yesterday and it was pretty good. I agree...some flaws, some slow spots. It seemed darker than the other 3... I missed more humor. Hmmm...

Guest posts sound fun! I'm sure you'll have a lot of fans on board. I'll pick up a case of hot tamales to cheer everyone on! :)

Charles Gramlich said...

I saw the movie "the Rite" last night, and it was pretty good. I will watch the new Pirates eventually.

Colene Murphy said...

The set up in the beginning of the movie was a bit slow, wasn't it. Oh well! It was enjoyable! You didn't miss anything at all with 3D, except maybe kept your wallet a little heftier. We were forced to, or wait an hour between our two movies, and it was a waste of 6 extra bucks. Oh well again!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty - tweets with feathers. That's funny!

JL, don't worry about the others then and just go enjoy.

Nancy, good point! I should've included it.

BigMike - damn straight!

Ricky said...

I think I'll wait for the dvd.

Great timing with the post, I have my first guest reviewer !

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I liked the new Pirates movie! At some point the series will run out of steam though.
Your guest post guidelines sound fair.

Lindsay said...

i haven't seen the new Pirates movie yet, but I'm looking forward to some entertainment ;)

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Pirates is on my list of just for fun with my little grand kids.

Rek Sesh said...

I am not keen on pirates any more, not after the last one...
like your advice on guest posts...did one for a fellow blogger once, was fun...

Helen Ginger said...

I saw the Pirates in 3D. Liked it. Also saw Thor is 2D. Liked it more than Pirates. I heard this morning that Pirates broke records in money it made over the weekend.

Hart Johnson said...

Oh, I'm looking forward to Pirates. I was gone this weekend, but I bet I can convince my kids to go next weekend... I prefer a matinee anyway (and if we go, say... noon on Sunday or Monday, they will both accompany me without insisting on friends, which is my favorite kind of outing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Helen, I agree - Thor was a better movie.

Hart, you know how to work the kids!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I keep worrying these movies are going to start getting really bad, but sounds like they're not there yet!

Absolutely--great guest post rules. :) Looking forward to being on your blog next month. You might want to take your list and put them on a new blog page at the top of your blog, now that you've formulated them...I see a lot of folks doing that.

Southpaw said...

I'm still iffy on the Pirates movie, so I'll wait for the DVD. Well, I would anyway. I haven't been to a theater in a long time.

I like your tips for guest posting. Do you have recommendations for topics for your guests or is it all up to them?

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great review. Great rules. Very accessible. And fair. So far, I've done the inviting of guest posts, so not much need for official rules. I like how you encourage humor!

Jemi Fraser said...

I've only had a few guests post on my blog, and they've been wonderful! In fact, I have an awesome guest blogger today - Elana J. :)

Laura said...

Hi Alex- Great review, may well give it a go after being bored to tears during number 3!

Looking forward to reading your guest posts...

M Pax said...

As long as Pirates is fun. That's all I really expect from it. And Johnny Depp.

Your rules are good. I haven't done much with guest posts yet, but I'm not opposed.

Mel Chesley said...

It's funny... Pirates, in general, seem to be the theme as of late. When it falters, a new movie comes out in the PotC series and the trend kicks back up again. I don't know what the lure is about pirates. All I can say is I am one at heart!

Good guest blog rules. Sorry I didn't give you much advance. XD I wasn't thinking about my blog while I am gone on vacation. I thought I would be able to post, since I will have my computer. Then I got to thinking... uh oh... what if I don't? I just got back from a long hiatus... do I want to lose my new followers so quickly? Gah!

Have a great week Alex! said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the movie, Alex. Having read your review, I feel I've done my part regarding this Pirates sequel.

Your guest post rules are more than fair. When Powdered Toast Man and I join forces, we have no rules. Then again, neither do we have self respect. (This is a teaser. We've got something in the works.)

Be well.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, that's an idea!

Holly, I work with my guests and give suggestions, but mostly on the angle not the actual topic.

Mary, I know what my army likes!

Laura, it's MUCH better than the last one.

Mel, I bet you can come up with at least one or two for your absence!

Shari said...

Wow. I didn't know you had your own army. That's so cool. I loved Pirates, but I'm a bit of a Captain Jack fan. Okay, okay, I'm a big Captain Jack fan.

Jeff Beesler said...

So far I've only given out guest posts as prizes in contests, unless an author has kindly asked me for assistance with a blog tour. I'm more than willing to accommodate anyone in need usually, so long as the post is in good taste.

Beth Zimmerman said...

Josiah saw Pirates twice this weekend so I figured it was pretty good! :)

Copyboy said...

Would you believe I haven't seen one Jack Sparrow movie? i know, I'm lame.

Rusty Carl said...

Pirates will have to wait for me. Just not excited to see it. I'm sure stuff will be coming out so quickly that if I don't catch it opening weekend I'll catch it on blue ray. So, we'll see whats on tap this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I saw Rotten Tomatoes' critics are rating the new Pirates at 37% but honest folk rate it 73%. I'll probably fall somewhere in betweeen. Planning on seeing it at the drive-in next weekend.

Cheeseboy said...

I am so honored to be considered part of a Ninja Army. I'm going to see the film with minimal standards.

Chuck said...

Thanks for the Pirates review...I will probably see it in 3-D just coz I don't get out enough!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shari, go ahead and admit it!

Jeffrey, agreed about the good taste.

Beth, twice? Wow!

Rusty this weekend is Kung Fu Panda 2!

Milo just leave your brain at the door and enjoy.

Cheeseboy, you are! And that's probably the best approach.

Chuck, need to go movie hopping with me!

Abby Minard said...

I'm kinda itching to see the PIrates movie, but I may not see it in theatres. We don't go to the movies much, and we're saving our moving-going slot for the new xmen movie. I am SO excited for that one.

Gotta establish rules for stuff like guest posts. I had to for my interviews.

Tyrean Martinson said...

We decided to see Pirates at a 1p.m. matinee and the theatre was nearly empty. We had fun, but kind of missed that laugh with the crowd feeling. Personally, the priest and mermaid subplots were interesting enough that I wanted more of them and less of Captain Jack, and I like Captain Jack. However, they were far more intriguing characters than any of the others.

Julie Musil said...

Alex, your rules are fair! I look forward to reading the guest posts.

As for Pirates, I've been disappointment by all but the first movie. I'll wait til this one's on Netflix. The first one set the bar high for me, which I suppose is a good and bad thing!

alexia said...

Yay, Pirates! Can't wait...

Never done guest posts, but that all seems quite reasonable!

raisingmarshmallows said...

My husband and I tried to see Pirates today, but the theater rebooted their servers while we were paying so we missed the movie waiting for it to get back online.
So frustrating!

Ella said...

Thanks for the review; it sounds about right! The last one was a bit dark; good to know squirrelly Jack is back.

Great guest blog tips~ Thanks Captain!

Botanist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Botanist said...

We had a family night out yesterday to see Pirates. Thoroughly enjoyed it, even the slower bits at the start. Mermaids will never seem quite the same from now on :D

Jamie Gibbs said...

I still need to see Pirates, but I won't see it in 3D (seems kinda pointless to me). I've not written or received many guest posts, so I've not any guidelines set in place. Thanks for the tips :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Abby, I can't wait for the new XMen movie!

Tyrean, I liked those characters as well.

Julie, I didn't like the last two much either.

Raising, that's not fair!

Botanist, no they won't.

Jamie, I don't think I missed anything seeing it in 2D.

Leovi said...

Excellent, accurate and complete your review. I have to go with my son to see the movie. A greeting and thanks for your review.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Thanks for the review. I'm looking forward to this one (despite the last one...).

I think your guest posting rules are fair. You were certainly helpful when I asked! :)

Regina said...

I am really looking forward to seeing this movie. My kids have seen it and told me how wonderful it was, making it more in demand for my to be watched soon list!

Enid Wilson said...

I haven't watched any of the series, must be the last person in this world. Not sure why. I love Indiana Jones but not pirates...

Chemical Fusion

Talli Roland said...

How weird, I keep thinking I've commented only to find I haven't!

Great guest post tips.

Chris Phillips said...

You should require a free book. Who doesn't give people a free book for helping? j/k ;) Did you stay after the credits for Pirates? Sequel teaser. Thor has one too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Leovi, you enjoy!

Alison, that's good to know.

Enid, maybe you're more into Ford than Depp.

Talli, we'll blame the wine.

Chris, I don't because I'd rather support my friends by buying one.

Kadie Kinney said...

Okay I'm going to admit I skipped over the Pirates review and went right to the guest post tips...I'll go back I promise. :) But I wanted to say thanks first. I just started my blog and am trying to put together a schedule and list of guest posters, but I'm so clueless right now. So thanks for the pointers!

Anyway, I'm joining your army now and would love for you to stop by my baby blog!

Elana Johnson said...

I want to see the Pirates movie, but my husband does not. I'll have to wait for the Blu-ray. have guest post rules? I so need to get some of those. The best one is "Give me time to know what I'm saying yes to!"

That's the biggest one, IMO.

Raquel Byrnes said...

I wondered if I should go see this. I like the idea of a fiery Penelope Cruz as a foil to Sparrow's barbs. Thanks for the review!
Edge of Your Seat Romance

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

KD, thanks for the follow - found your blog! Hope those tips help. You've joined a great community here.

Elana, it is! Can't say yes to everything...

Raquel, she does some foiling all right.

Aleta said...

Your review was spot on, as far as I'm concerned. Depp makes the movie, always will with the Pirates...

I've never thought of all those suggestions that you have for guests bloggers. How interesting! I've seen guest bloggers on other blogs, etc, but never thought about the various issues. Then again, you have a big following and it makes sense to set some ground rules. Excellent tips :)

Jennie Bailey said...

I'm really excited to see Pirates on Thursday! Very grateful to you for not saying it was a complete dud and ruining my enthusiasm. ;-) You and your Hot Tamales!

Unknown said...

I such at guest-posts. Either giving or hosting. I barely pull out a post on the day it's suppose to go out! But, we try our best.

Glad you found the movie okay. I won't get my hopes up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Aleta! And I probably should've set guidelines ages ago.

Jennie, just go and enjoy.

Clarissa, leave your brain at the door and enjoy. And with packing and moving, sounds like you could use a few hours of mindless enjoyment.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I keep hearing such varied opinions to Pirates that I guess I'm just going to have to see it for myself. Thanks for the review!

LTM said...

wow. You are very rulesey... Mine go like this:

Natasha: Hey, I need a book review for Monday, read anything good?
Me: Just finished The Help!
Natasha: Sounds great.
(I email review...)

Yes? :D

And I've got to get on those pirates films, I guess. I haven't watched any, but everyone seems to love them so... what am I missing? must know... ;p

Anonymous said...

Those sound like quite a few rules, but I have to say all of them sound fair :)

Have to watch this movie...I missed my chance last week!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Yay for Pirates.. I mean, Yargh!

I've never had a guest poster (um-ah) so I currently have no rules except be nice lol. I'll have to keep your rules in mind if anyone wants to guest on my blog.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Karen, just leave your brain at the door and you'll be fine.

Damy, I've seen stricter rules!

Karen Lange said...

Yes, those sound very reasonable. I recently placed my guest post guidelines on my blog; I should probably review them every so often.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

jack is fun pirates... was what i went into it with... but was i me, but he wasn't drunk all that much.

i likes them in the order they came out...

nutschell said...

I've heard a lot of good reviews. but I have yet to find the time to watch this latest installation of pirates. BTW, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. As for your question--No, unfortunately I didn't get to see the church where Shakespeare was buried. All the more reason for me to go back again. :)
HOpe you have a great weekend!

The Man-Cave said...

I am going to see Pirates this weekend with the wife and mother-in-law. And in 3D, so I will keep my mind open. Haven't been reading positive stuff about it at all. Maybe this is not the summer for sequels?

Nicki Elson said...

Now that I've seen the movie, I just had to scroll down & see your review. Totally agree that Rush & McShane were great, and I like that Johnny wasn't over the top Cap'n Jack. Played him just right. Did you like Penelpe Cruz? I did, and I was so afraid I wouldn't.

I saw it in 3D IMAX, and I agree that the 3D wasn't necessary. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it again in a regular theater.

Thanks for the review. :)