Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A to Z Challenge - J and more...

For the A to Z Challenge, I am featuring some awesome bloggers. These individuals have offered so much support of my book, CassaStar, and me on my blogger journey. Of course, I’ll be keeping up with the world of movies, music, and pop culture stuff as well! Ninjas are just talented that way...

And for all of your encouraging words yesterday - thank you!

Julie Musil
Julie always has some awesome writing tips! And they aren’t from the usual angle, either. She also employs visuals and really gets me to thinking about my own writing. Julie is just a cheery ball of wisdom!

The Journey
Colene boasts a smirk in everything she does! She loves the blogfests and throws out some great funny videos on Friday. (When we need them the most!) She has fun with definitions and word verification. Basically, Colene is just a lot of fun!

As for movies and the new iPad...

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Yes, I finally caught this flick on NetFlix. Quirky as hell, funny, and over the top. I can see why teens dig it - a mixture of graphic novel and video game. No real message - just goofy fun. My only complaint would be the run time - I was ready for it to end about twenty-five minutes before that happened.

As for the iPad - wow! The second generation rocks. So much faster. And the camera is pretty good, plus it has Facetime. And I'm happy to report I loaded both Tron: Legacy and Voyage of the Dawn Treader on my iPad this weekend, so I'll be watching some cool movies soon. Care to join me?



Wonderful post yet again. Keep up the good work

Áine Tierney said...

Must check out those blogs. Highlighting other bloggers is a nice idea Alex.

mooderino said...

Yes, I thought Pilgrim was a bit long too.
btw the Julie Musil link didn't seem to work for me. Trying to keep her to yourself?
Moody Writing

Tony Payne said...

That's a great idea, featuring other bloggers. Now if only I had some friends called Zod...

Cruella Collett said...

Aaah, I dunno. I still have issues with Apple products (they don't like me). And in between having a laptop (or two, actually) and a Kindle, I probably don't need an iPad. Even if it looks reallyreallyreally awesome. For an Apple product :P

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

So glad you loved "Scott Pilgrim". I thoroughly enjoyed it - it was outrageously funny and quite original in terms of execution. Not to mention the AMAZING editing!

Li said...

Never saw Scott Pilgrim, but I can always use a good laugh.

Ricky said...

I haven't seen Scott Pilgrim, didn't think it would be up to much, maybe I'll give it a chance.

Unknown said...

It's all your fault Alex (pouts). I joined Julie's site and bought YET ANOTHER BOOK - Going Bovine. My Amazon account is astronomical. Oh well.

I-Pad 2! I'm glad you like it. People who bought I-Pad1 must be feeling a little sick now.

Old Kitty said...

Oh noes!! Not the ipad shmypads again! LOL!!!

Yay for these fab J bloggers!! Take care

Jeff Beesler said...

I really wish I could afford an iPad right now. It'll probably be years before I get one, but darn it I will get one!

Unknown said...

Fantastic post. I absolutely loved Scott Pilgrim, definitely different.

Liz P said...

Two more great blogs!

I'm glad to hear that you are enjoying your iPad 2! :)

Leovi said...

I loved the blog Journey.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Aine!

Moody, I fixed it - sorry!

Tony, I had to get creative...

Cruella, nothing else I own is Apple, believe me!

Nebular, I liked it far more than I thought I would.

Ric, it surprised me.

Lauracea, I accept full responsibility...

Jeffrey, some day!

Emily White said...

I haven't seen Voyage of the Dawn Treader yet. :( I put it in my netflix queue last night, but I still have to wait a month.

Rhonda Albom said...

I know this wasn't the point of your post, but I really want an ipad2 :)

Lindsay said...

I loved Scott Pilgrim, but I haven't seen Voyage of the Dawn Treader yet. I will eventually, I hope ;)

Unknown said...

I just ordered my iPad!!! Won't be here til may, though...

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Two awesome blog choices.
So are you keeping busy? What's been happening? ;0)

Unknown said...

I thought Scot Pilgrim was great & I feel like I don't need an iPad but I want one! LOL


Sarah Ahiers said...

i, too, enjoyed Scott Pilgrim.
Haven't caught Tron yet, but want to

Colene Murphy said...

Thanks so much for the awesome shout out Alex!! Glad someone thinks I'm funny ;)

You're right about the run time on Scott Pilgrim. I loved that fun little movie but I was ready to be done sooner than it was. Weird...

Have a great Tuesday!!

Matthew MacNish said...

I enjoyed Scott Pilgrim, but it was a little long.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new iPad! It is still not available where I am...sigh...:)

Ella said...

Thanks Alex; enJOY that new IPAD...
J is for jealous ;-D

M.J. Fifield said...

I loved Scott Pilgrim. That movie was so much fun!

Enjoy your new iPad...

Sangu Mandanna said...

I am so jealous of your new iPad. I really want the second gen one, but I can't justify it when I only got the first a couple months ago! :-)

Thanks for the blogger links!

Dafeenah said...

Goofy movies just aren't something I particularly care for. Was thinking of seeing this but not quite sure if it was worth it. Seems like I made the right decision.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Emily that's the only bummer about NetFlix - new releases take a while.

Rhonda, I hope you get one!

Tessa, that's cool!!

Mary - lots!

Up, I really couldn't justify getting the new one, but I did anyway!

Colene, you are welcome! And good, thought the long run time was just me.

Matthew, ditto.

Sorry, Ella!

Sangu, the third gen will be out before you know it - then you can upgrade!

Scarlett Clay said...

That's awesome--those are two movies I really want to see, too! Let us know what you think!

Julie Musil said...

Alex, thanks so much for the shout out and the kind words. I truly appreciate it!

Unknown said...

Thank for the cool links Captain Alex! Have not seen Scott Pilgrim, but I will be checking it out. And it sounds like I need to get an iPad. :) Come on book sales! LOL

Nicki Elson said...

I loved Scott Pilgrim! A nice surprise since I only watched it to make my son happy. And I agree Julie is a "cheery ball of wisdom" :)

nutschell said...

i love julie's blog!and i will definitely check out the journey. As for scott pilgrim...well he just rocks in all sorts of ways. will there be a second movie? I'll definitely be on the lookout for it.

dolorah said...

I'm hoping my next computer purchase will be the iPad. I loved how you used a version of it in Cassastar. I can almost imagine Bassa as you, taking the thing everywhere.

I'm hoping to get the review out of my head and onto a blog post within the next couple weeks.

I could sure use some of those telepathic abilities right now . .


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Scarlett, I thought they were awesome. Now to watch them yet again.

You are welcome, Julie!

Melissa - admit it, you need one.

Nutschell, you would think there'd be another one.

Donna, thanks! Yeah, I guess I did have it in mind...

Rusty Carl said...

Scott Pilgrim - strange movie. I forced myself to watch it to prove I wasn't too old to get it.

I didn't get it.

I've promised myself I'm going to be skipping generations with my Apple upgrades, so I won't even blink at it until the iPad 3 is coming out.

Author Joshua Hoyt said...

Tron was a very interesting show to me because I liked the acting the story the special effects but it had to much downtime. Not that it needed action scenes just that they needed to flow together better. Other than that a great flick. Have not seen Dawn Treader yet have to see it soon.

Theresa Milstein said...

How sweet to give Julie a shout out.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rusty, I figured I wouldn't get it either, but I enjoyed it.

Josh, it was a bit too long, but the visuals were stunning.

Theresa, Julie is awesome!

Donea Lee said...

Two more great blogs! I just love Colene ~ :) Have fun with your new I-Pad, I'm sure you will. I'm sooo not cool enough for an I-Pad yet. I actually just bought my first lap-top. I know, I know... you're over there shaking your head, aren't you...

Golden Eagle said...

Julie and Colene are awesome bloggers! :)

Copyboy said...

I did try the ipad2 this past weekend. It does indeed rock. VERY fast!!!!

Paul Joseph said...

I'm a follower of Colene and must echo your sentiments. Her blog has quite a spark! I'll be sure to check out Julie.

Again, I love how you are approaching this challenge, Alex. Great work, signore!


Good Morning (well here it is) Alex
Thanks for the comment, I've an idea there is going to be alot of kisses on Blogsphere for K. hope the site don't get a bad name,


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donea, no! I'm only on my second lap top. Of course, that's my second iPad as well.

Copyboy, is it not awesome?!

Thanks, Paul!

Morning, Yvonne! I'm not posting kisses, but I'm sure there will be one in my very near future...

klahanie said...

Hi there Alex,
Wonderful to note your latest submission in the thought provoking and intriguing alternative to my 'A to Zed Alphabet Challenge.'
And thus, my friend, we have reached the letter 'J'. I shall endeavour to check out your blogging links and yes, 'Scott Pilgrim vs, the World' is indeed "quirky as hell".
Now then, because I'm already familiar with the alphabet, I know that the next letter will be 'K', which gosh, is the beginning letter of my shy and unassuming blog.
Take good care and have fun.
In kindness and a bonus letter, your way, Gary.

Jemi Fraser said...

Julie & Colene are fantastic - great choices!! :)

SharleneT said...

What neat blogs. Thanks for the introduction...

Hello, fellow A-Z Challenger! Here's my latest entry. Come visit either of my blogs when you can and leave some comment love:

J is for Jerry-Rigged - http://bit.ly/hO1sVY
K is for Kitchen Konvenience - http://bit.ly/hU4v0h

Twitter: @SolarChief

Mary Aalgaard said...

How many gadgets does a girl need? My son already thinks I'm a laptop junkie.

Karen M. Peterson said...

I haven't seen Scott Pilgrim yet, but I intend to. Probably should while I'm laid up.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, one can never have too many gadgets!

Karen, it will make you smile.