Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Managing 500 and Stuff

First, “The Stuff,” and no it’s not that awful 80’s horror flick...

Yesterday I visited the blog of Chris Phillips with a song that inspired the writing of CassaStar. It’s a short post – and also a cautionary tale for those who leave suggestive comments. (Read it and you’ll understand!)

Today I’m visiting the lovely Elizabeth Mueller, and has she got a treat for you guys – a really unique and special giveaway! What is it? Let’s just say it has to do with my autograph and a guitar…

And I was completely floored by a wonderful review of CassaStar over at Reading at Dawn. Our own L’Aussie Denise is a contributor and her first review is my book. Even more stunning – she doesn’t read science fiction! It’s a small but growing site, so be sure to check it out and support those reviewers.

Now the managing 500…

I am still STUNNED! 500+ followers. I need to do something really awesome. I’m sure everyone’s sick of my book as a prize, though. I’ll get back to you on that…

But for those of you wonder how I manage that many followers… How do I visit that many blogs a day? Here’s my honest answer – I can’t! (Have you done the math? 500+ blogs times five minutes…)

My goal is 100 a day. I have a group of buddies I try to hit every time they post and everyone else I try to visit at least once every one – two weeks. But if I’m busy at work or I go out for the evening, I can’t even manage 100. I usually have to skip long posts and writing blogfest entries as well. But I do try to visit as many of you as possible! (Without my computer privileges being revoked by angry boss or wife.)

I do appreciate those who take the time to comment on my blog. (Really, there are so many cool blogs out there – why on earth are you visiting the NetFlix addict’s site?)

Thanks to everyone who visits – you guys (and gals!) ROCK!


Jessica Bell said...

So funny you mention this today. I wrote a post about not being able to visit 500+ blogs ... Hmm, it's gets a little stressful, doesn't it!

Gail said...

You are a joy to visit!

You bring us hope and truth that all is possible if we just keep trying.

Univarn said...

I struggle with the 100 or so blogs that follow me, let alone the ones I follow on my own. It can get out of hand in a hurry (and it doesn't help that I'm a slow reader). 100 a day still exceeds even my wildest dreams. So my hat is off to yah Alex.

Matthew MacNish said...

You're one of the most prolific readers and commenters I know Alex, and it's much appreciated, but there is no way you could possibly visit everyone every day. Even if you had no job, no family and no novels to write there would be no way.

Jules said...

I'm so glad you cleared that up, I was truly feeling sorry for Ms. Cavanaugh :) No way I could do 100 but I do what I can.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

WritingNut said...

Congrats on the review! :)

And you truly are a superstar! 100 blogs a day... I don't know how you do it.

But I can tell you one thing... it's a joy to visit your blog, it's informative and always lots of fun, and YOU are such an inspiration :D

DEZMOND said...

everybody sick of your book as a prize? I don't remember that you gave away more than one copy. You should give away at least ten copies, these 500 followers and all of those who did your reviews and made posts about you, deserve that ;)

Sarah Ahiers said...

my google reader has over 1000 new posts i'm supposed to read. Sigh. I hit probably around 50-75 a day. I wish i had time to do more.

Anonymous said...

Its hard to visit so many people. I visit 50 - 75 people a day and that's all I can do. Good luck with it. Maybe you could pull a Michael Keaton in Multiplicity to get the work done.

Martin T. Ingham said...

Congratulations on receiving a great review. I know how difficult it can be to hook up with reviewers. Most of them are so swamped, they can't find the time for authors they don't know. (I happen to have 4 novels in need of fresh reviews, in case anyone is interested).

Time constraints for blogs is certainly an issue, though one I'm just starting to have. I generally glance at my followers a couple of times per week, though as I get more, and summertime work sucks up more hours of my day, that'll understandably be reduced.

Hey, to read every blog, you'd have to be like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, and then it would be the same blogs over and over again.

Ted Cross said...

Ha, and I just finished reading Jessica Bell's blog on this subject. I worry that as I gain more followers I will seem like I am not as good a blogging buddy as I once was able to be. I don't have to worry about that for awhile though, since I am stuck at 159. I don't mind you using your book as a giveaway, but that's probably because I haven't won it yet!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

You rock too! And I am happy for your success.

Old Kitty said...

Oh that kind of suggestive! Phew!!! (just been over to Chris's blog).

Now off I go to mop up my double entendres with extra sauce....

Take care

Angela said...

I have enough trouble keeping up with the almost 200 blogs on my reader.

Charles Gramlich said...

Congrats on the good review. I have my copy but I have been so overwhelmed with work I haven't had a chance to read it. I also got in about 15 books from blog friends and colleagues around the same time. Better to have wealth than not, but sometimes too much of a good thing can be a problem. :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Hail to the Blog-King!


Your blog is a pleasure to visit that's why you have 500 followers.
Besides your'e a great person to know . I value your comments and I thank you for visiting.

Oh there is an award at my blog

Elizabeth Mueller said...

You are a rock star! Lookie all them groupies you've got! :)

Chris Phillips said...

You circle blogs in amazing fashion. I've often been impressed.

Summer Frey said...

I feel kinda bad about it, sometimes, but I keep an extremely limited blogroll. If I find that I'm continuously skipping over someone, I stop following. I know that's not very kind or whatnot, but it's the only way I can control my OCD-nature with the blogroll. If I don't read every title that comes up, then I won't have it on there. Plain and simple.

I follow about 175 blogs, and I read whatever is new every morning. Works for me!


I forgot to say that if you have 500 followers now how many will you have at the end of the A to Z challenge?????????


Bossy Betty said...

I devote an hour to my blogs on my reader and hope I get to everyone I should. Do we all get a little something for your being part of your 500? Is a little cake and candy too much to ask for?

vic caswell said...

yup. i think we all can't keep up with reading as many as we'd like! seriously, you do WAY better than i do! :) 100 a day! yikes!

Renae said...

I'm in awe that you manage 100 a day! Well done. I get to as many as I can before work. It's not near enough I know, but I try.

Congrats on all your success Alex!

Regina said...

It is awesome that you have such a wonderful following. I understand how you have to have a quota per day. I try to do the same. Keep up the great work.

Carol Kilgore said...

You do a great job. And congrats on all the great CassaStar reviews.

mshatch said...

Your post mirrors my thoughts. I want more followers but the more I have the harder is to keep up, impossible actually as you pointed out. I think you do a pretty good job, though :) and thanks for visiting and playing.

Lindsay said...

Congrats on the followers milestone. And 500+ blogs = whoa. I try to do a quota a day, but you're doing an awesome job :)

Arlee Bird said...

You do an amazing job with keeping up with your followers and doing everything else as well. I will probably hit 500 today. Like you, I try to make my rounds as best I can, but it's a stretch.

During the A to Z Challenge I'm counting on the members of the participating community to sustain the momentum since in the end that's what blogging is really about.

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

Abby Minard said...

You totally rock yourself, keeping up with that many! I don't know how you do it. But I know what you mean- it's hard to do it all in one day! I get behind a lot myself.

Jeff Beesler said...

Alex, thank you for admitting the difficulty in following 500 blogs. It eases my mind about having to follow 300 blogs participants in the upcoming A-Z challenge. In fact, I'll address this in my posts today and tomorrow.

And just let me know how soon you'd like my guest post so I can get started on this.

Summer Ross said...

I agree its impossible to visit every blog when you are high in the blogs you follow. At least you do your best, and that is all anyone really wants. I'll still be around no matter how often you visit me, because you rock and plus I like the pictures you post on your sidebar :)

Glynis Peters said...

Alex, I caught up on your blog today. Several movies have been passed onto DH. :)

I note you now have 518 followers, congratulations. It is hard to get around all the blogs. Take care.

Aleta said...

I have to admit, I smile when I see that you've commented on my blog. :) Thanks for stopping by whenever you have the time. I'm happy to be one of your followers! Now, to go check out the review of your book :)

Maurice Mitchell said...

Wow. 500 followers! I know what you mean about following blogs. I try to hit at least 10 a week, but I'm going to have to step up my game. Stay cool Alex.

L.A. Colvin said...

I'm now hanging my head in shame at my few I get around to. It's hard to fit them in with your writing and other life but it definetely pays off. Your blog is fantastic and I think you do a great job of managing the rounds.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

You're my blog-hopping hero. I wish I could visit some blogs at work. Even 100 per day is awesome.
Congrats on another great review.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, we're on the same wavelength.

Thanks, Gail!

Univarn, I try! I can read fast, but I'm also hindered by hunt & peck typing.

Matthew - that translates to no life!

Jules, then I am honored mine is one of your stops.

Thanks, Writing - I'll try to keep that going.

Dezz, I'd definitely be a starving author then!

Falen, that's still really good.

Stephen, I could use a few more hours as well.

Martin - at least I'd know what to say everytime! And Denise's review was a treat because I didn't even realize she'd ordered my book.

Ted - duly noted!

Kitty, I thought about that after writing it...

Charles, that's called feast or famine!

Thanks, Karen. I do like my sleep though.

Thanks, Yvonne!! And more followers is almost scary right now.../

Elizabeth, that's my army!

Summer, that's one way to control the insanity.

Betty, you can have a whole cake!

Thanks Aspiring, Renae, Regina, and Carol.

mshatch, now you know what's to come.

Lindsay, whoa is right!

Lee, they'll have to help!

Thanks Abby!

Jeffery, I'll send you an email.

Summer, I'll try to keep up with the eye candy then.

Thanks Glynis.

Aleta, your blog has such a great heart!

Maurice, I'm chilling.

The Old Silly said...

Alls I can say is, 500+ followers with a goal of 100 blogs a day? - you da man, dude!

I'd need a 32 hour day, lol...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

That's still a LOT of blogs to visit! Wow. Congrats on all the followers!

Ellie Garratt said...

Awesome review!

I still can't believe you get round a 100 blogs a day! How?!

Colene Murphy said...

Congrats on your 500!!! You are a hugely busy man! And, let me say, I feel completely honored anytime you drop by!

Unknown said...

Congrats! And you deserve all of them and the great reviews.

J.B. Chicoine said...

I honestly don't know how bloggers with more than 50 followers keep up! Personally, I read someone's blog if it's informative or entertaining on some level, and it has little to do with whether or not they come by my blog.

There is apparently good reason why you have reached 500! Congrats on that!

Melissa said...

I like coming to your blog because I actually enjoy getting your take on movies and it sways me to sometimes go to movies I wouldn't have thought to go to otherwise. Besides, you are a talented writer and I find that interesting. It does get hard to get to everyone. I try, do as best as I can, but it gets overwhelming.

That's so cool that Chris took you up on your idea! (It was a good one too!) I enjoy listening to music as well and have very specific songs for particular chapters in my book and I definitely need them to really feel the moment.

Elana Johnson said...

Oh, there's no way to keep up. And don't worry, those followers aren't all coming here either. At least all 1800 of mine don't come every day. And I have the stats to prove it.


Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on the Followers!

100 a day--wow. I don't really count how many blogs I visit, since I do it more by hours; sometimes I'll make it through the first 8 or so, (what I'll end up doing today) but when I have greater chunks of time it'll be closer to a full day's worth of posts.

Melissa Gill said...

I hear you. I don't have nearly that many followers, but follow over 100 blogs. There's no way to keep up.

Truthfully, I'm greatful to the people who only blog 3 days a week. I don't feel like I'm missing out then.

I've started blogging Tues, Wed, and Fri and that's the ony day I read and comment too.

Jennie Bailey said...

Is angry boss the same as angry wife? The Hubster calls me "the boss" so it made me wonder. You always make my day when you stop by my blog!!

N. R. Williams said...

L'Aussie is wonderful. And you're not bad either.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Ricky said...

Don't stress Alex. I'm sure everyone appreciates your efforts. I know I do. You are one of my few regulars.

ali cross said...

Dude, you totally deserve 500xa zillion followers. You rock. Hard. :)

Copyboy said...

Dude! 1000 a day? Oh wait! 100 a day. Impressive. And congrats on the 500 plus!!! Everyone loves your stuff. I gotta check out your highlighted blogs now. I'm only up to 38 blogs a day.

M Pax said...

Do you keep a list of blogs? Just wondering. I have them in my blog roll, but not everyone posts regularly.

Congrats on 500! I'm still slogging through revisions and deadlines.

Helen Ginger said...

We visit because you have the coolest blog in the blogosphere, of course.

Denise Covey said...

Alex you are admired by all not just because of what you've accomplished but because you DO make the effort to visit often, are always positive, and have cool stuff happening at your place!

So I don't read Sci-fi huh? Guess what I have to teach this term to my Yr 10 boys? Yep. Sci-fi using Gattaca. Lucky me! They're going to read CassaStar as part of their studies.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marvin, wish I had one as well!

Thanks, Elizabeth.

Ellie, I cheat - I get to blog from work.

Colene, I enjoy visiting your blog.

Thanks, Clarissa.

jb, it didn't hit overwhelming until around 200...

Thanks, Melissa! Maybe you should do a guest spot on Chris's blog?

Elana, that's true!

Golden, Mondays are the hardest because everyone posts on that day!

Melissa, that's why I only blog 3-4 times a week.

Jennie, sometimes!

Thanks, Nancy.

Ric, I sag on that sometimes as well!

Thanks Ali!!

Copyboy, just a few more...

M Pax, I have them organized in several folders in Google Reader.

Helen, nice to know I am cool!

Denise, that is just so awesome. I really appreciate it!

Bob Sanchez said...

Wow! Congrats on hitting 500, Alex. I'm truly impressed.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Even following 100 blogs a day is impressive. A DAY!! Nice work :)

Jemi Fraser said...

Thanks for the fun links to check out! :)

It is hard to get to all the blogs I follow. I don't get anywhere near to 100 done per day - but I do try!

Southpaw said...

I still believe you have an evil twin that post comments on everyone’s blogs.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Bob!

Thank you Lynda - I'm trying.

Jemi, that's all we can do.

Holly, as long as he doesn't take the credit, that's fine with me!

Lydia Kang said...

I really only have time to visit maximum 50 blogs in a day (and on some days, way less). Which mean, I only have time to visit the bloggers who leave comments on my blog. It is the minimum that I make myself do. I'd feel horrible not visiting someone who took the time to visit me.

If I have extra time, I visit more, but it's really hard to keep up.

Chuck said...

That band surely inspired good things from you. I'm gonna check more of their stuff. How you do 100 a day is amazing in and of itself. I appreciate every comment you leave on my blog. To your continued success! Again, really loved the book and waiting for the movie.

Michael Di Gesu said...


It sure is time consuming, but it's worth it. I always appreciate so much a comment from a blogger/friend that has hundreds of followers and takes the time to comment a congratulations or a kind word about my writing.

This is one of the reasons you have so many followers because you give YOU back to us. Not to mention your great blog,

That's why we're here.


Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Alex, you astound me with the number of blogs you visit! And you have an amazing group of followers!

All the best,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lydia, that's a great way to do it! If I notice someone new commenting, I try to visit that person as well.

Chuck, thanks! And the lead singer also sang on Ayeron's album, The Human Equation.

Thanks, Michael. So many supported me when I began, so it's my way of paying it forward.

Thanks, Monti - this army rocks!

Anonymous said...

No sir, YOU rock.

Botanist said...

Congrats on the 500, Alex. Awesome. I'm not even at 10% of that and I'm already starting to lose track.

Time is a big factor, especially since I (and, by the sounds of it, many others too) are trying to limit time spent on social networking. Oh...but just one more visit, one more comment...I can stop any time I choose...

Angela Ackerman said...

I think we're all in the same boat. I feel frustrated sometimes because I can't always visit as much as I'd like. So, we all try to do the best we can and it'll be enough. :)

Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse said...

You seem to be managing it all very well, Alex. I'm impressed and honored to have you as a loyal visitor. It is a blessing and a responsibility to have a popular blog, isn't it?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Milo!

Botanist, that's how it escalates.

Angela, there's only so many hours in the day...

Robyn, you're right!

The Happy Whisk said...

Great blog and again, congrats on the 500. Go you. Rah.

The Happy Whisk said...

Just noticed. 518, holy cupcakes and cool beans.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad I discovered your blog. I don't always get a chance to visit, but I love coming here because your take on movies is unique and your style is so engaging it makes people feel welcomed to a party.

Hart Johnson said...

Congratulations on 500 followers! I am amazed at how many blogs you get to every day. I struggle (and neglect my day job) to hit about 50, I think. So well-done! (you're definitely doing it right!)

Anonymous said...

Alex, do you sleep? A 100 a day! Whew!! You are gifted in many ways!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Whisk, it keeps changing!

Melissa, thank you! I know it's not your typical author's blog. I just talk about what I like.

Hart, I'm good at multi-tasking I guess.

Thanks, Lynn! Believe me, I do sleep.

Donea Lee said...

Hey - a fellow Net-flixer is A-Ok in my book! I think I seriously need to upgrade (or just clean up) my comp. so I can get to that many blogs in one day! Amazing that you do it and support so many of us out here. Thanks! :)

Unknown said...

Huge congrats on the 500+ followers! That's fantastic!! And I'm in awe that you can sometimes manage visiting 100 blogs a day. What an inspiration!!

Kelly Polark said...

Congrats on 500, Alex!!
It is hard to manage, but people understand. I take three days a week to visit blogs, otherwise, I wouldn't have time to write!

Anonymous said...

Just signed in as a follower at Reading at Dawn. Left my friend Denise a comment about her review and my take on your book. I say Excellent to both!
Ann Best, Author

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Donea and I try!

Nicole, it's worth the effort.

Kelly, I made need to scale back some...

Thank you, Ann!

Jolene Perry said...

You're funny and have good taste in music/books/ and... other stuff too ;)

Hopping to Elizabeth's now.

Ciara said...

It was a pleasure to highlight your book today. I'm excited to read it. Can you tell me how you discovered my post. It is part of the experiment. Thanks!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Jolene!

Ciara, I was going through my Google Reader, and there was my book cover! I follow your blog as well. (Started when you joined the A-Z Challenge.) Tomorrow I'll probably see it in my Google alerts too. Thanks again - I am so honored!

Leovi said...

Congratulations, you deserve everything. Saludos

Hannah said...

Seriously dude, I'm lucky if I get to 20 a day. I'm a slow reader and I like to comment on most of what I take time to read. Congrats on 500+! That's crizazy!!

Roxy said...

Congratulations on reaching all those followers. You are certainly doing something right. 100 a day? Awesome!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hannah, I'm a slow typer, so some days it's a struggle. Thanks!

Leovi and Roxy - thank you!

DL Hammons said...

You must be doing something right!! It is a struggle, keeping up, but all we can do is our best. :)

Vicki Rocho said...

100 a day? OMG, when I hit 30 in a day I'm doing good...but then maybe if I could just type a short little comment and move on I could get more done. But nooooo, I have to blather on, then I delete, then rewrite, then delete again. At any rate, it's always a relief to hear I'm not the only one struggling to keep up.

Will Burke said...

If I had some sort of mobile device that let me read in line-ups and at red lights, and breaks at work, I might get to 30 a day. Dude, you're epic to pull off 100 a day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Vicki, I enjoy your blathering!

Will, epic or crazy, not sure which.

Unknown said...

Hello, it is nice to meet you.

Funny how stumbled across your blog today when I only yesterday re-published your advice from Elizabeth Müller.

Blogging really is hard work. I refurbished my blog and in April I want to participate in the challenge. Thank you for helping with that and making it possible for us.


Karen M. Peterson said...

Hey, not all of us are sick of your book being a giveaway prize. Just sayin'.

When it comes to managing my readers, I'll admit, I'm not as dedicated as you are. I have a lot of blogs I like to read that are written by people that don't follow me back. I'm okay with that. But it also cuts down on my time, and so I focus on visiting people who comment on my posts and if I have time to visit others, I do that when I can.

Patricia Stoltey said...

My plan after after the A to Z challenge is to post less and visit other blogs more. I miss out on so much when I run out of time to visit my friends.