Friday, February 4, 2011

Everybody Smile!

What a week! Where to begin...

Big congratulations to:

Cheeseboy at Blog O Cheese! He passed the 500 followers mark a couple weeks ago and celebrated with a video of him picking up Chinese food in a Barney suit. Really! (He offered me the use of the suit, but I said no thanks.) Go watch the insanity HERE

Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out! The A – Z Challenge mastermind passed 500 followers this week. Good stuff, man!

Maybe we need to start a 500 Club, guys? (No, not a hair club!)

Ciara Knight has an experiment in the works – Did I Notice Your Book? And was I ever stunned with her first choice – CassaStar! I am so honored. Thank you, Ciara – guess I’m doing something right. Wonder whose book she’ll notice next week…

Oh! And the eBook price on CassaStar was reduced by my publisher! It's now $2.95 everywhere - iBookstore, B&N's Nook, Amazon's Kindle...

Michelle at Beautiful Chaos gave me the You Make Me Smile Award. Thank you, Michelle!

And since I usually give these out to the ladies, I decided to grace the dudes with this one!

Dezz at Hollywood Spy
Jeremy at I Zombie Lover
Geof at The Man Cave
Jeffrey at World of the Scribe
Kal at Calvin’s Canadian Cave of Cool
Michael at In Time
TS at The Non Review
Paul Joseph
Copyboy at Not Worth Mentioning

All right guys – I better see a cute kitten in your sidebar!

A to Z Challenge is in April! You don’t want to miss this event. Click on button in right sidebar for details.

Don’t forget this Sunday - Top Ten Horror/Science Fiction Movie Quotes Blog-fest. Hosted by iZombie and Ellie Garratt Come on – join the fun!

And big thanks to Chris and Elizabeth for allowing me to visit their blogs this week, and to Denise for her amazing review of my book. You guys rock!

Whew! Is that it? Is this a wrap? I wonder what's on NetFlix...


mshatch said...

Burn Notice is on my neflix :)

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Sounds like a great week! Looking forward to having you over at my blog on Monday. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

We just finished Beverly Hills Chihuahua II. Ugh! Some sequel should not be made. Hope you find better fortune.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

That's a lot!

Vicki Rocho said...

Lots of happy news today, I see. Congrats to everyone!

Love Ciara's experiment...similar to my stalking Craig Niedermaier except she's got better odds of success. LOL


It's all go Alex, loved the post and all the news, sorry I can't make Sunday but am busy getting things ready for my trip next Thursday.
I fly from Gatwick to Charlotte wherever that is wait a few hours then on to Nashville. Hope the weather is kind, as I have heard about blizzards
Congratulations on your award, very well deserved,

Misha Gerrick said...


Sounds like everything is going swimmingly for you.


Gail said...

After all that, my week seemed very calm.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Vicki, thank you for the early morning laugh!

Thanks Yvonne, and you have a safe trip! Charlotte's just a few hours from where I live - and hopefully no snow when you get here.

Gail, my life used to be calm...

Thanks everyone!

DEZMOND said...

congrats to Arlee and Cheesboy.
So how many copies have you sold so far from CASSASTAR? Is the marketing going on well?
And thanks for the award, it's my second one in just one day :) I shall proudly display it in my award shelf for everyone to see it. Hope that kitten doesn't need live mice to be feed.

Old Kitty said...

Awwww I am smiling and smiling at our gorgeous award!!! So yes - it;s true - you do make me smile!!!

Yay for Cassastar!!

Oooh lots of stuff happening in blogworld -- yay!

Take care

Jules said...

A heap of good news there my friend! I love the idea of your dudes now displaying cute kitties :)

I canceled my netflix. I want new releases/British movies and I do not want to wait for the mailman.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

JE said...

Whoa ... it looks like you've been busy! This post was at warp speed!

And I totall want to see tha adorable little kitten on some dude's side bar. ;-)


Carol Kilgore said...

I'm Smiling because you gave that cute kitty to the guys. Way to go!
Happy Weekend.

Chris Phillips said...

I need to remember to watch that video when I reach a computer with sound. Have a good weekend.

Liza said...

Congratulations on your awards Alex. Well done!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Dez, I think it's a low-maintainence cat. And sales seem to be doing really well!

Yes ladies, I decided to torture - I mean award! - some dudes.

Thanks everyone!

N. R. Williams said...

That's a lot Alex. Best horror film line ever, "Brains."
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

You have had a busy week! Congratulations! Now I need to go check out some of the links in this post.

Summer Ross said...

Alex- that's a whole lot going on. Congrats on your award, you do make people smile! I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hey, Alex,

Congrats on award and the great stuff happening for you this week!

Thanks for the SMILE award. I don't mind having another.... Thanks for thinking of the dudes.


Jeff Beesler said...

Alex: Thank you for the award. I'm glad to know that what I do makes a difference in other people's lives, a fact I sometimes forget all too well.

Lisa said...

Great things happening for a great guy! :)

Have a fantastic weekend!

Paul Joseph said...

Thanks so much, Alex. I appreciate the award. I'm looking forward to April's challenge.

Have a great weekend!

Matthew MacNish said...

That Kitteh is teh cute!

Southpaw said...

Oh my a lot has been happening!

Arlee Bird said...

500 followers club! That's club, but no not a hair club--doesn't work for me anymore.

My "Movie Quotes Blogfest" entry is ready to go. It turned out better than I thought it would thanks to the IMDb website -- I can't remember movie lines.

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

Bossy Betty said...

Congrats to the Dudes!

TS Hendrik said...

Thanks Alex! That one is so happy looking and speaks to me on whole other (cat) level.

Unknown said...

Wow, you have a lot going on! Love that kitty. I have Burn Notice on my Netflix, catching up on season 1 since I didn't get into it until season 2. I'll be checking out iZombie and Ellie for sure.

Talli Roland said...

Wow, lots of stuff going on! Sounds like a great week, Alex. Hope you have an equally good weekend.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nancy, I know that one!

Karen, yes you can if you have a BluRay DVD player.

You're welcome, Michael.

Jeffrey, you certainly just made my day! I'll shout it out on my next post.

You're welcome, Paul.

Lee, I used IMDB to get my lines correct as well. Of course, I kept adding to the list that way...

You're welcome, TS!

Melissa, Burn Notice is really popular today.

Thanks guys!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Sounds like a busy, happy week! Hope you'll have a great weekend, too. :)

Lydia Kang said...

Thanks for all the links. Just went to visit Blog O Cheese. And love Arlee and Ciara!

A Beer for the Shower said...

A 500 Club sounds good, unless it concerns bedpost notches, and your spouse is a charter member.

Aleta said...

I used to have NetFlix, but my husband wasn't too impressed with the selection..? We have Apple TV though, but not HBO. Go figure. Lol.

I ordered your book from Amazon, should be delivered next week!

Kelly Polark said...

Lots of reasons to smile about! Congrats to the dudes on their smilin kitty! :) said...

Congrats to you and everyone on all of this. Great pics for the cute kitty award, Alex.
Happy weekend.

Cheeseboy said...

I am so honored that you'd mention me, Alex. Thank you. You have been a good blog friend through thick and thin. Well, mostly thin.

You still have me by one follower. I best up my game.

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you! That's a lot of great news.

Stephanie Lorée said...

Way to go Alex! CassaStar seems to still be going strong on the blogosphere. I know I can't wait for the sequel. Perhaps I'll have to pester you for another interview. :)

RaShelle Workman said...

What an adorable award! I'm doing the AtoZ challenge. Should be fun. And, yes, it sounds like you had a very buxy week.

BTW, your book does totally rock. =D

Ellie Garratt said...

Congratulations to all the members of the 500 club!

I'm really looking forward to April's A to Z challenge. Should be interesting!

The Yard Bard said...

Sounds like a great week! Now to get more details about this A to Z Challenge...

Anonymous said...

Lots of exciting things to smile about!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for checking out my new blog Alex. Congrats on getting 500+ followers. I would love to have that many. The reason I switched over is that everyone keeps telling me that Wordpress is better and that it's more professional. I want to do more professional work and I want to monetize my blog. I'm gonna give it a year and if it doesn't work I'm gonna go back to Blogger. I am posting on it as well. Just not publishing them.
As for Netflix I'm watching Bones and as for the A-Z challenge I'm in. April is gonna be crazy for me. Major changes happening them but I'm gonna make it happen.

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations to you and the other recipients on the award! :) Sounds like it was some week.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

alex, thank you... i am happy and smiling. and thanks for the shout out on the blogfest-fest ellie and i are having...

funny thing it falls on the super bowl and you can tell we are people who don't care... about football!

honestly i did not know, i cannot not even tell you who is in it.

Anonymous said...

$2.95? Looks like Gizmo (my Kindle) will be loading a new book tonight!

Andrew said...

Ah, I love that kitten picture....

M Pax said...

Congrats on your award! I'm off to find your book. Been on my TBR list too long. Have a great weekend.

Ciara said...

It was a pleasure to highlight your book, Alex. I’m looking forward to downloading it tonight, and putting it on my Goodreads shelf. I’m also looking forward to the A-Z blog challenge.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

You as well, Elizabeth!

Lydia, that's great!

Beer, not a chance...

Aleta, wow! Thank you so much.

Cheeseboy, after your stunt, you'll be way in the lead again soon!

Stephanie, you never have to pester!

Thanks, RaShelle! Soon we'll be rockin' YOUR book.

Carol, you know I'll keep up with you no matter where you go.

Jeremy, I know! And the fest starts in the morning - plenty of time to watch the SuperBowl that night.

Milo, that would be awesome!

M Pax, thank you!!

Ciara, I hope it lives up to your expectations.

Thank you everyone! What a week, huh?

Raquel Byrnes said...

Way to go, Alex! Congrats on the notice and the blog award.
Edge of Your Seat Romance

DL Hammons said...

*Snicker* (Inside Joke) :)

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'm looking forward to reading all the quotes this weekend.
And I'm joining the A-Z fun time.

Colene Murphy said...


Julie Musil said...

Alex, that Barney video was hilarious! OMG, I think I'll have purple nightmares tonight.

Congrats on all the awesome CassaStar action. You must be on cloud 9.

Nicole Zoltack said...

Congrats on being notice and your award!

Abby Minard said...

Awesome dudes, I'll have to go check them out.

Jemi Fraser said...

Lots of fun links! Thanks - enjoy the weekend :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats on your award and to those you've passed it on to. Thanks too for all the cool links.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, that's great!!

Thank you, Julie! And yes, Cheeseboy really went through with it.

Thank you everyone! I hope I didn't leave anyone out...

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex. Congrats on the award and to all the guys you graced with the kitty kat!

Have you seen the story contest at Sylvia Ney's blog? This could get you started into the short story realm...

I thought of you when I read it.

Have a good weekend. I'm halfway through mine already.


Publication Party!

Mason Canyon said...

Lot going on, no wonder the week went by so fast. Congrats on the award.

Thoughts in Progress

Arcita said...

good stuff man. i am already following you

Diane J. said...

Gotta love Cheeseboy! Congrats to all the others who reached 500 followers!

I'm off to check out the A-Z challenge, I've been seeing this mentioned quite a bit. And, the Horror/SciFi Movie quote blog-fest is begging me to take a peek, too.

Congrats on your award!

Melissa Gill said...

Too funny Alex. Love the kitten and love your choices. I'll have to check these guys out.

Copyboy said...

Case 39 is on. Man, I missed the barney thing? Dang! There now!

Copyboy said...

And thanks so much for the award!!!

WritingNut said...

Congrats on your award and amazing news! Lots of great links here today :)

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Hey Alex, I just wanted to let you know I've managed to wrestle my kindle off my hubby and I finally bought the ebook version of Cassastar. I'm looking forward to finally reading it!!!

dolorah said...

Where is my tax refund! I love buying at a discount . .

And your post did make me smile. So much good news.


India Drummond said...

What a fantastically happy post. Glad things are going so well over here!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, thanks - I'll go check it out!

Mason, they just seem to fly by...

Thanks, Arcita!

Hi Diane! Thanks for following and I hope you join the A to Z Challenge!

Melissa, I couldn't resist.

You're welcome, Copyboy.

Lynda, thank you so much!! I really appreciate it.

Donna, I hope it did.

Thanks guys!

The Old Silly said...

That's one heckuva wrapup!

Rick Watson said...

Alex, I'm exhausted after reading about the stuff you're doing. I'm going to take a nap.

Doo said...

I will get to 500 one day :)))

Thanks for following me! Loving your blog =]

Congrats to the people you've put on your list!

Karen Lange said...

Lots to smile about! Have a happy weekend! :)

Helen Ginger said...

You have been one busy blogger/author this week. Now, relax, sit back and watch The Monster from the Swamp or Sex In The City, whichever is scarier.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Life, I think I will as well!

Doo, I know you will.

Helen, Parker's nose is far scarier!! Thanks.

Jai Joshi said...

You got through a heck of a lot there. Congrats on the award, that's such a cute kitten!


Saumya said...

Wow! Those are a lot of congrats. Hehe, you're so wonderful to everyone in the blogging world, Alex :) Hope you know that we all appreciate it a lot.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks Jai, and that's why I had to pass it on to the men!

Thanks, Saumya! I try. And I have a surprise in store for the A to Z Challenge...

The Man-Cave said...

Thanks for the blog award love Alex. You rock the kazbah!

Pat Tillett said...

Congrats on the CassaStar developments! I loved the book and it deserves every bit of praise that comes it's way (and your way)!

Congrats to those you awarded! I know most of them, but will check out those I don't...

Patricia Stoltey said...

Awesome kitten photo on that award. Can you tell I've turned into a kitten's pet?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Pat!

Patricia, I imagine your house is one big furball right now.