Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Elsewhere and a Question

Elsewhere this week…

Yesterday I appeared at the blog of Alison Pearce Stevens! She has a Marketing Monday feature, so check it out.

Another review by the The Electrical Book Cafe appeared on Monday - she gave CassaStar an A-. She wasn’t crazy about the cover art, but it was a very positive review overall!

And thanks again to iZombie and Ellie Garratt for hosting the Top Ten Horror/Science Fiction Movie Quotes Blogfest on Sunday! That was a blast.

And you’re not forgetting the A to Z Challenge, are you? Click on the button in the right sidebar for details!

My question

What do you do when someone follows you and clicking on his or her icon in your Followers section reveals no blog to follow back?

Sometimes I’ll pull up someone and there’s only a list of blogs he’s followed, but no blog of his own. If that person has left a comment, I can pull up his profile that way, but if not, I’ve no way to follow back.

What do you do? Is there a trick I’m missing? Captain Ninja Alex doesn't like to miss tricks.

(And if you are one of those people who’s followed me but I’ve never followed back, that may be why – please leave a comment so I can find you!)


George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Alex, I've been asking the same question myself, coz I have the exact same problem. And you're so right, there's no other way to follow back. Hopefully, someone could help fixing this problem.

Oh, and I love your CassaStar cover! :)


Alex I have many followers like that and worse still they only ever leave the one comment,It's like banging one's head against a brick wall.....but that's too painful.
I don't think you've missed a trick but why do they do it?????
Have a good day.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Nebular!

Yvonne, if they'd at least leave a comment, I could follow that back to their profile...

Laura Eno said...

I've had the same problem and they don't even leave a comment. *shrugs*

Jeremy [Retro] said...

i agree... i try to at least stop by to thank them for becoming a follower. i too try to track down these people from other sites they follower, sometimes i get lucky and find some cool places to boot. maybe we can add a if you follow me, please leave a comment here. i can make a follow the white rabbit banner, that people can use to make sure we show back the kindness.

what i have a problem is the no faced icons that i leave even though i have a icon. it makes me feel silly looking.


ps. thanks for being part of the blog-fest.

Gail said...

I,too, have experienced this. I can't follow...maybe they are just blog readers.

I have been having an extreme problem with my emails. Normally, I can click on a name or a link and it quickly takes me there. I now receive a strange message, on every email, that that link does not exist...Help!

jdsanc said...

I guess that's their way of testing the waters. It's daunting, putting your own thoughts out there. So much easier to be a commenter than to invite comments.
That being said, I'm not a bit fan of tit-for-tat commenting. I prefer, comment if you've got something to say, if not, move on. No hard feelings.

Lisa said...

I think they didn't realise this. That may be in the setting, something was not clicked correctly and they were not aware that their link didn't appear. I have one close blogger friend that has this set-up at his follower profile. I'll ask him if he meant that on purpose or not.

DEZMOND said...

I never understood people who don't have a blog address in that follower's box, I guess some people don't even know that you can't reach them without it.
You just don't follow such people until they comment and that's that!

The Old Silly said...

Not all followers are bloggers, so if I click on a new commenter's icon and go nowhere I assume he/she is such a person. And that's fine - good even - to have readers who are visiting your blog out of sheer interest indicates you are providing value to the general public. Lots of bloggers visit and comment on tons of blogs daily, ostensibly to show interest, while their real agenda is to get the return favor of followers and comments on their own blog.

Marvin D Wilson

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That's happen to me, too. I try and look for a way to contact them--like an email--but a lot of peeps don't include that. I really, really wish they would. I feel like I'm snubbing them.

Old Kitty said...

I tend to google the names of followers without a blog link to get to their blog!! It's a long drawn out process though!

I have no idea how to check their blog when it doesn't appear on their follower profile!! Sorry but will be most interested to discover any answers here! So thanks!!!

Great guest blog post over at Alison's! Take care

Michael Di Gesu said...

I join the club and frustration. I happens to me, too.

Sorry, Alex,

I wish I had the magic formula for you.


Summer Ross said...

I have had a few followers like that. There isn't much to do. Sometimes you can try and refresh and click again and a blog "might" come up but it is not a guaranteed technique.

Unknown said...

Very good question.
I tend to go to their profile and see if their blog is hidden in their website link.

I'm actually not sure if my blog comes up in the window that opens when clicking on followers. Some people have links in the window, but I can't find where to make a new link. People will have to go to my profile I guess.
Can anyone help?
Nahno ∗ McLein

Sarah Ahiers said...

I know what causes it, but not an easy way to fix it.

If you click on someone's blog to follow, and you're not signed into blogger yet, that's when it doesn't link back to your blog. So always make sure you're signed into blogger before you try to follow someone new.

As for a way to find their blog (assuming they have one) i guess you could always try a google search if they don't leave a comment

Arlee Bird said...

How could someone not like the cover art of CassaStar? It's very cool.

I too have found some of those followers. Many good ideas have been offered, but still there have been some I can never find info on. Some I do know are people without blogs who just like to comment sometimes--like my daughters for example.

We have 200 signed up for A to Z!

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I love your cover, Alex!



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeremy, a banner is a good idea! And you never look silly.

Gail, that's odd! Haven't seen that one yet.

Ocean Girl, please do!

Dezz, guess so.

Salarsen, I don't like being a snubber!

Thanks Kitty, and that's an idea.

Nahno, sometimes I can't even access their profile.

Sarah, thanks for the tip!

Thanks Lee and that's great news!

Thank you, Monti.

Chris Phillips said...

I just laugh at those people and feel better about myself for not being one. Not because I'm mean, but because i figure there is literally nothing that can be done. Glad you asked the ? though.

Áine Tierney said...

I'm only at this since January and it's happened me lots. It possibly even happens when I choose to follow people! I'm not the most technical of people.

Tara said...

I have quite a few followers that don't comment or have links with their picture. Once in a while I will put up a message asking people to comment so I can get to their blog and follow them. It really bugs me to think they are mad because I didn't return the follow.

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

I was hoping someone had the magic solution to your excellent question, because like you and so many other commenters I’ve had the same problem.

PK HREZO said...

I find this hapens all the time. But I've also found that pulling up their pic a few days later will reveal the link. I think blogger doesn't always show it, or they don't realize their link isn't attached to their profile. Either way, not much we can do about it, other than mention it in a post like you did.

Awesome on the A+ review!!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

I have followers like that. One of them is a relative and I know she doesn't have a blog. I was like that for a while before I finally started to blog. You just accept that they lurk and move on.

Kal said...

Many people just get a profile so they can comment but never take it any further than that. I don't allow anons so that is the only other solution people have who want to comment. Take it as a compliment that they are so eager to say something about something cool you have posted that they go through the hoops to do so. It's worse, if like me, you post so much that people unfollow you because you are clogging up their dashboards. I had to make a choice between posting less or having the followers and I decided to keep doing my blog the way I want to. I want the big number of followers like you but not at the cost of my vision. I like to think I give something unique to the people out there.

Cheeseboy said...

I say it's their own darn fault for not having their blog linked or leaving a comment. I think sometimes, just maybe, there are people out there that just read blogs but don't write one?? I know, sounds insane.

Giving you a minus because of the cover art? Lame. It's fine cover art, btw.

Ella said...

Hi Alex,
I like the cover art! Each to his own; I have wondered the same thing...about those followers?!

Funny, I posted about followers n' Lee's A-Z today. I feel the pull of the Twilight Zone... ;-D

L.A. Colvin said...

I just ran into that. I have a new follower and nothing listed for a blog even when I try to pull up their profile. So I guess just comment back to them if you can.

Talli Roland said...

That happens to me all the time! I do what you've just done - periodically put out a call to those whose blogs I haven't followed back!

Jai Joshi said...

I've had the problem myself, Alex, and have no idea what to do in those cirucmstances. Maybe try googling them? but I don't know if that would work.


Abby Minard said...

They're your avid fans Alex! Before I started my blog, I followed a ton of blogs as a reader. Just because I thought the person was cool, or it was an author I liked, or I could get info on writing. I was a lurker for a good year before I actually started my blog. I followed mainly published authors, but I did follow a couple aspiring authors (at the time).
So I think they are just your readers or followers who don't have blogs. My husband and personal friends don't have blogs, but they created accounts so they could follow and comment on my blog too. I don't think they mind whether you comment back- they know you are reading their comments.

Charles Gramlich said...

I thnk some folks just set up an account so they comment on other blogs and don't intend to blog themselves. Or they are just thinking about it.

Ciara said...

I'm so glad you mentioned this. I have had the same issue. You'll have to post if you come up with a solution to follow someone back.

Congrats on another great review. I still love the cover! :)

Melissa Gill said...

If you find the answer to this, let me know. I just assumed that there were some people who followed but didn't actually have blogs.

Donea Lee said...

Like everyone else, my assumption is that maybe they don't have blogs? Just avid readers of awesome? :) That's great that the A-Z is up to 200! Can't wait.

Southpaw said...

I was just asking myself that very question. I have notice when people comment you can always see their profile with a link to their blog (unless they have disabled it), but on the followers gadget it doesn’t show up. It’s the weirdest thing.
Now, I’m reading the comments in case someone knows the secret.

Hannah said...

I do a google blog search and if I still can't find them, I assume they don't have a blog. I know some who set up profiles and have wordpress or some other blog platform. There are also some that are just readers and that's okay too.

I just hope they come back if they don't have an email that I can respond to their comments through.

Unknown said...

I loved your cover. But, I haven't seen it up close... only online. But, I think it works well.

As for your question, I don't think they have a blog. Or, their blogs are private.

Matthew MacNish said...

Others have probably already answered this, but I think some people have blogger accounts, but no blog of their own. One example of this is my friend Maine Character. His comments are awesome, but he won't blog, no matter how hard I try to persuade him.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

alex, here you go... i am working on mine right now, maybe you can post this and we all can "follow the white rabbit" or something like this...



Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Tara, that's my fear!

Thanks, Pk! I'll go back and check some of the icons.

Kal, you just keep posting the way you do!

Thanks, Cheeseboy!

Ella, hope it doesn't suck us in!

Abby, guess they just want to be part of the Army!

Thanks, Ciara!

Donea, we're going to cross 300 for sure!

Holly, guess there isn't one - bummer.

Clarissa, never thought about a private blog. And thanks!

DL Hammons said...

I just finished reading all of your comments hoping that someone had an answer...but alas. I guess those followers who are not bloggers will just have to accept our gratitude. :)

Hart Johnson said...

I always LOOK for a blog, but if one isn't listed, I am probably lazy... I wait for a COMMENT and then try again. Some followers don't actually HAVE blogs.

Congrats on the great review!

Elana Johnson said...

Often, if there's no blog to follow, I just request to be their friend on Google connect.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, can't find the link back to the new follwers-eh? The answer is obvious. They're the ghosts of bloggers past. That sounds plausible to me...


Julie Musil said...

Alex, I've also had this happen. I scrolled through the comments, hoping someone else had the magic answer! At least we can say we tried, which I always do.

I also love the CassaStar cover. And an A- is great :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

DL, I guess so!

Thanks, Hart!

Elana, that's what I do when that happens. Didn't know if it meant anything.

Sweet Cheeks, that means I'm being haunted!

Thanks, Julie!

J.B. Chicoine said...

I can honestly say I've never had that problem, but there have been a number of times when I've read someone else's blog comments, clicked on a commenter's avatar and been disappointed. Not sure that it's a glitch so much as a privacy issue.

Rawknrobyn.blogspot.com said...

I agree with The Old Silly (re followers) and Cheeseboy (re the cover art). I'm thoroughly relieved to have followers whose blogs I can't find. It feels too unmanageable otherwise. So, what I do is thank them (to myself) and sigh in relief.

Your book cover looks great. I cannot believe you got a "minus" because of it, having nothing to do with your writing. That's rather harsh.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Robyn - I appreciate that! Hey, that's the only person who hasn't liked it, and as you said, it has nothing to do with my writing.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The cover works for the book -- which, might I say, I think I inhaled over the weekend (the book, not the cover). I loved it. I haven't read a book that fast in ages. LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!

As for followers without blogs listed until they comment, yeah, I was wondering if there was a trick I'd missed too.

Anonymous said...

Now a follower :)


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynda, really???? Wow, I feel honored! Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed it. (And I'm sure the cover wouldn't be tasty.)

Nikki - thanks and I just found you!

TerryLynnJohnson said...

I have a few regular commenters who don't have a blog

Copyboy said...

I've had that happen to me numerous times. I think some peole just don't have blogs and then there are some that have neglected to include their own link in the profile page. Is that what you meant Captain Ninja?

The Words Crafter said...

I'm so glad it's not just me! I feel bad in case they have a blog, too. When I find time, I'm gonna do a post and put up the icon Jeremy created. It's the only thing I can think of to do....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Copyboy, that is what I meant! I'd heard sometimes one's blog and profile don't connect.

Words, I have it in my sidebar, but it needs it's own post. Very nice of Jeremy to make it!

RaShelle Workman said...

Alex - Yes, that's happened to me too. With the clicking and the non-existing of the profile thingy. It makes me sad cuz I'd love to follow back. Hope you're having/had a great, fabu day. :D

Anonymous said...

That happens from time to time. What bothers me is when they have like eight blogs listed and only one is their main blog.

I don't have the mentality to try and find the right blog and usually move on. Note to everyone, if you have multiple blogs you don;t use or people don;t leave comments, get rid of them altogether.

ali cross said...

I haven't read the comments, so I probably missed an important answer to your question. I *thought* that happened when they didn't HAVE a blog of their own.

And congrats on that A-! That's no chump grade there, man!

Arlee Bird said...

I definitely agree with what Stephen Tremp said about the multiple blogs.

Tossing It Out

WritingNut said...

YES.. I've always wondered about this too. I usually just hope they comment and that will lead me to their blog.

Stephanie Thornton said...

I always look for a blog, but sometimes I'm slow. I wish I had a ninja-like secret for tracking down those without blogs listed, but I don't.


~Sia McKye~ said...

I have a lot that are just readers and not bloggers. I find that out by the followback to their profile and no blog is listed. If they show up a few times, I'll google them or check on Facebook or twitter and see if they're there. Many times they are. Only a few have blogs, or so I found. They enjoy reading them.

Ellie Garratt said...

I've asked the exact same question and if there is a magic answer, I don't know it :(

Congratulations on the fantastic review - well deserved!

Lisa said...

Alex, did you receive my message, I saw your profile follower at Chaka's World and on it there was no links, just sites you followed. It says Alex J and it has your profile photo. It must be you, so I sent you a message. This is blogger afterall, there could be problems we didn't notice.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen that's a good idea!

Thanks, Ali!

Stephanie, maybe we all need extra ninja training?

Thanks, Ellie!

Ocean Girl, I'll look into that! No one's told me my profile had issues.

Glynis Peters said...

I google the name, and put blog. 80% of the time it brings them up and I can go to their blog that way.

Sangu Mandanna said...

Yep, I find that too. I don't know why that happens, and I often find myself at a loss for finding that person.

Thanks for the links!

A Beer for the Shower said...

I do try to stop back by, but sometimes a blog address is more impossible to locate than good writing in a Stephenie Meyer novel.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Glynis, I may have to try that for some of them.

Hey Jen! Welcome and glad you're on board for the A to Z Challenge.

Beer, I like that analogy!

Arlee Bird said...

I think there's a Google glitch in Blogger regarding those unfindable blogs. Last night I was checking my new followers and none of them showed having blogs. What's up with that?

Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011

Lindsay said...

I've had that happen to me a few times as well. Hopefully the followers will visit more than once and leave a link to them in future.

Susan Fields said...

If you find the answer to this, please let us know! I have put out a call before like your last paragraph, and I found at least one mystery blogger that way, but of course they have to read that particular post for it to work. I wonder if some of these people read blogs but don't have their own?

Sheila Deeth said...

Great question. Sometimes I google them and find a website hiding somewhere.

Unknown said...

It's so frustrating when I get a new follower who's blog doesn't link to their profile pic, and who doesn't leave a comment. Not much you can do. I never set anything (that I know of) up so my blog would link, but it must be a default option that can easily be deactivated by an unwitting click of the wrong button. Frustrating, I agree!

Looking forward to the A-Z Challenge!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lee, that's odd!

Susan, I think some just have Google accounts, but I've found many do have a blog.

Erin Kane Spock said...

I have come across that too. I don't think there's a trick -- I just assume that person is a blog reader but not a writer.
It is frustrating because I like to let them know I've noticed and return the gesture. Oh well.

M Pax said...

That actually happens a lot. They need to go into their gmail and fix it. If they leave a comment, you can track them that way. Usually their dashboard will pop up when you click on their name in the comments.

Otherwise, it's tough to track them down, and they're probably wondering why folks don't follow them back.

Doo said...

I actually find that pretty annoying too. People need to link both of there google and blogger accounts into one, and add links to their blog, page, fb, msn or whatever they want

This way someone just follows me and if he doesn't leave a comment (and sometimes that doesn't even work) I can't see his URL :/

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MPax, I just discovered they can go into their Google account and fix it there as well.

Doo, I know! Most of the time if they leave a comment, I can find their profile and blog from that point.

Unknown said...

I hate when I find someone that left the most creative or fun comment and I can't return the favor! It is so frustrating. I'm not sure if it's something they do or if something blogger does. If you figure it out let me know!!!

Karen Lange said...

I've tried to figure this one out too. I do my best to follow back but can't always. It's the thought that counts? :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the reviews!

I've no idea how to answer your question, though. ;)

JE said...

I just wanted to say, YOU ROCK!

That is all. ;-)


Patricia Stoltey said...

Hi Alex -- I tend to make the rash assumption that the visitor has no blog but is a lover of books and blogs. It's true, however, that some beginning bloggers don't realize all the info they need to include on their profiles to make them accessible.

One thing that puts me off is getting a new follower, and when I visit her blog, there is no profile or explanation of who the blogger is and why she followed me. Since I'm a wary sort, I sometimes don't follow back. In some cases, however, I leave a comment that explains the need for a blogger profile.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jen, I'm working on it.

Justine, no - you rock!!

Patricia, it's like those on Twitter with no description...

Patricia A. Timms-McGehee said...

I've got a few of those followers myself. I'm not sure why they are following without commenting and have no blog. What's the point? There must be one though. I'm not putting this practice down by any means. I just think they should give at least one small shout out so we can figure out who they are. It's worse than being anonymous.

I must go and check out the A to Z Challenge now. Have a great day!

Golden Eagle said...

I Google them if there's no link. I've found several of my followers by using keywords; if I wanted to find, say, your blog I'd search "Alex J Cavanaugh blog" (or blogspot/wordpress). Sometimes I have to go through a few pages since they can be blogs that don't get a lot of traffic, but it's worked for me.

Also, whenever I click their image there's a "send a message" link under their name. I have no idea if that works, but I suppose you could try contacting them through it and asking for their URL.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Patricia, you should join the A to Z!

Golden, I usually just send a friends request that way, but I'll add a message next time.

Leovi said...

I try to look at some loose form if you have left a clue and often get success. But over time it becomes a nuisance when you think you see the gana.Saludos.

Anonymous said...

I've tried googling them before, but usually if they leave a comment I can locate their blog.

And the cover art? I've got Cassastar on Gizmo (my Kindle), so it's not an issue!

Karen M. Peterson said...

I am pretty particular about the blogs I read, so I don't follow people just because they follow me. And if I can't check out their blog, then I don't sweat it.

Regina said...

I have had it happen from time to time. I guess you can just do as every one has suggested. That is what I would do. I have also found someone to have a blog that they didn't have linked before. Best wishes.