Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thanksgiving Blogfest, Ninja Alex Style!

Today is Jeffrey at World of the Scribe’s Early Bird Thanksgiving Blogfest! Please visit his site for the full list of participants. And because Jeffrey is cool! There are many things I am thankful for: The hotness that is Kate Beckinsale. (Does that surprise you?) The people who make quality movies and TV shows and place them on NetFlix and Hulu. My awesome iPad! The creators of Star Trek, without whom my Stardate NaNo updates on Twitter would not be possible. My cool Ninja blogging abilities. That the oboe is not standard hard rock music equipment. (Wouldn’t that be odd?) The Supermutants of Fallout 3: New Vegas and the sniper rifle that takes them out! And now some things for which I am truly grateful: My awesome blogging buddies. (Who keep coming back for this nonsense!) My wife and family. My relationship with God. My job. (The one that allows me to blog, write, and watch movies all day.) A good sense of humor. The gift of music. And the creative spark that runs through me! What are YOU grateful for? Have an awesome Thanksgiving my USA friends!


Gail said...

My leaky roof...because it means I have a roof and it is raining!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gail, that is true!

True Life and Fiction said...

Wow, you are certainly thankful for a lot. I wanted to ask, where did you train for you awesome ninja blogging skills? I'd like to get me some of those.

I'm thankful I have a job that allows me to write part-time at least. I'm an instructor, so basically, I get paid to stand in front of a bunch of folks and BS all day.

Laura Eno said...

Family and friends like you...
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

DL Hammons said...

I'm thankful that I have blogging buddies like you who don't take things for granted!!


Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, I am grateful for my wonderful parents, siblings and amazing friends. I am also thankful to God for all the lovely writing friends he has given me (including you). Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving.


I think you've said it all Alex even about Kate Beckinsale.

Have a good day.

DEZMOND said...

The hotness that is Kate Beckinsale has visited my site today and left a picture for you.

Old Kitty said...

I am thankful for being Daniel Craig's No.1 Squeeze and for being Mrs. Denzil Washington.

Take care

Jules said...

I'm thankful you steer us away from bad movies :)

Have a good holiday, Alex!
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Alex- I grateful someone else did a short list. After Jeffrey's beautiful post I felt like a dork.

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex and family!

Matthew MacNish said...

OMG I'm playing New Vegas right now! Well, not RIGHT NOW, but I just started last night. I've loved all the Fallout games, and so far this one is no exception.

A lot of other stuff you said is cool, but I had to jump on that because it got me excited.

Happy Holidays Alex!

Helen Ginger said...

I'm thankful for family, friends, blogging buds, trees, books, and smiles.

Arlee Bird said...

I agree with many of the ones on your list. But the oboe? I've always had a quirky fondness for the sound of the oboe. Hmmm-maybe more groups should add one to their line-up.
Have a great Thanksgiving!

Tossing It Out

Summer Frey said...

Many, many things! Have a wonderful holiday, and keep up the NaNo work--you're doing great. And I'm thankful for Star Trek too. :)

Copyboy said...

You can blog and watch movies?!!! That'd be number one on my list!!!

Talli Roland said...

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving, Alex!

I'm thankful for all my wonderful blogging buddies, too!

Budd said...

this post deserves a picture of kate. Thanks, Alex.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

great solid list...
that photo is creeping me out...
have a great t-day

N. R. Williams said...

Good list Alex. I love your twitter Star Trek updates, it makes me laugh. That turkey is funny too.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author

Jeff Beesler said...

Thanks for the blog pimpage, Alex! I really appreciate it! You also have some great things to be thankful for!

Chris Phillips said...

You are thankful for me? *sniff* I feel so special! *tear*

Summer Ross said...

I love your list has the funny and serious which in truth can always be mingled together. great things to be thankful for!

Julie Musil said...

Hey Alex, I'm loving the bikini-clad turkey!

Thanks for the reminder about Netflix. Truly something to be grateful for! You read on my blog what I'm thankful for, so I won't bore you with it again. Let's just say we're thankful for many of the same things.

Golden Eagle said...

Great list of things to be thankful for! Both the funny and the serious. :)

I'm grateful for Blogger. . . and the lovely weather we've been having . . . and my family. And that I get to write and blog often!

Colene Murphy said...

Great list! Happy Thanksgiving Alex!!

Glynis Peters said...

I am grateful I am alive, healthy and have a loving family. I am grateful to the blogging world for introducing me to some fantastic people.

I do not celebrate Thanksgiving, (Brit in Cyprus), but wish you a very happy one. x

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JL, Ninja movies and lots of them! And sounds like you have a good gig as well.

Dezz, I'm on my way!!

Kitty, you're a busy lady then.

Jules, I feel it's my civic duty!

Mary, I did too!!

Matthew, I'll review it soon - when I've finished of course.

Copyboy, I'm just talented that way I guess.

Nancy, it'll almost be a shame when the Stardate updates end.

Julie, the NetFlix is a miracle!

Happy Thanksgiving and thanks everyone!

Nate Wilson said...

I'm grateful for yet another entertaining post from Alex J. Cavanaugh. Oh yeah, and that you didn't kill me with your ninja blogging skills. That I know of.

Have a fantastic turkey day!

About Me said...

Alex, you and I need to talk all things Star Trek. You're one of the few people I know who appreciates THE GREATNESS OF IT.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Hart Johnson said...

Great list, Alex! I hope you and your family have a really fabulous Thanksgiving!

Jai Joshi said...

I love your lists, Alex.

I'm grateful for resilience and the generosity of others.


RaShelle Workman said...

I'm thankful for pumpkin pie cheesecake, family and rockin blogging friends like you. Have a great Thaksgiving. =D

Liz P said...

Great list, Alex.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Lindsay said...

Love the list, Alex.

I'm thankful for my blogging buddies as well.

And cookies. There is always time to be thankful for cookies. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nate, my goal is to maim not kill!

Crimey, you mean there's people who don't? The horror!

Thanks everyone!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Your list is a list of awesomeness. Happy Thanksgiving to you! said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Alex. I just did a a similar post. Well, similar but different. Actually, very, very different. I'm grateful for the blog world too, though. Love that tanned turkey pic.

Denise Covey said...

I'm thankful for life and mostly the mundane things. I hope you'll check out an Aussie's perspective on the 'fest!

Great ninja-type post Alex.:)

Carol Kilgore said...

I'm thankful for many things, too, but right this moment I'm thankful for you and Laura Eno. Go check her comment trail and you'll see.

Laura Eno said...

Carol is wonderful!

Dempsey Sanders said...

visited Jeffs site.
Happy thanks giving Alex

Me, I am mostly thank full today that my gas bill was lower than I thought, my partner making me breakfast in bed and my recent purchase of the Dark Knight limited film cells that I have been looking for for years, thank you thank you thank you lol

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Funny and serious list. That's good, Alex. I'm thankful for so much--family, friends, good health, writing, art, tennis, watching children draw, and so much more.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Abby Minard said...

Love your list- I'm grateful the oboe isn't a hard rock instrument either ;p Happy Thanksgiving!! I'm thankful I got my first draft done, and my hubsies gets to be home all day with us tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for my family. They're totally awesome and have supported me in my writing endeavor.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love Both your lists! :)

I'm so thankful for my family, friends (in both the physical & virtual worlds), my job and 'my' kids at school, my books and my weird & wacky brain :)

The Words Crafter said...

You know, I really wouldn't feel comfortable cutting into and eating any part of that's just wrong!

I'm thankful for the hotness that is Kate Beckinsale, too. She distracts my husband while I'm appreciating the hotness that is Gerard Butler and/or (the bearded) Edward Norton! =P

I love that God loves me enough to put up with me and that He's given me family and friends (including the bloggie ones) who do the same.

Have a Great Thanksgiving and be safe!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robin, I'll check it on tomorrow!

L'Aussie, did I miss you? I'm sorry!

Carol, I will!

Dempsey. now that sounds good! All of it. Although your definition of breakfast in bed may differ than mine...

Abby, good for you! And the oboe would just be too odd.

Words Crafter, that is only fair! Amen and have a great Thanksgiving!

Amity said...

I am grateful that my blogoversary on the 28th had culminated yesterday...and thanks to those awesome buddies who kept coming celebrating with me....I wish you could drop by too Alex, though I have absent in ur place for quite a time now... :-)

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Firstly, the turkey photo is absolutely hilarious! :) Loved it.

I'm grateful for every single good thing that has happened in my life!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Reid Kemper said...

Happy Thanksgiving! Your iPad must give you your ninja blogging skills. I must get one!

Jamie Gibbs said...

The oboe should be allowed to have its chance to shine. That and the bassoon. That instrument is rockin'.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sangu Mandanna said...

I've seen so many Thanksgiving posts this week, and they always charm me because it's amazing to step back and think about what you're truly grateful for - especially when you worry constantly about stuff that isn't going so well, like I do :-)

baygirl32 said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm still jealous about the iPad

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Amity, you know I'm always happy to visit your blog!

Nebular, that covers it! Damn, I could've made my post really short...

Reid, I highly recommend it!

Jamie, if In Flames starts using an oboe, I'm turning in my headbanger card.

Sangu, considering most of what we worry about never happens, then why worry?

Babygirl, ask Santa for one!


Hi I can't send you Kate Beckinsale but I can send you an award, it's on my latest blog.


CA Heaven said...

There's only one Kate ... and her last name starts with W >:D

What I'm thankful for:
1. See above
2. Snow
3. Supercomputers
4. Black metal
5. Freedom of speech
6. Our fire place (today it's damn cold)
7. Newton's 2nd law
8. High price on crude oil
9. Public libraries
10. And all the things that are needless to say

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and your hot turkey

Cold As Heaven

Ellie Garratt said...

Happy belated Thanksgiving! I loved your list and obviously, have to agree with you on Star Trek. LOL.