Thanks to everyone who’s voted over at The Movie 411! I’m nominated for Best Sci-Fi Blog of 2010 – and really stunned I’m one of the front runners. Plus buddies Dezz, Nebular, and RaShelle are nominated as well. Voting ends December 14th.
And Clarissa at Listen to the Voices just posted her review of CassaStar! Thank you so much, Clarissa.
Still moving along with my NaNo project. Should hit 50,000 words next weekend.
Those of you who asked all the interesting questions – stay tuned next week for answers!
Elizabeth Mueller gave me the Grasshopper award! Thank you, Elizabeth. (She’s one of my Fantastic Friday Writers buddies.)
Passing this on to Jeffrey Beesler at World of the Scribe
Ella gave me the You Deserve a Star Today award! I’ve received this award previously, so I’ll just thank Ella for her generosity!
Just caught this the other day - the third installment of the Family Guy Star Wars trilogy comes out next month! Here's the trailer for "It's a Trap!"
Congratulations on the awards and I'm gonna have to get my husband to become and 'official' follower of your blog. You've posted nearly all of his favorite ladies!
Ms. Munn hasn't been on atos lately....? Is she doing her own thing somewhere?
Words Crafter, your husband has good taste! Olivia has been doing some acting, so she's not been on Attack of the Show much over the past year. Guess she got popular!
that miss Munn really knows how to entice her male fans - not only that she's lovely but she also dressed herself as Princess Leia which is the favourite fantasy of every male geek and nerd.
Congrats on the award and a big WOOOO that you're out in front! Can't wait to read your answers. Are you going to be partially of fully clothed for that?
I voted for you! (RaShelle sent me over this morning)--congrats on the nomination and awards, and well done on the NaNo progress! I should be to the word count by the weekend, but will have to go to the end of the month to finish the story, I think.
I can see the male bloggers are thrilled with this post, Alex! For my part, Kate Winslet is one of my favourite actresses so I was happy to see her :-) Olivia Wilde, on the another hand, just annoys me on House.
I read Clarissa's post and can I say, way to go, Alex. The trailer was funny. The ladies, well, were is that blanket or sheet or a hoodie to cover them with. Nancy N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Congratulations on the awards and I'm gonna have to get my husband to become and 'official' follower of your blog. You've posted nearly all of his favorite ladies!
Ms. Munn hasn't been on atos lately....? Is she doing her own thing somewhere?
Words Crafter, your husband has good taste!
Olivia has been doing some acting, so she's not been on Attack of the Show much over the past year. Guess she got popular!
My hubby rarely, if ever, touches a computer - he might start visiting soon! :)
Congrats on the awards :)
Congratulations on the awards!
Big Lols at the new Fmaily Guy Star Wars movie. Good call on the lady pics too, we'll show them girl bloggers, hehe.
Congrats on the awards too!
Way to fight for blog eye candy equality. Keep fighting the good fight.
Congrats on the awards. Thought of you yesterday when I read, light sabers are now reality. :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Ah ... lovely.
Ahem, sorry. I tried to vote for you and Dezmond but I couldn't get it to work last week. I'll try again today.
It worked this time! W00T! You, RaShelle and Dez are all in some close races.
that miss Munn really knows how to entice her male fans - not only that she's lovely but she also dressed herself as Princess Leia which is the favourite fantasy of every male geek and nerd.
Thanks, Jemi, and hope your husband gets to view the lovely ladies.
Jamie and Chris, I shall keep fighting for male bloggers everywhere!
Jules, it's the weapon of choice!
Thanks, Matthew!
Dezz, that's why I chose that particular photo!
Time for a cold shower!!!
But not for me!! Oh ok, maybe only a little bit!!! LOL!!
Congrats with your awards and yay for your nano!! Take care
Congrats on your awards. My votes are cast!
Congrats on the awards and your nomination, Alex! Great blog here, and well-deserved!
Congrats on your awards! I voted on the weekend - glad your still a front-runner! Good Luck!
Congrats on the awards! I just voted and you are doing quite well!
Congrats on the awards and winning (you will!) the Movie 411 award!
Congrats on your awards!
What was that sound? Oh, it's the sound of all the Star Wars geeks out there that just passed out from seeing Olivia Munn.
Oh well. They'll recover.
Cool about all the nominations and awards. You're doing very well these days!
Thanks everyone!
Lydia, they'll recover quickly, if only to take another gander at Oliva!
Congratulations on the awards and the nomination. Best of luck.
Thoughts in Progress
Thanks for the early week perculations. I feel better already. Still need coffee though.
Oh Olivias! Can't wait for third Family Guy Wars!!! Congrats on your awards as well. Well deserved.
That trailer is so funny! Congrats on everything.
You certainly have a popular scifi blog.
Looking forward to the question answers.
Keep writing!
Tossing It Out
Your posts are always so packed with good news! I feel like you should include the words "But Wait! There's More!" somewhere.
Your posts are always so packed with good news! I feel like you should include the words "But Wait! There's More!" somewhere.
Enjoy your blog a lot, Alex. Kudos on the awards!
Thanks for the award, Alex! It coincides perfectly with what else I have planned for tomorrow's post!
wow! congrats for the nom--I'll have to check that out. And our Kates are almost *not* in their tops... hmmm... :D
Stephen, let Kate and Oliva be your coffee!
Copyboy, the trailer's hilarious!
Clarissa, thanks again so much!
Betty, but wait! If you act now...
You're welcome, Jeffrey.
LTM, the men I saw posted this weekend definitely lacked tops!
Congratulations for your awards! You have been voted for (last time I checked you were stomping butt too)
Happy Monday!
Congrats on your well deserved awards.
Have a good week.
Congrats, Alex, on more very well deserved Awards!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!
Blessings & Hugs,
Oh man, that Family Guy Star Wars is going to be soooo great. Can't wait to see it!
Congrats on the award and a big WOOOO that you're out in front! Can't wait to read your answers. Are you going to be partially of fully clothed for that?
I voted for you! (RaShelle sent me over this morning)--congrats on the nomination and awards, and well done on the NaNo progress! I should be to the word count by the weekend, but will have to go to the end of the month to finish the story, I think.
Colene, thanks, and I can't believe it!
Bryan, the trailer had me rolling!
Talli, I'm leaning toward 'mostly.'
Thanks, Hart! I'll need to write a lot more than 50,000 to finish mine, but I should hit that number this weekend.
Congrats on the awards! And Family Guy is so rude. But funny!
congrats on the awards.
congrats on your awards. Family Guy is amusing.
Hmm, that last pic are making me wish I still had my Leia suit. Can't remember what I did with it.
Congrats on the awards and on being nominated for best sci-fi blog of 2010! That's totally fabulous.
Thanks, Ladies!
Jai, if you find it, please post a photo!
I voted! Congrats on your nomination and awards! :)
I voted for you yesterday. Hope you win. Congrats on the awards and all those words you wrote.
Hubba hubba!! *wolf whistle*
This guy follower likes!! :)
We, the men of the blogosphere, salute you, good sir. Thanks!
*scrolls back up to look at Kate and Olivia*
wow... congrats on your awards!!
Congratulations on NaNo and your awards. Now I’m off to vote and check out Clarissa’s blog.
DL, I'm howling with you!
Simon, you are welcome! Hated to take such drastic measures. Okay, who am I kidding? I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
Thanks, Jane!
And thank you everyone! Wow, I feel overwhelmed.
Thank you for Kate and Olivia.
I can see the male bloggers are thrilled with this post, Alex! For my part, Kate Winslet is one of my favourite actresses so I was happy to see her :-) Olivia Wilde, on the another hand, just annoys me on House.
sounds like you're having a great month with the awards and Nano progress. Congrats!
The eye candy doesn't do much for me, but it's only fair since there seems to be a lot more beefcake around the blogosphere.
Oh Kate Beckingsale is such a sexy women, she would be my favourite in the photos you uploaded. Great news and progress on Nano and the blog awards
Congrats on the awards and your nano word count!
thanks for the kates and olivias. I needed that.
I think your awards are great and am so happy to hear that you are making your word count for NaNo. That is fantastic.
I don't object to the pictures posted. They are some of the most lovely women in Hollywood.
Always looking forward to anything Family Guy. I left an award for you on my blog today.
I read Clarissa's post and can I say, way to go, Alex. The trailer was funny. The ladies, well, were is that blanket or sheet or a hoodie to cover them with.
N. R. Williams, fantasy author
Cheeseboy, you are welcome!
Sangu, you should be safe now - since Olivia's acting career has taken off, I doubt she'll return to House.
Vicki, yes there is!
Dempsey, thanks! Kate's my girl! In my dreams anyway.
Budd, you are welcome.
Thanks, Regina. I only selected decent photos as well.
Thanks, Stepehn!
Thanks, Nancy. And at least they do have on clothes, which is more than I can say for most of the male images I saw this past weekend.
I will go vote. Just got back. Should be back more regular now. :D Congrats on all your awards.
I only get one tv channel, so never seen the Family Guy. But this trailer is hilarious!
Congrats on your awards; Happy you are out front, how exciting!
Congrats on the awards and the great review!
Thanks, M Pax! Sorry, I've been absent a lot due to Nano.
Terry, isn't it great?
Ellen and Laura, thank you! I know, I can't believe I'm in the lead.
Congrats on your awards and on your nomination!
The chicks photos were worth the trip over here alone! ;)
LOL, hey Happy Thanks, and kudos on the awards, Alex!
Alex - Congrats on your awards. I love the cricket. And, yes the ladies are beautiful. LOL
Marvin, I aim to please!
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