Thursday, October 28, 2010

Next Stop, Monsters, Awards, and CassaStar Made a Best List!

Today’s stop is at Stephen’s awesome site, Breakthrough Blogs. He interviews Byron and Bassa!

And thanks to those who visited Spunk on a Stick’s Tips yesterday as I shared about my character's telepathic abilities.

This came through my Google Alerts – wow! Top 5 List of Best Debut Sci-fi Books by New Writers CassaStar is on the list!!!

And a fan review from Randall at Not the Baseball Pitcher! Thanks, Randall - glad you enjoyed the book.

I caught Monsters last night on HDNet -

Six years after Earth has suffered an alien invasion a cynical journalist agrees to escort a shaken American tourist through an infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border.

A haunting movie, with an equally haunting score, Monsters is slow-paced. It's more of a character study than anything else - and surprise, it's also a romance.
The scenery is incredible, both the natural landscape and the devastation. The monsters are amazing - what the crew achieved with next to no budget will astound you. The characters are quite real and I appreciated the lack of stereotypes.
An original work of science fiction, drama, and romance, Monsters is quite an achievement, and I highly recommend it.

I’ve also been hoarding awards!!

First came from Lydia at The World is My Oyster – the A is for Awesome Award. Is that not cool? Awesome Alex thanks you, Lydia!

I’m passing it on to Cruella at The Giraffability of Digressions

Next, Clarissa at Listen to the Voices gave me the Cherry on Top Award – thanks Clarissa!

I’m passing it on to Laura at A Shift in Dimensions

Krista Lynne Jensen gave me the I’m a Literary Builder Award – thanks, Krista!

My five favorite words:
Acrostic (not that I’m good at it)
Really? (must be said in loud exasperation as someone does something stupid)
Sex (hey, just being honest!)

I’m passing it on to Colene at The Journey

Finally, Charity at My Writing Journey gave me the Sunshine Award! Since I’ve received it before, I’ll just thank Charity for her kindness!

Friday wraps up my tour – whew!


Ishta Mercurio said...

Ooh, firsties! CONGRATULATIONS on making the best 5 debut sci-fi books! WOO-HOO! Go, you!

Melissa said...

Congrats on mkaing the best five sci-fi debuts!!! That's so great! And on all the awards!

Liz P said...

Congratulations on making the top 5 list!

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

So glad you liked "Monsters", Alex. I thought it was very impressive debut feature and it looked hundred times more expensive than it actually is.

And I'm so happy that CassaStar continues to get recognition!:) Congrats!

Renae said...

Congrats on making the top five list! That is fantastic news!

Glynis Peters said...

That is amazing news! Congratulations, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nebular, I was quite impressed. I liked it much more than District 9, although the two movies are nothing alike.

Thanks, everyone!

Gail said...

A whirlwind adventure and being in the top five!!!

You have "made it"!

Helen Ginger said...

I've never heard of Monsters. It sounds very interesting, but scary. I don't do scary well. I scare easily.

Congrats on all your awards, but especially congrats on a Top 5 Award for CassaStar. That's fantabulous!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Best five! Congratulations.

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations!! Wow--top 5! That's awesome!

Congrats on the awards, too!

Mary@GigglesandGuns said...

Wow! Wow! Wow! Congratulations on the Top 5.
Loved the take at Stephen's this morning.

Jules said...

Congrats on all the awards! More importantly "Way To Go," on the top 5. I just knew this would happen :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow

vic caswell said...

MONSTERS sounds amazing!
congrats on making the TOP FIVE!!!!!! :)

Jeremy [Retro] said...

it is a grand day, a drink of romulan ale for everyone... i know it's nerdy, but you got it. which means i am in good company.

congrats on all the good things.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Top Five List? Yay! Congratulations.

Laura Eno said...

You have so much going on here!
Congrats on making the Top 5 list...Woot!
Another congrats on your awards and your continued success with your tour!
Thank you for passing an award on to me!
I've never heard of Monsters but it sounds like something I'd like to see.

DEZMOND said...

congrats on getting on that list!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you, Helen!

Thanks for visiting Stephen's site, Mary.

IZombie, I'll drink some Romulan aled!

Laura, you're welcome.

And thanks everyone - that list surprised me!

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats on CassaStar making the list and congrats on your awards. Monsters sounds like an intriguing movie, I'll have to check it out.

Thoughts in Progress

Old Kitty said...


I thoroughly enjoyed Bassa's and Byron's interview. Ahem.

And yay what lovely awards too!!

And thanks for the review of Monsters - it sounds like my kind of film so will keep an eye out for it!!

Take care

Matthew MacNish said...

Holy crap Alex, that's great friggin news about CassaStar! Congratulations man, you sure so deserve it.

Creepy Query Girl said...

wow- that's awesome Alex! Congrats!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Congratulations on that top five list! And happy to host you yesterday.

sfdada said...

Kudos! All the more reasons to love the almighty Google. Finished the book last night. It really deserves to be on the list.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the awards and the great reviews. I plan to write a review when I get though it. I'm on chapter three! I'll stop by Breakthough.


Summer Frey said...

Congrats, Alex! You must be thrilled. Your blog tour's been great, but what a whirlwind, huh?

Monsters sounds so good! I remember seeing it on Dezz's blog and wanting to watch! Glad it didn't disappoint.

True Life and Fiction said...

Congrats, Alex! I read your blog all the time but fell behind on posting during the blog tour. I guess I'm a little behind the times when it comes to understanding blogfests, blogtours and such.

Am I the last one to post here? Guess I should've set my alarm earlier.

Melissa Gill said...

I'll have to check out Monsters. Can't get enough dystopian

Budd said...

congrats on the "awesome" award and also on making the list.

Monsters sounds a lot like district 9 in mexico to me. I thought that they were going for a theatrical release for it though.

LTM said...

omg! super congrats on making the top 5 list--that is awesome~

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Kitty, I saw that you REALLY enjoyed it!

Bryan, thanks!! Glad you enjoyed it.

Clarissa, I really hope you like it then!

Summer, go into it knowing it has a slow pace and focuses on the characters more than the monsters, and you'll really dig it.

JL, don't worry, you're not last.

Budd, it does come out in theaters this Friday - HD Net debuts at select movie early every month. And it's NOTHING like District 9 - and much better!

Thanks, everyone!

Anonymous said...

Speaking of movie reviews, have you seen Clash of the Titans? Just rented it and looking forward to watching it tonight. Yep, quite a few movies I need to catch up on. With young uns' its not easy to see all the movies I want. Thanks.

Martin Kozicki said...

Was curious about Monsters. Now I have to see it. Thanks for the review.

And congrats on the Top 5!

Have you read any of the other books on that list? Breach sounded interesting.

Lindsay said...

Woot. Congrats on making the top 5 list. Virtual cake for you. ;)

Southpaw said...

I can't believe you didn't lead with the top five news! CONGRATS!

Sarah Ahiers said...

oooh, Monsters sounds awesome, i'll have to check it out

Colene Murphy said...

Congrats on the top 5! That's HUGE!! Also congrats on the awards and thank you thank you thank you for mine!!
Monsters sounds really good.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stephen, prepare for disappointment - it was an awful movie!

Thanks, Martin, and no, I've not read any of the other books.

Charles Gramlich said...

Great news about the best of list. Wow!

Copyboy said...

Movie sounds like mad max meets ID4. I'll have to check it out. Congrats on the well-deserved award!!!

Kal said...

Soon you will be so huge that you will no longer visit the little people like me. Congrats on all your success. I can say I knew you when.

Monsters was a terrific film that only suffers from it`s title. I got into this movie deep and loved the final scene that was hypnotic, horrifying and moving all at the same time.

Seeing how little it cost only makes it more of an achievement. I hope it inspires fellow budding filmmakers to follow their dream and realize that STORY matters.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Copyboy, it's probably a bit more subdued than that!

Kal, your blog is not little!
I went into Monsters knowing it was slow-paced, so I was really enthralled with the film. And you're right, the last five minutes were powerful.

Hannah said...

Thanks for the review on Monsters. I was wondering about that one. I love a good slowpaced film as long as it has a purpose and is enthralling.

PK HREZO said...

Congrats on making the sci-fi debut list!! Rock on with your bad self! :)

Shannon Messenger said...

Okay, seriously--HOW was I not following your blog? Seriously, that is a major #Shannonfail.

Well, I've found you now (*cue ominous music*) and I should warn you that I do a lot of blog hopping at work, so I sometimes lurk more than I comment. But I'm always there in the shadows.

Congrats on making the Sci-Fi debut list. That must make you feel like a rockstar. :)

Summer Ross said...

That is so wonderful for you to make that list! You must be so very proud of yourself. I know I am proud to know you, and here you had all these fears.

What a busy person you are on all these blogs. But you are doing wonderfully.

Congrats on all the awards and have a fantabulous day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Palin, it is enthralling.

Pk, I'm rocking!

Hi Shannon!! Welcome to Alex's Army.

Thanks, Summer.

Hart Johnson said...

Woot Woot! Congrats on the top 5 list, Alex! That's FANTASTIC! Is it sales based, or review based? Either way, it's EXCELLENT!

And Monsters sounds like a great movie! My kids might like it with me--daughter for the romance, son for the sci fi (hard to please them both)

Karen Lange said...

Congrats on all the awards, and congrats on making the BEST list! Awesome!

Cruella Collett said...

Wow - congrats on the Top 5 list! And thank you so much for the award! You're awesome too :)

BryStearns said...

Congrats Alex! That is so awesome to hear! I'm so happy you're book was received so well! Sequel here we come!

baygirl32 said...

WOW congrats!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hart, I think your whole family will dig it!

Thanks guys!

Luna said...

Congratulations! Sounds like an amazing week. So excited for you, Alex!

Jemi Fraser said...

Congrats on the top 5!! That is incredible news - and so well deserved! :)

Enid Wilson said...

Awesome awards! And congratulations on being Top 5. Time for some champagne.

My Darcy Mutates…

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Huge congrats to you! Well done!

Velvet Over Steel said...

Yes, Congrats Alex!! So happy for you! Your book is waiting at the post office for me to pick up on Saturday! Woot Hoot!! I leave at 6:30 in the morning before they are open and get home an hour after they close. I so need to work at the post office. Haha.. I bought it for my son who loves sci-fi books.. everything! But I might have to read it before I give it too him!! Don't tell him! lol

Enjoy all your well deserved success, Alex!!

Bossy Betty said...

Congrats, Alex!!!!

Arlee Bird said...

Made a best debut list! Totally cool!

Tossing It Out

DL Curran said...

Congrats on making the top five debut sci-fi list! That's fantastic news!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Alex, congratulations for your book's showing on that Top 5 Debut list. That is super cool!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Coreen, thanks! Tell them they need to make a special delivery just for you.

And thanks again, everyone!

TS Hendrik said...

Monsters does sound good. Thanks for the review. A little extra spur to see it now.

February Grace said...

The top five list thing is incredible, Alex, congratulations!!!


Jamie Gibbs said...

Congrats on making the top 5 list, Alex!

I like the sound of Monsters too. I'm getting more into post apocalyptic stuff, so I may give this a go.

The Man-Cave said...

Another congratulations from me to you for making this month's list, Alex! Well deserved!