I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo! I intend to use that time to complete the sequel to CassaStar. If anyone wants to be my ‘buddy,’ I am HERE
One of my virtual tour stops is giving away a copy of CassaStar! See Scribbler to Scribe for details. And Mesmerix created a really cool post for it, too. (Less than two weeks - I'm getting nervous!)
And one of you asked about a countdown widget!! It's in place now, but I don't remember who asked me. Sorry!
Has anyone heard from Cassandra Jade? She’s not blogged in two weeks.
And, does anyone know what happened to Mr. Stupid? He’s not blogged in two months!!
And finally, Yvonne at Welcome to my World of Poetry gave me the “Go Away - I’m Writing” Award. (Please don’t go away though!!) Thanks, Yvonne!
I’m passing this on to three ladies who I know are either writing or revising right now:
Ali Cross
Karen Walker
Justine Dell
Anything I missed?
One of my virtual tour stops is giving away a copy of CassaStar! See Scribbler to Scribe for details. And Mesmerix created a really cool post for it, too. (Less than two weeks - I'm getting nervous!)
And one of you asked about a countdown widget!! It's in place now, but I don't remember who asked me. Sorry!
Has anyone heard from Cassandra Jade? She’s not blogged in two weeks.
And, does anyone know what happened to Mr. Stupid? He’s not blogged in two months!!

I’m passing this on to three ladies who I know are either writing or revising right now:
Ali Cross
Karen Walker
Justine Dell
Anything I missed?
Yes: a cup of coffee and a muffin, please.
MJ, coming up!
Lots going on there! I love the countdown - so cool. And I want one of those coffee mugs. Stamping feet.
I need your advice, Alex. I'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo, but using it to write a couple of novellas I'vr got planned. Do you think that is acceptable? I could add the two together for the word count check at the end?
Thank you!
Have fun with NaNo. I've never participated because November is too hectic at my house. Way beyond the normal day-to-day hectic - LOL.
Congrats on your award.
Please let me know if you hear anything about Cassandra Jade. I'm concerned, too.
Looking forward to your book release, I intend to get one for my son as he loves Star Trek and Star Wars, With all the hard work you have put in it deserves to be a huge success.
Have a good day
I was too wondering about Mr. Stupid as he always commented on my blogs I sent him a messsage but no reply. I hope he is ok.
You are busy. Can't wait for the book release. I have not seen the folks you speak of. Good luck at NaNoWriMo.
Congrats on the award!!
congrats on the award.
Can't help you on the bloggers, I don't know them. Have you tried their email addresses?
Good luck with NaNoWriMo! :) I'm not doing it this year; I've decided to just champion from the sidelines.
Cool countdown widget! I don't know why, but those things fascinate me. :P
Best of luck cyber-selling your book!!!
Congrats on the award and good luck with NaNo!
I love your thought to put out a MIA. It shows how much we bond with our cyber friends.
Alex, congrats on your award and good for you for NaNo. I just don't know if I have it in me...but I'm not saying no just yet. Hey, most of all...thank you for seeking out missing bloggers. When people disappear from the blogosphere, I worry. These people become our friends and then go away. Everyone has reasons...hopefully they only have to do with the lack of time...Don't be nervous about your count down. Be proud! You have accomplished something so FEW people ever will. Hurray for you!
I "buddied" you at NaNo. Over there I go by mkdbail. Good luck!
Congrats on the award!
Congratulations on your award and good luck with NaNoWriMo. You've got a busy time ahead but you can do it. If you hear from Cassandra, please let me know.
Thoughts in Progress
I still have no idea what NANOWRIMO is, I'm always lost with those shortened tittles :)
Congrats on the award! When are we starting the work on the third installment of CASSASTAR :))))))
Congrats on your award!!
I buddied you on NaNo! I can't wait! This year is going to be a blast!
Wow--your book comes out soon!! I'll bet your super excited!!
Congrats on the award--and thanks for passing it on to me ;-)
Love the countdown widget. I missed it until I read that you'd put one up, then I found it. Congratulations! I'm excited and I have nothing to do with the release, so I know you are really excited!
Awesome countdown widget! And that's a great award, what a cute mug. It's definitely the kind of thing we writers need when the wide world of the internet draws us away from work... :-)
Yay! NaNo! I've added you as a friend. I'm listed under falen1
Congrats on the Award! You so deserve them all! & No, we won't go away! lol
Have a wonderful Wednesday!!
Hi Alex,
I was the one, that mentioned you are on the count down and should put it on your blog ;-D
I wondered about Mr.Stupid, too...
Seems like a lot of people are taking time out and time off.
Exciting! I can't wait to read it, but since I'm buying them for Christmas gifts(one will be at my house). Do I dare peek? lol
Best of luck for Nano. This is my second year and I'm a little stressed...because I still don't have a plot! Characters, yes. Plot, what?
Congrats on the award. I'm trying to do the NaNo thing, again I had no idea. :)
I wondered about Mr. Stupid as well.
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
What a cute award, very timely as November comes up!
Best of luck with NaNoWriMo! I'm not ready for such an undertaking though I may play along on my one revision style.
I'm now your NaNo friend. Good luck with your sequel!
Yeah, I found you. We are now NaNo buddies. :)
Glad to be Nano Buddies!
No, I haven't heard what happened to those two writers. I hope they're just on vacation.
Nano comes at a bad time for me, in the midst of the heavier part of the semester.
Yay for Nano! I buddied you on Nano as AmeliaHayson.
I'm planning for my third NaNo. I added you as a buddy. :) Here's hoping we make the count and rough out usable drafts!
Marian Allen
Wonderful! sending hugs and wishes for continued success
awww! it's super sweet that you're missing your blogger pals! :)
good luck at nano and two weeks!!! :)
That awesome, Alex. I don't think I'll get to Nano this year because I'm behind on school work. But I'll quietly cheer you on in my place :)
Yay for the award. Congrats.
I'm hoping to join Nano...if I can get the last 15k of my current wip done before the end of october. (1k a day, fingers crossed.).
Ellie, the way I read it, they want you to scramble your work when you upload it for verification, so I don't see why you couldn't merge the two.
Teresa, I know Hart sent an email to Cassandra but got no response.
Thanks, Liza.
Thanks, Mara!
Dezz, I think it stands for National November Writing Month. And the 3rd book? You kill me!
Thanks, Helen!!
Cool, Falen!
Eliie - good! I couldn't remember who'd asked. And yes, you may peek.
Thanks, Eric - I'll need cheering.
Thanks everyone for friending me at NaNo. Guess I need to go approve all of those!
Good luck with NaNo!
I'm worried about Cassandra. I hope she's OK...
I'm halfway tempted to write the rough draft of the fifth novel in the Flettleglag series. I have books 2-4 drafts already written, and you know the status on #1 right now. #5 is a pretty huge arc for two characters in the series.
I really want to get it written but at the same time there's other stuff that needs tending to as well. What to do, what to do?
I made you a buddy on NaNo -- If you are wondering I'm LynFaw for NaNo
Congrats to the ones who've won your heart! (I'm jealous) J/K... ;)
No, I haven't heard from either of them, Alex. But go and find their email address and let them know how you feel.
I've done that to a few of my bloggie friends that had dropped off the blogosphere plane.
So many good things ahead for you!!! ;)
I noticed that Mr Stupid was MIA, like a few of my other 'regular' reads..
congrats on your award!
Congrats on the award! I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year. I just started classes. I hope to next year.
I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Cassandra Jade or Mr. Stupid. Perhaps they are taking a it of a hiatus?
Congrats on your award! What a funny one!
I put you down as a buddy for NaNo. I haven't absolutely decided on doing it yet, but I probably will. It should be a lot easier this year with my blogging schedule cut back to 3 days.
Tossing It Out
Congratulations on "Cassastar." That is outstanding.
A heads up for new authors: The key for your sales is probably going to be Kindle sales. I know 97 percent of my sales are Kindle, no matter how much I love and push my paperbacks, because all sales are online and paperbacks are expensive for a small press.
Don't let your publisher set the Kindle price. You set the price, using the other Kindle books as a guide. I suggest $2.99, but that's just me. Publishers still prioritize print, but success for new authors is in Kindle.
Again, very cool. Get a sequel out as soon as possible.
Good luck on NanoWrimo!
I love the name of that award, "Go Away I'm Writing". Maybe I should get a sign to wear around my neck with that inscription.
Good luck with nano. I might have to look into that.
Loving the widget and the element of excitement it adds :-)
Jeffrey, you have to go with what pulls the hardest.
Lynda - check!
Elizabeth, Hart sent a message to Cassandra and I sent one today to Mr. Stupid. I'll let everyone know if I hear anything.
Lee, are you under your name?
Thanks, Walter! I think my publisher set the eBook for $4.95. They're taking care of print and eBook.
Lydia, or on a t-shirt!
I'm your NaNo buddy!!! Glad to be one as well!!! I'm already nervous to start it out! Maybe you will give me the push I need!
As for the two missing blogging buddies I'm afraid I don't know them so I can't help you!!
My NaNoWriMo name is Wordleeness-- don't ask me why. It was just something I came up with on the spur of the moment last year. I should probably see if I can change it.
Tossing It Out
Good luck with NaNoWriMo. I'm working on a rough draft now. Couldn't wait.
I just checked Mr. Stupid the other day. I've noticed quite a few people disappearing. I wrote about it, but I won't post until next week. Blogging relationships seem to sometimes be hit and miss.
Hey Alex, I just buddied you on nano! I'll be doing it too, although I need to get crackin' on some sort of plan. It's so cool that you'll be doing a sequel.
Yep, less than two weeks to go on CassaStar! I've got my blog post already written and scheduled. Awesome!
I still haven't decided on NaNo yet. I definitely don't have time, but, hey, it's NaNo!!
Cassandra hasn't answered an email I sent a while back either. If you do hear anything, I'd love to know if all's well. I'm assuming life just got busy and she's away from the blogosphere.
Yeah, I gave up on Mr. Stupid. Crying shame. It takes a lot of work to write that stupidly/hilariously.
Congrats to you and the new winners!
Happy NaNoing!
This is my 6th year and I've finished every year. It's great for getting the creative juices flowing.
Hello fellow NaBloWriMo 2010 participant!
Love the coffee mug. And congrats on the forthcoming book!
I just checked and found our regional library system's local NaNoWriMo chapter is revving up again. They kick it off with a four hour write-in at the library on Nov. 1st. I think I'm going to do it...
I'm also worried about MrStupid. There must be someone in the blogosphere who can tell us something. I emailed him via his blog and personal email long ago. He's such a talented, sweet young guy. Hopefully, we'll see his books on the shelves, if we don't see him back in the blogosphere.
Thank you!
Big commitment for NaNo. Wish you all the best with the sequel. You will feature some snippet here?
My Darcy Mutates
Thanks, Jen! I'm ready for it.
I'll look for you, Lee.
Thanks, Julie!!
Jemi, hope that's all it is.
Good for you, Patricia!
Robyn, I emailed him as well.
Enid, not sure yet!
I'm doing NaNo too. I buddied you. historian40, as an FYI. I don't know what happened to Cassandra Jade, but I hope she's ok. Congrats on the award too.
Sweet! I have my own label even! Alex, thanks so much for this award.
I'm so glad to have met you ~ you've been a constant friend these past several weeks and I've really enjoyed learning from you and getting to know you!
Thanks again!
(oh and I'll totally friend you on NaNo! Can't wait for the book! Woot for SciFi!)
Thanks, RaShelle!
And glad to know you as well, Ali. Sci-fi rocks!
I'm feeling like I might have a novel in me! What a great event to be a part of!
Bryan, go for it!
Good to see you doing NaNoWriMo too :) Consider yourself added as a buddy :P
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