Where to begin? I had an idea what to expect and this movie delivered that and more. It's not a horror film as much as a psychological thriller. It focuses on ethics and human behavior and how it can go so wrong. While some of the storyline seemed unbelievable, it mostly made sense in a twisted sort of way.
The actors did a fine job, especially Delphine Chaneac, who plays the creature Dren. She is far more human than the humans, though. The questionable ethics go beyond splicing human DNA with animals and delves into the area of child abuse. Dren turns on her human 'parents,' not so much due to her animal DNA as due to the physical and mental abuse she endures.
In an interview with producer Guillermo del Toro, he said that when he read the script, there was a line he would never cross in a film. This movie crosses that line twice in a sexual manner guaranteed to shock. For that reason alone, this movie is not only inappropriate for children but for anyone under the age of 18.
The special effects are incredible. I never once questioned Dren was real.
If you're seeking summer movie enjoyment, this is not the film for you. It will get under your skin. The characters and storyline are well developed, but it doesn't prompt repeat viewings. The movie is of quality and well done, but I will stop just short of recommending it.
A good review blog Alex, I was looking how many you had for the Dirty Dozen, very impressive.
heaven knows what you will think of mine as I have not been to the cinema in years though I did go very often from a child until my secon child was born,
Enjoy your week-end.
a bit too bizarre movie for me.
A spot-on concise review Alex that makes me want to watch this movie! Thanks.
I'm intrigued now, might have to find time and money for this one after all. Thanks for the honest review!
love the music, uncut diamonds the book what was it about??? Hey I am excited for toy story too----- Ok well did anyone make you a button yet... a good scifi looking one for my blog??? let me know.
Thanks for the insight on this one. It’s sounds good but maybe too intense.
If it's a psych thriller more than a straight sci fi horror then it sounds right up my alley! I heard about 'those' scenes too, they sounded gratuitous added purely for shock value, but hopefully they don't detract too much from the overall storyline. I'm looking forward to seeing this, but I might wait for the DVD.
Yvonne, I bet I'll know more of your movie choices than you think I'll know!
Dez, it's beyond bizarre.
Rouge, go for it! Splice is a good movie.
Wasabi, not yet - working on a button!
Southpaw, it's not like a full blown David Cronenberg movie, but it's close.
Jamie, the scenes fit, although the first one did zap me out of the film a bit. I was thinking, "Dude, why would you even WANT to...?"
Definitely sounds Cronenberg.
Thanks for stopping short of recommending Splice, now I definitely want to see it. But you probably know when I'll see it--when it's released on video. From all that I've heard it sounds like something I'd like.
Tossing It Out
Lee, if I recommended it, someone would label me as a sick twisted puppy.
I was initially confusing Splice with The Human Centipede which definitely sounds twisted and disgusting. Have you seen that one yet?
Tossing It Out
Hmmm ... the concept sounds fascinating, but I can't handle the thought of the abuse. Working with kids who've been through it makes it pretty impossible for me to watch it in a movie. Thanks for the review :)
Arlee, I've read about that one but not seen it. That one IS too sick for me.
Jemi, it would probably bother you then.
YAY! I'm glad it gets into the ethics and such, too. One of my problems with Horror, and one of the REASONS I like psychological thrillers is EXACTLY how engaged the brain needs to be to watch--I love a smart film. Sci-Fi is in my gray area of love some/hate some, but this sounds like it falls toward the love side. I will have to see it!
Great review, but I will probably not see it. I'm just saying- I'm psycho enough without a movie's help.
I'm sure I will watch it on ppv when it becomes available. Especially since one person told me it reminded them of my novel Cold in the Light. The trailers certainly looked intriguing.
Interesting! Sometimes films like this work, and other times they fall flat and seem like they're trying too hard. I'll have to see what else I can learn about this one before I decide!
Yeah, I'll have to skip this one. I'm a wimp. :)
Hart, it is a thinking person's movie.
India, it doesn't try too hard.
Elizabeth, it's not for the wimpy! Good idea to skip.
Sounds like an interesting film, and one I'd like to see. I love Guillermo del Toro.
Thanks for the review, Alex!
Probably not a movie I will go see though it does sound interesting. Reminds me in a way of James Patterson's When The Wind Blows and The Lake House. It's been a few years since I read those but I did enjoy them. Have you read them?
Thanks for the review, this is on my must see list now.
Beth, I've read Patterson, but not those books.
Marvin you have been warned!
This looks like an excellent movie. I hadn't actually read anything about this movie but now I can't wait for a chance to see it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thanks for sharing your view; the preview is intriguing! It looks like an interesting blend of science, horror and morals. I want to see it, but like Arlee, I'll probably wait til I can rent it.
Unfortunately, this won't be shown in our local theater, so I'll have to wait for the DVD. It's such a bad luck, since "Splice" is one of my most anticipated movies of 2010. Great review!
Adding it to the NetFlix list right away. Sounds like a perfect topic for modern Scifi. Better than, "meh" is pretty rare lately.
Nebular, they've been hyping this one for so long. Sorry you won't see it on the big screen.
Bryan, it's a unique movie, that's for sure.
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