Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Continuing the A-Z Challenge from Arlee at Tossing it Out

And today's letter totally rocks - R for RUSH!

Hey guys, It is with great pleasure that I am afforded the opportunity to gush over a band that is near and dear to my heart (perhaps even "Closer to the Heart".) I am, of course, referring to the great prog rock band "Rush." This is the music that molded my early teenage years and influences my writing and guitar playing to this very day.

The first time I heard the "Permanent Waves" album (yes, kiddies, back in the day we played music on vinyl) my understanding of the profound impact of music was forever altered. I have such fond memories of rushing (pun intended) to the record store and purchasing "Signals." I was so excited, I wanted to sprout wings and fly home as fast as possible. Dropping the needle while staring at the lyrics printed on the sleeve as "Subdivisions" began will forever hold a place in my heart.

This was the soundtrack of my youth and as I have grown older, the band has been a constant companion. Rush has influenced so many of my favorite bands (Dream Theater, Symphony X, Redemption, and on) that I truly owe them a debt of gratitude.

Yes, I am gushing like a 15 year old fan-boy but for good reason. Rush will always by close at heart.



How exciting,I didn't know about your musical ability.I can remember before records became 45s,
well we have progressed since then.
I bet you've been waiting for letter "R" to arrive and with good reason. Wonderful blog.


Will Burke said...

YAY! Nice to see some Canucks getting their props! While I couldn't get into them, I know that you'd be hard-pressed to find 3 more talented musicians.

Sarah Ahiers said...

hmm i want to say i've never heard any rush, BUT i think there may be a Rush song on Rockband so if that's the case then i have...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Good choice! And one of the biggest bands ever, too.

DEZMOND said...

I've never heard of them, but they must be good if our Alex loves them so much :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Falen and Dez - you've never heard of Rush???? The horror!!!!

And yes, Yvonne, I play several instruments.

Helen Ginger said...

A fun post. I liked hearing about the band that was so great that you still gush over them years later!

Straight From Hel

Summer Frey said...

I love "Tom Sawyer."

Tara said...

Hold on. I'm still reeling from commenters who haven't heard of them. I mean it's Rush! They were a little (very little) before my time, but they're Rush! I hate being reminded of my age.

Being a fellow drummer, Neil Pert was hubby's god when hubby was younger (and still playing drums). As musicians, there are few better.

"Though his mind is not for rent, don't put him down as arrogant..."

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Oh, my husband LOVES Rush. Took me to the concert when they played Charlotte...maybe 5 years ago?

Mystery Writing is Murder

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes, Helen, I still gush.

Shocking, isn't it, Tara? And they're still around and just as popular as ever. Some of the best musicians in the business and NO ONE tops Pert on the drums.

Elizabeth, I bet you saw every age represented at the concert, too.

Lisa said...

Dared I say I didn't know them either, so I researched, I mean I wike-ed and found they were some kind of number four top bands behind the Beatles, Rolling Stones and Aerosmith. They are huge and no wonder you are an ardent fan.

I am an ardent fan of Mr A-Z..Mraz.

Hannah said...

I know of Rush but have never heard any Rush...I don't think. I never "look" at Pandora unless a song pops up that I absolutely LOVE and have to bookmark. Hmmm, I will research. Thanks! I love hearing new music.

Arlee Bird said...

I'm amazed at the number of those who haven't heard of Rush, one of my favorite bands. I've been familiar with Rush since they first came on the scene in the 70s but I wasn't a big fan. I liked what I heard on the radio but it didn't go far beyond that. In the 80s I did pick up a couple cassettes because I really started liking the music. Then 5 or 6 years ago I saw on TV the concert video where they are playing in Rio and was utterly blown away. The array of percussion, the musicianship, the intricacy of the songs all really caught my attention. I proceeded to buy every Rush CD that I could find and now listen to them a lot. Even my wife, who does not like rock music for the most part, enjoys listening to Rush sometimes when we're driving.
Rush is rock's version of high form classical music.
I could rave on, but I think I'll go listen right now.

A to Z Challenge Reflections Mega Post

Cheeseboy said...

As odd as this might sound, I think Rush is the most underrated band in rock history. Sure, they are considered one of the greats, but they were so influential. Listening to today's rock and you will hear hints of Rush in almost every song.

Survivormama said...

I remember playing my 45's on a little record player with jean fabric on the outside of the box...thanks for bringing that memory back...Rush is not a band I ever listened too but I have heard of them...Great post!

Unknown said...

RUSH Permanent Waves was the soundtrack to my junior and high school years. Loved it then, love it now!

Marvin D Wilson said...

LOVE rush ... good choice for your "R" post, Alex!

Elana Johnson said...

I can feel your enthusiasm for this band in your words. :)

Gregg Metcalf said...

I have never heard of Rush. My favorite band " back in the day" was Creedence Clearwater Revival. I couldn't wait for their singles and LPs to come out and I rush out to buy a copy as soon as it did.

Beth Zimmerman said...

I don't recall having heard RUSH though I certainly remember LPs and cassettes and even (though just vaguely) 8 Tracks! Gosh ... now I feel old!

Thanks for your commitment to commenting on the Challenge Posts! You're awesome!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ocean Girl, they are indeed huge.

Arlee, the Rio DVD is one of my favorites. (I've seen them MANY times in concert, too.) They were one of the first prog rock bands.

Cheeseboy, you said it! And they're not even in the rock 'n' roll hall of fame because the man who owns it hates Rush. Pathetic!

Good for you, Nicole and Marvin!

You're nto old, Beth. And I enjoy reading your blog.

Raquel Byrnes said...

My husband things their drummer is one of the all time bests.

JournoMich said...

Can I just say I remember when you only had 2 or 3 comments per post? You've come a long way, man!

Secondly, you've spent a lot of time on music during this ABC challenge. Very telling...

And lastly--found a blog that seems up your alley:


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Raquel, he is!

Michele, thanks! Pretty wild, huh? And yes, I do follow Neth Space.

Lisa said...

I loved Rush in my youth, too. Don't listen to them anymore, only because I don't have any of their music. That's some good stuff!

Ella said...

Gushing over Rush, great post! I can remember first hearing their album, it was so unique. I recently had flashbacks, watching the movie,"I Love You Man", the movie was wack, but the tribute to Rush was endearing!

DJ GlenMC said...

Saw Rush 3 times in the 70s.
Great shows each and everyone.
My history with Rush actually goes back to the first album and the only one without Neil Peart on drums. Working Man is a great song. 2112 was one of my favorite albums.

Still a great band.

Be blessed. Be a blessing

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

More Rush fans!!!