Insecure Writer's Support Group

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group
Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time. Be sure to link to this page and display the badge in your post. And please be sure your avatar links back to your blog! Otherwise, when you leave a comment, people can't find you to comment back.

Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSG.

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG Day post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. Remember, the question is optional!!!
February 5 question - Is there a story or book you've written you want to/wish you could go back and change?

The awesome co-hosts for the February 5 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Louise Barbour, and Tyrean Martinson!

  Be sure to visit the
Insecure Writer’s Support Group Website!!!

*DO NOT add a direct link to your post here! This group posts EVERY month. If you sign up and miss one first Wednesday, that's all right! Those who sign up just to advertise or miss two postings in a row will be removed so as not to waste group member's time. Please refrain from posting non-writing related tangents under the IWSG badge. We believe in freedom of speech, but please relate your post to the life of a writer in some fashion. Those who don't will be given a warning. If done a second time, you will be removed from the blog hop list. Guest posts for IWSG Day are acceptable, but the post should address writing insecurities in some way. Blogs only - no Twitter, Facebook, or other social site. People must be able to comment without creating an account on that platform.People also must be able to comment. Thanks for respecting the purpose of this group!

Be sure to sign up for the IWSG Newsletter for the latest information for writers. It goes out the last Wednesday of the month, which also serves to remind you of the upcoming blog posting day. For more information, please see the IWSG Privacy Policy.


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Unknown said...

Alex, you rock.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Tessa! Just trying to help others.

Theresa Milstein said...

Just came from Ciara's blog. Fun idea. Since we're all insecure, all writers qualify.

Ann said...

looks like there are a lot of us insecure writers out there! Thanks Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks for joining us, Theresa and Ann!

Jessica Bell said...

So the first one is Wednesday 7th Sept, then?

Murees Dupè said...

Brilliant idea! I am definitely joining.

JudyH329 said...

Alex-I don't know if I did this right. I copied the Bar Hop code and posted it in the HTML of one of my posts. Do we key in the code each time we post or only the first Wednesday of each month, which will be 09/07/11?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, yes! Next Wednesday.

Glad you're with us, Murees!

Jessica Salyer said...

Thanks for doing this Alex. As someone who's very new to all of this, it's a little intmidating. It's nice to know there's people out there that care.

Shari said...

That is a most excellent idea!!!

Ella said...

Thanks Captain you really do rock~
I'm looking forward to it!

laughingwolf said...

wtf is going on, alex?

i can't enter my own email addy???

This link has already been entered into this linky list. Duplicate links are not allowed so that linky lists will not be spammed or overloaded by readers.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Are you sure you're not already signed up? I you want to send me your email and web address ( alexjcavanaugh at ) I will go into Linky Tools and figure out what is going on.

laughingwolf said...

i did sign up for ellie's trek fest, is that the problem?

i want to use another name, not 'oilcan harry' for this event...

laughingwolf said...

thx for the fix, alex :)

Anonymous said...

Major excitement happening right now!

J.B. Chicoine said...

I feel a little queasy...

LaurelCKriegler said...

Hey Alex, a few months ago (ok, make that a year) I wanted to conduct a study to find out if there is a significant (statistically) link between insecurity and creativity. I'm quite sure that writers are not the only insecure creatives. Seems I'm not the only one to find a relationship :-)

Annalisa Crawford said...

Wow, talk about good timing. I'm feeling very insecure, so I signed up!

Not sure what I should be doing with the link on my own blog though - time to investigate further...

Anonymous said...

I just found out about this from a Campaigner, and it sounds like a great idea! I've become a big believer lately in writers supporting each other through the hard times, and I sometimes feel insecure about it. Thanks for putting this group together, Alex!

Anstice Brown said...

Thanks for setting this up, Alex. I think this will be really useful to me.

Anonymous said...

not sure if my link will go thru, but I've posted my first Wednesday effort. Thank you so much Alex - you are indeed an angel-in-disguise [wot I call you in the blog at
ps am on wordpress, so the linky link doesn't work but I think I've made enough refs in the text to link across

Rob-bear said...

I thought "insecure" and "writers" were synonyms. Is it possible that they aren't?
Bear can always learn something. Hope the support group works out well.
Were I a writer, I'd join. But I'm just a Bear. "Bear" and "writer" are not synonyms.

Alison Pearce Stevens said...

Yet another great idea, Alex! (I'm back, by the way--hope you had a great summer.) Once a month I might just be able to handle, although I've already missed this month's post. I'll try to get in for October (that sounds so far away!).

Super Happy Jen said...

I've been reading insecure writers' posts and I just had to join. Coincidentally, I wrote a post about my insecurities last Thursday, before I knew about this club. It's here if anyone's interested:

Though I missed Wednesday I'm afraid. Next month!

Linda King said...

I've signed up but missed the 7th Sep so will have to wait til 5th Oct!

Unknown said...

I just found out about this today when I was writing a post where I nominated you for a Versatile Blogger award. I hope I am not too late to join. Will do my best to be supportive :)

Val Fox said...

Writing for newspaper was easier because hard news practically wrote itself. Writing fiction or something personal has been more difficult. A recent change to my blog fits perfectly with what we are doing here. Thanks, Alex.

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Okay, so I'm diving in. *gulp*

This will be fun. ;)


Can Alex save Winter from the darkness that hunts her?

YA Paranormal Romance, Darkspell coming fall of 2011!

Nadja Notariani said...

Captain Ninja Alex.....
I just linked up to your Insecure Writer Group via a shout out on Angela Orlowski-Peart's blog!
Obviously, I didn't get in for the September post, but I'd love to join in for October 5, 2011! I'll add the image to my sidebar - and visit around.
Will there be a theme for our monthly posts? Do members take the month to visit around? (That sounds just up my Sorry for so many questions, but if I'm going to sign up for this, I want to 'do-it-right', whatever that means, right? Ha! Have a great week/month...~ Nadja

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Welcome aboard, Nadja!
The theme is just your current insecurity or words of encouragement. (For most of us, one a month won't be difficult.) I encourage participants to visit at least a dozen others. If you can visit everyone, great, but the list is already longer than even I can handle, so I'm hoping everyone gets a visit from someone.

Susan Kaye Quinn said...

Ok, this looks pretty awesome! I'm going to have to try to jump in the next first-Wednesday! :)

Siobhan said...

I'll be jumping in the first Wednesday in October. Great idea.

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

I want to sign up, but can't get linky to work.

Tina said...

Was checking back here to see when the next post was due...since I totally botched my first attempt at this. No excuses, just plain sorry. I don't want to get cut, I truly can be a very good team-mate! Gonna hop over and read some of these so that I'll be in good shape for October. In all seriousness, thanks for undertaking this endeavor. I really need encouragement right now.
Tina @ Life is Good

Amity said...

Alex I guess I belong here!

Will start the blog hop come the 1st Wednesday of October when I will be posting my first blog for the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

See you soon!

Kittie Howard said...

Alex, you're wonderful! Thanks for hosting!

Found out a bit late - had to get a new computer, the old one's motherboard died!

Unknown said...

What an awesome idea! Love this!

Rek Sesh said...

My sweet, smart blogging friend Robyn "the chocolate lady" insisted that I stay and hold her hand for each of the sessions and so after much soul searching, self muttering if you ask me as to whether a India based short story writer and poetess has a place on this list....I have taken the plunge.
I just hope I haven't shot myself in the foot here.

Green Monkey said...

I'm new and curious... did you create this space just for me? I could use a slap or two. Not hard enough to bruise, but just enough to sting. (now, to figure out how to put the button on my wall)

Marta Szemik said...


Arlee Bird said...

I have now signed up. One day of posting about insecurity each month I think I can handle. Actually I think I've been posting more than that.

Tossing It Out

teabeard said...

I definitely want in... how do you actually join, though? I only joined blogger yesterday, so I don't really know what I'm doing! I'm still trying to find my feet.

Ironically, the same goes for me as a writer, so this sounds perfect!

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

My first post in now up!

Who Me? Insecure

Unknown said...

Aww... Here's big virtual hug. You rock and I can feel how much you want us all to see our dreams come true. The truth is no matter how we each come to this creative art of writing, we are here because there is something inside of us that hears the call of the Muse. I believe that we will all get our voices heard, otherwise we would not have heard the call.

N. R. Williams said...

So cool Alex. I missed this in September due to all the internet problems I was having but I will join now. Insecurity seems to be my middle name and it's always nice to be able to share and offer help. Just so happens I've decided to offer some classes. We will see if that is a benefit to others.
N. R. Williams, Fantasy Author

S. L. Hennessy said...

Hey everyone, this is my very first post with the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Looking for a little support here! Nice to meet you all!


Melissa Sugar said...

This is awesome, Alex. I am late to the game, just joined group therapy today. I love it. I was busy last month trying to salvage the lost content of my blog to no avail. I have to start over & this is a great way for me to connect and reconnect with other bloggers.

Thanks you. This is a really cool idea.


Anonymous said...

hello alex,
Hope you are well and I hope i did my linky thing correctly. If not let me know please :) This is a fantastic idea. I just hope I manage to find the time and not let anybody down!!

Sara said...

I too am very late to the game, as I took September off to be lazy/deal with issues of insecurity/mostly to be lazy.

And in my usual unorganized fashion my first post will be on Thursday!

farawayeyes said...

Can't wait for the first Wednesday in November. Can't wait for November for a multitude of reasons NaNo for 1.

Had the most incredible experience with your Blogfest. Thank you so much. See my other site for details.

farawayeyes said...

Can't wait for the first Wednesday in November. Can't wait for November for a multitude of reasons. NaNo for one.

I had the most incredible experience on your blogfest. for more info see my other site

Thanks for all the things that you do.

farawayeyes said...

Sorry about that. I'm a little cyber challenged and a blond. Think it posted multiple times.

Kit Courteney said...

I'm very, very late to the party but having clicked on about 20 names and read what they've been saying, it's a party I'd like to gate crash!

Great idea for all of us 'normal' people. By 'normal' I mean fruit loops :)

Mom On The Edge said...

Better late than never. Looking forward to it!!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I'm just blown away by the success of this group!

Dafeenah said...

would it be a pain to update my link to my new blog? or should I add the new blog and you delete the old one or what should I do? sorry for being a bother..

Joanne said...

Hi, Alex

It's awesome! But what insecurities? Just kiddin'.
Glad to be a part of the group. I hope it's OK if I start my post next month. I'm at the bottom of the earth, and Wed is almost gone! I've already posted for today. :)

Thank you!

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

Today's post:

Unknown said...

Hey, Alex! Wow, how did you know I needed a group like this?? I've selected to link my blog post which I posted just days ago mentioning an incident that occurred recently.

I've had insecure moments, but this one has to be the worst yet. Thank goodness for supportive writers out there! *Smiling* at all my sweet comments.

Looking forward to hopping around the blog list. Thanks, Alex!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for creating this site, Alex. I'm off now to check out some blogs.

Unknown said...

I almost missed today's but it is up now! I will be popping in to read other's posts tomorrow!

Suze Reese said...

Just found you from the November posting. Will there be reminders for the December post, or do I need to stretch my brain? (Scary when I have to do that.)

Jasmine Walt said...

I just signed up for the second time-- sorry I didn't participate the first time around, but life got really hectic. I'll be sure to post next Wednesday!

Margo Kelly said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I'm a late-comer, but I've already written two posts on the topic (scheduled for future posting). Thanks for the great idea!

Jacqueline Howett said...

Great idea! I just found out. Hope to see you all in December.

none said...

See you in December! :)

Green Monkey said...

Alex, I didn't link in this month but I am diligently going through the list. I have found your site so helpful especially when I am desperate for someone to read me. Extra bonus has been finding sites that I thoroughly enjoy, stories that tug at my heart, and writers who feel like old friends. Thank you, Shannon

cleemckenzie said...

Okay. I'm hoping on board. This is the right time and the right place for me this month. Will post today, my first Wed.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thank you everyone who has joined! I am so amazed by the outpouring for this group and the support you show one another.

Ian Anderson said...

Hey Alex, I'm planning to write for the hop on 12/7, and I'd like to use the IWSG icon - how can I get my hands on it?


Anonymous said...

I am late arriving but I'm here lol Thanks for doing this. I sure need it.

Green Monkey said...

is it just me or are there a LOT of missing in action insecure writers this first wednesday in December. Me, being monkey me, posted mine on Tuesday - got my days mixed up - and needed to repost for today. I have received more support from this site than anywhere else (family included). Thank you again Alex!

Patsy said...

I've just joined - hope it's OK if I make this month's posting a few days late?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something I could do. My Wednesday blog slot is open since I canceled my weekly serial.

Anonymous said...

Alex, what a wonderful blog hop. I can't wait to begin 2012 and join the team!

M.J. Fifield said...

Does anyone know if there's a way to change the link? My URL has changed from what it was at the start of this bloghop and I'd hate for people to go out to the wrong blog. There's a message there re-directing people to the new blog (should they be so inclined) but I'd still like to spare them the trouble if I can.

Should I delete myself and just re-enter with the new URL? Can I delete myself or does someone with admin capabilities have to do that?

Cassie Mae said...

I think I'm finally going to join! I hop around to these posts all the time and it's ALWAYS something I need to hear. :)

I'm going to sign up now, but wait till Feb. to post since I've already posted today. :)

Thanks for this!

Julie Flanders said...

Thanks for continuing to host this group, Alex! I'm excited about joining in for 2012. :)

Anonymous said...

Such a great idea!

Steven said...

I'm going to have to sign up for this next month. I have been through a lot of painful, embarrassing things with my writing, including having family members "anonymously" post some really rude reviews of my stories on Amazon.

Cheryl Jordan said...

My new novel, "Our Gal Cal," (recently published by BearManor Fiction) is actually a series of 4 novels in 1 volume. So far, I've heard back from 3 women and 1 man. The women love it. The man doesn't. Where would I publicize my book in a way that women are the ones most likely to buy it?

Unknown said...

Alex, thanks for hosting this group! Well, I missed it by a day. I have a really good reason though!! I'll be posting about it on my blog today. 8:30 a.m. central time.

I received some not-so-great medical news yesterday about myself. Not sure what it holds for my future. But, like most of life's hurdles, I find a way of jumping them.

Best of luck in 2012, Insecure Writer's Group!!!

BragonDorn said...

Thanks for the blog hop. I doubt anyone will get to the bottom of the list but still thanks :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Candy, I'll be praying for you!

Bragon, I will get to the bottom of the list!

Jade Hart said...

Hey Alex, I've been reading your comments on Cassie Mae's site and finally found your blog. I've joined up to enjoy the wallow-fest :) Why does writing come with such depressive lows? I'm looking forward to Wednesday when I can post my insecurities :) Thanks for the link :)

Joanne said...

Oops. Sorry for the inconvenience. I couldn't find my link in the list so I re-linked. Now, I see I'm up there! You can delete one of them off. Thanks. :)

Val Fox said...

I joined the blog hop months ago but kept missing the First Wednesday event. Today's blog on my website addresses writers' fear. It's comforting to know I am not alone when these insecurities strike. Thanks to all the bloggers for your inspiration.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joanne, I'll fix it!

Gwen Gardner said...

Hi Alex - can't you delete my first linky? #241 - it's not attached to the specific post, just the home page. Thank you!

Gwen Gardner said...

Oops! Sorry if I already sent this, but I wasn't sure if it went through. Can you delete my linky #241? I realized that it was attached to my home page instead of the specific blog post. I signed up correctly this time. Thank you!

Rebecca Bradley said...

After reading lots of these posts over the past few months, I've finally signed up for this. So I start in March :)

ABnormal said...

It looks like I dropped off the blog hop -- I tried signing up again but it says I've already done so? Just checking -- thanks for the support group I've received some great feedback.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

ABnormal, let me see if I can't get you back on the list!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Writing has become a precarious career for me--now that I've cut my blogging down to once a week, I know I can handle this! Sorry for not posting for the past few months. :(


A to Z co-host

Gossip_Grl said...

I just found your group and signed up (#266) Hoping it wasn't too late to do so. : /

Deniz Bevan said...

Thanks, Alex, I really need the group this month!

Ann Cory said...

Very excited - first week that I'm taking part in this :) Thanks for providing such a great group for support!

Lori Ann Freeland said...

See you over at Brinda Berry's blog all the time. I hopped over here to join the fun!

Unknown said...

As I'm sure Alex will tell you, no way is it too late to sign up! I don't believe it'll ever be too late.

Actually, my strategy for checking in with others is to start at the bottom of the list first, to see who's new and check in with them. :))


Happy IWSG Day!

Unknown said...

Hi Alex
I think this is an amazing concept. I joined (#260) because as a writer I really need to be here, but thinking about it logically, my blog does not lend itself to this. The characters from my book write my posts, so it would be wrong for them to to be talking about my insecurities (as real as they are) Because I don't want to waste other people's time, or abuse your system, please can you remove my name. I will however keep an eye on what you guys are doing, but not as an active participant. Thank you for everything
Gwynneth White

AuthorAlden said...

Just now stumbling onto this, though I just posted an entry about fear this past Tuesday. Too bad I didn't know about it then!

Wendy Reid said...

This was a great idea Alex and I'm definitely in. I'm not sure where to put the list though. I'm not very computer savvy and I'm wondering if I put the list up in a post now? or do I wait for the next 1st Wednesday (April 4 - my bday :) and then put it up? I'm so confused! :P

Vikki T said...

I've seen this so many times on other peoples blogs, so decided to sign up :)

A great idea!!!!


MJ said...

Is this still an ongoing group? Will anyone be posting this month since it's A to Z Challenge? I will sign up if's it's still a go!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yes, this group will post April 4 during the Challenge!

Dawn Embers said...

Thought I had my link in there but a couple comb overs has produced nothing. Then again, I haven't posted an ISGW post in a long time. But I'm back and ready to post more. ;-)

Maxine Aux-Arc said...

Just what the doctor ordered. Thanx.


VonLCid said...

What an awesome idea this is. So happy to jump aboard.

Sorry I missed the April 4th post. Though almost every post I made before April would qualify I thin.

Jennifer Lane said...

Alex, this looks great. I plan to join the group after A to Z.

Andrea Teagan said...

Thank you for creating this! I am looking forward to checking out everyone's site, and hope that my blog will help other writers out there :)

Donna B. McNicol said...

I've looked at this page in Firefox and Chrome and can't see where to sign up???

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Okay, I'm a Follower now but I'm insecure about joining the Insecure Blog Hop! This is a wonderful idea and group, so I'll at least read along for a wee while and consider jumping in. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Alex, can you remove Sydney Aaliyah Writes #246 from the blog list. I combined this blog into my main blog Sydney Aaliyah which I have added to the list. Thanks and great idea. I am looking forward to my first first Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Alex, can you remove Sydney Aaliyah Writes #246 from the blog list. I combined this blog into my main blog Sydney Aaliyah which I have added to the list. Thanks and great idea. I am looking forward to my first first Wednesday.

Bindhurani said...

I added my blog Bindu Blogs. But is not visible in the links. Should I place my link again to be included?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sydney, I fixed it!

Bind, your link is now showing - good to go!

Donna B. McNicol said...

Wondering if we have a Twitter hashtag? I used #insecurewritersgroup but that sure is a long one. LOL!

Unknown said...

Victory! After 2 months of procrastinating, I've not only joined, I've done my first post. :)

E. M. Prokop said...

What a great idea Alex! I'm looking forward to reading a bunch of new blogs and making some new online buddies.

Unknown said...

Hey Alex, don't know what is going on but I left a comment last night somewhere around Rek's and Melissa's but it isn't there now! Google!!

Well I just said that you definitely need a break, catch up with your family and do not feel guilty. You deserve it!

Green Monkey said...

LATE, but made it! For the record, this is my only commitment (husband excluded).

randi lee said...

I popped over here after reading JW Alden's blog and I'm glad I did! Thanks for sharing.

Texas Yellow Rose said...

Okay, I signed up. I'm now officially skeered . . . ;)

Anonymous said...

I missed the first Wednesday post because I'd forgotten I signed up for the group! Egads! I went to sign up for it just now and it told me I'd already signed up for it . . . how monumentally stupid is that??!

Anonymous said...

I just found out about this from Mediea Sharif's blog, so I'm pretty sure I missed the first one. But I would really like to join if it's not too late?

Jenna Storm said...

Hi Alex!

I just joined and want to make sure I have this correct. Do we have to visit every blog on the list to remain? And can it be done throughout the week? I don't want to get bumped off the list and I want to visit as many as I can.

Please let me know! Thanks.
Jenna Storm

Unknown said...

Alex - This is such a beautiful idea. I'm glad I'm not the only person who struggles with the insecurities and downs when it comes to writing. Thanks for starting this amazing support group. :D

Jessica Ferguson said...

Is it too late to join this group? I hope not!

Jennifer Lane said...

Yay! I'm psyched to join. I hope I'm good enough to be part of this group, hee hee.

James Anderson said...

Signed up just in time for June's posting. Looking forward to it. Thanks Alex!

Melissa said...

I've got the IWSG on my blog schedule now, so I won't forget to post. This is a good idea. So glad you're hosting it! :)

Morgan said...

I *love* this group... Must. Post. For. July. It's just... such a great thing to see writers being open... because often times it feels like we all have on a strong facade and it can be discouraging to think that everyone else is strong and rockin' it while I'm the weak, emotional doubter that can't get anything done, LOL. So it's helpful to know we're all human :D

Myrna R. said...

Thank you for the opportunity to participate. I know I'm going to enjoy this. I'm posting here today for the first time.

Paige Lollie said...

Wow, this looks like an amazing place. Randi Lee pointed this place out and it would be perfect for me. Like everyone else, I got loads of insecurities going on concerning writing. This looks like an amazing group! I can't wait to sign and start up!

Thanks for this! Looks like this is a a huge help and a wonderful support group.

Paige Lollie said...

I am very excited about joining this! But I made a dumb mistake and put in the wrong title for my blog (I put Prose Dreaming when it is The Dream Words) Is there anyway to change this? Thank you for your time!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Paige, I'll fix it for you.

randi lee said...


This is such an amazing idea and contribution to the writing community. Thanks so much for being such a stellar person and putting this group together!

VikLit said...

I am definitely going to join in this next month and have already found a few cool people through it. What a great idea.

BTW I hope it's okay but I linked to this in my latest post how/why people blog (and good things to join in on) link is here if I have coded correctly

Shah Wharton said...

This is so me, why I haven't join up already is beyond me. Time, no doubt. Anyway... I'm in. :)

I tried to post my wordpress url appropriately, but it wouldn't let me, claiming Open ID error? Anyway, here it is...

VikLit said...

my first IWSG

If that's okay, hope am all doing the right thing, tomorrow will be doing lots more encouraging and visiting new people!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Wow, I recognize lots of people. Great to be here.

Shah Wharton said...

Sorry - I see my comment above from days ago - I doubled up! I've been clicking about and many of the links aren't to insecure posts? I'm confused. Am I supposed to put the update link somewhere else? Am I over thinking this? Possibly. :s

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I'm a master at insecurity, so sign me up!

Anonymous said...

I love the IWSG concept and am looking forward to participating for my first time in August.

Question: I would love to add the IWSG badge to my blog but am struggling with how to do this. I am on Any suggestions for the technically insufficient?

Thanks! Julie

Unknown said...

Sign me up for the next one!

Julie, personally I would add the badge by going to the layout section of my blog. (I'm also on blogspot.)
Click 'add a gadget', then down to picture. Click it and then select 'add picture from web'. Put in this image url
I hope this helps!

Anonymous said...

Just went to sign up and discovered I had already beaten myself to it.

I do have the link on my blog so I should have remembered I have already been.. Lol

Loving the concept - No matter how confident you may be about what you write, it really only takes one bad review to knock you sideways.

Had one such a while back and nearly gave up, even started deleting different accounts.. But then, after several people pointed out to me that one bad review among fifteen good ones was par for the course, I decided to face it out.

I write flash fiction and there are still an awful lot of people out there who just don't get it..

Anyway, sorry to waffle on... Am always available to anyone having a rough time and will offer continued support to anyone I "bond" with..xx

Green Monkey said...

Oh CRAP... Monkey ME begging for mercy!!!

oh please, please, let me back in.

I'll clean out your cat box for the next month if you'll reconsider. OKAY, two months.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like my kind of writer's group, all right. I am uncomfortable in large group settings, I can't stand to have my picture taken, and I lack confidence in many ways. I have overcome a few times over the years, like when I decided to acquire my Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing. Blogging has offered another brave new world for me. I often fear that people will not like my voice or my style, but I'm learning to be content with who I am and to be truthful about what I really feel. As an unconventional spiritual writer, I admire people like Donald Miller and Shane Claiborne who have broken the mold of Christian formula writing and found success. I love writing enough to keep going whether there is a market for my work or not. Writing is my form of worship.

Peace and Grace to You,


Unknown said...

Just found you! Looking forward to getting involved! Lisa

Anonymous said...

The IWSG idea is amazing! Thank you for creating such a supportive group.

Sher A. Hart said...

I am making the jump with both feet today, very late. I'll probably miss, but I'm jumping.

Drea said...

Count me in for September :) Read a bunch of participants' posts today and it certainly seems fun and helpful :)

Anonymous said...

Good coffee and a blog hop, well hello fiday.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Alex. There are many(most) writers who need a kind word and a gentle push from time to time. Great thing you're doing!

Anonymous said...

Darn, I missed it. I'll be jumping in next month!

Katie Dunn said...

My blog address has changed... How can I change it in the linky list?

Writing, Reading, and Life

PS- It's only the address, the title is still the same.

Anonymous said...

Alex, I made an error, so had to re-enter the linky thing. Entry 266 is now wrong. 267 is the correct one. I'm looking forward to doing the first one!

Unknown said...

Hi Alex,

Could you change the link on entry 237? I changed my wordpress blog to a rather than my old .com site. My new blog address is

If not, let me know and I'll add it again on the bottom.

Thanks, Lisa

Anonymous said...

My post was done a couple of hours early, and can be read on the "Scribbles" page on my blog.

I am thankful for this encouraging site and the one who founded it!

Peace and Grace,
Olive Twist

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I can't believe this is already my 2nd post. Woo hoo IWSG! Sire, hope you're having a great day.

Unknown said...

Hi Alex

I like you concept and want to join, but can't find the "Join us" link or button.
How do I join?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey Daniel! Click where it says "Click here to enter" and add your blog's address. It was down for an hour today - blame Linky Tools!

Unknown said...

By the way, how do you get your blog hop to display properly on Mine will only display down to number 108...

Anonymous said...

Insecure Writers - very good idea.
Hi - I'd like to nominate you for the One Lovely Blog Award.
Do pop over and check out my Fluffy Moments Page tomorrow and you will find the details.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting this together! Awesome idea - we writers need to know we're not alone.

I'm in! =)

Anne said...

Michael Di Gesu suggested I link up my post here and it was through him that I got to know about you. This is such a fantastic idea! Thanks Alex!

Anne said...

This is a great way to find like-minded people and get some support. I just linked up my first post. Thanks Alex for coming up with this idea. It's fantastic!

Petronela said...

I am so happy I found you fascinating people. I am eager to discover new interesting friends with powerful words on the tip of their pens.

David P. King said...

And I've finally joined. Hazzah!

Looking forward to reading some inspiring posts. :)

Debra Gray-Elliott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shell Flower said...

I've been meaning to join this for ages, but it's pretty cool to be #293. Woot.

Katharina Brendel said...

Hi Alex, I'm #233 - Portable Magic. Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment and since I don't want people to click where there is nothing I would appreciate it if you could take me off the list!
Might come back in the future, until then good luck with everything everyone!

Unknown said...

Hey Alex,

Looking forward to joining in on the fun the first Wed. of November. I'll be doing NaNo, so it will probably be a short blurb about that.

Thanks for having me.

Unknown said... again. Hey, I just revamped my blog and have a new website for it.

Currently, I'm number 299 (Treading Water in the Goldfish Bowl). That blog has now taken a different direction and is no longer about writing. You can take that off the list.

My new one is called ML Swift, Chasing Windmills. I've already signed up that one through Linky.

So if you could, please remove Treading Water. Thanks! See you Wednesday!

Mel Chesley said...

There. Now both of my blogs are listed. Word Weavers is new. I'm hoping to have a couple of the authors in the group give me stuff to post for this. It'll change every month too! Yay!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

ML, I will fix!

Double duty for you, Mel!

Unknown said...

I've finally done it! Looking forward to my first ISWG hop in December Alex. The challenge for me is going to be deciding WHICH insecurity I want to talk about each month--and you know how I like to bleed my heart out, so this should be interesting. lol

Anonymous said...

Just to be clear on the concept here, is the idea just to write whatever we want, around our insecurities and so on, and for others to drop by, give advice, so on?

If so, that seems a fantastic idea, and there's clearly a community of a decent size already.
I'll probably drop by again to register myself soon if that is how things work here...

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll definitely post something on Wednesday.
My address, for anyone who wants to click through and visit, is

Will try and find the time to click through and visit some of you before then, and more on the day as well...

Donna B. McNicol said...

Alex, can you remove #126 (My Write Spot). I moved from Blogger to Word Press and I just added the new link. Thanks!

Unknown said...

How do you sign up? This sounds like the kind of group I need.

Chancelet said...

I'm looking forward to joining this support group. I sure could use it sometime. I will start next month though, as I've been overloaded with postings lately. Thanks for this!

Unknown said...

How do I join this group?

Anonymous said...

Just found out about this - what a great idea! Wednesday is always the hardest day of the week for me - my friends and I used to call it "Shrek" day because it can leave you feeling like an Ogre (though, sadly, not the Dreamworks version).

I found out about this from Vikki and The View from the Outside (, and I'm looking forward to checking in every first Wednesday.

Jeff Hargett said...

I've been impressed by and praising IWSG for a while now. Maybe it's about time I sign up. Almost ready to make the commitment.

Unknown said...

Hi Alex, finally decided to join. love the idea of this. will add badge to my blog now.

Anonymous said...

Just signed up. Looking forward to January 2nd!

Pauline Wiles said...

I'm excited to join in the discussion! Thanks for hosting.

Rachna Chhabria said...

I am excited to join this group today.

Nancy Reece said...

Today was my first time participating in the Blog Hop and I have had the best time reading everyone's posts. I am so glad I found this group. Thanks so much to everyone.

Anonymous said...

I would love to join this group. Thanks so much for starting this!

randi lee said...

Might I say again how much I adore this group?

Nigel G Mitchell said...

I'm joining the group, too!

Tina said...

I've gotten so much from this group in the short time I've swallowed whatever it took at the time and posted...but Alex, dear busy Ninja Clone Friend, I will have to bow out until the A-Z is finished. I'll join the linky again in May. As if you didn't have enough links to remove...

Tina @ Life is Good
Co-host, April 2013 A-Z Challenge
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge

Anonymous said...

IWSG has helped me so much these last couple of months. You guys rock!

Just wanted to let you know, I've changed the name of my blog from Writing. Family. Life. (#247 above) to E. K. Carmel's Blog. The link above will still work, I just didn't want anyone to get confused by seeing a different name once they clicked over.

Thanks so much!

Sanderella said...

Alex, I just joined the IWSG...because I have always liked writing....but truly have a lot of fears of being accepted....while learning how to get started!! I thought this may be a good place to begin. Thank You!! Sandy of

Kathryn Neff Perry, PhD, MA, LMHC said...

I posted to my blog, added link to yours......I feel like a real writer now!!!!
Thanks so much for starting this group. What a GREAT idea...Insecure Writers Support Group! I think even Stephen King could have joined this group at ONE time!
I'm praying for much success for you!
Kathryn Neff Perry

Dana Roquet said...

This is where I belong. Insecure to be sure but I keep fighting against it and carrying on. I have written 2 books. The reviews can really feed into my insecurity. I am enjoying reading all the comments and blog hops on here. Thanks Alex

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