Monday, October 14, 2024

Pioneer Movies with Melissa Maygrove and Movie Reviews

Pioneer Movies

Thanks for hosting me today!

Alex asked me to list some movies that have a similar feel to my book—movies set in the same era with Native American characters, etc. I’m more of a reader than a movie buff, so it wasn’t an easy task. And I’m going to show my age before it’s over. You might not have been born when some of these were released.

The first movie that came to mind was the obvious Dances With Wolves (1990).

A Civil War soldier develops a relationship with a band of Lakota Indians. Attracted by the simplicity of their lifestyle, he chooses to leave his former life behind to be with them. Tragedy results when Union soldiers arrive with designs on the land.

Second is a movie that will always stand out in my memory, Against a Crooked Sky (1975). I watched it when I was a kid, around the same time that Where the Red Fern Grows was popular.

The daughter of a pioneer family is kidnapped by a mysterious Indian tribe, and their eldest son risks his life to track down and rescue his sister.

Last, I came across a TV movie from 1997, titled Stolen Women, Captured Hearts.

In 1868 Kansas, a Lakota Sioux warrior stubbornly refuses to free the two white women he kidnapped, triggering a war between his tribe and General Custer's rescuing troops. One of the women falls in love with him. Now she must choose between the world she lost and the love she found.

I haven’t watched it, but it looks interesting—and romantically intense. I envision the MCs in Battered Pride looking at each other the same way as the actors in the trailer. LOL

My novel Battered Pride pits a half-Mojave hero against a white heroine whose late husband was found scalped and murdered in his field. Conflict and (in the beginning, at least) outright hatred abound. It is most definitely an enemies-to-lovers story.

It was fun to write, but a lot of research went into this one. Not only am I picky about getting details right in my historicals, I wanted to be able to write authentically from the POV of a hero who was half Native American, without perpetuating stereotypes. As I say in the ‘Notes from the author’ section of the book, I hope I succeeded.

Battered Pride (Forging America Book 4) by Melissa Maygrove

When a Mojave clansman insists on helping a struggling widow whose husband was scalped and murdered, survival isn’t the only battle on the frontier.
Amazon - book series page on Amazon

Show and Movie Reviews

Rings of Power season two

I enjoyed it more than season one. It moved at a much faster pace.
I will say it does seem to follow too many characters and plot threads though. We’d go several episodes without seeing some characters at all. But it’s still a great ride and beautiful to look at.
Prequels are odd sometimes because we know how it ends…

Night Shift

A horror film set at a run-down motel with just a handful of actors.
Draw your own conclusions regarding the gaping plot holes at the beginning and end.
There were some decent spooky moments though. Setting was great – a motel in the middle of nowhere. But again, some pesky plot holes.

The Watchers

Horror film starring Dakota Fanning and directed by Ishana Shyamalan. (Yes, M. Night’s daughter.)
It was an interesting idea, trapped in a building in the forest with creatures that stalk them at night. But it was poorly executed. Gaping plot holes. (Like how the building was constructed when the creatures killed all the workers every night?)
The acting was good, and the idea was novel and interesting. Just…huge, huge plot holes.

The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare

Directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Henry Cavill, this follows a British strike force going behind enemy lines during World War II.
If you are a big history fact, it’s probably not accurate, just loosely based on something that might’ve happened.
However, it’s a great deal of fun! Ritchie does a good job unspooling the story. The good guys are witty and droll, the Nazis cruel and evil. Felt like a throwback to movies like Wild Geese and Shout at the Devil.
Great World War II action-adventure film.

Have you seen any of the movies Melissa mentioned? Picking up her new book? Seen any of those movies or shows? Any you can recommend?

I'll be back November 6 for IWSG day.
And quick note – the first IWSG post day of 2025 will be January 8. (Since first Wednesday falls on New Year’s Day. I don’t know about you, but I’m not even going to turn on my computer that day!)


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I've only seen Dancing with Wolves. Melissa's series sounds great!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Melissa on her new book. I tried the Lord of the Rings series but didn't really like it. But since you liked the second season better and another friend said she enjoyed the series too, I might give it another try. Thanks.

Melissa said...

For some reason, movies tend to gloss over plot holes better than books. Maybe it's all the distracting special effects.

Thanks for hosting me, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Natalie, try the second season and see what you think.

Happy to host you, Melissa!

PT Dilloway said...

I haven't seen any of those movies. I worried The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare would be too much like Inglorious Basterds. I'm not really a big enough LOTR fan to care about Rings of Power.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

I always enjoy your movie reviews, Alex. There are so few that catch my attention anymore. Melissa--I had the same struggle when Alex asked me for movies on my prehistoric genre. You did great! I want to watch a few of those, and your book sounds good. Clicking through.

Birgit said...

I’ve seen Dances With Wolves which, of course, today, gets negative critiques but it is a really good film. I saw Against the Crooked Sky but I was so young, well, a tween/teen that I have to see it again. I haven’t seen the other films or TV shows because I don’t. Have those channels. The horror films can get to me so I avoid most. I would add the great film, “ The Searchers” which is a wonderful western plus a character study. I would also add “Little Big Man” which has comedy and tragedy in this excellent film. Love Chief Dan George. My 3rd choice would be “The Last Of The Mohicans” which I need to see again but it stars Daniel Day Lewis…need I say more.

Elephant's Child said...

Congratulations to Melissa. Research never goes astray --though it can lead to some deep rabbit holes. I am also a reader rather than a watcher and haven't seen any of those movies.

J E Oneil said...

Gaping plot holes seems to be the movie theme this month.

Liz A. said...

I have not seen Against a Crooked Sky, but I have seen that TV movie. Meh. Not terrible, but it felt more like a Dances with Wolves knockoff.

Mary Kirkland said...

I plan on watching Night Shift and Watchers when I can. I liked Dances With Wolves, it was a good movie.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, it's a lot more believable.

Jacqui, I expanded your horizons with that request.

Birgit, Last of the Mohicans is an outstanding film!

JE, or in the case of the latest Joker film, just plain stupid directing.

Carrie Butler said...

Interesting picks, Melissa! The only one I've seen is Dances With Wolves.

Hi, Alex! I hope you're doing well. :)

Truedessa said...

I have seen Dances With Wolves. It was epic. Costner seems to be intrigued by the early western frontier days. Horizon part 1 didn't get good reviews. I heard it was fragmented and had too many story lines at once. I am not sure if Horizon part 2 will be released or not. I didn't go see it. I was waiting for it to be streamed somewhere as I heard it was 3 hours long. I need to watch that from the comfort of my living room. lol...

L. Diane Wolfe said...

It's been years since I saw Dances with Wolves. Congratulations, Melissa!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - congratulations to Melissa ... I've only seen Dances with Wolves ... but did see some interesting films when I was in Canada featuring indigenous stories and peoples ... so interesting to learn about - cheers Hilary said...

Thanks for this fun, intriguing compilation, which is also thanks to Melissa!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey, Carrie!! Good to hear from you.

Truedessa, that's just too long...

mail4rosey said...

Nice to meet ya! I love that you stayed true to native customs in the book. My children are half Native. Their dad's side. Their paternal grandparents were very involved in tradition, dancing at pow wows, making crafts, etc. My father-in-law was part of the council who met with Bill Clinton at the White House in 1994 when tribal sovereignty was restored to their tribe. His dad was a tribal chairman. It's a pretty cool history and not all that many people are interested in keeping the customs alive.

I didn't know the movies mentioned, except Dances with Wolves. I know Where the Red Fern grows though. That book is in my oldest son's keepsake box because he loved it so much when he was a kid!

Joanne said...

Congrats to Melissa on her book. I'm not one to read much in the western genre, but this sounds good. Dances With Wolves is a decent pick. I did watch Costner's latest - Horizon - kinda like a mini-series split over three nights and it wasn't horrible. I am glad I streamed it instead of paying for tickets and popcorn. The only upcoming movie I am excited for is Wicked!!! Defy Gravity and sing along.

Al Penwasser said...

I saw "Dances With Wolves" and loved it. I should give the others a look.

Damyanti Biswas said...

Congratulations to Melissa! I'm not much of a movie buff either so I haven't watched many of her movie recommendations, but they sound interesting.

DMS said...

I haven't seen any of the movies Melissa mentioned- but her book sounds great. Wishing her the best of luck!

Tonja Drecker said...

Congrats, Melissa! I can't believe it's already the 4th in the exciting!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rosey, that is really cool!!

Annalisa Crawford said...

Congratulations to Melissa!

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I saw "Dances with Wolves" a long time ago and, of what i can remember, it was really good. One movie in that genre i recommend is "Little Big Man" (1970) with Dustin Hoffman. I really liked that one even though i dont really watch westerns (I more so watch the comedy ones). However, it's been a long time since I've seen it so I cant remember how accurate the historical and cultural background to the story is.

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

"Little Big Man" (1970) was good. A white kid gets raised by a Natve American tribe I believe after a battle with the white men. I saw "Dances with Wolves" a long time ago and of what I can remember it was really good.

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats, Melissa:)
The HH and I were just saying today we needed to get caught up with Rings of Power;)

Melissa said...

Thanks, everyone!
Rosey, how awesome!

Susan Kane said...

I have seen the Rings of Power recently! The other shows I have also seen. Looking into Battered Pride.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I'm glad to hear Rings of Power starts moving. We stopped watching because season 1 was so slow. lol

Sandra Cox said...

Congratulations, Melissa. Dances with Wolves was bittersweet.

SpacerGuy said...

Its nice to break away from reality and watch a fun world war II goodie vs baddie story with all the usual go get em tactics at play. Well done Melissa on getting your book published on Amazon.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Thanks for the heads up regarding the January 8th start of the 2025 IWSG. I think the only thing I saw on Melissa's list was "Dances With Wolves," but I definitely can appreciate the extent to which an author goes to research and present authentic things. When you care about something, there's just this itch that's hard to scratch deep inside and the only way of satisfying it is to get the details right. I suppose that anyone who writes is a perfectionist in this aspect. It is a weird thing to be an artist and to create a thing for the world to appreciate.

Nilanjana Bose said...

The bison herds! - the trailer made me wonder if they still exist in those numbers...congrats to Melissa on the series.

The Happy Whisk said...

We have Watchers in our list. Other than that, I don't know the other movies. Dances, I know though I can't recall much about it. Happy Weekend.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for letting us know about IWSG day. Now let's hope, I remember;)