Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, The Creator Movie Review, Commenting Issues, and October Movie Preview

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the October 4 posting of the IWSG are Natalie Aguirre, Kim Lajevardi, Debs Carey, Gwen Gardner, Patricia Josephine, and Rebecca Douglass!

Today’s question: The topic of AI writing has been heavily debated across the world. According to various sources, generative AI will assist writers, not replace them. What are your thoughts?

The Writer’s Guild strike recently ended as they were fighting against AI writing. They won, but I predict it won’t be long before they don’t and AI replaces most writers. (I think AI will replace a lot of workers unless one knows a trade.)  AI just needs a touch of humanity first.

And while on this topic, have none of these people seen The Terminator? It doesn’t end well for us…

Plus it leads into my movie review!

Movie Review – The Creator

From the IMDB: Against the backdrop of a war between humans and robots with artificial intelligence, a former soldier finds the secret weapon, a robot in the form of a young child.
Directed by Gareth Edwards (Rogue One, Godzilla, Monsters) and starring John David Washington (Tenant), Madeleine Yuna Voyles, and Ken Watanabe.
Visually, it is just stunning. Beyond words. Edwards excels at that.
He also excels at the human condition. As with all of his movies, the emphasis is on the people.
There were a lot of elements from other movies though. Black man saving Asian child – it’s The Golden Child without the humor!
While I didn’t love it, I did really like it. Excellent science fiction film and that rare one-and-done film that wasn’t a sequel or a prequel or part of a series. One that will mesmerize you in the theater.

Commenting Issues

I know I’m not the only one who gets this:

It only appears with Blogger blogs with embedded comments as opposed to a popup window. Most of the time, I can sign in with Google, hit ‘Allow”, and all is good. (Although if you get that middle image, the third image never appears and you definitely can't sign in.) But more often now, it won’t let me. I did find a setting in my browser that for individual sites, I can turn off protection, which allows me to comment. However, that is a risky thing.

So, if anyone else has a solution, let me know. (Besides encouraging everyone with a Blogger blog to switch to a popup comment box…)

October Movie Preview

Here are the theatrical releases for October. Descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

6 –

The Exorcist: Believer
Director: David Gordon Green
Stars: Jennifer Nettles, Ellen Burstyn, Ann Dowd
Sequel to the 1973 film about a 12-year-old girl who is possessed by a mysterious demonic entity, forcing her mother to seek the help of two priests to save her.
I believe Ellen Burnstyn is really old in her role now…

20 –

Killers of the Flower Moon
Director: Martin Scorsese
Stars: Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro, Lily Gladstone
Members of the Osage tribe in the United States are murdered under mysterious circumstances in the 1920s, sparking a major F.B.I. investigation involving J. Edgar Hoover.
Flower Moon is my favorite Marvel superhero! (Those of you who know Scorsese’s take on Marvel movies will get that.)

29 –

Miracle in East Texas
Two con men try to convince a group of widows to invest in worthless oil wells during the Great Depression.
Director: Kevin Sorbo
Stars: John Ratzenberger, Kevin Sorbo, Louis Gossett Jr.
Hercules fights bandits during the Great Depression.

What’s your take on AI? Have you seen The Creator? Any commenting suggestions? And what movies catch your attention for October?


Elephant's Child said...

I have real reservations about AI, but fear it is inevitable.
I find that changing browsers often allows me to comment - even when comments are embedded. It is a blight though.

Ray Rousell said...

I think AI's a dangerous thing, probably not in our lifetime, but it does make you wonder....what if?

A Hundred Quills said...

Hi Alex! For now, I'm not worrying about AI. It doesn't have an artist's temperament. Haha!

Leigh Caron said...

I'm betting on the intelligence of humans not letting AI overrun humanity. But we're already in up to ankles using AI now. Time to ascend, tap into our junk DNA and increase our own brain power. And I'm glad you addressed the "Sign in with Google" issue. I feel so bad that I can't comment on some bloggers. I'll try your suggestion.

Leigh Caron said...

And don't you find it ironic that we have to prove we're not robots to leave a comment?

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

AI is fascinating and concerning all at once!

I've had some similar issues with non-Blogger sites, and I find, oddly, if I turn on my VPN, sometimes I can bypass it. I know that makes no sense. Might be worth a try, just to see.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I also don't believe AI is a good thing. But it's coming whether we like it or not.

I'm out of the loop with upcoming movies. The Creator sounds good. I've seen previews for Killers of Flower Moon and while its probably amazing, it's going to be very difficult to watch, I think.

Have a great month, Alex.

Liza said...

AI definitely worries me...

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I stopped visiting most blogs for more than a year as I struggled with this very thing. I was so discouraged. There are still blogs where I can't leave a comment, but others have "magically" allowed it. For me, all have been embedded comment boxes. I stopped using embedded myself just in case others were having issues. I prefer the look of embedded, but for now I'm sticking with pop up.

I want to see Miracle in East Texas. October is scary movie month, but I plan on watching classics like The Birds, Psycho, etc. They're my speed. :)


Nick Wilford said...

I suppose I can see an argument for AI replacing workers in industries like automotives, but what's the impact on the economy in terms of the inevitable layoffs? For writing, I don't think it should ever replace humans but looks like it's already happening.

Jemi Fraser said...

Science for the sake of science is fascinating. Applications of that science require some kind of control (cloning, AI, genetic manipulation...). I'm not sure humanity is at a stage where we have the requisite control.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I use it for my job, and I don't see it ever replacing us. Just like computers never replaced secretaries, which was a fear when we first started using them at my law office. It's a tool, but it needs a lot of editing and fact checking.

I wish people on blogger would switch to the pop-up windows. I have to read their blogs in Firefox like you suggested, allow all cookies, and sometimes sign it multiple times to be allowed to leave a comment. It's a big time suck. Maybe if you recommend it more strongly, people would switch. I'll stop by to see if anyone else has any other suggestions.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Your reviews are good. I’d like to see a few of these movies. It’s a little depressing to think that human writers will be replaced by AI. It stifles creativity. I think we should all rewatch The Terminator!

PT Dilloway said...

It's too bad DiCaprio isn't playing J Edgar in Flower Moon since he already played him in that Clint Eastwood J Edgar movie. Then you could consider this a prequel.

I think in the end, "AI" is going to replace most genre fiction. As for "trades" as I said on Offutt's blog it's only until robots are trained to do that stuff. And a lot of us who write wouldn't be much use trying to fix air conditioners or leaky pipes.

Nancy Gideon said...

I don't trust AI - too many Sci Fi movies as a child. Personally, I have no interest in reading something "creative" not created by a human being. (taking a certain glee in check the "I'm not a robot" box!)

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm not having those issues with embedded blogs (right now).

I have not seen The Creator. I hadn't even heard of it. 🙄

Charity Bradford said...

I haven't been to a movie in so long! Maybe I'll check out The Creator. I feel like a good sci-fi movie would hit the spot about now.

Tyrean Martinson said...

While I have enjoyed exploring "what if" scenarios in sci-fi, I have not been impressed by today's AI options. I don't think they will ever truly replace human individuality and creativity, but it's good to consider what could happen if we aren't discerning about our work and what we consume for entertainment.

Patricia JL said...

I replied to someone else today that AI lacks the spark of humanity that gives writers their unique creative spark that helps with writing and the only way that'd change is if AI became sentient but we don't want that because movies show it never ends well. XD

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elephant's Child, I might have to try that.

Karen, that is ironic!

Elizabeth, I'll try that.

Catherine, agree it will be a tough watch.

Teresa, glad you switched.

Jemi, you're probably right.

Natalie, it's a hassle!

Pat, I can change the guts in a toilet!

Patricia, they don't!

Loni Townsend said...

I saw a trailer for The Creator. It looked too serious for me.

Hopefully, AI doesn't get too humanized!

Pat Garcia said...


That's exactly my thought. AI is not human and doesn't have an ounce of compassion in its bones (if it has any bones.)
There really needs to be some clarity on this issue or we'll all be lost in a world where computers dictates our likes.
Have a lovely month of October.
Shalom shalom

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I've had that comment issue lately.

The Terminator is one of my favorite movies, so it's the first thing I think of when I hear the words AI.

diedre Knight said...

Howdy, Captain!

It's quite the edgy trailer. Aerosmith in the background made it more so. Now I'll have to see the movie ;-)
Your assessment of AI and its probable impact is certainly plausible, and while I hope (wish, pray) it is wrong, I'm afraid it isn't.
I'm not an exorcist fan, but I'm curious as to the acting talent of Jennifer Nettles. The other two films seem interesting, too.
I've been running into internet glitches a lot lately...

cleemckenzie said...

Terminator was way too prophetic!

As to the comment issue: I’ve given up trying leap through the hoops. I just post anonymously, then sign my name. Otherwise, I’m spending a lot of time trying ID myself.

Lidy said...

Exactly what I was thinking! It’ll all start so simple. AI is here to help us. AI becomes more involved in our daily lives. Then BAM! Before you know it the Terminator movies become our new reality. Just look at Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. No one would’ve thought such a thing would happen but the novel is looking kind of prophetic now isn’t it? Something to think about.

Been having trouble leaving comments sometimes too. Think everything went well but when I checked later, my comment wasn't there. When I try to figure out why, it has something to do with cookies. And even after following instructions to fix it, it’s still the same problem. Afterwards, I just give up.

Christine Rains said...

I'd love to see AI used more to help with sciences and real world problems to help humanity. I don't want to read something that was plagiarized or not written with feeling, which only humans can do. I'm up for some scary movies this month. I need to watch that one on Hulu about aliens, No One Will Save You. I've heard it's really good. Though I do just need some laughter in my life, and so I'll probably watch more silly scary flicks this month. Take care and have a wonderful month, Alex.

Jean Davis said...

What an appropriate movie review! I'll have to watch for that one.

Sadly, I think we're stuck with AI and it doesn't bode well for creatives.

I've had trouble with comments too. Mine stemmed from my pop up blocker though so I sometimes have to disable it on blogs to be able to comment. Can't win, I swear.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I do want to see The Creator but I'll wait to rent it at home. Theaters are so expensive.
I agree with you about the AI and I referenced Skynet too.

Gwen Gardner said...

That Google is so intrusive!

I agree AI is still up and coming and will replace some people. But it still sounds like English is its second language at this point. It will improve with time, though.

ib said...

Alex, unfortunately, AI is a thing. It is fitting that the topic of this month was AI. I just started watching "Better Than Us" on Netflix. It's having me question the advancement of AI entirely. I might take a look-see at The Creator but will likely pass on the others. Take care! (P.S. I got a kick of Karen's second comment above concerning the need for checking "I'm not a robot". That was classic.

G. B. Miller said...

I think most of the blogs I currently read and/or comment on have the pop-up window (like yours) so I don't have a problem commenting too much beyond getting the "whoops!" Blogger processing error. Then I have to revisit the blog to make sure my comment actually stuck.

Re: Killers of the Flower Moon. While I'm not a big fan of historical films, I sincerely hope that does the topic justice. I've listened to a few episodic podcasts over the years about the event in question and they were very well researched, so I hope this hits that high standard.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Did you see the movie M3GAN? Interesting take on AI, etc.

I always think of the line from The Big Bang Theory where Sheldon says he doesn't like keeping his money in banks because when the machines rise up, ATMs will lead the charge. :)

Sherry Ellis said...

I had that pop-up window for months! So frustrating. I think it's finally gone on my blog.

The Creator looks very cool!

I'm not a fan of AI, but I can see in some situations, it can be useful as an aid. We have to be careful, though, to not become reliant on it. I think if we do, we'll become lazy and not good thinkers.

Olga Godim said...

You paint a scary future, Alex, but I wouldn't worry too much. AI can't create, only copy. AI writing will probably replace lots of tedious writing jobs, but for anything original, you'd still need a human writer. said...

I’ve had the commenting issue several times. Very frustrating!

J E Oneil said...

The idea that AI could replace the actual creators is horrifying and should be fought by any means necessary. It doesn't need a touch of humanity. It needs actual humans. Technology should be working on the jobs people won't or can't do, not the ones that actually make them happy.

Carol Kilgore said...

AI is making great strides in medicine, but it is its own horror movie. Overall, I think it's really scary.

Lynn La Vita said...

Great question and I'm very interested in reading what our IWSG members have to say about AI. We are a diverse group of writers and our POV will be widely varied.

Thank you for addressing the Blogger blogs comment issue. I've experienced the same thing. After a few failed tries, I move on to the next IWSG post. Thanks for suggesting the popup comment box solution.

Cheers @ Lynn La Vita

Birgit said...

I say no to AI. It might write well but it has no soul. You would think that after watching Terminator, AI, that robot film starring the Oscar slapper and HAL from 2001 space Odyssey that we would.know not to go that route.
I do want to see the Scorsese film. I just watched a documentary about what happened and it is very sad.

Birgit said...

Oh and I k ow what you mean but I have no clue how to fix that. It's only on my iPad though...still sucks

J.Q. Rose said...

I like watching movies set against a historical background. But the plight of the Indians may be too graphic? I wonder if writers depend on AI to write their work, won't all the stories sound the same? No creative imagination just is conjured up by AI.

Botanist said...

Blogger's commenting seems to have been getting worse for years now. There are now many blogs I can't comment on, it says click here to sign in but it doesn't sign you in. Very frustrating. Having the pop-up box seems to work, though.

Arlee Bird said...

Usually the main sites I have commenting problems with are the weird out there blog sites that might be Russian in origin. Lately I've had some problems with WordPress sites, but I seem to manage to get around the problems without too much effort.
Maybe the Blogger problems are one explanation that my own comments have gone down, but I can think of other reasons as well so I got nothing regarding this issue.

No extreme urge to see any new movies so unless they come on a TV medium that I can easily access I guess I won't see them. I don't guess I'll be too severely deprived.


Liz A. said...

I was only having the problem with the embedded comments when I was in an incognito window in Chrome, but I solved it by toggling the "block third-party cookies" to off. So, it's a cookie thing. But, yeah, it's a problem. I'm going to have to switch to pop up comments, and I don't wanna. (I like being able to reply directly to people in the comment thread.)

Carrie-Anne said...

AI might become more prominent, but I can't see it ever entirely replacing human writers. It lacks the warmth and emotional connection, and will probably have inevitable errors similar to how autocorrect often changes correctly-spelled words into the wrong spelling, or how the so-called grammar check frequently suggests "corrections" for words and phrases that are the exact opposite of grammatically correct.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm having problems leaving comments on some blog sites too. I've tried both browsers I use and nada.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Loni, it is a serious film.

Lee, I just tend to forget my name...

Lidy, in my browser it's also a cookies issue.

Christine, that film was all right. Interesting mix of horror and science fiction.

Gwen, English is its second language - well said.

GB, we can only hope!

Madeline, yes I did! And funny.

JE, good point.

Lynn, you're welcome.

Ian, it does.

Liz, I wish I could just toggle off blocking all cookies but my browser doesn't have that setting.

Denise Covey said...

Yeah, blogger has made a mess on replying to comments. I found a fix which I mentioned on my blog a couple of times, but it mainly involves waiting.

AI has certainly replaced a lot of human jobs and that will only increase. Not much we can do about it now.

Truedessa said...

I saw some preview for The Creator but, I wasn't feeling it. I am not into AI. I do feel it will take us as a society into some turbulent waters. Some companies are expanding on using it to answer emails and create memo's etc. If a company can save on hiring they will.

As far as the blogger issue. Most of the time I can comment but, sometimes I have to go to my setting to allow cookies. I do all my commenting and then turn the cookies setting off. It seems to work with little issues. I have a lot of problems commenting on word press accounts.

Have a great week, Alex

Diane Burton said...

When I saw "from the director of Rogue One", I knew I wanted to see The Creator. The thought that AIs would supplant writers of TV and movies makes me cringe. I can't imagine an AI with humor.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I think I'll always be annoyed that my blog was harvested for Google's AI.

Jennifer Lane said...

Thank you for the pop-up window! I haven't been able to comment on some Blogger posts for years now--very frustrating.

I hadn't heard of The Creator, sounds interesting.

Samantha Bryant said...

Like most new technologies, it'll eventually settle down with clearer laws and regulations surrounding ethical use (and some people who never get beyond thinking it's just the latest cheat code). But right now, it's a new frontier and that's always messy. @samanthabwriter from
Balancing Act said...

AI has already replaced scores and scores of writers. It's a lousy thing.

Be well, Alex.

Joanne said...

I'm concerned with AI, and reading an interview with Sam Altman, a founder, in the Atlantic, I'm even more concerned. I think he's afraid of the child of Frankenstein that's been created.
The movie, The Creator, looked creepy.
And - Killers of the Flower Moon - amazing book, well researched, and crazy ridiculous what happened to the Osage people in Oklahoma. Everyone should read the book, and feel sad. I trust Martin to bring this piece of history to life.
(This was not written by a robot. ha!)

Fundy Blue said...

When I read this month's question, "Run! Apocalypse! Run!" was the first thing that popped into my head. I certainly love Ayreon, thanks to you, Alex! It was formative to read about the comments. I thought that pop up boxes were used by people who had been blogging a lot longer than me and that I was using a later version of Blogger. So I went and looked, and I am embedded and I can choose pop up. Duh! So, I'll have to think about changing my format. I like the look of embedded, but not if it's causing problems. I've found it frustrating trying to figure out where to click to see people's comments, because that varies from blog to blog, so I thought embedded was good. I'm not changing tonight though. I need to watch Terminator again.

Rhonda Albom said...

Great discussion. AI is a bit like calculators were when they were first introduced. Something that makes the task easier, but if done right, it enhances not replaces our skills. I use AI for research or as a thesaurus replacement for expressions, but never for writing.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - thankfully I think I'm past worrying about AI - but I enjoy the learning process and follow along. Blogger - can be worked around ... since I've been blogging I've always had to adapt when commenting.

I read Killers of the Flower Moon when I was out in Canada - it made a very great impression on me ... frightening and informative. I hope the movie stands up to the book ... but perhaps I'd better (need to) get the Marvel one to look at - cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truedessa, I'm good with Wordpress, just not Blogger when it's an embedded comment box.

Diane, The Creator is totally that director's style!

Sandra, I don't blame you!

Joanne - good to know you're not a robot!

Fundy, glad you enjoy Ayreon. And popup makes it so much easier to comment for me.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Yes, Alex. Unfortunately, I feel AI will win out in some matters. This is what's so scary. And those movies who delve into this issue are truly frightening. Oh, and I can't watch scary movies. Stay well, sir!

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

Writers replaced by AI even after winning the Writer's Guild case? God forbid! Yes, after all these prophecies of science fiction of robots taking over, society should know better but, like with too many prophecies, it just doesn't listen.

Exorcist: Believer: I thought they had already made a sequel to the 1973 film a year or two after that. Is it remake of that one? I dont follow the series of movie so I'm not really aware of what goes on with them. I've only seen the first (1973) film and thought it was really good I just could never get into the sequels.

I might check out the creator. It sounds good. I never knew Scorsese made any Marvel movies.

Mary Kirkland said...

I really want to watch the new Exorcist movie. I'm looking forward to it.

AI is here to stay and I think you're right that it will take over a lot of writing which is sad really. Hopefully it doesn't put too many out of jobs too soon,

I've watched all the Terminator movies, this is definitely how we get Terminators in the future.

nashvillecats2 said...

Hi Alex I know I have not blogged for a while but not too sure about what this A1 writing is all about. What have I missed news wise?
Hope all is well.

Pat Hatt said...

Yep. AI is going to replace many a job eventually. I had to do the switch off in browser to comment as well. Hercules will lose against Mr. Iron Eagle.

J Lenni Dorner said...

A new Blogger problem? Greeeaaattt... as if blogging needed another hit. 🤦🏽‍♂️
Does it happen outside of the Chrome browser? I ask because I haven't encountered the error yet, and you know I normally hit up over 50 blogs a month.

“And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” ― Sylvia Plath

J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Speculative Fiction & Reference Author and Co-host of the April Blogging #AtoZchallenge

Rosemary Johnson said...

I hope you’re wrong about AI, Alex. My daughter, who is a journalist, is seriously worried about it.

Annalisa Crawford said...

I have a horrible feeling that AI is going to steal all the fun jobs - the creative ones - and we'll be left with the mundane and boring ones. I can take it to extremes in my head, but it's so depressing I wouldn't wish my thoughts on anyone else.

DMS said...

AI makes me very worried- while I also realize it is happening no matter how I feel about it. I worry as someone who loves creating stories and art. But- the topic did tie perfectly into your review. :) I haven't encountered that with Blogger comments- so thank you for the info.

Al Penwasser said...

"The Creator."
Science fiction now, too close to being science fact.
Looks good, though.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Steven, it's a new film. There were two sequels, one shortly afterwards and one in 1990.

Yvonne, AI is artificial intelligence.

J, I used Firefox, so you might be all right.

Cherie Colyer said...

I think you're right about AI. It's a bit scary.

Thanks for the movie reviews. :-)

Sandra Cox said...

One of the sessions at the NC seminar I missed that I would have liked to have caught was on AI.

Katherines Corner said...

We have the Creator on our watch list. Sorry can't help with the comment issue. I think I'll look up Miracle in East Texas. I am a Kevin Sorbo fan.
We recently started watching Billy the Kid on MGM+, it's done well, if you have I do suggest giving it a try. Hugs my friend

Sandra Cox said...

'Have none of these people seen The Terminator?' Ha. Great point.

mail4rosey said...

I used to be able to earn a little side income with writing. I haven't done that for a long time, but I have sent out a few queries recently, looking to make some extra money for the holidays. One woman that I've worked with a few times said AI does most of the work now. First time hearing it. I suspect it won't be the last.

Sometimes I get e-mails from people saying they tried to comment on my blog (also Blogger) and couldn't for whatever reason. The glitches seem to iron themselves out (I know that' not a solution, just noting I relate).

I haven't heard of Miracle in East Texas. I like Sorbo, so maybe I'll get to see it. Killers of the Flower Moon seems pretty intense from the trailer I saw yesterday. Great casst too.

Lux G. said...

I've read a lot of good reviews about these movies, especially that of DiCaprio. So many books and movies to look forward to.

Sandra Cox said...

I am glad the Writer's Guild Strike ended. Now on to Health Care.
Have an excellent one;)

Susan Kane said...

II understand your google pain. We want to see Flower Moon and The Creator. We haven't gone to many movi lately. Pain.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Growing up with Star Wars, Terminator and The Matrix, I'm sure my wariness of AI is well-founded :-)

Ronel visiting for IWSG day Keeping the Muse Alive

Yolanda Renée said...

AI won't replace writer's but the only writing jobs will be with AI.

Recent movies, not interested.

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Alex, Have you read anything by Sci-Fi author Pierce Brown?
Have a great one.

mail4rosey said...

I have blogger and it's quirky sometimes. Hope you find a good fix. I want to see Killers of the Flower Moon because of the actors and I like Sorbo, so seeing Miracle in East Texas could be on the agenda too. My son and his friends want to go see Five Nights at Freddy's or whatever that scary movie is coming out. They've offered to hold the doors open for him, but they're not feeding him popcorn, hahahahaha I may let him go just to lift his spirits. He's not complaining about his splints but he's bummed (he was working so hard for basketball tryouts and now he cannot even play the season).

Sandra Cox said...

I'm still having problems commenting on a couple of blogs. You?

Sandra Cox said...

We haven't been to the theater in forever. Not even on a Tuesday when it's senior day. Heh.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I find AI a useful tool to brainstorm with and it gives me marketing ideas.

Susan Kane said...

Movies have been on the back burner for us. Tnere are a few that
we are looking forward to.

Sandra Cox said...

Hope you're having a great one.