Monday, May 8, 2023

Shark Tales, Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Review, and Insomnium/Enslaved Concert Review

Shark Tales by L. Diane Wolfe

Alex asked me about shark movies that were similar to my newest release, In Darkness: The Shark. Unfortunately, there aren’t any! My story is a paranormal romance involving a human (Jewels) and a great white shark (Clarence). (And no, there is no beastiality.)

Several shark movies came to mind: The Meg, The Shallows, Jaws, Deep Blue Sea, 47 Meters Down, Open Water. But I decided to go with something closer to my actual story.

Finding Nemo – Nemo happens upon three sharks who recite the phrase “Fish are our friends!” They don’t want to hurt fish, anymore than Clarence wants to hurt Jewels.

– This was actually a 70’s Saturday morning cartoon, and yes, I watched and loved it. Jabberjaw is an amphibious great white shark and the drummer for a rock group consisting of four teenagers. It’s silly, but it showed a shark as friends with humans.

The other three are documentaries.

Playing With Sharks – Photographer Valerie Taylor becomes a trailblazing advocate for the ocean's most maligned and misunderstood creatures. He shows that sharks are not just evil eating machines.

– Arguing that sharks are misunderstood as dangerous creatures, biologist Rob Stewart travels to the Galapagos Islands, Costa Rica and other places where the animals can be found. Another one showing they are more than just eating machines.

Sharks –Oceanographer Jean-Michel Cousteau documents face-to-face encounters with a wide variety of the ocean's ultimate predators, including white, hammerhead and whale sharks. The son of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, he also had a passion for sharks.

Ultimately, the one film that is similar to my story was a 70’s Saturday afternoon TV movie about a boy who befriends a baby nurse shark. (There is also an obscure 1962 movie called Ti-Koyo e il suo pescecane about a boy who makes friends with a shark.) So, I would have to say that 70’s movie influenced my story and set me on a path to show a deep friendship between a shark and a human.

Of course, one difference—Clarence the shark can talk!

In Darkness: The Shark by L. Diane Wolfe

Release date - May 9, 2023
Romance/Paranormal - Fantasy/Paranormal - Fantasy/Romance
eBook ISBN 9781939844910 $3.99
Souls shrouded in darkness…
Focused on her studies and duties at the aquarium, Jewels prefers her solitary life. Burned many times and short on trust, she has more in common with her aquatic friends than the people around her. But she never imagined coming face to face with a shark named Clarence…a shark who talks!
As their friendship grows, Jewels must overcome her deep set mistrust. There are dangers, both in the Australian ocean and on dry land. Can Jewels depend on the great white or will his animal nature betray her?

A professional speaker and author, L. Diane Wolfe conducts seminars, offers book formatting, and author consultation. She’s the senior editor at Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C. and contributes to the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Find Diane at her website, blog, and IWSG

Find In Darkness: The Shark at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Scribed, and Goodreads


Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3

Wasn’t sure what to expect after the last few disappointing Marvel films, and it did have a slow start, but then it gained steam and found its footing.
It was enjoyable and presented many funny moments. Nice also to see some older characters return.
It could’ve used some editing though. There are scenes that would’ve benefited from a cut, bringing the movie down from its two hours and thirty minutes run time.
It also tackles a dark subject – Rocket’s origins. If you are an animal lover or animal experiments upset you, be warned. The villain is one twisted maniac.
And as always, two end credit scenes.


Streaming on Amazon and starring Mason Kane, Priyanka Chopra Jonas, and Stanley Tucci.
From the Russo brothers (Marvel movies) comes a spy show that reminds me of Agents of Shield meets James Bond. Only the first two episodes are available as of this review, but so far it’s enjoyable, well-produced, and fun. All the standard spy tropes are front and center, but there are enough fresh ideas to keep it interesting.
We’ll see where it goes!

Concert Review - Insomnium/Enslaved!

It’s so great that live music is back. I didn’t realize how much I missed it. As a fan of Scandinavian metal, I’ve been a huge fan of Insomnium for a long time. They are one of the godfathers of melodic death metal.
And they brought the goods. Playing selections from their new album as well as some of the classics, they had the crowd rocking and moshing through the entire set. The standout tracks for me were While We Sleep, Lilian, and Valediction.
It was great to finally get a chance to see them and I hope it’s not the last time.

Enslaved is a band that I wasn’t too familiar with, so I checked out some of their stuff a couple weeks before the show. They started as a Norwegian black metal band (not really my cup of tea) but have morphed over time into a band that is very progressive.
It’s these aspects that I really enjoyed. They also brought the tight musicianship and even a sense of humor.
Overall, a great night of live music and the heaviest music I will subject my wife to. (She was such a trouper!)

What shark movies do you enjoy and would you like a shark romance book? Did you see the new Guardians or watch Citadel? Fan of Scandinavian metal? What’s the heaviest band you’ve ever seen?


Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

Ever since Jaws, I have been drawn to shark movies. In recent years, I have been on a feeding frenzy, binging on genre films. I enjoyed Mandy Moore's 47 Meters Down a (2017) and its sequel 47 Meters Down: Uncaged (2019). Dam Sharks (2016) was a hoot. Shark Bait (2022) was nicely executed. Actresses Kabby Borders and Holly Earl, featured in the latter two shark flicks respectively, went on to become celebrity presenters at Shady's Place, and so did Masiela Lusha who played Carmen on George Lopez. Masiela is a veteran of three Sharknado TV movies - The 4th Awakens, S-5: Global Swarming and The Last Sharknado: It's About Time.

I am indeed a fan of Scandinavian metal, and will check out the sounds of Insomnium and Enslaved.

Have a super week, good buddy Alex!

Natalie Aguirre said...

Congrats to Diane on her new book. I've been seeing the promotions for Citadel on Prime. I'll have to check it out after I finish Three Pines. Have you watched that? It's based on the Louise Penny murder series and is really good.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you for hosting me, Alex.

PT Dilloway said...

In Nic Cage voice, "What's in this entry, a shark or something?" That GOTG3 focuses on Rocket means I might like it better than the last one. I might watch that Citadel but the description of two spies who lost their memories and buy their cover stories sounded pretty cliche so I probably won't rush to watch it.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

The new Guardians is is on my watch list. I just need time to get to the theater.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Your book sounds good, Diane. This is a question we human always struggle with: What wins out in those types of situations (befriending sharks or bear cubs)--animal instinct or emotion. I'm highly tempting to read your take on this.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shady, don't forget Sharktopus!

Natalie, no I haven't.

Diane, You're welcome!

Pat, I'll let you know how the first season goes.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Jacqui, I hope you do.

Shady, I forgot to add that I have a deep fascination with great white sharks in general.

Elephant's Child said...

Huge congratulations to Diane. I am endlessly fascinated by sharks. And indeed, much of the life in the ocean...

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I remember Jabberjaw! Congratulations on "In Darkness: The Shark." :)

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex and Diane! Your book sounds so interesting, Diane! I'm looking forward to reading it. I've snorkeled and dived near nurse sharks and lived to tell it ~ lol! I've seen some of the shark movies you mentioned. Open Water was terrifying. It's haunted me since I first saw it. Melodic death metal ~ wow Alex! I'm glad that you had fun attending live concerts again. Have a great week, both of you!

Birgit said...

Congrats on a new book, Diane and unique! I watched a video about a mam who has befriended a shark that now, when he goes into the water the shark appears and rolls over for belly rubs!! He figures the shark must know his boat.
I do want to see this movie but I have to play catch up. I'm not sure I could see the suffering of an animal even if it is all fake.
Glad you enjoyed seeing a concert with music you love.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Elizabeth and Jen, I'd forgotten about Jabberjaw until I did a search.

Louise, I hope you enjoy it.

Liz A. said...

Thanks for the heads up about Citadel. That sounds about up my alley.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jen, you need to watch some movies.

Truedessa said...

Diane, Congrats on your new book. I was once on the beach and someone thought they saw a shark and started yelling for people to get out of the water. It was a dolphin, if you look at the fin closely you can tell the difference. A bit of chaos for a few moments.

Alex - I haven't seen the new Guardian movie yet. Hopefully, soon.

Sandra Cox said...

Woot. Woot. Congrats on release day of The Shark. An excellent read, I might add.
'Lo, Alex.

Joanne said...

Super Duper Diane - congrats and good luck on new book.

No matter what or how cheesy at this juncture, I was a kid at the Jersey Shore (Ocean City)when Jaws came out. Holy cow! Film history! 'Nuff said. We need a bigger boat - that sums it up. Fan of Steven Spielberg forever more.

Rhonda Albom said...

Congrats Diane on your new book, and on such a unique topic. I love that Finding Nemo made the similar list. :)

XmasDolly said...

In Darkness!!!!?! Now that's my kind of story... gotta see that one! :) Yep, we eloped 2 days before Christmas. Dave (hubby) was a confirmed bachelor until I came along! ~hehehe~ and he knows I love Christmas, soooooooo we eloped & sprung it on Christmas day. Kids were upset cuz they wanted to be there naturally & then we went by his family that afternoon & they just thought we were going to spring it on them that we were just engaged! JAWS DROPPED! Anyway, 10 yrs. later we got married again in our backyard under one of the carnival tents & I wore my mother-in-laws wedding dress (I had to lose 23 lbs to do it (I lost 35 instead woo hoo & kept it off I might add hehehe) & it was a great wedding, but as soon as we said I do it started to rain. :( I'll send you a pic sometime you'll laugh your but off!!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

XmasDolly said...

Dang Dude, do you actually get to see all these movies? I want to sign up for this job for sure! I had to drop my cable cuz they raised the bill again. I only had 2,5,7,9, 11 & just a couple others & I was paying $134 a month!!! Then they cut out my cowboy movie channel. Got to watch Gun Smoke, Lone Ranger, Cheyenne, Wagon train and some other cool ones oh & old cowboy movies & then they TOOK IT THE DIRTY... censored!!!!! :( Can't afford no higher bill I told them that. Heck I'm retired (hubby too) & I'm disabled & with my bills no way! :( I pay $134 for my phone, TV, and Computer stuff. :( COMCAST STINKS! (That wasn't the word I was thinking of)!!! HAVE A GREAT DAY MY FRIEND. IN THE DARKNESS, SHARKWATER & GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Sound great!!! Have a great week my friend. All this politics crap & that jerk Biden who wants to watch TV anyway, Our world is fallin' apart anyway!!! :( All I can think about is our poor kids!!!

Susan Kane said... Sharknado? Will be heading out to see Galaxy...these movies are unique, and I giggle at Chris Pratt"s comedic delivery. Citadel? No, will look for it. Not a fan of Scandinavian, only ABBA. Have never been to a heavy metal concert. I am more of a Johnny Cash and Willie Nelson fan.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Truedessa, I've seen dolphins in the wild.

Thank you, Sandra.

Patricia JL said...

I'd be down for a shark romance! Congrats on the release.

ib said...

It has been a long while sir.
A good shark movie that comes to mind is Deep Blue Sea. Shark Week on Discovery. All good fodder.
Major changes in life have afforded time to reenter the blogging scene and I look forward to posting on a regular basis. I hope that all is well.

Mary Kirkland said...

Citadel is on my list to watch soon. said...

Congrats to Diane on her new book!

Sandra Cox said...

I loved Finding Nemo:)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Patricia, I hope you enjoy it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truedessa, go see it.

Joanne, I was also a kid and yes, it was scary.

Marie, that's a crazy wedding story. And yes, I watch a ton of movies. There is so much streaming now, it's scary.

Susan, we will never meet at a concert.

Stacy McKitrick said...

I added Diane's book to my B&N wishlist. I love paranormal romance and this looks interesting. Always looking for ebooks to read on my next cruise!

Hubby and I plan on seeing Guardians of the Galaxy soon. He said he'd take an afternoon off and we'll go to the theater. Hopefully it won't be busy then. Kids are still in school!

G. B. Miller said...

Congrats on the new book. Romance isn't usually my cup of coffee but it does sound interesting.

I think the hardest rock band that I saw live was AC/DC during the "For Those About To Rock/Dirty Deeds" days. Beyond that, what little live music I've seen has been more of the Americana genre, peppered with a classic rock double bill of Cheap Trick/Peter Frampton.

Sherry Ellis said...

Congratulations to Diane for her new book. It's in my queue to read.

I haven't seen the new Guardians movie, but I thought the other two were entertaining. said...

Yay for the return of live music. There's nothing like it.

I hope you're doing well, Alex.

XmasDolly said...

Thanks for stopping by & saying hello! So were you surprised to see I was still here??? hahaha Yep, I'm learning, and I've almost got it, but still need more practice. Thanks again my friend, and do you ever report on books? I'm kind of a Stephen King fan. My most favorite one was the 7 or 8 books he wrote about "The Gunslinger"! That first book just sucked me in.... and I kept goin', but I'm not really a reader except for that one. hahhaha You take care my friend and I'll be back for sure. I've been passing your link around.. hope you don't mind! Take care and have a great week! Marie

Nilanjana Bose said...

Jaws would be the definitive one. Made me go on a book hunt and read the original story by Peter Benchley.
Hope your week is going well.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex and Diane - her talking Shark, Clarence, sounds an interesting character ... I noted that Steven Spielberg was apologetic about 'demonising' sharks in his film Jaws ... not one I've seen. Cheers to you both - Hilary

Sandra Cox said...

I thought I wanted to see Guardians of the Galaxy, but after reading your review, probably not. Thanks for sharing that.

J.L. Campbell said...

I haven't watched a lot of shark movies, but I do remember Jabberjaws. :) A shark romance certainly sounds different.

Cherie Colyer said...

I remember Jabberjaw! I used to enjoy it when I was young. I haven't seen Guardians yet. I may wait for it to come out on DVD.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I understand it's the last Guardians. It was a good run.

Cathrina Constantine said...

A Big Congratulations to Diane!!

I liked Guardians of the Galaxy. Like you said, the beginning was slow, and I agree about editing some of the needless scenes. But all in all I really liked it.

Alex, have a great week.

DMS said...

I have always found sharks interesting and I haven't read a shark romance before. Sounds unique! I am intrigued by the music. Thanks for sharing. :)

Al Penwasser said...

I, too, am skeptical of Marvel. The company has been a woke disappointment. But, I will give GOTG a go. The first two were really entertaining (I was surprised by it). Soooooo....optimism springs eternal...

Sandra Cox said...

Hey Alex, Well, we watched Citadel. Really held my interest, but the protagonist certainly was in some twisted relationships:) Loved Stanley Tucci. Have you watched Fubar?
Di, Hoping sales are through the roof. said...

Jaws turned me off shark movies. I’m a big chicken.

Donna K. Weaver said...

The Sharknado movies just make me roll my eyes. I think Jaws was the best film.

mail4rosey said...

Ny teen wanted to see Guardians at an IMax but the only one in West Palm (the one closest to us) shut down. Now there are no movie theaters in West Palm Beach, which is crazy. And they shut it down for office towers, of which no more are needed (in my not so humble opinion).

Sandra Cox said...

Of Di's shark pics, I loved Finding Nemo:)