Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Insecure Writer’s Support Group Post Day and News, D&D and Shazam Movie Review, and April Movie Preview

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the April 5 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pett, Nancy Gideon, and Natalie Aguirre!

And before we begin, we need co-hosts for May 3, June 7, and July 5! We only have one scheduled for July (Natalie) so we really need some volunteers.

April 5 question - Do you remember writing your first book? What were your thoughts about a career path on writing? Where are you now and how is it working out for you? If you're at the start of the journey, what are your goals?

I wrote my first book when I was thirteen. It was awful and I stuffed it in a drawer. Wrote some other things but nothing caught fire like that first story. I pulled it out of the drawer about thirty years later. Promising storyline, great characters, just needed a total rewrite. I wrote a new story and it became my first published book.

I never planned on an author career. I just fell into it. I kept writing and fans kept wanting more. Five novels, a short story, many anthologies and articles later and it’s far and above what I ever envisioned. Add the success of the IWSG and it just blows my mind.

As an author, I have no more goals. I think CassaDark summed up the ending well. Maybe continue more stories for Dragon of the Stars? I know Trudessa would love that!

Over at the IWSG site, Pat Hatt posted about a scammer alert from Tonja Drecker – writers, you need to be aware! Check it out.

IWSG Goodreads Book Club:

For the month of April, we will continue to read the two selections from the previous month and will host the discussions on 4/27/23. The challenge theme, for anyone interested, will be Libraries. The general "What are you reading" discussion is going really well.
IWSG Member Book: Spiral of Hooves
Craft Book: Fight Like A Girl


To enter the April Challenge, go here.
Life is Beautiful Post April 19 to 21at 2023.

A new release from IWSG member Patricia Josephine Lynn
Revelation of Love : A Sweet Fantasy Romance (Influenced Book 3)
Universal buy links here.

Many of you remember author M. Pax. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer. See how you can help her on her website: Books for a Cause: Purchase My Work and Help me Battle Cancer!

And I helped kick off the A to Z Challenge at the Operation Awesome site! Check it out.

Movie Reviews

Shazam! Fury of the Gods

Did you like the first one? Then you will love the second one.
Sadly trailing at the box office, this second instalment is just as good as the first film – great action, great humor, and great characters.
This one focuses more on Shazam than Billy, although the rest of the kids are featured more as themselves than their superhero alter egos.
There are some really funny moments, like the scene with the unicorn. (Not going to spoil it for you!)
Shazam has the hots for Wonder Woman, dreaming about her…and yes, Gal Gadot is in the film!
And Helen Mirren – why didn’t she start doing these actions flicks years ago?
Highly recommended!

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

So much fun!
If you know nothing about D&D, you will thoroughly enjoy this funny fantasy-adventure.
If you are familiar with D&D, you will enjoy this film even more and on a whole other level!
The leads are perfectly cast and fit their characters so well. (And play their characters well.)
There are so many Easter eggs and nods to traditional D&D. (Remember the D&D cartoon? You will be pleased!) Plus there are so many jokes. I need to go see it again to catch all those items.
The writers are definitely fans. This is a love letter to D&D fans. The writers and director did the story full justice.
Very highly recommended! And my favorite film of the year so far.

April Movie Preview

Here are the theatrical releases for April. Descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

7 –


In PAINT, Owen Wilson portrays Carl Nargle, Vermont's #1 public television painter who is convinced he has it all: a signature perm, custom van, and fans hanging on his every stroke... until a younger, better artist steals everything (and everyone) Carl loves.
Director: Brit McAdams
Stars: Owen Wilson, Ciara Renée, Stephen Root
I guess the happy little trees turned on him…

The Pope’s Exorcist

Inspired by the actual files of Father Gabriele Amorth, Chief Exorcist of the Vatican, The Pope's Exorcist follows Amorth as he investigates a young boy's terrifying possession and ends up uncovering a centuries-old conspiracy the Vatican has desperately tried to keep hidden.
Director - Julius Avery
Stars - Russell Crowe, Franco Nero, Ralph Ineson
We all want to know – will split pea soup be involved?

14 –

Renfield Dracula's henchman and inmate at the lunatic asylum.
Director: Chris McKay
Stars: Nicolas Cage, Nicholas Hoult, Ben Schwartz
Finally, a role that requires Cage to suck!

28 –

Big George Foreman: The Miraculous Story of the Once and Future Heavyweight Champion of the World
The life and boxing career of George Foreman.
Director: George Tillman Jr.
Stars: Forest Whitaker, Sonja Sohn, Matthew Glave
I know how it ends – he invents his grill.

What were your thoughts on your author career path? Reading the IWSG book selections? Did you see Shazam? (If not, go give the movie some money!) Any of those April movies interest you?
Big question – who can help co-host the IWSG the next three months?
Now, go read the scammer alert at the IWSG site and my piece at Operation Awesome!


Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

"Paint" sounds intriguing! The main character sounds a lot like a certain PBS dude from the 70s, doesn't he, ha.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

Happy First Wednesday, good buddy!

My stepson is a D&B fanatic and Dungeon Master who for years had his own Etsy store selling custom made D&D action figures. Honor Among Thieves is must see for someone like him. For decades, I watched artist Bob Ross on TV, and Mrs. Shady and I recently watched the documentary about his troubled final years. It's no Happy Little Accident that I would want to see Paint, especially since the cast includes Wendi McLendon-Covey who plays Beverly on The Goldbergs. Nic Cage movies are a guilty pleasure, and I'm also down with Renfield. The George Foreman biopic also looks good. Forest Whitaker always delivers.

Enjoy the rest of your week, good buddy Alex!

Jemima Pett said...

Sending all good wishes to M Pax.Tell her that statistically she's got a great chance because my other friends have had a run of the bad kind recently.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

I'll definitely watch the new Shazam! film. I can help co-host in May and July as needed. You have my email address :-)

Ronel visiting for IWSG day If The Author’s Life Were a Fairy Tale

Natalie Aguirre said...

I didn't realize you started writing as a kid. I want to see the Dungeon and Dragons movie. Glad you liked it so much.

Jennifer Lane said...

That's great you had the perseverance to write a novel at such a young age! What do you think helped you create great characters then? Paint sounds like an interesting plot.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I started writing as a kid, too. I hope one day that I'll experience readers wanting more of my writing.

Scammers are getting quite sophisticated and believable. It's exhausting trying to stay ahead of them.


Jemi Fraser said...

I think I'm the oddball who didn't start writing until well into adulthood. Stories always roamed my head, but I never wrote them down :)
Shazaam looks fun

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, yes he does!

Shady, that's cool he sold custom figures. And it would be interesting to see Wendi in a role outside the Goldbergs.

Ronel, thanks!

Jennifer, no idea. But they were about the only thing salvageabe from the story.

Lynn La Vita said...

I thoroughly enjoyed learning you wrote your first book at 13. The 30 years later, after a rewrite, it started your writing career.

I have to believe you will continue with more stories for Dragon of the Stars. You can't disappoint Trudessa, can you?

Thank you and your staff for the Scam Alert email and site posting. I agree, it's important to share this kind of information.

Lynn La Vita

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

It's been so long since I did the A-Z Challenge that I forgot all about it!

We saw the movie, M3GAN, and liked it more than we thought we would. Also watched one of the behind the scenes segments - fascinating stuff!

PT Dilloway said...

I just assumed Paint was a Bob Ross biopic, but I guess that might not be all that interesting. I'll have to look for Renfield on streaming just to watch Nic Cage go full Nic Cage; or at least he better.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm looking forward to most of those movies. Weirdly, I hadn't heard much about Dungeons and Dragons. So, that's on my radar now too!

Liza said...

Alex, I love that you revised and published a book you wrote when you were thirteen. What wonderful success you have had since then. I forwarded today's scam tip to my daughter, who is not a writer but conducts so much of her employment life online. It's horrifying to realize the depths scammers go to get your personal information. We tell the elder citizens where I work, "Always, always, if it seems to good to be true, it IS too good to be true!"

Diane Burton said...

You've found what works for you. I loved the CassaDark series. I hope you visit the Dragon of the Stars. I enjoyed that one, too.

I'm happy to be a cohost. Any month okay.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Acupuncture seems to be working for M Pax. My prayers are with her daily. I really want to see the D&D movie!

Arlee Bird said...

Sorry to hear about M Pax. I wish her well with her ordeal.

I saw a story about Paint the other day and it sounded interesting to me. I'll be watching for that one if it comes my way on television.


Nick Wilford said...

I love your origin story as a writer. Planting a seed that flowered brilliantly so many years later.

I have seen Mary's updates. Wishing her well.

Loni Townsend said...

I took my kids to Shazam last week and we all enoyed it. We were going to get D&D in this past weekend but all the good seats were taken. We're definitely going this weekend though!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Your story is inspiring, Alex. I love how life works out the way it's meant to be if you follow your dream. Thanks for the movie reviews. I count on them each month. Glad to see Russell Crowe is still plugging away. Feels like we're growing old together. lol

J.Q. Rose said...

Now I wish I could dig up all the stories I scrawled when I was a teen-ager. Hmmph.. Congrats on "falling"into a writing career. You dun good!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

PS I'm available to volunteer any time.

cleemckenzie said...

You started writing so young! Glad you stayed the course.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! I can help on May 3rd. I'm really glad that you pulled that thirty-year-old manuscript! Thanks for the movie reviews. I would probably like The Pope's Legacy. I love Nicolas Cage as an actor, but his movie would be too intense for me. Have a great day!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

You've been our most successful author.

I loved Shazam.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Your snarky comments on the up and coming movies are priceless. :)
I dragged a bunch of non D&D friends to D&D and... well, let's just say I loved it, they mostly liked it. It was hilarious and a wonderful reminder of why I like role-playing games. :)

I would love to read more in the realm of Dragon of the Stars, but that's entirely up to you.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I read the scammer alert. That's really involved. So hard to trust anything on the webs!
Thanks for all you do for IWSG.
I'm taking a break for a few months. I have reviews to write and big plans for the summer and will be away from my usual writing habits.

Jean Davis said...

Perhaps you could play around with a collection of short stories based on your series/universe? Or hey, take a break and enjoy your success. We need to do that every now and then too. :)

I've heard good things about the D&D movie. I'll have to check that out at some point.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Wow Alex, you wrote your first book at 13? That's really cool. My first book was atrocious. I'm glad that it didn't get published.

Pat Garcia said...

Hi Alex,
I loved hearing about your start in your writing career. That encouraged me greatly.

I cannot co-host in May or June, but I can in July, if you need someone.
Have a great day.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Meka James said...

What's all involved in being a co-host for the hops? I can most likely help, just need to know what I need to do.

Also Paint seems interesting. Funny enough I went down the rabbit hole of Bob Ross and what happened to him after using his TV show as background noise while writing my last book.

Patricia JL said...

I can help in May or June as I will be back home at least part of those months and will have time again! (I'm so excited about having my time back.)

diedre Knight said...

Howdy, Captain!

Glad you hung onto that story, as it turned out to be the start of something wonderful.
Folks in my neighborhood were relieved when I learned to write instead of singing the stories I composed from my backyard swing ;-)
I am happy to help on June 7th.
Bob Ross in the background, huh? He did have a soothing way of describing how to create quick little thalo blue skies.
Have a terrific April!

Victoria Marie Lees said...

You have such awesome posts, Alex! First, I can help out in May or June as co-host.

Second, it is truly amazing all you have done as a writer; gathering fans who want more of what you like to write, a solid publishing track, and of course, creating IWSG. Thank you for sharing this.

And third, my daughter loves the Shazam! movies. I tried to tell her how I would watch--every Saturday as a kid--the Shazam tv show with Michael Gray.

Have a good spring holiday!

PJ Colando said...

Though not a D&D fan, you sold this movie well! Gonna add it to our list, but first: Air.

I'd be glad to co-host for July, dear sir. I'm struggling with the final pages of a cozy mystery (a genre I've never attempted before) and I might have a complete MS - ready for editing - by then. Any deadline'll do - ha!

J E Oneil said...

I definitely don't want anyone to dig up my first book.

I laughed way too much at "a role that requires Cage to suck!" It's like it was made for him.

Birgit said...

I always wanted to play D & D but never where to go. The movie sounds like fun. I have to see the first Shazam movie but it looks like fun. I also want to see Renfield which looks good...sick, but good. The artist movie sounds funny and would give this a chance.

Carol Kilgore said...

Happy April, Alex. I was an adult before I wrote my first book. It's still in the drawer, but every once in a while I steal things from it to use in a WIP. I guess it's my spare-parts book. Hope you have a great month.

Olga Godim said...

Oh, I definitely need to watch Dungeons & Dragons.
Alex, you're too modest. Your new stories will come in their own time.

Olga Godim said...

I can do hosting whenever you need it. Although I did it last month, so maybe not May. June or July will work.

Patricia JL said...

And I am brain dead, Alex. Thank you for highlighting Revelation of Love. I appreciate all the help, especially right now.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynn, I never want to disappoint Truedessa.

Holly, how have you not heard of it? They have marketed the crap out of that film!

Diane, double thanks!

Loni, go and enjoy!

Joylene, thanks!

Jen, dig that story out! And glad you are back.

Louise, thanks.

Diane, that's good to hear.

Tyrean, the movie just connected so well with D&D fans.

Mary, no worries.

Jean, that's a thought.

Pat, thanks!

Meka, I will email you soon.

Patricia, thanks.

Diedre, awesome!

Victoria, big thanks! And I watched that Saturday morning show all the time.

PJ, thanks.

JE, it was.

Carol - spare parts book. Funny!

Olga, thanks!

And Patricia, you are welcome.

Sandra Cox said...

Woot. Woot. Way to go, Alex.

Cherie Colyer said...

Very impressive that you wrote your first book at 13. I wrote poetry in high school, then didn't write much until my late thirties. My husband encouraged me to write down one of the story ideas. I had so much fun writing it, I kept going.

Denise Covey said...

I actually commented on the IWSG site - too many open URLs.
Glad fishing around for your old ms worked for you. It doesn't for most. It set you on an unexpected writing career. How good is that!
Thanks for the shout out to WEP.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for another great hop.
I'd love more Dragon of the Stars.
Glad to hear Shazam and Dungeons and Dragons were good.

Sarah Foster said...

That's awesome that you were able to take what you wrote when you were 13 and turn it into your first book! I'm not sure I could be as successful with the stuff I wrote at that age, but who knows?

mail4rosey said...

I wasn't going to go see the new Shazam movie (we didn't see the first one) but you have me wanting to go! said...

You're among a number of authors who wrote their first book in their childhood. I was a far later bloomer. I was thirty-eight.

I can co-host in July, Alex.

Liz A. said...

Shazam looks like fun. So, is Paint a serious movie or kind of a riff on Bob Ross? I'm assuming the latter.

Tonja Drecker said...

I snorted a laugh at the pea soup. Looks like we're off to Shazam 2, and since my son has become a D&D fan, that one hits our list too. So sorry to hear about P. Max. Heading over there soon.

Tonja Drecker said...

M. Pax...that's what I get for doing this while getting kids to bed.

J Lenni Dorner said...

I'm happy to volunteer for June. (And September, December, February. Sprinkle me in as needed there.)

That's awesome that you've met all your author goals. I have so many stories in my head I want to put on the page and get out there.

Love the IWSG book challenge this month. I have my WEP post written and scheduled. (It was HARD this time!)

M Pax! Oh no. 😟 I visit her site regularly (doesn't allow comments, but I try to share on Twitter).

Operation Awesome is very glad you were our first A to Z interview this month. Excellent post.

Didn't see the new Shazam! yet. The first one was okay, but made me feel like I should have read the comics as a kid to better "get" the movie?

Didn't see D&D yet, but have plans to soon.

Renfield is on my must-see list.

Happy IWSG day! Here's a giveaway-
It's April, so I'm focused on the #AtoZChallenge.
Proof of Existence, book two in my dark urban fantasy series, is out this month. The print version is actually dedicated to my local library. And there's mention of a wedding at the Zeehan library (in Australia).

I'm running another giveaway on my blog.

J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

Shannon Lawrence said...

I have been following Mary's battle on social media, but wasn't aware she'd set this up. I'll pass it along!

I'm also really enjoying Mirren in action flicks. We just rewatched the Red films with the teens.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Forgot to say that if you did not get enough volunteers, I'm available for either June or July.

Also, congratulations to Patricia!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Hi, Alex, writing a book at 13 blew me away!
I'm looking forward to seeing these movies you suggested. I can host in June or/and July. Let me know.

Marie Andreas said...

I love that you "fell" into the writing career! I almost feel like it jumped me in a dark alley--LOL. Great post, great reviews too!

Gwen Gardner said...

Over the years I've "heard" you say that you never meant to be a writer, but here you are! LOL.

I can help with the June or July co-hosting, let me know.

Joanne said...

I liked Shazam 1 but read horrible reviews for 2. BUT I trust YOU so now I need to go see it. Also, D&D previews looked very fun. I've been out of the movie habit. I burst out laughing at your George Foreman grill comment - that is hilarious! You made my day.
Happy Easter Weekend Alex

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Denise, you're welcome.

Toi, you and Trudessa!

Rosey, watch the first one then go see it.

Thanks, Kim!

Tonja, made me chuckle though.

J, thanks! And really appreciated being the first on the site to kick off the Challenge. And with Shazam, just keep in mind he's a character like Ant-Man - secondary hero and funny.

Shannon, thanks!

Marie, that's funny.

Gwen, thanks!

Joanne, I aim to amuse! The second Shazam was just as good as the first - go see it.

Nilanjana Bose said...

No films for me this month I'm afraid, I'm terribly behind with my reading, juggling way too many things. :)
Off to check out Operation Awesome right away.

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter.

Christine Rains said...

The D&D movie was fantastic! Our whole family and all the members of our gaming group and their families went to see it together. My son is going to receive a big roly poly Themberchaud the dragon for Easter! I'm eager to see Renfield too. It will be hilarious.

Thanks for the scammer alert. That is frightening the lengths they'll go through.

Bish Denham said...

That's an amazing writing story and journey, Alex. I can see how Nicholas Cage would make a great Dracula...but since I'm not into horror he's going to have to suck without me. :D

Mary Kirkland said...

A lot of people are talking about Dungeons and Dragons. It looks good so I'm looking forward to seeing it.

G. B. Miller said...

"Paint" sounds like an intriguing movie. I actually had to explain Bob Ross to a coworker many years ago, as they weren't familiar with American pop culture much.

The D&D movie sounds like something my cousin would watch. She's hardcore D&D and managed to parlay her love of roleplayng games into a podcast.

Juneta key said...

So cool how you fell into writing. The D & D movie looks like fun. I pre-ordered it on your recommendation and the preview looked fun too. I like Chris Pine too so that was a factor too.

Carrie-Anne said...

When I was a lot younger, I naïvely assumed I'd be a famous published writer by all of fourteen, and would get rich from it. While my writing at that stage of my life was precocious and had lots of glimmers of my adult potential, it was still the writing of a child and needed serious rewriting.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I'm glad you re-opened that drawer and kept writing ... rewarding for you and valuable for us. Thanks for making me realise WEP is next week not tomorrow! Cheers Hilary

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Sometimes those stories won't let us go until we're written them and sent them out into the big wide world.

Janet said...

Sorry to be so late stopping by! I'm intrigued by Renfield - might have to give it a watch. The Pope's Exorcist also sounds interesting.

If you're still needing co-hosts, I can do June or July (or August if you're scheduling out that far).

XmasDolly said...

Dude of Dudes!!! Hi Dude, how the heck are ya & the family doin? Man, I was so happy to see your name on my blog. Hurray, somebody I remember!!! WOW, I was really happy & more relaxed! So many names... well, no I lied just the few names that I saw I just didn't remember, except the few I kept in touch with & then I met this really nice woman that helped me with my blog & wrote to me to me & stuff making me feel more comfortable. Man, I was gone for 2 yrs. & I thought what the heck was I doin' for 2 yrs. & then I remembered I didn't want to remember & then all I had to do was move. Some day I'll tell ya about it, but I'll tell you this baby your back! Don't let anything to happen to it. I've had "3" operations now & the last one was the worse because I had a quack!!! Not sure if I have your email or I'd fill you in on names & what's been going down, but now that I think about it I'd probably only bore you! Well, I'm glad to be back. Slowly many old friends are comin' to see me. My only shame is I forgot a lot on blogging, but my new friend Sandy has been helping me a lot. She's a peach! Okay, I'll be back & fill you in on the juicy stuff. This movie you're talking about with Nicholas Cage... he's the worse actor in the whole world as far as I'm concerned, but there was a movie that he played an angel I believe & I saw that one... I have to say it wasn't all that bad (nothing to write home to mother about, but not all that bad). Well, I'm writing a book here bahahahahahaha I'll be back soon. I'm only blogging on Mon, Tues & Wednesday if you wanna stop by & see how bad or how semi bad I'm doin'! hahahaha Glad to see old friends don't forget ya!!! BIG HEY TO THE FAMILY MY FRIEND & SO YOU READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY OR MAYBE WRITE ONE????? :)

XmasDolly said...

Oh, before I go real short & not-so-sweet! I found out tonight that... well, wait let me back up a tad. Every time I wanted to get my email I had to call in for a new password (every single time). I found out why finally! Seems that there was six (6) other people using my email (I took out all the swear words hehehe), CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? TALK ABOUT GETTIN' HACKED!!! I'M STILL HAVING THE COMPANY CHECK OUT MY COMPUTER & MY EMAIL IS FINALLY MINE AGAIN! SHEESH! So be careful my friend! Have a good day!

Blue Grumpster said...

Finally, a role that requires Cage to suck!

Hahaha you sure made me laugh, Alex. Thank you for that.

Have a great weekend,


J.L. Campbell said...

Congrats on all you've achieved. It's like that for many of us, starting out young then not writing for years and coming back to it. Guess we'll see where you go next in terms of novels. said...

Who could blame Shazam? I had the hots for Wonder Woman too.

Hi, Alex.
I hope you're well.
Excuse me for being so delayed these days.
Have a great week.

DMS said...

Paint sounds very intriguing. I hadn't heard of it yet- but now I would like to see it.

I have always written- but when I wrote my first book I had no idea what would happen. It was definitely a long and winding road and I have learned a lot since!


The Happy Whisk said...

I am looking forward to the movie though I could skip the pea soup! Love that you kept your first book in a drawer. I have mine too, it's a book that I dust off every now and again though haven't done anything with that one. That was fiction. What I'm working on these days is non-fiction.

Truedessa said...

Alex, I absolutely would love it if you expanded on Dragon of the Stars! You know I am a huge fan.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've been hearing good things about D&D. When hubby is well enough, we'll have to see it.

Deniz Bevan said...

I love the idea of more stories set in your world!

I can co-host in July if spotsjavascript:void(0) haven't filled up yet! :-)

Janet Alcorn said...

Hey, I tried to leave a comment awhile back but it looks like it never showed up. I'd be glad to co-host anytime from June onward if you still need people.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You wrote your first book at thirteen? Wow, that's impressive even if it doesn't hold up with time. I think I did my first 100 pages or so when I was seventeen. So, four years later than you. Did you type it on a typewriter? I'm impressed.

MPax has my sympathies. Man...breast cancer...that's tough. I hope she pulls through this.

Al Penwasser said...

I remember my first book, "The Knothead Twins and the Mystery of the Ghost Crabs." It was more of a story for my then-12 year old daughter than anything else. I liked it, mind you, but my first "real" book was "Shag Carpet Toilet." My last book was last year's "Tony the Pony," with a next one in the works. Since they all kind of suck, I haven't quit my day job as a "Monetary Exchange Specialist" (cashier) at Ace Hardware. Since I'm officially retired, I only work 15 hours a week, though (I'm not a masochist, you know).

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

Good collection of movies on your list. "Big George Foreman"--that man was intriguing enough the movie could be excellent.