Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Special Friends, Series to Watch, and February Movie Preview

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the February 1 posting of the IWSG are Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Gwen Gardner!

February 1 question - If you are an Indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover?

My publisher will touch base with me to get a better description of a scene they are considering for the cover. Then I just wait and see what they design. And I’ve yet to be disappointed!

And thanks to everyone who participated or spread the word about #IWSGPit on January 25 – we were trending! (And trending so well, we were getting spammed with a ton of ads.)
If you participated and end up with requests or even a contract, let us know.

On February 1, WEP is back, better, bigger, bolder. We’re in our eleventh year, so Team WEP has learned what writers want.  If you’re a writer who practises your skills on a regular basis –- likes to try out your WIP -  get feedback on your writing - win an editing prize from professionals - be included in a book of the best of WEP writing, be part of a supportive online writing community -- WEP is for you.

This year our bi-monthly prompts are based on movies – so we give you the Year of Movies. We have a Challenges 2023 page packed with creative ideas.

Posting for this challenge is February 15 - 17.

Check out our new-look website here!

Special Friends!

My special friend, Robyn Alana Engel sent me a case of Hot Tamales and a wonderful note. She says her word of the year is gratitude, and I am certainly grateful for a friend like her. (Be sure to pick up one of her books.) She definitely rocks!

And no, these Hot Tamales will not last the year.

What to Watch

The Rig

A strange fog rolls in on a remote Scottish oil rig and crazy stuff ensues.
This one has great characters. A couple of them you really hope will make it to the end.
It does have a couple issues and missteps, but the storyline is still good and enjoyable.
If you like science fiction weird with a Scottish accent, this is the series for you.  Streaming on Amazon Prime.

Battlebots: Champions Tournament

Yes! More Battlebots. Battles with some of the best bots on the circuit.
The funny thing about Battlebots is when it ends, you just want more Battlebots.
Season ends soon so jump on this one quick!

February Movie Preview

Here are the theatrical releases for February. Descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

17 –

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
Director: Peyton Reed
Stars: Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Jonathan Majors, Michelle Pfeiffer, Michael Douglas
Scott Lang and Hope Van Dyne, along with Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, explore the Quantum Realm, where they interact with strange creatures and embark on an adventure that goes beyond the limits of what they thought was possible.
They’re doing a movie based on an album by The Who? Oh wait, that’s Quadrophenia. (That one’s for the Boomers.)

24 –

Cocaine Bear
Director: Elizabeth Banks
Stars: Ray Liotta, Keri Russell, Margo Martindale
An oddball group of cops, criminals, tourists, and teens converge in a Georgia forest where a 500-pound black bear goes on a murderous rampage after unintentionally ingesting cocaine.
This will be a trilogy, followed by Crack Squirrel and Meth Badger.

Do you work on your own covers or have input? Did you participate in #IWSGPit? Watching either show? Either movie rock your boat?


Shannon Lawrence said...

I hadn't heard of The Rig, but will have to check it out. And not gonna' lie, I will probably watch Cocaine Bear, haha. I like a cheesy horror film!

Kyra Lennon said...

I don't make my own covers anymore, and with my publisher, I had quite a lot of input into what they gave me, which was good!

I am SO excited for Ant Man!!

Ray Rousell said...

I started watching The Rig last night, I shall reserve any comments until I've finished watching it??? Gotta say I'm really looking forward to "Meth Badger" coming out, lol!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I'd be interested in watching Cocaine Bear because it is the final film performance by tough guy Ray Liotta before his death, and because it has two stars of the excellent series The Americans, namely Keri Russell and busy actress Margo Martindale. The latter keeps popping up in things I watch. Most recently, she played feminist leader Bella Abzug in Mrs. America, the bio about ERA opponent Phyllis Schlafly.

Happy First Wednesday, good buddy Alex!

Liza said...

Happy IWSG day, Alex. Thanks for the reviews.

Lynn La Vita said...

One of the many things I admire about IWSG, is the leadership, devoted staff and participants. Programs remain fresh and changes made with the writer in mind. WEP and #IWSGPit are good examples.

Lynn La Vita

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Thank you for always posting helpful and interesting content!!!

Covers: I would prefer to hire.


Jennifer Lane said...

Good to have supportive friends! I have to say that those movies don't look very appealing to me--hope there are some great ones in the bunch.

Nancy Gideon said...

I LOVED the Rig (I'd seen a older treatment of it a few years ago and this one was well worth the watching. Not perfect but perfect for its atmosphere. It touched on all my greatest fears - deep water, confined places, and paranoia.

Natalie Aguirre said...

Glad you always like your covers. I'll have to check out the Rig since you and so many others really liked it.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I participated for the first time in the pitch. It was fun, and I made some friends, which is also wonderful. The amount of tweets was amazing.

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Think I'll re-watch Wednesday :-)

Ronel visiting for IWSG day Strategies to Be a Successful Author

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, and it looks cheesy!

Ray, it gets weirder...

Shady, I know, I still can't believe Liotta is gone.

Thanks, Lynn!

Joylene, glad you participated.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Your comment on Cocaine Bear totally cracked me up! Too funny! :)

Bish Denham said...

Cocaine Bear? With all the excellent novels out there can't Hollywood come up with SOMEthing better than that? Had to laugh at the Boomer comment since I are one!

Leigh Caron said...

Thanks always for your reviews. I probably would never have stumbled on The Rig...but think I'll check it out. And now I'm curious about Cocaine Bear. Your trilogy line was too funny. re: book cover...I hired a designer on Fiverr. BTW...your book covers are always

PT Dilloway said...

I usually make my covers because it's cheaper but for A Hero's Journey (Tales of the Scarlet Knight #1) my Goodreads buddy Rusty Webb drew something for me. For my Chances Are series I originally used stock silhouettes but later paid my Facebook "friend" Al Sirois to redo them so they look more natural.

"Quantumania" is a dumb title but I guess that hid the Kang angle until they had an actual trailer made up.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'll admit "Cocaine Bear" sounded dumb but the trailer has made me interested. It looks like it might be funny.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Your covers are all great!

Jan Morrison said...

Hi Alex - well, so far I only have one cover so not a great sample! My process with my publisher was good. I submitted ideas because I'm a photographer and a bit of an artist and he ignored me completely but asked if I had a photo of a crooked knife (my book is The Crooked Knife) so I took one and the cover their artist put together was fantastic. I love it - who knows what they'll come up with for the next one but I have to finish it first.

A Hundred Quills said...

Hi Alex! Thank you for the reviews and suggestions. You're lucky that your publisher gets the drift of what you'd like on the cover. Nothing like a publisher who understands your thoughts.

Lidy said...

I usually create my own temporary book covers. For my poetry chapbook I had the cover update by a designer found on Fiverr. They took my input and created a more than satisfying new cover.

I'm looking forward to the third Antman movie the most. The graphics from the trailer look amazing.

Diane Burton said...

I started watching The Rig, thought it was creepy, and didn't go on. Maybe I should give it another try. Battlebots. LOL That's Hubs' fav. Probably the engineering geek in him.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'm glad you like your covers.

Ant-Man should be fun.

cleemckenzie said...

I've been hunting for something new to watch. The Rig sounds like it could be it. Thanks.

diedre Knight said...

Howdy, Captain!

I thought it was a type-O at first; Ray Liotta? I guess movie production takes a while. Sure miss Ray though... I think I'd watch The Rig and the bear ;-) The "Georgia forest" setting already lends a sense of intrigue.
Have a fantastic month!

Truedessa said...

The rig sounds interesting but I don’t have Amazon Prime. Cocaine bear is too out there for me. I’d feel bad for the bear as he doesn’t understand what is going on. Sigh…

Your covers are always nicely done. Nice of Robyn to send you a gift.

Have a nice week!

Beth Camp said...

Great to have covers made by your publisher! Happy IWSG Day!

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, this time I didn't take part in IWSGPit as I didn't have any manuscript/s ready. Its so nice when our publishers don't disappoint us regarding our book covers.

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I wouldn't mind checking out The Rig if I had Amazon Prime. Cocaine Bear sounds like it might be a bit too cheesy. The only thing about it that appeals to me is that it's in an indication that there are directors out there who are willing to try different things even if the movie may go be rated or lower.

Loni Townsend said...

Ha. I love your comments on the movies/shows.

Your covers seem very fitting for your stories. That works out nicely!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Hey, I love Quadrophenia! And I'm definitely not a boomer.

It's the album where "Love Reign O'er Me" comes from, arguably one of the Who's best tracks (and that's saying something!)

Patricia JL said...

I've designed some of my own covers and hired out. It depends on if I can find the right image and I feel my skills are good enough to attempt it. Being Im' artsy, I have a lot of fun playing in graphic design as it's just another medium to learn.

J.Q. Rose said...

Yes, I think your publisher's book covers are intriguing and attract the reader's eye to check out your stories.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I'll check out The Rig and I'm going to see the new Ant Man. Cocaine Bear sounds like one of those movies they make for SyFy channel like Sharknado.

Elephant's Child said...

I am glad that your publishers covers suit you (as they do your books).
Robyn certainly is special.

Steph W. said...

Glad you love your publisher! :) The new WEP site does look nice!

talklady said...

Ha! Your succinct movie reviews cracked me up, but neither one would be one of my choices. Gotta see the Oscar noms!

And, my husband loves Battle Bots -

Tyrean Martinson said...

I like working on covers. I'm definitely going to watch Quantumania.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Madeline, I am here to amuse!

Bish, I knew someone would relate.

PT, good 'ole Rusty...

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Diane, good for your husband.

CD, good for you for knowing the album.

Susan, exactly!

Jemi Fraser said...

I've only made one cover. Loved the process and learning the tools, but I don't have the time or the talent to do my own :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I am an indie writer, but I do not make my own covers. I learned early on that my talent is not in that arena. Even my initial ideas don't pan out. But I adore my awesome cover designer. She's amazing.

J E Oneil said...

The internet will not shut up about Cocaine Bear. I think the sequel's going to be Cocaine Shark.

Liz A. said...

Everything's better with a Scottish accent. (Although, subtitles help with the understanding...) said...

Woohoo, the tower of Tamales are towering over that little warrior.
I'm smiling and grateful back and forth pleasure, Alex. You've been a wonderful friend. And thanks for the book promotion too.
Enjoy all 12 packs!

Meka James said...

I saw the trailer for Cocaine Bear. It looks like it's gonna be a ridiculous movie. But also the claim it's based off true events. Can't wait to see what the reviews are for it.

Gwen Gardner said...

Oh man, Hot Tamales are my favorite! That is a good friend.

Thanks for all you do, Alex!

Sarah Foster said...

I'll probably watch the new Ant-Man when it goes to streaming. I just haven't been motivated to see most of the Marvel movies in the theater lately.

Rhonda Albom said...

WEP looks pretty amazing and a great way for me to get back into more fiction. I will read it all in detail first. But what really jumped out at me was Hot Tamales. They don't sell them in New Zealand. It one of the first things I buy when I go back to the states for a visit. Enjoy!

Sandra Cox said...

What a wonderful surprise from Robyn. Just makes one's day doesn't it?

Arlee Bird said...

I'm back on the blogs to a limited extent and trying to catch up.

The "Cocaine Bear" movie looks interesting from the clips I've seen. I'll be looking out for that one.


Mary Kirkland said...

I watched the first season of The Rig when I saw people talking about it on Twitter. It was so good. I sure hope there will be more seasons for it.

Denise Covey said...

Hey Alex, thanks for adding our ad for WEP! Awesome. I don't know what Hot Tamales are, but they sound hot and Mexican??? It's great to get some thanks for what you do and you're a great supporter of this little corner of the blogosphere.

Olga Godim said...

It looks like they only make speculative fiction movies now. What about quieter stories? Do they go straight to streaming? Are they being made at all?

Fundy Blue said...

I just realized that I hadn't written a comment on your post. OMG, I have to check out The Rig when I get home. This was made for me. I didn't get around to as many blogs as I hope to on IWSD Day in Dec. and Jan. I just read the tragic news about Ken (Hogwarts...). Do you know anything about how he's doing? His post was heartbreaking.

S.E. White Books said...

The Mist, but re-done on an oil rig? That sounds nice and terrifying, sign me right up! I think I'll miss Cocaine Bear though. Crack Squirrel might have more going for it (also, LOL).

Tonja Drecker said...

Battlebots is more my thing. How nice for Robyn to send treats!

Erika Beebe said...

I'd love to see Michelle Pfeiffer in a movie again. I'm game for Ant-Man.

Birgit said...

I'm not following the movie poster thing...maybe my blondeness is showing. I would want input on my covers. I would like to see Ant Man but the cocaine bear? Nah...poor bear.

Deniz Bevan said...

Ooh, The Rig looks fascinating!

Really excited for WEP this year!

Annalisa Crawford said...

I love the excitement which rises just before you open the email with your latest cover attached. Publishers know what works best for their books, so they'll always do a great job.

PS. My browser is still blocking your website, but I built up the courage to overrule it and I haven't blown up yet, so I think it's safe!

Annalisa Crawford said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - Ant-Man ad is on the side of our buses! Interesting and totally useless fact - I won't be going ... but off to see other movies and our art gallery cinema is showing Exhibition Art films ... so far Frida Kahlo, Monet tomorrow and Hockney in March - gets my brain going.

I'm so pleased WEP has such a big highlight - I love the opportunity they provide ... so here's to entries in 2023 ... cheers Hilary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JE, good one!

Liz, we watched it with subtitles.

Thanks again, Robyn! And two of those are already gone...

Rhonda, that is terrible!

Sandra, yes it does.

Mary, considering where they left it, yes!

Denise, you're welcome, and Rhonda in New Zealand says she can't get them there, either. Yes, they are like Red Hots.

Olga, they are, I just don't usually feature them.

Louise, he's hanging in there last I heard.

Annalisa, good to hear!

Jean Davis said...

Sounds like you have a great publisher to work with. Your covers are wonderful and fit your genre well.

Battlebots, wow, haven't thought of those in a long time. My son used to love that.

Carrie-Anne said...

I learnt my lesson about making my own covers by hand. The two I did just didn't look professional, and I'm glad I replaced them with professional artwork. There's a reason we seek out trained, experienced people when we need help. Even doctors don't do their own medical treatment.

Joanne said...

Robyn is the best, isn't she?! As for movies - thanks says a boomer - good chuckle because that had already been in my head. And yes, I like Paul Rudd, so will probably see it in theater. Cocaine Bear - the snark just writes itself on that one. Happy February! Brrrr. Grouchy Groundhog coming right up.

Juneta key said...

I have made my covers before but will hire out for new series.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Not sure about the new Ant-Man movie. I'll likely go watch it anyway ;)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jean, thanks!

Carrie-Anne, very true!

G. B. Miller said...

I have a graphic designer that I use for my book covers, and they do a very good idea of fleshing out the concept I want for a cover.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Lots to see!

Susan Kane said...

The Rig is exactly what my beloved would enjoy. Scottish accents take some working through. Have you ever seen "Shetland"?

Nilanjana Bose said...

Great to see WEP featured here! Thank you.

Your covers are neat.

J Lenni Dorner said...

Taking a short break from my project to say hello.
Nope, haven't seen any of those.
Did watch Surrogates (2009 movie). It was really interesting. When a good idea goes bad.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for another great hop.
I absolutely love your comments on Cocaine Bear.

Blue Grumpster said...

Cocaine Bear will be... a trilogy? I know it's based on a true story but... a trilogy? Just when you thought you'd seen it all, Alex.

Hope you're doing fine,

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, no I haven't.

Toi, thanks!

Victoria Marie Lees said...

My daughter likes the Antman stuff. She's going to see the Quantumania. Always learn something new here, Alex. You are lucky to have input on your novel covers and to like them. All best to you, sir!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Using Gone with the Wind is a tough one because the Pulitzer Prize book was so much more indepth than the film, long as it was. Scarlet, especially, comes across much colder and unlikeable than the book woman.

Sandra Cox said...

The Rig sounds entertaining.
Have a great one.

mail4rosey said...

Cocaine Bear is what Ray Liotta was working on before he passed? My first to hear of the movie, and I was just surprised to see his name on there. Teen wants to see the new Avatar movie but only because he wants the IMax experience. We'll see. It's an hour drive to get there.

SpacerGuy said...

I've been on the hunt for a good movie and the Rig looks like its got a nice plot which maybe Scotty might understand, yeah? It is Scotland and thats another land worth exploring and why with the Rig boldly going on Amazon? Its got my thumbs up!

Yolanda Renée said...

Thanks for shouting out for the WEP! We're all looking forward to a great writing year.
As for covers, I learned the hard way, hire the job out! :)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

"crack squirrel' LOL

Sandra Cox said...

Crack Squirrel and Meth Badger.Heh.