Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, In Honor of Jo Wake, and New Releases

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the February 3 posting of the IWSG are Louise - Fundy Blue , Jennifer Lane, Mary Aalgaard, Patsy Collins at Womagwriter, and Nancy Gideon!

February 3 question - Blogging is often more than just sharing stories. It’s often the start of special friendships and relationships. Have you made any friends through the blogosphere?

Have I made any friends? Hundreds! Some very special to me. And it was a total surprise when I began blogging in 2009. I had no idea I would come across so many friendly, giving, and amazing people. I met a few in the beginning, the through the A to Z Challenge, I met a ton more. Blogfests and platform building exercises brought more. Then the IWSG. And of course the early A to Z admins and all of the IWSG admins became great friends. I won't start naming people because we'd be here all day...

Thanks to all of you for caring and being a friend. You all rock!

In Honor of Jo Wake

On February 3, share a recipe that brings them warm memories of friendship and love in honor of blogger Josephine “Jo” Wake at Jo on Food, Life, and a Scent of Chocolate. who passed away December 16, 2020.

Jo was a dear friend for many years and one of the Dragon Fellowship, a special, private group founded by Father Dragon. We called her Grandmother Dragon and the group feels so empty without her.

Jo loved her asparagus. She would go out of her way to get it while in season and prepared it hundreds of ways.

Unfortunately, I really don’t like asparagus. But there is a special dish that speaks love and fond childhood memories to me.

Christmas Tree Spritz Cookies

My mother makes those cookies every year for Christmas and has since I can remember. She sends them to me now when she feels up to making them. They are pure Christmas Heaven.

I don’t have the recipe, but I found one at the Semisweet Sisters. (Photo credit also Semisweet Sisters.)

Join us and share your friendship and love recipe.

New Releases

From fellow Dancing Lemur Press author -
The Window by Dave Cole

A dark window to the future…
Everything changed the day Brian Bingham looked out the attic window and saw something that wouldn't happen for another week. Through a mysterious window no one else can see, Brian gains a portal into the future. But the future is not always something he wants to see.
Brian has enough troubles in the present without worrying about the future. His parents are constantly fighting, his grades are plummeting, and his new relationship with Charlotte, a girl way out of his league, is in jeopardy.
When the window reveals his best friend's brutal death, Brian’s world is turned upside down. He must find a way to change the future…or die trying.

$13.95, 6x9 trade paperback, 170 pages
Print ISBN 9781939844767 / EBook ISBN 9781939844774
Young Adult – Paranormal (YAF045000) / Contemporary Fantasy (YAF019010) / Horror (YAF026000)
Find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Goodreads

Flight to Fez by Sean McLachlan

Only in Tangier could a literary event turn into a murder scene.
I’m “Shorty” MacAllister, private detective. I’ve investigated all sorts of crazy cases in this lawless town, tracking down con men and Nazi fugitives, anarchists and bank robbers, all the while running my own secret angle.
But I never thought that when I went to hear my friend Jane Bowles read her latest story I’d end with a murdered man in my lap, and an old war buddy getting pinned with the crime.
After that, things got a whole lot more complicated.

Find it on Amazon

How many friends have you made in the blogging world? Did you know Jo Wake? Is there a special recipe that reminds you of family or friends? Want to see the future in The Window?

Elephant’s Child posts weekly writing word prompts and this month, I got to supply four weeks’ worth of words! Give yourself a fun challenge and check it out.

I’ll be back on February 8 with some show and movie reviews.


Shannon Lawrence said...

I definitely feel lucky to have been part of the A to Z and IWSG blog families. Congratulations to those with new releases!

nashvillecats2 said...

I well remember that first A to Z Alex..... still going strong.
I have some fine friends through blogging.

Sad to hear about Jo.

Have a good month and take care.

Pat Garcia said...

Hi Alex,
I became aware of the IWSG through A to Z, and I am glad that I joined this fine group of bloggers. It has blessed my life.

Congrats also to the two new releases.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

G. B. Miller said...

I've made a few in the blogging world. Most have disappeared and few have transitioned to Facebook, where the friendship continues. One made it to the real world and lasted about a decade before sadly ending on a sour note.

Not sure how/when I became aware of IWSG, but the times that I've been a part of the blog hop it's been a blast.

Patsy said...

I've made lots of blogging friends. Although we've never met and perhaps never will, I think of you as being a writing friend.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - love the idea of those Christmas cookies ... and I'm certain Jo would have loved them and the sentiment: such a sad parting ... but we were lucky to share her for as many years as we had that pleasure.

Blogging friends have certainly given me much more than I thought would happen - I've met a few ... and they've kept me positive and inspired, while I've battled life back here - not things I write about. Looking forward to the 15th and more movie reviews etc ... All the best - Hilary

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I didn't know Jo Wake, but it was kind of you to remember her in this morning's post. In twelve years of blogging, I have gained and lost many followers, but have retained a handful of genuine friends. For that I am thankful. The concept of being able to peer into the future is nothing new, yet I am always interested in well told stories dealing with the power, in books and on the screen. On The Flash, Cisco Ramon as a metahuman, code name Vibe, sees far into the future. On The Tick (second series) Dot Everest sees events that are about to happen only seconds into the future, giving her just enough time to react and, if necessary, take evasive action.

Enjoy the rest of your week, good buddy Alex!

Annalisa Crawford said...

When I first started blogging, you were this superstar blogger who everyone needed to follow, Alex. (Did you ever get that vibe?) I was so excited when you first replied to one of my comments.

Congrats to the authors on their new releases.

Liza said...

Hi Alex! You get so much credit for so many of the relationships people have nurtured over the years. YOU rock! The cookies look great. I make gingersnaps, a recipe out of my aunt's collection and when I eat them, they conjure up my grandparents.

Lynn La Vita said...

Hi Alex,
Thanks to my dear friend Joylene, I joined IWSG. Through our monthly blog hops, I've developed friendships around the world. Thanks to your leadership style, we are closer together.

Jo must have been a very special person, even if she loved asparagus. (LOL) Thank you for sharing her unique culinary interest.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I didn't know Jo, but I can see that she means a lot to the bloggers I've visited. What a great thing.

You are an inspiration, Alex, to so many. Thank you for starting the IWSG once a month event. It's been a writer's lifeline.


Cathrina Constantine said...

I'd be nowhere without the IWSG and all the wonderful friends I have become acquainted with.

Thank you Alex for all that you have done, and all that you continue to do, to make this fantastic group stick together, support, and help one another.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Those cookies look delicious!

And thanks so much for being such a wonderful, warm, supportive part of the blogging community.

Joanne said...

Lots of tributes to Jo - I wish I had known about her. She sounds wonderful. You are a blog star and I'm glad I "met" you in blog world. It is a nice community of writers.

CAAC said...


I'm sorry to read about the loss of a good bloggy friend in December. Had I known ahead of time then I would've included a recipe in today's post. I certainly will check out the cookie recipe you shared, though. I committed myself to making 12 Months of Cookies this year with the hopes of making a new-to-me recipe for DH.

Like you, I've made many friends in the blogging community and some I consider close friends. The A to Z Challenge especially introduced me to a lot of them.

I didn't know if I should join your linky party since it mentions recipe shares and at the risk of not disappointing anyone I did not add mine. Instead I will include it in my signature. My post title doesn't have the IWSG hash tag but I begin with this month's prompt and I added the recognizable IWSG button in my post. Thanks for hosting, my friend!

Curious as a Cathy

Jennifer Lane said...

What a lovely tribute to Jo. Congrats to Sean and Dave on their new releases!

Jemi Fraser said...

I love asparagus! Roasted with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar and some Feta cheese - delicious!
Congrats to Dave & Sean!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shannon, we're grateful you're a part of both families.

Yvonne, I also remember!

Pat, that's great to hear.

GB, hope you rejoin us some day.

Patsy, same here!

Annalisa, wow! What an honor.

Thanks, Liza.

Lynn, we're glad you joined us.

Teresa, thank you - it's the writers that keep it going.

Cathrina, thank you!

Elizabeth, appreciate it.

Joanne, glad I met you.

Cathy, that works!

Bish Denham said...

Yes... so many wonderful friends have been made in the blogging sphere. I didn't know Jo but I know what it feels like to lose a good blogging friend. ((hugs)) to you and all who were friends with her.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

So many friends over the years. I'm thankful for those who are still around.

Thanks for featuring Dave's book today.

Rachna Chhabria said...

If you were to start naming your friends we would be here till the next IWSG day :)

The cookies look awesome. Alex, hope you don't mind I ate one ;)

Mary Aalgaard said...

Your blog is the hub of friendship. Thanks for making so many connections and your support.

Mary at Play off the Page

Leigh Caron said...

Alex, me even being on this forum is because of you. Can't remember how I found your blog...but here I am and for many years. You always comment on my posts...and often (which I don't know how you manage it) you're the first one. You've helped so many people. And I'm going to try your mom's cookie recipe. I'm always looking for new ones, and if you love them I'm sure my family will too. And me! Gracias

Erika Beebe said...

Those cookies look Devine! Happy IWSG day and congrats to the authors :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm so glad you had the brilliant inspiration to start the IWSG. I've met so many friends here and gotten so much support when I needed it. And it gives me a great avenue to help other writer, which is my real mission in my blogging. Thank you so much for that Alex. I really appreciate you.

Nick Wilford said...

Through creating the IWSG you've brought so many people together in firm friendships too. Thanks for that.

Nice to see the tribute to Jo and the cookies look yummy.

Chemist Ken said...

I'm still toying with the idea of doing A-Z, even after all this time. Don't hold your breath, though. I'm most thankful for your efforts to put IWSG together in the first place, Alex. I'll be forever indebted to you.

P.S. I don't like asparagus either. Yuck!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

The time seems to have passed so quickly. Just yesterday...

It's been wonderful getting to know you, Alex. You're a legend, and I'm proud to be associated with you.

kaykuala said...

It is a privilege to be participating in the A to Z since 2015 Humbled and honoured to have been given the 'You Rock Award' in May 2016.Really glad to have found you Alex.


Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I was thrilled to be one of your Minions for an A-Z Challenge! How many moons ago now? Sheesh! :)

Gwen Gardner said...

I didn't know Jo but now wish I had. So nice that the community is doing something in her honor.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks for hosting another great hop. It has been a wonderful place to make friends.
What a lovely tribute to Jo Wake. I like the idea of sharing recipes. In 2020, my mom taught me and my sister her cornbread stuffing recipe via Facetime to make up for the fact that we couldn't all be together.
The Window sounds like a good read.

Nancy Gideon said...

Alex, you are the biggest cheerleader a writer could have! You and IWSG friends have lifted me up so many more times than I can count.

Fundy Blue said...

What a loving tribute to your friend, Jo, Alex! I'll check out your family cookies. Dave's book is a good one. Enjoy today!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Flight to Fez sounds like my kind of story!

Yes, I've made some great friends through blogging, many because of the A to Z challenge. You're a great and loyal anchor for many of us, Alex.

Ellen Jacobson said...

Such a lovely tribute to Jo and those Christmas cookies look delish! Congrats to those wit new releases :)

Birgit said...

I have to write up tribute to Jo who was a true sweetheart and who loved her asparagus and I would lovingly say “blechh”. She would always laugh. I thought this was on Feb. 6th so I am late but will give a tribute. I have made many blogging friends with my cards and meeting you, Alex. You opened the door to so many wonderful bloggers because you gently nudged me to read more on the IWSG and I joined the A to Z Challenge and met even more. I have met one who came to Canada, from Scotland, for a vacation and we were their tourist guides to Niagara Falls and travelled long the gorge to Niagara On The Lake. We even showed them the famous Welland Canal and locks.

cleemckenzie said...

Friends make the difference. That's for sure.

Sadira Stone said...

I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear friend. IWSG has been a great way to connect with writers. Though we write in different forms and genres, it's amazing how much we have in common. Thanks for all you do for all of us!

Chrys Fey said...

I like spritz cookies. :)

Congrats to those with recent releases!

Elephant's Child said...

You have found good friends in the blogosphere because you ARE a good friend. And a support to many. Thank you for this tribute to Jo. So very much.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Diane' you're welcome!

Rachna, exactly! And help yourself.

Thanks, Mary.

Leigh, appreciate that!

Natalie, you excel in your mission.

Ken, you're welcome.

Joylene, thanks.

Hank, you do rock!

Madeline, like a lifetime ago.

Toi, that's sweet.

Nancy, thank you!

Birgit, that's awesome. And no worries if you are a little late.

Steph W. said...

I want to repeat @Elephant's Child. You have been a great resource for so many and I appreciate the hard work you do to make us all feel welcome.

Sherry Ellis said...

I am so sorry about Jo.

You have been a great blogger friend to so many of us, Alex. Thank you!

Carol Kilgore said...

I did not know Jo Wake, but I know how much she's missed by her family and friends. Wishing everyone a safe and happy February.

Arlee Bird said...

Blogfests have been the best way of meeting up with other bloggers. I didn't have much idea of how blogging worked until I started socially interacting through blogging events. Great way to become part of a larger community of blogging.

Sad about Jo's passing. She was among my earliest blogging contacts.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Yolanda Renée said...

Not sure I'd want to look in that window, but how could I not!

Loved Jo, such a fine, wonderful lady!

Blogging was a real blessing, find you and the IWSG even more so!

S.E. White Books said...

Spritz cookies are a classic! And for good reason. They're so buttery & yummy. Great choice to honor Jo.

Al Diaz said...

Once I started cleaning the spiderwebs from the Dragon Cave, a parade of memories came to my mind from the early years of blogging, including the first A to Z Challenge I did. So many people I met and of course those who became so very dear friends, like you.
Your recipe made me smile. I just picture a Captain Ninja bouncing of joy when receiving Ninja Mom's cookies.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I've made a lot of friend blogging to and one has become a close friend.

Spritz cookies are the best. (I don't care for asparagus either.) Lovely tribute.

J E Oneil said...

I don't know where else to meet writers if not online. :)

Lisa said...

I feel the emptiness as well of Jo's passing. I miss her sass. Congratulations to all the new releases here! I love hearing about them. I also love the new friends I have thanks to you and Arlee over at ABC Blogging. What great communities these are.

PJ Colando said...

Though I didn't know Jo Wake, I am honored to provide a recipe on her behalf. It's a very special recipe for me, one that the friend mentioned in the story with recipe is making it for me on Sunday, my birthday!

Love this support group blog hop- Thanks, as ever, Ninja Captain!

Stacy McKitrick said...

I guess I've made a few friends through blogging. Found my cover artist that way, too. But a lot of the blogs I followed when I started just aren't around anymore.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Christmas tree cookies - yum!
I do like asparagus steamed with butter, but then, is it the butter I like?

Congrats to all for the new books!

Anonymous said...

Being a part of the IWSG community has been such a blessing in my life. I've made many good friends here that have enriched my life in so many ways.

Both books look like great reads. As for seeing the future in The Window? I've got all I can do to take care of today's cares, so I'll pass. :-D

Liz A. said...

If my life turned into a drinking game, one would take a drink every time I say, "According to this blogger I follow...". As for The Window, that sounds a lot like an idea I had years ago. I never did write it, though. (And I definitely wouldn't have written that book.) I may have to check it out.

Carrie-Anne said...

A lot of blogging friends I had in the first half of the 2010s have now sadly stopped blogging, or only rarely do it anymore. It seems like a whole new crew has taken their place.

Though I now only eat mushroom gravy instead of meat gravy, and I make my mashed potatoes with coconut milk and olive oil instead of butter and dairy milk, mashed potatoes and gravy always make me think of my late paternal grandparents' late Sunday lunches.

Olga Godim said...

I have been a part of IWSG since 2014 (gosh, seven years already?), and it brought structure to my blogging and many interesting people to my life. I've never participated in A to Z, but I plan to this year. Thank you, Alex.

Loni Townsend said...

I never got to know Jo Wake, but it's wonderful to see everyone remembering her online. That's the best part of the internet--being able to connect with other people who you wouldn't normally meet.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex.
What a really nice tribute for Jo Wake. Well done, sir.

I have great blog friends!!


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The blogsphere is so full of open, friendly and helpful people. I do love the community.

Pat Hatt said...

Sure lots of great bloggers and many friendships along the way that I never thought would happen. Cookies are very festive indeed.

Sandra Cox said...

Aww. So nice of you to share your memories of Jo and include a recipe. I wish I'd known her.

Jenni said...

Spritz was a tradition in my house growing up too. Supposedly it comes from my Swedish great-great grandparents. What a nice tribute to Jo.
So thankful for all the wonderful people I've met through ISWG too.
I was happily surprised by this community when I first started blogging.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I think the A to Z really flung me into the blogging world and through it, I met so many people. I wouldn't have time or energy for it now, but found memories remain.

Jeff Hargett said...

Alex, thanks to you and the others for orchestrating this remembrance for Jo. I know she thought the world of you and the rest of the Dragon Fellowship. What can I say? She had good taste (asparagus notwithstanding).

mshatch said...

I've made quite a few friends through blogging and met my awesome critique partners. We meet virtually every Monday which has helped keep me accountable! And I do not want to see the future in the window, although it would be tempting. said...

I have made several friendships because of IWSG, you included. Thank you for everything you've built for all of us.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Steph and Sherry, thanks!

Lee, great way to connect.

Al, he almost does bounce!

PJ, happy birthday early.

Liz, that's funny.

Jeff, you said it.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone!

Michael Di Gesu said...

HI Alex,

We ALL certainly made life-long friends through blogging. I started a year after you and have forged so many wonderful friendships. I may not be around as much, but you are ALL in my heart. I just posted my recipe for JO...I thought the blogfest was on Friday... Anyway, I posted my wonderful biscotti cookie recipe in her honor... yes, she is greatly missed...

Sarah Brentyn said...

I'm so sorry to hear of your friend, Jo. Friendships made through blogging can have as strong a bond as those IRL and it's lovely of you to honor her.

Today I wrote my very first IWSG post. Hard to believe since I've known about the group for years and have been threatening to join almost every month. Well, it's good to be here. Thank you for hosting this and I look forward to many more link-ups.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Hi Alex! Well doesn't it figure that you're one of my blogger friends who popped by today. Great to see you, and great to see so many familiar names and faces on your blog! I think you were meant to blog, and meant to meet so many people!

Kalpana said...

I found this month's IWSG prompt absolutely lovely because blogging friends are special friends. The idea to post a recipe in memory of Jo Wake is beautiful. I didn't know her but I wish I had.

Blue Grumpster said...

I've "met" quite a few people through blogging. I bet you know them all haha. And I don't care if it's only one person reading my blue posts or a whopping... 10.

Thanks for always stopping by, Alex. It's much appreciated.

Emma L Gill said...

I loved blog-hopping this month to read about everyone's journey of meeting people online. Though I didn't know Jo, I've shared a recipe as well. Those Christmas Spritz Cookies look amazing - who knew that green food colouring actually came out okay after baking!

Thank you for the IWSG, too. I've been meeting some lovely people in this group since joining in September. :)

Diane Burton said...

I feel blessed by all the friends I've made in this group. Thank you so much for starting it and keeping it going.

Andrew Leon said...

I didn't know about Jo. I only knew she hadn't been by in a while.
That's very sad.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michael, we are always excited to see you update.

Sarah, glad to have you!

Cathy! Miss seeing your posts and was happy to read one yesterday.

Blue, it's the ones that matter not the masses.

Emma, so happy you joined us.

Diane, you writers are the reason for its success.

Tonja Drecker said...

Congrats to Sean and Dave! When I started blogging, I was blown away at how wonderful everyone is. Each and every single one seem to become dear in their own ways. It's just amazing.

Mary Kirkland said...

So sorry for the loss of your friend.
The Christmas tree cookies look good.

Elizabeth said...

Hi Alex! You rock, too! It's been a while since I've entered the blogosphere. I really did enjoy the blogging friends I made through IWSG and A to Z, including you. I'm easing myself back in to blogging and visits, so the IWSG monthly question seems appropriate for my comeback :)

Empty Nest Insider said...

I'm so grateful that we met through A to Z, and many other bloggers have also helped me through some difficult times. The Christmas cookies sound delicious! What a loving tribute to dear Jo.


Sandra Cox said...

Isn't it wondrous to have hundreds of friends.

Truedessa said...

This is a lovely tribute to a fellow blogger. I didn't really know her but, I've seen her around with her recipes. I am sure she will be missed by many. It's wonderful for the community to come together and remember her.

Friends are those who touch our heart and lives whether they are virtual or in person. I have made a few that have touched my life in a deep way. Thanks for being one of those

Peace, light and love

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I didn't know Jo Wake. But you have my condolences.

"The Window" sounds like it has a fascinating storyline. "Flight To Fez" doesn't sound bad either.

John Wiswell said...

May Jo's memory be a blessing.

Liesbet said...

I have made heaps of friends through blogging and I am fortunate to count you among them, Alex! You have been incredibly supportive, kind, caring, and positive. Of all the bloggers I acquainted with, I met about ten in person so far, thanks to my roaming lifestyle. You might be next, one day, after Covid. :-) Thanks for sharing the new releases and your mom’s favorite cookie. Have a fantastic weekend and thanks again for all you do!

Deniz Bevan said...

{{hugs}} to you and all of you missing Jo. Those cookies look yummy!

Susan B.Rouchard said...

Thank you Alex for this as always perky post. Sorry for your loss and to all bloggers from the Dragon community. Busy making mince pies for my eldest, stuck in London over Christmas and who didn’t have any.

Nilanjana Bose said...

My condolences to the Dragon community on your loss.
Blogfests are special - I love the sense of community they generate. And one gets to learn fascinating things through them too. Those cookies look scrumptious!

Christine Rains said...

I have met so many amazing people through blogging and online. I've known some for over 20 years! I was lucky to get an ARC of The Window, and wow, fabulous story. I'm not a fan of asparagus either. Yet my recipe of friendship and togetherness would be triple fudge brownies. I make them every week for my D&D game. The guys pout if I forget or bake something else to bring! :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Elizabeth, glad to have you back!

Julie, I believe we met during the second Challenge. So long ago...

Truedessa, thank you as well.

Steven, you should give The Window a try.

Liesbet, thanks so much!

Susan, that's nice of you.

Christine, I never got triple fudge brownies when I played D&D!

Tamara Narayan said...

I like the idea behind "The Window". Sounds great.

My mom made Christmas tree cookies like those as well, but my favorite were meringue cookies with mini chocolate chips.

Magic Love Crow said...

You rock to Alex! Grateful for you! Thanks for the cookie recipe! May Jo rest in peace! Thanks for sharing the new releases! Big Hugs!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

For sure during the A to Z friendships! It was like speed dating friendship style! xD

DMS said...

I have made many friends through blogging and love catching up with everyone on their blogs. It is always sad to lose someone we know and care about. Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, Jo.

I adore those cookies. My friend's mom makes them every year. :)

Lidy said...

I first learned of the IWSG through another blogger. It wasn't long before I joined this wonderful community.
Sorry for the loss of your friend.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to those with new releases!

Lynda Dietz said...

So sorry to hear about Jo. Blogging has brought me many friends I may or may not ever meet face to face. But I considered them friends nonetheless.

I love spritz cookies! Kind of a pain to make, but well worth the buttery taste. Thanks for the recipe link.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I'm honestly not even sure how I came across your blog! It's been over ten years?? Time flies by.

Sorry for your loss. @}--'--