Monday, November 18, 2019

Geek Christmas Gift Ideas, Movie Remakes, IWSG News, and More!

Geek Christmas Gifts

Got someone geeky or all into science fiction and stuff on your list? Here are some wild and fun ideas:

Yes, I have these! Big surprise, huh?

Is that a banana in your pocket…?

I desperately need this for work…

Season 12 on Blu-ray!

We have one! Works great.

Just don’t get them mixed up…

Yes, it’s $1200, but free shipping!

Movie News

Remakes! Gotta love them. Or usually hate them. Here are some movies that are on the table for a remake in the next year or two:

The Nightmare Before Christmas – Disney wants to do a live action film. But of course!

The Matrix – Yes, really!

Labyrinth – Definitely without David Bowie.

Flash Gordon – Yes, the 80’s one was campy but I liked it. Still, curious about this one.

The Chronicles of Narnia – The Silver Chair was rumored, but now NetFlix has purchased rights to all of them.

Batman – Robert Pattinson is confirmed to play the role.

Mulan – Another Disney cash grab and move to live action.

The Neverending Story – That’s right! Your beloved memories are about to be trashed.

Short Circuit – Why?

The Creature From the Black Lagoon – With better special effects, this one might be good.

The Birds – And Michael Bay is attached to the project. Fans can scream now…

Ninja News

Nominations for best writing website are now open at The Write Life!
Please go nominate the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

The next #IWSGPit will be in January 15, 2020, 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Visit the site for details.
Don’t miss it!

The Case of the Golden Greeks by Sean McLachlan
Third in the Masked Man of Cairo historical mystery series
Find it on Amazon and Amazon UK

What geek gifts look good? Need a Death Star fire pit in your backyard? What remakes are making you cringe? Ready for #IWSGPit 2020? And can you nominate the Insecure Writer’s Support Group over at The Write Life?

Thanksgiving is next week! I will catch you all on December 4 for the next IWSG post day.


The Angry Lurker said...

The firefly cards are a real stocking filler!

Pat Hatt said...

I could use that BS one too at work. Ugg, just remake after remake and most are never needed.

mail4rosey said...

The XBox controller table made me laugh. Good for a game room, and who can resist free shipping? LOL I think R.P. will be fine for Batman, but then again, I always was Team Edward. We shall see. :)

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I'd like to receive a Jabba the Hutt Mug, a BS button and a
You Shall Not Pass Doormat. In the movie department, I am eager to see remakes of The Creature From the Black Lagoon and Hitchcock's The Birds. Short Circuit was an awful film to begin with (except for pretty Ally Sheedy) and I don't get why they want to resurrect it.

Have a great week, good buddy Alex!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Wow, I can't believe they're going to remake The Matrix!

That Jabba the Hutt mug would scare me in the mornings if I had to face it...

Mason Canyon said...

Love the Firefly playing cards. They could go with my CassaStar cards. Not so sure about a remake of The Birds. I still think of that movie every time I see a large flock of birds.

Joanne said...

The BS button is necessary. Death Star fire pit does look cool.

Someone needs to peck out the eyes of whomever greenlit that project.

On a nicer note - happy Monday

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, the list I found was twice that long - sad.

Rosey, it would be perfect for a game room.

Shady, I always wonder when they take a less than average film and remake it.

Elizabeth, might break a coffee habit.

Mason, that's cool you have CassaStar cards!

Joanne, that made me laugh!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I'm actually looking forward to the Narnia remake. Excited it'll be on Netflix.

kaykuala said...

BS Button, Firefly playing cards banana b/tooth etc are weird. Not forgetting weird things sell! Remakes can be worth waiting as we want to know how different it is from the original.


Anonymous said...

Definitely could use the Death Star Fire Pit! Also, the door mat.

Remakes. Meh.

Jacqui Murray--Writer-Teacher said...

What a collection. Hmm... Jabba the Hutt mug or Star Trek pizza cutter? Such a difficult choice.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I need to check out that fire pit.

I gave my vote for the IWSG!

Lidy said...

Oh, will the remakes never end?!

Still, I admit I'm a bit interested in what they'll do with the Flash Gordon remake. Loved that movie. Singing the theme song to myself right now.

Might bet the only one in the group, but Matrix remake?....No.

Never liked The Neverending Story but Hollywood really shouldn't go there. Speaking of which, Hollywood you better leave my childhood memories alone. Don't you dare touch Short Circuit.

Loving that keyboard typewriter. Can see my husband's face now, looking at me as if I've gone crazy, when he sees it.

Arlee Bird said...

One thing I don't really need is more stuff. I'm not going to be gift buying this year so I don't expect any gifts. If anyone was going to send a gift then send money--or something I can use to just get things I need.

The remakes sound like a sign of desperation. Nothing in this list that I think needs to be remade. The Creature from the Black Lagoon is such a classic and works as it is. More elaborate better special effects might be fine stimulant for movie goers, but I don't know that a remake would especially improve on what is already there. I have the 3 movie box set and I think that is just fine.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Some fun ideas for Christmas. Which do I want? Thinking. I bet the kitties and doggie would like some of them. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Liz A. said...

I've seen that graphic for "You Shall Not Pass" as a stamp in an English teacher's class. I wonder if she uses it on their work.

All those remakes: why? But then I watch the channel with all the old movies, and they remade those several times, so nothing is ever new in Hollywood.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - fun geeky prezzies ... I'd rather like one of the Death Star Fire Pit ... looks fun ... there are some good documentaries/arts films out there ... so I'll give the remakes a miss. I'll go over to IWSG to promote .. cheers Hilary said...

I love the banana phone.
In a moment of desperation, I might be tempted to use it another way.
(To eat, of course. ;-))
Happy week, Alex.

The Happy Whisk said...

Loved Firefly.
I always thought they made a huge mistake naming it that.
And had they named it better, more would have watched.
Do you remember a few April Fool's Days back,
When Netflix did the joke:
Second season of Firefly coming soon.

Oh my gosh, what a good one.

The waffle iron is pretty cool
and the pizza cutter.

Happy New Week, Alex.

Stacy McKitrick said...

I put the Firefly cards in my wish list. My daughter will LOVE those!
A remake of The Birds? Say it isn't so! Kind of hard to improve upon Hitchcock. The Birds is one of my all-time favorite movies.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jacqui, Jabba might turn you off coffee forever.

Thanks, Elizabeth!

Lidy, I was never a fan of the Neverending Story but it doesn't need to be remade. I want to know what your husband says when you get that keyboard!

Lee, with so many good ideas out there...

Liz, some movies have been remade many times.

Robyn, only you!

Ivy, if only the joke wasn't a joke!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

We need a fire pit anyway, so why not the Death Star.

The first Narnia movie was perfect and it's a shame they'll redo it.

Juneta key said...

I liked the Star Wars gift ideas. I really hope Netflix does redo all the Narnia it would be cool to see all movies once done.

J E Oneil said...

As if peoples' memories of The Neverending Story weren't trashed by the sequels. But I think the idea of Michael Bay and The Birds might be giving me an aneurysm. Ugh.

Ray Rousell said...

Love the Jabba mug! But Robert Pattinson as Batman!!! For Gawds sake!

nashvillecats2 said...

Owing to workmen fixing roof am late in reading your excellent post Alex. Always good to read to see what is going on.


Tony Laplume said...

That carbon freeze costume is just wrong!

Chrys Fey said...

I need that Bullshit button.

I'm okay with the live action Mulan, but none of the other movies should be touched.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I like the doormat. Remakes can be good and terrible, but some movies shouldn't be tampered with.

I believe Robert Pattinson will make a decent Batman. We shall see....

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JE, there were sequels?

Ray, we'll keep our fingers crossed.

Tony, and would be really awkward...

Fundy Blue said...

You've solved all my Christmas list problems, starting with a Jabba the Hutt mug for my brother! Thanks! I thought the original "The Birds" was ridiculously funny, until I stumbled onto a house and yard smothered in hundreds of gulls. It freaked me out! Happy Thanksgiving to you, Alex!

Powdered Toast Man said...

Don't let them ruin The Neverending Story. I am boycotting all future Batmans.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Haha some of those gifts!

I liked the first two Matrix movies, but the last one was unsatisfying.

Botanist said...

Remakes! Ugh! Just shows that coming up with original stories is too much like hard work.

I could definitely use a Death Star fire pit. What a neat idea :)

Lisa said...

You gave me two great ideas for Christmas presents! Thank you!
I can't believe some of these remakes, rolling eyes...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Louise, that would be creepy.

Glad everyone has some good Christmas ideas now!

Mary Kirkland said...

I hadn't heard about The Neverending Story. My dog is named Falcor after the flying dragon in the original movie.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I'm a horrible wife. I just ordered noise cancellation headphones for my husband for Christmas, but! They're really for me so I can write during the hockey or football games. Off to nominate IWSG. Happy Wednesday. It's my son's 49th BD today!

Loni Townsend said...

Wow, lots of remakes up for consideration. I've already seen a trailer for Mulan.

Lots of great gift ideas. I might consider the Firefly playing cards for my husband.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I must have the fire pit and the Jabba mug just for me! I hope to treat my kids, their spouses and my grandkids all to see Star Wars. Last time we did it, tickets were sold out for the timeframe we went to see, but we only had to wait for an hour. My grandson thought it was cool waiting. This time, I prebuying tickets.

When you say The Birds is heading for a remake are you talking about the Hitchcock one with Tippi Hedren? Yes, there's some bad acting in that one, but it's one of my favorite movies so I probably won't like a remake.


Mark Koopmans said...

The Waffle Keyboard thingy took me down an Amazon rabbit hole, but sadly the reviews don't make it a winner... still a great non-cooking idea though:)

mshatch said...

I'll take the death star firepit for sure and the dogmeat hoodie. Your comments on upcoming movies cracked me up. Short Circuit - why? Ha! I do wonder what netflix will do with the chronicles of narnia. Could be good...

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

The Matrix remake???? But why?????????????????

Sandra Cox said...

OMG. These are priceless. I want the waffle iron and the pizza cutter!

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I've been waiting to see them come out with something like the banana cell phone. Looks real enough for someone to mistake it for the real thing. When my mobile phone's rung in the kitchen I've accidentally picked up an avocado and started talking on it!

The Jabba the Hutt mug looks really neat. I might look out for it in stores. I sometimes collect sculpted mugs.

I'm cringing at all the remakes except Creature From The Black Lagoon. It's one of the few that they've never done a remake of (like The Birds, I just can't say a whole for that one though because I've never seen the original). When they made the Wolf-Man remake I thought they did a far better job on that one than what most people give credit for, so I'd like to see how a remake of The Creature does.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

We'd love the Death Star fire pit! I don't think I'd want to drink out of Jabba, though.

Sandra said...

Free shipping on the $1200 table. Heh. What a deal.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joylene, you will both love them.

Teresa, yes, the Hitchcock Birds.

Marcy, it's such an average movie.

Lynda, no idea!

Steven, funny about the avocado.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

I like a LOT of those geek gift ideas. (For me! HA) Well, I might consider giving some of them to our daughter...

As for the remakes? Geez, supposedly "there are no new ideas under the sun," but c'mon! Surely they don't have to keep doing remakes of movies that do NOT need to be remade. If it ain't broke, leave it alone, and if it wasn't good the first time, why bother?

Andrew Leon said...

With Bay on The Birds, does that mean the birds will explode?

Did you find all of those things on ThinkGeek?

Damyanti Biswas said...

I so need that BS button!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Remakes often make me cringe. How many Batmans have I seen in my lifetime? I wouldn't mind that pizza cutter.

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex,

I wanted to stop over and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving! If, you are traveling I wish you mercy in your journey.

Peace, light & Thanksgiving

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I want that Death Star Fire pit. I could give my DVD of THE LAST JEDI a proper Viking burial! And threaten Midnight with it! I do love that BS button. Only the remake of FLASH GORDON might be good, but I would miss the Queen soundtrack. I am beginning to hate Disney. :-)

Truedessa said...

I thought I had left a message but, I guess blogger ate it up. In any case I wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. If, traveling I wish you a safe journey.

Toi Thomas said...

For some reason, my computer has been blocking me from visiting your site. I finally got here by going to the IWSG site and clicking through your blogger profile. Guess I need to mark your blog as a safe site... Anyway, great post. Some of these remakes have me concerned.

Lynda Dietz said...

I think I could get almost any of those gifts and be pretty content! I can't even choose a favorite.

Rhonda Albom said...

I so need that doormat! I wonder if I can get it to New Zealand. Although, I have to admit, it was the phone that made me laugh the most. I love this creative gift list.

DMS said...

I want the doormat! Lots of fun gifts for sure!

Wow- that is a long list of potential remakes. Hope they don't remake them all. New movies would be nice.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Blue Grumpster said...

They'd better not mess up that Matrix 4 movie! And I also need that Official BS Button by Gemmy. Yes, for work. How did you guess?

Katherines Corner said...

Firefly cards..umm yes, please. The keyboard waffle iron made me laugh. Okay, let's talk about remakes..ugh...why, yes, I know... new generation so it'll all be new to them. But, please can't they just watch the original. Why don't they come up with some new movies, originals? Although I am curious about how a remake of The Birds and maybe Creature from the Black Lagoon will be. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones my friend. Big hugs!

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to Sean on the new release.

Hope your Thanksgiving was wondrous, Alex.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Not a fan of remakes generally - could use the BS button for some of them. The banana phone is supercute, so's the waffle iron! Moodlifters.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Almost all remakes make me cringe, but The Birds? Really?

Is nothing sacred anymore?