Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Insecure Writer’s Support Group #IWSG, March Movie Preview, Music Boxes, Golden Schmoes Winners, and The Grinch Review

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the March 6 posting of the IWSG are Fundy Blue, Beverly Stowe McClure, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

March 6 question - Whose perspective do you like to write from best, the hero (protagonist) or the villain (antagonist)? And why?

Obviously my answer has to be the hero.

Because I’ve never written a real antagonist.


I write stories where the hero is his own worst enemy. There are forces pushing against him, but it’s not from any one person – and ultimately he cripples his own progress from within.

In books and movies…I do like a good hero and villain. But I don’t like a story told from the villain’s view. I don’t like anti-heroes. I need to know that good triumphs over evil.

What about you?

Here are the IWSG Instagram prompts for the month:

Available now from a fellow Dancing Lemur Press author!

Music Boxes by Tonja Drecker
I only desire your talent. . .
Twelve-year-old Lindsey McKay's biggest dream is to be a famous ballerina. But after moving to New York, she ends up at the Community Center with a teacher who’s a burly bear in tights.
When she meets Madame Destinée, the teacher of a top dance school who offers her classes for free, Lindsey can't believe her luck. In exchange, she must perform in the school’s exclusive midnight shows, ones sure to make her a star. But something’s not right...
One by one, the other dancers disappear. Each time they do, a music box with a figurine just like the missing ballerina joins Madame Destinée’s growing collection. If Lindsey doesn’t discover the truth about the dance school, she might end up a tiny figurine herself.
Find on iTunes, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Goodreads

Movie Review – The Grinch

I did not see this in the theater last year. I’ll admit I’m a purist and nothing can top the 60’s animated film How the Grinch Stole Christmas.
And I was right, this does not top it.
But it was good!
It manages to hold on to the spirit of the story even as it expands it to show more and explain more. There’s a whole side story involving Cindy-Lou (who is definitely older than two!) and they show the Grinch’s past to explain why he hates Christmas.
The animation is brilliant and captures the style of the original film and the book itself.
There were a couple things that didn’t jive with me. The hip-hop soundtrack seemed out of place. (But then I’m not the target age for this movie.) It was also weird to hear someone other than Boris Karloff do the narration. The voice just didn’t carry the weight. (Was James Earl Jones not available? He would’ve been perfect.)
One thing I did really like - the Grinch is certainly nicer to Max in this version! In the cartoon, I always thought Max should run away and find a nice Who family.
There were some modern upgrades (Who cell phones, Cindy-Lou’s mom is single, etc.) but I did enjoy this version of the story. It tugged at the heartstrings and provided some good laughs.
And made me forget the travesty of the Jim Carrey version.

Golden Schmoes Winners

Here are some highlights:

Favorite Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (It also won ten other awards.)
Most Overrated: Black Panther
Trippiest: Annihilation
Best Animated: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Most Memorable Scene: The Snap, Avengers: Infinity War

Check out the rest of the winners at Jo Blo’s site.

March Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for March! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

8 –

Captain Marvel
Carol Danvers becomes one of the universe's most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war between two alien races.
Directors: Anna Boden | Ryan Fleck
Stars: Brie Larson, Gemma Chan, Samuel L. Jackson, Lee Pace
You’ll believe a woman can fly… Take that, Superman!

15 – 

Wonder Park
Wonder Park tells the story of a magnificent amusement park where the imagination of a wildly creative girl named June comes alive.
Stars: Brianna Denski, Jennifer Garner, Ken Hudson Campbell, Kenan Thompson
Neat idea – a little girl imagines a theme park and it becomes real. Right now I'm imagining a Bugatti Veyron becoming real in my garage.

22 –

The Dirt
The story of how Mötley Crüe came to be one of the most notorious rock 'n roll groups in history.
Director: Jeff Tremaine
Stars: Machine Gun Kelly, Iwan Rheon, Douglas Booth
Why The Dirt? Because Sex-Crazed, Drug-Fueled Idiots was too long of a title…

29 –

A young elephant, whose oversized ears enable him to fly, helps save a struggling circus, but when the circus plans a new venture, Dumbo and his friends discover dark secrets beneath its shiny veneer.
Director: Tim Burton
Stars: Eva Green, Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito
You’ll believe an elephant can fly... Take that, Captain Marvel!

Which perspective do you write from? Picking up Music Boxes? Have you seen the latest version of The Grinch? Thoughts on the Golden Schmoes? And what movies interest you this month…?


nashvillecats2 said...

Some excellent reviews Alex, I've seen about The Music Boxes before and I too think it sounds great.

Have a great March.

Ann V Friend said...

Happy IWSG Day! Blessings✨

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - Tonja's Music Boxes does sound a great read ... and a fun take on an object many of us love as we grow up ... our film society is wrapping things up for this and I'm enjoying those avant garde ones. I too like a positive and happy ending ... good will win out ... cheers Hilary

Pat Garcia said...

I write stories where the hero is his own worst enemy. I had to smile at this one sentence because it is true not only of characters but of real people too.
Keep writing those stories. Heroes overcome and that's encouraging.

Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Sarah Foster said...

I don’t write typical antagonists, either. But I don’t mind antiheroes ;)
Finally caught up on the Marvel movies so hoping to see Captain Marvel this weekend.

G. B. Miller said...

I'm pretty sure that I write protagonists, but like you, they often become their own worse enemy.

I've hear a lot about Captain Marvel, especially since the comments the lead actress has made (apparently a closet SJW) forced Rotten Tomatoes to change their pre-release rating system.

Pat Hatt said...

Good winning in the end is the way to be indeed. I'm trying to imagine a winning lottery ticket, doesn't seem to work.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Dumbo directed by Tim Burton - that could be very interesting! I didn't know they remade The Grinch. I've got the classic burned into my head. I don't think I could handle a remake version.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

It fascinates me that there is a Marvel character named Carol Danvers and a DC character named Linda Lee aka Kara Danvers (Supergirl), but apparently they are not related in any way. From what I read, the Kara character was created nearly ten years before the Carol character. Is that your understanding? Why would they do that? To reveal a mutual connection to Clark Kent at some future point? I want to see Capt. Marvel, Wonder Park and The Dirt.

Enjoy the rest of your week, good buddy Alex!

Erika Beebe said...

Writing the hero as his own worst enemy is so gripping for the reader. We often are. I loved the Grinch and I can't wait for Dumbo, my favorite animal animation character of all time. Happy IWSG Day :)

Truedessa said...

I always like a movie or story that ends on a positive note. In life I try to look at the brighter side as, there is just too much darkness to be found.

The power of the imagination is an amazing gift.

Have a great day Alex!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I don't really like an anti-hero either. I love the first Grinch movie and book too. I don't really like the remakes. It's too much of a classic as it is.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, it is very true of real people.

GB, Disney owns Rotten Tomatoes, which is why they closed it - they didn't want any more bad press.

Ellen, it was actually pretty good. It won't ruin the original for you.

Shady, I believe Super Girl came first. Don't think there's a connection though.

Lynn La Vita said...

Hi Alex, "...ultimately he cripples his own progress from within." This sentence caught my attention. In my March IWSG post, I asked for inspiration. Your sentence holds the key to solving my delima.

Which book, you have written, most clearly defines this challenge?

Thanks again for providing this platform to explore, question, and express.

Jennifer Hawes said...

When the hero is his own worst enemy is the best way to write a protag!! I'm not sold on the whole anti-hero who has sooo many flaws. Although, I'm reading a series that might have changed my mind on that one. She does grow into being a better human by book three! :)

Jennifer Lane said...

I like that idea of a hero being his own worst enemy. It's also a lot of fun to write a villain!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I haven't seen any of the new/newer Grinch movies, and I don't want to. There's only one Grinch for me, and that's the old animated version. :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thank you for mentioning Music Boxes.

Black Panther was good but highly overrated.

Angela Wooldridge said...

I like to show two sides to my heroes and my villains. People are so often misunderstood in life, I can't help but try to see both sides

Arlee Bird said...

I want to see good triumph over evil. I think I'd feel uncomfortable writing from the viewpoint of a villain.

I'm curious about Dumbo mostly for the reason it's about the circus and I have fond memories of seeing Disney's animated version in the theater when I was a child. I think I can appreciate a flying elephant over a flying superhero.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Jo said...

The Music Boxes sounds fascinating.

Dumbo? How many years since the original I wonder? Never seen The Grinch in any movies, never appealed. You mean Black Panther wasn't as good as all the hype, I'm disappointed.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

I love your explanation about writing your hero as his/her own worst enemy. Very interesting answer! I'm so happy for Tonja. Happy Book Birthday to her!

Mary Aalgaard said...

I also love the 1960's Grinch and haven't watched the latest. The stage production is wonderful. They do the songs we love. I'm still working on my IWSG post. I'd like to see the Ms. Marvel!

Lisa said...

At least this year they didn't mess up when announcing best film. That's about all I can say. I am less and less interested in the Oscar's lately. I can't wait to see Captain America! I hope it's anywhere near as good as Wonder Woman. Congratulations to Tonja!!! Sounds like a great story! I also want to see Dumbo on the big screen...

Bish Denham said...

Oooo. Music Boxes sounds spooky good! Congratulations Tonja.

A remake of Dumbo? Now I think I've seen everything.

Tamara Narayan said...

None of the movies this month really inspire me to go out to the theatre. Still waiting for Pet Semetery.

Best of luck to Tanja with her new release. Sounds like a fun read.

Tonja Drecker said...

Thanks for the shout-out! Your books morph hero and anti-hero together, so in a way, you write from both POVs. I didn't see the Grinch either for the same 'purist' reasons (love that term!) I might be willing to see a new version of Dumbo, though. Have a great week!

Toi Thomas said...

I think I'd like to try writing from the villain pov, though I've never done it before.
Music Boxes sounds really cool.
I think I'll pass on the new Grinch unless some kid makes me watch it.
Looking forward to Captain Marvel, Dirt, and Dumbo.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I haven't written a true villain yet, either, but I love a well-written villain. Tobias Whale in Black Lightning is a great modern-day example.

Megan Morgan said...

I think I tend to write more as the SITUATION being the antagonist, if that makes sense. My heroes are usually fighting some force much bigger than them.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

...which we are...(hero or not) our worst enemies. Without that part of humanity, however, there might not be any stories or at least interesting stories. ha.


Fundy Blue said...

I randomly picked you ~ LOL You and I like to write from the same perspective for the same reason. I definitely want to see "Dumbo." I was nicknamed Dumbo by some mean kiddos when I was a little girl. "Dumbo" was a popular book then. Like Dumbo I had big ears. Still do, but now I associate them with lovely Arwen in the LOTR movies. I always ride the Dumbo ride whenever at one of the Disney parks, because I can fly like Dumbo and remember that I'm bigger than my big ears! Have a great day!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I am excited for Tonja's book - it sounds really good!
I like knowing good will conquer evil, too, but I don't mind anti-heroes with a redemption arc.
Thanks for the reviews!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Congrats to Tonja!!!

Not all stories have villains.

I agree with you that the Black Panther was overrated. It was good, but our schools in Buffalo took their students on a field trip to see it. Weird.

Have a great week.

Stacy McKitrick said...

I write multiple POVs in my books. Villains are especially fun. You can make them do all the crazy stuff you wouldn't dare do in real life! And they can really mess up your heroes (male & female for me).

We rarely go to the theatre anymore for movies. I can see watching Captain Marvel later on DVD, although I'll probably go to the theatre to see the next Avengers movie.

Diane Burton said...

You write "I need to know that good triumphs over evil." I do, too. That was the message of Star Wars and its appeal. Even at the end of Empire Strikes Back, you believe the rebellion will win. I don't believe in glorifying villains. Understanding them, maybe.

Nicki Elson said...

The enemy comes from within - that's good. I'm with you on not writing from a true antagonists POV. I don't want to stay in the enemies head long enough to write him.

Thanks for the reminder to sign back up on the list - d'oh! I meant to do it. And then I didn't. But now I did. :)

Carol Kilgore said...

I write from both perspectives. For the villain, I get to let my dark side come out and play. After all, in the villain's view, he or she is the hero of their own story. It's fun... try it :)

C.D. Gallant-King said...

We saw the the Grinch in the theatre and I had a similar view. Not as good as the Chuck Jones version, infinitely better than the Ron Howard version, but surprisingly charming and fun. Why they got Benedict Cumberbatch for the Grinch, only for him to do an American accent so no one recognized him is beyond me.

I enjoy writing any character that's weird and quirky. Heroes with faults, villains with a good streak, anything that makes them interesting. Though a cartoonish, over-the-top villain is fun sometimes, too.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Alex! Great answer. My protags usually have to get past themselves in some way too. When it comes to villains, I try to make what their doing make logical sense in their minds, which is a weird but fascinating.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the Dumbo movie. The trailers I've seen on TV are so sweet.

Sandra said...

I like the antagonist as a secondary figure, sometimes with enough good in him to appeal. Sometimes, just plain evil.


I like the complexity you give your hero.

Mark Koopmans said...

I'm intruiged about writing from the "baddies" POV, only because I've also never done it.

PS: Thanks for mentioning the alien in my pictures was the Predator... I recognized him from *something* but couldn't place it!

Lidy said...

Agree with you Alex. Sometimes, but more often than not, nothing can beat the original. With all these remakes and reboots and with finding and watching Baywatch on AmazonPrime last week, I’m beginning to wonder if the original TV series would eventually get a remake/reboot makeover. They’ve already done the movie. Why not a series, this starring Hobie Buchannon, taking over from his father, as the new leader of Baywatch lifeguards? Not sure I’ll watch it though. I’m a purist.

Can’t wait for Captain Marvel. My son too, because taking him to see it as a birthday present for turning the big 8 tomorrow.

Donna K. Weaver said...

Haha Take that Captain Marvel. Go Dumbo!

I hated the Jim Carrey Grinch. I make actually watch this one. Maybe. Like you, nothing can beat that first one.

Loni Townsend said...

You don't like anti-heroes...? Isn't Deadpool an anti-hero?

We took the kids to go watch The Grinch in the theaters. They loved it, and asked to watch it again, to which I told them they had to wait until it came out in video. It was cute, and I also liked that Max was treated better.

Liz A. said...

Some decent movies coming out in March.

I find I write from my hero's perspective, but I'm sure she's the antagonist to someone...

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

You gave a terrific response to this month's question. You're right; readers can easily identify with protagonists who are their own worst enemies, because we've all been guilty of sabotaging our endeavors at one time or another.

As for upcoming movies: I saw an ad on TV for one that's called "Six Feet of Separation," or something like that. It looks like it's gonna be a heartwarming tear-jerker. Not something I'm likely to drag my hubby to see, but it'd be a good choice for a gal pal and me.

Jemi Fraser said...

I'm not sure I'll be able to handle Dumbo - the original story always makes me sad. I don't like bullies - but I'll wait and see what others say!

S.E. White Books said...

Bold move to stand so firmly for the hero/protagonist! Seems like anti-heroes are all the rage right now. I generally enjoy shades of gray characters, but yes, occasionally I want to sit down and know without a doubt that good will triumph over evil at the end. And there will be no confusion about which bit is the evil loser! haha

Chrys Fey said...

It is good to know that good triumphs evil.

Al Penwasser said...

I was wondering if you were going to get to the Jim Carrey version of "The Grinch." Travesty. Perfect.
I'm with ya brother on the Boris Karloff version. NOTHING can top it.
Although, I may give this one a look based on your review.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, like you I too believe that good must triumph over evil, so I don't think I can ever write from the villain's POV.

Tonja's book sounds super. I'm eager to read it.

Chemist Ken said...

Seems like I've been waiting years for the Captain Marvel movie. I'll probably get sick this weekend and won't be able to go. :(

Good should always triumph over evil, so I can see why you wouldn't want to write the villain.

Sara Codair said...

I have two modes:

The only difference between the hero and the villain is the perspective the story is told from.

The hero is good but flawed and the villain represents some social problem, like racism or transphobia or corporate greed.

I enjoy both equally in movies and books, but with writing, I have more fun with the first one.

The Angry Lurker said...

I do agree about Black Panther though!

Mary Kirkland said...

I haven't seen The Grinch but my daughter and grandson did and they liked it. I thought Infinity War was really good. I haven't seen Black Panther yet. I'm sure at some point I will.

Christine Rains said...

A lot of my stories might be dark, but I always like seeing good triumph over evil too. Congrats to Tonja! Her book is fantastic. I did see the new Grinch in theaters. I'm still a fan of the old animated version as well. I'm hoping my son wants to see Captain Marvel next week while he's on his spring break. Fingers crossed!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I'm taking my son to see Captain Marvel this Friday. Looking forward to it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lynn, that's great! Probably all four books, but CassaStar and Dragon of the Stars the most.

Madeline, same here, but I did like this one.

Lee, never a fan of Dumbo, but we'll probably see it.

Jo, still good, just overrated.

Lisa, movie-goers know the best film.

Tonja, thanks, and you're welcome!

Megan, I agree.

Teresa, true!

Louise, you have elf ears.

Cathrina, that is weird.

Diane, exactly!

Nicki, being in the head of my protagonist is bad enough.

Sandra, thanks!

Mark, I'm your go-to guy for movies.

Lidy, let's hope they don't!

Donna, I hated it as well. This one redeems itself though.

Loni, he's that rare exception.

Jen, you know it will be darker...

SE, thanks!

Al, it's worth it. Just picture James Earl Jones narrating it instead.

Christine, take him anyway!

Empty Nest Insider said...

I also like to see good triumph over evil, but I still enjoy a well-written multi-dimensional villian. The previews of Dumbo look worth seeing.
Congrats to Tonja! Thanks for hosting another great IWSG, Alex!


Suzanne Furness said...

Ah yes! The internal conflict of the main protagonist. I tend to feel the most successful, and memorable, characters are those who are shades of light and dark.

Anonymous said...

I've written a few stories where there really wasn't a bad guy and the villain was more of an abstract concept. Those are fun and can really make a person think.

Rhonda Albom said...

I write non-fiction and creative non-fiction from my own perspective, so hero I hope. LOL

As for the movies, I didn't even know they remade Grinch, but after Jim Carrey, I only want the original. And the new ones, I am a Dumbo fan from way back.

J E Oneil said...

I guess that means that the hero is also the antagonist, right? I definitely love it when the characters have layers to them.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Congrats to Tonya. Didn't see the Grinch. I'm with you on the classic. I have to see Captain Marvel and Infinity War deserved all the awards.

Birgit said...

I love music boxes and this book reminds me of the film Devil Doll. Totally different yet involves shrinking people. I think I would write from the hero's point of view. I'm with you, I am not into villains being heroes (Dexter). I love Avengers and they should have been up for Oscars because to maintain the pace and not get mixed up with all the characters is amazing to me. I agree that Black Panther is over-rated. I am not into Captain Marvel being a me whatever but if they were to pick a girl Brie Larson just doesn't seem tough Wonder woman's Gal Godot. Maybe Charlize Theron or a younger Jamie lee Curtis type.Dumbo looks good but I never saw the original...too scared to to be honest. Scared his mom dies plus all the bullying.

Susan Kane said...

Were the Oscars on? Wait, oh yeah.

Captain Marvel is the only movie we might go see. I don't know, is it me, or are the movies missing something?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rhonda, the Jim Carrey one was a train wreck. This one is good and doesn't take away from the original.

Birgit, they couldn't have picked a better Wonder Woman than Gal Gadot.

M.J. Fifield said...

I've never heard of the Golden Schmoe awards. Good for Avengers Infinity Wars? That snap scene was super impactful, I thought. I haven't seen Into the Spiderverse yet, but I definitely want to.

Looking forward to seeing Captain Marvel this weekend!

XmasDolly said...

Music Boxes by Tonja Drecker
I only desire your talent. . . Nope, nope, nope! I saw a movie similar to this idea on Twilight Zone I believe it was and also they had the same concept on okay so sue me I use to like the program... that's use to my friend and the program was "Charmed"! They had a show just like it. Not sure I believe Twilight Zone had one too. Anyway, Alex when is the A to Z party??? I personally saw the film about Queen and for me it was just Ok for me or let's say we went to the show and saw it because my husband is a musician and la la la la la.... and we didn't ask for our money back. Me I gotta see DUMBO PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE! LOVE DUMBO - I LOVE ALL DISNEY MOVIES!!! I don't care if I have to cash in my pennies. Must see the movie... Have a great weekend my friend! Big Hugs!

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm so happy for Tonja and I hope her book finds lots of success!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I don't really write antagonists, either. That is, there *are* antagonists, but readers don't know who they are until they're revealed at the end.

Dumbo made me cry when I was a kid. Not sure I can put myself through it again, but I bet the film is well done!

diedre Knight said...

Howdy Captain!

Ha! Great post, I laughed out loud a few times!
Can't say as I've ever written as the antagonist, they're usually such rotten people, you know?
Music Boxes sounds like a must-read!
I agree with you regarding the Grinch. I wasn't going to watch an unnecessary remake. Maybe now, I will.
I can't wait to see Dumbo!
Happy March ;-)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I prefer hero stories too.
I'll be seeing Captain Marvel on the weekend, so I'm looking forward to that.

Melissa said...

I agree. I love to watch the hero grow as a character. I don't think I'v ever written from the villain's POV.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing I enjoy more than the flawed hero! There is so much variety in the conflict, especially the "man against himself" segment. And in real life (whatever that is) we are, often, our own worst enemy.

Liesbet said...

I had never heard of the Golden Schmoes. I'll have to check that out. I did see Black Panther on the plane earlier this year. I thought it was alright, but agree with the "overrated" part.

With the IWSG question of the month, your overview of movies with superheroes fits right in. As a memoir and non-fiction writer, I always write from my perspective (the protagonist), and, a bit like in your books, my antagonist takes on different forms. :-)

No movies for me. These days, I REALLY try to read in the evening, so no TV (as in Netflix or hard drive movies or talk shows on YouTube) at all for me.

Denise Covey said...

Hi Alex! I write from the protagonist's perspective. I'm not a huge fan of multiple POVs. Find it annoying flipping between perspectives.

Sandra Hoover said...

When it's all said & done, I need a happy ever after - good over evil - ending! And agree a hero can often be his own worse enemy. I enjoy all the different takes on villains from various writers. And for me...the scariest villain is one wearing the disguise of normalcy as in my current wip.

Mason Canyon said...

Looking forward to Captain Marvel. Don't think I can watch Dumbo I'd wind up crying.

Caitlin Coppola said...

I think you should try writing the villian! You might enjoy it more than you think :)

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex!

Happy IWSG Day!

I'm a little worried about Captain Marvel. They haven't won me over with the trailers, but I know it will be important to the story line. Hoping I hear some good reviews coming up.

Have a great night!

Joanne said...

I am a Grinch purist too. Loved your movie comments. I am psyched for Dumbo, and eagerly awaiting Downton Abbey film much later this year. I like Brie Larson so I'll give Captain Marvel a whirl - the previews haven't excited me.
I'm a mess when it comes from point of view - hence often lack of writing or delete, delete, delete. Oh well.
Happy March!

Botanist said...

Most of the time I'm in the protagonist's POV but occasionally delve into the villain's mind too. For me, the question is usually which POV sheds light on the story at that particular moment? So often, in fact, I'll weave in scenes from the POV of one of the secondary characters because they often provide a very different perspective. said...

I don't know much about current movie releases. Since my son's away at college, I tend to only catch movies on Netflix. Sad, huh?

kaykuala said...

the hero is his own worst enemy.
he cripples his own progress from within.
that good triumphs over evil

Interesting revelation Alex! A hero reacting in ways good will invariably commit unexpected rebuttals. That perhaps point him out to be on the defensive, him being his downfall if not careful!


JeriWB said...

Whether or not good triumphs over evil isn't always so clearcut, but then again, I like stories that are murky that way. Right now I'm reading Miller's take on Circe's story and enjoying it quite a lot.

Nick Wilford said...

Give me good triumphing over evil any day!

Congrats to Tonya. That does look like an excellent book.

Margaret merril said...

I would like to see the Avengers movie, but because I live in deepest rural France, and as they will first have to dub it into French, I suspect it won't be here anytime soon! Lovely to meet you.
Margaretha Montagu

dolorah said...

The Grinch is a villain, ya know? And, I liked the Jim Carey version.

But, I'm not enthused about any of these releases - Including Capt Marvel. I'll wait for the TNT showing.

Have a good weekend Alex.

Patsy said...

I enjoy writing about the bad guy, but it rarely suits my work to tell the story from their POV.

PJ Colando said...

Love your movie review feature, though I didn't select any of these on our lengthy overseas flights to-from Israel and Jordan. Jetlag even prevents me from recalling the four I did watch - oh well. It was a memorable vacation.

Jetlag and immediate tasks like laundry, email, and paying bills prevented my interaction with the question of the month until the wee hours of the day after, so I hope that interested peeps check out my reply.

My writing is decidedly character-driven. We all know that the antagonist thinks that he/she is the hero of the story and is eager to achieve their goals, I give that character their full due.

Three longtime gal pals populate my Faith, Family, Frenzy series and each of them has ‘one of those days’ when villainous thoughts, words, or deeds dominate. And, I must admit I relish writing those scenes!

Thanks for this opportunity to connect. This union of insecure writers is a boost for us all.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Marie, the A to Z Challenge starts April 1 and you can sign up on the website.

Diedre, give the movie a chance.

Lynda, so will I!

Liesbet, you have great willpower.

Heather! It's getting good reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. They say it's not great but an enjoyable Marvel film.

Kim, you need a movie buddy.

Thanks, Hank!

Donna, he was a villain who became a hero.

Anonymous said...

Oh my. The Dirt? I had no idea it was coming out. I'm not sure that's one worthy of me heading to the movies. I had my glory days in the 80s, not sure I want to relive them in the theater. Yikes! Now "Us"....I think I'll see that when it comes out in a few weeks!


Yvonne Ventresca said...

I enjoy your reviews! I need to see the newest The Grinch.

Ray Rousell said...

I loved the Captain Marvel (Shazam) comics when I was a kid, so was very pleased when I read they’d be making a film about him. I was a little confused too as although called Captain Marvel, he was from a DC comic not Marvel…….
Then when I saw a clip and realised the film was actually about Ms Marvel!!!! Gutted!
I’ll still go and see it though…….even though there’s no Shazam!

Sandra said...

For a narrating voice, I don't think you can top James Earl Jones.

Juneta key said...

I'm looking forward to seeing Captin Marvel and Dumbo. Dumbo was always one of my favorite Walt Disney movies.

Andrew Leon said...

My life is such, right now, that I may not make it to Captain Marvel this weekend. I've almost never missed an opening night for a Marvel movie, and I might miss the whole weekend this time!

Leigh Caron said...

I like that your hero has an inner villian- the struggle within. It's a common stuggle with many - people -not only characters in books.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

PJ, glad you are a part of it!

Ray, there is a Shazam movie coming out though!

Sandra, at the moment, no you can't. Patrick Stewart, maybe.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Oh many times, we are our own worst enemy. But sometimes there are outside forces--not just people or creatures--who become antagonists in the story. I always enjoy reading your blog, sir. All best to you!

John Wiswell said...

I enjoy stories that pull off narratives without antagonists. It's tricky, but it's great!

Elizabeth said...

I'm with you, I want good to triumph over evil in the stories I write and read.

I haven't seen The Grinch yet, I'll probably wait until Christmastime. I plan on watching Captain Marvel soon!

Roland Clarke said...

Somehow I must see Captain Marvel - DVD/Blueray probably. But Tolkien is the film that I'm looking forward to and have to see on screen. My writing hero.

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

I like anti-heroes as long as I can sympathise with them to some degree and they add to something useful in the story for readers. However, I prefer heroic characters provided that they are made realistically and not in a stalky manner.

I never saw Black Panther as being overrated. Personally, I believe a movie of its kind was due for high ratings and to bring science fiction by and about people of colour into the mainstream. For me, it's a landmark in movie history.

I'm also a purist, so I prefer the original Grinch cartoons over the movies and feel nothing can beat those. The movies do look like they could be good though, I just haven't had a chance to watch them. Maybe next Christmas.

F. Stone said...

Call me a purist, but nothing is ever better than the original. Like my mom's beef stew made from scratch is tons better than M&M's or any other commercial brand. The first Grinch was the best. I still watch the original (1951) Christmas Carol by Alistair Sims every Christmas Day. Now there was a great antagonist for you, Alex. Humbug!!!

Stephen Tremp said...

We'll see Captain marvel this weekend. Saw How to Train Your Dragon last weekend. Best wished to Tonja Decker with her latest and greatest!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Victoria!

Steven, at least it worked better than Spawn.

Feather, nothing beats Scrooge!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Congratulations, Tonja!
It seems many writers like writing through the protagonist's view point. We love happy endings! :)

Nilanjana Bose said...

I just watched Captain Marvel yesterday, which is our weekend here. And I'm keeping an eye out for Dumbo when it reaches these shores. I usually like the originals better than remakes.

Also definitely want the hero's/heroine's POV. Though I can think of a couple of stories told from the 'villain's' POV worked beautifully. (The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, by Agatha Christie & a retelling of Snow White from the POV of the stepmother by Neil Gaiman)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I like your concept: man against himself. Great reviews, Alex. You save me so much time! Thanks.

DMS said...

I usually write from the POV of the hero too.

Yay! Excited to see Music Boxes here. Such a fantastic story!

I didn't see The Grinch- but glad you enjoyed it. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nila, did you like it? I thought Captain Marvel was a lot of fun.

mshatch said...

Nothing can beat the original grinch and that wonderfully wicked smile of his, not to mention the dog.

I generally write from my protagonost's point of view, but not always. Sometimes it's fun to get into the mind of the 'bad' person. But like you, I generally want good to conquer evil. You know, like LOTR. Though really, I do sometimes wonder what Sauron's story was...

Carrie-Anne said...

I love the original Grinch movie, but I'd like to see this new version. It sounds like fun, in spite of the differences.

I've never written primarily from an antagonist's POV, though it's fun, in a macabre way, to write about them. The first book I ever read was Grimms' Fairytales, which set the stage for my penchant for dark places of the soul.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Music Boxes sounds so good--so delightfully creepy. I can't wait to read it!

Magic Love Crow said...

I agree with you, about the old Grinch. I always felt bad for Max! Music Boxes sounds so good!!!! Thanks for the movie previews!!! All the best Alex!