Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Insecure Writer’s Support Group #IWSG, March Movie Preview, Radius Review, and New Releases

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

The awesome co-hosts for the March 7 posting of the IWSG are Mary Aalgaard, Bish Denham, Jennifer Hawes, Diane Burton, and Gwen Gardner!

Today’s optional question - How do you celebrate when you achieve a writing goal/ finish a story?

I celebrate by taking a day off from writing! I usually don’t do anything really special, but I do relax and do something non-writing related.
Like watch a movie.
I watch a lot of movies…

Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime - and IWSG Anthology comes out May 1!

Pre order at Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo
Find on Goodreads

Plus there is a Facebook-Tick Tock Mystery and a Tick Tock Mystery blog - check them out!

Radius Movie Review

A man wakes after a car crash with no memory and soon discovers anyone who gets within fifty feet of him dies instantly.
It got great reviews and I was curious – how could they maintain a whole film if no one could get near him? The movie handles that well with a woman who was also in the car crash with him and has no memory or identity on her. The film focuses on the two trying to figure out what is happening and who they really are.
This science fiction thriller definitely has you guessing. The two characters start to have flashbacks from their lives before the crash, increasing the mystery. And of course some of the problems stem from a lack of full disclosure. (Why don’t people talk to each other?) It’s a quiet film that moves at a good pace and makes you think.
You may or may not guess the truth before the end reveal. (My wife made a wild guess halfway through and was actually right!)

New Releases

Clowders by Vanessa Morgan
When Aidan, Jess and their five-year-old daughter, Eleonore, move from America to Clervaux, it seems as if they've arrived in paradise. It soon becomes clear, though, that the inhabitants' adoration of their cats is unhealthy. …
Find it at Amazon, Amazon UK, and Amazon FR

Corners by Corrina Austin
Everyone needs their own special corner...
Find it at iTunes, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Amazon, Nook, Amazon CA, and Goodreads
Plus there is a book trailer on YouTube

March Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for March! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

9 –

A Wrinkle in Time
After the disappearance of her scientist father, three peculiar beings send Meg, her brother, and her friend to space in order to find him.
Director: Ava DuVernay
Stars: Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Chris Pine, Bellamy Young, Reese Witherspoon
Bad buzz could put a wrinkle in this film’s profit.

The Hurricane Heist
Thieves attempt a massive heist against the U.S. Treasury as a Category 5 hurricane approaches one of its Mint facilities.
Director: Rob Cohen
Stars: Toby Kebbell, Maggie Grace, Ryan Kwanten, Ralph Ineson
The trailer makes Sharknado look pretty by comparison.

16 –

Tomb Raider
Lara Croft, the fiercely independent daughter of a missing adventurer, must push herself beyond her limits when she finds herself on the island where her father disappeared.
Director: Roar Uthaug
Stars: Alicia Vikander, Hannah John-Kamen, Walton Goggins, Kristin Scott Thomas
Will this finally be the film that breaks the video game to movie curse?

23 –

Pacific Rim Uprising
Jake Pentecost, son of Stacker Pentecost, reunites with Mako Mori to lead a new generation of Jaeger pilots, including rival Lambert and 15-year-old hacker Amara, against a new Kaiju threat.
Director: Steven S. DeKnight
Stars: Scott Eastwood, Adria Arjona, Tian Jing, Charlie Day
Sad that Guillermo del Toro isn’t directing but happy giant robots and monsters will continue to beat the crap out of each other.


Ready Player One
When the creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dies, he releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will give the finder his fortune. Wade Watts finds the first clue and starts a race for the Egg.
Director: Steven Spielberg
Stars: Letitia Wright, Hannah John-Kamen, Olivia Cooke, Mckenna Grace
Hope it rocks, but even a sub-par Spielberg film is better than most of what’s out there.

How do you celebrate after hitting a writing goal? Excited about Tick Tock? Have you seen Radius? New books you want now? And what movies do you want to see this month?


Elephant's Child said...

I am really, really looking forward to Tick Tock. Huge congratulations to all those whose stories are included.

Sarah Foster said...

I don't think I reward myself after completing a writing goal. I'm usually excited and just want to move on to the next thing. Sometimes, though, I may let myself work on another piece that my attention shouldn't be on for a little bit.

Shah Wharton said...

Well done to all those included in the anthology! And thenks Alex for the movie round up. :)

Lisa said...

Just pre-ordered Tick Tock! Can't wait! Sorry to hear about Wrinkle, as it's one of my favorite books. Happy Wednesday!

Heather R. Holden said...

Ooh, Radius sounds intriguing. And I agree, watching movies is a great way to relax, for sure!

Pat Hatt said...

A great way to relax after finishing indeed. The last two movies will hopefully be fun. I hold out little hope for Tomb Raider though. The Hurricane Heist sounds like a supped up Hard Rain knock off.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'll have to check out "Radius". I watched your last recommendation, "The Ritual," and really enjoyed it (it scared me! But it was very good. :) )

Chemist Ken said...

That's a lot of interesting movies coming up this month. My wife is looking forward to the popcorn.

Ray Rousell said...

Some great sounding films Alex, I'll definitely check out Radius.

Cathrina Constantine said...

I'm excited about Tick-Tock. I wish I could say I'm looking forward to these movies, but only 1 strikes my interest somewhat.

I don't do anything after I finish a story either, but I need to change that. Have a great week.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I can see why you pick watching movies and non-writing things to celebrate. And I'm intrigued by Radius. The not being able to get near him and the mystery of who the characters were sounds really interesting. Glad your wife guessed right.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Lisa, awesome!

Pat, it sounds like RiffTrax fodder.

Elizabeth, glad you watched it!

Natalie, she's smart that way.

Patsy said...

Taking a day off sounds like an excellent idea – if we never do it could feel that we'd never really finished anything.

Pat Garcia said...

Hi Alex,

I've already pre-ordered my issue of Tick Tock and I am looking forward to reading some great stories.

Have a great day.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

After re-reading A Wrinkle in Time, I'm not sure if I want to see the movie. I'll wait and see what the reviews are like. I'm interested in seeing Ready Player One, though I'm not sure I'll reread that book before watching the movie.

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Taking a break for relaxation sounds like a wonderful celebration. Mine are all food related. Perhaps I’ll add a celebratory nap for variety.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I'll have to check out Radius. Thanks for the tip.

"happy giant robots and monsters will continue to beat the crap out of each other."

lol You and my husband!

Erika Beebe said...

What a timely question Alex. I celebrate by buying myself a new book and taking some down time for me. I don't get much of that. I am excited about Tick Tock! I love all the movie previews. I want to see a wrinkle in time maybe after I refresh my memory with the book. Have a great rest of your day :)

Lynn La Vita said...

I noticed you credit the movie descriptions as courtesy of the IMDB. If you search under "L. Sharon Tammarine" (my previous name), you'll find me. It was a fascinating time in my life.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Yeh for relaxing and - good! - movies. Making a note of Radius.

So many books out now/soon that I want to read. I've got a bunch coming from the library and on pre-order.

Lidy said...

Congrats again to the authors in Tick Tock!
Might watch A Wrinkle in Time and Tombraider. The actress playing Lara Croft looks familiar but I can't think of what movie I saw her in.🤔

Jennifer Hawes said...

I don't care for most remakes, but for some reason, I'm excited to see Tomb Raider! Congrats to all who helped create Tick Tock. I started Ready Player One a few months ago. I guess I should finish reading it!

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

It seems like the film Radius was inspired by the TV series Haven set in a coastal New England village that has more than its share of "troubles."

Hurricane Heist "blew" it. They should have attempted the big heist during an actual Sharknado. :)

Enjoy the rest of your week, good buddy Alex!

Jennifer Lane said...

You do like your movies! I want to read Ready Player One before the movie--I've heard great things about the book.

Joanne said...

congrats to all. I might have to write something soon to get to celebrate. Ha. As for movies - I really wanted Wrinkle to be good. I think Alicia V can kick butt as Lara Croft. And it could be tricky for Ready Player One to be on the screen. I skimmed that book - lots of boring parts to me, but I'm not the target audience. Have a good March!

Mary Aalgaard said...

When the trailer for the new Laura Croft movie came on, for a minute, I thought it was for Wrinkle. Kind of the same premise, but more action. Do you think the new Wrinkle will be a disappointment? Some people have been anticipating this movie! Thanks for inviting to be a co-host!

Jo said...

You said Bad Buzz about Wrinkle in Time, everything I have heard has been very favourable. Made me want to read the book and maybe later see the movie.

I love the idea of hunting the Easter Egg to find a fortune. I've never been able to find one in anything anyway so I wouldn't get there.

Radius sounds very interesting too. Way to go your wife guessing the end.

Tamara Narayan said...

I enjoyed the heck out of The Ritual, so thank you for the recommendation. I'll have to check out Radius soon. Of course I'm looking forward to Tick Tock. It may be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me buying a new Kindle to replace my AWOL one.

Julie Flanders said...

Ooh I hadn't heard of Radius but now I want to see it. What a cool concept.
Looking forward to Tick Tock. Such a great group of authors.

Anonymous said...

How did Hurricane Heist make it to the movies and not go straight to DVD? Or even Netflix? Maybe Netflix said, "Thanks, but no thanks." Have you seen Mute yet? I really enjoyed it. Hubby, well, I think he was neutral on it because there wasn't a whole lot of action in it, but he didn't regret watching it either if that makes sense.


Charles Gramlich said...

I tend to celebrate reaching a writing goal by going out to eat or playing some video game

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, excellent!

Sandra, I read a Wrinkle in Time but i don't remember it.

Donna, great minds think alike!

Lynn, really?

Lidy, she was Ava in Ex Machina.

Shady, now that would've been a craptastic movie!

Mary, thanks for co-hosting!

Tamara, glad you liked it.

Elsie, I wasn't sure about Mute since it got a lot of bad reviews...

Andrew Leon said...

Radius sounds weird enough that I may check it out.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, earlier even I would take a day off from my writing to celebrate, but one day would turn into atleast a few days and this would end up delaying my other writing goals. I don't think I'm as disciplined as you. Nowadays, I just go on to my next story.

I want to see A Wrinkle in Time.

Unknown said...

It's always good when you finish to take a BREAK. Sometimes that's the best reward of all!

Patricia Stoltey said...

I buy myself a present when I reach a major writing goal.

Bish Denham said...

When I accomplish something (which I haven't lately) I simply bask in the warm glow.

I had to laugh at Hurricane Heist. Anyone trying to do anything during a Cat 5 hurricane except keep from getting blown away and killed obviously has never experienced one. :D

Cherie Reich said...

Spending a day relaxing sounds like a good way to celebrate finishing a story.

Sandra Cox said...

A thank you to this month's co-hosts and yourself.
I like the idea of celebrating completion of a writing goal by going to the theater. Any reason to see a good movie works, right?Heh.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm excited about Tick Tock and exhausted at the same time. Have to see A Wrinkle in Time. It was one of my favorite books.

L.G. Keltner said...

Taking a day off to relax and watch movies is a great way to celebrate!

Juneta key said...

Congratulations on Tick Tock. Book look cool. Happy IWSG Day

Tyrean Martinson said...

I'm looking forward to Tick Tock, but forgot to mention it in my post. I may remedy that before midday today ... if life allows.
I'm hoping to see Ready Player 1, but I'm not buying advance tickets so it may be a while. (My youngest and I are already looking forward to Avengers: Infinity War on April 27th).

Nicki Elson said...

A day...or a from writing is the perfect reward!

I was entrance by A Wrinkle in Time when I read it in grade school, and even though I don't remember any of the specifics, I'm not sure how I feel about seeing the movie. If I don't like it, will it erase the magic around my vague memory of the book?

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Radius sounds intriguing. Kinda like a modern-day take on King Midas, only the people this dude kills don't have the consideration to turn into gold. :)

Not sure how I feel about Tomb Raider. I liked Angelina Jolie in that role.

The Cynical Sailor said...

I like your movie snark. IMDB should think about hiring you to write the movie blurbs. Congrats to all on their new releases.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing! What a great way to celebrate!

Diane Burton said...

Can't wait for Wrinkle in Time. I hope I'm not disappointed. I read that book right after it came out. Bet that ages me, right? Have a great month.

Tonja Drecker said...

There are several movies I'm looking forward to this month. Looking forward to Tick Tock!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Rachna, I'm glad you think lazy is discipline. I'll take it.

Jen, you probably want to skip it then.

Bish - exactly!

Sandra, yes!

Tyrean, that's the big one to see.

Nicki, that's a possibility.

ellen, please let them know I am available.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi Alex....

LOVE the title for the anthology! Definitely looking forward to reading it. Time for me to leave the classics for a while and read stories from our illustrious writer friends!

I am looking forward to seeing a Wrinkle in Time. The previews look amazing!

Congrats to Vanessa and Corrina with their new works! ALL the best Ladies~

Carol Kilgore said...

Looking forward to reading this anthology!

J.Q. Rose said...

Congrats to the writers in Tick Tock. Looking forward to it's release. Not sure if Wrinkle in Time is for kids or adults. The alien looks creepy. The book is for kids.
JQ Rose

Anonymous said...

After a significant finishing point, I enjoy just taking a long walk or run to clear the brain. Or a glass of wine in front of the fireplace, to finish the day. Very much looking forward to Tick Tock. I'm not much into movies, but will have to see the latest version of Lara Croft.

Suzanne Furness said...

I think its a great plan to celebrate by doing something non-writing. I might get to the movies this weekend, first time in a while!

Meka James said...

Radius sounds interesting and very different. Right up my hubby's alley, he always watches the strangest things, I'll have to tell him about it. The kids want to see A Wrinkle In Time so waiting to take them to it.

M.J. Fifield said...

I really hope A Wrinkle In Time does well. I haven't heard any of the buzz about it—here's hoping it's not all bad.

My husband and I are looking forward to Ready Player One. I haven't been quite sure how to feel about the trailers we've seen thus far. I'l just have to wait and see, I guess.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - thanks for all you do ... and for pointing us towards new releases of films and books ... cheers for now - Hilary

Christine Rains said...

Taking a break is a great way to celebrate. And you do watch a lot of movies. I'm kinda jealous of that! I'm adding Radius to my to-be-watched list. I think March will have to be a catch up for watching Netflix stuff for me. Have a great rest of the week! :)

Unknown said...

You do seem to watch a lot of movies, but since your tastes in film seem to run parallel with my own, I always appreciate your reviews/thoughts on them. Thanks for the post, Alex, and happy writing to you. :)

Mina Burrows said...

I'm not feeling the Wrinkle In Time vibe either.

I want to see Radius too. Have you seen the series Dark on Netflix? I can't remember seeing you talk about it on your blog. So good!

Looking forward to Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime!

Loni Townsend said...

I'm looking forward to Ready Player One. I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Wil Wheaton.

Sadira Stone said...

Can't wait to see A Wrinkle in Time, Black Panther, The Shape of Water. I've never been one to rush to the cinema to see the latest thing, preferring to wait until the dust settles. Thanks for the reviews steering me toward some good movie dates.

Raimey Gallant said...

To celebrate things like finishing a book, I have to tell people, it's a big deal, and let's do something, and that kind of takes the steam out of it. :) Great post! Looking forward to the anthology.

Liz A. said...

Radius sounds interesting. I'll have to look out for it. (Was it on Netflix? I don't get Netflix.)

In answer to your Tomb Raider snark: no.

A Wrinkle in Time needs to be good. I want it to be good.

Anonymous said...

Radius sounds like an interesting movie.

I'm excited for the Pacific Rim sequel. No opinion on Ready Player One, but hubby's read the book and he doesn't like how the trailers look. Says it doesn't look much like the book so far. I think he's just been burned too badly by the movie adaptation of Miss Peragrim's Home for Peculiar Children.

Arlee Bird said...

Radius sounds like it could interest me. I'll look for it.

I was interested in Wrinkle in Time, but the more promos I see, the less interested I become. Not so thrilled with Oprah being in it. Probably heavy laden with messaging.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Liesbet said...

Since you watch a lot of movies, does that mean you take a lot of days off? And, in turn, does that mean you have a lot to celebrate? Based on your accomplishments and successes, this train of thought could actually be right. :-)

"Radius" sounds like an intriguing movie. I look forward to checking it out one day. Of all the other movies you mentioned, only "Ready Player One" might have "watch potential" for me.

Have a wonderful March and spring, Alex!

J.S. Pailly said...

Taking a little time off of writing makes sense as a reward, although in my case taking a little time off can quickly turn into a lot of time off, which isn't so good.

JeriWB said...

Relaxing a bit in some form is always a great reward for effort expended. I've rarely finished most pieces of writing in the past, and when I have I have not submitted them. My NFAA group puts names in a jar when we submit for publication or get published. I've been published once this year and have also entered two contests, so getting my name in the jar is my reward. I might win a coffee cup or coaster ;)

Unknown said...

Love movies! I take a lot of breaks with movies. A lot!!!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I watch a lot of movies too, which may look bad for a writer. But hey, stories are stories, right?

Rhonda Albom said...

I look forward to reading the anthology. So many great writers. As for writing goals, my current one (updating my blog) feels endless. I think it's time to break it into smaller goals and celebrate reaching them.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Relaxing and enjoying a movie or two sounds like the perfect way to celebrate achieving a goal and finishing your story.

Michelle Wallace said...

The Tick Tock stories are amazing!
Maybe I'll splurge on some paperbacks after my writing challenge... (even though I have a kindle overloaded with books)

J E Oneil said...

I did think Radius looked mildly interesting. I may have to put it on my list.

Birgit said...

If I finish a book, I could see treating myself to something I shouldn't have:) I have not seen radius but it sounds original and as for film releases, I only wish to see the new Tomb raider film said...

I binge watch TV, in addition to catching up around the house. I just finished a book in January and have watched Stranger Things, GLOW, A Good Place, My Crazy ex-Girlfriend, and The Crown. It's so good that I'm beginning my new book. I need to stop. :)

John Wiswell said...

I think I'll sit out movies for this month, but I'll totally see A Quiet Place next month. Already have friends who want to come over and convoy together.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I am so excited for Ready Player One. Spielberg is the G.O.A.T. #justsayin

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Radius sounds interesting.

Can't say I watch a movie to celebrate. I tend to watch movies to de-stress lately. lol

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex,

I hope you are enjoying your week. I look forward to reading Tick Tock. Congrats again to the winners.

kaykuala said...

The Tick Tock anthology is most welcomed. Thanks Alex. Will grab a copy. Good to reward oneself upon completion of a task, not necessarily just writing.It works on the mind to accomplish more after that.


Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Probably not going to the theater for any movies this month. Ready Player One looks pretty good. Congrats to the writers in the new anthology.

Roland Clarke said...

Gaming is part of my reward process, so I'm looking forward to reading and seeing Ready Player One. Also, Tomb Raider as I've just started playing Rise of the Tomb Raider - the game from 2015. Congratulations to all successful writers.

Olga Godim said...

Strangely, I liked the old Laura Croft movies with Angelina Jolie. I'm almost afraid to watch this new one.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! Happy IWSG Day! I'm a little lated posting and getting around, since I had to go to the Apple store to do so. My hotel's internet was not cooperating at all. I am excited about "Tick Tock" ~ can't wait to read it. I always enjoy your reviews. I haven't seen the new Time Raiders, but I enjoyed the original ~ mostly because I had been to Siem Reap, Ankor Wat, and Ta Prohm Temple in Cambodia.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks so much for hosting this awesome hop every month.

Taking a day off from writing sounds like a good way to celebrate a writing goal.

I've seen Radius on Netflix but hadn't considered it. Now I might.

OMG; I'm not making this up, but I said the exact same thing you did about The Hurricane Heist when I first saw the trailer.

Don't know much about good or bad buzz for A Wrinkle in Time but I don't think they are honing in on how much people loved the original books enough.

I'm very excited about Pacific Rim Uprising and Ready Player One (really hope they do it justice).

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Christine, make it NetFlix March.

Thanks, Kathy!

Mina, not watched it yet.

Liz, now I am sad...

Patricia, that film was bad.

Leisbet, sadly it does mean a lot of time off.

Rhonda, you're doing good so far.

Lynda, that too.

Hank, awesome!

Fundy, no worries!

Jemi Fraser said...

So excited for the anthology to pop out - so many great stories!!! :)
I'm always scared when they make a movie from a book I love - they rarely work for me. Hope Wrinkle is okay!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Thanks for featuring Corners today.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting Tick Tock out there!

Am going to look for radius-- love the concept. And am looking forward to the Pacific Rim movie-- loved the last one :)


Caitlin Coppola said...

Taking a day off from writing actually sounds pretty refreshing. But only the one day. After that, I start getting antsy. ;)

Botanist said...

Biggest writing milestones are usually finishing that first draft, and hitting "publish". In both cases wine is involved, but my main celebration is a mental cheer and a feeling of release and accomplishment. Nothing spectacular.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Big goals (like finishing a first draft) are celebrated with a day off or binge-watching something (last time it was the Twilight series movies). I've also been known to hold off reading a book I've been anticipating so that I could enjoy it better without the guilt of reading (because I should be writing). Little goals don't get celebrated that much, except a little happy dance as I cross it off my list! :)

Elizabeth said...

Ready Player One is what I'd be most likely to watch first. I want to watch A Wrinkle in Time, but I was hoping to read the book first, it has been on my TBR list for a while.

I'm looking forward to the anthology to see how mystery is done. That genre eludes me. Clowders also sounds interesting simply because I love cats.

Cathy Keaton said...

The only reward I can think of is catch up on reading you didn't do while writing!

Angela Wooldridge said...

Really looking forward to Ready Player One, my fingers are crossed. Like the sound of Radius too, haven't heard of that one, thanks for the tip :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Toi great minds think alike.

Stay, that's smart.

E.M.A.Timar said...

I have been so trapped in my writerly bubble I don't even have a clue what movies are coming out, so thanks for this. My husband usually says we are going to a movie, and I find out about it while watching. Now I will look informed. Lol. I did read Ready Player One and A Wrinkle in Time and hope they do the books justice. (And who wouldn't want to see another kaiju movie.)

Debra Renée Byrd said...

You? Watch a lot of movies? NO! lol I don't celebrate, but I'm about to try! Radius sounds really interesting, and I feel like this is the first time I'm hearing about it. I'll have to check it out.

I'm reading A Wrinkle in Time for the first time and hating it (I know it's written for kids, but I've read books for kids in my adult age and loved them, so it's just this one). I didn't know there was bad buzz about the movie, though.

I'm SUPER excited for Ready Player One!!

Thanks for being amazing as always!

Gwen Gardner said...

Take a day off? That's a 'novel' idea! LOL. I should try it some time. Thanks for sharing, Alex!

J.L. Campbell said...

Hey, Alex, yes you do watch a lot of movies! Interested in catching Pacific Rim Uprising. Congrats to those with new book and looking forward to the anthology's release.

diedre Knight said...

Hi Alex,

Clowders sounds intriguing, as does The Hurricane Heist. I can already tell Tick Tock is a must have!
I typically celebrate by tackling tasks I've neglected while writing so that I can get back to writing ;-)

Doreen McGettigan said...

I can't wait to read Tick Tock! Sadly I haven't been to a movie in months. I should seriously think about celebrating by seeing one, soon.

Sandra Cox said...

Radius sounds like an interesting movie. Kudos to Mrs. Alex for figuring it out:) said...

Any milestone is an excuse for chocolate.
I read A Wrinkle In Time as a kid, so I'm interested in seeing the movie.
Sorry for my delayed visit, Alex.
Take good care.

Liza said...

I Alex! I'm not much of a celebrator. I just enjoy the feeling. Totally out of touch on current movies too. Hmm, perhaps I need to get my nose out of my writing and pay attention to the big screen. Hope you are well!

Magic Love Crow said...

I like the idea of taking a day off, to celebrate! Watching movies is a good thing! Thanks for the reviews! I'll have to see Radius now! Good for your wife making a good guess! Congrats to Vanessa and Corrina! Take Care Alex!

Helena said...

I'm such a worrier,I don't really celebrate -- I just start trying to figure out what to do next. Marketing? (suck at it) Write something else? Or more wisely give up and get a life beyond writing.

Empty Nest Insider said...

It's a shame that A Wrinkle in Time received bad reviews. There's been so much hype with the great cast. I always enjoy reading your reviews! Glad you're able to find time to celebrate as you work so hard helping everyone else. Thanks for hosting another great IWSG!


Nilanjana Bose said...

Looking forward to Tick Tock.

Depending on the time of day I cross the finish line, I might celebrate with either a coffee or something stronger. Because a poem gets over in 100 odd words :) Occasionally, I get myself a new book to read and take time off writing.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Taking a day off from writing makes so much sense. Why didn’t I think of that? LOL

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

EMA, that's funny!

Deb, I read it as a kid, but don't remember it - that also doesn't bode well. (And yes, it's getting poor reviews.)

Robyn, no worries!

Helena, that made me chuckle.

Mary Kirkland said...

Well I just added Radius and Pacific Rim: Uprising to the list of movies I now want to see.

Lynda Dietz said...

That movie sounds really interesting! I'm always up for something that's creative and clever.

Susan Kane said...

Wrinkle in Time is a great book on so many levels. I am hoping the movie can do it justice.

Heather M. Gardner said...

How are you?
YAY! for so many new movies...but there is only one that I'm saving my pennies for and it's been pushed into April instead of waiting until May!! I still don't know what their goal is with the move, but I'm just happy I'm going to see my team again! YAY!!

I think the new girl for Tomb Raider looks great, but the husband said he'll never give up on Jolie. :)

Have a great weekend!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, so far the reviews say otherwise.

Heather! One less week we have to wait for Avengers.

Intangible Hearts said...

Radius sounds interesting and I've always wanted to read A Wrinkle in Time.
Thanks for filling me in on all these new options.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

You have the right attitude, Alex. A day off would be soo wonderful--not thinking about writing. If only I could...

I love analyzing the plot in movies I watch as well as the books I read. Thanks for everything you do, Chief!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I'm tragically behind on movies, but I did sneak in Black Panther. I blame it on binge watching Netflix, and being cheap. I celebrate writing goals with a couple of friends name Ben and Jerry.

Sandra Cox said...

Congrats to all the awesome winners of the Tick Tock Anthology.
Alex, have a wondrous weekend.

Carrie-Anne said...

Taking a little break from writing is a great way to mark a goal or completing something! My writing has suffered every time I've immediately gone from one book to the next, without taking any time to wind down and catch a breath.

Blue Grumpster said...

Radius sounds like an interesting movie. Hadn't heard of it yet, so thanks for the recommendation. As for Tomb Raider... That young lady with an arrow looks like a young lady with an arrow. The movie will have to remind me that she is Lara Croft. Angelina Jolie didn't have to say a word and you'd know she was Lara Croft. Maybe they should've called this one Lara Croft: The Kid.

H.R. Bennett said...

Oh jesus, I really have been out of sorts. Tick Tock is coming out?! That's so cool! I can't wait. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Alex, I am so behind on movies!! I am all about tv series now :)

Ellie Garratt said...

I'm so ready to see A Wrinkle in Time and Ready Player One, though I'm really hoping they both do the books some justice. We've waited a long time for the Wrinkle movie.

dolorah said...

Been really busy all week and haven't got around to IWSG til today. I've been watching lots of movies on netflix lately. I don't get to the theater much.

M Pax said...

I don't do much to celebrate either. Down time more than anything... sometimes that means starting a new story or thinking about one.

Husband wants to see the new Pacific Rim. Ready Player One looks good too, and I loved the book Wrinkle in Time.

Stephen Tremp said...

Alex, we saw A Wrinkle in Time today. The special effects and good lessons learned made this movie. I give it a B. I would have added more obstacles and challenges and death-defying adventure in 2 or 3 additional scenes. The movie really needed that.

But overall watch it in 3-D makes a huge difference and have fun. Outside of a 13-year old being nominated for an Oscar the movie was good just not great.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I have seen Radius! I thought it was a surprisingly good movie. And it was filmed in my city! Those limestone buildings were a dead giveaway.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Taking a day to relax sounds good. I didn't think I'd be looking forward to a remake of Tomb Raider, but it actually looks good, and I saw a story that she did her own stunts.

Angela Brown said...

I am looking forward to the IWSG anthology releasing. Can't wait to read all the good stories it holds.

My daughter and I watched A Wrinkle in Time. I enjoyed it. I also had the pleasure of watching it right after I finished reading the book so I spent a lot time in the theater noting the differences. Also, because I read the book and realize how much action the book lacks, the movie does a great job of making up for that.

The kiddo and I also re-watched Pacific Rim in anticipation of Pacific Rim II. I see a weekend of movie going in the near future. I also look forward to Ready Player One. The book was a fantastic travel back to my childhood so I hope it translates well to the big screen.

emaginette said...

I'm all about stories too--books, movies, etc. I'm fasinated by all the great ideas and where people go with them.