Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Insecure Writer’s Support Group #IWSG, Altered Carbon Review, Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie Trailer, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Stephen Tremp, Pat Garcia, Angela Wooldridge, Victoria Marie Lees, and Madeline Mora-Summonte!

Today’s question - What do you love about the genre you write in most often?

I write science fiction and I’ve always been drawn to it and fantasy. They both provide a world beyond our own, a place where our imaginations can run wild. The gadgets, new worlds, new creatures – it’s all fascinating and a great way to escape.

But science fiction does more than provide a diversion. It often takes real world issues and places them in a setting where we can better understand and deal with them. We’ll learn as much about our own world and ourselves as we will about the made-up world.

Besides, science fiction has blasters! What I wouldn’t give to have blasters on my car. Or at least some photon torpedoes…

Are you following the IWSG Instagram?
This is the prompt for February:

Altered Carbon Review

In the future, consciousness is stored and can be downloaded into a new body. Kovacs is a former soldier and a prisoner who is brought back in a new sleeve to sold a murder and win his freedom. Available on NetFlix.
This film has a strong noir mystery vibe even though the story is set in the future. (A little like Blade Runner, but it has its own story and tone.) It’s stylish and intriguing. New secrets and elements appear as the series progresses, deepening the mystery.
Really impressive are the special effects. They are movie-quality good. The creators spent some money. The acting is also quite solid.
Altered Carbon has borrowed heavily from Game of Thrones in the violence and sex department, no doubt going for the same audience. (And it’s similar in tone, but not in plot.) Keep that in mind – not for kids or sensitive souls.
You won’t love it the way you love Stranger Things (it’s not that kind of show) but I do recommend it.

Ninja News

CassaStar is just .99 through February 10!
You can download it here: Amazon, iTunes, Barnes and Noble, and Amazon UK

Appreciate any help spreading the word. If you’re on Twitter, you can share my pinned Tweet or send out your own –
Amazon Best-Seller CassaStar by @alexjcavanaugh on sale for .99 cents! iTunes Amazon Barnes and Noble #99cents #scifi

WEP Challenge for February:
SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list NOW if you wish to participate
CREATE your entry according to the theme - February In Too Deep.
EDIT your entry until it sparkles
POST your entry on your blog/facebook on the dates shown - remember to state
feedback preferences (full critique to general comments).
READ other entries, giving feedback as requested. This is key to the WEP's success.
Open to all genres. Maximum approx. 1,000 words.

Andrea Franco-Cook’s novel, Pawn of the Gods, is up for nomination on Kindle Scout.
The books with the most votes will be selected for publication.
You can vote for Adrean’s book HERE.

New releases:

Bitten by Love Series, books 1-3 by Stacy McKitrick
This box set includes the first three books in the Bitten by Love series: My Sunny Vampire; Bite Me, I’m Yours; and Blind Temptation.
Find it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and iTunes

Terror on Sunshine Boulevard by J. Q. Rose
Rescuing a naked woman lying in a geranium bed? Investigating mysterious murders? These are not the usual calls in a Florida retirement community for volunteer first responder Jim Hart.
Find it at Amazon and other retailers.

Ant-Man and the Wasp Movie Trailer

In case you missed it last week – the ending is hilarious!

What’s your favorite thing about your genre? Have you been watching Altered Carbon? Picked up CassaStar? Participating in WEP this month? And are you eager to see Ant-Man and the Wasp now?


nashvillecats2 said...

Happy February to you Alex, I see I'm first.
My post this month is about what I write about......the events in my life.
Good luck with your Cassa Book, The WEP Challenge looks mighty interesting.

Keep up the good work.


M.J. Fifield said...

I like to write medieval-esque fantasy because I really have a thing for medieval weapons, so I know exactly what you mean. :)

I hadn't seen the new Ant-Man trailer yet. Thanks for posting it. And I will definitely be seeing that long as Infinity Wars doesn't completely destroy me.

Pat Hatt said...

haha who wouldn't want blasters on their car. Got Altered Carbon on my list to give a go. Ant-man 2 looks great indeed.

Mason Canyon said...

Congrats to everyone with new releases. I'm so looking forward to Ant-Man and the Wasp. It looks like it will be lots of fun. I think blasters would be great to have in the car, but then everyone would have them and what would that lead to?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Twinny! I started watching Altered Carbon a few days ago. So far, so good. Definitely going to see Ant-Man. :) Me and a couple of friends are going to see Winchester on Friday. The fact that it's based on a true story creeps me out. Hugs to you and the Mrs!!

Pat Garcia said...

My first science fiction television series was Lost in Space with June Lockhart. I went on to watch The Twilight Zone and became a dedicated fan of Star Trek. These films gave me courage to come to terms with what I saw in the world and then to implement my own world to deal with the problems.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

Natalie Aguirre said...

I see why you like science fiction. I enjoy reading it but prefer the magic and world building in fantasy when I write.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Congrats to everyone on their releases, and best of luck to Andrea for Kindle Scout. I really enjoy sci-fi for the reasons you mentioned. Although instead of blasters and photon torpedoes, I think I'd rather have a transporter. So much easier than flying. Cheers - Ellen

Cathrina Constantine said...

I love science fiction and fantasy too, especially movies and television shows. They come up with some creative ideas. I don't remember the exact name, but you'll know it when I say "Beam me up, Scotty." I can't wait to be beamed all over the world, or place to place without going out in snowy 10 degree weather...hahaaa...

Looking forward to Ant Man.

Have a great week, Alex.

Jennifer Hawes said...

I'm looking forward to warmer weather.
It makes sense that we write what we love to read. And, boy do I read a ton of mysteries and fantasy. I can't say that I'm super excited about ant-man. Is it weird I'm looking forward to the new Tomb Raider???

Donna K. Weaver said...

Classic Star Trek did that a lot, bringing in contemporary issues to discuss.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, you are first!

Pat, it's a good series.

Mason, we need to keep the technology to ourselves...

Eve, good to hear from you!

Pat, well said.

Ellen, a teleporter would be awesome.

Catherine, would be awesome!

Jennifer, no, it looks like a fun movie.

Angela Wooldridge said...

I'm almost with Ellen on the preference for a transporter, but I've seen too many movies where that process gets messed up...
besides, well... blasters... ;)

Charity Bradford said...

We like science fiction for the same reasons!

Truedessa said...

I enjoy sci-fi and fantasy, expanding the boundaries of my mind. The WEP challenge is intriguing. Perhaps, I can pull something together by the deadline, in poetic form of course.

I hope sales are doing well for CassaStar. You really should write another short story about one of the characters from the series.

Have a great week!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I agree speculative fiction is a good way to look at issues in our own world from a different perspective.

Lynn La Vita said...

I hesitate to confess I'm rarely drawn to science fiction. Am I allowed to remain a member of the IWSG club?

After reading Alex's and other humorous comments, I see the goal of my genre (memoirs) and Alex's (Sci-Fi) have a lot in common.

Our writing (including most authors in IWSG) "...often takes real world issues and places them in a setting where we can better understand and deal with them."

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I have Altered Carbon on my To Watch list. Thanks for the heads up re the sex, violence, etc. It doesn't mean I won't watch it - it just helps to have some kind of warning. It helped knowing that going into GoT. :)

Bish Denham said...

I've always enjoyed reading SciFi and even dabbled a bit in trying to write it. But it's just not my genre...

Jennifer Lane said...

Tweeted! That is cool to explore real-world dilemmas through science fiction!

L.G. Keltner said...

Having blasters on the car would be handy. No more traffic jams for me!

I haven't checked out Altered Carbon, but I certainly plan to in the near future.

Joanne said...

I don't lean toward any one genre, both in reading and writing. Same with movies - I'll go artsy (Three Billboards) or action heroes (Ant Man looks awesome). Variety is the spice of life. (but no jalapeno...that's too much spice!)

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, like you I too like the freedom to go wild that fantasy allows me to indulge in.

Loved your review of Altered Carbon. I'll definitely watch it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donna, yes it did.

Angela, like The Fly?

Truedessa, I'm working on it!

Lynn, you are forgiven...

Madeline, you're prepared then.

Thanks, Jennifer!

Joanne, now I do like jalapenos.

Mary Aalgaard said...

I didn't answer the question this time for IWSG, but I do mention writing a play and producing it. It's the collaborate effort of the script and bringing it to life that I love the most. I have developed a new appreciation for horror and sci-fi, for the escape, yes, but also for what you mention above. It gives us a safe place to bring social issues to light.

Crystal Collier said...

It seems like anything Marvel produces is gold these days, so all you have to do is mention it's Marvel and I'm in.

There's nothing like exploring a new possible world in your head, eh? It's way too much fun when the sky is the limit.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I'll definitely watch Altered Carbon. Sounds intriguing.

Truedessa said...

Alex - Stop by if you have a moment.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

I agree, S/F has a lot to teach us about human nature. Thanks for sharing your dream, Alex. As for all the great news from some of our fellow authors, congratulations to all. Yes, I'm looking forward to these new movies. Not much to watch since we finished our marathon of Game of Thrones.

J.L. Campbell said...

I've always loved Sci-Fi movies for the reasons you've described. Interesting worlds, awesome machinery.

Love that the IWSG is always up to something.

Tamara Narayan said...

I haven't heard of this new Netflix show, but it looks interesting. While I love Games of Thrones, I'm not thrilled about other shows jumping onto the explicit sex-scene bandwagon. I don't want to see that stuff and I've got a teenager who is begging me to watch all these types of shows. I have to tell her no because of these scenes. It's frustrating for both of us.

Unknown said...

I'm a sci-fi/fantasy lover here too. I think many of us gravitate toward those genres for the same reasons

Carol Kilgore said...

Altered Carbon has a unique premise, for sure. Congrats to those with new books.

Unknown said...

Everybody keeps talking about Altered Carbon, I'm going to have to give it a try. I need something new I can procrastinate writing for. ;)

Stephen Tremp said...

Alex, friends at work have talked about it and yes they are GOT junkies too. Antman and the Wasp are high on our list when it comes out.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I love the giant Pez dispenser at the end of the trailer.

I need to come up with an Instagram post for today.

mshatch said...

Scifi/fantasy will always be my favorite genre both to write and to read. Haven't watched Altered Carbon yet but I might now! And wasn't that Evangeline Lily?

Jo said...

I'd never heard of Altered Carbon but funnily enough it was a question on Jeopardy last night and now you are writing about it. Not sure we can get it as our TV channels are very limited. Maybe on iTunes.

Arlee Bird said...

Ant-Man and Wasp now? Not now, but maybe later. I like the size changing concept, but I hope this film doesn't take itself too seriously. The first Ant-Man feature was funny.

Tossing It Out

The Happy Whisk said...

Science fiction has blasters !!!!!
That's funny, Alex and true.

dolorah said...

Blaster in the car? Road rage some, lol!?! I started Altered Carbon. Its a little wierd, but different. I like it, I think.

I love how science fiction writers can stimulate invention also. Makes dreamers productive :)

Carrie-Anne said...

Though I don't read or write nearly as much sci-fi as historical, I've always loved it for the fun future technologies and overall world/universal developments. The imagination can run wild imagining things that won't be reality for probably centuries or millennia.

Meka James said...

Man I would love a blaster! Especially when I'm stuck in rush hour traffic trying to get to work. That or the Tumblr from Batman. I'm good with either.

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Alex, I feel like you've changed my life this morning when you mentioned Altered Carbon isn't for "sensitive souls." That must be what I am because even the slightly scary stories send me running for an exit. I used to say "I'm a weenie," but from now on I'm definitely going with "sensitive soul." :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Truedessa, I will.

Tamara, that show probably isn't for her then.

Jen, it's not for sensitive souls!

Marcy, yes! She was also the elf in The Hobbit.

Lee, I think they'll continue with funny.

Meka, I'm with you!

Joey, now you know!

Diane Burton said...

I agree about science fiction. The possibilities are fantastic. Sci-fi gives me hope for the future, that we as a species will continue. Blasters and photon torpedoes are great, too. :)

Stacy McKitrick said...

First off, thanks for featuring my box set. Much appreciated!
Second, Antman and Wasp? Hadn't heard of it until now and now I want to see it! I enjoyed Antman.
So... what's my favorite thing about my genre, which is paranormal romance. Well, there's ROMANCE and there's the OTHER. Put together and I get a bit of horror with love. Two genres which are good on their own but perfect together.

Sadira Stone said...

Star Trek was my first taste of working out real-world problems in a fantastical setting. It's funny--I don't read much sci-fi outside of critique group, but love it on the big and small screen.

Lidy said...

I have Altered Carbon on my Netflix queue. Including a French film called "The Climb" about a guy who climbs Mount Everest to impress a girl.
Can't wait for Antman and the Wasp. There's just so many good movies coming out this year.

Cherie Reich said...

I do love how science fiction can take real world issues and make them easier to understand and consider. Plus, the technology is so much fun.

Chemist Ken said...

I'm eager to see all the Marvel superhero movies, so the answer is yes. I wonder how long Marvel can keep this up. I might try Altered Carbon, assuming I can take time away fro writing to do so. Not sure my wife will be excited about the GOT type of violence and sex.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Science fiction is a genre I struggle to read. I just don't pick them up very often. But I like the idea of exploring current issues in a different setting - I imagine it would make more sense, in some cases!

Gwen Gardner said...

RE: "It often takes real world issues and places them in a setting where we can better understand and deal with them." I like writing cozy paranormal mysteries, because in writing it, you can take a problem that someone has taken to the grave with them and fix whatever it is after the fact. It's very satisfying.

Thanks for all the news, Alex!

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Okay, so I've gotta admit it. Having a blaster on my car would be waaaaay too much fun. :) Kinda reminds me of an old George Carlin routine from years ago. He said every car should be equipped with a gizmo to shoot some sort of marker at the cars of inconsiderate drivers. If the police see a car with three of those markers, the driver can be arrested for being a butt. (Um, I may have altered the language a teensy bit...)

Chrys Fey said...

I haven't even seen the first Ant-Man movie. After I saw him in Captian America: Civil War, I wanted to see it but haven't had the time.

Christine Rains said...

Blasters on cars would be awesome! I haven't watched Altered Carbon yet, but it's on my list. My very long list. Ant-Man and the Wasp looks like so much fun!

Loni Townsend said...

Ha, if cars came with blasters, then we'd also need to have shields, otherwise we'd never be able to avoid the road rage.

Anonymous said...

I hope around a few genres, but what I love about them is the escape from the real world they provide--even when talking real world things.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

And why do you want blasters on your car? Are you thinking of dealing with some bad drivers? I've watched the first episode of Altered Carbon. Not sure if I want to see more but I'll probably give it one more chance. I do want to see Ant-Man and the Wasp.

DMS said...

I write mystery/fantasy. I love that in fantasy anything can happen! :)

Raimey Gallant said...

I've watched two Altered Carbon episodes so far, and I'm not sold on it yet. I'm finding it predictable so far, but in a good way. I was super excited for it, because I loved The Killing's Joel Kinnaman. We'll see how episode three goes. :) You're definitely right about the effects. I also like how Netflix bends American television customs with languages and diversity.

cleemckenzie said...

I haven't jumped into Altered Carbon yet, but it's in my Netflix queue. WEP should be interesting. I'm on the sidelines but am excited to read the results.

kaykuala said...

Science fiction is an excellent genre. Hank appreciates reading them as it allows our imaginations to take us to many directions. It would be fun to poetry as creative writing is wholly fiction mostly.


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stacy, you're welcome!

Ken, she'll probably want to leave the room.

Annalisa, it often makes more sense.

Gwen, that's awesome.

Susan, that would be an awesome law.

Chrys, the first one is hilarious.

Loni, I guess we would blow everyone up.

Susan, just the dumb and the slow drivers.

Raimey, they do push the limits.

Hank, you should write a science fiction poem.

J.Q. Rose said...

I'd love to have a pair of those blasters on my Mustang! But is there a return policy just in case they are a bit too powerful for my convertible??? Thanks so much for including Terror on Sunshine Boulevard in the list!!
JQ Rose

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! I think I would enjoy "Altered Carbon." One of these days I'll have to get Netflix. I won't see much tv over the next seven weeks though. I think science fiction and fantasy are wonderful genres to write in for all the reasons you stated. One of these days ...! Have a good one!

Andrew Leon said...

I've been considering Altered Carbon, but I haven't talked myself into yet.
I already have more things that I want to watch that I don't have time for.

Mina Burrows said...

I'm with you on the blasters. LoL! I watched two episodes of AC and I agree. It's not Stranger Things but it's good so far.
I'm not a follower on Instagram. My dog Spike has a page and I'm following.
Congrats to Andrea. That's so exciting.

Juneta key said...

I've always wanted to be a Star Wars X-Wing pilot and a Jedi, lol., or a smuggler like Han Solo. Never really wanted to the Princess although she a fave character. Speculative Fiction is where I tend to spend my writing time.

Suzanne Furness said...

Fantasy and science fiction are great ways to escape and explore new worlds and ideas. said...

I love that there's so much humor in non-fiction, and I can't help but keep things real. I love that others love my pain.
Have a great (rest of the) week, Alex.

Liz A. said...

So many great things on NetFlix, and I still don't have it. But it sounds like Altered Carbon is not for me.

Hart Johnson said...

I agree that the best fantasy/sci fi can approach real world issues--almost better because you can approach it sideways, so it's less threatening. And I watched the first Altered Carbon--hubs and I are going to continue, but slowly, as it's quite dense.

Laura Clipson said...

I'm looking forward to participating in WEP this month, but I really need to get writing my story!
Ant Man looks good, I'll definitely be watching that.

J E Oneil said...

Meh, I'll take a pass on Altered Carbon. Doesn't sound like my thing. Ant-Man and The Wasp sounds good, though. It's no Black Panther, but I definitely want to see it.

S.A. Larsenッ said...

Yeah, I really enjoy fantasy, too. I also like fantasy intertwined within a contemporary world. I think it's cool to see how we could extend beyond our current reality,

Jemi Fraser said...

I love that about sci fi and fantasy as well! It's one of my fave genres!

mail4rosey said...

I didn't know there was going to be an Ant Man and Wasp Man movie. We definitely will be going to see it. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I quite liked the short series, Altered Carbon, too. Impressive quality. It had lasers in the ceiling!!! I want them installed in my place ;)

Anonymous said...

We've watched the first couple episodes of Altered Carbon too. I was a bit surprised by how much nudity and sex there was, but then thought back to the first few episodes of Orange is the New Black and it's "shock" value. OITB has more storyline now, I'm wondering if AC will do the same. So far, the plot is pretty good so we'll stick with it.

Have a beachy week!

Birgit said...

I love reading mystery novels, classics and bios as well as non fiction books but I haven't written anything...yet. I have not watched Altered carbon and this film with Antman and waspwoman looks like a hoot

Nicki Elson said...

That's a really good point about sci-fi making our own world's problems easier to understand and deal with by putting them in another place. Gives us a little distance, I guess, making it seem safer to examine.

Toi Thomas said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

I love the way you write sci-fi and agree that blasters are cool.

Altered Carbon actually sounds like something I'd like. May check it out.

Best of luck with your CassaStar sale.

Anonymous said...

Sci-fi has always been a great vehicle to address real life issues. And yes, my Jeep Commander definitely needs to be outfitted with some photon torpedoes.

Sandra Cox said...

A blaster on your car. Ha!
Did you see or read about the rocket that was launched with a sports car on it?

Pat Tillett said...

Altered Carbon! For sure I am going to check this out. Thanks for the tip Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

JQ, they might be able to downgrade to something less powerful.

Mina, that's funny.

Approach it sideways - I like that, Hart!

Lynda, I want those as well!

Elsie, I guess it depends how much they are following the book.

Nicki, exactly!

Sandra, I missed that!

Pat, you're welcome!

Botanist said...

Thanks for the reminder, Alex. I need to grab a copy of CassaStar!

Denise Covey said...

It's great to write what you love, then it shows. Thanks for the shout out for WEP this month!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Ha,ha! I can picture blasters or torpedoes on your car. You'd attract a lot of attention for sure.

Anonymous said...

My favorite thing about my current genre--fantasy--is the possibilities. You can take a look at your people and their interactions in whichever parameters you want. Well, at least those that have some measure of consistency. It seems so freeing.

Tara Tyler said...

i'm so glad you reviewed altered carbon - i've been really into netflix lately and have been curious about that new show. i will have to check it out, especially since you compared it to GOT!

happy february!
Tara Tyler Talks

Roland Clarke said...

After watching that trailer, I'm keen to see the Ant-Man & Wasp movie - well, it has blasters.

I like my SF speculative so I guess I get a bit selective in my old age. Of course, if you mix in some mystery I'm hooked. In the end - or the clinch - I opt for a devious mystery (as you know - thanks for dropping by my blog..)

Elizabeth said...

I agree with you about writing science fiction and fantasy. I love discovering new worlds in reading, and inventing my own in writing. And speaking of science fiction, I already own and read the whole CassaSeries. An excellent, thought-provoking experience in outer space :)

I did write out a rough draft for this month's WEP. I think I'm going to give it a try.

That trailer is awesome!

Shannon Lawrence said...

Hubby and I want to watch Altered Carbon, but haven't had time to sit down and watch an episode yet. I'm looking forward to it!

Helena said...

I never really chose historical fiction; it pretty much just chose me because I love history so much. So my now taking on a sci fi novel is in a way liberating 'cause it means almost no research!

Empty Nest Insider said...

Altered Carbon sounds like a series my son would like. Thanks for letting us know,
so I can tell him about it. I also like the idea of blasters on my car, and my husband
who is as calm as can be until he gets behind the wheel of a car, would absolutely go crazy with them! Thanks for hosting another great IWSG, Alex!


Nilanjana Bose said...

I was more of a 'past' than a 'future' fan as far as reading/watching goes, but I've been converted gently - by my family which has solid SF fans, and then by blogging. Amazing what blogging does for one's horizons.

Best of luck with the promotion!

Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

"Besides, science fiction has blasters! What I wouldn’t give to have blasters on my car. Or at least some photon torpedoes…" I hear you! They'd make a lovely addition to any vehicle.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I find horror usually has a prophetic or insightful message to it, usually about the danger of letting our darker instincts get the better of us.

I also love that the endings are not predictable. Horror is about the only genre where you can get away with killing everyone off, even the protagonist. Not knowing what's going to happen is what keeps it exciting for me.

G. B. Miller said...

I write in the paranormal/fantasy genre and what I enjoy most is that you can take uncommon things and make them common and acceptable. I actually wrote about this a few days early on my Tumblr blog.

I Are Writer!

Charles Gramlich said...

Definitely want to see Altered Carbon

Unknown said...

Blasters on my car... yeah, that resonated with me. I see Altered Carbon up on Netflix, but my "must watch" list is growing faster than my free time. Don't know when I'll get around to this series. Maybe in a couple of years? I didn't really enjoy the first Ant Man movie, and I've learned not to trust the trailers, so I feel no burning desire to check out "Wasp" any time soon. Thanks for the post, and happy writing to you.

Michelle Wallace said...

Sci-fi and fantasy? My brain is just not wired to write in those genres. But I'll read them.
I love my mystery/suspense/thrillers... and certain periods of historical fiction.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

What, no Han Solo trailer?

I quite liked the first Ant-Man and I'm looking forward to the second. And yes, I have picked up CassaStar!

Emily R. King said...

How did I miss there will be another Ant-Man movie?? YES!

Liesbet said...

I'm such a novice when it comes to literature genres. What's the difference between science fiction and fantasy? Isn't SF always fantasy? Or, is one set in the future (SF) and one in the present? Maybe I should start watching Altered Carbon. But, is that SF? :-) I'll figure it all out over time; I think the key is to read more.

The WEP project sounds interesting... Maybe I'll join another month, when I have something solid to contribute.

As always, thanks for hosting and turning the IWSG into what it has become, Alex. And, for all the visits to my (and other) blog!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Ian!

Denise, you're welcome.

Tara, think you'll like it.

Roland, I only managed to put a little mystery into one of my books. Not good at it.

Elizabeth, do it.

Thanks, CD! The Solo trailer didn't catch my attention as much as this one did.

Liesbet, science fiction is either futuristic or set in space or another galaxy. Often with science involved. (Magic usually isn't based on science.)

SpacerGuy said...

Monsters, - only joking but they get a close second in sci-fi. The stories and characters and here's to Cassatar which I've tweeted. said...

But science fiction does more than provide a diversion. It often takes real world issues and places them in a setting where we can better understand and deal with them. We’ll learn as much about our own world and ourselves as we will about the made-up world....

I agree, a great vehicle for understanding problems in the world in which we live, and in a form people can relate to.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

Like I said, if science fiction or story begins with fact and asks what if, truly amazing stories can be told that will make the reader--and hopefully the world--stop and think. And that's all any writer can ask for.

Thanks, chief, for allowing me to co-host. It'll take me weeks to catch up.

Olga Godim said...

You need photon torpedoes? I know a great website where they give step by step instructions for DIY. Subscription is only $20 a month.
No wonder so many of us like sci-fi.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Blasters would be good to have in Charlotte traffic. :)

I love the way cozy mysteries allow the reader to almost interactively solve the murder with the sleuth.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I'm not sure if there's one single thing that's my favorite about writing fantasy, but a big part of it is that anything can happen. You have to find a way to make it work, but there really are no limits.

And I'm very much looking forward to Ant-Man and the Wasp. The first one was surprisingly good, and this one looks like it'll be as good if not better.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Spacer Guy!

Victoria, as long as you had fun!

Olga, tempting...

Shadow said...

The imaginary world is the best world to live in, I think it's fantastic you get to do so. Happy weekend Alex

Sherry Ellis said...

I can tell you love writing in your genre! I like picture books and middle grade books, because I'm a little kid at heart. I love illustrations. It's fun to see illustrators visually make my creations come to life. I also prefer to deal with kid issues - not grown-up problems. :)

Liza said...

Hi Alex! Just checking in. Can tell how much you love SciFi...and you are an amazing marketer, too! Thanks for all you do!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Fantasy and sci-fi are great genres to write in. Altered Carbon is a show I plan to watch this month. Also anticipating Dragons Race to the Edge Season 6. I loved Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer, it was hilarious. Hello Kitty stole some of the show.

Lynda Dietz said...

If I were to write fiction, it would probably have something to do with sci-fi. I like your observation that it's a good way of dealing with today's problems in a future (perhaps more advanced/forgiving) setting. It's neat to see how we all envision the "perfect world."

And YES. Blasters of any type would help my driving attitude immensely.

Karen Lange said...

Thanks for the info, Alex. Hope February is treating you well! Have a great weekend!

Steven Arellano Rose Jr. said...

My favourite thing about writing science fiction and horror is that it helps put our greatest fears and other tensions into perspective. It does what Carl Jung says that dreams do for people: it expresses problems that are so complex or so terrifying or both that they can't be expressed at the literal level and so are expressed at the metaphorical one. Hence the monster in a story, as ugly and terrifying as it may be to your audience, is probably not so near-ugly or terrifying as the "monster", or fear, hiding in your subconscious. In science fiction, particularly, when this is applied to the social issues reflected in the story based on our own world's social issues you have a valuable story that can really enlighten your readers.

Rhonda Albom said...

I love your description of SciFi. For me, I have mostly been writing non-fiction travel, about my life. They say, write what you know.

Olivia J. Herrell, writing as O.J. Barré said...

Hi Alex! I'm new to IWSG, but not Blogger. In fact, you're one of the many authors I met here in my early blogging days (2009-2011ish). Glad to see your published CassaStar library has grown substantially. Congratulations!

I, too, love spec fiction and fantasy. I want to watch Altered Carbon. I even started the first episode. But I'm one of those sensitive souls. I am, however, now fascinated with Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Thanks for your post,
That Rebel, Olivia/O.J.

Sandra Cox said...

Altered Carbon sounds intriguing.
Hope your weekend is filled with all kinds of fun.

Magic Love Crow said...

Congrats on everyone's new releases! I love science fiction! I agree, it's a place where our imaginations can run wild! I can't wait to see Ant Man and the Wasp!!

Cynthia said...

I agree that writing sci-fi and fantasy really lets us stretch our imagination. Our world building muscles get a real workout when we think about how our story's world could look like.

Patsy said...

I like the fact that there's actually a market for the genre I most often write – short stories for women's magazines.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sherry, I can understand that.

Sheena-kay, yes it did.

Steven, you said it better than I did.

Olivia, thank you! Glad you joined the IWSG.

Sandra, filled with all kinds of busy.

Patsy, and you are good at it!

Angela Brown said...

Like you, Alex, I love science fiction and fantasy. The escape in the world building is so wonderful!

I've got my eye on Altered Carbon. I still have to catch up and watch Stranger Things. Yeah, I am so behind on my binge watching lol!

Black Panther has most of my attention for now. It is intriging to see some of the review posturing going on. The movie that has the rest of my attention is A Wrinkle in Time. I've ordered the whole book set so I can re-read as much of it before the movie comes out. The last time I read it, I was so young. I don't remember the details, just this feeling of enjoyment at having read the work.

Ray Rousell said...

Looking forward to Altered Carbon!

Lisa said...

Yes to Ant Man! Can't wait, loved the first one, dying to see this one. I've wondered about Altered Carbon and have it on my list to watch. Thanks for your review, and thanks for dropping by my blog! said...

My (grown-up) daughters have told me that Game of Thrones is too violent for me (they know I'm a sensitive soul), so I probably won't watch Altered Carbon, either. I love your take on writing sci-fi/fantasy. It is a great way to examine real problems in a setting free from our real-world distractions--to see things in a new light. And to have fun at the same time. It doesn't get much better than that!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Angela, I don't think I read it even as a kid. Black Panther is being touted as the best Marvel superhero film so I am really excited for it.

Susan, yeah, you should probably avoid that series.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I like fantasy. It's like sci-fi just a bit different on the delivery. :)

Jeffrey Scott said...

Altered Carbon sounds interesting, though I'm not into the advanced level of violence most TV shows feel the need to incorporate now. I probably won't check that out. But Ant Man and Wasp? I'll be seeing that for sure. Wasp has always been a particular favourite Marvel heroine of mine. I don't have many in the Marvel universe.
What I love about Sci.Fi. is you can dream up with just about anything, and give some kind of vague reference about why it is possible, and suddenly it makes sense. Even if you want to be silly about it. I used the element "Tea of Time" for one of my short stories. Even came up with my own Quantum Leap-ish kind of reasoning for why it was possible to travel to a period back in time, within your own lifetime. It was a silly story of course, but I still had fun with it.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi Alex,

How's it going? I hope all is well. Just dropped by to say, "HI!" Slowly trying to get back into blogging and writing. I'm drying to resurface and be more active. It's hard sometimes... seriously do not know HOW YOU DO IT! But I see you have cut back on posting, too.... Look like twice a month.

It's nice to see all the news! Always happy to see that everyone is doing well and writing, publishing, etc. YAY for them....

Take care.... see you March 7th! Have a good weekend!

Maddy said...

We watched Black Panther last night with the kids=great! And next week we're going to watch A Wrinkle in Time which I read many years ago.