Monday, January 15, 2018

#IWSGPit and The Write Life! Flaming Crimes Story, Tick Tock Cover, Movie Controversy, Threshold Review, and Ninja News

The Insecure Writer’s Support Group made The Write Life’s 100 Best Websites for Writers again this year!
Thanks to all of you for supporting and participating. We wouldn’t exist without you.

The IWSG Twitter Pitch Party is this Thursday!
We have hundreds of agents and publishers invited.
The first event last summer comprised of about 2300 Tweets and was a Trending Topic that day.
Check out the site for genres and hashtags.
Then send out your Twitter book pitch with the hashtag #IWSGPit this Thursday.
See you then!

Flaming Crimes Story

AUTHOR NOTE: Many scenes in Flaming Crimes (Disaster Crimes #4) came from real life. For this short blog tour, I am sharing my memories as a ten-part continuous story, so hop along for the entire experience.

BUY LINKS: Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, and The Wild Rose Press

My parents and my best friend’s parents decided it was best that the two of us were taken away from there. So, my best friend’s dad drove us to their house. We had one of our other cats who had just had kittens. They were tiny little things. In my best friend’s room, my cat nursed her babies as if nothing was amiss.
When my best friend’s dad returned, he reported what was happening—a firefighter had been burned in my backyard, a brush truck had gotten stuck in the woods behind my house, and my friend’s uncle was going crazy, running through the flames, laughing, and apparently having fun.
Except, for my friend’s uncle, I brought those two scenes to life in my story.

The paramedics appeared out of the smoky cloud carrying the backboard with the assistance of two firefighters. Beth stopped breathing. If Donovan was strapped to the backboard, she would spring into the ambulance after him. She loved their home, but she loved Donovan more. She wouldn’t let him get taken to the hospital alone. Even if he was unconscious, she would want to be with him, to hold his hand, to kiss him, and to pray. When she saw a firefighter on that backboard, she felt a mixture of relief and horror. The fire was winning.

The story will continue on these blogs:
1/8 Circle of Friends Books - Part 1
1/9 Sandra Cox – Part 2
1/10 Elements of Emaginette – Part 3
1/11 Julie Flanders – Part 4
1/12 I Think; Therefore, I Yam – Part 5
1/15 Alex J. Cavanaugh – Part 6
1/16 Just Jemi – Part 7
1/17 Sandra Dailey – Part 8
1/18 Fundinmental – Part 9
1/19 Elizabeth Seckman – Part 10

Chrys Fey is the author of the Disaster Crimes Series, a unique concept blending romance, crimes, and disasters. She’s partnered with the Insecure Writer’s Support Group and runs their Goodreads book club. She’s also an editor for Dancing Lemur Press.
Author Links: Website, Blog, Goodreads, Facebook Twitter and Amazon

Album Review – Threshold: Legends of the Shires

When this was released last year, I discovered that Damian Wilson was no longer the lead singer. He was an amazing singer and I decided I wouldn’t listen to or support the new album. .
Then the album started turning up on progressive rock top ten lists. So I finally caved and downloaded it. And I’m so glad I did!
This is an amazing disc from start to finish. Every song is catchy while still maintaining that prog rock sensibility.
It’s also one of the best mixed albums I’ve ever heard. Every instrument, voice, and element is perfectly balanced. Nothing is muddled or in the background.
It’s definitely the best prog album of 2017. If you’re a prog fan, this is a no-brainer – buy it now. Even if you’re not a fan, it’s very accessible and catchy.
Very highly recommended!

Ninja News

On a sad note, Edi’s Book Lighthouse is closing down. Edi said his farewells on Saturday, stating that the advances in technology at his job have only made him ten times busier, and he is unable to continue reading and reviewing.
Edi, you will be missed! Thanks for the years of support and friendship. You rock.

New Releases!

A Body in the Trunk byElizabeth S. Craig
Myrtle Clover book 12
Sometimes taking a spin makes you crash and burn…
Find it on Amazon

The Case of the Purloined Pyramid by Sean McLachlan
From Kindle Press
An ancient mystery. A modern murder.
Find it on Amazon

Movie Controversy

Last week, Michael posted about the controversy of The Last Jedi. It’s divided the fans and received a lot of flack despite the great critical reviews.

That got me thinking about movies in general and why some are so panned by one side or the other and why some divide fans. I think it comes down to two things – a person’s investment in the original source and their critical level when it comes to movies in general.

As far as The Last Jedi, the backlash is mind-boggling. If you go to the IMDB, the first hundred or so user reviews are all one star. (And yet the overall rating is 7.5 stars – guess enough people gave it ten to balance out all those ones.) It wasn’t exactly the movie the die-hards who’d read all the books, played all the games, and followed every post-Return of the Jedi myth out there wanted. So they absolutely hated it. Which was unfair to a movie that the general population enjoyed and critics loved.

I think in general, people just get too hung up on details and perfection. They hold standards and requirements so high that few films will reach – which means they won’t enjoy very many of them. Now, everyone is guilty of this to some degree. (Read my review of Threshold above and you’ll see I was guilty of that with music.) But the key to enjoying movies is just to relax and remember – it’s just a movie.

I re-watched an older episode of Big Bang Theory the other day where the guys are so stoked and worried as they sit waiting to watch The Force Awakens and Wil Wheaton turns to them and says, ‘Guys, it’s just a movie. No matter if it’s good or bad, it’s not going to change your life.’ And you know what – he’s right.

When I was a teen, pretty much anything would entertain me. Then somewhere around college, I became picky. And critical. I could tear apart a film with the best of them. A single plot hole would ruin a movie for me. But somewhere along in my thirties, I began to relax. I realized that perfection was impossible. And most movies weren’t aiming to be big critical successes and win Oscars – they just wanted to entertain. I finally accepted that and began to enjoy films again.

Take my review last week for King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. No, it wasn’t perfect. Parts of it were a bit of a mess and it was quirky. But was I entertained? Absolutely! I enjoyed it and appreciated what the director was trying to do. And I’d watch it again.

Take Justice League. Now, the big difference between DC and Marvel films is their aim – Marvel films are big-budget spectacles aimed at the general public. They are light, humorous, and designed to appeal to all movie-goers, not just Marvel comic fans. DC movies are more aimed at the comic fans and are darker in tone. And they’ve stumbled a bit – with the exception of the Batman films and Wonder Woman, critics have hated them and many movie-goers have been disappointed by their un-Marvel qualities. (And of course, there is a lot of hate for director Zach Snyder.)

But here is where a relaxed attitude pays off. I am a big Justice League fan. It was the first comic book I ever purchased. So I did have expectations, but after the past few movies, I tempered them. The result – I completely enjoyed the film! It did have issues. You could see the difference in the two directors. (Since Joss Whedon stepped in to finish when Snyder took leave after a family suicide.) But it nailed two things – the characters, who were spot on perfect, and the comic book feel, which is what I wanted. I was entertained and this fan satisfied with the result.

So again, I think people just need to relax. I feel sorry for those who think movies are a one or a ten and there’s no in between. You’re missing out on some fun flicks that way. Many of you are authors – are your books perfect tens? No. But they are still enjoyable.

And that’s all we are after in life – a little joy and happiness.

So in the words of MST3K – Just repeat to yourself ‘It’s just a show, I really should relax!’ 

Cover Reveal - Tick Tock: A Stich in Crime

Tick Tock: A Stitch in Crime
An Insecure Writer’s Support Group Anthology

The clock is ticking...
Can a dead child’s cross-stitch pendant find a missing nun? Is revenge possible in just 48 minutes? Can a killer be stopped before the rescuers are engulfed by a city ablaze? Who killed what the tide brought in? Can a soliloquizing gumshoe stay out of jail?
Exploring the facets of time, eleven authors delve into mysteries and crimes that linger in both dark corners and plain sight. Featuring the talents of Gwen Gardner, Rebecca M. Douglass, Tara Tyler, S. R. Betler, C.D. Gallant-King, Jemi Fraser, J. R. Ferguson, Yolanda Renée, C. Lee McKenzie, Christine Clemetson, and Mary Aalgaard.
Hand-picked by a panel of agents and authors, these eleven tales will take you on a thrilling ride into jeopardy and secrecy. Trail along, find the clues, and stay out of danger. Time is wasting...

Release date - May 1, 2018
Mystery & Detective (FIC022000) / Crime (FIC050000) / Thrillers (FIC031000)
Print ISBN 9781939844545 eBook ISBN 9781939844552

Do you have fire memory? Fan of Threshold? Do you think people are just too critical when it comes to movies? Doesn't the Tick Tock cover rock? And are you participating in #IWSGPit on Thursday?


RaveAir said...

I don't see the big problem with The Last Jedi. I'm a big Star Wars fan from my childhood, but I know it is just a tale, a fantasy-story in space. It's not a hardcore sci-fi, and just about the sounds in the space (and the 'falling down' bombs in zero gravity).
I enjoyed the movie very much, however there were many un-necesary scenes in it.

And I'll also miss Edi's blog very much... :(

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

My husband and I were saying much the same thing about the Last Jedi movie. Your criterion: was I entertained? seems to make the most sense. Picking movies apart isn't much fun.

Good luck with the Twitter pitch party!

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

And thank for the release mention!!

Birgit said...

I have to visit the day before for Chrys Fey’s great 10 episode story about the house fire. I remember, 2 weeks after my dad came home from brain cancer surgery, we had a fire in the sawmill which caused $40,000 in damages. One of the men decided to weld without anyone present and no pail of wa5er beside him which were my dad’s Express orders. When a small fire started, he panicked and ran. People take certain films way to seriously and nitpick which just confirms that they need to get a life, get a job and stop living in their mom’s basement. Enjoy the film for what it is...a movie to entertain.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Am I entertained? That's how I judge most of the movies I see and the books I read. Because that's what they're there for! Just entertain me and let me forget about real life for awhile. :)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I've learned that when I love a book, I really have to think about if I want to see its movie version. Sometimes I won't - I don't want to have the book "ruined" for me. But, if I can distance myself enough from the pages, and I can enjoy the movie for its own sake, as its own art form, then I'm good. :)

Joanne said...

congrats to Chrys, IWSG, and so many more listed on your blog. I do remember a neighbor's house being on fire. Fortunately, it was saved and no one was hurt but it was all quite dramatic at the time.
In regards to movies, I love movies and some stick with me, but as you say - it's not real life, it's two hours of escape whether serious or fun. I'm just not a fanatic type of person - not a screamer at a concert, not a fainter, etc.
Happy Monday

Natalie Aguirre said...

I do think you are right about realizing that a movie is just that and not taking our feelings about them too seriously. I agree with Madeline too about books and movies. Some movies are not true to the books in ways that are totally disappointing. My daughter and I have experienced that. Percy Jackson was a disappointment as a movie and could have been better.

Congrats on the award!

Truedessa said...

Good Morning Alex!

A lot to read in this post. I agree that we need to relax when watching a movie. I think it comes down to expectations.

Can I pitch an epic poem on Twitter?

The anthology looks and sounds like a fun read!
Congrats again to all!

Have a great week Alex!

mail4rosey said...

I enjoy Marvel and DC. Honestly though, I don't like when they get too dark. Ms. Fey's work sounds good! I haven't seen the new Star Wars movie, but I hear a lot of positives from people who did.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Zoltan, it was a bit long, but still a lot of fun. And I will really miss Edi.

Elizabeth, exactly! And you're welcome.

Birgit, what a shame - that shouldn't have happened. And your comment about living in mom's basement made me chuckle!

Stacy, yes!

Madeline, most really are two totally separate stories.

Joanne, you're like me - no highs or lows, just even keel.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Congrats to everyone on their new releases! Great looking cover for the Tick Tock anthology. Looking forward to reading it.

I just saw The Last Jedi and really enjoyed it. I didn't know there was a controversy over it and that so many people panned it. Personally, I thought it was great. I rarely pay to see a movie in the movie theater and this was definitely worth every dime I spent.

Cheers - Ellen

Mary Aalgaard said...

Everyone's a critic! I think people's expectations get in the way of enjoying any form of entertainment. The best movies are the ones where I go in, not knowing much about the plot or anything, and just letting it wash over me.

I LOVE the cover for Tick Tock. (getting my post ready) So thrilled to be part of this next anthology!!

Christine Rains said...

I agree everyone should just relax. It is just a movie and everyone's opinion will be subjective. Some people can't believe I haven't even seen it yet! I'm loving reading Chrys' experience, and I can't wait to read her new book. Three more days until #IWSGPit!

Karen Lange said...

Lots happening this week! Congrats to Chrys. Wishing her much success. Wishing all the other authors well too. Have a great week!

Andrew Leon said...

Despite any impression my review might have given, I really enjoyed the movie. My issue is more with the director and the specific aim of pissing off the crowd rather than writing the story.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Natalie, which is why some books should never be translated to the screen.

Truedessa, if there is a hashtag for it, sure!

Ellen, I feel the same way about the film.

Mary, glad you are part of it!

Christine, three more days!

Nilanjana Bose said...

Not just films, life in general is so much more enjoyable when it's not either or. Some people need to chill.

And the antho looks neat! Congrats to all authors.

Have a great week!

Gwen Gardner said...

I don't go to movies and I've never seen any of the DC, Marvel or Star Wars movies (except for the original one in the 1970s!). BUT! I used to read the Archie comics when I was young (many years ago!), so I decided to watch Riverdale on Netflix. At first, I didn't like how they changed the characters. They used to be sweet and innocent, but now they can be dark, with some pretty dark secrets. But I stuck with it and became addicted. And they're still the same characters at heart, with the same values. And I'm entertained!

I love the Tick Tock cover!

David Powers King said...

Here's to doubling (if not more) tweets with this year's event. I really liked the new star wars film, and that may have been due to knowing the post return of jedi stuff wasn't canon and the direction could go anywhere. The focus on the little heroes was refreshing. :)

Lidy said...

I admit I've been critical with movies, especially ones I had high hopes for. For example the film adaptation of Avatar: The Last Air Bender. I could not enjoy it at all. They pronounced the character's names wrong. The martial arts bending weren't exciting, worse the one bending I wanted see the most, Earth bending, was a let down. It's been years and I"m still in a firm belief that M Night Shyamalan direct the movie.
I've had high expectations about the DC and Marvel movies and enjoyed them. My husband on the other hand not so much, especially JL and Batman vs Superman. He questioned and nitpicked how Bruce Wayne could be tricked by Luthor to go after Superman. How it made no sense that Bruce Wayne would create a cryptonite spear and not some advance tech he usually fights with. He even complained about Wonder Woman not being curvy as portrayed in the comics.

Chrys Fey said...

That’s a really fun cover for Tick Tock.

Thanks for hosting me for Day 6 of my Blog tour, Alex!

@Birgit, $40,000 worth of damage? Oh my. I hope he was fired or seriously reprimanded.

@Joanne, thanks!

@Christine, I’m glad you’re enjoying my 10-Day tour and continuing story. :)

@Karen, thank you!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to those with new releases! I like the cover of the anthology.

I saw The Last Jedi for the fourth time this weekend, so I guess I sort of like it. ;)

Carrie-Anne said...

I'm most critical of films that make no effort to stay true even to the most basic storylines and characters from books they're based on. I've seen some awful adaptations that only take a germ of a concept from the book and then spin it out into an entirely new story. It's like, what's the point of pretending it's a remake or based on that book when it's so clearly a different story?

cleemckenzie said...

Big congratulations on the recognition for IWSG website and am looking forward to the Pitch Party!

Haven't seen The Last Jedi yet. No time lately. :-)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Some people need to get a life. No one likes a critical jerk. And no statue has ever been erected to a critic, so get a clue.

Suzanne Furness said...

People like all sorts of different things and are entertained in different ways and I think that is just fine. Be boring if we all liked the same thing after all! Congrats on making the top 100 again and look forward to reading some pitches on Thursday, might join in!

Philip Verghese 'Ariel' said...

Hi Alex,
What a joy to be here again.
A great lot of things to note.
Thanks for sharing.
Keep Sharing.
Have the great and profitable year 2018.
~ Phil

J.L. Campbell said...

Yay! for the Twitter pitch party and the Anthology. Congrats on the new releases!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nila, agreed!

Gwen, entertained is all we can hope for. Glad you like the show now.

David, yes it was.

Lidy, Avatar was just a bad movie all the way around. And I thought Gal Gadot was very curvy as Wonder Woman.

Chrys, you're welcome!

Sandra, I would say you do!

Carrie-Anne, good point. Might as well make a whole new story.

Thanks, Suzanne.

Elephant's Child said...

A pyramind would be very difficult to purloin. And even more difficult to hide. What an intriguing title.
I am sooooo looking forward to the next ISWG anthology.

Sandra Cox said...

I think fire is one of the scariest things in the world. Good for you, Chrys, for turning this around and into a novel.

'Lo, Alex.

Tammy Theriault said...

I want to see the Justice League so bad!!! Mainly for Aquaman...hehehe

J E Oneil said...

I really loved The Last Jedi. I've seen people talk about how it ruined Star Wars and stuff like that. Mind-boggling.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Thank you Alex, I wish you could send your post to all those critical souls who nit-pick every little detail in movies. I watch purely for entertainment values.

Great cover for the anthology. Have an awesome week.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

That is a great cover. Wish I had something ready to pitch for Thursday. Maybe for the next one. I'm totally with you about the 'it's just a show or movie.' And some discontented fans use social media to personally attack performers and others involved in a production. It's weird, immature, and disgusting. I've seen it happen with some TV shows. It's just for entertainment, not to change your life.

Pat Hatt said...

Not sure how anyone could have fun jumping through fire lol

Yeah, some people just go wacko. Nothing is ever perfect. There is always a plot hole in just about anything that one has to overlook or they'll never enjoy it. What's his face as Lex Luthor I wasn't fond of, but I still enjoyed the movies. I mean Fast and Furious you have to turn your brain off for everyone since what? 5? to enjoy them, and they are enjoyable. Now there are just horrible movies, ie. Die Hard 5, 4 for that was crap, but it could be enjoyable enough. Does the same logic apply to transformers though? lol they just need to end.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - congratulations to all IWSG participants and administrators ... let alone those who brought it to life! - fantastic you made the top 100 websites list. I love films - but I prefer ones with 'meat' on them ... and not pure entertainment ... but I enjoy all sorts. Good luck with the Twitterpitch on Thursday ... cheers Hilary said...

Yes, people are too critical. Period. Some will never be pleased. Thank goodness for the rest of them.
Cheers, Alex.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Wow. So much good IWSG news that I forgot to add in the part about being one of the top 100 websites to my post. So, I can mention it next week and possibly instagram about it, too. :)
I agree that we all take certain movies or books too seriously, especially during certain times of our lives. I struggled with the book-to-movie issue for many years until I realized that I like many of the Cinderella adaptions out there, and none of them are exactly alike. It's okay if a movie isn't exactly like it's book. It's okay if a series isn't exactly like the first movie. In fact, I am so, so, so glad that no Death Star, Death Planet, or Death Ray showed up in The Last Jedi. So, they mentioned Death Star Technology, but they finally started moving beyond it. Whew. As an old fan of Star Wars - I think the original did change my life, or at least change my storytelling ideals as a six-year-old - I may not have loved everything in The Last Jedi, but I felt it was a strong film (with some expected cheesiness factors) and one that could be loved by a variety of fans, which is great! It didn't have to be perfect for it to be enjoyable.
Sorry, went tmi in commenting.

Sarah Foster said...

I liked The Last Jedi, but I didn't looooooove it. I don't get the hate, though. I think some people just can't be pleased.

Jemi Fraser said...

Love the cover!!!! :)

Chrys' story is wild - can't imagine how vivid those memories are for a young girl!

Yay for IWSG!!!

Fundy Blue said...

Lots of news in this post, Alex! I wish everyone who participates in the IWSG Twitter Pitch Party on Thursday lots of luck. I have some pretty traumatic fire memories, different times and places. Congratulations to Chrys on her latest book. The cover for the anthology looks great ~ Can't wait to read it. I'm not too critical when it comes to movies. I just sit back and enjoy the ride. Have a great week!

Liz A. said...

Interesting perspective on The Last Jedi. I didn't realize there was such a backlash. I find it fascinating how many people don't pay much attention to the movies. You've got the population that parses every scene and the population that allows the movie to wash over them. Definitely different expectations. I think it's the expectations that hang people up.

Botanist said...

As Liz says, it's all down to people's expectations. The big question is whether or not those expectations are fair and reasonable. If a movie is billed as something and it turns out not to be, then people can rightly be critical. But if they set up their own expectations and it fails to live up, that's a different matter.

I thoroughly enjoyed Gravity, despite the absurdity of Hubble, the ISS, and Mir chugging along in spitting distance of each other like London buses. It lived up to its billing as a tense adventure story. It never pretended to be true to life in all minutiae of orbital mechanics.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hey, Sandra!

Tammy, he's one of the funniest parts of the movie.

JE, I know! Crazy.

Cathrine, so do I!

Susan, exactly.

Pat, agree Transformers needs to end! But no problem turning my brain off for Fast and Furious movies.

Tyrean, no worries - it's a busy week. Good point we have no Death anything in this one. And the first movie did change things in many lives. But all the other ones? Just films to enjoy. Or ignore in the case of Episodes I-III.

Liz, that definitely contributes to the problem.

Ian, own expectations are indeed different. Gravity wasn't perfect but like you, I enjoyed it for what it was.

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations, Chrys, your story sounds as interesting as the one you've written for your characters!

For me movies are either good, or bad. Analyzing them deeper than that - I'm not qualified. :)

Great cover for Tick Tock!

Congrats on your success with the IWSG! It's done great things for all of us!

The Happy Whisk said...

I didn't like Justice League and I really, really
REALLLLLLLLLLLLY wanted to. But ... I'm still glad
they made the movie and I'll go watch the next one.

Movies are fun.

kaykuala said...

"100 Best Websites for Writers again this year!" A back to back recognition is most satisfying for credibility. The IWSGPIT that follows should be most useful for aspiring writers.

Chrys is so talented and such an inspiration, keep it going, Ma'am!

Would rather not get into knots trying to put forward a case for or against 'the Jedi'. It is entertainment, just accept it, period!


nashvillecats2 said...

Congrats to Chrys on her fine achievement.
Loved the post Alex, as always full of news and views.


Elizabeth Seckman said...

Congratulations on making the list again. That's so awesome and well deserved.

I'm not sure if Churchill said it or not, but I think it was him who said perfection is the enemy of progress. And perfect people are no fun to hang out with. So bitchy and judgmental. You're right--relax and enjoy a little.

G. B. Miller said...

I'm not much of a movie goer these days, but trolling (in a good way) on Facebook has convinced me that certain people get seriously unbalanced when it comes to certain movies. In the end, it all boils down to the fact that it's just a movie. No more and no less.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yolanda, thanks!

Thanks, Hank! And well said about the movie.

Elizabeth, exactly!

GB, in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn't matter, does it? Good to hear from you!

Juneta key said...

Great points about fans expectations. I had that problem with Wonder Woman but after watching more than once I changed my own mind and liked it.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

Very good advice. I do it a lot with movies, especially if I'd read the book, but I've been able to enjoy (some) adaptations when I understand movies can't always do what the books or even older version of the movie could. Narratives adapt with the times or the version of the creator, and that's okay.

Sherry Ellis said...

I didn't know there was controversy around The Last Jedi. I thought the movie was well-done.

I've enjoyed reading Chrys's ongoing story. Seems like she's had a successful blog tour.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Good advice to the tense and easily-upset crowd, Alex. It would be nice if everyone could relax and let others read, watch, and post what they want without feeling the need to start a big fuss. I've unfollowed a lot of my nice friends on Facebook because they have their knickers in a twist over everything all the time.

Huntress said...

As usual, you give me a lot to think about.

Regarding the critics of movies and the like: IMHO, it is the nature of social media—that faceless, irresponsible entity—and it's ability to serve vitriol without worry of repercussion. It gives a mean pleasure to people who dish it out.

Not my cup of tea. Hate feeds itself and grows as it does.

Tonja Drecker said...

I didn't see the last Star Wars movie and don't plan on it simply because the last ones just haven't struck my interest. And you're right—a movie is just a movie. Congrats to the anthology winners and can't wait to see all of those pitches Thursday!

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't really understand the hatred for the latest Star Wars. I was never a huge Star Wars fan anyway though

Patsy said...

I don't get why people become so angry over films. Aren't they just supposed to be entertainment?

Cherie Reich said...

I really don't get the hate on some films. Personally, I loved The Last Jedi, but then again, I came into Star Wars late. When it comes to books/movies, I go into them to be entertained. I think that's the best way to go about such things.

Rebecca M. Douglass said...

The Tick-Tock cover definitely rocks! :)

No twitter pitch, since I'm not ready to pitch anything nor am I competent with Twitter.

Anonymous said...

I tend to roll my eyes when people get outraged at entertainment. Yeah, I'll have things I didn't like, but I don't see much of a point in being too mad about it. I enjoyed The Last Jedi despite a few spots throwing me out of the story. My brother who is a giant Star Wars fanboy loved it.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

We watch lots of TV programs and never go to the movies because we wind up disappointed. The book cover is nice. Congratulations to all on a great job with the anthology.

Chemist Ken said...

Plot holes don't bother me much anymore. They give the family something to discuss after the movie. If I'm entertained, that's all I care about.

Toi Thomas said...

Congratulations on The Write Life's listing again in 2018.

It's so cool and amazing how Chrys Fey has drawn from her real-life experiences.

I totally agree about moviegoers these days; they need to relax. I'll even take it one step further and say that any movie based off something else is an entirely new entity in and of itself; it's an adaptation, not a copy. I think if more fans could accept that, they'd be happier moviegoers.

I love the cover of Tick Tock. Can't wait to read this anthology.

Magic Love Crow said...

Congrats Chrys!! So happy for you!
My brother, who is almost 55 goes crazy about movies! Takes everything apart. And, I'm like, it's just a movie! LOL! I think it's funny, when he will watch a t.v show he hates, just to see how it's going to end! LOL!
Really love the cover for Tick Tock!!
Have a great one Alex!

Rhonda Albom said...

I love the idea Chrys had of sharing her story over several blogs. As for my fire story, my hubby is convinced I must have had a bad fire experience as a young kid, or in a past life, as I am so terrified of hot things - even the iron. Congrats on the anthology. The book cover looks great.

Sandra Cox said...

The Tick Tock Cover definitely rocks! I love it!

H. R. Sinclair said...

Words of wisdom from The Big Bang Theory. Congrats and congrats--and congrats to Chrys too.

Helena said...

Alex, you would make a much better movie critic than a many of the pros that are out there. Is a flick very entertaining? Is it worth a couple hours of my time? Sometimes that's all I want to know. And so yes, I will see the latest Star Wars and probably have fun, and no, it won't change my life!

Donna McDine said...

Congratulations on the Writers Digest best website listing! I've never heard of a Twitter Pitch...sounds fascinating!

Erika Beebe said...

Good morning Alex. I agree, in general though, I believe people are way too critical and search for the holes inside of the light. I DO love the new cover! I'm so happy for all the authors involved in this anthology! As far as fire, I've always tried to stay away from it. I've burned myself on the oven cooking a time or two. It really does frighten me :)

Jennifer Lane said...

Hey Alex, I hadn't heard about criticism of Luke's characterization. (Maybe I'm not enough of a fan/nerd for Star Wars.) But I agree with your comment on Michael's blog that I was focused more on Rey's parentage. I'm leaning toward Luke but maybe that's too obvious.

Good luck to all on the Twitter pitches!

Victoria Marie Lees said...

I am so proud to be a part of IWSG; and bravo to us for making the Write Life's 100 Best Websites. It's all because of your care and continued support, Alex. And everyone else's too, of course. I've said it before: Bravo to all the writers who are included in the anthology. I LOVE the cover. And more power to you, Chrys, with your Crimes series. I also love the covers and titles of Elizabeth's Myrtle Clover book and Sean's Purloined Pyramid. All the luck with your new releases!

As for the movies, my daughter LOVES Star Wars and The Justice League. She watches them several times in the theatres and then buys the movies.

DMS said...

Luckily I do not have a fire story- but I have enjoyed following along with Chrys's blog tour and I have heard a lot interesting stories!

I agree- people get too concerned and put too much pressure on a lot of movies. I try to just be entertained. It can be harder for me if it is a movie based on a book I loved- but I try to go into it taking the movie as its own thing, since they aren't usually the same and things I love from the book are missing. :)


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

One of the things that I am truly in awe of is how writers and the IWSG in particular really gets a lot of value out of Twitter. I commend you and your leadership because there is definitely a right and a wrong way to use Twitter, and the IWSG uses it well.

Thanks for the shout out on your blog :). I agree that people take movies too seriously. My friend Jake and my friend James are like that, only wanting to watch the very best movies that have the highest word of mouth score. This goes for television too. For example, James has said, "Game of Thrones" does it right and that is how all television should be. If it's not that quality, then studios should take note because I'm not willing to watch it.

I was like, "James...Game of Thrones is an industry leader because it has an enormous budget and is a stand out. You can't expect all television to be Game of Thrones quality." He just couldn't "get" that. Anyway, I guess my rambling point is that there is value in all kinds of entertainment, and I think people take themselves way too seriously when valuing their time. I dunno...maybe it's related to the narcissism epidemic, but there's a lot to be said about hanging out with friends who are easily entertained. I think (in the end) it's more fun and there's more enjoyment to be had by all parties.

Al Penwasser said...

Like you, I just enjoy movies, instead of picking apart every detail. Was The Last Jedi perfect? Absolutely not. Did I enjoy The Last Jedi? Absolutely.
And my life hasn't changed one iota.

Shah Wharton said...

Congrats to all those who've released a book recently and good luck to Chrys for her tour.

I loved the Last Jedi. And I agree, people need to go to the cinema to be entertained. If that happens great, if not, don't write a thesis about it. It's a film, not a political agenda!

Shah X

klahanie said...

Greeting Alex,

That's totally awesome news about IWSG making it into the 100 best websites for writers. A worthy and wonderful accomplishment!

Roll on, Twitter Pitch Party for IWSG.

Chrys Fey rocks. Tick Tock rocks. And yes, a certain celebrity dog is going to hopefully make an appearance at the IWSGPit!

All the best, good sir.


Mary Kirkland said...

I don't know why people get so crazy over movies. Especially the ones that have several movies to them. Just enjoy the movie for what it is and stop all the bickering over it. The funny thing is the same thing happens in book series. I've written a few reviews for big series books that I didn't think were as good as some of the other books in the series and the fans get rabid if you talk bad about a book they liked. People are crazy.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Juneta, that's good!

Deb, it is all right.

Patricia, I think the relaxing comes with age...

Huntress, well said!

Patsy, you would think!

Cherie, exactly.

Ken, that made me chuckle.

Toi, well said!

Crow, I have never understand that sort of mentality. I'd laugh as well.

Thanks, Helena. That's just the way I review them here.

Jennifer, maybe by the next movie we'll find out.

Thanks, Victoria!

Jess, it's all about someone else's spin on it.

Michael, thanks! You're welcome and you summed it up perfectly.

Al, tell it like it is!

Thanks, Gary!

Mary, I am convinced most people are crazy. Some just more so than others.

Susan Kane said...

To me, movies must be entertaining. I don't care if they are panned or praised. Justice League made me happy. I didn't go to the bathroom. The Last Jedi fluctuated in quality and continuity. We saw the first movie ever when we were young parents, and were awed. But, I went to the bathroom during this movie. It is silly to gauge a movie by bathroom trips, but it marks how much I enjoyed the movie.

I love Jason Moama.

Heather R. Holden said...

Completely agree about having a relaxed attitude for movies. Even for films that ultimately feel mediocre to me, I can usually pinpoint something entertaining or worthwhile about the experience, and my time doesn't feel wasted.

And wow, that's amazing how the IWSG made the Write Life's list of best websites. Many congrats!

Anonymous said...

You're so right about the movies, Alex. I had originally had high expectations for The Dark Tower and after hearing about the terrible reviews, I decided to reframe how I watched it. When I did that, I was able to sit back and really enjoy the movie for what it was - entertainment.

Have a beachy week!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, that's funny.

Thanks, Heather!

Smart thinking, Elsie. And it would be really cold at the beach today.

DL Kennedy said...

Congrats on IWSG award. Love the title: "The Case of the Purloined Pyramid"... makes me think of the classic mysteries I grew up with.

I had no idea there was so much flak over The Last Jedi. Usually, you're taking fire when you're over the target.

Sandra Cox said...

All the reads sound great don't they?
Are the roads as bad there as they are here?

Elizabeth said...

I remember a time when a couple of my friends and I tried to help fight off a fire on a hillside when we were teenagers. It's a wonder that nobody got hurt.

Your description of enjoying movies is very well put. Over the last few years, I have watched movies with the intent of finding the good qualities within them. With movies, and stories for that matter, you just need a suspension of disbelief instead of focusing on everything that's done wrong.

Maurice Mitchell said...

That line “appeared out of the smoky cloud” is a beautiful one. Last Jedi is definitely polarizing fans. I think it’s the first film in the new franchise that established the EU is never going to come back and that’s disturbing a whole generation of fans. I don’t agree with it but I can understand

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, no, they are good today.

Elizabeth, exactly.

Maurice, all things change and grow I guess.

Loni Townsend said...

I suppose I'm super relaxed when it comes to entertainment. My sis-in-law will complain about certain aspects of a movie, but me, I'm all, hey, it entertained me so I'm good. Relaxing is an excellent suggestion for everyone.

SpacerGuy said...

Fascinating to see how many diehard fans voted on IMDB but at least they went to see Star Wars. Conversely Star Trek Beyond failed to excite enough fans, so now Disney head honcho JJ Abrams is handing the reigns over to Quentin Tarantino.

Blue Grumpster said...

One of the best mixed albums you've ever heard... OK it on my list. See, YOU'VE got the force SW8 not so much. I'm not going to say anything except that I hope you're willing to watch this video:

Thanks for always stopping by.


Sandra Cox said...

Wow, I didn't realize Chrys also worked as an editor. Lots of irons in the fire.
Have a great weekend, Alex.

Anonymous said...

Very intrigued by the Flaming Crimes concept. What a great idea! And your uncle ran through the flames?? Laughing??! Oh,my. Great hook.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Loni, that's smart.

Spacer Guy, that just might make Star Trek a little weird.

Blue, I'll go watch. And the album is amazing.

Sandra, great so far!

alexia said...

I must be under a rock, I had no idea X-Files was back. As for Star Wars, I loved it. I totally agree with you about relaxing. People need to chill out.

Deniz Bevan said...

That's a great idea for a blog tour -- congratulations to Chrys!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Congrats on the success of the Twitter Pitch and the Write Life mention. Well deserved!

I love your take on movies. I've noticed the same with books since I got published--I get some in-depth positive reviews, but often people who love my books are fine with saying just that, whereas people who didn't like them act personally offended, as if it was my goal to ruin their day. They get so nasty and personal, even slamming those who liked the book. I've never understood it. It's a story.

A friend of mine wrote books in the Star Wars universe, and boy, did he get raked over the coals! Tons of people leaving him one-star reviews, just because he did something new (and more diverse/inclusive). Star Wars purists are quite rabid about the franchise, it seems.