Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Insecure Writer’s Support Group, Wonder Woman Review, June Movie Preview, CassaFire Giveaway, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are JH Moncrieff, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Jen Chandler, Megan Morgan, and Heather Gardner!

The optional June 3 question – Did you ever say “I quit?” If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?

I’ve never said I quit. I just never intended to say I’d keep writing. That’s what happens when you only plan one book. (But more keep happening.) And believe it or not, during my week off – I wrote something!

Today we are announcing another IWSG anthology opportunity for our members:

The IWSG Guide to Writing for Profit


The IWSG Guide to Writing for Profit--This will be a non-fiction book like our Guide to Publishing and Beyond.

What to write: Share experiences about making a profit as an author, what it takes to become a successful writer, the many skills a writer needs to learn other than writing, share the experience going from hobby writer to published author (without making it a self-promotion piece), the fallacies behind writing for profit, the little known facts learned along the way, what you wished you knew when you first started writing, or marketing tips based on experience of what has worked and what hasn't. Please include a title, your name, and a link to one of your sites. Send as an attached Word file or pasted into the email.
If you have any questions, email us at admin AT

Word limit: 500-1000 words.

Submission eligibility: All members of the IWSG Blog Hop, IWSG Facebook group and/or members of our IWSG Goodreads Book Club. It's free to join any of these groups and a great benefit to be a part of these communities.

Deadline: July 31, 2017

Send your piece to admin AT as an attached Word document and note which IWSG group you belong to. Please include your name, a one line bio, and one website link.

The one hundred best entries will be included in the book.

Wonder Woman Movie Review

The perfect superhero origins story. It will remind you of Captain America: The First Avenger but in a good way.
It’s a great blend of all the elements. It never gets too serious for long and there is an even mix of humor and lighter moments.
WWI is also a great setting. It adds unique elements to Diana’s integration into the world of man.
And Gal Gadot has found her role. She brings the perfect balance of wisdom, innocence, strength, determination, and devotion to the role. Diana sticks to her beliefs, and even when those are shaken to the core, she grows and adapts. Her evolution as a person is natural and captivating.
The action sequences are amazing. Diana’s run across No Man’s Land is spectacular. Her fighting moves – and those of all the Amazon women – are poetry in motion even as they are deadly. Perfect for 3D.
This is the DC superhero film I’d hoped for – strong, solid, passionate, and kick-ass. I think I enjoyed it even more than Guardians 2.
Highly recommended!

Ninja News

My publisher is doing a giveaway starting Thursday on Twitter for CassaFire on audio!
Tweet their Pinned Tweet to enter.

Toi Thomas announced the Reading Indie blog, featuring self-published and independent authors. They are looking for guests – contact her if interested.

Just released:
Chocolate Kisses by River Ford (aka – Charity Bradford)
Find it on Amazon

June Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for June! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

9 -

The Mummy
An ancient princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia, and terrors that defy human comprehension.
Director: Alex Kurtzman
Stars: Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis, Russell Crowe
The beginning of a huge new project for Universal. If it sucks, then the end of a huge new project for Universal.

16 -

Cars 3
Lightning McQueen sets out to prove to a new generation of racers that he's still the best race car in the world.
Director: Brian Fee
Stars: Owen Wilson, Cristela Alonzo, Chris Cooper, Nathan Fillion
Still not sure why they dropped the subtitle – The Fiery Death of Lightning McQueen.

23 –

Transformers: The Last Knight
Humans and Transformers are at war, Optimus Prime is gone. The key to saving our future lies buried in the secrets of the past, in the hidden history of Transformers on Earth.
Director: Michael Bay
Stars: Laura Haddock, Mark Wahlberg, Gemma Chan, John Goodman
It’s call the Last Night because it will literally take an entire night to watch this overlong film…

30 – 

Despicable Me 3
Gru meets his twin brother Dru he never knew about.
Directors: Kyle Balda | Pierre Coffin | Eric Guillon
Stars: Jenny Slate, Miranda Cosgrove, Kristen Wiig, Steve Carell
We know it’s just another consumer-driven cash-grab, but my goodness, aren’t those Minions adorable?

Baby Driver
After being coerced into working for a crime boss, a young getaway driver finds himself taking part in a heist doomed to fail.
Director: Edgar Wright
Stars: Kevin Spacey, Ansel Elgort, Lily James, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx
Stupid title but great director – should be good.

Have you ever said you quit? Will you be contributing to the IWSG anthology? Did you catch Wonder Woman this past weekend? And what movies do you want to see in June?


Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I agree, Woman Woman was awesome!!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I won't quit. Some of Wonder Woman was filmed in Lower Halstow, Kent - so there's been a lot of interest over here. I gather it's a good film - not sure if I'll see it - who knows! I saw Arabesque (1966) at the weekend - a lovely movie with Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren ... others unlikely - cheers Hilary

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I'm going to see Wonder Woman on Thursday! Very much looking forward to The Mummy.

I've done the pity party thing before, where I've said I'll never make it as a writer, but I'm doomed because writing is all I can do. I think I was mostly looking for reassurance from whoever I was whining to at the time.

Heather R. Holden said...

I've seen countless people praise Wonder Woman on social media lately. Glad this film lived up to the hype for you! Congrats on all the writing you did during your week off, too--muses are sneaky that way!

nashvillecats2 said...

The new anthology sounds interesting.
Loved all the news and reviews.
Welcome back Alex.


Sarah Foster said...

I've never actually said "I quit" but I've probably wanted to. I did think I was done with fiction at one point but the muse had other ideas.

Erika Beebe said...

Your review really makes me want to take a vacation day at work at go today! Congrats on writing something! I'm not sure if I can ever watch a remake of the Mummy. I liked Brendan Fraser.

Lan said...

I don't know why but there just hasn't been anything out at the movies in a really long time that I've been excited to see. Hopefully Wonder Woman changes that.

I didn't realise IWSG has a FB page! Joining!

kaykuala said...

Hank was inactive for a few months. Glad Hank did not quit, nearly did. Was happily recollecting events and blogging for over a year when it suddenly dried up. A real mental block writing prose until Hank discovered poetry - a life saver. For poetry there are always prompts to goad us on. One can write every day in fact!


Ronel Janse van Vuuren said...

Can't wait to see Wonder Woman! And yes, the minions are cute enough to make me watch another Despicable Me.

Blogoratti said...

Will try to see the Wonder Woman movie, its got great reviews apparently.

Kyra Lennon said...

I'm really on the fence about whether or not to see Wonder Woman. I've heard both good and bad. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

Mason Canyon said...

Sounds like Wonder Woman is the movie to see. I'm not so sure about The Mummy.

Lynn La Vita said...

I wonder how long it will take to get a copy of Wonder Woman down to our little fishing village in Mexico? Will the neighboring movie theaters have it in English? or Spanish or subtitles?

I think you proved your point when you said you wrote during your week off. It's in your DNA and writing is like breathing. Ya just gotta do it!

Cathrina Constantine said...

Everybody is talking about Wonder Woman. I have to see it!!!

So what did you write while on vacation, Alex? That's awesome, keep plugging...

The Cynical Sailor said...

Looking forward to reading the anthology when it's published. I have a hard time imagining anyone other than Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman. I think that dates me :-)

Natalie Aguirre said...

Heard Wonder Woman was great. The anthology sounds so good. I would have considered submitting something, but I'm a ghost writer for websites. It doesn't fit even though I make a sort of living now as a writer. And it's kind of a niche, but I suspect there are other opportunities like mine.

Truedessa said...

Good morning and welcome back! I am looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman over the weekend, thanks for the review.

Have I ever said I quit? As a wandering poet, I am always writing as nature and life are filled with adventures to entertain my muse. Much of what I write I keep to myself. I have felt like saying no more blogging, but I seem to linger.

I am intrigued that you spent time writing over your break. Is this something you will be sharing with your readers?

Have a great week and keep the positive energy flowing.

Truedessa said...

Very true Hank, inspiration is always available to write poetry.

Dean K Miller said...

Cool that Wonder Woman is doing so well! About time the girls take center stage and rock it.
Nice to hear about the new IWSG project. Can't say I've ever made a profit, though.

Nicola said...

Some great films out at the moment. Looking forward to the new anthology and learning from those who have 'walked the walk' :) Have a super week Alex.

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Couldn't agree more on Wonder Woman - it was in a word brilliant! Gal Gadot was so captivating I couldn't take my eyes off her.

Alex, did you check out my review of it? -->

As for June releases, I'm most excited about Baby Driver. It looks so cool.

Tamara Narayan said...

I've never officially quit writing, but productivity has gone down the toilet lately. Our family saw Pirates of the Caribbean last weekend and enjoyed it. Hope to catch some of the earlier ones sometime.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hilary, that's very cool.

Heather, yes they are.

Erika, there have been so many versions of that film that it doesn't bother me.

Lan, please do join!

Hank, and now you rock at it.

Kyra, what bad?

Lynn, either way it will be a good movie.

Cathrina, something set in the Cassan universe...

Ellen, she was hot as Wonder Woman.

Natalie, you definitely need to submit something about that!

Truedessa, only if I finish and know it will be published.

Karen, I guess so!

Jennifer Hawes said...

Finally saw GG2:) Can't wait to see Wonder Woman. I remember watching the series when I was a kid. Baby Driver, yes, dumb name, but boy do I want to see that movie! Hope you're having a great summer.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I saw that Mummy trailer, and it did not look good to me - sort of like a bad remake of The Mummy with Brendan Frasier and Rachel Weisz.

Oh, Minions! They always make me smile. :)

Jennifer Lane said...

I'm like you--I never intended to keep writing, either. Sounds like a great writer guide! I'm visiting my nephews this weekend so maybe we can go see Wonder Woman.

Stacy McKitrick said...

Saw Wonder Woman. Liked it.
Those other movies don't interest me. I'm more interested in seeing "My Cousin Rachel." That's if I can find a theatre that is showing it.
As for saying "I quit." In writing, nope. Maybe I haven't been doing it long enough. In accounting, all the time! Sometimes I'm glad I was fired (although it wasn't fun--I'd never been fired before). It was the best excuse to write all the time. :)

Crystal Collier said...

Can't wait to get to Wonder Woman...but it's one of those seasons where I'm lucky to have a clean dish in the house, say nothing about getting out of the house. =)

Love the anthology call! Here's hoping there are some amazing submissions. Actually, I should put a plug in on one of my favorite writing groups from facebook and get some of them to contribute. Valuable stuff.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I've yet to see GotG2 or WW, but I hope to see at least one of those this week. In the meantime, I'll check out the Reading Indie blog.

Michelle Wallace said...

Quitting is not an option. By nature, I'm not a quitter.
So what did you write while on vacation?

Julie Flanders said...

How great that you've written something new! Yay! And also great that the IWSG is putting out yet another anthology. You guys are busy bees.
Loved the snark. :D

Annalisa Crawford said...

Loved Wonder Woman! Going to see it again tonight! :-) Can't wait. Who-hoo!!!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

George, she was captivating! Will check review if I missed it.

Jennifer, we should write a book...

Stacy, there's a blessing in all things if we look.

Crystal, please do!

Michelle, something in the Cassan universe.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hi Alex, and welcome back! I am not quitting in the foreseeable future :)

So cool you wrote another book during the break!

Didn't catch WW yet but caught up with Fast n Furious 8 and a Bollywood film. Will be watching WW and the Mummy during the summer hols, hopefully.

H. R. Sinclair said...

I'm so happy to hear Wonder Women is getting great reviews! I'm looking forward to The Mummy—I really hope is doesn't suck.

Christine Rains said...

I really want to see Wonder Woman, but my kid wanted to see Captain Underpants instead. (Which was a great adaptation of those books!) Awesome that you wrote something new. I hope to at least do some brainstorming over my vacation in a few weeks. I'm finally getting a chance to watch the new MST3K on Netflix. I really like the new cast!

Pat Garcia said...

I am playing with an idea of submitting a piece for the non-fiction anthology about writing. Not sure yet, but it is sure tempting.
Congratulations on writing another book. It is when you don't think about quitting that you keep going.
Shalom aleichem,
Everything Must Change

Jo said...

I really want to see Power but as usual I will probably have to wait for it to come out on CD. Not DVD of course LOL

Mary Aalgaard said...

Great review of Wonder Woman. Now, I really want to see it! You were born to be a writer. Congrats on all your success.

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Really want to see Wonder Woman.

As for Trans5ormers, Michael Bay actually came out and said "don't worry, it's not really that long." (Apparently there was an error in the runtime on the Google page listing it as over 3 hours long). It's pretty bad when the director has to assure you it's less movie than advertised.


Pat Hatt said...

That last one is an awful title. Sounds like a kids movie. With transformers your night will transform to day as it sure is so friggin long. Good some writing came due as a vacation was taken at your zoo. Finally DC hit all the right notes. Hopefully they can keep it up.

Carol Kilgore said...

I cannot wait to see Wonder Woman! I'm hopeful for next week. Give up on writing? Nope. It keeps me sane.

Bish Denham said...

I've been hearing good things about Wonder Woman...

Congratulations of writing something!

As for saying "I quit", no. But I have gone on long sabbaticals.

cleemckenzie said...

I'm sure the anthology will be a smashing success! I might have to see this Wonder Woman. I love a woman who can take charge.

Tyrean Martinson said...

Thanks for the great review of Wonder Woman - I definitely plan to see it sometime in June. I'm a bit behind the "new" movies.
Love that you keep on writing, Alex!

Murees Dupè said...

I don't think you are a quitter, or that you have one ounce of quitter in you, Alex. I think you are a great writer, and hopefully there will be more stories for you to tell. I don't know, I liked the first Mummy movie, with Brendan Fraser. But I guess I'll check the new one out too.

Chrys Fey said...

I sure hope we get plenty of submissions for the anthology. I worry that a lot of our members won't be able to provide info on writing for a profit, though we'd all certainly would want it. I know I do!

I really want to see Wonder Woman.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I loved Wonder Woman.

Minions! Yes please, give me more Minions.

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm hearing great things about Wonder Woman. I'm not a fan of superhero movies, but I may have to give this one a try when it comes to On Demand. I'm not a big theater-goer these days!

Unknown said...

That's a good way to treat writing...never commit! But then somehow, you still end up doing it.

Anonymous said...

The women in my family tend to be stubborn, so quitting isn't an option. Maybe a little moaning and pity parties here and there. LOL

I want to see Wonder Woman, but the last time we tried to go to Canada, some putz had a fake grenade in their car and traffic on the bridge was closed for 3 hours due to the bomb squad being called and we almost got stuck in it (we were at the end of the line and were able to back out) and now hubby has sworn off going to Canada to see a movie and I don't want to drive over there by myself.

Sandra Cox said...

Good to know about Wonder Woman. I love most super hero movies but I did not enjoy the last Superman movie or Batman VS Superman, so I wasn't sure about this one.

Loni Townsend said...

I'm looking forward to Wonder Woman. Hopefully I'll get to see it to celebrate my 11th anniversary with my husband this month!

Laura Clipson said...

As I haven't actually had anything published yet, I'd better sit this one out!

M.J. Fifield said...

I'm hoping to see Wonder Woman today. If I hadn't been a writers conference all weekend, I'm sure I would have seen it about five times by now. Thanks for the review! :)

Liz A. said...

Now I'm worried about Wonder Woman. It's getting such great reviews. Yet, other movies that have been similarly loved (Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy) I did not love when I saw them. So, I wonder.

Patricia Stoltey said...

I've heard only good things about Wonder Woman so it's definitely on my list. Seems like the kind of movie one should see on the big screen, right? said...

Yes, those minions are adorable. We can't see too much of them.
Cheers and be well, Alex.

Sharon Himsl said...

I like your comment about thinking you'd write only one book. And now look at you! Reminded me of Heather Seller's words in her book on writing. She finds 'one book' declarations by writers amazing. After all the work learning how to write, why would they quit? She says..Surgeons spend years learning how to operate. Do they quit after one surgery? Anyway, really got me thinking about quitting vs staying the course.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, you actually wrote something in your week off? You are awesome and now you are giving me a serious inferiority complex. I don't even switch on my laptop when I have taken a holiday.

Suzanne Furness said...

Don't think Wonder Woman is my kind of movie . . .but might catch The Mummy and Despicable Me 3 should be fun! The new publication sounds like a good idea.

Andrew Leon said...

Baby Driver is taken from a Simon & Garfunkel song, which goes along with its catch phrase.

I didn't like that they pulled story elements from Cap for WW, but I did enjoy the movie. Definitely the best of the DC films, which isn't really saying much.

Mark said...

Wow, now I have to see Wonder Woman. Everyone keeps telling me it rocks:)

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Chick flicks have come a long way since Miss Weaver starred in Aliens. That film rocked. I hope WW too.

Chemist Ken said...

I enjoyed Wonder Woman, but this inflation of super powers over the last couple of years is beginning to annoy me. She picks up tanks now? I think I'm going to rant about that on my blog soon.

Victoria Marie Lees said...

I've heard about the origin story and all the "why she is how she is" in the Wonder Woman movie. My neighbor saw it and loved it. It's on my "to do" list, once I get through all the confounded family events.

As always, thanks for all you do to assist your fellow writer, Alex.

Sylvia Ney said...

I love the idea for the IWSG anthology! I'm also excited about seeing several movies this summer, especially Wonder Woman.

Karen Lange said...

I haven't been tempted to quit writing, but I have seen the need for breaks on occasion. The older I get, the more purposeful I want to be, and I pray for wisdom along those lines.

Anonymous said...

Wonder Woman was AWESOME! I loved Guardians of the Galaxy 2 as well because I have a soft spot for little Groot. :)

Fundy Blue said...

I hope to see Wonder Woman this weekend. We shall see! I've never made a profit from my writing, so I won't be trying for the upcoming IWSG anthology, but I'm certainly excited about reading it!!! I need several personal clones to help me do all I want to do ~ with a collective brain, of course! Have a good one!

Juneta key said...

Have not seen Wonderwoman yet, Anthology sounds like another good one.
' Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Leigh Caron said...

I heard Wonder Woman was great...from a woman. Then a guy said it was too slow. I'll take your guy take on it though. And any movie that has both Tom Cruise and Russel Crowe in it is a winner already. Thanks for your comment on my blog.

Susan Kane said...

I was totally surprised by Wonder Woman. The 70/80s tv series had me stuck in the past. You are totally correct.

The others? Who knows? It will be a sink or swim for some industries.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Writing for profit? What's that...? I spend far more money buying other people's books than I do selling mine. (Thanks to you, I just paused to purchase "Chocolate Kisses"... I mean, come one! Chocolate AND kisses? What's not to love?)

Wonder Woman sounds like a terrific movie, and we're looking forward to seeing it, but we will definitely see the new minions movie. We're mad about the minions, and we'll probably go see it with our son and his family on release day. It cost us an arm and a leg to take the whole crew to see the second movie, but it was totally worth it. Besides, we still have a few more arms and legs...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Nila, I least started one.

Christine, they did a good job with the new series.

Pat, do it!

Thanks, Mary.

CD, and it will still be too much...

Pat, I have high hopes for Justice League.

Thanks, Murees.

Chrys, I'm not worried.

Megan, it's my motto.

Patricia, bummer.

Sandra, completely different tone to Wonder Woman.

MJ, go and enjoy!

Patricia, it's a must on the big screen. 3D if you can.

Sharon, good point.

Rachna, sorry! That was part of my plan for the week off.

Andrew, different war, different vibe.

Joylene, they both do!

Ken, she has similar powers to Superman. She's actually a little stronger.

Victoria, thanks for being a part of the IWSG.

Leigh, I didn't think it was too slow.

John Wiswell said...

Wonder Woman looks great! Excited to see it next week at 4th Street.

diedre Knight said...

And during your week off, you wrote something. Fantastic! I've never said I quit, I couldn't possibly. However it has occurred to me on cloudless days when lizards pant in the shade that perhaps I should. Good thing I'm stubborn ;-)
I've been absorbed in "Hell On Wheels" of late, so hadn't heard of half of the movies you mentioned. Pretty sure I'll see more than one with my grandson.
'Reading Indie' sounds interesting.

stephen Hayes said...

I never quit writing or painting, but sometimes the well goes dry and I need to wait for inspiration.

Joanne said...

I said I quit this week to an exercise class - I lasted 30 minutes of a combo Yoga/Pilates workout. Adios to that much sweating. I'm not that coordinated.
For writing - no, I plug along at my own pace. Good for you and your continued writing success.
Wonder Woman - huge thumbs up. Mummy - not sure. Minions - they make me laugh. Baby Driver - great cast - Ansel needs another breakout.
Have a great week

J E Oneil said...

I don't think I could ever quit writing!

I can't wait to go see Wonder Woman. It looks so amazing. I don't know how it can be a DC movie. The rest of the movies coming out on the other hand...

farawayeyes said...

Made my way back to the land of the living bloggers for this IWSG post and hope to say here. Glad you never thought of quitting. YIKES! What would we do without you. After all, it's you who keep the rest of us in line.

I know I haven't said it enough, but a thousand thanks yous for all that you do!

Huntress said...

I was never a Womder Woman fan. But I didn't think I could love a raccoon hero.
Gotta put this one on my TBS list.

Nick Wilford said...

Great to hear you've been doing some writing! I'll try to think if I could submit anything for the anthology, although I haven't made a massive amount of profit. Sounds like Wonder Woman is worth a look.

Unknown said...

I had the same experience with my first novel--I didn't exactly plan to keep going, but now it's impossible to imagine a day when I would call it quits. Can't afford groceries here at the moment, let alone movies, but I have heard great things about Wonder Woman! I'm glad. :)

Jessica Therrien said...

I love that book idea!! I'll see if I can get something together :)
*Sticking fingers in ears* about the movie. Can't wait to see it!!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Susan, it's looking like a sink for The Mummy.

Susan, then by all means, go spend them.

Stephen, that's me as well.

JE, DC scored big with this one.

Faraway, thanks! I'd never quit on this group, that's for sure.

Nick, sure! Admins can submit as well.

Anonymous said...

Alex! I made it after all. I didn't think I'd have time with work today, but I did. Yay!

My hubby enjoyed Wonder Woman and is looking forward to seeing The Mummy. I passed on both. I'm still waiting on The Dark Tower and It. Feels like it will never get here.


Olga Godim said...

I need to see Wonder Woman. Great review.
I wonder if The Mummy is a re-make. I loved the old one with Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz. It had so much humor. Not sure I want to watch Tom Cruise in the Fraser's role.

L.G. Keltner said...

That sounds like a great idea for an anthology!

I keep hearing great things about Wonder Woman. I'll have to see it when I get the chance.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but hope to soon.
Looking forward to the new anthology.
Must enter the giveaway for your audio book. Tying a string around my finger to remind me.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Great idea for a new anthology, Alex! Wonder Woman sounds like a fun movie. Is Gal Gadot the new Kate Beckinsale?! The Kevin Spacey movie also sounds good, but I agree that the title is annoying. Thanks again for all you do!


Empty Nest Insider said...

Great idea for a new anthology, Alex! Wonder Woman sounds like a fun movie. Is Gal Gadot the new Kate Beckinsale?! The Kevin Spacey movie also sounds good, but I agree that the title is annoying. Thanks again for all you do!


Trisha Faye said...

I'm glad you never quit writing. I'm extra glad that you started this group! I appreciate the encouragement I receive from the other members.
Trisha Faye
Writer’s Zen:

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

Finally dropped in to say HI.... Nice to see new books out, movie reviews, AND another ANTHOLOGY. FANTASTIC! Looking forward to it's release!

Thanks for dropping by today. It means a a lot.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jessica, please submit something!

Elsie, I saw that you made it.

Olga, I think it's a new twist. But not getting great reviews.

Beverly, starts tomorrow!

Julie, she would be if she wasn't young enough to be my daughter.

Trisha, appreciate that you are a part of it!

Michael, we've missed you.

Gwen Gardner said...

Ha! I remember when you used to say you were only going to write the one book. Now look at you go! It is addictive for sure. I'll check out the audiobook giveaway. I like to walk every day and listen to books and audiobooks are so expensive!

Botanist said...

I've quit a number of things over the years, but not writing. Not yet, anyway :) I'm more likely to ask myself, how can I redefine "success" in order to keep going.

Birgit said...

I have said "I quit" before but it never lasts because I truly can't give up. I end up just taking a breather which can last longer than some other times. I have seen many reviews about Wonder Woman and overall it sounds quite good. I like the actress who can seriously kick ass for real. I remember Linda Carter but I remember TV movies with one starring Kathy Lee Crosby(??) as a blond Wonder Woman. The Mummy sounds good...fingers crossed

Cherie Colyer said...

I really like your answer to this month's question. It's a good thing you kept writing. You have great books to show for it.

I've heard good things about Wonder Woman. And the minions are cute. I never get tired of them.

Rhonda Albom said...

I look forward to reading Writing for Profit as I have nothing I can contribute, which brings me to y our first topic, I did quit my book - although I know it's not forever. My critique group convinced me to change it from a creative non-fiction travelogue to a fictional story. Now I hate it and it so much work to re-write the draft again. One day I will, maybe after I read your book. :) (I haven't stopped writing, I have my Auckland book, and a new Postcards book nearly ready to be shared with the world. I also quit a job, but that's a story for another day.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I've thought a lot about quitting in my darkest times, but I know I couldn't actually do it.

And Wonder Woman was very well done. I don't know if it'll ever outdo the Marvel movies for me (mostly because I grew up reading Marvel), but I am incredibly glad that it was that good and has done so well and has so many people raving about it. We need greater diversity in superhero movies, and if this is how it starts, awesome.

Also: your comment about The Mummy made me laugh out loud. ^_^

Toi Thomas said...

Thank you so much for sharing my new project.
The writing for profit anthology sounds exciting. I hope I can come up with something interesting to share.
I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but I'm so looking forward to it.
As for the upcoming movies: Love your snark on The Mummy.
I don't even care about Transformer movies anymore.
Baby Driver look interesting, but I agree; that title is awful.

Denise Covey said...

I've seen such good reviews for Wonder Woman. Can't wait to see it. And I'm checking out Charity Bradford's book.

Diane Burton said...

I'm glad to hear something good about Wonder Woman. Sounds like a movie I'd enjoy. Same with The Mummy and Cars 3. Thanks for the link to Reading Indie.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

Haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but I'm excited about it. My son loved it. Not excited about any of those upcoming movies. Tom Cruise=Yucky. Great idea for the new anthology.

Raimey Gallant said...

I have to see this movie! Alex, I don't know how you do it, keep bringing more goodness to the writing community. I'm going to think about a topic for the anthology and see what I come up with.

Cathy Keaton said...

The new IWSG book looks awesome! I can't wait for it to come out. Hopefully, it can be helpful for writers looking to make a living.

Deniz Bevan said...

Yay for writing something new!

The local grocery chain is giving away stuffed minions (and Fluffy) this month. Every week, toddler comes home with a new one...

G. B. Miller said...

Did not know that a new Despicable movie came out, but that would explain the new Nutella commercial featuring them.

Never really said to myself that "I quit" when it came to my writing, but there were long periods of time where I really didn't do much writing due to life getting in the way.

I Are Writer!

Liza said...

Hi Alex! That's the thing about being a writer. You think you are done, but you are NEVER done. There's always something more to write (thank goodness).

Patsy said...

I've taken breaks from writing, but never decided to quit. (And if I ever did make that decision, I doubt I'd announce it.)

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I love your answer!

Wonder Woman was amazing. I watched a review from a comedian on Facebook (I think his name was Josh Gray). He was HILARIOUS, but so spot on about how awesome this movie is. I loved the sequence where the Amazons were sparring. Eeee!

Speaking of upcoming movies, did you have the Bladerunner preview at your theatre?? I knew what it was even before they said the title, and I almost cheered out loud (I did do a fist pump and squealed a little).

msmariah said...

Hi Alex! I hope you're doing well. I totally agree w/ your comments on WW. It was wonderful. I had high hopes for the Universal franchise. Unfortunately, I don't know why they aren't going with unique scripts and new ideas or newer actors? I was frankly surprised that Tom Cruise was headlining the new Mummy film. I read that they cast Johnny Depp as the invisible man, Russell Crowe as Jekyl. It seems like they're using old movie formulas that won't work in the modern era of streaming.

Liesbet said...

I will never quit writing, but I have had the fearful thought of quitting the memoir I am attempting. Temporarily anyway... And then, I get going again.

No movies for us this month, but maybe in July, when we are semi-settled again and, if the owners of the house we will sit leave the free movie pass out again for us to use. :-) Looking forward to the new IWSG anthology!

N. R. Williams said...

That them t'are book about writing is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

I've heard great things about Wonder Woman and I so want to see it. My son the racecar nut wants to see Lightning McQueen. I could never quit writing. It's what keeps me sane. Good for you for doing more writing on your time off! Happy IWSG! (I actually posted this yesterday but I don't see it in the comments so I think Blogger must have eaten it.)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Gwen, I know!

Birgit, I remember that show.

Rhonda, you write the way you want to write!

Mason, looks like The Mummy is going to tank...

Toi, you're welcome.

Raimey, please contribute!

Deniz, funny.

GB, and Minions on everything else in the store...

Deb, we didn't get that one! Just Justice League and the next Star Wars.

MsMariah, that is some odd casting.

Lori, sorry your comment was eaten.

Jenni said...

I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but from what I've been hearing and what you said too, it sounds awesome. I really think the World War I setting sounds cool. I love that you never really gave up, but kept writing!

Yolanda Renée said...

Can't wait to see the Wonder Woman movie. Not planning another book and look at you. I'd say the writing bug has you well and caught!

Cherie Reich said...

It's hard to stay away from writing, even when you don't plan to write more.

I'm going to see Wonder Woman tomorrow (Friday). said...

I care too much about writing to quit. Change and evolve, but never quit.

It sounds like you really enjoyed Wonder Woman. My son said the same. He said it was better than Avengers in his book, and he really enjoyed that movie. He's agreed to take his old mom to see it again. :)

Arlee Bird said...

Guess you won't be staying away from writing for long.

I'm curious about The Mummy, but I won't be seeing it in June unless it's next June. I don't get too excited about seeing movies these days. And when I do look forward to seeing a new film I'm often disappointed when I do.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Jemi Fraser said...

Very glad you do indeed continue to write! :)

Looking forward to WW!

Trisha said...

My friend and I saw it and loved it as well! Gal Gadot was amazing!

mshatch said...

I very much want to see Wonder Woman. And the thought of quitting has cross my mind but it isn't in my nature not to write.

Lynda Dietz said...

Glad to hear you're not going to quit writing any time soon. Even if what you wrote on your week off was a grocery list, it counts.

I've heard nothing but wonderful reviews of Wonder Woman and can't wait to see it! I just need to make time to get to it while it's still in theaters.

When I went to see Guardians, I thought the (latest) remake of The Mummy looked fascinating. But I like your evaluation of the plan, lol.

Helena said...

I am SO looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman! I only wish that a movie of this caliber had existed when I was a little girl. How it would have inspired me!

Misha Gerrick said...

I really want to watch Wonder Woman.

As for quitting, I came close twice, but never actually quit. :-)

Heather M. Gardner said...

I'm so ready to go see Wonder Woman, but not sure when it will happen! I want to go RIGHT NOW! :(

I'm so glad you liked it.

YAY for IWSG! Great things, sir. Great things!

Looks like they're trying to cash in on the kids movies this summer. We shall see if the new Gru holds up. :)

Have a great day!

Shadow said...

I read the other day: " I don't know what I think until I've written it down" and that pretty much describes how I feel. Have a happy weekend Alex

H.R. Bennett said...

Man. I LOVED Wonder Woman. It was so awesome!

As for the Anthology, I think I'll wait for a fiction one...maybe throw a submission in there. :)

Yvonne Ventresca said...

Looking forward to seeing Wonder Woman!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I can't wait to see Captain Underpants and Despicable Me 3 in theaters. Animation is my Jam. I'll be sure to see Wonder Woman by July. It's not going anywhere with all the strong hype. Nice new sub opportunity for writers IWSG. Also glad you have such a wild but nice writing path Alex.

Elizabeth said...

Writing for profit is something I need to learn a lot more about, so I look forward to this IWSG book release. I'm also interested to hear more about what you wrote on your week off :)

I've read a lot of good reviews about Wonder Woman and I'm rethinking my decision to wait for it to come out on video. Better than Guardians 2 you say, hmm...

dolorah said...

Great idea for the next IWSG anthology. Those will be exciting excerpts.

The Mummy is one i'm hoping to see.

Sandra Cox said...

Thanks for the added info on WW. Heading out to see it today.

Ha. Loved the Alex Blurb on The Mummy.

Enjoy your weekend.

Nicki Elson said...

Oooh, even more than Guardains 2 - that's high praise. Haven't seen Wonder Woman yet, but I look forward to it.

I can recommend a movie to NOT see (if you haven't already had the misfortune) - the new Pirates move. It was awful, just awful.

Hehe yeah, I guess it's kind of hard to quit something you never officially signed up to do.

Leslie S. Rose said...

Got my tix for WW - treat to myself for the end of another school year. Can't wait.

Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

I've heard lots of good things about Wonder Woman. I had no idea there's another Transformers movie. Those will both be on my list when they make their way to DVD.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yolanda, there's no escape.

Lee, it had such average reviews, I skipped it.

Lynda, The Mummy had so much potential...

Shadow, even then I sometimes still don't know...

Robert, you should!

Elizabeth, yes! Go see it now.

Nicki, that's why I skipped it.

Leslie, go enjoy.

Leovi said...

I love superhero women!

DMS said...

I wanted to be Wonder Woman when I was growing up! I definitely need to see the movie. Glad you enjoyed it so much. :)

I had no idea there was going to be a Despicable Me 3!

mail4rosey said...

We saw Wonder Woman the day it came out and loved it!! Definitely worth the wait. :)

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Glad you wrote during your break!

My son enjoyed Wonder Woman and I've heard great things about it...especially the 3D version.

The anthology looks like it will be a great resource!

Magic Love Crow said...

Thanks for the reviews and previews Alex! I have never said I quit, but I have thought, am I heading in the right direction? Should I be doing something different. But, I keep coming back to my crows! Take Care!

Carrie-Anne said...

I was so caught up in the stress and process of moving, I forgot there was an IWSG question this month! I did quit for awhile, feeling I shouldn't even bother trying to promote myself when I'd failed so spectacularly and only sold a few copies each. I think I'll do much better with promotion when I'm in a better place (mentally, geographically, psychologically). I really wasn't in a good place for anything the last few years.

Cynthia said...

I haven't seen Wonder Woman yet but I've heard great things about it.

We're taking our children to see the new Cars movie on Father's Day.