Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Insecure Writer’s Support Group! November Movie Preview, CassaSeries Giveaway, Movie Trivia Answers, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are Joylene Novell Butler, Jen Chandler, Mary Aalgaard, Lisa Buie Collard, Tamara Narayan, Tyrean Martinson, and Christine Rains!

November Question – What is your favorite aspect of being a writer?
Connecting with others on every level - readers, fans, writers, friends.

The IWSG Anthology Contest has come to a close. There were some excellent entries this year! And a lot more than expected. We’ll be sending the best to the judges within a week or so. Big thanks to those who entered and helped spread the word. You guys rock!

It’s inspiring to read such a variety. It gave me an idea on how I might salvage my scrapped outline. I just need to go deeper and darker.

In the meantime, I was surprised to find out that in addition to my three Cassa books, the complete series is now available as an audio book and for a really great price.

Pick CassaSeries up at iTunes, Audible, and Audible.

And I have one copy to give away!

Be sure to visit other IWSG participants!

Ninja News

RiffTrax: Live – Carnival of Souls was awesome! Review and more pre-show screen shots on Monday.

Many of you know Jean, the Bead Blogger Lady. She’s also a Vine Voice on Amazon and is back to reviewing on her blog, starting with a review of Big Flies

Stephen Hayes is giving away this beautiful painting! He’s an accomplished illustrator (and author) and this would be an incredible addition to anyone’s collection. For details, visit Stephen’s blog.

New releases:

Slient Whispers by Christine Rains
Find it on Amazon

Phantasms by J.L. Campbell
Find it on Amazon

Native Shifter by Cindy Borgne
Native Shifter is a paranormal romance set in the mid 1770’s. It’s the first book in the Freedom Shifters Trilogy.
Find it on Amazon

Movie Trivia Answers

Mainstream Christian Movies –
1 – Jim Caviezel, crucifixion, 2004 - The Passion of the Christ
2 – Cecil B. DeMille, Jesus, 1927 - The King of Kings
3 – Books, Tilda Swinton, 2005 - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
4 – Moses, Yul Brynner, 1956 - The Ten Commandments
5 – Ralph Fiennes, plagues, 1998 - Prince of Egypt
6 – Animated, whale, 2002 - Jonah: A Veggie Tales Movie
7 – Keisha Castle-Hughes, Joseph, 2006 - The Nativity Story

November Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for November! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

4 –

Doctor Strange
A former neurosurgeon embarks on a journey of healing only to be drawn into the world of the mystic arts.
Director: Scott Derrickson
Stars: Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong
One part Iron Man, one part harry Potteresque mysticism and you’ve got… oh, what am I saying? This is going to be awesome!

Hacksaw Ridge
WWII American Army Medic Desmond T. Doss, who served during the Battle of Okinawa, refuses to kill people and becomes the first Conscientious Objector in American history to be awarded the Medal of Honor.
Director: Mel Gibson
Stars: Teresa Palmer, Andrew Garfield, Vince Vaughn, Sam Worthington
If you don’t have time for the two hour movie, just watch the two minute trailer and you’ve pretty much got it.

11 –

A linguist is recruited by the military to assist in translating alien communications.
Director: Denis Villeneuve
Stars: Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner, Forest Whitaker, Michael Stuhlbarg
Science fiction for those who want their brains engaged. Lasers, space battles, huge explosions, and Charlie Sheen not included.


Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school.
Director: David Yates
Stars: Eddie Redmayne, Ezra Miller, Colin Farrell, Zoë Kravitz
One part Iron Man, one part harry Potteresque mysticism and you’ve got… crap, I said that already. Again, going to be awesome!

A Streetcat Named Bob
Based on the international best selling book. The true feel good story of how James Bowen, a busker and recovering drug addict, had his life transformed when he met a stray ginger cat.
Director: Roger Spottiswoode
Stars: Bob, Luke Treadaway, Ruta Gedmintas, Joanne Froggatt
A sequel to the hugely popular Homeless Dog Name Larry and A Poor Ferret Named Earl.

25 –

A young woman uses her navigational talents to set sail for a fabled island. Joining her on the adventure is her hero, the legendary demi-god Maui.
Directors: Ron Clements | John Musker | Don Hall | Chris Williams
Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Alan Tudyk, Jemaine Clement, Nicole Scherzinger
One of the few animated releases that doesn’t look like it was created on aisle five at Toys R Us.

Did you enter the IWSG Anthology Contest? What genre would you like to see next year? Feeling lucky? Get any of the movies right? What movies excite you for November? And who is participating in NaNo?

Monday I have a special guest, plus a full rundown of RiffTrax: Live – Carnival of Souls!


nashvillecats2 said...

WOW first one Alex.
As always so much to read and the reviews are just marvellous.
I bless the day you founded this site so thanks to you and all your helpers.

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - good luck to Christine and JL for their books, and the other blogging authors - as too your audio book ...

That's great you've found a way to get your 'lingering' story back up with a new approach ...

Cheers to all and that Anthology - will be such a good read .. good luck to all entrants ... happy NaNo one and all - Hilary

Nicola said...

Congratulations on all the new releases. Some great authors featured as usual! Super news about your audio books, Alex. Some interesting films coming up. Quite fancy Dr. Strange and the big black blob alien encounter :)Have a super November and a lot of fun reading through the amazing Fantasy stories.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Alex, great aspects for bring a writer. I've made so many blogger friends too. I'm glad you'll be able to salvage your outline. And congrats on having all your books on audio!

Have a fantastic week.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Good luck with the entries!

"Arrival" looks interesting and I know my son and husband will enjoy "Doctor Strange."

The Angry Lurker said...

Hacksaw Ridge is going to be a cracking film!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

Why is Vince Vaughan in Hacksaw Ridge? Will no one else work with Mel?

My vote for next year's anthology: dinosaur erotica or Gilmore Girls fanfiction.

IWSG November

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations to all those with new releases and to you, Alex, for having your box set in audio. Stephen's painting is beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing Doctor Strange and possibly Arrival. I hadn't heard about Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I'll have to be sure to see that one too.

Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I'm down for Arrival. I appreciate sci-fi that engages the brain and I'll watch anything with Amy Adams and Forest Whitaker in the cast.

Have a good one!

Patsy said...

Writing – that's what I like about being a writer! Plus the great support of other IWSG members, of course.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Yvonne!

Nicola, I'll be seeing Doctor Strange this Friday!

CD - funny!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats to everyone with new releases!

I wouldn't mind seeing Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts, but I don't think my son would be interested. Movies are so expensive these days; with the obligatory popcorn and snacks, it cost over $40 to take him to see Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Sunday afternoon. (He saw it at a party recently and wanted to see it again.) Hum, maybe I should mash up the Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts movies so I can watch both of them at once.

Natalie Aguirre said...

I really like your answer to this month's question. It's so why I still like blogging.

Actually looking forward to some movies this month. Dr. Strange and the new Harry Potter movie look good.

Crystal Collier said...

More entries than last time? That's pretty crazy. Then again, I wasn't behind the scenes seeing the numbers, but I do know quite a few people who were determined to enter.

*high five* We are definitely in this writing gig for the right reasons, eh?

Jennifer Hawes said...

Congrats on the audio book! How cool is that? I can't wait to see Dr. Strange. I'm doing NaNo, but as "luck" (I don't believe in it:) would have it, my laptop died last week. I guess I'm leading by example--creating obstacles for my characters. Ugh!!

Pat Hatt said...

Connecting is great indeed. Awesome that you got many entries, guess people waited until the last minute to get it all spick and span to send in. Some good movies this month too.

Pat Hatt said...

lol took me a moment but I finally clued into the arrival Charlie Sheen crack.

Dean K Miller said...

I'd want your voice on the audio books!
Stephen's painting is incredible. That type of talent I do not possess.
Arrival looks intriguing.
Kind of thought Hacksaw Ridge would be what you describe.

Heather M. Gardner said...

Hi Alex!

I'm glad you may have figured out your outline! Darker is always better. :)

I'm disappointed in myself for not submitting to the anthology. I think I got cold feet, but also, nothing was clicking for me on the topic. It's a great topic, but I couldn't come up with a subject. Maybe next time.

Best of luck to everyone that did submit!

Your snark is beyond awesome today.

Thank you!

The Cynical Sailor said...

It will be interesting to see how things work out with your outline by going a darker. It's neat that reading the entries for the contest inspired you to have another go at it.

I'm really interested in seeing the Arrival. I studied anthropological linguistics and am really interested in the idea of how people go about communicating with alien cultures.

I submitted an entry to the contest. I almost didn't because it was so rubbish, but I'm glad I did for the experience of finishing something and putting it out there for others to see.

Cheers - Ellen

L.G. Keltner said...

It's great to hear that there were so many good entries for the anthology contest. I have the feeling it's going to make for another excellent read! I'm also glad to hear that you may have found inspiration for that outline. I love that inspiration can come from so many places.

That slide about pushing the election back and getting a few more months of campaigning is utterly horrifying. Definitely made me shudder.

As for the movies, I'm excited about Arrival and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Stephanie Faris said...

I'm glad it's not just me--I learned by surprise that my chapter book series is coming out as a box set. I guess it feels like there should be a big announcement somewhere! Or just a head's up maybe?!

Yes, connecting with other writers is one of the best things about being a writer! I spend so much time working alone, I forget about that part of it, but it always feels SO good to commiserate with other writers about this crazy business.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Looking forward to seeing Fantastic Beasts! Finally watched The Babadook over the weekend and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I'm doing NaNo! I'm kind of like a NaNo Rebel, working with a previous project.

Tamara Narayan said...

Fantastic Beasts! I can't wait to find them. Plus I can bring my kids and we can watch something other than yet another insipid cartoon film. Oh joy!

Love that painting. What an unusual giveaway.

Glad you got plenty of entries for the anthology contest.

Christine Rains said...

That's awesome about the IWSG contest! I wrote a story but it turned into sci-fi. Who knew there were necromancers in space? I'd love to do NaNo, but my mom's visiting for a week and then there's Thanksgiving. Yet my mom's giving my hubby and I a date night, and we're going to see Doctor Strange! It is going to be awesome. :) Thank you so much for the shout-out. You're awesome too.

Unknown said...

I'm thinking about seeing Doctor Strange. It's not really my type of movie, but...Benedict Cumberbatch!

Good luck with everything, Alex!

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex

This is my second try to leave a comment, as blogger gave me an error message.

First, congrats on your audio box set, just in time for holiday gift shopping.

Next up, congrats to those who submitted their stories. Maybe, next time I will be ready. I am sure the competition will be tight.

I am glad you will continue to work on your outline digging deeper into those darker places can be interesting.

I saw the previews for Arrival so that I may go see!

Have a great day!

Erika Beebe said...

I am excited for a couple of the movies listed above. Your reviews really help. Thank you. No NaNo for me, it's too fast, but I did enter the contest. Themes are tough! Thank you :)

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Four books in audio now!

I want to see A Streetcat Named Bob. It looks heartwarming.

Angela Wooldridge said...

Hi Alex,
Great news about the competition entries - and that they helped you find your mojo.
Movies - Arrival & Strange Beasts are definitely on my radar. Moana - I just find the name a bit off putting... (or maybe that's just me)

Nick Wilford said...

I was excited to participate in the contest. Glad you were inspired by the entries! It'll be an awesome book for sure. Helping out others is definitely an aspect in which you perform exceptionally well.

Jo said...

Glad you have had inspiration to get your story going again. Sounds like some good movies coming up. They were interviewing one of the actors in Hacksaw Ridge on GMA this morning. Dunno about the film, but the Desmond T. Doss sounds like he was fantastic. The actor said if everything he did was put into the movie, nobody would believe it.

mshatch said...

There's some great movies coming up! I'm especially looking forward to Dr. Strange :)

Mina Burrows said...

Happy November, Alex!

I laughed at your Dr. Strange & Fantastic Beast commentary. Very funny.

Congrats to all the IWSG Anthology Contest participants. I bet that will be exciting reading all of these.

How exciting that the Cassa series is on audio! That's awesome. Can't wait to see what happens with that outline you've started on a new project. I'm sure it will rock.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Hi Alex, I'm not doing NaNo, wanted to do it but am currently revising a manuscript with an editor's feedback. That's also one of the reasons I couldn't submit a story for the IWSG Anthology Contest!

Diane Burton said...

Congrats on the audio book. Love reading your movie guide. Dr. Strange sounds like a winner. As always, thanks for starting this group. Wonderful people!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I have a few friends doing NaNo but I'm not. November is always too busy in our family. Going to see Dr. Strange but not this weekend. I avoid opening weekend crowds.

Unknown said...

I like your answer to the IWSG question. Connecting with people through your writing is awesome! I'm glad the anthology inspired you. Save that outline and go deeper and darker with it!

Stephen's painting looks so beautiful. I hope someone gets it and loves it!

Congrats to Christine, JL, and Cindy on their new releases.

Congrats on your audiobooks!

Tyrean Martinson said...

I can totally see that you love connecting with your readers, Alex - you're awesome at that!
Looking forward to Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts!
Happy IWSG day and I'm participating in Nano, but forgot to mention that in my post . . .
Congrats to all authors!

kaykuala said...

Congrats on your audio book Alex. Great to know of many good entries for the anthology contest. It should be good reading in anticipation. Good luck to Campbell Christine and those with new releases


Chemist Ken said...

I was too slow a writer to finish my IWSG short story. I'll keep on working on it over the next year so that it will be ready (probably) by next year's deadline.

Congrats on the audio book too.

Chrys Fey said...

Congrats, Alex!

I can't wait to read the other group's top picks for the anthology. :)

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex

I finally figured out how to enter the IWSG contest but not until a complete meltdown and re-reading the paragraph that had the link three times and if that wasn't enough. Being told by a friend where it was. Ugh! No idea why I put myself through all of that.

I'm really glad reading the stories has given you inspiration for your own.

J.L. Campbell said...

Yes, it's inspiring to know there were a good number of entries. Glad you're back on track with your writing. Thanks for the shout out!

H. R. Sinclair said...

There are so many good reads coming out this month, and apparently movies too.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, their posters are similar, so that might be possible.

Crystal, yes we are!

Pat, glad you caught that!

Heather, next year. And I am here to amuse.

Ellen, glad you submitted. You never know...

LG, that slide was perfect.

Stephanie, I knew about individual stories, but not about the boxed set.

Christine, you need those date nights.

Truedessa, sorry about your comment. One of mine was eaten earlier.

Nick, glad you had an entry.

Jo, interesting.

Rachna, next year!

Diane, thank you.

Tyrean, thanks!

Ken, and a whole new genre and theme...

Chrys, it's going to be tough.

Nancy, glad you figured it out.

cleemckenzie said...

Congrats to everyone on their new books. And congrats to you on the audio release.

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Thank you very much for the shout out!
I love B. Cumberbactch (did I spell even part of his name correctly?) so I am looking forward to seeing that film first!
Your boxed set looks beautiful, and would make a perfect Christmas gift for a friend.


Sarah Foster said...

Good luck to everyone who submitted to the anthology! I managed to get my story done at the very last minute. I didn't want to miss the opportunity especially because I actually had an idea (last year I couldn't think of anything).

Anonymous said...

Good luck to all who submitted to the anthology. Maybe one time I'll have an idea for the next one, but until then I'm going to enjoy reading the stories that made the cut.

Bish Denham said...

The first four movies are all ones hubby and I would like to see.

All of the new book releases look good too!

Congratulations to them all and to you Alex, on the CassaSeries audio release.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Can't wait to hear your audio book! What a great invention. Happy IWSG Day, Captain.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I wonder if I'd have gotten the answers had I seen the questions. lol I'm a slacker.

Thanks for staying awesome (oh, and I hope you saw the answer to what a baobab is. :D)

Jeffrey Scott said...

I agree with your thoughts on being a writer too. It's great to meet so many other writers. The encouragement and motivation has certainly helped me in my writing.

Michelle Wallace said...

I have a feeling that next year will be the year I attempt the November NaNo. The thing is, I have to do it sometime.
I did the CampNaNo in July. It suited me because we have a 3 week mid-year school break that begins towards the end of June into July - so perfect timing.
Congrats on the audio books! Great going!
Happy IWSG Day, Captain!

Stacy McKitrick said...

Favorite aspect of being a writer? Having written THE END. Best. Feeling. Ever!

I don't participate in NaNo, though. Seems stressful.

Joanne said...

and you succeed in connecting, that's for sure, and helping folks be less insecure. Kudos.
I am off on Friday and shall be seeing Dr. Strange - oh yes!
as for the others in Nov, I agree with your comments
Good luck to the IWSG participants - I try to catch up with the posts.
and good luck to NaNo folks - it's quite a challenge

Lisa said...

Congrats on the new audio release! I am SO seeing "Dr. Strange." Used to read the comics when I was a kid. Am also seeing the newest J.K.R.
I love your snarks!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like you and Lisa, I am SO going to see DOCTOR STRANGE! Best of sales with your audios too!!

Barbara said...

Hello Alex, I really must try to visit and comment on more blogs. I tend to stick with those I enjoy, but I’m sure I would enjoy many more if I just made the effort. I will do better!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is high on my must see list as was Hacksaw Ridge, but maybe I will take your advice and just watch the trailer.

Carol Kilgore said...

Lots of new releases out this month. Congrats to all the authors. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, Alex!

Elizabeth Seckman said...

What a beautiful painting! I will certainly try to win that, LOL. I also tried for your audiobook...though I've read them all and should share the joy with others.

Not sure about Dr. Strange, but I'm sure I'll be seeing it. LOL

Mary Aalgaard said...

I'm just hoping there is at least one movie out there that the boys and I can watch together. Our interests are dividing!
Thanks for inviting me to co-host this month. It might take me a couple days to do all the blog visiting and commenting!

Andrew Leon said...

Dr. Strange will be the first movie I've seen since, like, June. Since Civil War, in fact.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Joy, you're welcome!

Jean, you're welcome. Thanks and the name is close enough.

Sarah, you made it!

Michelle, you should try! Think of how many flash fiction stories you'd write.

Stacy, yes it is!

Jen, thank you for co-hosting and glad you submitted a story.

Lisa, I can snark on cue.

Barbara, it's easy to get comfortable that way.

Carol, back at you!

Elizabeth, if you win, you can share!

Mary, thanks for co-hosting and have fun.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I agree 100% with you Alex about enjoying connecting with others through writing. I do as well. The painting is beautiful but it plus the frame would be crazy expensive to ship to Jamaica. Especially with the crazy government fees added last year and up this year. Stephen is very talented though and loved his post.

Christine's book series is moving long nicely. Got book one after seeing it on your blog Alex and will get the others as I move through my pre-order list. I'm expanding my ebook list so really excited. I'm ensuring to leave reviews. Phantasm's blurb is creepy and cool. But Joy created a very out of order ghost. Leave your ex-mate alone and go to the other site. Find the right duppy for you and leave the living alone! Can't wait to read this!

When it comes to movies I'm so excited for Dr. Strange! Must see it more than once when it comes to Jamaica. I'm trusting you Marvel. Dazzle me. Hacksaw Ridge trailer brought tears to my eyes. I would not want to take up a gun and kill either. So a man going into war and not doing so, touches me to my core. Yes, you can make a difference on the battlefield without firing a bullet. I want more war movies like this. Arrival intrigues me but will it fit in my budget? Uh...not so sure about Fantastic Beasts. It looks great but only the last trailer really grabbed me and I don't like it when a movie feels like a total cash grab. I mean five movies? Really?! At least let the first come out before jumping from 3 to 5. God. Also I hear rumors that Colin Farrel and Johnny Depp (latter might only show in sequel) are rumored to play characters I just don't like the idea of them playing at all. Feels like if Jackie Chan played Dumbledore or Mr. Weasely. Just no. A Street Cat Named Bob. Saw this on Dez's Hollywood blog and I really want to see it. Moana is a must for me. Animation was really great this year (I refuse to acknowledge Norm of the North's existence. Never went to see that garbage. Just trust's atrocious. Seen clips. UGH!) and they really went bout of their to try and make the people...look like people. Also no matter what might look like Toys R Us, The Secret Life of Pets is pretty close to knocking Batman v Superman from the #5 spot of top grossing movies worldwide. It will be a big deal not only because it will be the first non-Disney property to surpass this DC superhero movie. But also one based on an original idea. Plus it's Batman (and company...and Wonder Woman)! Imaginary household pets might beat BAT-MAN!

Sorry my comment was so long. Your posts are just that awesome. Had to go post my IWSG post myself earlier because it never went up like it was supposed to. Anyway I'm being positive and have a great day Alex. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on having the whole CassaSeries on audio, Alex, and congrats to all the new releases! Move the election back to January?? Please, no, what a horrifying thought. Stephen Hayes' painting is absolutely gorgeous. I definitely want to see Fantastic Beasts. Arrival and Dr. Strange look good, too, and maybe Moana. I'll have to wait for Netflix, though. I won't have time to go to the theater for a while. Have a great week!

Leandra Wallace said...

I'm hoping to get a babysitter to go see Fantastic Beasts. We'll see! (depending on how much my husband drags his feet, and my mommy guilt, lol)

Kristin Smith said...

Ooh, Doctor Strange looks good! Especially since it has Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdams—great actors! Fantastic Beasts sounds cool too. I think I'm way out of the movie loop because I haven't heard of any of the movies coming out this month! That's kind of embarrassing.

Sandra Cox said...

Hi, Alex:)
A Street Cat Named Bob looks right up my alley....

Ellie Garratt said...

Another batch of awesome book releases. Plus, a fantastic giveaway. Thanks, Alex!

P.s. I saw Doctor Strange on Monday and was decidedly underwhelmed. Maybe it will be one of those films that improves on the second viewing?

Anonymous said...

I hope I have fans one day. That'd be so awesome. Just to get one piece of fan (e)mail that said, "Hey, loved your book." Or "Your book helped" - that would rock!

I couldn't handle another three months of this political season. I'm sure I can take another six days. Hurry up Tuesday!

Elephant's Child said...

So many books. So much talent. So much dedication and perseverance.
This reader thanks ALL writers for battling their insecurities.

Cherie Colyer said...

I agree -- connecting with others is a great aspect of being a writer. Lots of new releases to check out. :)

Carrie-Anne said...

Interacting and networking with other people is most definitely a great aspect of being a writer! Through my local writers' group, I've gotten to know people who write in genres I'd ordinarily never be interested in. We also bring a range of strengths to the small critique group within the main group. The other three women in the critique group have repeatedly said they love my attention to detail, like with typos, improper or missing punctuation, grammatical stuff, and extra spaces.

Jemi Fraser said...

I didn't enter the IWSG contest - life became too chaotic to follow up with some of my ideas. Maybe next time!
A couple of those upcoming movies are going to be a lot of fun! Can't wait :)

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations on the Audio book for the series. I'm listening to my first book, and it's exciting to hear!

Yep, doing NaNo again this year. Love the excuse to ignore the rest of the world and just write! Like we need an excuse. :)

J E Oneil said...

There's a lot of things to love about being a writer, especially because there are such great communities online.

Arrival looks like it's going to be good. I'm definitely going to watch it at some point.

M Pax said...

I should have watched some bad sci-fi during my convelescence. I read mostly instead. Rifftrax would be fun. Congrats on the new audio!

Liza said...

Hi Alex! Hope you are able to resurrect your story. Best of luck!

Roland Clarke said...

Having writing friends is great and motivational. Used to read every Dr Strange comic that I could, so the movie is a definite, especially with Benedict Cumberbatch.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Making that connection with others really is what makes writing so satisfying.

Nicki Elson said...

Ha - that's exactly what I thought after seeing the Hacksaw Ridge preview.

Looking forward to Dr. Strange. :)

Congrats on the audio books!

Rachel Pattinson said...

I'm not a sociable person, but I love connecting with people via my blog because we all share a similiar interest. Doctor Strange was awesome, I saw it last night - you should definitely go and see it!

Lynn La Vita said...

Connecting with folks of all strips is my favorite aspect, too.
I think is creating the time in our lives to write and energy to publish and promote is close to a miracle.

Thank you for create IWSG and encouraging others to succeed beyond their wildness dreams.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sheena-kay! Where to begin? Hope you pick up Joy's book. I do have hopes for Fantastic Beasts. Don't visit that guy's blog, but not into animal films. (I have a history with stupid horse films.) Not planning on seeing Norm. And I was really disappointed with Pets. I hope it doesn't pass it. At least Zootopia did well, and it deserved it.

Leandra, go!

Sandra, I can't imagine why...

Ellie, bummer!

Elsie, it will happen.

Jemi, next year!

Nicki, glad it wasn't just me!

Lynn, thank you!

Toi Thomas said...

I'm so excited about your audio series. If I don't win, I will definitely buy it. I'm also excited to see the results of the anthology contest, which I didn't enter, but I know the final product will be well down the road. Maybe next year could be something in the area of mystery or noir.
I got all the trivia from last week even after just guessing on the last one. Haven't seen that one yet.The November movies actually look pretty good this year. Hope I get to see Dr. Strange in the theater.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Alex, Congrats on the audio books! I felt the same way after seeing the trailer for Hacksaw Ridge. Dr. Strange looks like it could be interesting. Congrats to all of the authors and thanks for hosting another great IWSG!


Olga Godim said...

Congrats on your audio books, Alex. The movie lineup looks amazing. Dr. Strange and Moana are vying for my patronage. And Fantastic Beasts. Thanks for the list.

Stephen Tremp said...

I collected Dr. Strange comics as a kid and an looking forward to the movie should be awesome. Wish I had the power to banish certain people.

Arrival has all the makings of a great film but when I saw the previews I had the sinking gut feeling the movie would fall like a Led Balloon.

Fantastic Beasts: Hell Yes!

A Streetcat Named Bob: Sounds sappy but I'll probably watch it and like it very much.

Speaking of RiffTrax Netflix will begin showing MST3000 in 2017.

Gail said...

Dad was in Okinawa but never spoke of combat.

Jennifer Lane said...

Wow, audio books for your series? That's seriously EXCITING.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! I got lucky and had a chance to do an IWSG post and read your post for today. I've had no access to the internet for the past week, but an unexpected trip to Laughlin, Nevada solved that problem. I'm glad that the IWSG Anthology Contest had lots of entries. I'm hoping that the contest grows bigger and bigger every year!!! Great news about your anthology and about your outline. Deeper, darker ~ always good! After all, IMHO, Milton's "Paradise Lost" was much more interesting than his "Paradise Regained" ~ LOL! Thanks, as always, for the movie reviews, and congratulations to Christine Rains, J. L. Campbell, and Cindy Borgne's book releases. btw, Christine's link wasn't working in the list of IWSG co-hosts. Enjoy today ~ don't work too hard!

Arlee Bird said...

No to NaNo and I never got around to writing anything for the anthology contest. Some of the movies look interesting. Arrival looks intriguing in the trailers, but my guess is that it will be pretty dumb. Same with Doctor Strange--looks like the trailer for Inception.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Angela Brown said...

Kudos to all the folks with authors with new releases.

My daughter has asked me to go watch Dr. Strange for her then tell her about it. But she wants to go to see Moana very badly. Sounds like a working movie watching plan to me.

Tony Laplume said...

Love the commentary on upcoming movies.

Liz A. said...

I'm looking forward to Fantastic Beasts. Great deal on the audiobooks.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

WOW! Congrats on your boxed set of audio tapes coming out. That is so awesome. (And you're still the same sweet ninja dude as you've always been...)

When it comes to NaNo, I'm still saying no-no. Maybe some day, but I doubt it.

Sher A. Hart said...

Whew, late but alive. Glad you got so many entries. How can audiobooks be a surprise? Nevermind. At least they're a good surprise.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

Our German exchange student is a HUGE Harry Potter fan, so I'm sure we'll make time to see Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Or at least we'll try. Things have been crazy here. The house is full of teenagers all the time. Some of them are mine. Some of them are on loan. All of them need to be driven places. That is my life right now.

At least it's lively! :) said...

Connecting with other writers is definitely a bonus of writing. I have met so many amazing people since joining the writing community. People like you and those who make up my critique groups make this journey much nicer than it'd be otherwise.

Birgit said...

It is great that there is such a great community of writers who help each other out. I think I got a few right with the film clues and as for the upcoming movies...many look so good and I do want to see Hacksaw Ridge. The pussy cat story looks good but I hope the cat doesn't die at the end as so many of these films seem to end up that way.

SpacerGuy said...

I must find the time to write a short story some day. Lots of juicy reads and movies to choose from make this a tough choice as I write my comment. Its cool J L Cambells Phantasms is up for grabs on Amazon. Ive marked Dr Strange down on my calendar as a Yes to see.

Elizabeth said...

I love your snark on Doctor Strange and Fantastic Beasts, both of which I plan to see in theaters :)

Connecting with others is a great aspect of writing, one of which I need to work on a lot more. That's awesome that you found inspiration from reading the anthology entries!

Tess Julia said...

What excites me about writing is the possibility to influence people in a positive way. That's what is pushing me forward.
I read the book Street Cat named Bob- and I'd love to see the movie. Animals have saved us in so many ways, and cats are special.

H.R. Bennett said...

My favorite part of being a writer is the ability to ride my own imagination. It's like reading another book but being able to change the experience how you want it to really go. You're somewhat in control but not.

Shannon Lawrence said...

Congrats on the audio book collection! The upcoming movies look good. Looking forward to them!

dolorah said...

Yep, got it in last minute- thanks for the receipt email. Next years theme: Horror!!!

I plan to take my grand daughter to see Fantastic Beasts. She's not allowed to see any of the Harry Potter movies until she reads the book. Thank goodness there isn't a book on this one :)

Congrats on the audio books.

Happy Holidays to you Dude. I think I'm gone for the rest of the year.

Denise Covey said...

Congratulations on the new releases by bloggers. And congratulations that your books are now in audio. That's a boon for people who like to listen rather than read. :-)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Toi, thank you! I suspected you would rock the trivia.

Stephen, that last bit is the best news I've heard all day!

Jennifer, it is!

Fundy, glad you got a connection and that you were able to enter the contest.

Angela, I'd be happy with that plan.

Tony, I am here to amuse.

Susan, thanks!

Sher, I knew they were being made individually but didn't know about the boxed set.

Dianne, playing Mom Taxi?

Kim, thanks!

Birgit, I think he lives.

Robert, like a Choose Your Own Adventure.

Donna, that would be a good genre. Enjoy yourself over the holidays. said...

Haha, I love your description of Moana, Alex. Aisle 5 (or 6 for that matter) is not the place to create an animated movie.

Be well.

shelly said...


diedre Knight said...

And you're very good at doing what you love most ;-) Connecting is something we all need - whether we know it or not.
Oddly, I spoke to four avid readers over the weekend who (all) said they've become ardent listeners! Good for you in adding to the audio selection;-)
Let's see, Native Shifter, Hacksaw Ridge and Arrival! Gosh, I enjoy your posts!

Cherie Reich said...

Good luck to those who entered the IWSG anthology contest! I'm not surprised there were more entries. It's an honor to be a part of the first one. :)

I'm so looking forward to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.

Juneta key said...

Congrats on the Audible trilogy release. I'm looking forward to seeing Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them and Moana.

Turns out my commenting problem is my log on. If I use google log on I can post.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Congratulations to all the authors with new books.
I haven't seen any of the movies.
Your Audio books sound like fun.
Good luck to all the writers that entered the anthology.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Robyn, it's not.

Hey, Shelly!

Thanks, Diedre, and that's good to hear.

Cherie, your story was great.

Juneta, glad you figured it out.

farawayeyes said...

Yep, I entered the Anthology, and am pretty proud of myself for getting my acct together enough to do so. Now comes the hardest part...the waiting.

Can't wait to see 'Fantastic Beasts' and there are a few others on your list that look interesting.

connecting with people is a really good reason to write, but for me that's a little hard. I'm kind of a hermit and would stay locked up in my cave if I could. Hence, I'm proud of myself for entering the Anthology. Maybe this will be the nudge I need.

XmasDolly said...

Hello Alex, I wish I could read more, but it always puts me to sleep. :( I enjoyed all your reviews especially Moana , Believe it or not I totally love the animated movies. I sit and watch them over & over with my grandchildren. There's only one I hope I never see again which is Emperor's New Groove! My granddaughter who was three or four I can't remember how old, but she wanted to watch it and watch it and etc... all day long... ohhhhhhhhhhh.... can you imagine? Anyway thanks for sharing and thanks for always stopping by and putting a smile on my face. hugs

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex,

CONGRATS to all who sent their stories... Sadly I had started one, but I lost focus and just didn't have the zest to finish it.... some day maybe.

Great that all your books are now on audio..... moving along nicely, Sir...

Totally looking forward to watching Fantastic Beasts.... It should give my my HP fix for a while until the next one...

Happy weekend!

Cynthia said...

I'm not doing NaNo but I would really like to make more progress on my novel this month.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Faraway, maybe it is!

Marie, I watch them as well. Who says they are just for kids?

Michael, maybe next year.

Barbara said...

So much to read today, I shall make myself a cup of tea and sit back and enjoy - both your blog and the tea! Good news re your audio book, congratulations.

Unknown said...

I'm doing a loose version of NaNo! Not strict but it's still happening! And that's so awesome about the audio book!!!

John Wiswell said...

Congratulations on the big audiobook release, Alex!

And I'm really looking forward to The Arrival. It looks eerie and intellectually promising.

Shadow said...

Arrival! Finally here to watch? I've been looking out for it.... Happy week to you, Alex

Mason T. Matchak said...

Congratulations on the audio book, that's awesome. ^_^ I saw Doctor Strange yesterday, really enjoyed it; it's a worthy addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and definitely opens it up for some weirder stuff. And I'd nearly forgotten about Arrival - the first trailer made it look fascinating, so I might have to go see that.

Nilanjana Bose said...

That's so cool about the audio books, congrats!

Some great films for November - I'm definitely looking out for Fantastic Beasts...also looking forward to the ISWG antho, going to be epic I'm sure.

Anna W. said...

I think it's incredibly valuable to connect with fans, readers and writers alike. I'm absolutely stunned by how involved and welcoming everyone is in the community. Thanks for the monthly question! I'm late with responses but I'll get there!

DMS said...

I am looking forward to Fantastic Beasts. Should be lots of fun! :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Congratulations Alex, on your Cassa series being set in audio.

Loni Townsend said...

Gah! I missed IWSG this month, but I have to agree, connecting with people is one of the greatest things with being a writer. I've made so many more friends just having writing in common with them! And Yay for audiobooks! That's the way I prefer to read. :)

XmasDolly said...

I wish I knew your secret to a successful blog. You always get soooooooooooooo many comments too! It must be that undying handsome personality of yours! :) Anyway thanks for stopping by and can't wait to hear what Christmas music you have up your sleeve. Also, your first book review with regards to Harry Potter... my granddaughter is a Harry Potter book worm/movie freak... she even dresses like him/the students... she adores him... I copied your report and sent it to her (hope you don't mind)... I'll be the greatest NaNee in the whole world for a few days I'm sure. snicker-snicker!!! Okay back to crocheting... I have a list a mile long for Christmas... right now I'm crocheting Mickey & Minnie coasters. :) have a great day!

Deniz Bevan said...

I did NaNo!
I like the fact that the IWSG anthology is becoming an annual thing. As for a theme, hmm... Suspense could be good!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I would love to see horror, suspense, or mystery as the theme next year.

I'd like to see Moana. It looks really cute, and the history and mythology of Hawaii is fascinating.