Wednesday, September 7, 2016

IWSG Anthology Contest! CassaFire Audio Giveaway, Question of the Month, and Ninja News

It’s time for another group posting of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! Time to release our fears to the world – or offer encouragement to those who are feeling neurotic. If you’d like to join us, click on the tab above and sign up. We post the first Wednesday of every month. I encourage everyone to visit at least a dozen new blogs and leave a comment. Your words might be the encouragement someone needs.

My awesome co-hosts today are C. Lee McKenzie, Rachel Pattison, Elizabeth Seckman, Stephanie Faris, Lori L MacLaughlin, and Elsie Amata!

September’s question of the month - How do you find the time to write in your busy day?

When I’m writing, which isn’t every day, I have a set time every evening that I will write. I just block out two to three hours (or more if I’m trying to beat NaNo) and that’s what I do no matter what. Since I don’t do it all the time, my wife is very understanding. And with that kind of commitment, I can usually get a first draft done in six to eight weeks. (Just imagine how fast I could finish if I typed faster than three hundred and fifty words an hour…)

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for…

Announcing the 2016 IWSG Anthology Contest!

Last year’s contest was science fiction – parallel world/alternate history, and the result was Parallels: Felix Was Here. This year, we have a new theme and invite all members to submit.

Eligibility: Any member of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group is encouraged to enter – blogging or Facebook member. The story must be previously unpublished. Entry is free.

Word count: 5000-6000

Genre: Fantasy

Theme: Hero Lost. It could be about a hero turned villain, a villain's redemption, a hero's lack of confidence, a hero's lack of smarts, etc. It can be about any kind of hero including superheroes, mythological heroes, unexpected or unlikely heroes, or a whole new kind of hero. This theme has plenty of scope and we’re open to pretty much anything along these lines. No erotica, R-rated language, or graphic violence.

Deadline: November 1st 2016

How to enter: Send your polished, formatted, previously unpublished story to admin @ before the deadline passes. Please include your contact details and if you are part of the Blogging or Facebook IWSG group.

Judging: The IWSG admins will create a shortlist of the best stories. The shortlist will then be sent to our official judges.

Prizes: The winning stories will be edited and published by Freedom Fox Press next year in the IWSG anthology. Authors will receive royalties on books sold, both print and eBook. The top story will have the honor of giving the anthology its title.

We’re excited to see the creativity and enthusiasm that’s such a part of this group put into action. So don your creative caps and start writing. And spread the word!

Our amazing judges this year:
Elizabeth S. Craig
Richard Harland
Laura Maisano
Russell C. Connor
Dawn Frederick
Michelle L. Johnson
Ion Newcombe
Lynn Tincher

So let your imagination run wild and write something awesome for the anthology!

Question of the Month

Hosted by Michael at A Life Examined

“What kind of music best speaks to you?”

Polka. Just kidding!

Obviously, progressive rock speaks to me. As a musician, I’ve always been drawn to more intricate music. While it takes time and many listens to digest it, progressive rock rewards the listener for years to come as every listen reveals some new detail.

Ninja News

We need co-hosts for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group!
If you can help on October 5, November 2, December 7, or January 4, please leave a comment. Five to six co-hosts are needed every month.
If you’ve never co-hosted before, take it from those who have – the IWSG is a lot more fun when you’re on the host side!

Lexa Cain has set up Thunderclap for her upcoming release, Bloodwalker. Sign up for her Thunderclap and support her through Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or all three.

New Releases:

Celibacy and Suburbia by Robyn Alana Engel
Robyn says - Don't worry. This isn't another book to add to your growing pile of quality must reads. Nah, this 78 pager is replete with typos by single men seeking "nteligent womans;" Robyn's attempts to seduce stars half her age and twice her height; and spicy poetic erotica. Warning: not for the tightly wrapped (e.g., Martha Stewart) or those lacking humor (e.g., Martha Stewart). When asked for comment, Donald Trump said this: "I'm so good looking."
I had the opportunity to read this before its release and it’s hilarious! Robyn has such a snarky good wit. This collection is the best of the best.
And I was honored that she dedicated Part II of the book to me and the IWSG. Thanks, Robyn!
Find it at Amazon in print and eBook

Six Strings Volume 7 is available now for download!
Put together by Jeremy Hawkins, it features articles and interviews with those in the music and movie industry. You don’t want to miss it!

Apache Warrior vs US Cavalryman: 1846-86 by Sean McLachlan
This is his seventh book from Osprey Publishing.
Find it on Amazon

CassaFire Audio Book Giveaway

In celebration of my second book being on audio now, I’ve giving away two copies of CassaFire.

"Reminiscent of the action-driven stories of Robert A. Heinlein's early fiction…” - Library Journal

(And CassaStorm will be available very soon!)

Winners announced September 12.

How do you find time for writing? What genre of music moves you? Can you co-host the IWSG next month? Picking up some new books? Excited to hear CassaFire on audio? And are you excited about the IWSG contest now?

This Friday, September 9, I will be visiting author Rebecca Bradley for her weekly series, What is Your First Draft Like? So be sure to stop by.


Sean McLachlan said...

How do I find time in a busy day? I don't know, but I do know my IWSG post won't be up until later!!!

Nicola said...

I'm very excited about the new anthology. My mind is whirring. Can you hear it breaking the cobwebs? :) Thanks to all at IWSG for the continued hard work and encouragement. A super team!!

Angela Wooldridge said...

Takes deep breath: "Ok, I'll co-host for October."
(Did I really just say that? Out loud??)

Unknown said...

It's good that you're organized and block out time to write. And even better that your wife doesn't mind!

Thanks for mentioning my Thunderclap, and big congrats to Robyn and Jeremy on their releases!

(I knew the anthology was going to be Fantasy. I bet you get a lot of stories, and maybe a few too many orcs...)

Unknown said...

Oops, hit submit too soon... Congrats to Sean on his release too, and it's great you're so generous with the audiobook giveaway! Have a lovely week, Alex!

The Cynical Sailor said...

I'm always impressed at how quickly some people can knock out a first draft, like you :-) I imagine it makes quite a difference if your family is supportive of carving out the time to write. I feel fortunate that my husband is so supportive.

Congrats to everyone with new releases!

Cheers - Ellen

Mason Canyon said...

The Anthology contest theme sounds like it will result in a lot of awesome stories. Congrats to those with releases. Your audios rock, Alex. There's just something about listening to a sci-fi story.

Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours

Cathrina Constantine said...

It's nice to have an understanding wife! I like her.

I already hit Lexa's Thunderclap, wishing her luck.

I'd really like to enter the Fantasy Anthology contest. I have my thinking cap on.

Truedessa said...

Good Morning and congrats to those with new releases. It looks like your hard work has paid off. Setting time aside is hard for me to do, but I am determined to get more organized in the evening. I have a small project to do list, I guess I'll see how that goes.

The new contest sounds exciting and I'm sure many great stories will soon take form.

Remember, you never know how far reaching your words of encouragement will go. Wishing all a peaceful day!

Lynn La Vita said...

For reasons I don't fully understand, I feel guilty if I don't write at least five days a week. Just knowing that you, a successful and prolific writer, does not write everyday, gives me permission to lighten up. Thanks!

P.S. The new Anthology promises to be a great read.

Liza said...

I laughed out loud when I read "polka."

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - the IWSG Anthology sounds excellent - and it's wonderful we've got this group of amazing contributing bloggers and authors ... Good for your wife to let you settle and write - when deadlines are approaching ...

Cheers ... and yes to Polka ... Hilary

nashvillecats2 said...

Very interesting about The ISWG Anthology, hope you get a good response.
As for finding time to write I think my post this month says it all.

Pat Garcia said...

Alex, I like the selection of judges for the fantasy anthology. It is going to be a great contest. I feel it in my bones. Also, choosing a time to write in the evening on special days is great. You write then no matter what and that is called determination. It is also helpful knowing you have your wife's support.
All the best.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat Garcia

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I totally agree. I like more intricate polka music because it sounds fresh every time I listen to it. :)

Jemi Fraser said...

It really is all about finding time!
Fantasy sounds fun :)

Natalie Aguirre said...

I admire you for being able to write at night--though I saw a comment where you said you can watch TV too. After a long day of work, now writing for a living, I don't have energy for that at the end of the night.

Jennifer Hawes said...

Thinking about submitting this time to the anthology! I can do either Nov. or Dec. for co-hosting. That is awesome that you are able to get so much writing done!! Supportive family goes a long way in this biz.

Shah Wharton said...

I've not really written anything since Winter. Life and ill health are massive suppressors of imagination :(

Congrate on getting CassaFire on audio. I have to read using the voice on Kindle. I've used it for so long I don't hear the automation in the voice, so I don't need audiobooks. Which is pretty good for cost - they're not cheap! But they are growng in popularty.

I will, time allowing, enter the anthology contest this year. Exciting!

Shah Wharton said...

Oops, forgot to mention that classical, acoustic, indie and rock are my go-to music choices for emotion. And my first draft looks like [enter expletive] :)

Nick Wilford said...

What a great theme! My cogs are already turning... I've also never written fantasy although it is one of my favourite genres, so should be an exciting challenge. I admire those who can write in the evening, like yourself. That's my unwinding, TV, blogging time. You sound very dedicated.

I can't co-host next month, but I'm interested in helping out for November or December.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sean - funny!

Nicola, I hope you enter.

Angela, yes! Thanks.

Lexa, you're welcome.

Ellen, it's not easy to knock it out.

Mason, thanks!

Cathrina, please enter!

Truedessa, I will keep that in mind.

Lynn, go ahead and lighten up!

Liza, I am here to amuse.

Shady - funny!

Natalie, plus listen to music!

Jennifer, thanks!

Shah, great!

Nick, thanks, and hope you enter something.

Jennifer Lane said...

You are speedy with your first draft! Hope you're having a great September.

Dean K Miller said...

Awesome on the giveaway copies of your audio books. The IWSG theme should be a ton of fun. IWSG continues to rock the writing world!

C.D. Gallant-King said...

I hope you're looking forward to a TON of entries for the anthology. You should have picked something like "western" for the theme. You would have had far fewer to choose from. ;-)

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

What would we do without our supportive and encouraging spouses?! :)

I can co-host for October!

Tamara Narayan said...

I'd be happy to help out with the co-host duties. Top pick: November, but I can do any month.

I am excited about the new anthology contest and will start drafting my story next week. Hopefully I won't be sweating the deadline down to the last second like last year. Then again, maybe I write better under pressure!

Bob/Sally said...

Hmm, "No erotica, R-rated language, or graphic violence" is pretty much the exact opposite direction my writing has been headed lately, but I have a few ideas that could work very well. :)

Bish Denham said...

Oh, I think I've got something for the anthology! We'll see.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Great contest! I'm excited to be part of it.

I have to schedule time into my day to write. And try to stay flexible in case my schedule abruptly changes!

Stephanie Faris said...

So excited to be a co-host again!

Two to three hours a night is AWESOME! Right now I'm rewriting Piper #4, so I'm doing about a chapter a day. Since there are only ten chapters, that isn't so bad!!! But longer books obviously take MUCH longer. I feel like no matter what's going on in your life, if you can work a little on your current book every day, you stay "in" that book and it helps keep that momentum going.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

My writing tends to fall to the end of the day. I'm trying to change that.

Unknown said...

It's great your wife is understanding! I can definitely co-host next month. I'll shoot you an email to remind you!

Christine Rains said...

I must think up a story for the contest this year! Love that theme. If you need a co-host for next month, send an email my way. Or if you're full for October, I can do November instead. :) Hope you're having a great week.

Crystal Collier said...

As much as I'd LOVE to participate in the contest, the deadline is my next novel's release date. So um, that's not happening. =) Why is marketing so time consuming? Geez!

I can probably cohost in January. I might even be sane again by then (post release haze).

Donna K. Weaver said...

I've found that "finding" doesn't work. If we really want to do this, we have to "make" time. It's a matter of priorities. What do you we cut?

Anonymous said...

Wow, six to eight weeks for a first draft. I'm lucky if I can do one in six to eight months. Got my thinking cap on for the anthology contest. Most types of music can speak to me if the melody is right. Congrats to all the new releases! I'm having fun co-hosting this month. Hoping I can keep up. Enjoy your week!

Heather M. Gardner said...


What a great theme! Now, to let the ideas marinate!

I'm here for you if you need me to host. Just let me know.

I live very close to the town where Jimmy Sturr, the Polka King, is from you know. :)

Best of luck to everyone!


Pat Hatt said...

I'll have to think up an idea and give it a go. Who knows what will come do. haha I just write at my sea. 9 days for book one and 11 days, if I finish today, for book two in a new series. 150K words in 20 days, not bad, huh? lol if you need a host any of those times the cat can help out, he hasn't done it before.

Jo said...

If you really liked polka you could come visit us every Oktoberfest, we could provide a surfeit of what Matt refers to as 'oompah music". One of the piece of music which really moves me at the moment is Ode to Joy by Beethoven. To me it is a fantastic piece of music. I also like The Devil Came Down to Georgia. I have a pretty wide ranging taste in music.

I think the anthology is a wonderful idea and hope you get lots of entries again. Are you doing one yourself? Do you know what universe yet?

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Alex, you have a great wife; definitely keep her. As for co-hosting, I generally visit 50 members anyway, so put me down whenever you need someone. Happy IWSG Day! said...

Thank you Alex! It's nice to be in great company with Jeremy, Sean, Lexa, and Six Strings.
The anthology theme is a fun one. I'm excited about your audio-books.
Happy Wednesday!

L.G. Keltner said...

I'm excited about the anthology contest! The theme has so much potential, and I can't wait to see where people go with it. My own brain is turning over with ideas (and I haven't even had coffee yet). I'd be happy to co-host IWSG in January.

Diane Burton said...

Congrats on your discipline and speed writing. Wow! Soft rock is my fav. I'm willing to co-host any of those dates. Just tell me what to do.

EEGiorgi said...

I'm so excited about the contest! Congratulations on the audio book, I'll enter the giveaway once I get home and I can log into FB.

Carol Kilgore said...

My music tastes are all over the map. I don't even have a favorite type, much less favorite song. Congrats to Robyn, Jeremy, and Sean on their new books!

Sandra Cox said...

Great theme for the next anthology.

Mary Aalgaard said...

The new IWSG will be very popular. I might even participate, even though it's not my usual genre. I forgot about the Q of the Month, too! I like almost all music, different tracks for different moods and settings! I could co-host again in October or November. Congrats on another audio book. That must be fun to experience!
Mary at Play off the Page

M.J. Fifield said...

I love the theme for the new anthology. You'll get some great submissions out of it, for sure!

And if you're still in need of co-hosts, I'd be happy to volunteer for whenever you need someone.

Chemist Ken said...

Perhaps this year I'll submit something for the anthology. Depends on whether I can twist my short story idea into something that matches the hero Lost theme.

As far as co-hosting goes. I can do any of them. Just let me know where you need me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

CD, we'd probably have far fewer entries as well.

Madeline, thanks!

Tamara, cool. And either way, hope you write another awesome story.

Bob, hope you come up with something.

Bish, great!

Stephanie, very true.

Megan, thanks!

Christine, appreciate it. And hope you enter this year.

Crystal, cool!

Karen, no worries. It's just a prompt.

Heather! Thanks.

Pat, that's mind blowing...

Jo, admins can't submit I'm afraid.

Joylene, thanks!

Robyn, you're welcome.

LG, thanks!

Jen, November it is.

Diane, thanks.

Tonja Drecker said...

Great theme for the new anthology! I'm betting that will bring in a huge range of stories. The determination to sit down and really write for 3 hours no matter what is to do that. Yep, I do. (Trying to brand the thought in ;) )

Al Penwasser said...

Celibacy and Suburbia. Well, that explains it.
Moving to the city.

Tyrean Martinson said...

I'm definitely excited about the IWSG anthology! :)
Can I co-host? Um. Might be able to in November.
I've heard that I have no taste in music because I can't pick a genre . . . but I will say that I like music that moves me, usually something that builds. I'm not fond of songs sung really slowly and at the same continuous volume, but then . . . I did hear some chanting once that was moving. Anything I can dance to - and that's pretty broad with ballet, tap, breakdancing, swing dancing and even polka (once with my dad) in my background.

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I am so excited about the contest. Can't wait to do some reading. My music choices are like my reading choices. All over the place. I love different things though I usually don't listen to country.

kjmckendry said...

I'm super excited about the anthology! I think I might try to whip something up for it now that I have more time!

I love most types of music, though I have a hard time appreciating jazz.

H. R. Sinclair said...

Finding the time to write isn't the problem as much as getting my brain to agree with that time. :)

Misha Gerrick said...

I'm an Alt Rock girl.

I can help co-host on any of those dates! Just let me know if you need me. :-)

As for how I find time, I'm also someone who likes to set out "office hours."

Hart Johnson said...

I like music that tells a story--especially a sort of sad story that I need to be just a little bit clever to catch. Art Alexakis of Everclear is one of the best that way. I prefer metal or alternative, or the perfect marriage of the two that was grunge, but I am actually willing to listen to a variety (Dixie Chicks tell some great stories). Needs to have some melody though--not a rap fan.

Juneta key said...

I can co-host in December or January. We'll be in the middle of move starting in October and then settling in November although that the last of Nov. is my birthday. Looking forward to the new anthology and contest.

Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

cleemckenzie said...

Blocking out a chunk of time is an excellent way to get those words on paper.

The contest is off and running. I know it will a great success. And so will your new audio book!

stephen Hayes said...

Interesting that you write in the evening. I do most of my writing early in the morning. My creative juices don't flow in the afternoon or evening.

kaykuala said...

The IWSG Anthology is good as it works as a catalyst. One is provoked into wanting to contribute! One needs to set aside time for writing. Only then productivity is enhanced. The regular prompts everyday provide an avenue to respond (otherwise one is left behind if not responded in time) Congrats to those with new releases!


Nissa Annakindt said...

What do you mean you are just kidding about polka music. I love polka music! I especially love polka tunes with lyrics in various languages.

As for making time to write--- all too often, I don't. But recently I read 'The Eight-Minute Writing Habit' by Monica Leonelle and started doing an eight-minute timed writing session as my daily minimum and that really helps. I'm also usually doing a 25 minute timed session just after.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I can be a co-host in December if you still need one.

How do I find time to write? I go without sleep, and often a social life.

Laura Clipson said...

I love the theme for the anthology contest, I'm definitely taking part this year, I was gutted that I couldn't last year. I can't wait to start planning my story!

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I can co-host in January. Definitely taking part in IWSG writing contest this year. I'm already brewing with ideas and fantasy is my baby! I love music as well with lyrics that I can go back to. Rock music is definitely one of those. In the 90's I was very into Rap but now too much is a lot of slackness I don't need to hear at any age. Also singers like Adele and Sia have songs with soulful lyrics that transcend place and time. Oh and Lana Del Rey too. Plus who can forget when comic book movies had unforgettable defining songs like Seal's 'Kiss from a Rose'? SS does have a cool soundtrack though, I'll admit. Robyn is a hoot on her blog so I had to pause my comment, go to Amazon and add her new book to my wishlist. Will buy. Joined Lexa's Thunderclap via Twitter early this morning. Will be sure to try my best and visit at least 12 new blogs this evening. Maybe even 20 if I can squeeze it in. Why not? Thanks for hosting such an amazing monthly get together Alex and kudos co-hosts and ninja helpers. :)

Julie Flanders said...

Wow, what a great theme for the anthology. No doubt there will be tons of excellent stories. I don't envy the judges.

You cracked me up with polka LOL

Liesel K. Hill said...

6-8 weeks is great for a rough draft, Alex. I know I"m not that fast. Good for you! I'm excited for the Anthology contest. It's been something like 2 years since I entered a writing contest of any kind. And I can help co-host again. Any of those months work for me. Just let me know where you need me to fill in. :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Mary, I hope you submit something.

MJ, thanks!

Ken, you bet - thanks.

Al, funny!

Tyrean, November would be great. And dancing is so not my thing I'm afraid.

Kathy, please do.

Misha, thanks.

Hart, cool you like metal and alternative.

Juneta, thanks!

Stephen, my brain doesn't come on until noon.

Nissa, that's the second time today someone has mentioned that book.

JH, thanks - and funny!

Laura, that's awesome.

Sheena-kay, thanks. Seal's song for the Batman movie was great. And I still need to visit about a hundred or so more...

LK, thanks!

Ray Rousell said...

Apache warrior v US Cavalry??? Now that's right up my street!!!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Looking forward to the anthology. Enjoyed the last one so much.

I probably can co host in October (my son's birthday) or November (my birthday). I've never done it before, so hope it's easy.

How exciting to have your books in audio. I'm beginning to like audio books.

Congratulations to all the new books.

Arlee Bird said...

To everything there is a season...

I've had a few polka moments, but it doesn't happen often.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

alexia said...

Speaking of busy, JUST got my IWSG post up. Better late than never!

The anthology sounds great! And rock music is definitely mine, too... 90s alternative rock specifically.

N. R. Williams said...

Hi Alex
My time to write is mixed with health and family needs. But I do need it to be quiet. Music. I like many different types but generally what moves me most is good harmony. Oh yeah, I will be working on my lost hero from this moment until the story is done. No idea at the moment but it will come to me.

Michael Di Gesu said...

Hi, Alex.

Congrats on your second audio book! AWESOME!

I am SOOOOOO excite about the fantasy theme for the anthology. This is just the ticket for me to ungrind my gears back into writing.

Lately I've only been listening to Classical music. It seems to unwind the puppy and also relaxes me. Instrumental music is so pure... no lyrics to bog up the stunning music... Each instrument can be heard and appreciated.

Congrats to Robyn, Jeremy, and Sean! ALL the best with your books!

Cherie Reich said...

The anthology sounds cool! It was a lot of fun being a part of the last one. And if you wanted to type faster, you could consider dictation software. Some people have great results with it, although I'm sure it'd be a steep learning curve.

Liz A. said...

Find time for writing...? I guess many times I don't. It fits between work and dinner if I get to it. Some days, not so much.

The IWSG contest sounds great. You all should get some great entries.

Andrew Leon said...

Can I buy time in blocks?
I think I would pay good money for that.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Twinny! Of course, you know I entered for a copy of CassaFire on Audio. :) Trying to help Lexa w/her Thunderclap, and oh no! -- Robin's at it again? I have to read this. She is hilarious. I'm glad I spoke to you on Saturday too. GMD is right - podcasts maybe? Hugs!

farawayeyes said...

Seriously trying to come back to the blogging world. Was going to post for the IWSG today but didn't make it, but I do intend to start visiting others. Also, I just may have something to submit for the Anthology, excited to at least try. Great theme, really broadens the field.

Anonymous said...

Btw, you know our standing rule on co-hosting. Smh. Just say when Ninja Captain.

Lisa said...

I can co-host Nov 2 if you still need someone. If you have another day where you need someone I can probably do that, but Nov 2 would be my first choice. Can't wait to hear your audio book!

Elephant's Child said...

Woo Hoo. I loved the last ISWG Anthology and am really looking forward to this one too. There is sooooo much talent (and dedication) in this group.
As always, this reader thanks you.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Robyn! So excited for her and all the other authors with new releases.

I think the common theme I've been seeing today among those of us with spouses/partners is that they are all understanding to the time we need to write. I love that! How about another hooray to all of the support folks out there? Hooray support folks!!

J E Oneil said...

I wish I could block off time like that. It sounds like a great way to write. And the anthology sounds awesome.

mshatch said...

I like so many different kinds of music, it would be hard to pick a single genre. For example, if I was stuck on an island with only five albums/cds my top choices would be Mozart's Requiem, Jesus Christ Superstar, Olds 97 Drag it Up, Tool Lateralus, and Rickie Lee Jones Chuck E's in Love. And my tastes change. I didn't used to like classical and five years ago I wouldn't have put JCS on the list. I do wish I could listen to music when writing but alas, I get too distracted.

I'm going to think about that anthology contest. Maybe I can come up with something short enough...

Lan said...

I have tried blocking out set times to write as well. But my mind just wanders regardless. I think I need a combination of techniques in order to make me focus!

And looking forward to the new Anthology!

Unknown said...

I usually break out a first draft in 6-8 weeks as well. Forgot it was IWSG day until I got your post in my inbox . . . mine is up now :-)

Nilanjana Bose said...

Polka! :)

Felix was beyond awesome, and this one is going to be the same! All the best to the contestants. Look forward to the next antho.

M Pax said...

I wish I could get a 2-3 hour block these days. Once in awhile I can pull it off.

Hope the contest is a resounding success.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Ray, you'll need to pick it up then.

Beverly, thanks! It's easy and a lot of fun.

Alexia, you are a grunge child.

Nancy, I'm sure you will come up with something.

Michael, get to writing then!

Cherie, I'm sure it would be...

Thanks, Eva!! And I will be in contact tomorrow.

Faraway! I hope you do.

Lisa, thanks!

Elsie, Amen!

Marcy, that's quite the collection.

Nila, that's good to hear.

Cherie Colyer said...

It's great that your wife is understanding when you set aside writing time. My husband is great about my writing too. I can't say one genre of music moves me over another. I have songs in different genres that move me.

klahanie said...

Hey Alex,

That's quite the dedication to get some writing done on the evenings you designate.

Loads of neat links. Grime music, British-fused Hip Hop. Exciting news about your audio.

As I mentioned on that dedication site, "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary", I don't bother with finding the time for writing. Nope, I let a certain superstar dog do that. Others might consider having an animal do some writing for them.


Yolanda Renée said...

I'll bet you get lots and lots of entries for this one! Great subject!
So many great books, they just keep coming!
Until I get to my new destination and test the wifi I can't volunteer, but if it works out I'll send you an email!
Great fall coming up!

Denise Covey said...

The new fantasy contest sounds interesting. I might have a go, but as fantasy isn't my thing it might not happen.

Olga Godim said...

Alex, if you still need a co-host for any of the months, I can do it.

FYI: in the list of co-hosts for this month, Elsie Amata's link doesn't work. Maybe it's only me, but I get Error 404. :(

A Beer for the Shower said...

Polka speaks to me, too! It says "BLERRRRGH."

The only way I can nail down writing time is if I block it off like you do. Otherwise I just won't ever do it... Internet and TV are too damn tempting. I write Monday - Fridays, and the weekends I take off so my wife doesn't feel neglected. It's worked out really well so far.

Erika Beebe said...

The contest sounds really great! My music style varies based on my mood and what I am writing. I do like One republic very much. :)

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

It's so cool that CassaFire is on audio now.
So...what's your next writing project going to be? ;)

Nicki Elson said...

Ooh, congrats on the new audio book!

It's awesome to have a spouse who's supportive of the writing. Chunks of writing time every day is the best way to pump out a first draft!

i like the new theme. Looking forward to the fun stories that will emerge.

The Happy Whisk said...

Good on you, Alex. I'm the same kind of writer. I just sit my ass down and get it done. My hubby is kind like your spouse as well. He's a writer too, so that helps as well.

Happy Writing :-)

mail4rosey said...

That's awesome that you dedicate time to writing when you are in the middle of a draft. I laughed about the words per minute. There are programs you can talk and it will type for you. :) Happy to see Robyn on the list. Good luck to all who enter the heroes competive writing gig, it sounds fun (to read and to judge!).

Jenni said...

That's great that you have a block of 2-3 hours to write and an understanding spouse. That's key, I think, and I'm lucky in that respect as well. I really like the theme for the new anthology. There's a lot of places you can go with it. said...

Getting to block out two to three hours is great. I'm envious that you can write in bursts and get so much done. I'm slow and need a daily plug in in order to keep the story fresh in my mind.

Good luck to all on the anthology.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

That is a great theme for the anthology!! I like your time set aside for writing and that your (perfect) wife understands. She must be awesome. Lucky you. And YES if only I typed faster (too).

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Teresa wrote: your wife must be a gem! Great theme and even better judges for this anthology. Of course, I will enter. Of course, I will lose. But knowing that, I do not have any pressure and can have fun with my writing. And if you cannot have fun writing, what's the point? Best of luck with your second audio book!! :-)

Birgit said...

Fantasy eh? Hmmm I can see Ninja Alex waking up, finding himself playing his the Walter Ostanek band. Alex is actually enjoying playing polka with the Grammy award winning man but is mystified as to the reason why. For some reason, Alex actually has no further desire to listen to Rush any more. Oh sorry, I guess that is a nightmare more than a fantasy. Polka is not my thing either but I have to say I love Classical and always will. I love folk music and Celtic music. I also love rock music and the blues. I love jazz and film music just don't give me rap or hip hop said...

Thank you, Elsie, Rosie, Sheena, Lily, Captain Alex (again and again), and everyone else. I'm thrilled by your response.

Al, oh my, it's my title, but I didn't make that connection. I'm packing to move back to the city now too.

Joanne said...

Popping in from my AK trip. ( yes I am obnoxious). But I am writing each night to log impressions of the trip. Thus I will have blog notes. Congrats to Robyn. Can't wait to buy and read. She is SO funny and a gem. Cheers!!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I'll have to see if I can come up with a story idea for the anthology--if I can find the time. ;)

Cathy Keaton said...

I'll pass on entering the contest, since I need to focus on my own longer works right now. But, I await the winner and the publication of the anthology! Good luck to all those who enter.

dolorah said...

I think I need a recorder to talk through my writing during the long drives, lol. Then of course I need some dummy to sit through it and translate it into something coherent.

I think a set time is an awesome idea. Gives it a prompt-writing feel instead of like work.

Cool beans on the anthology theme. I love anti-hero's.

Have a great week Alex.

Cynthia said...

I'm quite envious that you can get a draft done in 6-8 weeks. It sounds like you can go as far as some people can go during NaNoWriMo without it being November.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Alex, I am super envious that you can write a first draft in 6-8 weeks, though this time I too managed to write a first draft in 8 weeks (you were my inspiration). I am tempted to write a story for the anthology.

Empty Nest Insider said...

Alex - The IWSG Contest sounds like another wonderful opportunity for writers! I'll always be grateful that one of my stories was published in your first IWSG Anthology. I'm also excited about Robyn's new book, and of course she dedicated it to you. Didn't Martha first appear in one of her IWSG posts? Julie

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Wow, I'm in awe of anyone who can complete a first draft in such a short period of time. If I could do that, I might actually live long enough to finish the trilogy I started writing this year! (Talk about optimism. Kinda like if I planted an apple tree seed, and bought a hammock in anticipation of being around long enough to take a nap in its shade.)

Very cool about Robyn's new book. She emailed me a while back to let me know it was coming, but I didn't realize it was already out. Thanks for the heads up. I just popped over to Amazon and bought it...

Most music speaks to me. Except rap. Well, actually, I guess you could say IT "speaks" to me, too, but I don't wanta hear what it's saying. :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Penny is a great writer, Gary. You should hire her out.

Olga, thanks! And I will check her link.

Brandon and Bryan, that's exactly what it says to me...

Lynda, I'm floundering through a crappy outline at the moment.

Rosey, a couple people have suggested that.

Teresa, very lucky me!

Roland, go in it to win!

Birgit, that would be a horrible nightmare!

Donna, yeah, there's that whole translator thing...

Cynthia, I have won NaNo before.

Julie, yes she did!

Susan, funny! And if only I had more ideas I might have more books. said...

Thank you, Julie and Susan, etc. Woohoo. Julie, for a while, Martha refused to sit down on a lay person's chair for the interview. She said she only likes to use "lay objects" in private. She finally did a short interview. I didn't include it, cuz she kept getting distracted and wouldn't stop seducing Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Happy Thursday, Alex.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! The Hero Lost theme for the fantasy sounds intriguing! I can't wait to see the final publication! I had to laugh at your comment about typing. I can type 350 words an hour, but my writing words rarely come that fast! I've set up my calendar for next year with every Wednesday blocked out for writing and the IWGS. I think seeing that in my calendar, written in ink, will help me keep Wednesday as free as possible. You have me down for co-hosting on November 2nd. If you need me on January 4th, I could do it. Have a good one!

Sandra Cox said...

As far as music: I like oldies:), rock and roll, folk and Celtic.

Have a great one.

Sherry Ellis said...

This anthology contest has a pretty cool theme. I'll have to think about it and see if I can come up with something.

I like complex music, too. Classical is what moves me the most.

Michele at Angels Bark said...

setting time aside to write and committing to only writing during that time is something I've tried to do for so many years and I just never get around to it. My writing is so sporadic. But every time I hear that someone is successful in doing that, I get inspired to give it a whirl. So thanks for that!

I also liked your question of the month: I just joined the QOTM group this month and was excited to answer a question about music.

Michele at Angels Bark

Michelle Athy said...

The past few days, I've managed about 800 to a thousand words per day, sometimes with the wi-fi turned off, sometimes with it on if I need to look something up. No matter how much of a habit writing is, sometimes, I need to reconfirm and really make it a more consistent habit.

kaykuala said...

The IWSG's group posting is a most useful and most welcomed. It would be most beneficial to everyone, a learning process in fact.The related Anthology contest can help members to rediscover themselves in prose writing. This is good as a respite from the usual poetry written by most of members. Congrats on all new releases. There are some pretty good ones!


Carrie-Anne said...

I told my local writers' group about the contest. We have a few fantasy writers. Never having written fantasy myself, I'm not sure I could write a decent story in that genre on my first try!

Leslie S. Rose said...

I jump in my Tardis and travel to the planet of unlimited writing time. Everyone is welcome. I have coffee and chocolate.

Anonymous said...

The last anthology was great. I'll definitely read the next one.

It's important to lock in time for writing. I'll do half an hour to hours straight depending on my goals.

Tess Julia said...

I'm curious about your music- you're such a talented writer and the music you describe seems to have real substance. I found that my taste lines up right along with my daughter's, oddly enough. One of my favorites growing up was Tom Petty, but I don't really have a particular artist now, it's more about the song and if it fits my mood. I do lean toward harder rock though because it reminds me of downhill skiing.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I've tried to tell myself I need to block out writing time, but it just doesn't work with my brain. I can co-host any of those dates. If you don't get enough volunteers, I can do two of them.

H.R. Bennett said...

A sci-fi contest? Oh man...

I might have to enter. I'll see if I can think of anything worth sharing.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I wish I could write a first draft that fast. :P

Great theme for your anthology! Good luck to all who enter!

Patsy said...

I'm lucky to have lots of writing time. It's avoiding distractions I struggle with.

Mark said...

Finding time to write is no cinch for sure. But if I've got some good U2 music to listen to, I'm all good:)

Murees Dupè said...

A first draft in 6 - 8 weeks is amazing. It's great that your wife is so understanding. The contest sounds cool. I bet you guys are going to get a lot of brilliant entries.

Toi Thomas said...

I don't find time to write, it just happens at some point.
I like all kinds of music, but blues and big band are currently in rotation.
I so want to win CassaFire Audio; it would make a great gift.
The anthology theme sounds right up my alley but not sure if I'll submit.

Jeremy [Retro] said...


YOU ARE AWESOME... I am thrilled for the shout out, to think it's my birthday and well I needed that extra pick me up and there it was. thank you as always, my friend!


Yvonne Ventresca said...

I love the anthology theme! Great concept!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Fundy, thanks!

Michele, cool! Will visit you tomorrow. (Sorry, long week and I'm about to crash.)

Michelle, that's awesome.

Carrie-Anne, thanks for spreading the word.

Tess, I should send you some YouTube links and see if any strike your fancy.

Shannon, how about next February...?

Robert, you should.

Murees, we did last year.

Toi, good luck!

Jeremy! You're welcome and happy birthday.

Dihiwi said...

Stopping by on my #CTST hop. I will read more about the anthology and submission guidelines, just in case ;-) Have a good weekend. I am ready for fall - who's with me???!

Intangible Hearts said...

When I think of Polka and relate it to rock, I'm thinking electronic and funky but I'm probably wrong. Interesting because I'd take you for someone who likes acoustic guitar rock.

DMS said...

Finding time for writing in a busy day isn't always easy. If I didn't have the day job, then I would certainly have more time. :) Glad you can carve out a few hours at a time when you are able to write.

Doreen McGettigan said...

Alex I am happy to host October and January or whenever you need me.
So excited about the new anthology contest, hmmm what to write.

Doreen McGettigan said...

Alex I am happy to host October and January or whenever you need me.
So excited about the new anthology contest, hmmm what to write.

Elizabeth said...

I love that theme! It is one of my favorites to read! My mind is spinning trying to perfect an idea I have.

I definitely need better commitment with my writing. First draft in 6 to 8 about 6 to 8 years? But it's ok, I am working on my timing issues, and one of these days I'll do better :)

Charles Gramlich said...

Sounds like a fun contest!

Ellie Garratt said...

I love your dedication, Alex. It's about making a commitment and showing up to the page.

Mark Koopmans said...

Ha, I bet you get a ton of entries for the anthology - it sounds like a great theme.

Best wishes to all that participate - and yeah, co-hosting IWSG is a blast :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Eve, sometimes!

Doreen, thanks - how about February?

Anonymous said...

I'll help cohost in November if you don't have enough yet.

Mason T. Matchak said...

I normally don't like writing short stories, but that topic for the anthology has me thinking. Hopefully I'll be able to come up with something, I'd love to contribute. ^_^

And I don't know if there's any one particular type or genre of music that moves me the most; I listen to a variety of stuff and it really depends on my mood or what I'm trying to write. I think it's more about particular bands - I've written more books to U2 than any other music.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I should probably start trying to set aside a designated time.

You were busy this past week. lol This is the third post I've read from you in a row.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your IWSG work! Looks like you've been posting a lot lately...

Great to hear about the new audiobook, and I love the idea for the next anthology.

Now, I have to go read how everyone makes time to write - I still need to figure that one out myself...

Loni Townsend said...

It's good that your wife is understanding. I know my husband has given me a look and asked, "Do you need to go write?" That's probably a sign I'm pretty cranky. :) Then he'll wrangle the kids off and I'll spend however long he can manage just typing down words.

Heh, that new release by Robyn sounds pretty cool.

I'm hoping I can write and submit something for the anthology. But no stories are quiet popping to mind with the theme. Drats!

Deniz Bevan said...

Oh! I'd forgotten there'd be another contest! Ooh, I might even have a story...