Monday, September 26, 2016

CassaStorm Audio, The Magnificent Seven Review, October Movie Preview, Monday’s Music, The Witch Review, and New Releases

CassaStorm on Audio!

We saved the best for last! Not only is CassaStorm the best of the three books, the narrator did an incredible job bringing so many characters to life. He did a great job with Bassan and Pitan’s voice, and he nailed it with Cherzta, leader of the Vindicarn, giving him the perfect level of nastiness. (And if you want to know what it’s like to listen to this series on audio, Mason Canyon reviewed the first two books last week.) This one amazed me. I still can’t believe I wrote it…

A storm gathers across the galaxy…
The days of battle behind him, Byron now commands the Cassan base on Tgren. As a galaxy-wide war approaches the planet, he’s caught between the Tgrens and the Cassans. The declaration of war between all ten races triggers nightmares in his son, and the ancient alien ship begins transmitting a code that might signal the end of all life. And the mysterious probe that almost destroyed Tgren twenty years ago might be on its way back. As Byron’s world begins to crumble, he suspects a connection. The storm is about to break…

Find it on Amazon, iTunes, and Audible

And I have two copies to give away!

Movie reviews

The Magnificent Seven
This was just a really fun film!
They stayed true to the original storyline, which I appreciated. Seven gunmen/fighters come together to defend a town against an evil mining lord.
The leads all do a tremendous job in their roles. Denzel Washington is perfect as the leader, Chisolm. Chris Pratt has a ton of fun with his character, as does Vincent D’Onofrio, and Ethan Hawke rounds it out as Goodnight.
The scenery is stunning and the setting really feels like the Wild West.
The movie moves at the perfect pace, building up to the showdown at the end while giving the audience time to get to know and care about the characters.
And when that showdown comes, prepare for gunfire! Along with explosions, arrows, and some mean knife throwing.
This is just a fun, solid Western that fills all the squares. Very entertaining.
Highly recommended!

The Witch
Great buzz sometimes doesn’t add up to a great film.
This is a fairly interesting and yet depressing drama about Puritan life in the seventeenth century. The youngest son of a family living in the wilderness goes missing and the threat of witchcraft begins to tear them apart.
There’s constant, menacing overtones of something about to occur, and while there are a couple shocking moments, overall nothing really terrifying happens. In fact, far more disturbing than the witch are the young twins. (You’ll have to watch it to understand.)
The cinematography was beautiful and the acting very solid. The director went for authentic with the dialogue, which unfortunately makes it really difficult at times to understand the actors.
Interesting effort, but not the game changing film everyone claimed. (Although the creepy twins might stay with you a while.)
Marginally recommended if you’re looking for something different.

Monday’s Music Moves Me

Hosted by Xmas Dolly.

Evergrey continues to come out with great, accessible prog music. Released a couple weeks ago, their latest, The Storm Within, is solid from start to finish. 
Today I’d like to feature the song Passing Through:

New Releases

Warpath into Sonora by Sean McLachlan
Available at Amazon

Self-Help 101 or: How to Select a Costume to Help You Deal With People by LG Keltner
Available at Amazon on September 27.

October Movie Preview

Here are the upcoming theatrical releases for October! As always, descriptions courtesy of the IMDB. Snark provided by me.

7 –

The Girl on the Train
A divorcee becomes entangled in a missing persons investigation that promises to send shockwaves throughout her life.
Director: Tate Taylor
Stars: Haley Bennett, Emily Blunt, Rebecca Ferguson, Luke Evans
Hope it’s better than Girl on a Bus and Girl in an Uber…

14 –

The Accountant
A forensic accountant un-cooks the books for illicit clients.
Director: Gavin O'Connor
Stars: Ben Affleck, Anna Kendrick, Jon Bernthal, J.K. Simmons
Stick around for the post-credit tax audit sequence.

21 –

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
Jack Reacher must uncover the truth behind a major government conspiracy in order to clear his name. On the run as a fugitive from the law, Reacher uncovers a potential secret from his past that could change his life forever.
Director: Edward Zwick
Stars: Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Robert Knepper, Aldis Hodge
Maybe Cruise can reach for a better film this time.

28 –

When Robert Langdon wakes up in an Italian hospital with amnesia, he teams up with Dr. Sienna Brooks, and together they must race across Europe against the clock to foil a deadly global plot.
Director: Ron Howard
Stars: Tom Hanks, Felicity Jones, Ben Foster, Irrfan Khan
More of Dan Brown trying to convince the world he’s much smarter than everyone.

Heard any of my audio books yes? Enjoyed any good audio books lately? Seen either of the movies? And what movie is on your radar for October?

My wife and I are taking off Thursday for a couple days. Will check in when I can.
I won’t be posting on Monday but I’ll be back for Insecure Writer’s Support Group post day next Wednesday. Don't forget the October 4 Question: When do you know your story is ready?


nashvillecats2 said...

Hey I'm first! How well I remember The Magnificent Seven, haven't seen the newer version .
Great reviews on your post.
Have a good week.

kaykuala said...

Congrats again on your audio versions Alex. It must have been most satisfying to you.Remembered all those 7 guys who later became great actors in their own right, Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Horst Buchholz, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn, James Coburn, and Brad Dexter. Review of the new one seems good also. Got to see it!


Cathrina Constantine said...

Congrats on your audio book, Alex!

I'm looking forward to seeing The Magnificent Seven. I never heard of the Witch. I'm reading The Girl on the Train which is getting better after the beginning. I'd like to see that movie too.

Have A nice couple of days away with your wife!

Mason Canyon said...

Alex, congrats on CassaStorm coming out on audio. I've just started listening and I agree, it's probably going to be the best (but the other two are awesome on their own). I'm so looking forward to seeing The Magnificient Seven. I'm not so sure about Girl on a Train. The book was intriguing and it makes me wonder how close the movie will follow the book. Congrats to all with new releases. Hope you and your wife have great fun.

Thoughts in Progress
and MC Book Tours

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Congrats on your latest audiobook and to those with new releases!

Truedessa said...

Good Morning, I think the audio books series would make a great gift for travelers. I've seen previews for The Magnificent Seven, but I wasn't sure about the remake. I plan to go see Deepwater Horizon.

I am glad to see the music feature and that is a great choice! Thanks for kicking off my Monday with a song!

Have a great week!

Dean K Miller said...

It's weird to see your words in print. I would imagine hearing them read by someone else on audio might be more surreal. Congrats on those!

Mag Seven is on my list to watch.

Sef-help 101 sounds interesting . . . great title.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I enjoyed this track by Evergrey, not to be confused with The Pussycat Dolls or Tom Jones. :) Swedish prog metal rules!

Stephanie Faris said...

What do you think of the sequel to The Blair Witch Project coming up? I saw the first one at theaters before it became overcommercialized and bleh--I don't think I've ever been as scared at a movie in my life. The first couple of Paranormal Activity movies was the closest I've come to it. Something about knowing something's there but not being able to see it is SO scary to me. I don't get scared by most horror movies because they SHOW everything. Not scary to me...just icky. It's what you can't see that scares me!

The first time I saw the preview for "The Accountant," I laughed out loud. Yeah, accountants are SO menacing! But then I realized what it was...and it's still a little silly-sounding, but whatever works for movie fans!

Natalie Aguirre said...

So glad your audio book came out so well. Your last book would be a fun one to listen to. Have fun on your vacation with your wife. And spend your time with her, not reading blogs. You (and she) deserves a break. Bet she'd agree with me.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, and the first one was also a remake - of The Seven Samurai.

Hank, yes they did.

Mason, thanks, that's good to hear.

Truedessa, thanks for listening. I might not catch Deepwater Horizon this weekend, but hopefully next week.

Dean, it's very surreal.

Shady, funny!

Stephanie, I haven't seen it, but there is a lot of good buzz about it. Has to be better than the other sequel.

Natalie, you'd really enjoy it.

Donna K. Weaver said...

I'm excited to see M7, especially since they were true to the plot.

Also excited for your audiobooks!

mshatch said...

I hope you and your wife have fun where ever you're going :)

And I know my story is done when there are no more blue notes for me fix!

Misha Gerrick said...

Ooh! I want to watch The Magnificent Seven. (Love Westerns.)

Enjoy your time away!

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Congrats on your latest audiobook. I just saw on the news this morning that The Magnificent Seven was #1 at the box office. Oh and I can't wait to see The Girl on the Train. I seriously could not put that book down once I started reading.

Nilanjana Bose said...

Congrats again on the audio books!

A story ends intuitively rather than design mostly, it kind of begins with the end and then the beginning and middle work out and wriggle into place, same with the poems too. Not a very systematic method :)

Enjoy your break!

Jo said...

Funny, just saw the original Magnificent Seven on TV. Enjoy it every time. I had heard the remake was a flop. Just saw something about it on GMA.

I am so glad your books are being recorded and that they are being done well.

Have a good break.

Tamara Narayan said...

After watching The Witch, I thought. "That's it?!" But later, after I thought about it and read/watched some reviews, I can appreciate more what the director may have been after. It was advertised as horror, but it's a lot more psychological. Interesting, but probably not what viewers were expecting.

The trailers for Inferno look good, but I may just wait for Redbox. The story was entertaining.

Congrats on getting another audio book out. Glad the voices are to your liking.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

Wow, it seems like they really rushed 'Girl on a Train' out. I feel like I just read it!

Congratulations on the audiobook, Alex.So many people prefer reading that way!

Karen Lange said...

Congratulations on the audiobook! That's exciting. Thanks for the review on Magnificent Seven. I'm always curious to see how a remake compares to the original. Have a great week!

Christine Rains said...

I'm far behind on my movie watching. I do want to see The Magnificent Seven, though. I was expecting more scary movies for October, but there are always a ton on TV! Congrats on the audio book! :) I have my IWSG post ready to go for next week. Have a great Monday!

The Cynical Sailor said...

I feel so out of touch. I haven't heard of any of those movies. Congrats on the release of another audio book. How fascinating to hear your characters come to life with someone voicing them. Enjoy your time away with your wife. Cheers - Ellen

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I'm torn about seeing The Girl on the Train - I really enjoyed the book....

We started watching The Witch and had to shut it off - could not understand anything anyone was saying and it was so incredibly slow. Ugh. I was so disappointed because it sounded like it was right up my alley.

Hope you and your wife enjoy the time off!

Bish Denham said...

Hubby and I have been considering seeing The Mag 7 in the theater! (A rare occurrence for us). Your review may push us over the edge.

So happy that your audio books are a hit!

Chemist Ken said...

The Magnificent Seven sounds good, but I'm not sure I can convince my family to see it. I read Inferno, and while the story was pretty good, the ending kind of sucked. It made the entire rest of the book pointless. It'll be interesting to see how they do it in the movie version.

Joanne said...

congrats on Cassa Storm audio - glad you are happy with the reading. Ray and I enjoyed Mag.Seven also - worthy acting and great filming - Western scenery is breathtaking. I'm slowly catching up on movies - enjoyed Sully too. "Girl on a Train" was a good book. Hope Emily Blunt is worthy. Have a good week - enjoy your time off

Sylvia Ney said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the Magnificent Seven. Hope you enjoy your weekend getaway!

shelly said...

hi, alex,

waving with my good arm from florida. congrats o.n your audio.

hugs and chocolate

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jo, no, it did well at the box office and is a fresh tomato on Rotten Tomatoes.

Tamara, exactly. Definitely psychological.

Elizabeth, I hope so!

Christine, there are some horror films coming out, but none look good.

Madeline, we had the volume cranked just trying to catch the dialogue.

Bish, go see it!

Good to hear from you, Shelly!

Julie Flanders said...

Congrats on the audio books! Must be such a thrill to listen to those. Enjoy your time off!

Chrys Fey said...

Congrats, Alex! I've never actually listened to an audio book before.

Anonymous said...

Not an audio book person, but I might need to give it a try. Congrats.
I will have to schedule a movie day.
Magnificent 7
The Accountant
The Girl on the Train - I think this is going to be really good.

Pat Hatt said...

The accountant maybe a psa for the IRS lol Glad the magnificient seven is good, I'll be seeing that one. Congrats on the audio book too.

Juneta key said...

Congrats on audio.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Stacy McKitrick said...

Congrats on the audio. I know a lot of people like to "read" that way (like my husband).

I have no idea if I'll make it to any movie in October. I still have to get the latest Star Trek movie on DVD! :)

H. R. Sinclair said...

Congrats Alex! That's so great how you felt after writing that book!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

We're going to see the Magnificent 7 this week sometime. I will never forgive whoever decided to use Tom Cruise for Jack Reacher. It's a crime. Enjoy your time away.

Sandra Cox said...

I'm just so excited about your audios. Kudos to you, your narrator, and your lovely and talented editor/publisher:)

Arlee Bird said...

Haven't seen any newer movies lately. Ask me about movies made pre-1960. It's been several years since I've listened to any audio books. Especially since I bought a van with satellite radio that's what I tend to listen to while driving. On my summer road trip I could have listened to a bunch of audio books.

Arlee Bird
Tossing It Out

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I so enjoyed 'your voice' in CassaStar - I'd have difficulty listening to an audio - version ... though I know at some stage I will. I hope to see The Girl on the Train - sounds fascinating. Enjoy your time away - all the best - cheers Hilary

Unknown said...

When do I know when my story is ready? Are they ever? I still find myself internally editing when I read them. And I don't think I'm alone--lots of writers who have published updated editions of their works state that nagging edits are the reason. Have a great time with your wife!

Tonja Drecker said...

Yay to the audio books! I constantly contemplate on trying audio out (could work, do chores and 'read' at the same time!) but first I need to get something to carry around with me so I can listen to them. Details. Details :) Enjoy your days off!

Suzanne Furness said...

We sometimes listen to audio books on a long car journey. My husband also downloads some and listens to them while he is gardening! Congrats on your audio series.
Hope you enjoy your break.

cleemckenzie said...

Love your giveaway! Enjoy the break. Those are always so necessary. Thinking about my answer to the Oct. question.

The Happy Whisk said...

Glad he did such a great job. Wow. Very cool.

PS: Yes, to making it the trailer the way we want. Best part.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new audiobook! Sounds fantastic! I really want to see the Magnificent Seven. I think I'll watch the original, then the remake, just for fun. The Witch sounds a little too creepy for me. I'm interested in Girl on a Train, but I'll probably pick it up on Netflix. Enjoy your time off!

stephen Hayes said...

Looking forward to seeing The Magnificent Seven this weekend. I read two thirds of Inferno and lost interest.

Andrew Leon said...

I want to see Magnificent Seven, mostly for the people who are in it.
However, I haven't seen a movie since May or June, so there's no real likelihood that I'll actually make it to the theater any time soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Pat, funny!

Stacy, you need to see that one.

Susan, I guess they showed him the money.

Thanks, Sandra!

Lee, now yo know for next year's trip.

Hilary, it's a good thing it's not really my voice...

Tonja, just need a cell phone and ear buds.

A Beer for the Shower said...

Cheers again to the audiobooks! So damn cool.

I'm going to see Magnificent Seven later this week. Very stoked for it. What I'm not stoked for, however? Anything that came from Dan Brown. About Dan Brown, on the other hand... (This may be the funniest mockery of his writing I've ever seen)

J.H. Moncrieff said...

Congratulations on having all your books released in audio! That's super exciting.

I agree with you about The Witch. I'd heard such good things, but in the end, I thought it was kind of stupid. Not scary at all. And the ending...smh.

Cherie Reich said...

It's good to hear The Magnificent Seven was a good film. They definitely have a good cast for it.

Sherry Ellis said...

I've seen the trailer for Girl on the Train. Looks kind of dark, and intriguing at the same time. I think I saw a book out by the same title. said...

Congratulations to Sean and LG.
I like the title of LG's book - a costume to help me deal with people. I'm thinking about that.
Have a great week and break, Alex.
PS Sorry for the delay, my book is still en route to me before I ship it your way.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Congratulations, Alex. I'm happy for you. That first listen must have been surreal. Gave you goose-bumps, I hope.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Congrats on the audio book. I really need to get out to the cinema again - I feel I'm missing some good stuff - it's just such a palava!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

The narrator did a great job with CassaStorm.

Not sure any of the movies look exciting.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Listened to the first minute of Passing Through and the song sounds really good. Also real smart to incorporate the lyrics into the video. I listened to a sample of your audio book Alex and it was amazing. I have not seen The Witch yet but I applaud the effort in using authentic language of the time. Magnificent Seven is definitely a movie I want to see. Also Storks but that animated movie might end being one of those fun but middle quality films. Curious about Jack Reacher and excited for The Accountant. I'm sorry but I'm in between about Girl on a Train. It looks like a watered down Gone Girl.

mail4rosey said...

I haven't seen the Magnificent Seven before but it sounds good! I like Denzel Washington. He always does a good job.

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

Congratulations on your audio books, Alex. I've only listened to a couple, but enjoyed them.
I definitely want to see the new The Magnificent Seven. Western shows are some of my favorites, mostly the old ones. This sounds good. Like the actors in it.
Have a nice week. Enjoy your time off.

J E Oneil said...

I heard good things about The Witch so I definitely want to see it. And The Magnificent Seven actually got a mediocre review in the local paper, but I don't trust them on anything. It looks excellent to me.

XmasDolly said...

Wow, now that is definitely a tune to rock by! Awesome... got to play this one for the guys see if they want to get it on the band list. Have rockin' week my friend and thanks for the tune. You have definitely ROCKED the house this week!!!!

Elephant's Child said...

Huge congratulations on your audio book. And how nice that you are proud of it.
And, as always, congratulations and thanks to all those with books out.

Liza said...

Congrats on your audio, and have a great few days off!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Your review has convinced me to go and see "The Magnificent Seven" probably tonight (it sounds like something fun to do). I don't like scary movies, and although I could watch them when younger, I just can't do it anymore. They give me troubled dreams (and I don't like that). So I won't be seeing anything like "the Witch" or "Blair Witch" or anything like that. However, I can still thoroughly enjoy scary science fiction (like Alien). Don't ask me why. I just don't get scared by it and am more in "wonder" mode.

Jenni said...

Congrats on your audio book! It must be so cool to hear someone else reading your words! Looking forward to next ISWG--I'm looking to glean some good advice from everyone's answers. :)
Enjoy your time away!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Loved your musical pick. I liked that beat!

Congrats on your audio book too. I know a lot of people like to listen in their cars or while doing other things.

DMS said...

Hope you have you and your wife have a fun time away!

So excited for you about the audio book. I have won one of your audio books, so I want to leave this one for another lucky reader/listener. :)

Magnificent Seven sounds great. Thanks for sharing. :)

Heather Murphy said...

Hey Alex! I decided to come back and say hi tonight after being away for almost THREE years! WOW things have changed! I'm so happy for you and all your success. I hope to catch up soon.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Brandon and Bryan, so not interested in anything by Brown!

JH, it faltered on several levels.

Robin, no worries!!

Joylene, it did!

Sheena-kay, thanks! And did not like Gone Girl.

Rosey, and he excelled here.

Beverly, thanks!

Michael, alien stuff is different. We know it's not real.

Jess, and hope you enjoy it!

Heather! Good to hear from you.

Birgit said...

Congrats on the audiobook! It must have blown your mind to hear your book and you should be so, so proud. Oh gosh I am watching the debate right now and I am getting blood boiling. Ok....focus.....I do want to see The Magnificent 7 and the films coming up look good especially the one with Tom Hanks

Liz A. said...

Congrats on the new audiobook. Glad to hear it turned out great.

Susan Kane said...

Magnificent 7 was superb. Lived up to its predecessors. Looking forward to Inferno--Tom Hanks always brings quality.
Hope your time off will be wonderful.

Carrie-Anne said...

Congratulations on your audio book! I don't have any audio books of my own, though I've listened to a number of them when I've been by my parents and they've played them in the car. My father has a lot of audiobooks from Victorian writer Anthony Trollope. Another audiobook I remember listening to in my parents' car was Middlemarch.

dolorah said...

I'm still going to watch Girl on a Train; it looks creepy enough. I'm glad Magnificient 7 lives up to the original. I'm not a Dan Brown fan; I've like Tom in everything except this series. What a shame.

Enjoy your days off :)

Rhonda Albom said...

Congratulations on another audio book. How wonderful that you love the voices and inflections. Hope you and your wife are headed somewhere fun and wonderful. Enjoy your time off.

DL Kennedy said...

Congratulations on the audio! I know my books are done when my editor says they're done and the publisher publishes it. Otherwise, I'd probably still be editing. Case in point, my self-pubbed book. I'm still editing it, and it's been published a year.

Charles Gramlich said...

Excellent review! Very cool.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Alex! Thanks for reviewing "The Magnificent Seven!" I saw the original version a number of times. I'm looking forward to seeing it. Have a great day!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Birgit, it is mind blowing. And I decided to skip the debate.

Donna, I've like Hank in most things except this series as well.

DL - funny!

Sandra Cox said...

So, Alex, Did you go see Magnificent Seven for date night?

Elizabeth Seckman said...

Magnificent 7 was an excellent movie. I also saw Witch! Also a downer. I think it was made worse because it had potential.

L.G. Keltner said...

Congratulations on the audio books! That's so exciting! And thank you for mentioning my new release!

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

Congrats again on the audio. Very cool.
I was hoping The Magnificent Seven would be good. Yay!

Intangible Hearts said...

Great reviews but wild horses couldn't get me into a movie called the Witch. Maybe I should grow up.

Intangible Hearts said...

Great reviews but wild horses couldn't get me into a movie called the Witch. Maybe I should grow up.

Gail said...

Glad the M7 stayed on track, one of my all time favorites.

Congratulations on the audio book. I am so thrilled I know someone famous!

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like Diane said: none of the movies strike me as intriguing. DOCTOR STRANGE and ROGUE ONE are the ones I am waiting for. :-) Highest of sales on CASSASTORM!

John Wiswell said...

The Witch is tonally fantastic and goes to great lengths to make its characters feel like believable products of their time, while not making the time feel homogeneous. But I agree with you that this doesn't add up to a great film. It's scares are too random, adding up to a threat that feels too nebulous to unnerve me. I watched it in a packed theater in New England, and the crowd actually laughed at the end credits.

Helena said...

Congratulations on CassaStorm! Of course it's on my to read/listen to list. And what an exciting blurb that is (for me, there really is an art and challenge to those blurbs).

Funny how critics went crazy for The Witch (I missed it but will watch it on TV) and are semi-dissing The Magnificent Seven. This is why I don't much trust critics. Seriously, Alex, I've found your reviews to be much more on the mark and insightful. Have you ever considered turning pro?

H.R. Bennett said...

Not gonna lie. I'm trying for that free copy. :)

Rachna Chhabria said...

I always enjoy Dan Brown's books, but so far am never able to catch the movies in the theater. The Girl on the Train is on my Reading list.

Heather R. Holden said...

How exciting about the audiobook! Too often I hear about narrators being hit-or-miss, bringing down what is otherwise an amazing story. Glad you ended up pleased with how yours turned out!

Crystal Collier said...

That's so awesome--your books on audio! Now that's something I can do--around picking my youngest up from school every day. I'd be through it in no time!

So, I think I'm going to have to see that Western based on your recommendation. I don't usually like westerns much. *shrugs* And Jack Reacher, the action was a little hokey in the first one. I'm hoping the second will be more believable.

Sandra Cox said...

Do you read the Reacher series? I just can't wrap my head around Tom Cruise as Reacher.

Colette S said...

Congrats on the audio book section.
I think I should start listening to some books on audio also.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, yes I did!

Elizabeth, it had a lot of potential, but just missed too many marks.

LG, you're welcome.

Gail, who?

Roland, those are coming soon!

John, the ending just didn't fit.

Helena, thank you! And I wouldn't even know where to begin to be a pro reviewer.

Robert, go for it!

Sandra, I haven't, but I've heard he's not a good fit.

Jen, they are on the same level.

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

Congratulations on the audio versions! That's wonderful. Thanks for the musical background!

Nick Wilford said...

Congrats on the third audiobook, must be great to hear it told well! Wasn't sure about the Magnificent Seven, but the review is encouraging.

Valerie Capps said...

Thanks for your review on The Magnificent Seven. I drag my husband to the movie with me every few years and he disturbs everyone with his snoring. This sounds like something that might hold his attention. Wish me luck!

Angela Brown said...

Enjoyed your review of The Magnificent Seven. I was just having a conversation with a friend about some of the remakes being done in Hollywood and was wondering if this one stood up to par.

Congrats on having your books on audio. I've certainly enjoyed reading them. Will have to look into more audio books.

By the way, for the movies coming out, you tickle me with your quick-witted one liners at the end :-) said...

Have a great getaway!

Leovi said...

The first version of "The Magnificent Seven" was one of my favorite movies.

Tess Julia said...

I'm having technical difficulties with my Nook and can't buy your books. I have to stop in B&N to get it fixed. Looking forward to reading them because I really enjoyed your first one-
Evergrey is definitely a band I'll have to check out, it sounds like my kind of music.

Mark said...

Yay for CassaStrom! And the remake of Magnificent 7 looks cool, although 7 Samurai will always remain my favorite:)

Kristin Smith said...

Congrats on the audiobooks!! That must be so cool to hear it and know you wrote it!

I'm excited about the Girl on a Train movie. I have the book sitting in my TBR pile and I can't wait to read it. Plus, Emily Blunt is a great actress—might be good! :)

Cherie Colyer said...

Congrats on the 3rd book in your series coming out on audio! Very exciting.

I'm waiting for November for movies. :)

Toi Thomas said...

Glad to hear M7 was good. It looks pretty good.
Can't say that I'm excited about any of the upcoming movies.
Enjoy your time off.

Debra Renée Byrd said...

Your movie comments are hilarious.

Congrats on the audio book!

Tyrean Martinson said...

Love the snarky movie commentary!!! :)

I watched so many movies on my international flights that they are melding together - Jungle Book Burnt Allegiant Eddie the Eagle Me Before You . . .

CONGRATS on your audiobook!

Shadow said...

There we go, thank you, movie weekend sorted :) Have a good one!

ediFanoB said...

Congratulation on the new audiobook.

I must say there is no movie in October I'm interested in.
I wait for "Dr Strange" and "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" in November.

Unknown said...

Super congrats on getting all your books onto audio! Audio is real popular now and I know people will snap up yours.

Thanks for the mini movie reviews and for the snark on the "Upcoming" list. You cracked me up!

Congrats to Sean (he's releasing like crazy now!), and to LG. Wishing them both much success!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Valerie, hope it doesn't put him to sleep.

Angela, I am here to amuse.

Tess, I'm sorry! Thanks for trying.

Mark, people forget the first Magnificent Seven was a remake of that film.

Cherie, so am I...

Tyrean, funny!

Edi, Dr. Strange looks awesome.

Mason T. Matchak said...

Congratulations on another audiobook. ^_^ Glad yours turned out so well.

Melissa Sugar said...

Congrats on the audio book. I just read about it on Diane's blog. I love audio books because I'm in my car so much of the day. I'll be sure and purchase the audio version. I haven't seen the new release of The Magnificent Seven. I also haven't seen The Girl on the Train, but I'm eager to and plan to as soon as I can. I read the book and loved it. I almost didn't give the book a fair shake because I just could not get into it all. It took me about forty pages until I started liking it and then I couldn't put it down. I had the same issue reading Gone Girl. In both instances I'm so glad I didn't give up. I also want to see the Accountant.

Yolanda Renée said...

Congratulations on the Audio book. I was thrilled to learn that my first book is going audio. Can't wait to hear it. :)

Enjoy your break, see you on the 5th

Chrys Fey said...

Congrats! It would certainly be neat to hear our own characters come to live by a talented narrator.

Jeffrey Scott said...

I had no idea they were redoing the Magnificent Seven. But you also know I'm kind of out of touch with the film industry.
Your books are on audio? I will certainly have to look for them. I love listening to books on tape in my car. Ironically enough, I just finished listening to the Hitchhiker --- Galaxy series. It's been a while since I've read the books. I really do wish I had more time for reading, but it's hard to find the time. I know I should find the time.
I shall be posting to the IWSG this Wednesday. See you around.

Jeff Chapman said...

Glad to see you've moved into audio territory. Best of luck.

Pat Tillett said...

I enjoyed the "new" Magnificent Seven so much that I watched the original the next day. My reading time seems to be getting shorter and shorter, so I think I might try my first book on audio (probably yours).

Sandra Cox said...

I'm interested in seeing all the movies except Girl On A Train. But again, Cruise just doesn't do it for me as Reacher.
Hope your time away has been great!

Shell Flower said...

That's really cool about your audio books. I'm glad you feel the narrator captured your characters. Kind of a dream come true. I've heard some amazing audio books and some sucky ones and it really is all about the narrator. As for movies, I'll probably watch the Witch when it's on DVD. And I really don't like Tom Cruise...

Heather M. Gardner said...

So happy for you that your books are now all audio! So cool!

Chris Pratt is saving Hollywood. :)

I'm mostly happily swimming in DVR land now that all my shows, and a few new ones, have started back up again. ONE HOUR DRAMAS are my crack!


Unknown said...

Wonderful book news! Congratulations, Alex.


Cynthia said...

I want to watch the Girl on the Train, as I've read the book awhile back and am curious about what the cinematic interpretation will be like.

Deniz Bevan said...

I'm interested to see what you think of Girl on a Train if you see it. I skimmed through the book at the bookstore the other day and wasn't impressed...

Chuck said...

Hi Alex! I know it's been a while but I just left Pat's blog and wanted to stop yours before I logged out. I like the Evergrey song you posted and went to youtube to get a little more of them. Thanks and take care!!