Monday, July 25, 2016

Stranger Things and Star Trek Beyond Reviews, Comic Con Trailers, God’s Dinner Party, and Ninja News

I’m back from vacation! Just a few days away, but so worth it.
Today we welcome C. Lee McKenzie.
But first…

Stranger Things Review

Set in the 80’s, the plot centers on the search for a missing boy and the appearance of a strange girl.
Without a doubt, this is my favorite NetFlix original show. It’s a love letter to the 80’s. Imagine putting the Goonies, Stand by Me, Firestarter, E.T., and poltergeist in a blender and you’ll start to get an idea of the direction of this show.
I really liked the eight episode pacing and the great blend of horror, suspense, science fiction, and comedy.
The cast was perfectly chosen. (I understand they interviewed over nine hundred kids just to find the right ones for the roles.) All of the characters became fleshed-out, real people.
I don’t want to give anything else away – just watch it.
Highly recommended!

Star Trek Beyond Movie Review

Another enjoyable Star Trek adventure!
This film marks fifty years of Trek. While I didn’t like it quite as much as Into Darkness, I still found myself grinning from start to finish at the action and comedy. Director Justin Lin handled the action well and there were so many funny lines.
The actors did a great job, sliding right back into the character dynamics. Idris Elba was good at the villain Krall, but Sofia Boutella as Jaylah really nailed it.
Some aspects of the film were confusing or didn’t quite make sense, but maybe a repeat viewing will clarify things.
It was bittersweet watching Anton Yelchin in his final film. They did slip in a nice homage to Leonard Nimoy though.
Overall, it was a tremendous amount of fun.

C. Lee McKenzie and God’s Dinner Party

Once a very long time ago, God gave a dinner party, and he invited animals. (Stay with me, okay?) He wanted them there to give them a very important duty. These animals were to become a part of the zodiac and guide mankind in daily living as well as provide insights into their unique character.

Here’s what I think that dinner party might have been like.

God’s Dinner Party

Rat smoothed his long tail across his lap, then tried to stare down Monkey who was showing off. “A bit of decorum during dinner would be appreciated,” Rat said. He was far wittier than Monkey, and he wanted a chance to say something and prove it.
Monkey turned solemn for one minute before cracking his next joke.
Rooster kept an observant eye on the antics for a while, and then noticed his wing feathers were in disarray and began preening them into a neater arrangement.
Goat, who sat at the far end of the table, glanced anxiously at Pig in hopes Pig would say something intelligent and stop that damned Monkey show- off.
But Pig, always well-mannered and tasteful, chose to ignore Goat and Monkey. He had a full plate of delicious corn, and he was going to focus on that.
Dog leaned over to Horse and reminded him how much he hoped Horse wouldn’t take off on that trip after the party. Dog needed him nearby.
That’s when Tiger asserted himself, and with one large paw, batted Monkey on top of the head.
“Owww!” Monkey yowled, and he jumped down from his chair and scampered to Dragon.
“There. There,” Dragon said, all compassion. “Come sit next to me and tell me your jokes.”
“Suck up!” screeched Rat.
“Hussssh,” Snake said, stretching across to Rat. “Don’t ruin the party.”
“Oh no. Never do that,” said Rabbit, rubbing his tiny paws together nervously.
Ox nodded at his friend Snake. “We should should play a game and each take a turn of some sort.”
“I have a game! I have a game!” Monkey said, and all eyes locked on him. “Let’s play, “Where’s the Cat?”
Rat became suddenly fascinated with his tail, arranging and re-arranging it just so.
“You start Rat,” Monkey said, and he jumped up and down on his chair.
“Cat’s not here,” Rat said, not looking up.
“And why not?” Tiger asked in his most authoritative voice.
Rat mumbled, “Dunno.”
“Liar. Liar. Pants on fire!” Monkey was being a real butt.
Then Dragon rose regally and slowly from his chair at the head of the table. “It seems Cat will not be here this night, then?”
Rat shook his head and tried to ignore Pig’s tasteful snort, Dog’s distrustful stare, Roster’s observant smile, Monkey’s total lack of self-control, Goat’s anxious expression, Horse’s impatient neigh, and Snake’s dangerous eye. Rabbit at least had some compassion in his face, and Tiger wasn’t paying any attention to Rat at all. Ox had retreated into himself and seemed to doze.
Dragon laid a calming claw on Monkey, then he picked up Rat by his sleek tail and held him aloft. “Do you want to explain Cat’s absence?”
Now was Rat’s chance to show how clever and quick-witted he could be. “A mistake really. I must have said the party was on the fifteenth, not the fifth.” Dangling upside down, he grinned at Dragon.
“I see.” Dragon returned Rat to upright and settled him onto the chair. “I hope you enjoyed your prank a great deal, Rat, because you’ve made a life-long enemy and will be paying for it forever.”
The End

Find Lee at her blog and website
Find Sign of the Green Dragon (releases August 3) at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords
Find your sign HERE.

Ninja News

Today over at the IWSG site we welcome the awesome Anne R. Allen as she discusses a powerful marketing tool.

Don’t forget that Wednesday, August 3 is the next post day for the IWSG.

August’s question is - What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published? 

And have you seen the trailer for Wonder Woman, Justice League, or Kong Skull Island?

Anyone else blaze through the eight episodes of Stranger Things? See Star Trek Beyond this weekend? What do you think about God’s dinner party? And are you ready for Wonder Woman next year?
Since next week is IWSG post week, I won’t be posting on Monday, just Wednesday.


nashvillecats2 said...

Enjoyed read "God's Dinner Party". also looking forward to next week's ISWG. I think it's an excellent idea having a question each month.
Enjoy your day Alex/

Nicola said...

Stranger things sounds like my kind of film to watch whilst I'm doing the ironing - I need something good to distract me from the worst chore.
Loved the dinner party! Can't wait to read Lee's book :)It's ordered!

Have a great week. Hope you enjoyed your holiday!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

So, never discuss religion, politics or cats at the dinner table? :p

It will definitely be bittersweet watching the new Star Trek film. My young daughter had a little crush on Anton Yelchin and was heart-broken when he died.

Mason Canyon said...

Loved the dinner party, Lee. Saw Star Trek this weekend and really enjoyed it. I'm especially glad they did find a way to play homage to Leonard Nimoy and sad to know it was Yelchin's last role.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

What an entertaining dinner party!

Stranger things sounds good. The movie poster (is that what they still call the 'cover' for the film?) is kind of a throwback, isn't it?

The Kong movie looks good...thanks for the trailer.

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

I saw the Wonder Woman trailer last night and love the line, "What I do is not up to you."

Roland Clarke said...

Having watched the TV series avidly, I'm ready for Wonder Woman...especially with all those wonderful WW1 planes - like the ones I made as a kid.

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Just got Netflix and am so looking forward to Stranger Things!

And I really enjoyed Anne's post over at the IWSG site.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yvonne, the question was a brilliant idea.

Mason, it was a fun movie.

Elizabeth, the poster definitely captures the 80's vibe of the show.

Sandra, no one is telling Wonder Woman what to do.

Jemi Fraser said...

We must be the only people on the planet who don't have Netflix! :)
Can't wait to see Star Trek, too and I love the Wonder Woman trailer!
Fun story, Lee! :)

Charles Gramlich said...

I don't have netflix but I've been hearing great things about Stranger things.

H. R. Sinclair said...

"God's Dinner Party" was awesome!

I liked Stranger Things too. It was a fantastic homage to the 80s.

Karen Lange said...

It's nice to see Lee here! Wishing her well with her books. Thanks, as always, for the info. Have a great week!

Bish Denham said...

Oh I did giggle while reading Lee's story!

Haven't seen Stranger Things. Wonder Woman caught my attention. I might have to go see that one. Just how many King Kong movies can they make?

Patricia Stoltey said...

I was a big fan of Wonder Woman comic books when I was a kid, so I do intend to see that movie. Might even go to the theater and enjoy a little movie popcorn which I haven't had in a really long time.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Poor Cat missed the meal.

Wonder Woman looks amazing.

Annalisa Crawford said...

Loved Lee's story.

I've just watched the 2nd episode of Stranger Things - it feels odd to watch something big at the same time as everyone else. Usually I veer away for a couple of years.

We're aiming to see Star Trek next week, and I am super excited for Wonder Woman! How many months...?

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

So that is why the cat hunts the rat. I'm waiting to see Star Trek. I haven't tried Stranger Things but I will.

Pat Hatt said...

That was some dinner party. Stranger Things was the best original series they have done indeed. Perfect casting all around. Hopefully they can make season 2 just as good and not follow House of Cards and go down hill. Justice League trailer doesn't look too bad.

Mary Aalgaard said...

Sounds like Stranger Things is a show the Biker Chef and I would like watching together. I read and reviewed C. Lee's book, Green Dragon. It's great, as is her story about the rat and the cat. Wonder Woman? I used to love Wonder Woman. This looks quite different.

kaykuala said...

Would be 'nice to see' Wonder Woman again. Brings back memories of Captain Marvel and the host of super heroes before. Lee's book of animals is fascinating. Reminds of Orwell's book.


Christine Rains said...

Stranger Things sounds right up my alley! I'm excited for Wonder Woman and Justice League. Great party, Lee! I'm born in the year of the Rat, but I have no taste for playing tricks. :)

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

OMG I have not heard of Stranger Things, but my husband still lives in the 80's and those are a mix of his favorite shows. I may never get the big screen TV to myself until he binge watches.

Chemist Ken said...

I love Lee's sense of humor. And yes we did see the Star Trek movie this weekend. It was fabulous.

The Cynical Sailor said...

Good to see your review of Star Trek. I think it's one that I'll make a point of seeing at the movie theater. Some movies are just better seen on a big screen with the surround sound and I think this one will be one of those.

Sandra Cox said...

Wow! Wonder Woman looks good doesn't it?
We saw Star Trek this weekend too. In agreement, enjoyable but not quite as good as the first two.

cleemckenzie said...

Well, I'm very late seeing all the movies, but that's not unusual. I like saving them up and then do a binge week. I'll put Wonder Woman at the top because I've always been fascinated by her.

Love the question of the month for August. It will be interesting to read the responses.

Thanks for hosting me here today and letting me have some fun with the animal horoscopes.

Joanne said...

loved Stranger Things - casting was perfect. 8 episodes was just right for the story arc. Get in, get out. Star Trek is on next week's list for me. Ray and I saw Ghostbusters and laughed a lot. My review is Tues. I'm psyched for Wonder Woman and also anything with Tom Hiddleston (Kong). Congrats to Lee on her book - interesting premise. And of course for comedy/horror I'm watching evening convention coverage and throw in The Daily Show with Trevor Noah for a worthy recap. OMG. Stay SAFE Alex and have a great cool week.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Holly, it was!

Bish, think this will be number four...

Patricia, you should.

Annalisa, less than twelve...

Pat, season two is where I gave up on House of Cards.

Deb, let him binge watch! I saw all eight episodes in about four days.

Lee, you're welcome!

Joanne, eight was the perfect length.

M.J. Fifield said...

I saw Star Trek over the weekend, and I agree with your review. A lot of fun, but I liked the first two more. And my heart ached a little bit every time Anton appeared on screen.

Haven't seen Stranger Things yet, but I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. :)

Tonja Drecker said...

Guess what I'm going to try to splurge on Netflix this week? Stranger Things sounds amazing. Congrats to C. Lee! I've been sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for this one to come out. And Alex, glad you enjoyed your short vacation!

Natalie Aguirre said...

I think I need to check out Stranger Things. Thanks for letting me know about it. Congrats to Lee on her book!

Jo said...

Nope not seen any movies - not until they come out on DVD. Loved the story of God's Dinner Party

Tyrean Martinson said...

I'm looking forward to reading C. Lee's book!

Thanks for the reviews on Stranger Things and Star Trek.
This is the first Star Trek movie made that my husband did not see on opening weekend . . . but we are watching it on Wednesday for my youngest daughter's birthday. She has decided that she is more of a Trekkie than a Star Wars fan. My husband approves. I understand more of her feeling after the whole Death Planet thing. (I liked the new Star Wars movie, but I really want Star Wars to up their ante on super-weapons that don't involve planets, moons, asteroids, comets, suns, etc.)

I'm definitely ready for Wonder Woman, and Justice League looks like fun! Kong Island might be a home movie for us . . . we're budgeting on movie spending these days.

See you on IWSG day!

Carrie-Anne said...

God's Dinner Party was a very cute story. It reminds me of the antics in some of the stories about the Greek deities when they're just hanging out on Mount Olympus.

Heather R. Holden said...

Haven't seen Stranger Things, since I'm too poor for things like Netflix, haha, but I have noticed the endless praise for it online. Everyone seems to love it!

Cherie Reich said...

I can see why Cat wouldn't like such a slight from Rat. Congrats, C. Lee! said...

Lee's animal dialogue is fun, especially Monkey's "Liar. Liar. Pants on fire." Made me smile.
Be well.

A Beer for the Shower said...

I JUST ran out of TV to watch and then I see this. Can't wait to check out Stranger Things. I love the 80s (and can admit it). Time to preen my Flock of Seagulls haircut and get ready for a Netflix binge.

Also, Star Trek is definitely on my to-see list this week.

Juneta key said...

I'm gonna check out Stranger Things. Planning to see Star Trek next weekend. Great post Lee, loved it. I'm the Rabbit--Water Rabbit. I am not sure I like that.
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Karen Peterson said...

I really want to watch Stranger Things. I need to get on it!

Andrew Leon said...

I'm hoping to see Beyond in the theater, but I don't know if that will actually happen.

Tamara Narayan said...

I started watching Stranger Things just the other night. I thought the 80s style clothes, hair, and make-up were dead on and kind of scary. How did we think that looked good? I did get a little bored and stopped watching, but maybe I'll give it another try. I've been watching Penny Dreadful instead. The cinematography is stunning. The references to gothic works like Dracula, Frankenstein, and Dorian Grey are good, but the hour long shows do get a bit slow sometimes. Still, something to consider if you like horror.

Valerie Capps said...

I used to be a Sci-Fi fanatic. When the original Star Trek series hit TV in the 1960s, my sister and brother knew they would be tempting fate and my wrath if they touched the TV dial while it was on! It takes a special knack for a writer to pull off Sci-Fi successfully, so I haven't read the genre in a few years. I hear "Cassastar" is a great read. I plan to get a copy of my own and rediscover the genre.

The Angry Lurker said...

Looking forward to Star Trek, did you see the trailer for Guy Ritchies King Arthur?

Suzanne Furness said...

I haven't been to the movies for a while - must rectify that soon! The next IWSG question should make for interesting reading on the posts.
Glad you had a nice break away.

DMS said...

I have been hearing amazing reviews of Stranger Things from my friends. I have to check it out! After reading Lee's book it was fun to take a look at the dinner party with her. :)

SpacerGuy said...

I entirely agree Star Trek Into Darkness had less humor but an exciting bite to it while STrek Beyond is exciting and fun all rolled up with the humor combined. I found the miniature creatures which looked gigantic quite interesting and soooo hilarious to watch.

J E Oneil said...

Meh, I'm just not into the new Star Trek movies. I'll really have to check out Stranger Things, though. I love how the picture looks like the old movie posters of that era.

Liz A. said...

I've been reading a lot of things about Stranger Things. Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to do internet on my TV and get me some Netflix.

My dad and I were supposed to go see Star Trek tomorrow, but we'll see if it happens. Work got in the way.

Interesting dinner party. Never got far into Chinese astrology, so I don't know the players that well.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

MJ, you would really dig it.

Tyrean, I approve as well! Trek over Wars any day.

Brandon and Bryan, you guys will love it.

Andrew why not?

Tamara, how did you get bored?

Valerie, thank you!

Fran, haven't watched it yet.

Spacer Guy, they were funny, especially the one at the end without his pants.

Elephant's Child said...

LOVE Lee's story about God's Dinner Party. And want more. I am greedy that way.
Some day I will get to the movies again.

Birgit said...

Excellent story and nice you have it showcased here. I have not seen ST yet but will wait u til it's out on DVD. I keeping thinking of the young man who died who played Chekhov. The trailers look good for all of these. Really cool.

Mark said...

Love Lee's book, I'm posting it on my blog later this week:) And thanks for the Star Trek review, now I totally want to see it! :)

alexia said...

Me and my son binge watched Stranger Things last week and loved it! I kind of want it on DVD. Need to see Star Trek.

Jenni said...

I really enjoyed Anne's post over at ISWG. So encouraging! Stranger Things sounds interesting. I love the eighties.

stephen Hayes said...

We enjoyed the new Star Trek movie this weekend but the Mr. Spock character is losing his edge and becoming just another grumpy character instead of the fascinating person in the original series.

Anonymous said...

I still have to see Star Trek Into Darkness. The trailer never impressed me so we skipped seeing it in theaters and it's on Netflix, but I just haven't been motivated to watch it.

Tammy Theriault said...

My first live is collecting dust in the web world. Where it should stay. Hahaha

Tammy Theriault said...

I meant first writings

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Well, what did you expect of something called Rat, right? Great story, Lee. Alex, did you see STAR TREK BEYOND in 3D? I liked STRANGER THINGS so much that I wrote a post on it today. Thanks for visiting my blog as often as you do! :-)

Helena said...

Of course I'm seeing Star Trek! And while I'm so glad there's a tribute to Leonard Nimoy, Anton Yelchin's death is heartbreaking - my heart especially goes out to his parents.

John Wiswell said...

Stranger Things was an unexpected delight. It handled its barrage of homages so deftly - Stand By Me, E.T., Carrie, The Mist, and so-on. The soundtrack was off the damned chain.

I also enjoyed Beyond. It's not as well directed as the first two, but still hits the high notes. Classical music saves the day!

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I am loving Stranger Things, but forcing myself to savour it, one episode at a time. It isn't easy!

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Alex - I might see Star Trek Beyond this week ... but Lee's book sounds a delight - that is on my list .. what a great excerpt ... fun way to write a book ...

Enjoy the brief break .. cheers Hilary

George Beremov [Nebular] said...

Good to hear the latest Star Trek is enjoyable.
Great bunch of new trailers too. :)

Murees Dupè said...

Congratulations to C. Lee McKenzie. That sounds like a great dinner party.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Birgit, so sad about his death.

Alexia, I binge-watched it in four days.

Stephen, not to mention he gave his girlfriend a tracking device.

Patricia, I thought it was great.

Roland, no, we opted for the 2D version.

Helena, such a terrible death.

JH, no it's not!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I haven't seen any of these. Must get out more.
I have read Lee's book, though, and it's great. Everyone should read it, from kids to adults.

Denise Covey said...

Hope your vacation was awesome! Lee's book looks amazing!

Jeffrey Scott said...

Funny Dinner Party skit. I still think it would have ended in everyone trying to eat each other. LOL
I have not seen Star Trek but I want to see it in the theatre. Perhaps Friday or Sunday night. More likely Sunday. Wonder Woman might be a fun film to see, but I am really looking forward to the Justice League one. I'm hoping it's good.
So, did you hear about MST3K coming to Netflix as a revival show?
Thought you might have mentioned it, but didn't see.

Dianne K. Salerni said...

I am loving Stranger Things!
I got as far as Episode 6, then stopped to let the rest of the family catch up. (Watching it with them a second time is even better than watching it the first time. I missed so many things!) Can't wait for them to catch up with me so I can see the rest!

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Ah, Lee, thanks for helping clear up all the mystery. Now I understand why cat and rat aren't friends. Makes perfect sense. Happy you're back, Alex. Hope you're well-rested!

Karen Jones Gowen said...

Thanks for the Netflix Original tip. Since I'm a Netflix addict I'm always looking for good new shows to watch. I do enjoy quite a few of their original series, hadn't seen this one yet. Are we looking at August ALREADY?? Seems like July just barely started.

Hart Johnson said...

I really enjoyed Stranger Things, too. And best of luck to Lee with her book... And I totally missed that Justice League was the one that would have Momoa.... Mmmmmm Momoa... I am super picky about super hero movies (I like the anti-hero ones better, and prefer the superhero part be very minor compared to other story, like Jessica Jones, but I may just have to make an exception for Momoa...

Stephanie Faris said...

Ooh, I love shows that are set in the 80s. I'm going to have to check that out!!! Congrats to C. Lee on her new book.

Heather M. Gardner said...

That Netflix show sounds really good!

I can't wait for the new Star Trek. We watched the first 2 again this week. I got really upset watching Anton, but I'm so glad he had these films as his legacy. :(

Best of luck C. Lee!


Cherie Colyer said...

I'm going to have to check out Stranger Things and Green Dragon.

Is it me, or is King Kong ridiculously huge in Skull Island??

Al Penwasser said...

I liked Beyond better than Into Darkness (which I liked-don't get me wrong) and I'll tell you why. To me, Into Darkness tried way too hard to be a "Khan" story.
Cumberbatch was great, but to me, Khan will always be a swarthy Ricardo Montalban type (sans Tattoo).
Incidentally, I thought they handled (no pun intended) "Gay Sulu" very well.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see Stranger Things. I'm looking forward to Lee's book.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I am hoping to see the new Star Trek movie while it is out in the theaters. It looks quite spectacular :) I am loving the new franchise.

Rhonda Albom said...

I haven't seen any of these, but Stranger Things sounds pretty cool. Too bad we don't have netflix.

mshatch said...

Hoping to see Star Trek this Sunday and, as you know, I loved Stranger Things, too :)

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jeffrey, yes I did! Sorry, just ran out of room. Might feature it next week.

Dianne, wait until you see the ending! I watched the last three episodes in a row.

Karen, I know! Summer is flying.

Hart, my wife is excited he's in it as well.

Stephanie, you will really dig it.

Cherie, he's gigantic!

Al, did you know the original actor protested that decision?

Toi Thomas said...

I have watched Stranger Things yet, but it's at the top of my TBW list. Then I'll be heading out to see Star Trek.
God's dinner party was cute.
Trying not to think about Wonder Woman too much until it gets closer.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Congrats to Lee on her book. God's Dinner Party was cute.It would make a good children's book :) Could just picture the lot of them at the table!

Yolanda Renée said...

Such cool trailers! Thank you! I want to see them all. We went this weekend to see Star Trek, and it was fun and entertaining. Really reminded me of the old shows.

Lee is doing a fabulous job with the tour!

IWSG question is great!

Yolanda Renée said...

Oh, and just looked at my calendar - First Wednesday in August is the 3rd, unless my calendar is wrong. Which, at this point could be the case. LOL

Sandra Cox said...

I loved God's Dinner Party, Lee!
'Lo, Alex.

Sandee said...

Need to see the new Star Trek. I was such a fan way back in the day.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

Michelle Wallace said...

I really enjoyed Anne's post over at the IWSG website.
C.Lee's book looks amazing. She's such a great writer!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Star Trek and Wonder Woman and Lee's new book! Stranger Things sounds intriguing. I'll have to check that out.

Julie Flanders said...

I keep hearing great reviews of Strange Things. I really need to watch it. I'm such an 80s girl I know I'll love it.
Glad you enjoyed your vacation, Alex. And great dinner party, Lee! :)

klahanie said...

Hi human, Alex,

Apawlogies for not being around much, as of late. Having some trouble with my email account and they have changed the format. I hate Outlook/Hotmail!

Nice to note all the links and pawesome to see my adoring human fan, C. Lee McKenzie.

Pawsitive wishes,


Sheena-kay Graham said...

Those trailers got quite a bit of attention over the weekend. C. Lee's party post was a nice read and Rat better watch out. I might watch Star Trek beyond on a half-off matinee because I've been hearing that it's not as great as it could be. But I watch most movies half off anyway. Think I'll see Jason Bourne full price. Already confident it would be great and reviews trickling in so far have been positive. Watched episode one of Stranger Things last night and it was really good. Poor Benny.

Lynda R Young as Elle Cardy said...

I seriously loved Stranger Things. Shame it was only 8 episodes.
Hi Lee!! What a naughty Rat ;)

Brian Miller said...

oh my, there were so many good trailers at comicon...both the movies, and tv shows returning soon. i cant wait for arrow and flash to return. ha.

stranger things....amazing!! definitely a worthy watch.

star trek...i am finally going this weekend. cant wait to see it. i have heard good things.

SC Author said...

I'm *loving* all these movies coming out this year. Like I think movies just keep getting better and better!!

Sandra Cox said...

Hi, Alex.
Justice League looks like another good one!

Nilanjana Bose said...

Hope your vacation was super!

Anton Yelchin's death was devastatingly tragic. Looking forward to seeing the film.

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Seeing TREK this weekend, I am glad for the solid review... was not overwhelmed by WW trailer or JL. It might just be me, I am getting tired of the super hero movement. Sorry again, been off the grid... having some health troubles again, it's not been fun.

Listen to me whine, I am doing great and I hope the same for all those who make it this far in the comments.

Live, long...


Elizabeth Seckman said...

Cute tale Lee! Excellent book too.

I saw Star Trek over the weekend. I really enjoyed it. Made my husband mad when I admitted I liked it much better than the new Star Wars. I found the dialogue more clever and the plot tighter. I didn't realize Simon Pegg was one of the writers. Now I'm even more in love with him.

T.F. Walsh said...

I cannot express how much I loved Stranger Things!!!!! Huge fan. And yes to Justice League... ahh all that eye candy.

Tara Tyler said...

that series sounds awesome for my too cool for school son who loves nerd things with his mom (yay!) we'll check it out

Lee is the best! great story! congrats to her!
and the trailers and reviews are always appreciated!


Anonymous said...

God's Dinner Party was adorable!

Stranger Things will be added to my growing list. Right now I'm binge watching Nurse Jackie. I was surprised how much I love that show.

Hubby and one of my kids saw Star Trek and really enjoyed it.

Have a great weekend, Alex!

Unknown said...

That's good news about Stranger Things and the new Star Trek! It gives me something to look forward to.

I enjoyed Lee's story -- it reminded me of Aesop's Fables!

Have a great weekend!

Robyn Campbell said...

Hey, Alex. Have missed being here. So glad your vacation went well. We cannot wait to see Star Trek Beyond. And I am ready for Wonder Woman. I can't wait to post for IWSG. I decided to hold off on the why I've been gone for that particular post. It looks like all is well over here. So glad for that.

Lee, I loved reading your story. He was a bad hat rat. Great job. I have to get your book. You write so well. (Horse was my favorite.)

mail4rosey said...

I YAM ready for Wonder Woman. I think it's going to be awesome (I hope, I hope). :)

Dihiwi said...

I found your blog through the Celebrate the Small Things post. I love sci-fi and can't wait to see the new Star Trek movie (well, I guess I am waiting a bit). Have a great weekend and keep up the good work on your writing.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Yolanda, it was great fun. And you're right, I'll fix the date.

Julie, you will!

Penny and Gary, we have missed you.

Sheena-kay, keep watching!

Lynda, they have plans for two more seasons if they get the green light.

Jeremy, sorry! I'm not sick of superhero films yet.

Elizabeth, they're both good, but I'll always take Trek over Wars.

Lexa, you're right - just like those fables.

Robyn, look forward to reading it then.

Diane, welcome! You'll enjoy it.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I had no idea they interviewed so many children for Stranger Things.

Brian Miller said...

Star Trek was def worth the wait. Very well done, and highly recommended.

And it did seem a bit like footwashing, but in that moment I think I was overcome with the feeling of connection with the sick/diseased man. It was just one of those odd occurances when I was in Nepal that really stuck with me.

Al Penwasser said...

I knew Takei had a problem with "Gay Sulu" and I thought his reasoning was sound. He would've preferred a new gay character than just making one of the original folks a homosexual.
Simon Pegg was worried that that would cause people to suspect tokenism.

Liesel K. Hill said...

I just saw Trek today and totally agree with your analysis. I was also struck by how beautiful the makeup work for Jayla was. Usually Trek aliens have weird growths on their faces, but Jayla was very pretty. And the black sqwiggles on her face started to look like tears when we got her tragic back story. Bit of genius on the part of the makeup dept. Thoroughly enjoyed it. :D

Bushman said...

I will have to check out Stranger Things. You kinda had me hooked with Goonies. One of my all time favorite movies as a kid.

Sandra Cox said...

I just watched the trailer on Kong.....Wow!
Happy Sunday, Alex.

Truedessa said...

Hi Alex,

I am just getting around to your post as I have been away. Stranger Things was very entertaining. I went through 8 episodes rather quickly as it was just that good. It had me spellbound. I hope you had a good week :)

Mason T. Matchak said...

I did see Star Trek Beyond, and really enjoyed it - I thought it was a great deal better than Into Darkness, which I didn't like much at all. Went in hoping for the best and came out grinning.

Elizabeth said...

Star Trek Beyond is already out? I am so behind... I like the DC trailers and Stranger Things sounds interesting.

ediFanoB said...

My wife and I enjoyed Star Trek Beyond a lot. That was a really good movie.
Independence Day 2 was a big disappointment. They had 20 years to prepare a good movie but they did not use the opportunity.

Shannon Lawrence said...

I'm excited for Wonder Woman, hesitantly excited for Justice League, and meh about Kong. I'm sure I'll end up seeing it, but it's been done so many times that I can't get worked up about it. They make the movie, technology improves, they decide they can do it better, they do it again, so on and so forth.

Enjoying Stranger Things!

Beverly Stowe McClure said...

God's Dinner Party sounds like quite a party. It explains why Patches delights in catching rats. She's good at it and always brings them to me, before she ... well, does what cats do to rats.
Lee's new book is a great one.
I haven't seen any of the movies.
Have a good week.

Jennifer Lane said...

Wonder Woman is a fave from my childhood so I'll have to check it out. I'm not a Trekkie but Chris Pine is yummy. :-)

I haven't heard of Stranger Things--thanks for the tip!

EEGiorgi said...

Congratulations on your new book C. Lee!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Al, either way it doesn't work.

LK, they did a great job with her makeup. She was still sexy.

Truedessa, when you could immediately watch the next episode, it was hard to say no.

Edi, no, it was not good! I regretted seeing it in the theater.

Shannon, at least they are telling a very different story this time.

Sandra Cox said...

See you Wed, Alex.

Sandee said...

I can't believe it's August 1 already. Where is June and July go? Raced right on by.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

SpacerGuy said...

In Justice League when the guy says "I need friends" that is so hilarious

Kathe W. said...

oh my gosh- look at all these fun movies...yay!

Unknown said...

I've just started watching Stranger Things and LOVE IT!

LD Masterson said...

Wow. So much in one post, I know now where to begin. Loved God's Dinner Party. I've wandered away from Star Trek - it lost me when they when to the younger version of the original characters - but I've got a brand new Netflix account and as soon as I finish up season four of House of Cards (my current sinful pleasure), I'll check of Stranger Things. Thanks.

Sandra Cox said...

Good IWSG question for tomorrow.

L.G. Keltner said...

I haven't had the chance to see Star Trek Beyond yet, but I definitely want to! Hopefully I can sneak in a trip to the theater around the back-to-school and writing craziness I have going on right now.

Leandra Wallace said...

I don't think I've ever watched an extended version, I've never really even thought about them. I guess I didn't realize it meant more movie. I figured it was just cut scenes and interviews you could watch. And now I know! =) said...

I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

I don't watch nearly as many movies as I did when I was younger, but I might watch Wonder Woman for the nostalgia. I remember watching the show pretty regularly when I was a kid.

Ciara said...

I can't imagine a new Pete's Dragon. I LOVED the original!

Deniz Bevan said...

That was a fun scene, C. Lee!
Everyone's talking about Stranger Things. I've got to watch it!