Friday, April 1, 2016

A to Z Challenge! Science Fiction Terms Origins - Android and Blaster

Welcome to the A to Z Challenge!

My theme - Origins of Science Fiction Terms and More! The term, its meaning (definitions from Technovelgy), and its first book appearance – a movie that features this term – and a blogger buddy who reminds me of that term.

I’m also the guinea pig for an experiment – A to Z Lite.

I get between 100-170 comments per post in April during the Challenge. And it has just become too much to return that many every day, six days a week. I’m unable to visit anyone new and my entire day is spent blogging. The A to Z Team agreed to an A to Z Lite trial run. Otherwise, there was just no way I could do the Challenge this year. I’ve participated since the very first year and the Challenge means a lot to me.

A to Z Lite means I will just be posting a handful of times this month and multiple letters at a time. So, I will be keeping them short! I also won’t be visiting every single person every single day. Hope everyone understands.

A synthetic being having the form of a human being.

Ephraim Chambers coined the term in 1728, paring the Greek prefix of ‘man’ with the suffix of ‘likeness of’ – andr-oid. He used it to describe a legendary mechanical head, build by Saint Albertus Magnus, that could answer questions.

Android first appeared in Jack Williamson’s The Cometeers. Originally serialized in Astounding Magazine in 1936, the two stories were later released under the title The Cometeers in book form in 1950.

1982’s Blade Runner featured androids as part of the main storyline. Are they are real person? Should they be allowed to live as a human? Starring Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer, Sean Young, Daryl Hannah, Edward James Olmos, M. Emmet Walsh, and Brion James. Most haunting line – Time to die…

Everyone accuses me of having clones. But at least I’m still human!
We’re not sure about Pat Hatt at It's Rhyme Time. The dude is beyond clones and Ninjas – he’s a blogging android! Just try keeping up with him. Or the Cat who can rhyme with such style…

A device that shoots a beam of energy

Its first appearance in literature was in Nictzin Dyalhis’ short story, When the Green Star Waned. Published in Weird Tales in 1925, the gun was referred to as a blastor.

In 1977’s Star Wars (and the entire first trilogy), there are numerous weapons referred to as blasters – SC X-30 Blaster Pistol, Blas Tech A295 Blaster Rifle, etc. Also starring Harrison Ford! And yes, Han Solo shot first…

You want a blast? Try Heather M. Gardner at The Waiting is the Hardest Part!

She shoots from the hip and if she doesn’t get you, Stormy the Weather Gnome will.

And believe me, she shot first…

Don’t forget next Wednesday is post day for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group.

We also have a newsletter now and you can sign up HERE.

Fan of Blade Runner and Star Wars? Following Pat and Heather? Read either of the short stories? And is it cool with you guys that I do A to Z Lite this month?


Cynthia said...

I remember watching Small Wonder as a kid and the android Vicky was a memorable character.

Anonymous said...

Interesting information about Androids I scrap 2

Nicola said...

I've also read Heather M. Gardner's book. Riveting stuff! Happy April 1st, Alex. Have a great weekend.

Sharon Himsl said...

I think your A-Z lite approach makes sense. I never knew the meaning of Android. Learned something new.

Pioneer Women in Aviation A-Z

Michelle Wallace said...

For a sci-fi challenged person, I knew the meaning of android...well sort of. LOL
You've nailed Pat Hatt as an Android! He's unstoppable.
Heather is the Blaster and Stormy is the mini-Blaster!

A to Z Lite! Mmm, that's an interesting concept and a great way of growing the A to Z brand.
Writer In Transit

Ann V Friend said...

Nice start Alex! Cheers to A to Z Lite (smile) Blessings!

ediFanoB said...

I like the Bladerunner film.

The most advanced android I could see on television has been Data.
Last weekend I found the Alien Blaster in Fallout 4. So far I did not use it because
the ammunition is limited.

Regarding the limited time per day it you A-Z lite approach makes sense.

The Angry Lurker said...

A big fan of all the versions of Blade Runner!

Nilanjana Bose said...

I had no idea that the term android went back that far, 1728, wow! And I think A-Z Lite is perfectly cool!

LuAnn @ BackPorchervations said...

Wow. I start freaking out when I have more than 10 comments. I can only imagine 100+. But then, you are the Ninja Captain. :O) My husband and boys are way into SciFi, so your posts will help me get in on some of their conversations!

I'm all for the A to Z lite. It could help some folks who might otherwise not be able to participate. Rock on, Alex.

J.H. Moncrieff said...

I'll miss seeing you on my blog, but I certainly understand the need to cut back on commenting. I have no idea how you keep up when it's NOT the A to Z Challenge, never mind during the Challenge.

Smart to combine posts too!

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I want an Android, one that will do what I say. Just think how awesome that would be.

The Cynical Sailor said...

The A to Z Lite sounds like an interesting approach to the challenge. I like your theme and was interested to learn where blasters were first mentioned. There so commonplace today (at least in fiction) that you kind of forget that somebody would have had to describe them first.

Cheers - Ellen |

Tasha Duncan-Drake said...

I had no idea the word android was so old - I shall have to try and add that fact to my memory for dinner party conversation :). I love Blade Runner and Star Wars. Good luck with the AtoZ Lite - hope it goes well for you.
Tasha's Thinkings | Wittegen Press | FB3X (AC)

nashvillecats2 said...

Excellent start Alex, most understandable about your not being to visit each and every day......not enough hours in the day for that.
Loved the two post. Well done.

Around My Kitchen Table said...

I dream of having that many visitors to my blog. What a wonderful problem to have! I'm not really a sci-fi fan - or didn't think I was. You might make me change my mind. I think that's what's great about the A to Z Challenge, it stretches your mind as you get to read many different genres.

Natalie Aguirre said...

So awesome how many people visit your blog. I think that's a great idea to do A-Z lite and it could be a better way for others to balance blogging and living their lives to do it this way in the future.

Mason Canyon said...

Enjoyed the A to Z lite. That's a good way to go. I'm amazed sometimes at what shows up in sci-fi movies and later turns up in our everyday life.

Gail M Baugniet - Author said...

Aloha on Day A of the Challenge. I am incorporating my Sunday poem posts and Friday book reviews into the Challenge so it will be easier for me this year. Understandable that visiting hundreds of blog sites is extremely time consuming. Click on a few tweets instead!

Just Keepin It Real, Folks! said...

Ah, so now I know where those freaky Androids come from. They do freak me out so I think Pat must be human 'cause I like him.

randi lee said...

It's so great that you visit and tend to so many people every year, Alex. Just don't burn yourself out! You need time for YOU, too!

Jeremy [Retro] said...

I would like to say... thank you for all you do, we have become friends over the years with the ups and downs... one of the ups is this challenge. You know you are a NEXUS 6, I can respect that... lol.

Welcome in the letter "A"... thank you!
Jeremy [Retro]
AtoZ Challenge Co-Host [2016]

Stop over and find a free "SIX STRINGS: BLOGGING AtoZ CHALLENGE" Here:

You know you want to know if me or Hollywood... is Nuts?

Roland Clarke said...

Go Lite and Survive. We need you.

Truedessa said...

Good Morning and wishing you success on the kick off party. The A to Z lite, makes sense to me. One person can only do so much in a day. Starting off with some strong words. I could use a blaster of energy. I wanted to participate but, I thought it would be too much for me as I am working on finishing up a few loose ends.

Haha - Is the cat(Pat)human or something a bit more? I just checked out his blog and he is going against the grain again and that is what makes him unique.

Happy blogging!
You deserve a "you rock award" simply because you are awesome...

Truedessa said...

haha - when I came on it was on 22 comments after I left mine it was, that just made my day!

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan said...

Commenting on so many blogs is the hardest part of the challenge for me. It makes sense that you scale back a bit. If you're not able to comment much on my blog this month, I understand.

P.S. As a Jawa, I recently got an ion blaster to go with my costume.

Bish Denham said...

Lots of research here, Alex. Lets not forget Blaster Master from Mad Max! Good luck and have fun!

mshatch said...

I think Blade Runner is still one of the best scifi movies ever. And I don't blame you for going lite! Like Truedessa said, one person can only do so much.

Stephanie Faris said...

Yes, Androids are more than phones! So glad to see your post...the first two blogs I visited this morning (from the list) don't have theirs up, so I thought maybe I was in a time warp of some sort.

Kala Ravi said...

Hey Alex,cool to talk about these sci-fi terms! Being a fan myself, I thrive on them! Cool that you're doing the Lite version...keep it simple. Cheers to the team :)
@KalaRavi16 from

writing and living by Richard P Hughes said...

Take your time, Alex. Do what you can and let the rest go.

Birgit said...

I am learning something from your A to Z and good for you to put two together. You are only human and you are not Data. Love Blade Runner..great movie! Star Wars ...enough said!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Michelle, she'll like those titles!

Edi, save that blaster for the big threats.

Nila, I was surprised as well.

LuAnn, I'll do my best to make you smarter.

JH, some days it's a stretch.

Around, you only think you want that many...

Jeremy, you are a true friend.

Thanks, Roland!

Thanks, Truedessa! And the comments jump like that when I'm trying to reply, which is funny.

Sandra, cool!

Bish, I remember him.

Stephanie, you are on schedule.

Birgit, I am indeed human...

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

This is so comprehensive it is like the whole A-Z in one post. I mean, it doesn't have all the letters of the alphabet, but it is incredibly fun and a great kick off. I am about to send it to my kid who loves comics and sci-fi movies!
Thank you Alex--you and your warriors will have a wonderful April this year!
Hi Pat Hatt!!!

Stephen Tremp said...

I really don't have an expectation that if I leave a comment that person is obligated to reciprocate. It's okay. If they comment back, cool. If not, that's cool too.

Blade Runner is a classic I haven't seen in many years. I know what I'm watching this weekend.

M.J. Fifield said...

There were blasters in season four of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, too. I thought of that before Star Wars. :)

And I love Heather's blog. Always fantastic!

Mary Aalgaard said...

Absolutely, go Lite. You work hard at blogging and connecting. You need to make adjustments so that it will work for you. I'm amazed that you visit as many blogs as you do, and leave thoughtful comments. Thanks for the history of Androids and Blasters. Fun theme!
Mary at Play off the Page

L.G. Keltner said...

I think everyone understands your need to go lite this time. I know I couldn't keep up with everything you do.

And yes, of course Han shot first! I've had this argument more than once. And I also don't doubt that Heather shot first too. She's a scrappy one. I definitely wouldn't turn my back on Stormy either.

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Alex!

I have an ad slogan for you: "A to Z Lite: Great Taste...Less Filling." :)

The first time I heard the term "blasters" was in the 1977 Star Wars film.

Have a great A to Z run, good buddy Alex!

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

I still don't know how you do all you do, Alex. Enjoy working A-Z Lite!

And I'm ready for my IWSG co-hosting duties next week! :)

Ella said...

So, cool! I am happy you are part of the magic~ Whatever works for you-works for us! I love Blade Runner and Star Wars~ Off to visit Pat and Heather-I do love gnomes and short stories-

Yolanda Renée said...

A to Z lite is a great concept. Enjoy your month!

Pat can't be human, and he tells us everyday. CAT- Certified Android Trickster! For sure! LOL

Happy A to Z!

Gail said...

Happy April, super man!

Charles Gramlich said...

I've read the Commetteers. I didn't know that was the first use of Android though.

Sandra Cox said...

Pat being a blogging android. Too funny:)

Christine Rains said...

Big fan of Blade Runner, and of Pat and Heather! :) I've never read either of those short stories, though. So much to read, so little time! Your idea doing it lite is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Doing several letters in a day, seems like such a great idea. I hope it works for you.

Good luck with the rest of the days, I look forward to reading them


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jean, thank you! Hope he enjoys my post.

LG, they are both scrappy.

Shady, I like that slogan!

Yolanda, good point.

Shell Flower said...

A-Z Lite sounds a lot more reasonable to me. Part of why I've only done the challenge twice is that it takes so much time to visit everyone every day--and that's with hardly any comments. You deserve to have a life first. Cool theme and I especially like the android info. Blade Runner rules. I really need to read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick someday.

Heather M. Gardner said...


That concept is perfect for you! Now you get to share your vast knowledge with all of us nerdy-folk!

Heck yeah, I shot first! But, I wouldn't turn my back on Stormy either!

Thank you for the shout-out!

I hope this LITE version works well for you! I know how much work I send you alone!


Beverly Stowe McClure said...

I follow Pat, will check on Heather.
You should post the way that's best for you. I think you're doing it right. said...

He thinks he's foiled us all
Pat Hatt's an android. Good call!

Sherry Ellis said...

I can understand how swamped you must be trying to visit everyone and get your work done! I can't do it! I think your A-Z light approach is a good one. Maybe I'll consider doing it that way in the future. Enjoyed reading about Androids and Blasters.

Elizabeth Seckman said...

I think lite is the way for a busy guy to go!

Pat is an android? Now, that makes sense!

The Really Real Housewives

Robin said...

Thank you for clarifying about your humanity. That whole clone thing has gone on so long I began to wonder: fact or fiction? ha!

Han Solo did indeed shoot first;)

Patricia Stoltey said...

A to Z Lite is a great idea, Alex. It will keep you sane!

Leigh Caron said...

I am SO not a Sci-fi trivia buff. The only blaster I know is Stevie Wonder's MASTER BLASTER (JAMMIN') song. And it's all about pacing and enjoying this challenge. Everyone loves you and no one will judge.

Pat Hatt said...

lol for outing the cat you shall be assimilated with a newfangled blaster. Neat idea with the a to z lite too, as that will allow you a break. Never knew Android was such an old word. Maybe it was thanks to time traveling robots? And I was #1. Hank must be so jealous haha

Now excuse me while my android self goes and works one my iwsg post for....March 1 2017.

Unknown said...

Good post! I love Star Wars, but I still have to watch Blade Runner. I know, shame on me... And good for you for going for the Lite version. One gotta do what one gotta do :)

@CintaEscribe de
El RincĂłn de Cinta

Unknown said...

Alex - I do understand the dilemma. Thanks for doing the A to Z challenge and spurring others on.
Im trying to find "manageable" for this challenge. (ha)

Im A to Zing this year from Moondustwriter's Blog and Fill the Cracks

A Beer for the Shower said...

I'm a huge fan of Blogging Lite but not of Miller Lite, so needless to say, I approve of A to Z Lite.

1728 was the first mention of Android? That's awesome. Did not expect it that far back. Who knew they had smartphones all the way back then?

Kathe W. said...

wow that would be hard to return ALL comments when having 160 folks writing you! Have a great day and see you tomorrow!

Joanne said...

A to Z Lite is awesome - you still pack a lot in these posts. I shall learn science fiction jargon to boot. Excellent - you are everywhere!! Have a great weekend

cleemckenzie said...

The term, Android, has been around a long time! IWSFG is so important this month.

Joylene Nowell Butler said...

Of course, you can't do everything. Goodness, you do more than anyone I know already. I'm glad you're being kind to yourself. Blade Runner! I love that movie. Watched it with all my sons way back when. Seen it a dozen times since. Harrison Ford at his best. And Edward James Olmos, wonder if he knew what was in store for him?

Hart Johnson said...

I'm amazed the term Android has been around that long! The linguistics make total sense, but it seems like the sort of idea that wouldn't just come into an imagination that far before mechanized things.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Heather and Stormy are so much fun.

J E Oneil said...

Oh, so that's where android comes from. Makes sense. Which is of course rare in etymology :).

Interesting idea to do the A-to-Z like that. It makes sense if you're getting hundreds of comments!

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I can't believe the word 'android' has been around for so long. Following both those wonderful writers and Pat amazes me all the time. If anyone deserves A to Z lite, it's you.

Roland D. Yeomans said...

I always wanted Data to do my homework and be on the job with me to insure I made no mistakes! Hey! I would have let him keep Spot his cat! :-)

You do what you need to do for this challenge. Blogging is supposed to be fun not slavery!!

D.G. Hudson said...

Most certainly a fan of Blade Runner(a classic now) and Star Wars! I understand Capt'n that you must spread your blogging self thin sometimes. S'ok. And blasters is such a good word - especially if it covers any weapon that blasts the enemy. And of course Han Solo shot first, after all he was Indie in another life. . .or movie.

betty said...

I like the concept of the Blog Lite, especially trying to keep up with it all. I don't think Pat ever sleeps. I did see Blade Runner back in 1982. My husband likes movies like that. I just remember trying to not fall asleep during it :)


Al Penwasser said...

Re: Android and your mention of a man called "Ephraim."
When I saw the name, the first thing I thought of was "Ephraim Cochrane."
I am that much a nerd.
And, if you know why I think I'm a nerd, you may be one, too.
Welcome, brother.

kaykuala said...

There is so much to chew, Alex! Knowing the origins of these sci-fi terms are new to Hank. When something is new it creates the necessary interest. It is an education in fact.


Anonymous said...

Can't beat a good blaster!

A to Z lite..nice idea. Good luck!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Shell, then you understand what I go through...

Heather! You're welcome.

Robyn, you know it.

Sherry, we'll see how well it goes over for next year.

Pat, see? You are an android. And number one at that.

Leslie, manageable is tough.

Brandon and Bryan, I wonder what happened to those early cell phones?

Joylene, Olmos has done some great movies. Stand and Deliver was awesome.

JE, you should have done android today!

Roland, you would've kept Spot the cat for him.

DG, very true!

Al, we're such nerds...

Notes Along the Way with Mary Montague Sikes said...

I remember an android-remindful being in the DaVinci TV series. It is amazing to know about 1728.
Thanks, Alex!

Mary Montague Sikes
Notes Along the Way
The Artful Way

Andrew Leon said...

I know this goes against your whole thing, but you're not actually obligated to re-visit everyone who visits you. You are allowed to have a life.

The Silver Fox said...

I can sympathize with those who found it necessary to create A to Z Lite. You're all over the internet anyway, though, aren't you? :)

Julie Flanders said...

The A to Z Lite idea sounds like a perfect solution for you. I'm glad you were able to work something out and still participate. Your posts and themes are always fun.

Carrie-Anne said...

The short posts several times a week sounds like a good solution for your blogging needs. Having several letters in one day is probably a better approach than regularly skipping several days and then having to play a mad game of catch-up.

stephen Hayes said...

Android is a word many of us take for granted, but somebody had to coin it. Thanks for the education.

Juneta key said...

I looked at that list it is over 1000 there is no way anyone could visit them all every day. I am lucky to manage 40 on IWSG day and those are the day I spend ALL Day doing it from about 830 am to 10pm. It is not reasonable to expect it--but you are a Super Ninja, so not surprised you have managed it in the past. That is the reason A-Z is intimidating to me because of the expectation aspect. I am unable to blog visit like that everyday. I am lucky to get in once a week. Sounds like you found a solution tho, Best of luck and Happy A-Z
Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

Unknown said...

I'd like one of those things--I'm thinking laundry and cooking--and maybe driving the kids around. :)

Toi Thomas said...

I think it's cool that you're trying out A-Z Lite. It suits you. You pack in so much so well anyway.

Yes, a big fan of Blade Runner and Star Wars. I heard that George Lucas once had a copyright or trademark on the word Android. Is that true?

Donna Smith said...

Loved finding out the early usage of "android"!
Don't worry about visiting me! I know you are plenty busy!

Anonymous said...

Interesting theme! I like the little tidbits.
Definitely a fan of Blade Runner and Star Wars!
I think you should be able to do whatever form of A to Z that works for you. There are only so many hours in the day.
And yes, Han shot first!

Deepa Duraisamy said...

Didn't know of the A-Z Lite! Good luck with the A-Z!
It amazes me when people are in their seventh year running with it! I started last year but couldn't complete. Hopefully this year I do!
Deepa’s Kaleidoscope

Jo said...

I hope the A to Z lite works for you Alex.

Didn't know where those words originated - did see Blade Runner and of course the Star Wars pictures. Not that I have seen the latest one yet.

Shah Wharton said...

The Light version makes much more sense, especially for a blog so popular as yours. I've always wondered how you get around to so many blogs in a normal week, but during this challenge, I was agog. :)

Cool terms btw. :)

Cathrina Constantine said...

I loved Blade Runner. Very interesting how the name android came into being. I often wonder where all the names of 'things' came from...something toe, foot, chair, and so on...

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Andrew, it's the right thing to do.

Silver Fox, yes!

Thanks, Julie!

Juneta, it is quite intimidating to do it for a whole month.'

Toi, he has one on Droids.

Deepa, I can't believe I've done this for seven years either.

Shah, and my brain was mush...

Cathrina, check with JE's blog - she's doing those posts the whole month.

Huntress said...

No need to ask forgiveness. I don't see how you do it, Mini-Alex or not.

Discovering the origin of words and terms is a passion of mine. I never thought of doing this with sci-fi stuff.
Take care buddy. april is a long month, LOL.
CD Coffelt at UnicornBell

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of you, and several other "big" bloggers doing the lite version of the A-Z. Don't worry about coming to visit me. I totally understand. Go visit other A-Zers and newbies. I'll be around when things settle down and you can breathe again. Have fun with it and try not to get burnt out.

Elizabeth said...

A to Z Lite is totally understandable. I can't imagine visiting that many blogs daily! Especially with my job, I only get a few minutes at lunch and a few hours after work, and I already feel like I'm late to the party :(

Those terms origins are interesting. I can't believe android was coined in 1728, wow! And yes, I am a fan of Star Wars and its blasters :)

Tonja Drecker said...

Love the idea of A-Z lite! Hope it makes life easier on you.

Li said...

No idea the word android has been around that long. I love the idea of an A to Z "lite" - I think it will allow for more participants who just can't dedicate the time/resources to posting and commenting every single day. Especially the hosts and their minions!

A Tarkabarka Hölgy said...

I never knew about either of these :D And I also assumed that android would be split an-droid because I grew up on Star Wars... Thanks for the info! *A to Z high five*

@TarkabarkaHolgy from
The Multicolored Diary

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Carol, now you don't have to!

Elsie, you know I can't just skip you...

Lisa, we'll see what happens next year.

Donna McDine said...

I think it's cool what you are doing with A to Z Lite. I don't know how you keep up with all your comments outside of the month of April anyway! Kudos to you for lightening the load a bit!

MckTchr said...

I don't know how you keep up! A to Z Lite is a great compromise.

THE KATY said...

Great post!
-Katy from THE KATY blog (

Liz A. said...

Of course it's okay to do A to Z lite. How you keep up with your normal amount of comments in the first place...

I had no idea android was such an old term.

Rhonda Albom said...

I love the concept of AtoZ lite - for you and maybe the rest of the team.Sort of a privilege earned. As for the SciFi words, I am excited to learn what they all mean, and really surprised Android dates back so far.

Sabrina A. Fish said...

I've always thought you were an android. I just can't keep up with your level of blogging...without burning out. Kudos to you, oh blogging machine.
And now I have to go introduce my kiddo to Blade Runner. Blasters are a key weapon in our house.

Fundy Blue said...

I am going to love your ABC Lite posts, Alex! Maybe I will tackle the lite form next year! Who knew that android went back so far!

I admit I've wondered about how Pat blogs so consistently! He is beyond amazing. He's my blogging hero, but you're not far behind! Me ~ I didn't get my most recent post finished before midnight last night. If I could just ...! Take care!

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

I feel SO special, that you managed to come by Caneyhead today! My first experience with an android was Data on Star Trek. I was in high school when the Star Wars original movie came out. Saw that! And then it was Battle Star Galactica on TV! Glad they found a way for you to Challenge with us!

Revisit the Tender Years with me during the #AtoZChallenge at Life & Faith in Caneyhead!

T.F. Walsh said...

Yep, big fan of Blade Runner:)

Another year where I can't fit in A-Z challenge... maybe next time:)

XmasDolly said...

Dude of dudes!!! A & B??? oh well, Android is my favorite one here... over blaster... thank you so much for stopping by too. It really lifted my spirits today. I've been fighting with the insurance company most of the day and my back is creating havoc with me today... a triple ouch this time... grrrrrr Have a great week-end. I think I'll go work on my "B" too!!! Have a great weekend. Man, I cannot believe all the comments you get... fantastic. I hope some day I get at least a third of what you get would make me happy! ~hehehe~

John Holton said...

For sure. I'll be interested to see how everything goes for you. This is really kind of a demanding challenge that only gets a little easier when you're retired... Maybe we could end up making it a regular thing, maybe posting twice a week...?

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Donna, I've still been busy today, but I won't be this insanely busy every day, which is nice.

Rhonda, that would be a nice gesture for the team.

Fundy, can't do it every day like he can.

Barbara, of course!

Marie, I'm sorry! Don't let the insurance company win. And you really don't want this many comments...

John, so far there is interest in a Lite version.

Unknown said...

You had me a Blade Runner. Love that film AND the music! I can't keep up with Pat's rhyming--he's a machine! *waves to Heather's gnome* I think going Lite is a great idea, otherwise you'd burn out, and we're too fond of you to let that happen:)Have FUN this challenge!

The AtoZ of EOS

Laura @Simply Me, The way I see it said...

Really interesting that Android is such an old word. I never would have thought that!

Jeffrey Scott said...

Great start to the AtoZ. Androids and Blasters are two of my favourite sci. fi. techs.
I don't know HOW you do it. I certainly understand the need for AtoZ lite. I know it HAS to be hard to reply back and visit everyone. It's nearly impossible. Still, I'm honoured every time you stop by for a visit.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Blaster made me think of that cartoon series Lazer Tag Academy that I watched as a kid. Nice start Alex and indeed Androids can be a touchy and deep topic.

Botanist said...

Well, I never gave thought to where "android" came from. Learned something today. Thanks. And I agree - "Time to die" was a powerfully haunting moment.

DMS said...

What a fascinating theme! I am definitely going to learn a lot. I don't think I have ever known where all the different terms have come from. Thanks for sharing!

kjmckendry said...

Wow, I had no idea android was used that early! I loved Blade Runner as a kid, I wonder if it would still be good.

We all understand that you can't be blogging 24/7!
And I love Heather and Stormy and Pat must be a clone for sure!

Susan Kane said...

Blade Runner was and still is a great movie. Harrison Ford, so young! Star Wars, Harrison Ford so young.

Sylvia Ney said...

Great way to handle it. Don't feel guilty for cutting back. It totally amazes me how much you are able to do and keep up with each year. Your wife would probably like to see you occasionally! ;-)

Sand Castles and Snow Forts said...

Happy AtoZ, Alex! Great start!

Debra Renée Byrd said...

I love learning word origins!

J.L. Campbell said...

With all you do, Alex, I totally understand you making things easier. I still dunno how you do it. I like the snippets in terms of what's what on the Sci-Fi front. Here's to another wonderful Challenge.

Helena said...

Thanks for the history lesson for androids and blasters. The more I learn about scifi the more impressed I am with the vocabulary and ideas the genre has given us.

And I have no idea how you do as much as you do Alex! I am impressed.

Rena said...

I love Blade Runner. I read Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep, a classic. Also, it made me super paranoid about fallout

Cherdo said...

In many science fiction tales and cinema, the thought of a human-robot is just too good to pass up. One of my all time favorite short stories by Ray Bradbury is "I Sing the Body Electric!" If you haven't read it - do!

Great theme, Alex!
Cherdo on the Flipside
"Favorite Characters, Favorite Lines" on the A-to-Z Challenge 2016

Ray Rousell said...

Who doesn't like Star Wars or Bladerunner????

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Me Ray me!! Sorreeeee ...

Hi Alex - A-Z Lite makes sense .. and I'm glad you decided to go that route - you do way so much for us all ...

Android and Boomers ... are ok - Star Wars and Bladerunner - no thanks ..

Cheers and everyone enjoy the A - Z or A -Z Lite ... Hilary

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Great use of the letters A and B. I enjoy Science Fiction, so I found it interesting and have put some of the books on my want to read list. ~Alasandra

Rajlakshmi said...

Blaster! now that;s something new I learned today.

Visiting from A to Z Challenge
Pam's Unconventional Alliance Team
A Whimsical Medley
Twinkle Eyed Traveller

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Thanks, Samantha!

Jeffrey, honored you are one of my Ninja Minions!

Susan, what's amazing is that other than older, he looks just the same.

Sylvia, yes should would!

Cherdo, I have read it!

Sandra Cox said...

Kudos, Alex. I don't see how you keep up with us and get anything done.

Patrick Stahl said...

Ooo, I did not know where "android" was first used. Or if I did, I didn't remember. Interesting.

Unknown said...

I made just about anything into a blaster when I was a kid--that and a lightsabre. I think I just dated myself. :)

Michele at Angels Bark said...

I think it's totally cool that you do A-Z Lite. You're a busy guy!
This is a great theme. So interesting that Android has taken on a whole new meaning today.
Love reading about when the term was first used. That's some great research!

Hope you're having fun with the A-Z...

Michele at Angels Bark

XmasDolly said...

Alex... I can't seem to find the list. Do you think you can drop by with the link. I sure would appreciate it. Thanks much. I find your tips helpful too by the way catching up on my fiction words. Okay going to show my age here, but every time I hear the word fiction I think of my brother & I watch Flash Gordon. We were glued to the TV... LOL Your blaster that shoots a beam of energy... I can picture so many kinds of blasters even back then. Thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory that I have being with my brother. He was six yrs. older than myself, and died much too young (44 of a massive heart attack). I really do miss him. It was only the two of us. To have a brother again would be an answer to a prayer. :( Have a wonderful weekend and thanks again just for being you! You're a good person Mr. Cavanaugh!!! ;)

Melissa Sugar said...

I want to thank you for all you do for everyone. It seems like you always comment on my blog and I post far too randomly for most people to even figure out how to follow. You've been such an inspiration for me and others. You've been the encouragement when I've been down, the shoulder to lean on , the kick in the pants when I've needed it and the one to share all of our accomplishments with the world. You've are so many things to so many of us. You spread yourself too thin. So, of course everyone understands you can't comment on every single blog and still mange to get your own posts written, write your books, take care of your family and have a life. We appreciate that you've been doing it for years, but even super heroes get tired. I like what you are doing this year. I hope it gives you a chance to enjoy the challenge more. Take care.

Misha Gerrick said...

I think A to Z Lite is a great idea. :-)

Kathe W. said...

one could use their blaster to get rid of bothersome blather!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Alex, thanks for hosting the #AprilA2Z challenge yet again. I'm amazed at what you do visiting ever person on the list. I tip my hat to you, my friend. I tried doing that last year and failed miserably. Hey, sure do a lite A to Z month, my friend. It's all about the fun. The Blade Runner is a good movie. I'm not nuts about it, but it's a nice source of entertainment. I loved the original Star Wars movies and am looking forward to the newest film with the old cast. I haven't seen any of the prequels. They just didn't appeal to me, but if they ever get on Netflix then I will watch them. Have a good weekend and here's hoping you find some interesting posts to read.

Curious as a Cathy
All Things Vintage: Bomber Girls #AprilA2Z said...

It's great that they allowed a compromise with A to Z lite. I don't know how you can do as much as you do as it is. Add in A to Z, and I can see why it would be unmanageable. Hope the compromise is successful.

Jemima Pett said...

Funny that - it was the reason I nearly didn't do the challenge this year - although I thought of just doing the right letter posts on days I usually post. But I weakened, and did the lot. Hoping to be a better follower this year, though.
Keep well :)
Jemima Pett

Anonymous said...

With how many comments you get, sounds like A to Z Lite will help you keep up with the challenge without having to make more Ninja Captain clones. Or are they really androids? ;)

Blue Grumpster said...

No need to comment, Alex.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Sandra, I was actually quite productive today! Even made dinner tonight.

Marie, I'm really sorry! I'll send you a link to the list.

Melissa, thank you - I'm touched!

Cathy, thanks, and just skip the prequels. Really, really bad...

Blue, too late!

Jess said...

I never got to see the version where Han shoots first, but I totally agree! Han always shoots first. I love your A to Z theme! I might use some of these things later on in my sci-fi writing!

Think Positive, Be Positive said...

Hi Alex! I LOVE Blade Runner and I LOVE the A to Z Challenge! I have two blogs running this and

Here's to a month of fun!

The Daily Bern said...

If there isn't a real against blasterless sci-fi there needs to be because I love a good blaster fight. Great post as always! Happy A to Z'ing

Anonymous said...

A to Z lite now thats interesting

Annalisa Crawford said...

Data is my favourite android, especially when he's playing Sherlock :-)

Bushman said...

I remember the android from Aliens. Always my favorite!

mail4rosey said...

Yep, I see your dilemma, you're up to 152 comments (153 with mine) and that is definitley a job for visiting. :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend. :)

Tamara Narayan said...

I think the A to Z lite sounds like a good fit for you. You are in an enviable position receiving more comments than you have time to reply to. It speaks well of your blog, so enjoy! And thanks for stopping by mine so often. I really appreciate it.

Rachna Chhabria said...

Alex, I am really glad that you are doing A to Z Lite this year. I constantly worry about you doing a lot of blog hopping (in another life I must have been your elder sister or a sibling). No wonder I worry about you!

You have so much on your plate and still you find time to visit us, encourage us with your comments and share our good news. You are one friend every writer and blogger needs and must have.

I enjoyed reading about Android and Blaster. Am thinking how to use them in my stories.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Jess, be hard to find it now.

Annalisa, yes!

Jeff - Bishop! Played to perfection by Lance Henriksen.

Rosey, yes it is.

Tamara, you're welcome!

Rachna, you and Eva can watch over me then...

Kristin Smith said...

I think A to Z Lite sounds like a great way to do it! I've never understood how you're able to visit so many blogs and keep up with everything going on. Thanks for visiting my blog so often and sharing in my good news. I do appreciate it!

Good Luck with A to Z Lite!! :)

Yvonne Ventresca said...

Good luck with the "Lite" experiment. I'd be interested to see how it goes.

Funny that "Droid" is now a popular phone. :)

Mason T. Matchak said...

I think this was a great idea for a topic. ^_^ I only have time to stop by blogs once a week, but I'll try to check on this one more often in April, as I love the history lessons.

Anonymous said...

It was nice reading your post...

Anonymous said...

I was away from the blogosphere for a few days and I come back to see the beginning of the alphabet. :) I love Blade Runner.

Arlee Bird said...

I'll have to agree with Andrew to some extent. Though visiting everyone who comments is the right thing to do in a sense, it can also be impractical for some. In my current situation it's unlikely that I'll make it to many reciprocal visits in the first week and for the remainder of the month I'll be trying to do the best I can playing catch up.

There have been some great themes that I've found so far.

Arlee Bird
A to Z Challenge Co-host
Tossing It Out

Cherdo said...

Why don't we see the word blaster used more often?? LOL.

I tried to get Michael D'Agostino to use Cherdo as his favorite C...he's too smart for that. Drats.

Cherdo on the Flipside
"Favorite Characters, Favorite Lines" on the A-to-Z Challenge 2016

Leslie S. Rose said...

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

Mike said...

Cool experiment! I like your theme.

The Happy Whisk said...

Of course it's okay. And if it isn't okay with someone, that's their problem, not yours. But you already know this as you are not a dumb ass.

Sandra Cox said...

Haven't seen Eric the Viking but it sounds pretty funny:)
Hope your weekend is going great!

Elliptical Man said...

They were sitting across the same table from each other. The one who shot first is the one who didn't get killed.

Deniz Bevan said...

Love the idea of A to Z lite!

Speaking of clones, I just read Kauo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. Not what I'd been expecting at all!